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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New Moon in Pisces. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New Moon in Pisces. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 18 de febrero de 2023

Super New Moon in Pisces, February 20th, 2023 - Feminine & Masculine Restoration

Beloved Ones,

We are beginning to step into a more active cycle, due to the particle acceleration process in which we have been immersed for a while, one that will continue as we enter into March, as the next month is one of the most important ones, energetically speaking, of all this year. Our journey to become one with our soul and monadic aspects continue, for we are receiving the frequencies that will support us in our task to accelerate our personal frequency, which is what brings us closer to the non-particle worlds, the acceleration, and therefore, the raise of our frequency. 

Frequencies that are descending for a few days from our Central Sun, in the form of Solar Flares and CME, to help us in our healing journey, and continue building our light bodies, as for us to do so, we need more plasma and unique light frequencies that our bodies cannot generate for themselves. 

All these energies together with Piscean ones, already among us, will help us in holding a higher frequency, so we can continue clearing old patterns, as Pisces invites us to do, stepping into a more illumined timeline. From today, we have the Sun in Pisces and in just two more days we will too have a New Moon at 1 degrees Pisces, the same day that Venus will move into Aries.

We now pass from Aquarius to the invisible realms of Pisces, where we illumined ourselves, regain higher wisdom, and begin to walk toward the depths of our being, after having regained freedom with Aquarius. A time of miracles and a time for us to leave an old cycle, of false beliefs, and disempowerment, and begin to walk toward the Light of who we truly are. 

One of the lessons that Pisces offers us is the ultimate transcendence of all the old mental programming and beliefs that we used to hold within, as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and therefore the one who has already discovered all the aspects of himself, integrating all the challenges/lessons required to embody a higher level of awareness that will make Him see the Truth, instead of the old illusion in which He was immersed. 

Now that we have seen what is beyond our human senses and crossed the illusory veils, we are ready to embrace a new way of living based on authenticity, integrity, and compassion, attributes that can only be mastered in the physical.

The New Moon conjunct Saturn, which is still in the very late degree of Aquarius, getting ready in March to move into Pisces. While on the other hand, we have the Sun and the Moon in the first degree of Pisces. As always, we are all simultaneously living between a constant ending and a new beginning, for both are in truth the same, and it is all what we make of them that creates the difference.

The energies from this Moon are just the beginning of what we will experience during March, the energetic assistance required for us to conclude another personal cycle, and the creation of a new one, as Saturn in Pisces will too invite us to do. Saturn's essence will accompany us strongly in the following years, as it is pivotal to help us take responsibility for our personal evolutionary journey, beginning to disengage from old habits, and thought patterns if we really desire to shift our current trajectory and move into a new one.

Everything is inviting us to create, build, and embrace our true potential, at this time. However, Saturn reminds us that without recognizing all our previous experiences, learning from them, and shifting what cannot coexist any longer, we will not be able to create differently, for we have not yet dissolved the old feelings, thoughts, and memories that are still within us. 

Just after the New Moon in Pisces, we have Venus, the feminine aspect of us, moving into Aries, ruled by Fiery Mars, which represents the masculine. This is a wonderful combination for us to dive deep into our passions, in what brings us joy and excitement, discovering new horizons and ways to create and live our lives. 

An alignment that will too help us to balance our feminine and masculine essences, something very present for us ascending souls, and that Pisces will help us achieve, for it is a sign that reminds us how to unify both polarities. For those who are already building their light bodies, stepping into the third-fourth stage, it is a propitious time, with Piscean energies, to open your shoulder portals, for they represent our feminine-masculine, or Sophianic-Christos essences, as you prefer to call them, and the beginning of the integration of both essences. 

This is also an opportunity for those experiencing challenges in their soul reunions, especially because during the New Moon in Pisces, Venus will sextile Pluto, which will help us empower our relationships, through conscious and compassionate witnessing, so we can recognize what needs to be changed or healed, as well as to rekindle the passion.

Above all, it is an invitation for us to look for new ways of being intimate, retrieving the connection between both, as intimacy is not just about sexual desire, but about recognizing the wonderful soul we are co-creating with, in new ways, that we may have forgotten or not seen before. It is a time to focus on what keeps us united with those we love, finding new ways in which we could continue traveling with them.

We are just entering into one of the most important passages of the year, for self-mastery and light body restoration. We are finally heading into the dissolution of an old cycle, in both personally and planetarily speaking. It is a time with Pisces for us to remain in our higher hearts, witnessing, from a neutral space, what is taking place in the world, for we are now able to see the bigger picture.

A passage for us to adapt to the many changes that are taking place as the result of all the inner work that we are doing. Pisces, as a mutable sign, precisely teaches us about the importance of being flexible, using our intuition to navigate through our reality, rather than our ego, which impulsively will lead us to the easiest, but often wrong destination.

A time for us to send love, peace, and compassion, for we cannot change the curse of evolution in others on the planet, just help by being love. We can only choose the frequency we desire to hold within and send this loving frequency to the ones who are ready to anchor it in their hearts, for ascension above all, is a personal choice. 

I wish you all a wonderful passage, Beloved Companions!

May you remain in the purity of your loving Hearts.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2022

New Moon in Pisces and the 3/3 Portal

Beloved Ones,

Shining a light precisely in healing, and miracles, so needed, at this time, we begin this magical season of March by having a wonderful New Moon at 12 degrees Pisces. A moon that comes to calm us all down, after the intensity of February and everything that is taking place in the outer, for the matrix continues in its intent to cause more fear, destruction, and confusion in the collective, something that we all suffer in one way or another, as we are all one family, connected beyond our human understanding.

The Piscean Moon opens the 3/3 Portal, which is the result of the unity between two equals. This is precisely what humanity is learning at the moment, the embrace of polarities, the lack of judgment and neutrality required to do so, and the creation of something that helps us all in this endless evolutionary path that we have chosen to transit. 

This is a time of opposite feelings and energies, as it could not be otherwise in our dual world. A time for those who continue fomenting separation and the fear and hopelessness it has, and on the opposite, a time to be more united, remaining in the love and harmony that lies in our hearts. As always it is all what we choose to experience, what will determine where we are, and what we will experience next in our personal trajectory. 

As the Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter and Neptune, both in Pisces as well, it is a wonderful time for us to dream big, descending from the ethereal, from the depths of our soul, the visions that we have for our lives. We have had the time to pause, especially during the first month of the year, heal, rejuvenate, and after the intensity of the previous month, now we are ready to begin anew, with a new sense of direction on where to go next. As creators we have infinite possibilities, for we are the ones who choose among the many choices which one to manifest and bring into fruition. 

To help us experience the personal transformation required for us to expand our soul, in the physical, and create anew, we have too Uranus, the great transformer, conjunct the Moon. This is going to propitiate soul encounters that are planned and therefore meant to occur, for the purpose of a higher outcome that will be for the highest good of All.

A time for us to focus on unconditional love, compassion, and above all, on expanding this universal Force to everyone, at this tumultuous time. As Venus conjunct Pluto and Mars, we all have the inner power to bring more love into any situation, as love when sent consciously and intentionally, reaches All, in ways we cannot imagine.

Venus together with Pluto and Mars is about understanding that anger, confusion, rage, and all similar feelings, are another form of energy and that if we learn how to master the ego-self and direct these feelings wisely, we can transform all these emotions into more love, creating stability and harmony rather than more disharmony and separation.

It is precisely with Pisces, Neptune, and Jupiter, very active planets at the moment, that we learn how to be compassionate, and peacefully lovelight beings in service to All within Creation.

It is now that we have the opportunity to show our most profound love to everyone who is suffering, and above all to everyone that is asking for assistance, and that we, as One Family shall provide, in the unique way we can, for what is taking place in the world, not just in one country but in many, affects us All deeply, physically, emotionally and spiritually, and we cannot deny or separate, for we all are feeling the impact in our hearts so immensely that a part of us in great pain as well.

Let us not focus on the terror infused, but on the hope, light, and love that will always govern above any other form of fear.

Let us allow this feeling of unity and unconditional love reminds us of the power of One.

Withing Infinite Love and Peace to All,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2020

New Moon in Pisces, February 23rd, 2020 ~ Soul Creations

Beloved Light Emissaries,

At a time when many of us are anchoring our soul creations within our tangible reality, we welcome a wonderful and very powerful New Moon at 4 degrees of Pisces on February 23rd. This Moon is about making real our dreams, what we create in the ethereal, in the depths of our soul, what makes us being in joy and what the Illumined Aspect of us desires to create, in this physical reality.

This is about us mastering the art of making real what we first create in a non-physical plane and bringing structure and order in our manifestations, for only we can achieve ascension and self-mastery, especially regarding creation, when we unified polarities and create balance in the both planes we reside. 

This is a season ruled by Pisces and Capricornian energies, as we have four Planets in both Pisces and Capricorn at the New Moon time. These are very different frequencies, although they complement each other perfectly well, as everything within Creation. On one hand, we have the essence of Neptune, inviting us to dream big and dwell into the ethereal to be able to tune into our soul desires and goals. While on the other, we have Saturn, asking us not just to rely on the invisible, but bringing all of our desires into the physical as well. 

As you know, Pisces, rules intuition, compassion and devotion to service, with Pisces comes freedom, and the completion of a cycle, in both the micro and in the macro, as it is also happening in the Planet. With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, endings come, and hence new beginnings for there is a moment in which both co-exist, at the same time. 

It is precisely from this timeless and spaceless moment, that we have the opportunity to create a new phase or to get attached to an old timeline. It is with Pisces that we begin to remember our true origins, clearing karmic patterns/agreements, purifying ourselves and achieving personal enlightenment. 

Pisces is the ultimate sign, and hence, where we learn how to merge opposites - our mother/feminine and father/masculine aspects - and how to finally ascend after having passed through the rest of the zodiac signs, carrying all its wisdom, from all these past experiences. When we reach this stage we already hold the proper wisdom required for us to leave all behind and step into a new state of being. With this Moon many will begin to contemplate a new life, one based on the synthesis of both planes, the physical and the non-physical ones, rather than just residing in extremes. 

From a planetary or astrological perspective, the most important aspect during this New Moon is Mars trine Uranus and the Moon sextile Mars too, which is a great influx of confidence and personal power. Mars trine Uranus is one of the most beneficial essences for the ones who are ready to break from old habits, as well as karmic cycles and embrace their sovereignty and develop their true potential by anchoring their soul desires into the physical and expanding into new horizons, confronting fears and trusting that as humans it is our main mission not just to evolve and assist but to overcome our own limitations, being brave to walk into the unknown by trusting that unseen Forces watch over us.

Divine human blueprint resurrection

As you know we are in a time where transformation, as Pisces well reminds us, is a constant for all the ascending souls who have chosen to experience physical ascension. At this phase of our evolutionary path, there are more noticing the many changes that our bodies are having, due to the conscious inner work of releasing and integrating the new light that we are now able to embody, in the new dimensional space that we occupy now.

This New Moon in Pisces, due to the planetary and other cosmic frequencies received, is going to provide us with the opportunity of working further with our bodies, resurrecting our original Adamic blueprint, as Piscean Era invites us to do, which is why our Beloved Jesus was also born under these energies, to show us how to rebirth and how to overcome the many human illusions we have created, especially that of dying and being limited beings.

It is a perfect moment during this New Moon, because of its healing essence, to focus on fusion - polarity integration - for the subsequent physical shift can occur. It is this the first step towards regaining self-synthesis so we can pass to work with DNA reconfiguration and healing, retrieving ancient wisdom as well as the original Human DNA structure, something that many of us are working with, for a while.

For those who are yet on this first step of unifying polarities, this New Moon will bring an opportunity to connect with the silver Ray, which is feminine in essence as well and will help us bring profound restoration and balance in our feminine side and intuitive abilities.

If your feminine essence is out of balance, something you can feel at all levels, from the physical to a non-physical perspective, then calling upon this pure Ray of Consciousness for assistance will help you harmonizing and clearing feminine distorted 3D implants, patterns, beliefs and anything you need to work with, at this time.

Remember that in order to work with any aspect of who we are, it is essential that we understand that it is the pure intention we have to heal and our own power what brings healing and renovation more than outer tools in itself. These tools and other beings/forms of consciousness are of great assistance, if we first do our inner work. Otherwise, we will be disempowering ourselves, as it used to be in the old, by believing that something or someone from the outer can make us whole again. 

As you know, if you are open to the many dimensions where we abide, and if you have regained at least some star memories, Orion beings, who are now benevolent ones, but whose past was once of deep challenges as well until regaining unity too, are helping many humans to remember synthesis, which is simply the acceptance, non-judgement and unification of all the aspects of who we are, without any labels or feelings, simply with love to all that we are.

Orion beings are great teacher for all of us when we work on polarity integration as they experienced this in first hand and are now glad to be of assistance for other beings who like us are passing through this stage in which are just beginning to remember the totality of who we are within Creation and its many abodes. 

This Moon is a very galactic one for we no longer are exposed to just some planetary energies but to the Illumined Realms of many higher dimensions that are now aligned with our new time/space planetary zone and that are there for us to help us grow in love, light and harmony. 

Star & Earth Seeds' planetary migration

As many of you are already feeling since last year, our Planet is experiencing a complete reconfiguration in its ley lines and field in general. There are many new vortices that are being activated, in many different sacred sites of the Planet. Some are being able to be reconfigured, again, as they have been close to humans, so to speak, for eons, due to the manipulation and distortion that man made of them.

There are many souls whose main mission are linked to work with these vortices. They will feel or will be moved by their soul, in unique ways to these new places, where they will begin the mission of working with these new openings, so they can integrate their essence and spread it to All. These souls are encoded with specific information that perfectly resonates with these vortices frequencies, so they can work in unison to bring this new light into our Planet.

This work can be done consciously, if you are ready to do this task, something your soul will consider, or unconsciously - by your own soul essence and through soul traveling, whether you are aware of it or not. It does not matter that you are, most of the times, we do the majority of our mission in many dimensions that we cannot be conscious of, and the good thing is that this is precisely what allows us to be able to experience a human realm. Otherwise, we will feel totally overwhelmed, unable to cope with so many realities at the same time. 

It is indeed a time to unite with Earth wisdom and to begin recognizing the healer within. For those who are starting to feel they should move, you will be guided to all the places you are meant to live in. Every time I have a session or a reading and someone asks me where they should live, I tell them the truth, that only their soul will guide them, for unless they are already in the mission, Guides will not provide more guidance regarding locations, as this is something that you will know first.

It is hard to understand this for some precious souls who are stepping into this journey. However, we need to understand that what comes from the outside is confirmation or extra guidance, that we already have within, nothing and no one can know more than we know about ourselves and personal journey.

When I tell people something they think they do not know, all of them react in the same way: "Ohh yes now I knew! I felt this but I thought it was my mind or that I was wrong". You all know, you just need to teach your human mind how to stop infusion fear into your being and doubt, which is the main cause of not being able to fully integrate the guidance that we all receive.

This is why being balanced is so important not to fall into egoic traps of thinking all is guidance and that we know more, or in the opposite pole of thinking that we know nothing and that we are not worth it and enough to receive what is in our nature. 

If you are guided to move location, know it is your soul desire to be of assistance in a different space. You may not like it, as many times it is not about a perfect location where we find peace, although other times it is. Our soul is not concerned, as humans are, with perfect places, but about the unique work it has to do in the place. 

Know that every time you are guided to live or visit any Earth place, even though you may think it is for no reason, you activate vortices, a planetary line or any other form of consciousness that you are meant to, whether alone or with your soul family. The energy is meant to be moved and spread and it is your task to do so from an open space of unity and love to All.

Find your place within before you can find it elsewhere, know all is inside of you, in love with you and All, for there is nothing ever separated from you or anything else within Creation. When you finally feel in unity with everything is when you will hear your soul call you to travel to any physical place or space on Earth and help it heals, activates and spreads its essence.

You know, you feel it and you are the only one who can truly realize where you are needed, appreciated and required. Look within for answers, and know that your Presence and Essence on Earth as well as within Creation, has been planned, respected and appreciated beyond what we, as humans, could ever understand.

You are worth it. The entire universe conspired for you to be here at this precise and unique moment within this Galaxy. You are no mistake, you are a powerful Divine Force in service to All, in your unique and precious way, and you are helping in bringing the current planetary shift in consciousness that we are already experiencing. How can you not love, appreciate and respect yourself, as a God Spark who descended here to help?

I wish you a wonderful and healing New Moon in Pisces Beloved Companions. 

May you always recognize the wondrous being of love that you are and may you always share the love wherever you are blessed to be.

In love, light and service ∞

Natalia Alba 

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2019

Emotional Release

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

As you know we are immersed within a very creative, and profound, Piscean-Neptunian passage, where many of us, depending on where we are in our unique path, for we all have our micro cycles, are already feeling, or about to, feel the deep emotional impact from these Piscean energies. For the ones who no longer fear to completely experience the energies as they truly are, this is going to be a magical and powerful month, especially for the ones who were born, as it is my case, under this Water sign, for this phase, especially with the New Moon that we just had in Pisces, is going to offer us the opportunity to emotionally release that which belongs to the old and it is blocking our conscious desire to co-create in the new timeline that we have consciously chosen.

This is indeed a chance for us to work on self-liberation. As you know ascension is not about constantly integrating and raising our frequency, but about precisely working on emotional clearing, that we are able to grow and embody new levels consciousness, for it is by doing so that we dissolve the veils of illusions, past wounds and traumatic experiences that impede us to fully embrace a path of conscious expansion. 

Piscean energies together with the ones from Uranus in Taurus, are going to help us bringing into the surface not just our soul visions, but all of our hidden emotions/wounds, giving us the opportunity to make them conscious, so we can deal with them, dissolving all that has already fulfilled a purpose, in our human evolution, and learning process of remembering who we are and our unique purpose. 

Pisces as you know, is the last sign of the zodiac, it is where we finally release an old cycle of slavery and learn from everything experienced with the rest of the signs. Pisces comes to burn old worlds as well as the bridges that we have emotionally built to them. It is when we finally awake to the Truth, of who we are, of what we came here to master, share and of what is impeding us to embrace our Divine potential. 

It is with Pisces that all that is still hurting our soul, even though we are not conscious of it, comes back, for these are all fragments of our soul, dwelling in pain, in fear, waiting for us to embrace them, and bring them back Home, which is the individualized aspect of us called X, incarnated at this specific time within Creation.

It is precisely by unifying all these lost soul fragments, all the pain and wounds that are still mourning within our heart, that we can become whole, and hence healed, again. This is what gives us the Divine Gift of forgiving ourselves and others who have touched our lives, and by doing so, they have also left us a gift, for us to understand and embrace it, if guided, when the moment comes. For all is, at the end, a gift for us to accept and grow from it, or not.

The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th, as well as this entire month, is a period of deep communion with our God Self, for it is by turning inward that all we need to know, at this time, can be revealed. Revelations are not good or bad, as humans tend to label, they simply fulfill a purpose within Creation, which is one of delivering the information required for us to know where we are heading and of what is necessary for us to dissolve.

One can be revealed a certain aspect of themselves that needs unification. A certain truth that has been hidden by others or simply by our egoic tendency to protect us of what hurts us, or about any other issue that our God Self considers relevant for us to integrate, at this time. For me, exactly on the day of the New Moon, it was all about being open to receive the truth about a certain relationship (it does not have to be a romantic one) and the true intentions, since the very beginning of this person. To me, it was going to be a co-create relationship. I was in love with what we were going to create together. However, the intention of the other person was different, for it was simply one based on egoic premises. 

All is, always, well as it Is. This is not about being sad or any of these emotions that arise when we have been holding expectations regarding someone or to any project. For as evolving beings, many of us have as a part of our mission, the task to help the collective transmute, as they continue with the transformational process they are immersed into. 

This is not just about egoic feelings or having a bad day, for as ascending souls, we are far enough of these dramas. This is about assisting, in ways that sometimes make not easy to discern if what we feel comes from our mission to assist in this transitional process, of belongs to something we are experiencing ourselves. 

This also required of us a deep understanding of how the cellular process of releasing works, and how important it is to allow the connection between our emotions and our body, as to set and example, by shedding tears, we are allowing specific parts of our body to finally free an old blockage, as well as to empty ourselves of past energy, so we can embrace a new frequency. 

When our lightbody is moving into a new level of consciousness, we are going to experience many hidden emotions coming into the surface. It is hard for us when we finally are able to glimpse the truth, for our egoic self will deny it, hide it or fight it before embracing and accepting it. When we are immersed in that process, the who, what, how, and when, do not matter... the important thing is to become aware of the blessing in disguise that this person has brought to us or a particular situation.

This has nothing to do with being good or bad. It simply has to do with taking responsibility for something we have created for our human journey, being responsible, and brace enough, to learn from it. It is all about becoming more conscious, and about feeling all the pain and crying all the tears we have inside, for if not, our heart cannot grow in love and expand into it. Sometimes we all need something that comes not to damage us, but to save us by breaking the barriers we build into our heart as a protection mode, so we can love, again, unconditionally.

During this time, especially if you are experiencing an emotional release, many emotions/patterns can surface, as an indication of the emotional clearing that is taking place or that you need to do. Some of these are:
  • Fall into the victim or victimizer roles. 
  • Guilt. It is very important to work with blaming ourselves or others in our healing process. These are patterns that have been imposed to us, since we were born. In truth, there is no such a thing as blame. What is important is to be responsible for all we have done and use this to increase in awareness, and in love and compassion, toward ourselves and others. Using blame to punish ourselves will only foment old illusions and victimhood because the Universe do not blame anyone or punish, this is human, and must be dissolved, if we desire to truly become free sovereign beings. 
  • Rumination
  • Self-defence/justification.
  • Impulsive behaviours. 
  • Self-negative talk. This can be contrasted by focusing and working on self-love and worth.
  • Negative thoughts
  • Rage
  • Revenge
  • Self-harm patterns: addictions, toxic attachments or any other things that we use as a form of self-punishment. 
These are patterns that need our dedication and care, for if we do not love ourselves and become our own caretakers, there will be no other one that could heal these emotions and patterns for us.

It is important to look at ourselves with neutrality, until we will be able to fully merge with all the emotions and see from where they come. There are other tools, if you are passing through an emotional healing phase that could help you to face and embrace and heal all these emotions, so you can begin the process of healing:
  • Soul retrieval
  • EFT - emotional freedom techniques - I am a EFT practitioner, and it has helped me a great deal, when I began on this ascension journey, and it is something you can do yourself, for as I always say, we have to be responsible for our own healing process.
  • Somatic techniques for trauma and somatic grounding techniques for those who are dealing with past flashes or old patterns that come from old timelines.
As always, you know yourself better than anyone else and as you own master and healer, you will know what tools best resonate with who you are and with what your body needs. 

Surrendering, letting all go, whether in form of tears or in any other way that feels good to your unique process is good for the releasement of old relationships, jobs or dramatic situations. All the pain is a message for you to decide, at every single moment, whether you decide to engage in this past energy or allow yourself to feel, and release, pain in your unique way and step into a new state of being.

It is precisely remaining in pain, after having understood the gift it brought, to us what makes us fall into the trap of victimhood and other similar human roles. When we begin to ask ourselves the whys, the hows and the whens, we are anchored, again, in a past timeline. In the moment we decide to bless what our egoic self is reticent to let go, surrender and allow ourselves to pass through this releasing process, we have given ourselves the opportunity to expand and create from a totally different state of being.

When we are in the process of dissolving old energy/wounds, or whatever it is you need to liberate yourself from, we need of our love and assistance, for we are the first ones who have to be compassionate toward ourselves. Dwelling in the things you think you made wrong, in what you think others did to you or in what did not work, will only add more suffering, for you are creating an energy that is not aligned with the truth of who you are.

What is important is who you are Now. How you feel Now and the intention you put into all you think, say and do Now. What you did in the past, is no longer here except for your conscious or unconscious desire to bring it back. You do this every time you decide to remember and focus on what you did or not. Focus on what IS Now. It is the only way in which we can aligned with the present frequency, heal, and expand into new horizons.

As humans it is very hard for us to let go and understand that sometimes things are not going to happen in the way we wanted them to occur, simply because we are very naive and we forget that there is always a Higher Force taking care of us, and knowing what is best for us All. Certain things have not happened, for you to be alive, and in joy in this present moment, as certain situations or state of beings would have led you to extreme situations. Other things did not occur because they were not good for you or for others that at that time were involved, in whatever way, with you. Whether you believe it or not, we are like children and we are always taken cared of.

There is no way the human can know the original plan that the Divine has for All. This is why it is so important not to judge the Universe, its Power, its Love for All and its infinite Assistance, in infinite ways we cannot know. For in thinking we know more, we are falling, again, falling into egoic traps.

In the moments you feel you are hopeless, alone, in pain, in fear or in any other lower emotions that make you feel you are not in control or know how to step out of these situations, in this precise moment, you are being surrounded, and assisted, by infinite beings and forms of consciousness that you cannot see/feel or heard but that are taking care of you. They are making sure that in the precise moment, when you were guided to release, there is no other force or being taking advantage of the emotional state you have at this moment.

You are being immensely protected, guided and wrapped in the Divine Embrace. You do not have to believe it or not, you do not have to feel it, you just have to allow it and be grateful for the things that are not seen but are taking care of you in ways that as human, you could never do.

All is a conscious choice of enabling this Divine Force to take care of you. All is a choice of whether you desire to see the truth of this Universe being a loving one, or whether you desire to keep feeding an old reality that is no loner existing, in this present moment. 

I have encoded this message for all who are guided to read it, and feel beyond the written words, with light language and the sacred sound of my white quartz singing bowl. I was guided to sing and in a way encoded this message with great love and healing vibes, for all who are releasing in this massive way, as I am now. Just to remember that you are never alone and that all that is happening is not negative or bad or wrong, but a wonderful blessing, showing you many things. 

The first one of them is your strength, for it is precisely in extreme emotional situations when we realize how strong we are, something that in normal situations we could not have become aware of. Secondly, is showing you that you are evolving and heading into the desired timeline, which is why you are constantly leaving the old aside. Lastly, that you are indeed you are embracing higher levels of Love, for you, and hence for All.

As we approach to the Equinox, especially with the Full Moon in Libra, we will be feeling the harmony and peace it will bring. For the ones who are stabilizers, remain always centered into your heart, especially during this month where we are going to be fully immersed in the task of assisting with the Earth's Fabrics stabilization, and the unique mission each of us has. In a time when many of us are experiencing an emotional release, it is important to support ourselves in this process, and be loving as we pass this phase.

Sometimes it is hard for  us to remain fully balance as we envision what is taking place in the collective, and as we continue to honor their choices as well as we also deal with our own releasing process. By the end of the month we will feel relief and with strength to continue with our conscious desire to expand and co-create, for above all, this is one of the most creative month of all the year, to enjoy align with our creative essence and bring this soul visions, in the physical. 

I send to you infinite love, light and bright blessings Beloved Companions.

May you, always, remain in the Illumined, and comforting, Essence of your Soul. 

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2019

New Moon in Pisces, March 6th, 2019 ~ The Realms of Illumined Truth

Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear. 

 Mahatma Gandhi 

Beloved Light Emissaries,

During this Piscean month, we are entering into the realms of Illumined Truth. This passage will be intensified by the New Moon at 15 degrees of Pisces on March 6th, where we will have the cosmic blessing of expanding our creative abilities and navigate through the Piscean-Neptune portal, something that, again, is done by conscious alignment with the energy that we desire to co-create with.

This is indeed a very important cosmic event for those who are prepared to retrieve more Truth, through the revelations that at this time are meant to come to you, which is why it is so important to be grounded, for in the realm of Pisces, we could fall into the trap of delusional or magical thinking, addictions etc., something that will be enhanced by Neptune.

Pisces, rules intuition, compassion and devotion to service, with Pisces comes freedom, and the completion of a cycle, in both the micro and in the macro, as it is also happening in the Planet. With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac endings come, as well as new beginnings for there is a moment in which both co-exist, at the same time. It is precisely from this timeless and spaceless moment, that we have the opportunity to create a new phase or to get attached to an old timeline. It is with Pisces that we begin to remember our true origins, clearing karmic patterns/debts, purifying ourselves and achieving personal enlightenment. 

At a cosmic level, we have the Sun, the Moon and Neptune in Pisces and the first two conjunct Neptune. This is going to be a great cosmic reunion for us to align with the compassionate essence of this loving Universe and with who we are, in nature. This is going to be a fountain of love, inspiration, creativity and Divine connection for us to connect with our inner creator. This will be a wonderful gift for us to expand our higher senses, harmonizing with these loving energies. 

Furthermore, the Sun will sextile Mars and Saturn, while on the other hand we also have Mars trine Saturn and this last one sextile Neptune. This will give us strength, vitality and the perseverance - Mars trine Saturn and Saturn sextile Neptune - required for us to stay grounded, make our soul visions tangible, know what this path of devotion truly means and honor our human journey, and mission, even though this path can also have some challenges that we need to overcome for our growth. 

It is a moment for the ones who are beginning to step into this journey to begin the process of conscious healing. For the ones who have been walking this path for a while, this is also going to be a gift for them to embrace a new form of communication, based on an equal collaborative exchange for teaching/sharing purposes, rather than the old channeling methods, as it used to be in the old. 

We are now becoming free sovereign beings, and when we embrace this journey as such, there is no such a thing as giving our power to outer forces and beings, for all come now from our God Source that resides within. This is what this wonderful passage is going to reminds us, that no matter what kind of information/guidance we try to retrieve, it shall be always searched within. 

A very important phase as well for us to work on our physical bodies, for our consciousness travels faster than our physical body, which is why many of us are already experiencing time different. However, our physical body does not, this is why it is so important to work with our bodies, for they are denser and need more adjustment and care, as we continue to embody our silicate original essence. 

New Earth body template

The process of building our new earth body template is not a one-day process. This is a task that is going to be challenging and long-term one and the more we focus on the physical sensations as something negative, the more that these symptoms will increase, for they are simply a natural result of our conscious choice of transmuting our physical bodies to its original substance.

There are many of us that are already seeing the physical evidences of this inner work, which is something that begins by working with our DNA and the releasement of all past energy/wounds/programs and anything that is impeding us to pass through this organic process of embodying our true essence. 

During this month, and especially during this Piscean Moon, we have the opportunity to continue working with the conscious labor that of assisting our bodies in their transfiguration process. It is a wonderful time to break old ancestral karmic patterns, old energy, and shift the physical blockages in our bodies that have come as the result of all the trauma or past patterns/energy that were/are in our emotional body. As you know if we hold for a long time a certain pattern that is not beneficial, it will eventually become physical.

Pisces rules the feet, pancreas, and lymphatic system. Piscean energies are perfect to work with past patterns as well as to work with these physical parts of our bodies that may have past energy stuck or that simply are beginning to experience a profound transformation due to the new frequency embodied. 

To work with these frequencies, we just have to set the intention to align with the essence of these energies rather than with what we have been taught they represent by astrology or simply by our own self-created beliefs and begin to truly understand that planetary essences simply are, and it is up to us to give them a meaning and direct them for the betterment of our being or not.

Although we can work with all the parts/organs of our body, at all times, there are certain frequencies that foment certain bodily works. These are some of the things we could work with the present Piscean energies:
  • Inner synthesis between masculine and feminine principles.
  • Balanced relationships
  • Feet issues
  • Pancreas 
  • Sexual trauma/abuse
  • Ancestral karmic patterns
  • Freedom from reincarnation - for Pisces precisely has to do with getting out of the karmic wheel. 
Our new bodies are not precisely build with just integrating energies and having the mental concept of what this involves. Our new body template is built by beginning to release all that was actually impeding this natural transformation and consciously direct this light to the building of what we were originally meant to be. 

Healing, and hence the subsequent activations, that come when we dissolve past energy/wounds, do not come by simply descend light into our bodies, but by talking to our bodies and do the work necessary for us to begin this process of physical mutation. 

Our body cells and everything within our bodies respond to our command and love, imagine them as little light beings, working for the sustenance of our bodies so we can experience an earthly life. 

Everything occurring within and without ourselves has consciousness, is made of light essence and is able to listen and to transform itself through our pure intention and love. This is in truth the true path to self-healing and hence, sovereignty. 

Channeling vs. conscious collaboration

In a month ruled by the many revelations that many of us are receiving, it is pivotal to learn to discern between the many sources from which we obtain guidance/information. This is why I was deeply guided to share, with great love and respect to All, about this profound subject that many call: channeling. 

During this time there is a tremendous influx of light - wisdom - being poured to us by several sources. On one hand and as we continue to embody new levels of consciousness, we receive more light from our God Self. On the other, through the cosmic frequencies coming from the new position - harmonic universe - that Earth as well as many of us, by conscious choice, occupy now.

This is why it is essential to discern with whom we decide to co-create or collaborate with, when we open ourselves to receive guidance, for we could fall into the trap of the many beings whose purpose is to distract, even destroy, the love mission many of us brought, when we decide to come into this planet. 

The importance of receiving guidance from authentic sources is pivotal to our path of conscious evolution as well as for the ones who have as a personal mission to share certain information for All. While I am not entering or go deeper into the many different ways of receiving information, I will make emphasis in the importance of aligning with authentic sources, and even more for the ones who are beginning to walk this path, for they may not be as conscious and as informed, as we already are, to discern from where and whom they are receiving guidance and information.

To me guidance differ from information in the sense that the first one is something that will assist you in your personal and unique journey. While the second one is more focused on simply offering specific information for All, regarding some subject or simply in general terms. The main aim of receiving guidance is to assist us in our human evolutionary journey. Whereas information will be about spreading truth or simply about helping us remembering our true origin and/or particular issue we desire to know best.

There is a lot of confusion about the word channeling, for as it happens with many spiritual terms, this word has been deeply used and hence, manipulated. Many refer to the word channeling as being literally the incorporation of an energy, form of consciousness and/or being/entity within our human body and personality. While others talk about channeling as being fully conscious while they receive certain guidance or information from one or several beings.

The difference between both shall be remarked. For it is essential that we understand that there is a lot of differences between the both of them. While to me, channeling involves the violation of your free will and hence, persona, whether the incorporation is allowed or not. the second one, which I prefer to label as conscious collaboration, and sometimes for the advanced souls co-creation, is what in truth many will refer as channeling. However, it is not exactly the same.

I will also emphasize the fact that channeling is often refered as the ability to transmit messages from non-incarnated beings. While on the opposite, or at least in my view, what many of us do is simply collaborating or participating of a conscious exchange with beings who are, like us, incarnated or residing in simply other planes of existences/dimensions/civilizations, call it as you prefer. The belief of som fo us being alive and others dead, is simply human, there is no such a thing as being dead, in truth. For we simply transform ourselves or pass to reside in another dimension. 

When we consciously collaborate with other light beings and/or form of consciousness, we do so from a total sovereignty space, the same as when we speak or collaborate with other human being. We are free and empowered beings who do not allow anything or anyone to take control of our bodies in whatever possible way it can occur. 

We consciously have allowed the exchange and as equals we agree to have these encounters, whether physical, energetically (as holographic ones, as it happens in the majority of the ETs encounters) or astrally. We are acting as physical translators or transmitters of cosmic information, something that we have already agreed, before incarnating as a soul agreement, or as something we are agreeing now, in this moment of our human experience.

By no means we are allowing any entities, to take control of ourselves and use us according to their purposes. Sometimes, channeling does not have to happen in that way and in the majority of the times it occurs by unconscious manipulation, which is why there are many in the spiritual community that truly believe they are channeling light beings, when in truth they are being manipulated and they are not even aware of it at all.

The danger of channeling shall be highly emphasized, especially at a time when many play with this. It can damage our nervous system and it can even result in soul fragmentation, due to the harm made in our system. 

When the exchange is equal, informative, of assistance and for the highest good of All, it will never violate anything or anyone. It will always occur with the person agreement and under the physical circumstances that will never harm the physical body. Besides, the information received will never coerce anyone, try to manipulate or control us in any way.

If during the exchange we are told what to do and how or when, then it is not going to come from a light source, for highly evolved beings never tell us what to do, they simply encourage us to heal, embrace a path of unconditional love and self-empowerment, beginning with our own selves, and be compassionate beings, no matter under what circumstances.

We will never receive future predictions, or if so, they will be not true. We will never receive any kind of gossip regarding a certain person, and less that we should "help" another by interfering into their unique path, for in the Illumined Realms there is no such a thing as violating the free will that we, as humans, have in this dense plane. For this is seen as a gift for the ones who decide to come here and learn, by own experience, how it is to live in a dense plane. 

There is another variant or version of channeling which is what many do at this time, which is channeling certain ascended masters or other beings. In my humble opinion and mainly through the guidance received, which I fully trust for they are higher aspects of me and my Unified Self, and I have spent years mastering with whom I decide to commune or not, this is very dangerous, because for more than the information received feels good to you, you rarely know who you are channeling.

Ascended Masters, Angels etc. desire for us to commune with our own God Self and Wisdom. These beings may offer us their assistance but they rarely will begin a process of constant canalization with humans, simply for doing so. It often tends to come from our minds or simply from our God Self and we have created the belief they are other beings, for humans tend to have these beings into a pedestal, without appreciating their own Wisdom within. 

The truth is that everything that comes from outside us that is not our Unified Self, personal Guides, who are often, like I said future/parallel selves of ourselves, or pre-planned encounters with our galactic soul family, from a sovereign space, is not going to come from a true fountain, simply because these beings, that some people think they channel, may not be the ones they say they are and it is very hard to discern about it.

Some beings will share loving information to simply take advantage of our energy and feed from them. Others, will try to enter into our auric field and begin their true purpose of manipulating us, between any other things. Lovelight beings indeed are willing to assist us. However, we must be the first ones in doing so, from within. 

Having said that, and if you are prepared to confront whatever it is you can find within that is not aligned with who you truly desire to work with, move inward, and see if you are receiving guidance from where and whom this is coming. I have been working with myself for now 17 years, for I began when I was an adolescent, as there were a lot of inner work to do, and still am doing so, for this is an endless path, and if I share this, it is precisely because I have experienced many times, many encounters that did not feel aligned with what I truly desired to share, and with what I consider to b light beings.

This is how we do it, by going first, feeling everything deeper within ourselves, so we can master it and be able to share the differences between an authentic and empowered encounter and a fake one. Needless to say that protection is essential before we begin to commune with other beings. This is a basic tool that I already assume many will do, daily. 

In my personal experience authentic and empowered encounter with other lovelight beings have occurred in these similar ways:
  • I often receive the guidance and information required for my own journey or to assist others through direct contact in a clauriaudient way, which I do not consider as channeling, for I see it as simply listening as I am able to do with any other human being. However, as the information can be very profound and detailed, it all depends on our level of consciousness, in what we are able to receive and hold, I receive the majority of the information in the form of a light packet, so to speak, so I can decode it after it. This is why many times  we may feel many sensations in our crown chakra, as a sign that we are receiving guidance/information.
  • Inner knowing: This is something that at the beginning will confuse many, for they may think this knowledge come from their minds, not being able to discern if it is authentic or not. One masters this with time and experience. This wisdom comes from our God Self, call it as you prefer, it is part of our ancient wisdom and it comes simply as a profound sense of knowing something that we could have never known by ourselves. 
  • Holograms: Regarding what many call physical encounters with other beings from other civilizations or ET if you prefer, they occur as holograms. Many say they have seen these beings, it is true, but what happens if you try to touch them? You will realize it is all happening in a holographic nature, for different purposes, I will not enter now. 
I know there are other ways for example being taken in crafts to be able to receive further instruction. However, I am only naming the ones I more often use. 

As always, take what resonates with your own guidance. Sometimes, even if we are not aware that what we do is not coming from an authentic source, we must realize it in our own way, for it is how we learn to discern and differentiate. 

I was guided to share about this, even though briefly, or what to me seems briefly, for this subject is very deep. I think this is pivotal fo the ones that consciously have chosen to come here to spread our personal truth and the cosmic guidance we receive, for if we do not begin by discerning with whom we choose to engage, energetically, we could not protect ourselves and unique mission.

As we evolve, we will realize that what we once considered to be truth, is just one aspect of the whole Truth. This occurs because our human minds and abilities are not yet able to understand the mind of the Creator. So every time we embody a new level of consciousness, we will realize a new True, one that does not revoke the previous one, but that adds something that we were not yet able to grasp, at this time.

This is why being humble is so important because even though we can receive certain truths, we are not going to be able to know All That Is and has ever existed, as humans, simply because there are infinite ladders to climb, within this infinite Universe, and we are just beginners.

The Realms of Illumined Truth are not hidden to anyone or just open on certain occasions. They are there for all whose pure intention, and purpose, is to retrieve information that will serve their evolution, and hence that of All. Our task is to remain as open and as humble as possible to receive the Truth rather than the previous human illusion we believed to be true. 

March is a time to dwell in Oneness. Pisces teaches us what Divine Love and compassion truly mean, as we dissolve the veils of human illusions and begin to listen to the whispers of our soul, calling us back Home, as we keep remembering our true Divine legacy and mission. As always, it is up to us to embrace this infinite love that may burn all that is not aligned, but that will also restore what is pure, unconditional and compassionate, in essence or continue to dwell in delusions.

This is a passage for us to merge with the Divine within and begin to create beyond all the illusions of who and what we have been told we are, the path that our soul truly desires for us - embracing our true potential, and living as the compassionate, and wise, masters of an earthly realm, that we are, in nature.  

I wish you a wonderful and magical New Moon in Pisces Beloveds!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

jueves, 28 de febrero de 2019

The Energies of March 2019 ~ Revelations

The truth is that you already are what you are seeking.


Beloved  Light Emissaries,

We are about to welcome one of the most creative and magical months of all the year. March is a month in which we dive deep into the ethereal, bringing profound revelations for us and our unique human journey. During this month - as its 6 universal frequency remind us together with the Full Moon in Libra and the Equinox, at the end of the month - the importance of being balanced and grounded is going to be pivotal for us to focus on the proper embodiment of these benevolent energies in both our human self and physical plane.

This six universal month is also related to family, not just our earthly one but our galactic soul family. This is a month where many will continue to experience soul gathering, for there are more souls who are beginning to step into the path of consciously leading others into the integration of ancient Truths or simply the opportunity to remember who they really are, in Essence. 

To align with the creative, revealing and harmony frequency of this month, although the pure intention to do so will serve, I have received that the peak of these energies will come on the 3/3 within a 3 universal year. This is a time for us to anchor balance, work in the stabilization of the Earth Fabrics - for those who have this as part of their mission, as this month is going to be very intense for the ones who are stabilizers - and bring deep healing in all aspects of ourselves and lives. 

This is a phase for those who need to embrace their shadows, for Piscean energies are perfect for this inner work, and it is also the first step towards true self-empowerment, sovereignty and authenticity. For the ones who have confronted their shadows and are already working with polarity integration, this will be a wonderful month to continue working with their DNA, for it is by doing so that we regain our natural ability to receive the insights that many keep searching outside. 

Lastly, there will be many who are immersed within a more harmonic phase who will be acting as creative channels - expanding their creative essence through the new creations that they are beginning to birth. As always it is all about where you are in your unique path and wherever you are will be what you need to experience to bring this remembrance of who you are, and the many gifts that you came here to share with All. 

Nothing is ever in vain. Where you are is perfect, because every encounter, experience and situation, of whatever kind, is training you to be the empowered, whole and free being that in truth you already are and that due to the forgetfulness process of incarnation, between other reasons such as human illusions and other distortions, you unconsciously forgot.

DNA synthesis & creative expansion

As you know what gives us the opportunity of becoming conscious beings and hence, evolving beyond our human plane and limited consciousness, is the inner work done by reconnecting the strands of our DNA that eons ago were deeply manipulated by the several seeding that humanity have had from different beings. 

Consciously working with our DNA is precisely what awakes our innate abilities - some of them hidden for eons. As you know humanity is now in the Aryan cycle race. Our main aim is to work with our layer 4 of our DNA as well as with soul retrieval, which is the process that involves the conscious recuperation of all the lost soul fragments, and hence wisdom, that have been dormant, and in pain, for many lifetimes. 

Since the Eclipses we are having the perfect frequencies for the ones who are ready to begin activating the dormant strands of their DNA. This is the process that follows DNA reconnection, being the first one the releasment and subsequent healing of it all. As starseed souls - Indigos, Crystals etc. - we have come with certain layers of our original angelic human or Diamond Sun DNA already reconnected, for us to activate them, once we were ready. 

This is precisely one of the reasons why the first waves of the so called Indigos began to incarnate into the Planet, to bring a new consciousness, something that cannot occur, as it was happening on Earth, if first we do not have our DNA properly reconnected or awake. These souls and the new wave of children that are beginning to descend into our planet, come already with their second DNA group layers already activated, which again corresponds to the second harmonic universe whose dimensions goes from the fourth to the sixth one. The one that our Planet as well as many of ourselves inhabit now. 

This does not mean that the New Earth Seeds cannot work on DNA activation, for they also have within all the wisdom required to activate at least the main layers that allow them to step into the next harmonic universe, where many of us already dwell. 

Our DNA goes in groups of three, as all within Creation, and as it also happens in the macro with dimensions, they are grouped in three. As our Planet successfully bifurcated from old earth and is now in the 4/5 harmonic universe, a band of frequency that contains dimensions 4, 5 and 6, it is now our responsibility to work on the same DNA strands that resonate with this frequency band. 

These bands are not separated, as neither are our DNA strands. The only thing that differentiates them or that tells us the pass from one layer to the next one is the different frequency hold by ech and everyone of them. Layers 4, 5 and 6 are the DNA strands that have to do with the conscious integration of the Divine into the physical. It is where the melding between our God Self and physical begins to occur. 

The more we work with our DNA the more we will notice how we regain our natural ability of being creative channels, which has nothing to do with channeling outer forces or beings, but to align, again, with the one within and expand our essence, and soul visions/creations, in a physical reality.

DNA activation tools

There are many methods you can use to begin the process of DNA reconnection/activation. What I personally do is to consciously talk to my DNA, removing annunaki manipulation/distortion, negative implants (which are not only ET ones but the ones that we unconsciously create by negative self-talk etc.), and all past wounds and energy that remain in both my emotional body and body cells. This is pivotal and the first step to be done when we desire to decode the wisdom that resides in our DNA. 

Our voice is heard, understood and appreciated by our body cells, DNA and our entire body, for we are the Higher Self, so to speak, of them. As it is represented in the macro it is also in the micro. No one can command to our DNA but ourselves, it will simply not work, for our body will not recognize any authority. 

If we wish to ascend, it is pivotal that we understand that we cannot live isolated, separated from one another, thinking we know and can do all by ourselves. However, the path to unification is more a path of recognizing that all this is within than continuously searching it outside of ourselves. Compassion, confirmation, assistance without interference, is unity, is conscious connection and help. Doing things for others or believing that we can do so for them, especially in healing, is interference and violation of our own sacred being, space and path. 

There is another important and basic tool we can use when working with our DNA, one that many who are used to work with Earth Fabrics use, for it is what guide us towards the different Earth pathways and stargates, which is the 12 tree of life grid. Every sphere of the tree of life connects to the Earth's stargates, to our chakras and to the unique time codes with which we were born. 

As we meditate and focus on the life tree, we will begin to decode and repair all the distortions that impeded us to embody the knowledge that resides within our DNA and that will help us to know who we are, as well as our organic connection to Earth. This is a long-term and not easy task that comes when we already have certain knowledge about our mission and unique journey. However, it is precisely by doing it, instead of trying to understand it mentally, that makes us masters of our own life experience. 

I know many in the spiritual community claim to have their entire DNA reconnected or almost all the layers. Since I receive many emails asking about my opinion regarding this subject, the only thing I can share is the guidance I obtain about where the majority of us are in terms of DNA activation. My Guides, or Illumined Selves of me, shared there is no one on Planet Earth who has all their DNA already reconnected, for our human body could not even hold the potency it brings, not with the present human body that we possess, for it is yet too dense.

One of the main physical changes that involves having our entire DNA reconnected is the cease of the physical deterioration that we experience a humans and that lead us to death. No one, that I know, is already experiencing that. Our biology, even though is shifting, continue to be the same. This is why it is so important to stay grounded, so we can begin to see, with clarity, the real process that we are experiencing, without wanting to go further, for each phase is unique and precious, simply as it IS. 

This is delusional and it is fine, for it is precisely by experiencing what is not real that we finally get to what truly is. The fact that humanity, and more souls are awakening each day, is already a motive for us to be in joy. We do not have to constantly want to go further, without being even physically prepared yet, or wanting to be what we cannot, at the moment. 

This is an endless process, for DNA not just holds 12 strands but as the ones of our first forefathers it can reach until 48 strands. As we continue to evolve within this eternal spiral, there will be more inner work to do to regain higher levels of consciousness. There is never a final destination in evolution, for God is infinite and so is His/Hers/Its Wisdom. 

DNA physical visible changes

Since the beginning of this year, there are more who are beginning to do this DNA activation work, something that is reflected in the physical by experiencing many changes. 

Some of them are:
  • Physical changes in bone structure, and hence weight, and muscles density.
  • New insights: the more we awake our DNA strands and work with ourselves, the more revelations we will receive, for this is precisely what occurs, when we awake what has been dormant, which is nothing but Divine Wisdom, bringing us information about ourselves and human history.
  • Chakras membranes dissolution: this occurs when we are ready to finally step into a higher frequency and hence harmonic band or dimension, and our first, second and third chakras dissolve their denser membranes. 
  • Polarity integration: a process that happens simultaneously with that of the dissolution of our chakras membranes, as a sign of the beginning of the embodiment of unity consciousness. You will notice how your sense of human judgement begins to vanish, between many other things that will begin to crumble. 
  • Changes in our endocrine and nervous system. 
  • Shifting eating habits and foods. I do not resonate, precisely because it happened to me, with the ones who have the fixed belief that shifting your eating habits has to be done gradually. While I consider it to be a good way of transiting from one diet to another, and have nothing against it, in my case, after a "dream" I had, I never again was able to eat anything that comes from animals. From one day to another, when I did not even try to wanted or not to become a vegan.
This is something that to me occurs, when the soul considers, the same as when our soul awakes us. For our physical body is no longer needing to eat certain foods. Others, who are highly evolved beings, at least to my humble opinion, consider eating meat is essential for us to be grounded and because for humans this is something that is acceptable. I respect all. However, my humble advice would be simply to do, wisely, for taking care of ourselves is vital, what our bodies ask us to do. 
  • Menstruation changes.
These are just some of the many physical repercussions that come with the reconnection of our DNA. As we all are unique there will be more, of course. With the coming of these changes, we will also experience, headaches, teeth issues, body shape changes, and many other sensations/changes that come from releasing old energy as well as for the dissolution, and hence pain, which is a natural process, that our body is doing, as it dissolves and embrace its natural silicate essence.

Planetary alignments 

At a cosmic level, we ended February with a very galactic and loving Super Full Moon in Virgo together with the Sun entering into Pisces and Chiron in Aries, after having spent years in this Water sign. The frequency of this month is introduced by the numbers 15 - 6 reduced - as a sign of the stabilizing energies that we are going to receive for us to work on self-balance.  

Number six is a message for us to bring synthesis into the aspects of us that are in rebellion, as if we wish to create harmony and peace in the physical, first we need to embrace the aspects of us that are dwelling in fear, in pain and hence, in separation. The frequency from this month reminds us of the love that we all are - in Essence - and that we came here to embody within our Human self. 

Number six is represented by the tarot card of the Lovers, which to me, is not just about physical relationships but about the inner synthesis, between opposites, that has to occur before it happens with another being. Balanced relationships or enlightened ones, come when first we love ourselves and act, at all times, as integrated and whole beings, for it is by acquiring perfect equilibrium and inner unity, that we can truly merge with another with integrity and equality. 

As another confirmation of the loving and liberating essence of March, which is one of unity, harmony and profound healing, this month begins with Venus entering into Aquarius on the first day of the month and with Mercury turning "retrograde" in March 5, something that as you probably know, I simply leave as an informative planetary data, not as something I believe or make real, for this is in truth an illusion from our Planet, and I do not focus on illusions or something that has no effect in my own path. I leave it to you to make of this event what you consider more relevant, for your own path.

Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance in Free Aquarius is going to assist those who are working on liberate themselves from limited or fixed beliefs, especially related to abundance, which is another form of love, and from attachments in relationships, for this is pivotal to be able to create an equal and balance reunion between two sovereign individuals. This is going to be an opportunity for us to work with our emotional plane regarding stuck emotions as well as the limited beliefs some have about the way in which abundance flows to them, for there are many who are still attached to the old ideas of how to sustain themselves. 

Precisely on March 6, we have two important events: Uranus entering Taurus and a New Moon at 15 degrees of Pisces, which also coincides with the universal number 15 of this month. Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury, and the first of the transcendental Planets, in Taurus will assist us to reinvent ourselves, breaking free from old mental chains, finally expanding into new horizons by creating that which is finally aligned with who we have become. Uranus's frequency is meant to destroy old worlds, obsolete ones that impede us in embracing our true potential and experiencing new realities. 

Traditions, old habits, what is familiar... Uranus's essence will dissolve all that is keeping us enslaved, helping us to remake our entire world, so we can move into a zone of infinite possibilities, whether known or unknown, for Uranus does not fear what is new, on the contrary, it dwells in what is genuine, unknown and inexperienced. 

As Uranus will stay in Uranus for seven years, this will also cause not just many changes in our physical lives but globally, for as it happens within it is without. During this time we are going to see many changes that will have to do with breaking old rules that coerce people and the fall of many structures that were only meant to diminish our true potential. This will be an Era of new inventions and great inspiration. 

Secondly, we have the New Moon in Pisces, which will be all about surrendering, letting go and be open to receive the Truth/Revelations from the Illumined Realms, that we many need to continue with the path that we have chosen. We have the Sun and the Moon all conjunct in Pisces. This is an invitation for us to wonder to what we are clinging on to and we also have Mercury in Pisces, it will be an opportunity for us to remember how important it is to speak to ourselves kindly, with compassion and with the love and affection that we will give to a child. 

We are innocent beings having a human experience. The majority of us who have chosen to be in this evolutionary journey do our best to fulfill a path that is not easy when one is constantly releasing fake/half truths and integrating new ones, for we have to leave it all behind. Therefore, treat yourself with respect, for this is not an easy or one day process and it takes time, devotion and discipline. While having Mercury in Pisces is indeed an opportunity for us to watch our thoughts, observing in what way we speak to ourselves and others. 

Until March 20,  we do not have more activity in our Heavens, for this is a month where all the influx will be concentrated in the first and last week of the month. During the first week will be more a period of integration and receiving new direction. On the last week, the energies will be for us to stabilize that which we have been integrating/creating/expanding. 

In this day, March 20, we have three important events: the Sun moving from Pisces to Aries, a Full Moon in Libra and the Equinox, when the energies will reach its maximum apogee. This is a day to assist, for those whose mission involves restoring the Earth Fabrics, stabilize and anchoring the codes received from the star gates. We all can help in bringing deep cleansing and healing into the Planet, in our unique way. For others, this will be a day to focus more on themselves and the things they have to clear or harmonize. Again, every time we choose to work on ourselves, we are also helping healing the whole, so no matter what we choose to do, for as long as it will be about bringing more focus on unity and love, will serve All. 

This is, at least for me, a day to spend in profound silence, away from social media, for in the moment you are focus on being constantly chatting, sharing etc, you are not focusing on the importance than being present, integrating this frequency, has. It is a day to fully focus on our connection to Earth, and in anchoring this light for All. Finally, we also have a wonderful and stabilizing Full Moon at the special 0 degrees of Libra. This will equilibrate the energies that during the Equinox were poured into the Planet. 

We end the month with Venus entering into Pisces on March 26, Mercury turning direct on March 28 and Mars entering into Gemini the last day of the month. The energies that we are going to receive from the cosmic and magical encounter between Venus and Pisces are formidable healing ones for both, the unresolved healing issues with our own selves and with our relationships. 

Pisces invites every planet that dwells in its deep Waters, to go deeper into its visionary and healing frequency to realize if challenges, and our deep sense of separation, have been transcended and if not, to integrate all the experiences and wisdom acquired in order to move forward by being renewed and with an open heart to embrace that is meant to touch our life, next. 

For those of you who have already integrated the knowledge received from past challenges and its wounds, it is going to be a time to go deeper into your unique process of alchemical union, as the inner process of soul integration never ends, and start anchoring all the magic, manifestations and soul encounters desired from this same place of openness and wholeness, by knowing that you need no one else or any other external thing to make it happen. 

For others that have not yet integrated all the fragments of their souls, this is a cosmic gift for you to work with self-love/acceptance, and forgiveness when the echoes of the past begin to come back again, without judging the self or any other soul involved in this process. It is a time to surrender, to become the observer of all the past relationships we maintained that served a purpose and that for some reason, we have not released yet and are not allowing us to fully step into new enlightened relationships. 

Visualize all your soul past encounters, and surround them within Golden/White Light, feel the heat of the love, become aware of the perfection that these souls, in Essence are, see them as Divine beings and not as someone who hurt you. Speak to their souls, their human body may not be present, but their souls are fully aware of this healing process of integration and the recognition that you both are equal beings helping each other into this earthly realm to embody higher levels of love and consciousness. 

Venusian energies in Pisces together with the powerful ones of Neptune in this same Water sign, connect us with our inner creator, something that will be enhanced in a month whose main frequency is one of love and creativity, represented by the numbers 6 and 3s. This energies will help us giving birth to our new visions, expanding ourselves into our soul desires and other realms of existence, as this is a time for us to immerse ourselves within our inner senses - connecting to our souls, listening to its guidance - and Divine inspirations - more than focusing on the outer. 

March's gift is for those who are brave enough to transcend old patterns, as Piscean energies invite us to do, ways of being and begin to embrace their true essence and unique abilities. When we decide to become the pillars of light, the embodiment of Divine Light that we are, we begin to realize the tremendous power that resides within ourselves and that was wasted by giving it to others. This is the continuation of the energies that began with the previous month and that invite us to begin being in love, and in joy, for all of who we are, and share.

It is vital that we understand that we are our own oracles. A sovereign free being searches nothing outside, for he/she understands he/she is roaming around the wrong places. A sovereign, and hence wise being, commune with the God within to remember, and when one finds oneself in a crossroad, one finds assistance in others through confirmation, love, compassion and simply in the warm embrace of an equal companion, never the answers that can only be found within.

Revelations as it is often believed do not come from outside ourselves. If we desire to truly embrace a sovereign journey, first, we need to understand that everything we idealize is already within. Understanding this mental concept is easy, however, feeling it and acting a such, is another different thing. Revelations come when we work with ourselves, releasing the dense energy that is impeding them to come into the surface of our physical being. 

The more we continue searching outside, the more we will fall into the risk of integrating fake guidance, delusions and magical thinking. While the more we commune with our soul, the more we will be finally able to truly envision who we are, and the unique mission and path, that was designed for us.

I AM a conscious being choosing, at every moment, to remain in the Wisdom and Power of my soul.

I AM One with the Force that creates worlds, co-creating with It, always, bringing forth only that which is going to be of assistance to All.

I AM forever abiding in possibility, for this is where the living Source dwells, in love, light and compassion with All.

I AM the Light that loves and heals everything it touches, consciously choosing to sojourn in the unconditional and loving frequency of my God Self, now and always.

I AM Divine Wisdom incarnated within a physical body, experiencing myself through a dense reality, and remembering the true power and infinite knowledge that lies beneath the illusion of being human. 

And so are You.

I wish you all a creative, revealing, and blessed March, Beloved Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba