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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New Moon Partial Solar Ecllipse in Cancer. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New Moon Partial Solar Ecllipse in Cancer. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2019

The Energies of July 2019 ~ The End of Duality

Beloved Light Emissaries,

We welcome a new energetic month whose energies are so potent that many of us have been feeling the deep impact that they have on our emotional body. As always, these energies, if wisely integrated and directed to the proper healing of our bodies, will have a different purpose for each one of us, as we are all unique and are in different phases of our evolutionary journey. This month is not only one of the busiest ones astrologically speaking, but has three Moons of which two are Eclipses - seeding the shift in frequency that many of us have been experiecing since June.

This month of July will help us realize where we are, in our ascension journey, showing us, in the physical, the changes we have created and that are finally being anchored in our reality. If you feel that what you are birthing is not yet aligned with what you truly desire to experience, then it is the perfect time to shift your focus, begin anew, and align with what you wish to bring into form. 

If you are living in a limited reality, it is because you have created limitations inside yourself that are impeding you to blossom into the boundless being that you are. If on the contrary, everything you see makes you feel in your natural state of bliss and peace, you have finally mastered the art of how to create a desired reality, in the physical. 

Thanks to the energies received from the Cancer-Capricorn eclipses, ones that will last until 2020, we will be able to discern in what aspects of ourselves, and lives, we continue to foment duality, beginning to synthesize all that remains fragmented and hence, living in pain. Globally, this is already having a deep impact as well, for this influx is creating stability, even though it can be seem as chaotic, at the beginning, and restoration from our Planet to an individual perspective.

Capricornian energies are here to help us remember the importance that anchoring what we first create in the ethereal has for us humans. And these two years are going to be of great relevance for those who came here to descend Heaven on Earth, so to speak, as no real change is so, if we do not ensure it in the physical. 

Everything you experience will show you where you are; where you are going with what you are creating and what needs to be changed. There is no one to blame, no one who can tell you where you should go next, but yourself. Therefore choose to look within, where all answers lie and where all the love you search outside yourself, truly resides. 

On a comic level, during July, it will be a month of deep communion with our Planet. For the ones whose main mission involves working with the Earth Fabrics, our main focus will be on anchoring the stellar energies that are being descended upon us, as we continue restoring what have been damaged through men activity. For us, this will be a month of contemplation, restoration, and rejuvenation, when this massive wave passes, for replenish ourselves after being constantly giving, sharing and assisting, is pivotal, for our well-being, and hence, that of All. 

The Cancer-Capricorn eclipse cycle

To be able to comprehend the real essence behind the current planetary energies, first we need to move beyond our human limited sense of time and space, polarity and the energies that reign in our micro plane, for only by going deeper, outside of our physical confines, is that we could really begin to understand what this Cancer-Capricorn eclipse cycle brings to all of us, as this is a gift from the Illumined Realms to humanity, for us to begin working on polarity synthesis.

It is with Cancer that we heal what was given to us genetically or what we created when we were in a state of separation. After this initial healing phase, it is with Capricorn that we begin to bring illumination to ourselves and physical lives, for both are not separated, finally creating stability in all aspects of our selves. 

This eclipse cycle began on January 9, with a powerful eclipse in Capricorn, and will last until July 4 of 2020, with the last Cancer eclipse. Beginnings and endings, this is going to be the main theme for the ones who choose to follow old fixed beliefs or simply have chosen to constantly manifest these same cycles in their human experiences. The wheel of life, often karmic one a well for some, continue to be there for those who desire to keep experiencing a lineal reality. There is nothing to judge in a Universe where duality is precisely the gift that we are offered, when we freely choose to come here, as an opportunity for us to remember unity. We all are free to create what is best for our human growth. 

However, for the ones who are ready to go further than this common meaning of the eclipses of beginning and endings, for in truth both are intertwined and there is not a real beginning without and ending and vice versa, you will be presented with the blessing of creating unity in all that continues to be fragmented, within, and hence in your human life. 

The theme of healing duality may seem a common one between the ascension community, or as you prefer to call it. However, it is an issue that shall be very present in our daily lives, for as humans, we tend to avoid what is not familiar or comfortable, and it is usual that we tend to fall into old egoic traps of separation - judging others and ourelves, how they live or not, how they choose to see their reality and a long etc. 

Polarity integration is not just an inner work we can do in a one-day process, this involves many things - accepting all aspects of who we are, confronting our shadows, healing old wounds, and our human genetic lineage, for as you know many of us also have a star one, implants, between many others issues - and only when we become integrated beings, sovereign of our own human experience, is that we can walk as unified beings, conscious of our frequency and what we do with it.

This is why this subject of polarity integration is so important, for this is our main inner work to do, especially for the ones who are beginning on this journey. This eclipse season offers us many gifts for healing ourselves and shifting our current timeline. Some of the many things this new light will hep us heal are:
  • Feminine (Cancer) and masculine (Capricorn) essences balancing.
  • Mother and father wounds
  • Sexual imbalances
  • Creating balance between the ethereal aspect of us and between our earthly one.
  • Descension of our soul mission, or new aspects of it, into our physical body and hence physical plane, bringing it into the tangible, where we can be of assistance and where we can direct our abilities to build something constructive, stable and of service to us and All.
  • Mental and emotional balance
These are just ones of the many issues we can work with during the cancer-capricorn eclipses. As we welcome these frequencies, I will enter deeper into them. By now, it is important that we focus on what we have in the moment and the Cancer Eclipse can be already strongly felt, especially emotionally speaking, at least for the ones who are very connected to the ebbs and flows of our realm and even beyond what we can, physically, appreciate.

Astrologically, the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Cancer on July 2, will sextile Uranus, as a planetary sign of the opportunity we have to bring change in any aspect of us or our lives that we consider. On another hand, we also have Uranus semi-sextile Chiron, which is another blessing from the Universe for us to heal what is required to live as whole beings, and even more with fierceness from Mars in Leo, which will help many to deal with their imbalances by enhancing our strength. 

Another important conjunction is the one between Saturn and Pluto, in Capricorn, together with the South Node in Capricorn as well. As I shared at the beginning of this year, Capricornian energies will reign until 2020, giving us the opportunity to descend all that is ether (Cancer) into our earthly realm (Capricorn). The South Node is very important as well for it will help us release many old habits and patterns that keep repeating into our lives and that impede us to evolve. 

This is where the healing frequency of Cancer enters, as the North Node is in Cancer, assisting us to let go of an old self, life and wounds. The North Node represents what we are creating, where we are heading. If we desire to give birth to something new and pure, then we shall let go of the familiar, of everything that still vibrates in a lower frequency, as if not, we will be pulled back every time we desire to come to the surface and shift our current timeline. 

This Eclipse in Cancer, in the perspective I am feeling it and as I have received, has little to do with new beginnings, as this is more in a general view. New beginnings are created from within, not due to outer energies, but when our soul considers that it is time to move into a new micro cycle, within our personal journey. These energies are linked to so many other planetary and non-planetary energies, that we cannot truly define its essence as being this or that. Or we feel outside our limited human plane, or we will continue to be imprisoning into beginnings and endings. Like the mouse that always spins in the wheel.

Under the influx of Cancer, it is a time to dissolve, especially from our emotional plane, all we have ever created and hide there, for it was not pleasant to confront it and accept it. This can be familiar issues, as Cancer energies will help us tremendously to work with miasmatic familiar ties, feminine or sexual ones or anything that involves working with our sexual creative essence. 

This is a time to connect to the heart consciousness, embody Universal Love, and direct it towards ourselves, for as long as we do not totally remember that we have been created by the same Universal Source, we will not be ready to heal and accept the mission that we brought here and that can only be done when we remember the love that we are. 

During the Cancer eclipse, we will be presented with the opportunity to clear old implants, ones that have been not just created by ourselves, or inherited from one generation to another, but that have been implanted to humanity through a manipulative matrix since eons. Ones that are our responsibility, as conscious souls, to heal, and that no one can do for us. A time to heal all the victim programs, especially the ones created in women, and in the many relationships that we have had/have, until we can finally create balanced ones. 

This is a sacred passage that you owe to yourself, for all the times you have come here to remember, give, stand tall in who you are and be of service. It is a gift you do to yourself, and by doing so, you will be giving it to All as well. It is important that we all work in soul retrieval from time to time, when we experience traumatic or challenging relationships, or simply painful situations, as the more we avoid this inner work, the more we will lose, so to speak, fragments of our soul which are in pain and need of our love and understanding to come back to us, where they are meant to be, and where they can experience the most profound love.

During this month we have the cosmic gift to release old fixations, so what is meant to come can finally manifest in our human experience. This is not just about releasing old habits, and beliefs, but about letting go of the relationships that simply because they are familiar to us are not helping us to evolve and to welcome new soul companions that are aligned with our soul essence and that are meant to co-create with us, in a new and deeper level.

Let it all go. It will be painful, for you have been accustomed to live in this reality with these same people for a long time. However, this pain will go as you embrace it, and the real cause of it, which is always the separation from the original Source of Love that gave birth to us. This is, in truth, the Love we truly desire and miss. 

You have it all within, there is no one who ever leaves us, as they are not separated from us. And the more illusions you clear the more you will realize that your natural state is one of joy simply for who you are, came to do and experience here, and everything that you could possibly  ever need, is very close to you, you just have to look within. 

Planetary alignments

This new month of July is a very powerful one for us to create a new path that is in perfect resonance with our current state of being, for we are new, at every single moment that we desire to consciously integrate new levels of consciousness. To confirm where we are in our ascension journey, as we continue transforming new worlds, this month is a Universal 10/1 number - 19 reduced.  This is the space in which beginnings and endings find each other. It is precisely in that infinite space, where we dwell in possibility, free to choose the timeline that is most aligned with who we are now. 

In Tarot, the card that represents number 10 is the Wheel of Fortune, which also represents a change in destiny, one that we have been able to accomplish, as we have consciously created it ourselves. No matter what number we choose, we will always have a confirmation of where we are giving birth. If we completely reduced number 10 to 1, we will also have another confirmation of this emptiness space in which all is possible, represented in the Tarot card the Fool, of all we are creating from within that is beginning to flourish, in the physical.

If you choose to align with number 19, then, we have another wonderful confirmation of the tremendous influx of Light received, at this time, for the tarot card that represents this number is the Sun, which is as well another sign of what comes with the Solar Eclipse is Cancer. Whatever frequency you choose to align with, you will have a precious gift for healing what you need, at this time of deep transformation. 

At a cosmic level, we begin this new month with Uranus semi-sextile Chiron. This will bring us the opportunity to align with this frequency to create the change/healing we need, if we are willing to confront what limits us and are open to experience true liberation. The process of self-healing and release, never ends, for every time we embody a higher level of consciousness, we must dismiss certain beliefs that are no longer aligned with a Higher One and so forth.

On July 1, just before the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Cancer, we have Mars, entering into Fiery Leo.  Mars in Leo will help us tremendously to embrace our inner Power and bring this strength into the aspects of our lives that need of our determination, courage and passion. Together with the solar eclipse, this combination will be a very powerful one for those who have done their inner work and are now ready to bring something into form, as not everyone is in the same phase. Remember that we all have our own micro cycles, which are more important than the outer ones, as these rule our human existence and this is what we should focus first. 

The Solar Eclipse, as I shared above, brings the opportunity to work on duality synthesis. However, this is not just the only gift from this New Moon, as Venus, the next day, will also enter into Cancer, and will help those who are working on ancestral karmic patterns as well as the relationship with their mother and feminine essence, something that truly marks our life. This will be also a wonderful time for those who need to work with their emotional plane, healing their familiar roots or simply going deeper into their emotional wounds. 

On July 3, when Venus joins the New Moon and also enters in Cancer, we will be presented  with the gift to align with our sensitivity, intuitive side and not be afraid to be vulnerable, for this is what makes us stronger in the end, not being afraid to feel and express our feelings, which is what our human self is so reticent to show. This is an opportunity as well for those who need to learn how to become their own caretakers, for not only came here to give, share and help others, but to nourish our soul and experience joy and peace, at the same time that we try to seed our own Spark. 

On July 4, we have Saturn opposition North Node. This is a very important planetary opposition, from our human view, for this is about being open to receive what we are destined, by soul plan, to do when we freely chose to come here. Once we heal old issues, wounds and clear the many conscious and imposed implants that blur our minds and emotional body, we are ready to know who we are and the nature of our human journey. It is then that we can begin to focus on the key aspect of our personal human experience that shall be fulfilled and that we desire to bring into form. This alignment will help those who wonder about their true purpose and service in this lifetime. 

On the following days, July 7 and 8, we have one Planet and an Asteroid - Mercury, which will turn direct again on July 31, and Chiron - entering into their retrograde phases. As always, I leave this for your information, and for you to make of them what you most resonate, for I no longer choose to focus on retrograde periods, since a long time. They have no impact in my human existence, for I have chosen not to continue feeding old beliefs. However, for those who choose to believe, which is perfectly fine as well, in retrograde periods, as this will have an impact in your life, for this is what you choose to create for yourself, I consider important to leave the dates so you can follow your own guidance or do your own researches.

At this time of intense healing, Mercury, especially when it enters into Cancer as well on July 19, will help us heal and clear our mental plane of all the conflicts, fake beliefs, confusion, desperation and many other wounds which impede us to see with clarity  our value as well as our true path. On another hand, Chiron's essence is one of going within, whether it is retrograde or not, for the Essence of the Planets does not change just because we decide to give to them our human meaning. 

With Chiron we look deeper at the wounds/aspects of ourselves that we try so hard to hide but are still dwelling, in pain, within us. When we consciously desire to align with the frequency of a certain Planet, star or asteroid, if well directed we can connect with the consciousness of this certain stellar body and integrate its healing frequency to assist us in dissolving what is still fragmented and that is not allowing us to experience our true soul path and potential. 

On July 16, we have Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees Capricorn. These series of eclipses between Cancer and Capricorn, will continue, as you know, until 2020 helping us to bring into form our soul creations, and what is more important: to create stability in ourselves and lives, for this is where we came to master and enjoy. Capricorn is the perfect partner of Cancer for its masculine essence resonates well with the feminine one of Cancer, giving us the opportunity not just to heal but to remember how important is to descend from the ethereal our visions and dreams to create an abundant life experience. 

This also goes further and in a macro level, it is also going to be a very intense phase for the ones whose main work involves to help with the Earth Fabrics, especially of both time and space, for all of them, as you know, are being restructured and it is time for us to assist in bringing restoration in all the implants that were created for us to dwell in duality, victimhood, distorted masculine, and many other implants to keep us enslaved. Capricorn's essence is very important to complement the healing we do with Cancer, for it is the following step to stabilize ourselves in this physical plane, when again, everything shall be anchored. 

On July 22, the Sun will enter Leo. With the Sun in Leo we can embody this fervent essence to empower ourselves and to express our hearts by standing firm in who we are and by expressing our unique Divine Spark. As always, Leo's essence simply Is, this energy by itself is not positive or negative - it is what we decide to do with it. If we direct this frequency properly, we could be courageous and bold in following our own path. On the contrary, an excess of this fiery frequency could lead us into arrogance, which is why balance, as always, is the key, to be able to discern for ourselves if we are using these energies for self-empowerment or just for our egoic desires to feel superior. 

Venus, will also join the Sun in Leo on July 27, together with the third Moon of this month, a powerful New Moon at 8 degrees Leo together with Mercury turning direct for those who are interesting in knowing it. We end the month we a loving push from the cosmos after having spent all month working on conscious releasement, healing and integration. 

This Moon offers us strength and the opportunity to take some time to nurture and love ourselves in the midst of all the eclipse turmoil, so we can move into the next energetic month, which will soothe ourselves after these intense energies, and that will continue to be there for us to work with them for a while, helping us comprehend all that has occurred  while we were between worlds, shaping our new lives and letting all go, so we can begin, again.

This is a time for us to become whole, again, to call upon the fragments of ourselves that continue dwelling in pain, and that needs to come back Home. A time for us to remember not the many "mistakes" we could have possibly made, but where we are heading, and who we have become now.

If where you are going does not totally feels good to you, then shift the course again, change your focus, there is no one or outer force impeding you to get to where you desire, but yourself. You are a magnificent Divine Creator experiencing a human realm just for the mere joy of it, as well as for bringing your unique Spark to All, assisting the whole in all you can.

The past roles you created or chose to play and that you made yours - the victim, powerless one, and many others - is not who you are. These past roles helped you to regain unity, to retrieve the wisdom required for you to become who you really are, in Essence. Now it is time to let go of who you think you were and embrace the real, the wise and the enlightened You, to continue expanding within the loving reality that you have consciously chosen for you to experience. There is no need for you to wait for some energies, or someone else to guide you, you have your inner compass within and all the power required for you to do it Now, where all resides and where is truly happening. 

I wish you all a blessed and transformative July, Beloved Ones!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 7 de julio de 2018

New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer, July 12/13, 2018 ~ Feminine & Masculine Wound Integration

“Oh what a wonderful soul so bright inside you. Got power to heal the sun’s broken heart, power to restore the moon’s vision too.” 

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

The path to conscious evolution, from a total state of amnesia, into a free sovereign being, is not an easy one, for it is filled with many challenges - opportunities - that trigger the inner shift required for us to regain a higher level of consciousness, remembering, again, our true nature and human purpose. At this time, in the midst of this intense passage, we are blessed with the proper frequencies for us to focus in the necessary healing we shall create for our unique journey. 

The New Moon’s Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees Cancer, sets the perfect climate for the ones who are dealing with maternal issues, sexual traumas and everything that has to deal with integrating wounds and polarity. This passage will last until 2020, for the majority of the Eclipses until this year, will occur in Cancer and Capricorn, which gives us the perfect frequency for us to work on balancing the feminine and the masculine. For as you know, Cancer represents the feminine, the caretaker and the mother figure. While Capricorn, on the contrary, represents the masculine, the protector, the one who manifests and the one who makes what the feminine births, tangible.

At a planetary level, the Eclipse opposes Pluto, which is retrograde. On the contrary of what traditional astrology says, I do not consider this aspect as a curse, but as an opportunity, for this is precisely the alignment that triggers the necessary inner crisis required, for us to become aware of our wounds and finally look our deepest fears and pains in the face and embrace them. Pluto's energy is the one that pushes us to the limit and make us, whether we want it or not, confront and transform our shadows and dissolve what the human self cannot understand and hence, denies. 

At the New Moon time we also have two powerful Grand Trines in our Heavens. One in Earth and another one in Water signs. This is what sets the tone of this Eclipse, for it also gives us the chance of creating a great transformation and harmony between our emotions and the importance of being practical too, and between creating a balance in our earthly and spiritual sides, helping us being grounded, so we can make our ethereal creations, tangible, in the physical.

Healing sexual traumas 

The New Moon’s Solar Eclipse in Cancer not only has a feminine essence but also a masculine one coming from the Grand Trine in Earth signs as well as the remaining influence of the past Moon in Capricorn. As we also have Venus in a trine with both Uranus and Saturn, during the New Moon, this is where we go beyond the astrological meaning of Moons and Eclipses of simply dissolving an aspect of our lower self and/or physical life and communing with these frequencies, for what we call energies or light waves, are not just mere energies being poured into us, but pure Divine Intelligence, liquid light, which is pure consciousness and which goes to where it is appreciated and consciously invited.

If we work with the essence of this Eclipse we can begin to heal sexual, gender, and many emotional other traumas that come when we still possess imbalances in one of our feminine/masculine sides as well as when we have been deeply damaged by other's acts, as abuses, or society, for example, when certain unconscious individuals try to discriminate against those who possess different sexual proclivities. 

This is a passage for us all to work with the deprogramming of the sexual indoctrination that for eons have been inculcated to us, for this is where all begins, by healing the many programs that tell us that we can only love the opposite sex, that we must live under the gender we have been born and many other negative agendas and manipulative tactics. 

There are many, even in the spiritual community, so to say, and this is perfectly fine, who still see this as something that can be healed, or that is not a part of a enlightened being, as well as the ones who think that twin souls can only be born in opposite sexes. Whilst I am not entering discussions, my intention is one of spreading equality as well as the compassion that we, as ascending souls, must hold for everyone no matter what their personal paths and choices are, for all serve in ways we cannot imagine, from our limited human perspective.

The imposters or negative agenda infiltrated within our mental body, by many mind control tactics, that only if we behave and are in a certain way, we are pure and normal beings, when the truth is that it is precisely diversity that allows us to learn, evolve and expand. It is now time to heal the core of the many sexual traumas in many people and the many abuses suffered that even if we try to bury them, they are still hurting some fragments of our soul that are still in pain.

The unconscious abuses, not just sexual ones, and even physical, that many of us have experienced, go deeper than certain physical traumatic situations, for these memories reside in our cells impeding us to free ourselves from what we are not even conscious of. The true balance between the feminine and the masculine in my humble opinion and according to the guidance I receive, which I completely trust after years of consciously working on it, has nothing to do with what we were taught about sex and sexual  tendencies.

The first and most important reunion shall be the one we must have with our own selves, for if we do not work on hieros gamos - inner synthesis - we cannot hold the proper balance required for us to maintain a balanced relationship, which is what is still happening. We have been programmed to get attached to other people, especially to our partners, we have been manipulated to believe they complete us and if we are not in a Divine reunion, we are not whole, and in my opinion, this continues within the so-called twin flames communities, for it is something I see that continues to be fed, and it is the main cause of self-disempowerment amongst many other delusions.

To be able to heal what once was distorted apart from the many abusive experiences we may have had, first we need to break the barriers we once created within our hearts that keep painful memories buried deep within our being, keeping us from experiencing the relief and calmness of true healing. The second step is to leave behind the role of victim, which is also an imposed one, to try to disempower the person who suffered abuse and hence, taking for granted that the person is weak and hopeless to become whole and healed, again. 

Ceasing to blame the masculine, due to an excess of feminine essence, which leads to feeling overwhelmed by our own emotions,  creating unnecessary dramas and manipulative tactics, is vital when we are trying to heal past old wounds, for we will always blame the masculine in every situation and/or relationship, for what once happened to us. This also goes for blaming negative agendas and others. Focusing on self-love and healing, is pivotal to stop feeding these unconscious people as well as to regain full control of the self and sovereignty.

This is a very delicate topic, and of course, these abuses must be followed by medical and/or other therapeutic assistance, I am always sharing about the deeper perspective of these traumatic experiences, that many of us have suffered, from a non-physical perspective, where all originates. 

The feminine/masculine collective wound will only be released as we keep expanding in consciousness, leaving behind the old patriarchal society, in which, tiranny used to be the norm for both women and men. Sexual, mental, emotional and gender enslavery will cease when we all take the conscious decision to unprogram ourselves and begin to live without fear, embracing love and using compassion as our main tool of healing instead of victimhood. 

As the Planet regains its lost feminine essence, where the values of self-love, respect and tolerance with one another are the main Laws, our main mission, as conscious, and loving beings, is to practice unconditional love, with ourselves and All, and spread non-judgement where others sow fears and separation. For we did not come here to fix and/or change anything but to naturally stand firm in our light, for this light is enough to shift all that has been distorted and shadowed by those who work for the dark forces. 

Note: Please, understand when I say at the beginning re: healing traumas of gender - I am not by any means saying people must heal how they feel with the gender they have born into but do not resonate with. On the contrary, I am referring to the ones who traumatize others for how they feel in their bodies, abusing them and hence, causing them traumatic wounds  which are hard to heal. 

Transitional phases

This is a very important phase that begins with the Full Moon in Capricorn, which had the honor of introducing this new passage, where many will create profound change in their lives, for even though we all are evolving, we all have our micro cycles and there are many who will benefit from the frequency of this Eclipse, and some of its alignments - as it is Saturn trine Uranus - to transform their lives.

For the ones who are passing through a personal transitional phase, where guidance seems to be lost, and where sometimes one feels hopeless and without direction, remember Beloveds, patience as well as trust in the Divine, in your own God Self who orchestrated your human journey in a perfect way, and surrendering to what Is, at this moment, is what will prevent you from decaying in lower states of being.

I understand when one sees only darkness one does not believe things will improve, focusing only in how they are going to change when most of the times they cannot. Once this occurs, the only thing we can really shift is how we feel inside, for even though it can see useless for the human self, is what will begin to trigger the change we desire to see, in our physical reality.

There are moments when not seeing the ending of a situation can make us fall into a sleepy state of being, again. Therefore, it is so important to work on ourselves, to have faith when all seems lost for the human, for faith is not about having it when all is going well according to our human desires but in keeping faith, even though things are not going in the desired direction. 

The ending is the beginning. However, when one does not know how long this ending will last, desperation tends to arrive and stays for a while. Embrace whatever feelings come, without dwelling in them, rise through all your human feelings and envision from a higher perspective what is truly happening, for behind what we see as chaotic, there is always a blessing, in disguise.

During our personal transition, what often occurs is that we are finally ready to embody a higher level of consciousness, and this takes time, and inner work. The more we resist - or lower our frequency - by becoming resistant to release old wounds and painful emotions or properly deal with them, the more we will be impeding this new state of being to be fully descended to us.

When we are in this phase of dissolving more old layers of our lower self, many complain they have lost their intuition or simply they are no longer in contact with their guides. Please, remember, as you well know, even though sometimes we tend to forget, as humans, we are never hopeless or without guidance, mainly because our Unified, or Higher, Self is always One with us and our main guide of all.

Our sense of disconnection comes from navigating in different states of being, nothing to do with our guides abandoning us, what occurs is a temporal recalibration or adjustment of our higher senses and during this phase we pass through a period in which we simply need to trust and have faith and let it all go, knowing we are being protected and guided, even though our human senses are not yet ready to embody this new state of being.

Another reason is that when we are ready to take another step in our personal journey, we overcome fears, dissolve shadows and old wounds, and hence, what we need is a new team of guides, for we are ready to learn and/or remember higher Truths. Then, there is a period of a few days in which our guides never leave us but they are welcoming the new ones and sharing the work they have done with us and where we are for them to know. Remember that these beings we consider highly evolved beings, are also evolving and learning through this eternal spiral and for them, guiding us, is their mission too.

Be compassionate with where you are, seeing not all that is yet to be done, but all you have achieved. You have been dwelling in the shadows for longer than you even remember, for your human self may have darkened these painful memories. You have overcome many challenges that were once impossible for you to face.

Choose to remember how strong you really are. Choose to remember where you used to be and where you are heading now. Choose to see the light you are, even though you continue embracing your shadows, knowing they are lost fragments of you which need to be embraced, instead of refused.

If you are passing through a similar personal phase, you know, you already have been there before, it will pass, and once it passes, you will realize it was for your highest good and that where you are now is thanks to where you once were. 

Cellular transformation & Self- nurturance

The alteration that our bodies are experiencing, during their transformation into crystalline beings, even if barely perceptible to the human eye, is highly significant. During the Eclipse season our bodies are going to be constantly releasing, whilst they also integrate, at an accelerate rate, these new cosmic waves. 

It is pivotal that during this process we work on the regeneration of our body cells, which are releasing many old memories/programs and become our own caretaker, for our bodies are passing through a deep cleansing process and we need to be supportive rather than passive. When we do not consciously work on helping our body cells regain its lost purity back, our cells tend to program themselves wrongly, and then it is when deseases surface, for our cells are acting against their natural behaviour. 

Resting, drinking pure water, and all your body asks you, will help in this process. As you keep integrating, you will realize how your body will cease asking you for dense foods and your diet, as well as your body,  will also become more lightly.

As I shared before, there are many who will be experiencing depressive periods, for they are passing through a profound transformation. All the feelings of being alone, not understood, feeling unworthy, all the things you consider as being "wrong" ir even "sins", especially, as in my case, if you were raised in certain religions where this belief is deeply implanted to you. 

All this darkness will be back once you begin the process of cellular transformation. When this occurs only communing with your God Self and seeing this natural process from a higher perspective, rather than from a human one, will help you to step out of this dark phase that we all experience, at some point.

You are not just releasing this present lifetime of yours. You are not just dissolving past wounds and old patterns. You are also releasing many lifetimes of mental slavery/control, and not just from this present individualized body you inhabit, in this lifetime, but from all your ancestors, for even though some came here for the first time, we cannot escape from our human heritage and all we need to release until we can finally let it all go and begin to pass from a denser body into a lighter one.

For the starseed souls and sovereign souls who descended from the Illumined Realms, this process at some point will be a natural one, for it is already planned by their God Self that at a certain time of their human journey, their bodies will wake. Some of these beings are programmed, so to say, to awake their DNA when their human aspect is ready, to begin the process of DNA reconnection. For their star families also placed, eons ego the certain codes for them to not just awake but to descend the ancient wisdom that their DNA holds.

For the New Earth Seeds, the native souls from Earth, this process will begin by conscious inner work, for they have never been awake, and they shall desire this process. For these souls the process will be more challenging for they have within memories from eons when they began their incarnations and all of them must be released. This does not mean these souls are less precious or will not ascend as the others, it is simply a different choice within creation. We are all equals, there is only one Home and there is no one better or more special than the other.

The cellular transformation required for us to become crystalline beings, implies many physical changes, for we are not just shifting to light beings but our physical bodies, especially our heart, is synchronizing with the heart of Earth. There is a lot occurring within ourselves and as everyone is unique I can only share the many sensations experienced by many at this time, which are the natural transition our bodies are having:
  • Nervous system affected - as it is the one that distributes the light/energies into the body. 
  • Headaches
  • Seventh chakra sensations - vibration etc.
  • Spine pain
  • Sensitivity to noises and certain environments that are no longer in resonance.
  • An increase of out-of-body experiences.
There are also other physical changes as for example changing residence, for our soul will lead us to the frequency that best resonates with our bodies and with our human lifestyle between many others that will naturally happen, when we finally begin to transform not just our bodies but our human lives. 

The most important, is to always remain into the Illumined Essence, and loving Presence, of our God Self, knowing that we are, always, protected, loved and appreciated within Creation. Remember beloveds, DNA reconnection is not a one-day process, and if we are willing to enrol on this personal transformation, first we need to shift our feelings, thoughts and all the 3D habits and beliefs that are embedded deep within our core and that are so unconscious that sometimes it takes a lifetime to wake to all of them.

Therefore, be loving toward yourself, be compassionate and kind, as you will be with a child who is new to a human realm and needs assistance and someone who shows him/her understanding. Love All but create the boundaries that allow you to continue with your unique evolutionary process. We are not here to reject what we call darkness, for we will not be the LoveLight beings that we say we are, but to integrate this darkness and move on from 3D labels, remembering all is equally loved within Creation.

I wish you all a blessed, nurturing and magical Eclipse, Beloved Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba