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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New Moon in Virgo. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New Moon in Virgo. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2023

New Moon in Virgo, September 14th, 2023 - Retrieving Wholeness

Beloved Ones,

During this harmonic and rejuvenating month, before stepping into the eclipse season, we are passing through a very healing phase, with the Sun and soon moon too in Virgo. Virgo invites us to purify and transform ourselves, through the conscious release of what no longer serves, especially in our bodies, as they are the ones suffering the most from our ascension process. 

This is a time to honor them, by being grounded and in perfect harmony with our Earth plane, for it is the best purifier that we could ever have. Our bodies are our sacred temples here on earth, the ones who allow us this experience and the ones who constantly regenerate and transmute so we can live and expand on our human plane. 

A time of profound healing before we embark on a totally new chapter. A time for us to discern, pause, and begin to see all we have created, revise our previous creations, and make the necessary changes that will shift our current trajectory or maintain it. This is a message that will be reinforced by six planets in retrograde at this time, for those who believe in retrogrades as a way to retrieve and work on revising their life experience. However, in the end, it is about where we, personally, are in our ascension journey, what truly matters, something we learn through the conscious witnessing of our micro cycles.

The most important frequency from this passage is the Grand Trine happening between the Sun and Moon in Virgo, Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn. An essence of love, and hence infinite abundance, restoration, and amplification of what we desire to create in our bodies and lives. 

Many are undergoing a phase of profound healing, while others will be focusing on the amplification of the recent energies received, to continue helping on the restoration of the Earth's grids. Each purpose is different, and this is why it is so important to align with the energies that we desire to co-create with and give them an aim. 

As you know Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which at the time is about to go direct, for those who resonate with slow-motion phases. Mercury is still in Virgo as well, making this a wonderful time for us to clear our mental body of all disempowered beliefs and other implanted ones, for the illusion of it being retrograde only disempowers our ability to align with its authentic frequency, and with the true meaning of Mercury in Virgo, as an ally to reprogram our mental body, allowing clarity, and the free flow of communication in both our earthly plane and divine ones. 

This is a passage that also facilitates change, as the Virgo New Moon is in harmony - trine - with Uranus, helping us to transmute, transcend, or remove from our bodies and lives, all that is diminishing our life force, and power of creation. This is a time for us to focus on our bodies, on recalibration and stabilization, as the six planets we have during this passage on Earth signs remind us. We too have five planets in Mutable signs, making it easier to adapt to change, for when we are willing to create anew, first we must be ready for the change it involves. 

Virgo's essence is associated with the Divine Feminine Archetype of wisdom, purity, and wholeness - nurturing and loving everything she touches; in the physical. Virgo is the one who reminds us that we are here to descend and embody the Essence of who we truly are on earth, as well as our soul desires. 

This is a passage to work on self-love, honoring ourselves, our bodies which are One with the Earth, and our original mission on this planet, which is to bring more harmony, purity, and healing for All.

It is a time when the energies will help us amplify healing at all levels, for the refinement and stabilization of the Earth's grids continue, as we step into the Equinox, syntonizing our bodies with the Earth's portals that have been rehabilitated, and bringing more illumination into ourselves, for it is what helps us disengage from the many human traps that intent to keep us dormant.

We are immersed in a season in which creating more balance is pivotal to preparing ourselves for the next integration phase. It is now time to clear old energies, beliefs, programs, habits, and relationships that have fulfilled their purpose and that is now time to honor by letting them go, so we can embrace again the new souls that are eager to co-create with us, in our new journey. 

Virgo reminds us of the power of conscious release for us to undercover what was hidden due to our limited human perspective of ourselves, and reality. Virgo is a reminder of the need for us to remove all egoic layers and illusions, so only the purity of our being arises again, and hence, our sovereignty and wholeness. 

As the Great Awakener Uranus reminds us at this time, in co-creation with Virgo, it is essential to wake up, liberating ourselves from illusions and beginning to embrace our Divine Role as creators, and the responsibility that comes with it, towards ourselves and our service to All Creation.

I wish you a healing and harmonic passage, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Aba 

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

The Energies of September 2019 ~ Recalibration Phase

Recalibration of the mind means clearing our perceptions and recovering our capacity for pure observation.

Ilchi Lee

Beloved Light Emissaries,

We have just left behind one of the most fierce and hence intense months of all the year. August especially with the cosmic influx coming from the Lions Gate has been beyond what we can appreciate from our human perspective. It gave us the opportunity to bring healing into ourselves, self-empowerment and dissolution of what no longer serves u. Something that is very important as we continue integrating higher levels of Wisdom. 

At this time, we are now heading into a more feminine and creative frequency that will help us liberate our creative essence. If during August we experienced the fierceness of the masculine, during this new month we are going to create more balance that will catapult with the Equinox at the end of the month. 

September is also a month that will help us to work on openness, receptivity to receive and trust, so we can become aware of the infinite potential, as well as possibilities, that lie within all of us and that most of the times are clouded by our egoic self and fears. We are all cosmic antennas, descending wisdom from Above to anchor it in our physical plane. This is a month for us to focus on the proper integration of the recent frequencies embodied into ourselves, so we can pass to give birth to a new reality that is aligned with our soul Will. 

This new energetic month begins with a soothing New Moon at 6 degrees of Virgo on August 30. This Moon's loving frequency is meant to help us purifying ourselves with the element Earth, after all the constant embodiment and for many releasing process too. It is with this Moon that we begin to feel the energies of what September holds for us - rejuvenation, cleansing and the subsequent stabilization. 

The Virgo Moon is highly influenced by Mars, Venus and Mercury, making of this Moon a perfect one for us to embrace our power and use it to ground ourselves, as its Grand Earth Trine reminds us, descend our soul visions into the physical and the most important of all - use all this energy, and our soul creations to be of assistance, in our unique and perfect way. 

The New Moon in Virgo acts as a the catalyst of the Earth healing happening at this time - even though the recent events may seem otherwise - and introduces the energies of September. The focus during this time between these two months is on acting as pure light canals of these healing codes so we can assist Earth at this tumultuous time. This is why it is so important that in order to do so, first we also focus on self-purification, so we can act as unadulterated filters of love. 

As I always say, we do not have to be more or do what others do. We came here with specific essences and abilities that help us bring together the whole puzzle of Creation. When we diminish ourselves by doing what we see as glamorous, or idealizing other's abilities, we are shadowing the unique Spark of the Divine within us that desires to express itself, freely and uniquely. 

This is a time of big changes for many of us, as it is cosmically introduced as well at the end of August by two loving trines involving the Sun and Mars to Uranus. As I always say, change does not have to happen at a physical level, as simply with achieving a peaceful state of being, it will signify a profound change. Change comes when we work with inner alchemy, transforming from within what does no longer serves us, opening ourselves to receive and experience, without judgments or expectations, what our Soul desires to undergo through us. 

At a cosmic or macro level, this is also a profound month for many of us who are guided to retreat to fully integrate the new galactic frequencies that are helping us to work with our body channels, stabilizing them so we can conduit these energies and connect them to the universal Earth's Fabrics, being able to bring the Earth healing required for assisting the many planetary structures that are still being restored, especially the ones that unite the old Earth time/space grids with the new restored New Earth's ones. 

Cleansing and renewal

At this profound phase in which we find ourselves, many of us are experiencing a deep metamorphosis, in which our physical bodies are not just dissolving old energy and healing but adjusting again to the new frequency that we are now able to embody, due to the new level of consciousness embodied. This is a very important phase, especially at the end of August and September to take some time to be in deep communion with our soul as well as to rejuvenate our bodies.

For some this time has already come, as it was my case, I had the deepest activation I have ever had during August, and it took me a few days to totally recover. For others, this is happening now or will be about to; the time is not relevant only the proper inner work we do is. This is why during this month taking time to recalibrate our bodies is so important, if we desire to move forward by being aligned not just in a soul level, but in a physical one as well.

During August many of have been working on the dissolution of fears, doubts and especially what was limiting them to expand into their soul purpose here on Earth. At this time there are many who are becoming more aware of other aspects of what they came here to be and share. When this occurs, we may be ready at a soul level. However, our physical bodies need a lot of preparation, rest, and healing to be able to follow this process without falling out of balance and manifest certain blockages or even diseases.

As you know, when we hold fear in a certain organ or part of our body, it will end up by manifesting in a particular form and hence illness, although everybody is unique. It is pivotal that despise our egoic self desires to be constantly doing and assisting others, we also take some time to stop all activity, which does not mean at all to do nothing, and recalibrate the body, for we ascend precisely if we take this evolution in a physical level.

It is at this unique time, when we, as species, are moving from fear to love that we most need to release the beliefs, past energy etc. that are still retained in our body cells and organs and that will not allow us to experience the totality of who we are in this physical realm. This process may be slow and challenging, but we all knew what we came here to do and when we get hurt or feel challenged beyond comprehension, is when we most need to have faith and trust.

There many wondrous souls who are acting, especially at this time of deep releasing and hence integration, as filters of negativity of lower energies, transmuting in a massive way the collective energy that is impeding the whole to evolve. This group of souls need daily cleansing, as their bodies act as conduits for these energies to come through them and then be released. 

This mission is one of the hardest ones for they feel the collective pain, and therefore may fall into the trap of believing this pain belongs to them. This is why they need to be in balance to precisely transmute these lower energies into higher ones and send harmony and love rather than fear and the chaos that is often seed by the dark forces.

At this time it is essential that we take care of specific parts of our bodies whose main function is to exactly filter these energies. The main ones are: Kidneys - who are the ones that filter negativity in our bodies. Another important aspect we should work with is our body grid canals - these are energetic physical channels that are connected to the Earth Grids and that many, as their main mission, have to purify constantly, if they work with the Earth Fabrics. These shall be cleanse and purify properly, which is why it is important that we have the proper knowledge of our body to identify these canals and clean them.

These are some of the tools required for us to cleanse ourselves and bodies at this recalibration phase:
  • Physical cleanse
  • Clearing ego, attachments/cords, lower energies,implants, programs and timeliness. 
  • Soul fragmentation healing 
  • Violet Flame
  • Karmic clearing
  • Dissolution of 3D programs
  • Relationships closure
  • DNA template regeneration/activation
  • Etheric body reconnection
If etheric surgery is required, it is better we begin by asking our Guides team and Unified Self to assist us, and they will generously work with us, for as you know there are astral surgeons in that level to heal what it is in need of in our bodies. If necessary, they will also send us specific people on our earthly realm to do so. It is important to ask, at all levels, for assistance rather than trying things for ourselves that we are not sure or know how to treat in our bodies. 

Wherever you are in your ascension path, energetic balance, especially at this time after the many activations that many of us have experienced, is vital as well as taking some time to replenish the physical body and dissolve all the imbalances that are yet causing us pain or that make us come back into old habits or thoughts patterns. 

Astrological alignments

We end August with a soothing frequency as well as mutable one that indicates the change that is already happening, if not in a physical level for all, in an energetic one, as we have seven Planets in Virgo and another seven in Earth signs that introduces us into the energies of September, ones that are all about purification, Earth healing, renewal and harmony, a frequency that will come as we enter into this new month, as we are now going to be reign by Libra, a sign that will invite us to create balance in all aspects of ourselves and life. 

September is a month for us to tune into its calming essence, but not for this less creative and expansive, as its a universal number 3 - 12 reduced - reminds us. A number of creativity, intuition and also a number of growth, as it is the result of the union between two equals - the synthesis of two giving birth to something new that will assist All. To reach this point first we need to be in deep communion with our soul, purify our physical bodies and connect, at a deeper level, with the creative spark that we all have within and that desires to be anchored. 

The frequency of number 3 goes beyond our interpretation of this number as being a creative one. This is the essence that  invites us to connect with the feminine power within and begin to create from this same inner space what the masculine will bring into the tangible. This is about expressing our soul in the physical in constructive and stable ways. Next year 2020 is going to be a perfect year for us to build strong foundations in our lives, as it will be a 4 universal year, and it is now with this 3 frequency, not just of this month but this 2019 year a well, to begin giving birth to all these soul creations that next year will be anchored, helping us to be more grounded and manifest a solid reality. 

In Tarot, number 3 is represented by the archetype of the Empress. The empress represents the empowered feminine presence within us, the one who constantly creates and expands from within, for she knows no lack or disallows illusions to cover the Truth. She lives in love with herself and All for She knows that everything is One with her, and it is from this unified space that abundance and anything she needs is manifested. 

This is what we are invited to do at this time, to move inward, from where all creations are birthed, and focus on how we create instead of expecting anything from the outside to fulfill our desires and establish a higher form communication with our Unified Self, instead of searching it outside.

To help us in this inner voyage we have on September 14 a Full Moon at 21 degrees Pisces. This is going to be a perfect Moon to move inward and listen to our soul whispers for this Moon will join Neptune, making of it one of the most intuitive phases that we have had recently. We have been surrounded by the element Fire and its masculine essence, and Water comes now to soothe and soften ourselves in the midst of all this fierce energies.

Mars will also join this Moon to bring its Warrior energy and remind us that we dwell now in a physical realm and that it is important to descend everything in the physical. For many this will be about focusing on creating from within what later on they will anchor and expand in their lives. For others who are yet immersed in a profound transformation it will be about working with their intuitive senses. Lastly, there will be others who are still navigating within unknown waters, until they regain more clarity of what to give birth next. Above all, this will be a Moon for all of us to have faith and trust in our soul plan and in the Divine, for all things happen at Divine Timing and in a perfect way for All. 

In this same day we have other two important cosmic events: Mercury and Venus entering into Libra. Mercury rules communication and this Planet in Libra will help us in creating balance in our mental plane, in the way we talk to ourselves and in our relationships. This is a time to observe ourselves and the unconscious speech we use towards ourselves and others, in a way that we may not be always aware, but that can build or destroy a relationship, whether the one we maintain with ourselves or with our loved ones.

As you know the power of word has a profound impact, for words are energy as well, sending an specific frequency, often underestimated, and thi is precisely what brings us undesired outcomes, the majority of the times. This is why it is so important with these two Planets in Libra to work with ourselves and relationships, to get to know where we still allow our ego to govern ourselves and how we can dissolve these unloving behaviors. There are many who desire a balanced relationship, but if they first do not respect and love themselves, they cannot obtain something they do not have first within themselves. 

The next important cosmic event will take place on September 21, as we have Jupiter square Neptune. This is a wonderful frequency for us to work with human delusions, and expand into new horizons if we have already done this inner work, as well as to work on having faith in our unique soul journey. This is where we connect with our inner guru and allow this infinite wisdom to remind us the power of faith, especially when everything seems lost for us, for in truth we never know what it is happening, beyond our human confines. This is a blessed period for those who need to work on having more trust and confidence in their soul plan and in the new reality they are anchoring. 

On September 23rd we have the Sun entering into the sign of Libra, together with the Equinox. Both events are One as both are sending us the same message of unification and balance regained through the proper process of inner alchemy that we have been working on for a while. With Libra and Virgo energies this month, we have a very powerful and soothing time to balance our feminine and masculine essences. 

An inner task that is a lifetime work, for as long as we reside in a dual world, we will be working with inner synthesis. If we desire to evolve and embody our 5D self, first we must move beyond our deep sense of polarity and separation. One does so by beginning to unify themselves, feeling completely whole and in love, and harmony, with ourselves and All.

We end the month with two important cosmic events on September 28: A New Moon in Libra and Saturn opposition True Node. This, especially by having Saturn direct again since September 18, is the frequency that will help those who are ready to descend more aspects of their soul mission, as they have already being challenged by Saturn "retrograde" to look at their fears, limitations and to learn from them how to emerge by being stronger, wiser and empowered.

Now these encounters will help them receive more guidance about their soul purpose. For there are many who are already under this process of consciously unveiling more about their cosmic heritage and the many missions they have fulfilled, within Creation, and the one they have been assigned, during this present lifetime. 

For others, this process of knowing more about their human mission will come when they will be ready to fully understand who they truly are. There are many precious souls who are passing, at this moment, through an inner transition in which for more than they desire to know, their human self is not ready yet, and only inner work, and patience, will help them, until they are ready to receive this new knowledge about who they are and what they are meant to do here on this Planet. 

The New Moon at 5 degrees Libra that we have at the end of the month sets the perfect frequency for us to create the change we desire from a space of total balance and alignment with our soul. This is a very calming and restorative Moon that will be received as a gift after the recent integration phase that many of us have been experiencing, in which our bodies needs to be recalibrated, at all levels. 

We have a wonderful month ahead to recalibrate our bodies, work on what is still causing us fear to be the powerful creators that already are, in nature, and begin to tuning into what helps us expanding within ou unique desired timeline. As we take advantage of these two years and its benevolent energies to help us create synthesis in our masculine and feminine essences to master ourselves as creators and begin to co-create more consciously, we will realize that in truth we were the only ones impeding us to move forward within our personal human path.

This is a loving and harmonious month to conquer yourself, to admire all you have achieved rather than just focusing on what is yet to be mastered and above all, in creating the proper balance within that will make everything else coming back into its right order, for there is no one or outside force that can create this shift for you but yourself, the question is: Will you? Or will you choose to continue allowing others forces to govern who you are or should be?

I wish you all a blessed, loving and soothing September, Beloved Ones!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

martes, 27 de agosto de 2019

New Moon in Virgo, August 30th, 2019 ~ Becoming Universal Healing Channels

Beloved Ones,

We end August and begin a new energetic month with a very earthly and soothing New Moon at 6 degrees of Virgo on August 30. This Moon's loving frequency is meant to help us purifying ourselves with the loving embrace of the element Earth, after all the constant embodiment and for many releasing process too. It is with this Moon that we begin to feel the energies of what September holds for us - rejuvenation, cleansing and the subsequent stabilization.

The Virgo Moon is highly influenced by Mars, Venus and Mercury, making of this Moon a perfect one for us to tune into our power and use it to ground ourselves, as its Grand Earth Trine reminds us, descend our soul visions into the physical and the most important of all - use all this energy, and our soul creations to be of assistance, in our unique and perfect way.

This Moon acts as a the catalyst of the Earth healing happening at this time - even though the recent events may seem otherwise - and introduces the energies of September. The focus during this time between these two months is on acting as pure light canals of these healing codes so we can assist Earth at this tumultuous time. This is why it is so important that in order to do so, first we also focus on self-purification, so we can act as unadulterated filters of love.

As I always say, we do not have to be more or do what others do. We came here with specific essences and abilities that help us bring together the whole puzzle of Creation. When we diminish ourselves by doing what we see as glamorous, or idealizing other's abilities, we are shadowing the unique Spark of the Divine within us that desires to express itself, freely and uniquely.

This is a time of big changes for many of us, as it is cosmically introduced as well at the end of August by two loving trines involving the Sun and Mars to Uranus. As I always say, change does not have to happen at a physical level, as simply with achieving a peaceful state of being, it will signify a profound change. Change comes when we work with inner alchemy, transforming from within what does no longer serves us, opening ourselves to receive and experience, without judgments or expectations, what our Soul desires to undergo through us.

At this time my Guides, which for me includes my Unified Self and other cosmic companions that are often paralell selves of me or part of my soul direct family, have reiterated the importance that assisting Mother Earth has, at this specific time. To do so, regain purity and being gounded is vital, so we can send love, in our unique way, and help into the restoration of what is being destroyed.

I received a loving and very powerful healing activation transmission for All who desire to tune into its healing essence, and that I leave with great love here, for I was told it is with this New Moon in Virgo that this earth healing, purity and higher love, will begin to pour into all who desired to act ass universal healers, helping to help our Beloved Planet.

Blessings Beloved Ones,

We are your Anuhazi forefathers and Founders together with your family from Mintakan, Orion, who have a strong connection to this channel and who are deeply connected to you all and your Planet, since life began.

We bring a message for those who are guided to align with our words and receive our loving embrace and the light healing codes embedded in it. We appreciate your presence and the opportunity to co-create together, Beloved Ones.

At this time of your evolutionary path, you are in a crucial phase, as there are many things happening that seem to be threating your evolution. For the ones who are connected to your Illumined Self, seeing from a higher perspective what is taking place, understand the many tactics and desperation of those who work for the opposite polarity to create chaos and damage into Planet Earth.

We assure you that there is no real threat that will destroy your efforts to become an enlightened race, and that if you reside in your higher heart, spreading your love to All beings, you will be contributing to earth healing, in your unique and special way. This is, beloved ones, the only way to shift your frequency, the frequency of the area in which you live and the whole Planet’s vibration. You have been doing so for a while, and we kindly invite you to continue loving every single being, independently of their personal choices, and present planetary situation. Look with loving eyes what your mind cannot yet understand Beloved ones. Know all is always perfect and as it shall be for All.

At this time, it is pivotal that you understand the importance of working in unison with Mother Earth's Consciousness to restore your Planet, not just from a more etheric perspective - as we know many of you work in the restoration of Earth´s original fabrics - but from a more earthly one too, for Earth is a living organism that is constantly rewarding all of you from your contribution, and for all the love that you share with Her.

It is vital that you beloved ones understand that every kind thought, feeling, and gesture you send to your Planet, has a profound impact in the whole. Nothing is ever lost, especially not if you remain in a space of unconditional love - sending loving thoughts to everyone and everything that is experiencing their own way to come back Source again.

You all can help Earth by visualizing its dodeca icosahedron unified field to which you are linked through your body canals and send love to it, as it continues its transformation and transition into a new dimensional space. As many of you know, who are geomantic masters, this geometry is connected to sacred earth spaces to conduit light form thoughts and other forms of consciousness yet unknown to you, so these places can be activated again, and so can you - retrieving the wisdom that has been hidden and distorted from you for eons of your human time.

Some of you have as your main mission to activate certain vortices, others to concentrate yourselves so you can send where needed an infusion of your light-love most pure intention to your Planet. You all know what you can uniquely offer to your Home, for it is one with you and speaks to you all the time. Feel in what ways you can contribute to help your Planet purify itself and evolve.

You have now a powerful time to observe energy, discern the different kinds of it and its many missions and unite with the frequency that will benefit you most to assist Earth. As energetic-light beings you all are able to feel energy and work with it. You have many choices to connect with the living matrix of Earth and know in how you can be of help.

Now, there is a great opportunity to create positive change in yourselves, and hence planet as well as in the lives of your parallel selves, for you affect all the aspects of who you are, Beloved Ones. Observe that when there is an opportunity for change, there is for freedom, and the present moment in which you find yourselves, as the macro planetary aspects of who you are, are showing you, is a moment for you to welcome change and dismiss old aspects of yourselves, physical lives, and embrace new experiences and assignments that your soul has prepared for you.

In this present moment, you can choose to dwell in fear or remain within Divine Love, in the hope, trust and warm embrace of the Light that is You, to continue having faith in your human path and in the greater one that the Creator has for all of us. Your choice will be embraced and respected, for there is no such thing within Creation as judgment or being wrong. All serves the whole plan, Beloved Ones.

We remind you, beloved ones, that you are all beacons of Light, Universal healing channels from where Divine Light descends to you and your Planet. At this time, purification is required for your body conduits to be cleared of old energy and act as the natural filters that they are meant to be. When you humans cover these body canals with you fears and doubts and with lower vibrational food, these channels cannot transmit the light that your God Self descends to you - impeding this constant flow of love that you shall share.

With this conscious interaction we would like to kindly offer our assistance to all of you who are guided and willing to accept it by sending you through this transmission a massive influx of light that will restore hope and will help you cleanse your fears. We know many of you are immersed in a mission of helping your Planet and therefore all Creation Be open to receive, if that is your will, as you continue integrating this transmission codes, and we assure you that this pure Light will sweep away all that is not aligned with it.

Beloved Emissaries and Earth keepers, once more we remind you that you are not alone in your mission of seeding love into this Planet. There are many others, incarnated and not, that are also walking this conscious path of assistance with you, offering their help when you feel most hopeless and you need to remember most who you are.

Your inner Force has been trying to hide for eons. Now beloved ones, it is a moment for celebration, for there are many of you, and each day more and more, that are remembering your true origin and the power that lies within all of you.

We invite you to use this power wisely, for the betterment of All, and act as the light vessels that you are and came here to be. There is no one threatening your existence. There is nothing that is in truth impeding you to be who you are except your own fears of standing firm in you power. The times in which you were convinced of otherwise, have long gone, and now you have all the assistance within and from all the Universes to embrace again your nature as a Divine Being and Channel, Beloved ones.

You, and no one else can create a shift big enough to affect the whole. You only need to trust in yourselves and in the love that resides in you to bring this change into manifestation.

We are profoundly grateful to you all for your contribution to Earth, a loving Planet that already has its counterpart in another timeline, as a fifth dimensional organism. You all have helped in this unique and important shift. Everything within Creation is witnessing this tremendous leap in your evolution, and everything within Creation is greeting you as conscious beings and is immensely thankful to you for all the love, care and effort in contributing to this massive change.

We would like to remind you, and assure you, the importance of your work of assistance, as each and every one of you, simply with a pure intention to send loving thoughts to you Home Planet, is helping it ascend and heal.

As planetary healers it takes only a kind thought and the conscious creation of a pure physical space to become a beacon of light and spread this light into your town as well as Earth.

You are only a thought away for embracing that which you already are in Truth, Beloved Ones. You are only one thought away of becoming the free sovereign lovelight beings that you came here to be to help All awaken and reclaim their true power and lineage as well.

Choose to be the universal healers that you are. Choose to shine in the most challenging scenarios, when you think all is lost, for all is never lost but being transformed into something more pure, loving and brighter, that is more aligned with who you are becoming.

Rejoice in who you are. Remain in the Illumined Essence of your Soul and trust that what you are - and consciously do - is reaching All Beloved ones.

It is with great love, appreciation to this channel and All of you who have decided to be in this loving interaction with us, that we, your Anuhazi and Orion family, send to you our infinite love and gratitude for your contribution to your Planet and therefore to All Creation, Beloved Ones.

Blessings to all of you beloved light beacons.

Love, light and gratitude to All who consciously assist the Whole, Beloved Ones.

Natalia Alba

Gratitude to Cosmic Collage for the wonderful photo. 

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2018

New Moon in Virgo, 9th/10th September, 2018 ~ Cosmic Cleansing

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. 


Beloved Light Emissaries,

As you know, during this summer we have been immersed in a very intense galactic wave in which we were constantly integrating without a pause to fully rest and nourish ourselves. September brings soothing energies and the opportunity for us to delight all the magic and miracles that this fiery phase has left us. This is also a good period for us to focus on the many changes our lightbody is experiencing as a result of the galactic activations that many of us have had and take care of our bodies, detoxifying and nurturing them, for they will show us where old energy is still impeding the natural flow of this new light. 

We begin this new energetic month of September with an earthly and magical New Moon at 17 degrees Virgo, as a cosmic reminder of how important it is for us to be grounded, at a time when we could fall into many delusions, as we continue our journey to this new dimensional space that we have consciously chosen to dwell. 

The earthly sign of Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury, is associated with the Virgin Archetype, which is by no means related to celibacy. On the contrary, it concerns the Divine Feminine Archetype of wisdom, purity and wholeness - nurturing and loving everything she touches; in the physical. This New Moon reminds us  the importance that acting as the light conduits that we are have - grounding our essence within Earth, instead of just living in the ethereal, for it is only by creating strong foundations that we can reach the Heavens.

This is a Moon, as the universal number 2 of this month confirms us, to balance ourselves and regain harmony by connecting to nature and make our soul desires tangible, remembering that we evolve as a whole, not as separated individuals, but as One with our Planet, and as earthseeds our main aim is to bring the remembrance of unity in our home planet, unlike it used to be in the past. 

With Libra and Virgo energies this month together with the Equinox, and the Sun entering into the sign of Libra on September 23rd, the message is one of unification and balance regained through the proper process of inner alchemy that we have been working on for a while. September offers us an opportunity for us to work on clearing the lower layers of the self so we can continue activating the higher ones. 

Healing negative ego & mental confusion

One of the main aspects of this New Moon in Virgo is that it opposites Neptune, The Planet of Dreams and Intuition. As you know, I do not feed the typical astrological meaning of certain alignments in which some Planetary encounters are seen as a curse or something fatal for humanity.

In my view, Planets are simply following, as we too are, their own evolutionary path to reunite with Source and their frequency simply IS. When we interpret, from our limited perspective, their frequency, what we are doing is creating a collective belief, such as retrograde periods, that even if far away from the truth, it becomes real, not because it is authentic but because many have infused it with enough intention.

Neptune's frequency together with the Moon's one have different essences and when the Moon has an encounter with Neptune, on the contrary of being a curse is a gift for us to become aware of our human delusions and egoic patterns. This aspect during this New Moon is going to serve for those who are not grounded to leave their ego aside and realize if they are fomenting their delusions or if they have finally release them.

When we are still governed by our egoic fears, and we are not even aware, we will experience many human delusions, being unable to realize that we are under our own spell. There are many forms of manipulations, some caused by society/educational programs, other by negative entities programs/implants and the most of the time, or at least in my humble experience during these years, caused by our own self-imposed programs.

The negative ego is the aspect of our lower self that lives from fear. When we lose all sight of our personal journey and let ourselves be drawn by this fear, our lives will only manifest that which is under the range of this lower vibration. There are many who complain about living in lack, not having anything they truly desire and still blame the outer. This is why it is so important to become the witness of our own self so we can be able to discern if we are sabotaging ourselves or it is caused by outer sources.

Mental confusion also comes when we base our existence in the dreams we nourish in the ethereal rather than anchoring them in the physical. The majority of the time due to imbalances in our feminine/masculine essences. This is what this encounter between the Moon and Neptune will bring into the surface, the many illusions and the many fake scenarios that we have created in the air but that we cannot materialize, for we have not began by descending this light into our human bodies.

When the light - wisdom - received, meant to be anchored within our bodies and physical plane, is kept in our higher chakras, then we are only feeding the non-physical aspect of who we are, and this impedes us to see reality clearly and hence, anchor our soul visions in the tangible, where they are supposed to grow and manifest. 

During the New Moon we will be also gifted with wonderful aspects such as the Moon sextile Jupiter and Pluto, and trine this last one too. These are wonderful frequencies that if directed wisely can help us bring clarity and order in the confusion we could feel if we have yet unresolved pain or conflicts within. While Jupiter presents us with the opportunity to grow by recognizing what is still separated within. Pluto, gives us the power to focus, and the strength, to bring into the surface what the egoic self denies, confronting all that was hidden and bring the necessary change we need to transcend egoic limitations and illusions. 

Clearing our mental and emotional plane as well as egoic layers of delusions and illness is pivotal before we step into a path of conscious co-creation and communication with higher aspects of us and other lovelight beings, for the majority of interactions, and other fake communications, come when the individual is not yet balanced and has his/her mental body ill of illusions, and hence, when this person tries to connect with other aspects of himself/herself  or beings, what this person does is simply to amplify these delusions, believing what he/she receives as being truth, when it is just another mind illusory construction.

When we are passing through these phases, blaming others or the self will only serve to continue feeding our lower state of being and probably other entities which take advantage of our disempowerment. When we are yet facing our inner shadows and illusions, and we all pass through these early stages, compassion, an open heart, and the willing to face what the ego denies is essential, for many believe to have reached an enlightened state of being, when they are just feeding their egoic selves. There is nothing wrong with this, it simply creates an energetic barrier - leaving the opportunity to ascend and grow in humility aside. 

Long periods of isolation, which is not the same as being or feeling alone, are vital to become the neutral witness and observe where we still allow our ego to fool us or where we have finally begin to become aware of the many illusions that governs the self, for it is when the true inner work of healing and inner synthesis begins. 

Grounding mechanisms vs. escapism 

During this month of September, after  the turmoil of the Eclipses, we will have the gift to heal, purify ourselves and rest. This is a month in which we could finally take a moment to witness and discern where we are in our ascension journey. It is vital that we support our lightbody as it continues to release its 3D body and activate its fifth dimensional one. This is  why we must release all emotional burdens and clear our lower self, before we can consciously continue with this long process. 

This is a month, especially with this New Moon in which we have seven Planets in Earth signs, to remind us the importance of being grounded, for it is the only way in which we could embody and anchor the light that is being descended to us, or if on the contrary, we are still using escapism mechanisms instead of confronting our inner shadows and fears.

By escapism we understand all destructive habits - alcohol, drugs, etc - used to numb the body, and soul, of what we think we cannot bear. When our desire to deny our feelings is bigger than our strength to overcome any challenges and heal any dysfunctional behaviour that our lower self is reticent to let go, then we are using self-punishment and illusions to mask what hurts.

When we are passing through any of these denial phases, being grounded is one of  the main things that will safe us from falling into negative patterns and entity manipulation. When we are centered into our heart, having it open to healing, then we know that pain will only teach us what the lower self is afraid to confront. 

Grounding ourselves goes beyond our personal well-being. Our energetic human field is interconnected with the planetary field, for as you know we are all One living consciousness under the illusion of separation. When we are not grounded we temporary create an obstruction in our energetic field channels, impeding the natural communication with the planetary field and grids. This is what creates the feeling of isolation and foment mental delusion. 

As you already know, our Planet continues its transition into a new dimensional space, as this progresses our root chakra, as well as the other body conduits, will also continue reshaping and adapting to the new planetary earth body. This is why it is so important to become aware of the state of our chakras, while we are immersed into this reconfiguration process. 

There are many signs that will inform you that you are not grounded. As always, as you know yourself better than anyone else, you will know your unique physical sensations. These are just some of the most common ones:
  • Pain or any other uncomfortable sensation in the coccyx.
  • Spine pain and/or spasms among other symptoms. It is a sign that the Kundalini is not flowing.
  • Feet discomfort
  • Sexual organs pain or other symptoms that are not medical diagnosed. 
  • Pelvis troubles
  • Kidneys issues
To dissolve/heal these physical symptoms and to be grounded, these are some basic tools you can use to ground yourselves, among many others you are guided to:
  • Nature: As always, this is one of the most effective tools to ground ourselves. Walk barefoot, connect to mother earth and the elements to release negative or stagnant energy, and absord the purity of earth. This will depend on where you live, certain spaces, even though may be seen as beautiful landscapes are contaminated and are not as pure as they used to be for us to ground ourselves. Be careful and use your inner compass to go to the places where your energy will be purified and supported and the space will be as natural as possible, for there are many spaces that have lots its healing properties due to man manipulation. 
  • Remove energetic cords, especially from sexual organs that are keeping you attached to old energy/people, and that is till draining your root and sexual chakras, impeding you to be fully grounded.
  • Clearing debris, parasites, emotional wounds, fears and spirits, whether you consider them benevolent, as it is the case of deceased familiar ones, or not. All must be cleared for you to be able to be supported with your own energy.
  • Clear karmic debts/contracts.
  • Survival fears. Very often are responsible for the blockages of the first and second chakras, impeding the natural flow of our creative force. 
It is essential that at this time, when everything from the depths of our being to our physical body is shifting, in such an accelerate way, by conscious choice, that we observe ourselves and bodies and take the time we need to heal. I understand the egoic self may tell us that we are not doing enough or anything at all, during this healing time, that we must act and continue doing things, even though when we do not feel well. 

However, the time we take to heal is not just the time we are most loving ourselves, and honoring our evolutionary process, but the time we are realizing that this is not just about ourselves, and our own ascension process, but about the conscious choice we made to be of assistance, and to be of help. However, to do so, first we need to be pure enough to offer this assistance, otherwise we are not being authentic and acting with unconditional love to All. 

Soul mission activators

This New Moon in Virgo, holds more miracles that we can truly imagine. This Moon not only gives us the opportunity to heal and clear ourselves from more of the old but also to focus on service, which is another feature of Virgo, to bring purity and selfless service to All. So for those who have already done their clearing work, they have a time to descend more knowledge about their purpose on this plane. 

As you know this is also a year of deep acceleration and while some are beginning to awake others have already passed through this initials stages and are beginning to be activated by their God Self to descend new aspects, or main ones, of their soul mission. This activation or awakening to one's purpose comes with inner work and with patience and surrendering.

Searching, asking outside ourselves simply because we are eager to do what we feel we came here to do, even though it is not yet clear for us, will not serve, for we are forcing the human self when it is not ready. The soul knows best and it knows when we are ready to finally confront our fears and begin the Divine task that once we chose to do on this Planet.

I know many people are wondering why they are doing so much inner work and have achieved so much in their ascension path and yet they do not possess a clear notion of what they are here to fulfill. This can happen by many reasons, one is because we are not yet ready and I know the egoic self will tell us that we are but if we have not yet awaken to our mission it is because there is something we have to master yet. 

Another reason is when we have not purified our physical bodies and then we cannot fully descend the mission. If we have been doing many things to detox and heal our bodies and we do not see any improvement yet, then we must change our old ways of healing or clearing and being anew, until our bodies find their unique way to release. 

There are other souls who have come here from a sovereign status, and from their dimensions, to simply be and do all by their mere essence, and I understand they would like to do more. However, it is by respecting their essence, honoring their bodies and remaining as pure as they can that they can do so and assist the most. Most of these souls, are not aware of the task they perform, for this is natural for them. Nonetheless, they are able to affect, and shift, entire cities by simply their presence, and all they have to do is simply BEing. 

There are certain numbers, between many other signs, as always, we are all unique and we all have our own soul codes, that our soul uses to inform us that we are ready or getting there to descend new aspects of our mission or simply shows us where we are in our ascension path.

I know there are many meanings for these numbers, as well as universal ones. However, these are the numbers and their specific meaning given to me, and that I also experienced in my own journey, to let me know where I am and guide me towards my unique path:
  • Number 1 and 11 represent unity, the God particle within. It can be a sign that you have finally see the God within you or that you need to find it, instead of searching it outside. As you can see this is not informing you of your mission, but it is one of the first steps towards regaining this knowledge. If you see more the typical 11:11 then it depends on where you are in your path it can help you awake or it can show you that you are moving towards unity consciousness.
  • Number 2 is a reminder of our dual world and the need we have to unify polarities.
  • Number 3 or 33s. Very powerful numbers as everything within our Universe goes in triads. They represent the New Era we are already heading into. They are a sign that we have embodied the feminine creative principle, and hence, a sign of spiritual maturity.
  • Number 4. It indicates the four elements, four seasons and the four stages of the human. They prepare you to understand and learn the Universal Laws. Numbers 44 indicate that you are where you need to be, doing what you came here to do. You live, whether you like it or not, at the moment, under the right coordinates and you are fulfilling your mission. This is also a preparatory phase to introduce you to your soul mission or another aspect of it, especially if you are a stabilizer. 
  • Number 5. This is a sign that you are beginning to be initiated in the higher realms and you could receive your sacred name or simply the channelings that will assist you at this time of your evolution journey. Numbers 55 can indicate sudden change.
  • Number 6. It is a sign that you need balance, in all aspects - mind, body and in your physical life, or that you are regaining it.
  • Number 7. This is the number that represents enlightened reached by humility and inner effort.
  • Number 8. This is an activator number that sends you the message of peace and  strength when you are passing through inner stages of personal inner work and you can lose faith. Numbers 88, denote abundance, as you already know and they can also warm you of the approach of negative forces.
  • Number 9.  This is a sign that you need to close a cycle and release attachments for it is a reminder that nothing and no one belongs to us.
  • Number 10. This closes a cycle and if you see it repeatedly is a sign that you are in denial and you are not aware of the need to close an old chapter in your life experience.
As you know, there are more numbers who are as important as these ones. However, due to obvious reasons I can not write them all. So I just leave the most common ones that are activating something within you or reminding you of something important about where you are in your current path. As always, take what resonates with your own guidance and follow, always, your soul wisdom. 

This is a blessed phase for all of us to recalibrate and balance our physical bodies and clear what is blocking the flow of the new light that we are integrating. This is a New Moon to retrieve the purity that is already there, for we were born pure and in joy. We just have to clear the shadows with which our human self covers the light. We just have to unveil all the illusory egoic layers that once were built under the false premise of our safety and begin embracing the cosmic gift of being fully open, to love, to give, to receive and to transform ourselves, into the illumined beings that we, in truth, are.

I AM a LoveLight being - a cosmic traveller - incarnated within a human body to be of  selfless assistance.

I AM here to experience an earthly realm that helps me remember the magnificence of my true existence as a Child of God. 

I AM already a fearless, pure, wise and humble being, shining my unique Essence - within Divine Love and compassion to All - and so are YOU. 

In love, light and service ∞

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2017

New Moon in Virgo, September 19/20, 2017 - Descending Power

I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. 

                                                                             Dalai Lama

Beloved Ones, 

As we uncover all the 3D illusory veils, transitioning into a Higher Octave, looking back into what was/is happening outside ourselves - will not serve us to be aligned with the new frequency that we have consciously decided to integrate, for to be always present within the illuminated presence of our God Self, we must avoid putting all our attention in the reigning chaos that we are envisioning outside. Do not consider the sides, do not look to what is no longer occurring in your New Timeline, pay attention only in your present moment to get all the strength you need to confront your own shadows and emerge into the precious lovelight being that you always were.

This is a moment not to ascend, for what we call ascension, is nothing but the descencion of your True Essence and Divine Wisdom into a physical body, but, as this New Moon at 27 degrees of Virgo reminds us, to descend our Divine Power instead of focusing on the "chaos" that seems to govern our Planet, at this time. For Chaos is the way the cosmos have to reorganize reality, one that was obsolete and must be dissolved. What we perceive as being chaotic, is not what IS to the Universe, for we can never understand what is happening in a Higher Perspective. 

All the planetary events happening now, is not only what Earth needs to adjust or purify herself, as it is already a living organism herself, but the materialization of the dualistic reality, we have consciously chosen. Recently, I received many questions about why all these events are occurring, if we are heading into a Higher frequential space. The guidance I received from my Unified Self (the sum of all aspects, past, present, parallel and future of who we are, for in the Universe there is nothing higher or lower, this is just our limited human perspective) is that as we move into a New Space/Timeline, of more unity, the more we need to destroy and work with the unification of both polarities, that still reign our Universe and as it is within, will be in the macro as well. 

With this New Moon in Virgo, we are being invited to work on purity, personal power, selfless service to others, and especially in descending this Light that we are from our I AM Presence into our tangible realm, where we dwell, where we are ascending physically and where we should anchor our unique Essence and spread this spark to All. 

Recently, I was told by my companions (Guides), I must accept a certain situation, I was seeing in the physical, as it IS, even if it is against the Law of One, instead of being constantly trying to change it, for all has a purpose within Creation. Everything, even if it seems negative to my human self, is required for us to remember what unity is. We cannot change what others do, for we all were given the gift of free will to being with, we can only change our own frequency and decide where to focus. 

Appreciating everything that happens, as a cosmic reminder of our true nature, is the key to understand why even the dakrness is essential, for we could not experience what we are not, if it was not for the dark aspect of this Universe that also resides within us. All is equal, even though we do not see it as such while we are humans, everything serves the Forces of the Light, for everything is Light. This shall never be judged. Why would we judge the Universe and the way it helps us to remember, from a limited view? 

Only acceptance of what IS and the humility of recognizing that we know nothing of what is truly unfolding within the Divine Plan, will help us understand this tumultuous time we are experiencing, knowing, that everything is already perfectly orchestrated, and that all serves a Purpose, which is essential for unification to occur. Nothing and no one is there in your life by chance, nothing and no one is evil in nature, for everything emerged from the same Source. All is there to bring you awareness, Truth and remembrance. 

At a cosmic level, we are ruled by Earth and Mutable energies, for we have on one side: The Sun, The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto in Capricorn in Virgo, an earthly sign, and on the other hand, we have Virgo, whose essence is mutable, Saturn in Sagittarius, and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, another mutable sign. 

This is another message for us to bring all the flexibility and intuition that we obtain in our inner realms, as well as creativity - magnified by having Neptune opposing Mercury at the time of The New Moon - into our tangible plane, for it is there where we can enjoy what we can only envision and nurture from within. 

The earthly sign of Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury, is associated with the Virgin Archetype, which is by no means related to celibacy. On the contrary, it concerns the Divine Feminine Archetype of wisdom, purity and wholeness - nurturing and loving everything she touches; in the physical. Virgo likes to serve humanity which is what gives Virgos joy and purpose. It is essential that during this transitional time in which we are finally bifurcating from 3D Old Earth, we act as the light conduits that we are - grounding our essence and love within Earth, instead of just living in the ethereal, for it is only by creating strong foundations that we can reach the Heavens. 

At this phase of our journey through New Earth, many of us are experiencing different sensations, due to the natural process of leaving more density aside. Some of these sensations may take the form of intestinal issues and /or anxiety ones, between many others such as tiredness, heart palpitations, especially withe the waves we are receiving lately from our Central Sun, and many others that will be unique for you and your soul mission. 

Virgo rules our intestine, it is where purification takes place, and as well as we are seeing in the macro, with the intense transformation Earth is having, the same is happening within ourselves too, we are experiencing a deep purification to be able to re-birth, again, into a new Octave. 

The anxiety, comes from our heart’s center, especially if we have been - or are still working with - healing old traumas, the removal/dissolution of them, makes our heart’s center experience a deep sense of longing and attachment. Let it all go, embrace whatever feelings may come to you and know that this is your entire body releasing old addictions.

This is one of the main reasons why it is so important to commune with Mother Earth now, for nature heals and purifies us, naturally. As we also have the Moon opposing Chiron, the Cosmic Healer, as I call Him, with Saturn, squaring both, at the New Moon Time. Old feelings can emerge now, they are sending you a message: they would like to be embraced, heard, accepted and released. Listen. 

As we also have Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, opposing Uranus, the Planet of Change, this is a wonderful time to use the frequency from mutable energies that surround us now, and use them to liberate ourselves from our fear of change, adapting to any condition that the unknown could bring. It is only when we are flexible, in perfect flow with All, and at peace, by trusting in everything we have created and that our God Self has orchestrated for us, that we are always heading into the right space for us to experience what we came here to remember. 

Do you really wish to move on and step into a Higher Space but you feel that you are leaving something/someone behind? Do you still dwell in the past by remembering it as a better time? Do you trust that you left behind all you should and embrace this cosmic transition with love and joy?  Or do you talk about it, read about it, but are not yet aligning with this New Frequency, due to your old attachments? 

When we dwell in the past, we are creating an addiction to situations and people who are not the same now and which are happening in another space we are not occupying now. When we do this, we are allowing these past events to block what is meant to touch our lives now, for we are creating an energetic wall against all odds - residing in fear, in impossibility and in illusion. 

It is not by others or by what is occurring, at a planetary level, that you are not yet where you wish to be, between other things because this is not a race and there is not a place of destination to reach/go. If you are not yet experiencing at least the bliss of seeing all the inner work you have been doing, it is because you are impeding it yourself, not the outer chaos, not the energies doing anything to you, energies simply are, we integrate them and we choose how to use and direct them.

If you are not yet in the space you would like to dwell, observe, instead of judging. This is about compassion, this is about joy, about seeing all we have achieved, if we are doing all we can. This is not for us to want to be or do more, for it is not about acting or wanting but about BEing.  Compassion is first applied to the self for it is by recognizing within the Divine that we can also recognize and act as such, with others. 

Virgo’s New Moon arrives to remind us of the importance in purifying and grounding our essence within our physical plane, in tandem with our soul desires and new projects for the following months. This is a cosmic blessing for us to be of service, not just to the self, but to All. How? Not by dwelling in the past or future, or in what seems to be wrong in the world, but by shining our unique spark, and being present in the Now, where all our strength and energy resides and where all true power exists. Use it to create strong foundations that will support your desires in the tangible.

This is a wonderful time to purify, beginning not with our bodies, but with the feelings we still hold within that make us fall into old patterns, impeding us to feel the bliss of what living in the now is. This is not a time to believe we are not ascending, simply because certain areas of the Planet, and certain aspects of our old self, are vanishing/shifting. For if we truly desire transformation, a reorganization is required to bring the change we so wish to see, in the physical.

This is not a time to dwell in fear, but in possibility, in acceptance, in joy and in love with All. Do not judge the Universe, in what it is doing, the question is: Do you? Do you know what you are doing with your energy and intention? Where to put it, how to use it. Are you observing if, even in the most challenging times, you keep choosing to stay centered into your heart? 

Or do you want to be and do but when all seems not occurring according to your own human desires, you lose all faith, dwelling again in lower frequencies? There is never a time to abide in fear, for we only should embrace it for a while, and then let it all go, by only holding the wisdom this brought us. 

When you choose to experience fear for a long time and make it your natural state of being, then, you will also being to manifest the things, situations and encounters that are vibrating at the same frequency - opening a doorway in your energetic body for manipulative forces to enter. Yes, Beloveds, Truth shall be told and understood instead of manipulated, we do not have to focus just on this side, but denying it will not serve us, at this transitional phase. 

It is essential that we begin to understand the cosmic battle that is already strongly felt, at this time, of our ascension journey, to regain control of humanity. Forces disguised as light, forces that seem to be working in your favor but then, they are just manipulating you and your will. There is nothing to fear, fear comes when we are ready to confront the aspects of us that are yet dwelling in separation, and hence, pain. It is a message from all these aspects of us, of assistance, they also desire freedom - as you do - from pain and illusion. 

Purity comes when we finally are ready to dissolve all these hidden aspects and lower layers of our 3D self and begin to embrace our True Essence. By fearing you cannot descend your power - Light - by fearing you can only cover it. This is a wonderful time to do so. It is a unique and precious moment for you to finally choose, not by simply agreeing, reading, etc, but by BEing and acting, at every single moment, as you think and feel. 

It is your choice - as always - to choose where you desire to sojourn, if in the bliss of being free and finally releasing an old self and life, or in the fear of losing the familiar. As there is not a fixed and linear time for you to make a choice, you are free to join the ones who have already taken this step, at your own pace. The question is: Do you really wish to repeat the same old scenarios that led you into a space of unlove and confusion? 

Yours is the inner work to move within, in deep communion with your soul, and after reading this, keep choosing to dwell within a higher frequency or choose to fall into oblivion again. The opportunity for you to stop choosing fear, descend your power and reclaim your sovereignty, is forever there for you to take.

I wish you all a purifying, and magical New Moon in Virgo, Beloved Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba