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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New Moon in Cancer. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New Moon in Cancer. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 28 de junio de 2022

New Moon in Cancer, June 29, 2022 ~ Harmony

Beloved Ones,

In our journey to ascend into a more harmonic reality, there will be times when confusion and the many distractions that surround us, will profoundly overwhelm us. There are times when one has to stop all mental noise, physical input, other's personal opinions and begin journeying within, for there are times when our egoic self and mind will not know what is real, what is not, and where we should go next, in our personal quest for a more illumined way of living.

The New Moon in Cancer together with Neptune retrograde, although in my personal view, whether retrograde or not, Neptune's essence continues to be one of profound wisdom, intuition, and profundity, is one of these times when we should navigate within, to regain clarity, balance, wisdom, and healing, as many continue losing themselves, searching outside, rather than simply moving within, to find the peace and calmness that they so desire.

Neptune's essence is there for all who desire to confront and embrace their shadows, commune with their soul to receive the truth, and regain wisdom to follow their unique journey. Neptune gives us the opportunity to retrieve wisdom, recognize our shadows and clear them, so we can grow spiritually. The most important is to recognize illusion independently of the inner work we have chosen to do at this time. 

A moon that provides us with the opportunity to connect, not with forces, beings outside ourselves, but with the ones that reside within, for All Creation dwells inside ourselves, and it is in forgetting this connection, that we lose direction. 

During this Moon there will be aspects - the Moon semisextile Venus, which at the same time sextile Jupiter too - that will create the perfect harmonic atmosphere for us to go inside and become our own caretakers, for this is where unconditional love begins, not when we self-sacrifice for others, but when we begin by loving and respecting the God Aspect of Creation that we are too. 

Moving inward is risky for we may find many shadows, wounds, and old companions that continue to be attached to our present selves. Being brave to face and deal with all that hurt us inside is what will allow us to clearly see who we are, what needs to be dissolved, and where we are in our present evolutionary path. 

Another important aspect is Jupiter in a square with the New Moon, which will expand our feelings. If we are focused on healing, commitment, and creating more confidence and peace, this is what will expand for us. On the contrary, if we focus on fear, anger, disempowerment, and frustration, it is what we will see reflected. 

It is all a matter of choosing our frequency and remaining in it to obtain similar results. This seems very basic, but this is precisely where many fail, in remaining in the chosen frequency, as it is through negative thoughts, repetition of old patterns, etc,. that they come back to a lower state of being. 

This is why it is so important to heal and shift from the root, from our template. Otherwise, we will be working superficially, as we have not yet commanded and re-coded our DNA, which is why we continue to feel unhealed and incomplete. 

Guides share these two wonderful crystals - cavansite and apophyllite - to help us establish a deeper connection to our God Illumined Self, through the clearing and opening of our third eye, as well as to connect with our inner realms and guidance, for guidance does not come from outer realms or beings, as it is often believed, but from our own Unified Self, and Guides team, which are often part of who we are too. 

We are immersed in a Wisdom passage, until the Lions Gate, in which we have the opportunity to allow the Universe's Intelligence to guide us towards the next steps of our journey. This is a unique time for us to commune with our God Self, descend more light from Above, and revise our journey, what we have created, and where this is taking us now, as everything is always in constant communication with us, it is us the ones who need to adjust our frequency and align with it, to allow this connection. 

Have a blessed passage, Beloveds!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 22 de junio de 2022

Neptune retrograde & New Moon in Cancer, June 28, 2022 - Sensitivity, Intuition and Truth

Beloved Ones,

During this intense passage, that Guides name the Wisdom Passage, we will be immersed in a wave that began with the Solstice and that will continue with the 7/7 portal, until the 8/8 gate. A passage in which we are blessed with the harmonic energies coming from loving Cancer, as we will have a New Moon in this sign at the end of the month, that will help us bring more balance into ourselves and rejuvenate, as we continue with our conscious choice of re-coding all that have been deeply damaged during eons. 

This wave is one that comes with the Solar codes, together with the sixth and seventh frequencies required for us to create a total transformation in our DNA, for it is time for us to begin the authentic work that will determine ascension, and that is only achieved if we truly shift all from our original template. 

On this same day when the New Moon occurs, we will also have another important planetary event, especially for those who continue focusing on retrogrades, as Neptune will turn retrograde. This is an opportunity to commune with our God Self, descend more light from Above, and revise our journey, what we have created, and where this is taking us now. 

However, together with Cancerian energies, as Neptune makes a square with the New Moon, it can also be a time in which we can feel very sensitive, emotional and if we have not healed past wounds and balanced ourselves properly, fall into old patterns, as these two forces together come to show us where we have not yet work on unification. 

Feeling sensitive, and emotional, is something that we all need, for we all release through tears, or in many other ways from time to time, what the emotional, mental, and physical bodies need to remove. What is not healthy is dwelling in this pain for long, as it is a sign that we have not properly cleared and healed timeliness, as well as the aspects of us that are not yet integrated, as if not, we will move from pain, and fear, to love and unity again, feeling the love, joy, and peace that comes when we become whole again. 

This passage is a very profound one for us to receive new insights, revelations about our personal journey, and all we wish to clarify for the path we are creating. As it is with Neptune that we begin to distill illusion and we move to a space where we are more open to receiving the Truths that we are ready now to embrace, and that will shift our perspective of who we are, and our reality. 

At a time when humanity is oscillating between continuing living in a false reality or stepping into a conscious and more harmonic timeline, the powerful feminine essence of Neptune is pivotal at a time when collectively many are awakening and remembering who they truly are. This is the main work that Neptune in Pisces is doing with humanity, for all these years. 

Neptune's essence is transpersonal, as it goes deeper not just on an individual level but on a collective one. Neptune is a macro representation of what is taking place globally - the return to our original Divine Self, searching for Truth and Wisdom. Neptune's portal is open for those who desire to confront and embrace their shadows, commune with their soul to receive the truth, and regain wisdom to follow their unique journey. 

As you know, Neptune retrograde is another collective belief. This is a conscious Era in which we already know that the Planets are evolving themselves within this endless spiral of Creation. Wanting to continue seeing Planets as retrogrades or as governing us limits our human experience.

We are all on different paths, for we are all unique. Neptune gives us the opportunity to retrieve wisdom, recognize our shadows and clear them, so we can grow spiritually. The most important is to recognize illusion independently of the inner work we have chosen to do at this time. 

Discerning everything we receive is pivotal. We can receive from our egoic minds, from a programmed space that is not yet cleared, or we may truly receive from the depths of our soul, and Guides team, authentic information.

Our task is to keep ourselves grounded, purified, open to learning, and distill illusions we considered to be true, for the more we grow, the more we realize that there is always a higher truth that we were not able to see, due to our limited human view.

We are the pioneers of this New Harmonic Cycle, and as such our main task is in removing all illusions so we can live authentically.

This takes time, devotion, and many challenges. Although, it is too a blessed and wonderful path. 

I wish you All a loving and healing passage, Beloveds. 

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

domingo, 19 de julio de 2020

New Moon in Cancer, July 20th, 2020 ~ Conscious Release

Beloved Ones, 

We are about to welcome the second New Moon at 28 degrees Cancer, which is very rare and continues the feminine energies that are assisting many of us to heal the wounded feminine. This is a Moon to finally reclaim our feminine power and the many abilities that during eons have been literally suppressed, especially energetically, by precisely the creation of a satellite - the Moon - whose influence was meant to distort the many planetary Grids and structures  on Earth. 

It is with the present energies, including this second Moon, and the pure essence behind it in unison with the many other galactic energies that are being poured to us, that we finally are able to release the wounded feminine and begin to embrace both the masculine and the feminine in its authentic version, and with the equality that they were meant to have, since the very the beginning. 

At a healing level, the essence of the cosmic events happening during this Moon, will also be of great assistance, for those who are willing to work with this nurturing frequency. As I always say, Cancer is the Mother - one of the most intuitive signs of all the zodiac who lives in the realms of emotions and a higher form of love -  represents the female principle of creation, the feminine aspect of us that gives birth, heals and nurtures everything it touches. So, for those experiencing some challenges in their path, regarding self-love, nourishment issues and/or in their relationships, this will be a very powerful energy to do the inner work required to dissolve what is not aligned with our Soul true desires and relationships. 

At a cosmic level, the Cancer Moon opposite Saturn, which is often seen as the karmic planet. To me, it is the essence that helps you creating the structures and order in the aspects of ourselves and lives that need balance and strong foundations. As the Sun conjunct the Moon, we have a boost of energy for us to embody more power and direct it towards the building of the pillars of our new lives. 

It is important that in order to get a better picture of the authentic essence of any planetary body, we first commune with their essence, in the best way that we can. Otherwise, we will continue feeding the old human delusions and fake interpretations of astrology or mythology.

Conscious release 

This is a very emotional phase, as we have many energies working together to assist us in the process of conscious release. In my personal experience, I do not remember a Moon so emotional as the previous Cancer Moon and now this one. For me, it has been quite an experience of deep appreciation, releasement through tears, and above all integration.

Tears are meant to allow the body to release any unexpressed or hidden emotion that have been living deep within our bodies, for a lot of time and that the body now needs to release. If we do not release it, then this certain emotion, depending on the type of wound or trauma experienced, began a process of crystallization, becoming part of our bodies, in a non-natural way, and hence, it is was causes the process of diseases and mental/emotional imbalances. 

It is pivotal that even though we many not understand why we are feeling so emotional, we allow ourselves to breathe, cry, feel, and release in the unique way that our bodies choose to do so. Or we may fall into patterns of unconsciously modifying our DNA with negative programs that we have created by ourselves, and many other distorted commands, that we give to our cells by suppressing certain emotions. 

This is a very important period for the ones who are working with familiar/genetic mutations, to release and program themselves again, genetically. As you know, we have been modified in many ways and these energies are perfect for us to dissolve the mutations that genetically we have had due to the many human experiments made throughout our human history. This is something that has been recently done through vaccines and in many other ways, some they cover by telling us that it is done to protect us. However, it is another intent to genetically manipulate us. As always, take what resonates with your own guidance. 

This New Moon is going to help us all in the conscious embrace of all the wounds that the repressed feminine has created for years in many of us. Eons of not being allowed to express who we truly were, eons of suppression of our inner gifts, as the feminine envisions what the lower forces do not desire to see, for they dwell in darkness. 

Indeed, many carry within many wounds and traumas from other lifetimes, other times in when expressing our hearts and abilities were not allowed, as it is our power what these lower forces most fear. Now, many of us have come back to finally shine our inner wisdom, and authentic power, for it is now that we have also healed the distorted masculine, and it is now ready to embrace the feminine and protect it, in all its power and beauty.

It is our conscious desire to transcend an old reality of patriarchal domination and unlove. It is our conscious will, at every single moment, to stand tall in who we are, in our uniqueness and begin allowing more of our Light to illuminate others, as they also leave their fear to embrace their power.

We may not always conquer all we wish, but if we just be who we are, and step into the path that our soul guides us, we will be helping to transform an old society that have been deeply inflicted with pain and fear, into a loving and peaceful one.

As starseed and earth seeds, our main mission is not to fight, convince others or interfere, for we cannot avoid others to experience their unique path to enlightenment. Our unique task when chosen to incarnate into this plane, is to love, All, as equal, not just what resonates, as we now remember that All is part of the Divine, playing an important role within Creation, and above all, within this dual plane, as it is the only one that reminds us what light and love truly is, as this is the main aim of the dark.

I have infused this article with great love and light language using my light tools. For I was deeply guided to do so. As my Unified Self shared there are times when the frequency, and Essence, that one transmits is more important, and more necessary, that words. So, I hope it can be felt and appreciated, where needed, Beloved Ones. 

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

martes, 20 de junio de 2017

New Moon in Cancer, 23/24 June, 2017 ~ Becoming Conduits of Divine Love

Through intense deep meditation you reach a state that is beyond thought, beyond change, beyond imagination, beyond differences and duality. Once you can stay in that state for a while and come out of it without losing any of it, then the inner divine love will begin to pour through you. You will not see people as different, separate individuals. You will see your own Self in everyone around you. Then the flow of love from within you will be constant and unbroken.~Swami Muktananda

Beloved Ones, 

This is the beginning, as well as the ending, of a very intense passage that will help us ground ourselves in our transitional journey to a Higher Dimensional Octave. It is with this New Moon in Cancer that we also end an old micro cycle at the same time that we begin to navigate through a higher wave, experiencing a deep frequency shift that will begin with the coming of the Solstice and that will last throughout this summer, especially during the Eclipse that we will face in August.

During all summer, our Planet will find itself receiving a cosmic infusion of frequencies, from the higher realms of illumination, that will assist us to make the necessary changes in our physical bodies required to dismiss what is not going to serve our New path. Before the intensity that awaits us, in the following months, we have a nurturing and loving New Moon in Cancer, to illuminate our path to a higher form of love and self-healing. 

Cancer - the Mother, one of the most intuitive signs of all the zodiac who lives in the realms of emotions and a higher form of love - represents the female principle of creation, the feminine aspect of us that gives birth, heals and nurtures everything it touches. a natural caretaker, healer and the one who is responsible for birthing our inner visions. As Cancer is the nurturing sign par excellence, it is related to the physical parts of us who feed and protect.

This is why, at New Moon, any breast or stomach - uncomfortable - issues, for emotions are processed in our digestive area, will show you where you need to nourish yourself, more, as you are feeding your human fears and this is the way your body has to express itself. As Sol is going to be very active as well, there will be sensations of being exhausted and drained, especially for the ones who are doing the inner work of DNA re-connection. Do not push yourself to integrate more, to reach a higher state of being. You are, always, being all you need to be and exactly where you need to be.

Furthermore, at this time of our ascension journey, many find themselves dwelling between the light and the darkness, for as we keep bifurcating from old 3D Earth, we will have to choose whether we desire to act always within Divine Love or whether we allow our human fears to control us. It is well-known, since a long time, that there is a warfare between the dark forces that still dwell in fear and the souls who are assisting to bring back the love and higher way of living that is in our Divine Nature. 

It is during this bifurcation period that stabilizers, New Earth Anchors, Gatekeepers, between many other precious roles within Creation, find themselves strengthening the bridge with New Terra, for the souls who are consciously choosing to step into it. We all do it in many ways - as the multidimensional beings that we are - while we are consciously working in the astral, when we are awake, by anchoring our loving frequency on Earth, and while we are focused at all times in our heart, feeling, thinking and acting, always, from this compassionate space. 

At the New Moon time, we have the sun, the moon, Mercury and Venus in Cancer, together with Neptune and Chiron also in the water sign of Pisces. On the other hand, we have a T-square occurring between Mars in Cancer, squaring Jupiter in Libra and opposing Pluto in Capricorn.  This is going to challenge us to see where we see everything within Divine Love or where we still judge and foment the fear that is still a residue that should  be cleared, for it prevents  us from seeing - with clarity - that in truth all is always love incarnated in a dense realm having their own experience to remember the purity and the loving Source from where we all originally come from. 

We also have Neptune, the Planet of Illusion and Intuition, retrograde since June 16 until November 22 in Pisces. As Neptune aligns with the Moon, we  are going to feel even more sensitive to these ethereal frequencies. Magic, creativity, and a higher understanding of reality comes with Neptunian energies, for this is where we commune with our subconscious - descending all the creations that our souls desires to bring into the tangible.

However, as we live in a dual reality, Neptune and even more being closer to the Moon, brings delusion, if we focus and polarize into a certain state of being. It is with Neptune that we master the parts of us that are still addicted to someone or certain substances. It is with this Planet that we dwell, for a while, in the depths of our being, and begin to heal our hidden fears and wounds, realizing that our shadows are precious and a part of  the light, for they give us an opportunity to love all of who we are as an equal part of the Divine. 

From my perspective, and as a Pisces, having Neptune, has helped me tremendously to bring into the surface all my human self denied. It is a great opportunity to observe to what things or to whom you give your power away. Do you give it to any addiction, for it allows you to escape reality as well as to lull your pain? Do you give it to a certain person, giving them the power to make you happy or not? If so, only compassionate love will show you the light of who you are, for you need to remember, again, the magnificence of who you are as well as the importance of your Presence here. 

Neptune comes to help you master your human self, not to punish you. Its frequency is always a loving one that we may polarize, but if we become the witness, it will be the cosmic catalyst that will assist us to master the aspects of us that still reside in pain, in illusion, and above all, in fear. 

This is in fact a very powerful and healing Moon, for it offers us the opportunity to go deeper within our hidden feelings and egoic wounds and bring them to the surface, realizing that they were never about what others did to us, but about what we did to ourselves in our lack of consciousness and egoic vision of our reality. It takes time, inner work and conscious dedication/intention to completely detach oneself of our human self and become the witness to clearly perceive what is impeding us to see what we are not able to confront yet and heal. 

The path to self-transformation and ascension is not an easy one, for we have to first become aware of the many egoic mechanisms that make us believe that we are not worthy, loved or on the contrary; superior or more ascended than others. In this path of conscious integration, our soul will present us with the challenges required for us to grow by triggering within the aspects of us that are not yet unified. in fact, it takes self-discipline and strength to be able to embrace our darkness and even though we are immersed deep within it, being able to see the light and the love residing in it as well.

It is with this New Moon in Cancer, that we are going to be able to stop all human noise, commune with our soul and ask ourselves if we are seeing the Love and Joy of the Creator in All of our present life experiences, whether we label them as being good or bad, or if we are yet blaming others, judging and not loving all equally. Remember, beloveds, no one has ever done anything to you, and taking responsibility for all that  happens within your unique human journey is one of the main things we learn, sometimes the hard way, during our conscious evolutionary path.

Another important aspect of this Cancerian Moon, is that the sun and the moon conjunct Mercury. With the sun conjunct mercury, we have a cosmic gift to establish a higher form of communication with the Higher realms, which again, dwell within ourselves. This is an opportunity to communicate with our soul/Unified Self and begin to listen to the Truth that our human ego denies. However, the sun conjunct the moon could bring past memories that are yet not understood and released, especially related to our family and past relationships. 

This Moon brings great opportunities and fated soul encounters, but first one needs to be purified of all that our human self gets attached to. If you are yet wondering why a past relationship did not work, if this will come back or why are you not in the partnership you would like to be, maybe it is time for you to see what  is the relationship that you first maintain with yourself. 

Nurture yourself, dwell within, and from this loving space, talk to your inner child, to your actual self, and bring forgiveness, and understanding to that which - you are in the illusion of thinking - has hurt you in your past. Bring compassion and forgiveness to All and begin to walk a path of harmlessness and conscious interaction towards yourself and everyone that crosses your path. 

This New Moon brings a nurturing, revealing and healing light, for those who are ready to embrace their true feelings and shadows without human fears, and begin to function as unified lovelight beings. It is nothing new that humans dwell in fear, as manipulated and programmed species since eons ago, this has been our main defensive egoic mechanism. 

There are a lot of beings who find themselves ascending towards the liberation of this primary and delusional fear, but the truth is that we all still fear many things, and within them our true Divine potential, for we are now just beginning to awake and realize what we are really made and capable of.

To be able to act as sovereign beings aware  of our true power, first we must embody humility and accept all we have done with infinite love towards ourselves. We cannot walk a path of unity whilst still labeling/separating ourselves from others. We cannot desire the perfect relationships, if we first do not embrace ourselves completely. We can never have what we are not. It is a time to reconnect with our wounded self and heal the aspects of it that are still immersed in fear. 

It is time for you to stand tall in your truth, in what you have to share, in your unique way, for it is not about you, this is egoic, but about the assistance that others will receive from you, when you decide to see your true Divine potential, embody your soul mission, and share your unique light. For this will bring deep healing not just to yourself but to All. 

We are waiting for you, I know so many souls desire to share and are afraid of sharing their precious guidance. I know you, I have known you forever, I know you have doubts about who you are and your soul gifts, but it is finally time, to embrace a higher journey, where you may leave many things/relationships aside, but just begin embracing the authentic ones that are meant to touch your life at this transitional time, within Creation. 

You came here to be seen, appreciated and loved, you did not come here to hide under your egoic shadows and the unworthy feelings that they provoke. Feel the love of who you are, feel the need and appreciation of All for you. Share the uniqueness of the Divine incarnated through You!

Happy Solstice and New Moon, Beloved Companions!

In love with All of you who you are and do, 

Natalia Alba