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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New Moon in Aquarius. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New Moon in Aquarius. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023

New Moon in Aquarius, January 21st/22nd, 2023 - The Power of Hope

Beloved Ones,

This New Year of Wisdom began with the invitation for us to commune with our Illumined Self, before stepping into the creational process of our new lives. We are gradually moving now from this inner gestational process into a more active one. A phase that is introduced by the New Moon at 1 degree of Aquarius that we will have on January 21, and that will help us to renew ourselves, at all levels. A passage that will bring hope, faith, and the vitality required for us to dissolve old structures, creating a new direction to navigate next. 

We have the Sun in Aquarius too from the previous day, together with Mercury and Mars direct again, for those who resonate with it, together with Uranus doing the same on the same day of the New Moon. A Moon that also coincides with the New Chinese Year, although in truth, we are always in an eternal Now Moment/Year, constantly evolving, shifting, and moving into infinite new timeliness.

This is a passage for us to have hope, faith, and trust in our personal soul journey, and in the guidance that we have received, while we communed with our soul in these previous weeks. We have the New Moon conjunct Pluto, sextile Jupiter, and trine Mars! A powerful reunion giving us the power, the Will to heal and clear all we have to, together with five planets, at the New Moon time, in Air signs, helping us too in clearing our mental body, so we can regain more clarity on what we truly wish to create in our reality. 

Everything is helping us achieve self-mastery through the conscious choice of birthing that which we first envision, in the non-physical. We are in a phase of rejuvenation, retrieval of faith, and hope to continue with our journey, for periods of rest are vital for us to continue renewed and with a new sense of direction.

Aquarius gives us the opportunity to harmonize ourselves through the proper cleansing required. This is pivotal to reconnect with the divine by first clearing all of our bodies and channels, so we can receive the Divine Light within ourselves. To be able to achieve this state of being, first, we need to dissolve negative thoughts and energies, as well as disengage from fear and doubt, so we can regain clarity. 

Guides invite those who are working with their DNA, especially as we get nearer the 2/2 portal, to work on their chromosomes, the telomeres, which are the ones that contain the DNA, at the ends of the chromosomes. Healing the many distortions in our telomeres, and DNA is essential to liberate fear, sadness, and the false programs that are still programming us to behave and think as we are not, in nature.

All begins by shifting the wrong programming and manipulations within our DNA, as it is what programs the body and hence, mind, to repeat the same old results. The Aquarian energies are facilitating this inner work, and guides invite us to dive deep into our DNA, to shift anything that we wish to change in the outer. 

During the New Moon, it will be also a very good time for the current energies to work with our relationships, as they are the best teachers, which help us achieve a great level of mastery. At the time of the New Moon, we have to help us in this purpose Venus conjunct Saturn, assisting those who are working in balance relationships, releasing karmic agreements, cutting the cords that drain themselves, and that impede them to initiate new and prosperous relationships, based on equality and authenticity. 

Aquarius, the Great Liberator, is here to help us free ourselves from the many jails that we have created, for we are the only ones responsible for where we are, at this precise time of our evolutionary journey.

Liberating ourselves from fear, doubt, and confusion, as well as all physical distortions, is precisely what frees us from everything we no longer wish to experience or be, for we always have the power to change any circumstance that involves our own personal life experience.

The 2/2 portal is going to help us in continuing with this clearing, through healing duality, DNA opposites, neural damage, as well as Cathar-Essence imprints, for we are heading into a year of profound self-mastery, in which all the energies will support us in our personal desire to emancipate ourselves from what we are not, reclaiming our sovereignty to finally act as powerful divine beings in charge of our bodies and lives.

I wish you all a loving and blessed passage, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Aba 

martes, 1 de febrero de 2022

New Moon in Aquarius, February 1, 2022 - Creating Healthy Boundaries

Beloved Ones,

We have begun this powerful and healing month by having two wonderful cosmic events. On one hand, we have a New Moon at 12 degrees Aquarius that come to offer us liberation, as it conjunct Saturn and square Uranus. On another, the 2222 portal that will continue blessing us, until the end of the month

The Aquarian Moon is an invitation, after the evaluation period we had with Venus, to begin acting towards our desires. A desire is not just related to the material things we wish to manifest, but about achieving too a deeper healing, clearing, or a more peaceful state of being. As it is by having attained the previous, that we can pass into the next stage of our manifestation role as creators.

This is a passage that together with the 2222 portal may trigger in many the process of inner alchemy, as these energies from both cosmic events come to help us release confusion, tension, impulsiveness, especially with Venus trine Uranus too. Above all, it comes to challenge us to be more patient, move on into a higher state of being, a more illumined one, that comprehends all that takes place from Above, and to help us liberate ourselves, by precisely acknowledging all that was not unified, letting all go.

Guides share two important tasks for us to work with during this Moon. First of all, working on letting go during this passage, releasing all burdens, and clearing ourselves. This is why the 2222 portal comes as well to support this New Moon, by offering us the right healing frequencies for us to work with our DNA, letting go of eons of manipulation, distortion, disempowerment, and duality.

Secondly, as Saturn reminds us, the creation of healthy boundaries. Boundaries do not mean to keep ourselves and hearts close to love. When we build healthy boundaries, we are allowing ourselves not to be damaged unnecessarily by others' intent of manipulating us or simply come to us with abuse or any other frequency they have chosen for themselves that does not resonate with us.

We need to be aware that loving, unconditionally, does not mean being open to receiving all kinds of attacks, abuse, or other forms of egoic's expressions. For we must above all take care of our own frequency, standing firm in the one we have carefully chosen, and being pillars of love from this same frequency.

Protecting, honoring, and respecting ourselves is not only key and vital but our responsibility. Being our own caretakers and only allowing that which resonates, is of utmost importance to build a consistent harmonic inner space.

Creating healthy boundaries are done from a space of love towards ourselves too. For we cannot be depleted simply because we are in a false belief that love means self-sacrificing. Being a people pleaser, not taking care of our precious energy and giving it away even when we feel we cannot, is not wise and evolved, as we will be not precisely giving from a space of love, but one of constraint and obligation, and this is not pure and unconditional love.

Even within our most sacred soul reunions, setting healthy boundaries is essential. We may be only want to be One. However, One can only be made of two independent equals and sovereign free beings. 

This is indeed one of the most healing months for us to bring the inner realization of what is in need to be healed and treated. For those who have already done this inner work, we are presented with the opportunity to begin working with our DNA, healing our deep sense of duality, and all the emotional baggage that comes with it.

I wish you all a wonderful Moon and 2222 passage, Beloved Ones!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 2 de febrero de 2019

New Moon in Aquarius, February 4th, 2019 ~ Devotion to Group Consciousness

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

 Mahatma Gandhi

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

We have just began a very powerful month for those who desire to create a profound change in their lives. As change always begins by experiencing a mental transformation, the frequencies from this New Moon at 15 degrees Aquarius, are going to assist many who are working on breaking free from old chains/limited beliefs that sometimes are hidden to our conscious mind and that are the ones that cause us to delay the natural process of self-evolution. 

This New Moon comes at a time when we are still surrounded by the energies from the eclipse in Leo in January 20/21. This is a cosmic gift for us to work on clearing karmic records. For others who have already done this inner work, it is a passage for them to work on their devotion to group consciousness, in their unique way. However, to be able to fully step into one's mission by holding clarity and the strength to cope with all the challenges that may arise, in our human journey, first, we need to dissolve the old energy that is still present within and therefore in our present human experiences.

At a cosmic level, we have the Sun, the Moon and Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter. As you know Aquarius is a fixed sign that even if it belongs to the element Air, it is represented by the Water Bearer, as a reminder for us to freely flow and adapt to all conditions, as water does. Water represents the emotions we have within as well as the ideas we hold in our mental plane and that most of the time are fixed and linear and limit ourselves in experiencing our true potential. This sign is giving us the message of releasing old wounds and emotions - returning to our natural state of constant change, and bliss with All. 

This is an opportunity for us to work with our fixed mental patterns as well as with communication in both with ourselves, as it is the most important of all, others and with the Illumined Realms. As we have Mercury in Aquarius too sextile Jupiter, is going to be a very good essence for us to clear our minds, so we can obtain guidance about ourselves and/or a certain situation - making decisions from a clear and loving space. 

There is another gift from the cosmos at this time, as we have Saturn sextile Neptune. Saturn is all about making things tangible and take responsibility for ourselves and earthly lives, as it sextile Neptune, it is all about descending from the ethereal all of our dreams, goals and soul visions, into our physical plane, for it is there where we need to build stability. 

This is a very important event for those who have finally recognized their inner abilities, or  are working on it, and obtain the guidance required for them to step out of their protective bubble and share who they are, in new ways, especially for those who have been on this journey for a while, it could mean the creation of a total different way of being of service. 

Saturn is ruled by Capricorn, and in a year where we are going to be governed by Capricorn's essence, making things tangible is pivotal. The frequency coming from the many alignments of this New Moon, is going to be of great assistance for those whose desire is to step out, be of service and create, by first building the strong foundations required, the new lives and jobs they truly desire to experience. 

Serving group consciousness

At a macro or deeper level, there are many, as I previously shared, that are dedicating themselves, at this time, to a part of their mission which involves leading others to embrace their sovereignty. This is a very important phase for those who are devoted to group consciousness. By this term, I am not referring to collective consciousness, which is totally different, but to the devotion that many have to help other ascending souls who are beginning to walk on this path and that were meant to work together, at this transitional period.

Becoming a leader or guide, is not as it is often believed, about being superior, being the only one with the gift to connect with the Divine or having this special mission, claiming to be the only one who can do so. The main mission of the ones who are in service is to help others reconnect with their True Essence, so they can become the sovereign free beings that they already are. 

Being a guide, leader or wayshower, it simply means that one has the responsibility, and gift, to help those who are passing now for what they experienced before, for this is the only way in which we can truly help others, by knowing by own experience what it is to pass through many challenges, until we master the egoic self - beginning to remember our true sovereignty and hence, Divine Origin. 

It is only after doing so and regaining the purity of heart required to follow a path that implies walking into the unknown, at all times, that we can act as wayshowers, guiding others in a path that we have walked before, for this is a path, as many of you know, that requires complete surrender and acceptance to all we experience, as we are no longer base our creations in egoic desires but in the decisions of our God Self, who knows best what is for our highest good, and that of All.

Aquarius's essence, is more than just mere energies being poured to us during this New Moon. This frequency will be a catalyst in the process of self-liberation that many are experiencing and for others, it will help them into the retrieval of the wisdom required for them to give a new direction to their lives. 

Aquarius represents the phase twelve of our evolutionary progress within the Zodiac Cycle. It is the antepenultima stage, being the last one Pisces, for us to regain all the knowledge and experience required for reaching ascension. With this sign we begin to recognize our abilities, knowing they are only useful when shared and appreciated, for it is by being of selfless assistance that our presence and essence, in this Planet have true meaning and value. 

It is when we reach the wisdom residing in this sign that we have cleared ourselves from karmic records - beginning to allow a higher infusion of light into our physical bodies. Due to this process we finally step into a path of selfless assistance, where the focus is no longer put on egoic desires but in asking ourselves in what we can be of assistance. To do so, first we need to comprehend the nature of the abilities we came here to work with and offer to others. 

This is a time where we are being asked to lead, sharing who we are and taking the necessary steps towards self-sovereignty and hence liberation of the old. It takes courage, devotion to this path and to All to begin disengaging/dissolving lower aspects of who we think we are and embrace the True ones that have been hidden, as we continue to grow and expand ourselves. Those of you who are on this path know, for sometimes we barely recognize ourselves, as we are shifting in an accelerate way, and what the egoic self thought it was the true self, is not longer real. 

The Leo/Aquarius axis, for this intense integration phase began with the Eclipse in Leo, is for us to unify the individual aspect of us which is egoic, in nature, with the Divine One who loves All unconditionally and came here to assist. Leo is a very individual sign, Aquarius is about freeing ourselves from this separation and regain a higher perspective of our true origin and mission here on Earth. This is what will trigger in many, the desire to move from egoic individualism to group consciousness.

As we are about to enter into the Pisces realm which is also all about transcending an old era and releasing more layers of the egoic self, this is going to be one of the most important passages of all this year to bring unification in who we are, as individual sources of the Divine, and in our mission of selfless assistance to All. 

One aspect of the mission of the starseed souls is to regain unity through polarity integration, for many of us already know, even though we have to activate these memories, what unity consciousness feel like, as we have dwelt in many civilizations/universes/dimensions, call it as you prefer, where we have had the opportunity to experience the feeling of unification and unconditional love.

For many of us unity is intrinsically integrated within our soul blueprint, for as starseed souls it is part of our Essence, and therefore, mission, to come with certain codes that once incarnated will serve to bring back the lost sense of unity consciousness that is our true state of being. This is a time for many of us to begin moving from isolation and personal mission, in the way that is meant to be for us, as we all will continue to have our unique role to fulfill, and begin to connect with group consciousness, which are the ascending souls, some even part of our soul/galactic family, who came too as sovereign beings, to practice and help expand the Law of One. 

This is our main mission and even though, as it is my case, some of us are located in specific spaces, with a specific mission that involves walking a "solitary" path, we can all connect, for we are all united, in truth, with these group that came to act as polarity integrators. The more we commune with these souls that like us, came to work on an individual, at the same time that group mission, the more that we will begin to feel unconditional love, and the companionship of our light family, for we are never alone in our mission, we just have forgotten how to reconnect with those who are already One with us. 

The purpose of taking some time in our daily lives to commune with other ascending souls is to create a planetary unity field in which we project a universal unity code - beginning to seed the new template of unity, as the old one based on separation dissolves. To do this, it is required that we focus on neutral observation and from a compassionate space, first with ourselves and human experiences and secondly with others, we direct our intention to the conscious infusion of love and unity into the new earth timeline that already exists and that is no longer based on duality. 

Being neutral is one of the most important things to learn when we are working with polarity integration, for this is the first step towards regaining unity, in both within and with All. Every time we say we do not judge but we still think that what others do is not what has to be done, according to our egoic view, is still living in duality. Every time we spend time focusing on what we think is "wrong", we continue feeding the old system.

It is not about saying, but about the feeling inside what can let us know if we have finally overcome all judgements or if we are still immersed within a dual reality. Experiencing a world of polarities is an opportunity to know ourselves and to master the aspect of us that finds separation in everything by fragmenting all that exists and judging it. This is not something that has to be healed or dissolved but embraced, as another created human illusion that needs to be comprehended. 

When we, even though we consider ourselves to be in this evolutionary journey, believe that others are not where we are and that are not evolving or simply are not coming from what we consider a true perspective, we are separating. We are considering ourselves superior and leaving behind the equal task these souls are doing. If these souls were not here showing us what separation is, we could not be here anchoring unity consciousness and experiencing as well what this fragmentation is about, for in a world of polarities all this is required. 

We all can assist by holding a pure and loving intention to bring peace and love to All. This is not about having an specific role which involves to do so or by training yourself so you can step out and being of assistance. We all can help each others, for we are One, connected more than we can comprehend, as humans.

Ask yourself in what ways you can connect with the whole, wether physically or in your sacred space, and connect your consciousness to a greater One, beginning to operate from this unified state, remembering that in Truth this is who we are, not just an individualized aspect of Source, but all of it, and that it is only the illusion created in this dense plane, what makes us believe that we are separated from others.

Everything that you think, feel and say, has a deep impact in the whole, whether you believe it or not. The nature of our existence is a holographic one, even though for our human self it can seem individual. Therefore love yourself, appreciate where you are and your unique human experience, knowing that there is no need to go outside and change anything, as by simply moving inward and shift what is fragmented within, you are contributing to bring healing to All. 

Embrace your uniqueness 

The message from this new energetic month of February as well as from this New Moon in Aquarius and the cosmic events surrounding it, is a loving reminder for us to stand tall in who we are. For we did not come here to compare ourselves with others or think we are more special or inadequate, but to honor All as equal, understanding that even though our Essence may be the same, our gifts, as humans, vary, and this is precisely where beauty truly resides.

As sovereign, free beings, we already have within all we are searching outside, in other people, in outer forces... forgetting that we are, already, all that we admire, outside ourselves, and while we waste our efforts in trying to be who others want us to be or simply to do things as others do, we are dimming our unique Divine Spark, and the precious assistance we could easily give, get lost by the demands of our ego and its illusions.

It is time for all starseed free sovereign souls, to stand firm in their unique Light - choosing only to listen the soft but constant voice of your soul, raising above the noises from your ego to keeps you enslaved in who you are not. 

You are already a free, wise and Christed being, dwelling into a limited human body for the purpose of being of assistance. You just have to recognize who you are and claim it.

Your are forever protected, loved and appreciated within Creation, there is nothing more you should be or do other than being who you truly are.

You are, always, working in perfect unison with your God Self and with the Forces of Light of this Universe and all multi-universes. Nothing is ever going wrong.

You are a unique LoveLight being of the Divine - always One with this - unconditional - loving Source within you.

You are a pure conduit for the Divine Truth to manifest through you.

Yes, you are all this and more. The question is: are you ready to become the sovereign being that you already are, embrace your true power and stand firm in it? 

Whatever you choose, you are, always were, and will continue to be, a Divine Creator, in control of your human life experience.

And So it is and it will, always, be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All.

I wish you all a loving and liberating Moon Beloved Companions!

In love, light and service ∞

Natalia Alba