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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Healing. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2022

Full Moon in Virgo, March 18th, 2022 ~ In Service to All

Beloved Ones, 

Humanity is at the moment choosing between two different timelines. Timelines that will determine the reality they desire to experience, if a loving, and peaceful, or if a chaotic one. It is a time when we need to be devoted to our original soul intention of serving humanity, in our unique way, for there are many who need our unconditional love and compassion, at this tumultuous time. 

To confirm where we are in our planetary transition, we welcome a wonderful Full Moon at 27 degrees Virgo on March 18th, in which we will receive the proper energies for us to remember the importance of putting into practice all we descend from the ethereal, as serving from the inside, through prayers and loving thoughts is essential. However, it is as important as to act, when it is the time to do so, offering ourselves in service to all who need us, for we are One Family, and what happens to one, happens to All.

During this time we are having many alignments, and Cosmic Codes, that are helping us to continue working with our DNA, reconnecting strands, and hence the wisdom that resides in them, clearing all that impedes us to embody our true potential. We have Virgo energies, Piscean ones, together with massive CME - Coronal mass ejection - since a few days ago, and the Equinox coming, one that this year Guides share will be a very significant one in terms of body transfiguration, which is the process under which our bodies, through the element Fire, in this case through our central Sun, sends certain Codes for our bodies to dissolve all lower energies, into illumined ones. 

This Moon has lots of planets in fixed sings, as well as in water signs, which together with Pluto, which harmonizes with the Moon, represents what is taking place in our micro reality - the need for balance,  and for some being strong, determinant, and resilience, while at the same time they have to adapt to change, to new circumstances and to a totally new way of living their lives. This is in truth our authentic nature, one of constant change, even though under the appearance of familiarity. 

Pluto will help us expand into this change, one that is best integrated when there is no egoic resistance to something that naturally has to occur. It is a time to destroy old worlds and begin the creation of a totally new reality. One that is in perfect alignment with who we have become - empowered sovereign beings in charge of our own human reality. 

As we have many Planets residing in Pisces, this together with Virgo, a sign that rules health as well, is going to provide us with the opportunity and energies to work on cleansing and purification, working on the dissolution of fear, mental toxicity as well as many other programs that have been deeply implanted within our minds and that we should now erase if we desire to empty ourselves of all past clutter and regain our true Illumined Essence, and hence wisdom.

It is now a time, especially with Virgo and Pisces for us to commune with our Unified Self, and begin the process of unifying both, as it is pivotal that we stay grounded, at the same time that we too aim for the Illumined Aspect of who we are. It is important to find the balance between both planes rather than residing just in the ethereal worlds or in our tangible, for then we will fall into delusional traps that impede us to fully being balanced and anchor our Divine Essence, and its Wisdom, into the physical.

Virgo is an Earth sign, which has in common with Pisces that both are flexible and are devoted to being of service, and for that one must be open to change in all its forms. Virgo energies come precisely at a time when the Planet, as well as ourselves, are experiencing a deep cleansing, which is the main Essence of Virgo, to help us remain in the purity of our soul and in the love that we are.

Virgo ruled by Mercury, is associated with the Virgin Archetype, which is by no means related to celibacy. On the contrary, it concerns the Divine Feminine Archetype of wisdom, purity, and wholeness - nurturing and loving everything she touches; in the physical. Virgo is the one who reminds us that we are here to descend and embody the Essence of who we truly are in nature on earth, as well as our soul desires. 

Grounding ourselves is of utmost importance, as it goes beyond our personal well-being. Our energetic human field is interconnected with the planetary field, for as you know we are all One living consciousness under the illusion of separation. When we are not grounded, we temporarily create an obstruction in our energetic field channels, impeding the natural communication with the planetary field and grids. This is mainly what creates the feeling of isolation that many have from Earth and foment mental delusion.

Pisces and Virgo, as well as the many others light forces outside of our Universe that are assisting us at this time, will bring awareness and the right focus on what we need to purify, and cleanse so we can too pass to embody our soul mission. It is with this sign that we distill what is toxic for the physical, with the element earth, and non-physical bodies, by the proper use of subtle energies and clearing tools that help us balance them.

Cleaning relationships old patterns, cleansing axiatonal lines, working with the integration of polarities, are some of the many things we can work on at this time, for we are being assisted by many benevolent forces who want us to survive as both individuals, and as planetary species.

The final choice is always ours.

Let us remain in the purity of our God Self.

Let us remain in Love, for us, and for All.

Within Infinite love,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2022

New Moon in Pisces and the 3/3 Portal

Beloved Ones,

Shining a light precisely in healing, and miracles, so needed, at this time, we begin this magical season of March by having a wonderful New Moon at 12 degrees Pisces. A moon that comes to calm us all down, after the intensity of February and everything that is taking place in the outer, for the matrix continues in its intent to cause more fear, destruction, and confusion in the collective, something that we all suffer in one way or another, as we are all one family, connected beyond our human understanding.

The Piscean Moon opens the 3/3 Portal, which is the result of the unity between two equals. This is precisely what humanity is learning at the moment, the embrace of polarities, the lack of judgment and neutrality required to do so, and the creation of something that helps us all in this endless evolutionary path that we have chosen to transit. 

This is a time of opposite feelings and energies, as it could not be otherwise in our dual world. A time for those who continue fomenting separation and the fear and hopelessness it has, and on the opposite, a time to be more united, remaining in the love and harmony that lies in our hearts. As always it is all what we choose to experience, what will determine where we are, and what we will experience next in our personal trajectory. 

As the Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter and Neptune, both in Pisces as well, it is a wonderful time for us to dream big, descending from the ethereal, from the depths of our soul, the visions that we have for our lives. We have had the time to pause, especially during the first month of the year, heal, rejuvenate, and after the intensity of the previous month, now we are ready to begin anew, with a new sense of direction on where to go next. As creators we have infinite possibilities, for we are the ones who choose among the many choices which one to manifest and bring into fruition. 

To help us experience the personal transformation required for us to expand our soul, in the physical, and create anew, we have too Uranus, the great transformer, conjunct the Moon. This is going to propitiate soul encounters that are planned and therefore meant to occur, for the purpose of a higher outcome that will be for the highest good of All.

A time for us to focus on unconditional love, compassion, and above all, on expanding this universal Force to everyone, at this tumultuous time. As Venus conjunct Pluto and Mars, we all have the inner power to bring more love into any situation, as love when sent consciously and intentionally, reaches All, in ways we cannot imagine.

Venus together with Pluto and Mars is about understanding that anger, confusion, rage, and all similar feelings, are another form of energy and that if we learn how to master the ego-self and direct these feelings wisely, we can transform all these emotions into more love, creating stability and harmony rather than more disharmony and separation.

It is precisely with Pisces, Neptune, and Jupiter, very active planets at the moment, that we learn how to be compassionate, and peacefully lovelight beings in service to All within Creation.

It is now that we have the opportunity to show our most profound love to everyone who is suffering, and above all to everyone that is asking for assistance, and that we, as One Family shall provide, in the unique way we can, for what is taking place in the world, not just in one country but in many, affects us All deeply, physically, emotionally and spiritually, and we cannot deny or separate, for we all are feeling the impact in our hearts so immensely that a part of us in great pain as well.

Let us not focus on the terror infused, but on the hope, light, and love that will always govern above any other form of fear.

Let us allow this feeling of unity and unconditional love reminds us of the power of One.

Withing Infinite Love and Peace to All,

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 27 de febrero de 2022

March Energies 2022 ~ Compassionate Witnessing

 Beloved Ones,

As we continue traveling between many different timelines, we welcome a new energetic month that will help us navigate through the many dimensions that exist, bringing clarity, guidance, and a new sense of direction. A month that is the peak of the 2-2-22 portal that began in February, and that invited us to work on the unification of ourselves, and body portals, to reach a higher level of union.  

During this new month, we are indeed seeing the evidence of the polarization that is taking place in our planet, something that is not just happening in one country, but in many of them, due to the lower level of consciousness of a few. Events that are showing us that there are still some who choose to continue separating by imposing terror and by disrespecting all that is sacred, as are human lives.

This is a month in which we are being called to be compassionate witnesses of what is happening, as we cannot do anything else on a more physical level to control or change what is already occurring. Our main task is to remain always centered in our hearts, in a space that shall remain untouched, pure, and in unity with All, otherwise, we will be also entering into a state of fear, diverging the planet into a timeline of more fear and fragmentation. 

Compassionate witnessing is not just about sending prayers or love. As ascending souls, we already know that it is about entering into a higher level of consciousness in which we are able to become One with our God Self and Monad and embody more Consciousness, that is to say, more love, compassion, and healing light. 

This is not something that we just do in one day or by just meditating and feeling love for All. This requires evolved tools, daily devotion, being in a constant state of love and surrender, and having the mastery to anchor this universal Love for All. 

March is one of the most calming, magical, and healing months of the year. However, it is all that we do with the energies that are offered to us, and with our own state of being, that will determine our own personal reality. At this transitional time, and now more than ever, choosing love, and doing what we can to assist, is pivotal, as we cannot ignore what is taking place, but we can contribute by offering ourselves in service. Some may open their homes, others may offer abundance, and others their most sincere love, all serves within Creation. The important thing is that we continue choosing love, in any form we desire. 

March as its nine frequency reminds us, represents the end of a cycle. A cycle that began by awakening to who we truly are, healing all that was fragmented, and beginning to unify polarities to regain unity consciousness. It is with Pisces that an era of limitation and slavery ends, to birth an era of freedom and light, for those who are ready to recognize a higher way of living and desire to step into it. We have conquered our shadows, rebirthed into the illumined being that we are to ascend again into a more enlightened state of being. 

The essence of March as a number nine, precisely indicates transformations, endings, and hence, new beginnings, with the following transfiguration that comes when we awaken our consciousness and pass from a lower state of being into a higher one. Number 9 is a confirmation of the beginning to the very end, of the completion of a cycle. It invites us to let go of everything that is not serving our higher purpose until we empty ourselves until we create the inner space to allow this new frequency to invade our entire being.

As I always say, we are forever ending/beginning anew within this eternal cosmic spiral. For we never end, on the contrary, we are just beginning to discover the many realms that exist within Creation and its Infinite Wisdom.

Number 9, in perfect synchronization with what we have been experiencing during March and its Piscean energies, is represented in the Tarot by the Hermit, which is giving us the message to be wise, move inward and like the Hermit, focus on our inner Light - Truth - to walk among the shadows until we reach the new shore, using only our inner Light as the only compass to navigate through our current reality, for we need nothing more to be able to discern which way is aligned with our God Self, and which one does not serve any longer. And even if the path of solitude is not always easy, it is essential to listen to our inner Divine Guidance, before giving birth to this new reality, in which, we have already a higher aspect of us dwelling in it.

This is a month for us to focus on creating more peace, love, and compassion, as it is very important to bring more illumination, higher understanding, and above all, neutrality into what we are witnessing, as judging or constantly feeding conflict, will only bring more desperation, as we cannot do anything to shift the current circumstances. 

However, we can do a lot in shifting energetically for those who are ready to receive more love into their hearts. This is where our help is of great assistance, not in impulsively interfering where we cannot change things, but in building a strong energetic shield, so our vulnerability, empathy, and compassion grows, becoming our strength, rather than becoming a weakness. 

Astrological alignments 

Astrologically, March is the only month without retrogrades. It is a time for us to rest, rejuvenate, and re-emerge stronger, purified, ready to move forward with our chosen journey, creating and manifesting a more illumined, loving, and peaceful reality. 

We begin this magical month by having a wonderful event - True Node semi-square Chiron - to help us in our healing journey. An alignment that will help us realize where we most have been wounded, where we are not yet acknowledging emotional damage or any other painful experience that has marked us, and that we need to bring into the surface, heal, and transform if we desire to move forward.

We are in a month as its nine frequency reminds us for us to bring conclusion into a cycle of our lives and begin anew. In this month everything within Creation coincides for us to step into a new timeline, healing the past, as Pisces invites us to do, and moving on onto the next thing we wish to create.

Shining a light precisely in magic, healing, and miracles, we begin March by having on the 2nd of the month a wonderful New Moon at 12 degrees Pisces. A moon that comes to calm us all down, after the intensity of February and everything that is taking place in the outer, for the matrix continues in its intent to cause more fear, destruction, and confusion in the collective, something that we all suffer in one way or another, as we are all one family, connected beyond our human understanding.

As the Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter and Neptune, both in Pisces as well, it is a wonderful time for us to dream big, descending from the ethereal, from the depths of our soul, the visions that we have for our lives. We have had the time to pause, especially during the first month of the year, heal, rejuvenate, and after the intensity of the previous month, now we are ready to begin anew, with a new sense of direction on where to go next. As creators we have infinite possibilities, for we are the ones who choose among the many choices which one to manifest and bring into fruition. 

On March 6, we have two important planetary events occurring, Mars and Venus enter Aquarius. Aquarian, Piscean, and Virgo energies are going to surround us this month to help us liberate ourselves, heal and reclaim our sovereignty and mission afterward when we are in an inner state of clarity to receive and be able to process our mission, for it is something that is gradually integrated, as we evolve. 

Before looking at both Mars and Venus, individually, it is important to notice that Mars, who represents the masculine essence within us, and Venus the feminine one, together, is a wonderful opportunity for us to continue working on the synthesis of both opposites, as we began with the 2-2-22 portal. This is an ongoing inner work that many energies will continue supporting, as it happens during March with Mars and Venus, strategically aligned with other forces as well, for us to continue healing and balancing both essences. 

On a more individual level, Mars, in Aquarius is going to be of great assistance for us to express our hearts, energy, and the unique essence that we, uniquely, hold within. Mars fierceness in free Aquarius represents how we express ourselves in the world. Are we leaders in charge of our own lives? Or are we still slaves? Are we freely being who we are or are we still living in fear of doing so? This is about putting yourself out, as well as your dreams and goals, going after what you truly desire, freely and wisely. 

We too have Venus moving into Aquarius, on the first day of the month. Venus's frequency is one of universal love for all to remember the importance of our true nature and the liberation that is already happening, planetarily speaking, and that is only the beginning of a long process of conscious liberation for eons of slavery.

A process that, as we are already seeing, rejects, by creating more horror and by trying to continue subduing others to their egoic's will. This is what this transition involves, chaos, and often confusion and desperation. However, when we are aligned with our God Self and know that our higher will is always to create more love, all challenges are opportunities for us to continue with our personal mission. 

The message from the cosmos is to help us remember that we all are love, and that love lives in freedom, as it is only by setting all free that we can truly love. This is what humanity, as a collective, is regaining now, the remembrance of what Divine Love and unity truly mean. Sometimes, as we live in a world of opposites, we experience what unlove is, so we can remember again who we truly are. It is always about remembering how to come back Home, after all, whether we choose the loving way or the unloving and harder one. 

We are all heading into a space where freedom and the right to express our hearts is Law, as where we are heading there is no one or outer force that can impede us to do so, for in the Illumined Realms, there are no opposites or the need to fight for control, as love reigns and there is no opposite, as this is the only frequency that exists, and that we have chosen to hold. 

On March 9 Mercury in Pisces is indeed a perfect frequency for those who are working on awakening/expanding their higher senses - retrieving wisdom whether by working on past life activation or simply by the unique way they have chosen their gifts. For the ones who have already awakened their abilities or some of them, they could receive creative visions, dreams, or the transmissions they need at this time from the Illumined Realms, in the unique form they receive guidance, and help them in their ascension path as well as to assist others. 

Another important event is Virgo's energies on March 18, with a Full Moon at 27 degrees Virgo. Another sign that like Pisces is devoted to serving and giving freely. It is with this Moon that we conclude a cycle, and rebirth, as the Equinox reminds us, together with the new astrological year, into the purity of who we are. This is a time for us to end or be, depending on where we are, any clearing treatments, commune with earth, regain more rejuvenation, grounding, and remerge again by being stronger and nourished.

This is going to be a time where endings and beginnings collide, which involves a unique opportunity for us to destroy, transform, or create, anything we wish to shift in both within and in our lives. 

On March 20, we pass from Pisces to having the Sun in Aries together with the Equinox, when the energies will reach their maximum apogee. It is with Aries that we start again into this endless wheel of life. We pass from Pisces, the ultimate evolution, where we finally acknowledge All as One, to Aries, where we begin to know the self, working with it until we can regain a sense of others. 

Leadership and self-empowerment is key with this sign. However, with Aries also comes the gift to burn all that is not serving us. We have with the element Fire another opportunity to help us bring more transformation and purification to ourselves and our lives. 

On March 27 Mercury enters Aries. This is about focusing on the power of our word and personal beliefs. How we communicate with the world, and with ourselves, remembering that there is always a further communication that goes beyond the physical one, as we can all connect through the power of our hearts, for we dwell in many invisible dimensions, where communication is done through the heart and mind.

We end the month with Neptune sextile True Node on March 28. This is a wonderful encounter to enhance our sensitivity, caring for others as part of who we are too, especially in a moment when we need to be more united, more empathic with what is taking place in the world. This is also going to be of great assistance for us to commune with our intuition, and expand into what our soul has envisioned for us next. 

A time to focus on the light, on being compassionate as the higher form of action towards injustices, for we cannot do anything else to shift global situations that are out of our hands. What we can do is stop feeding the chaos and fear, and stand firm in who we are, as even though it may seem it does not change circumstances, it helps those hearts who are open to receive more love, peace, and understanding. 

It serves to bring more global healing too, for what we do for ourselves, we do for All, and is received by All, as we are and live in a holographic reality, not in a fragmented and individual one, even though this is our illusion of it. 

The same that fear has an impact so does the light we choose to hold within. The same that fear creates monsters and destruction, the same light builds and restores.

It is our decision on which side we decide to remain. 

Within Infinite Love and Peace to All,

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 31 de enero de 2022

2222 Portal ~ Reclaiming our Wings

Beloved Ones, 

During this new energetic month of February, we are going to be immersed in a very expansive and nurturing passage.  The 2222 portal is going to bring massive healing for those who are devoted to their healing process and ready to confront their duality, bringing synthesis into themselves and therefore, outer lives. We are already receiving massive solar flares from our central sun, meant to bring unity codes for us to anchor them in our bodies.

A portal of unity, and at the same time duality, for as you know in our human plane, one cannot exist without the other. A passage in which many will see where duality keeps playing in their lives, and others where unity begins to reign.

This is an opportunity for us to work as Guides shared, with the second layer of our DNA, which is the layer that represents time, space, as well as duality. If we desire to begin expanding our sense of time and open ourselves to our multidimensionality, rather than continue living in a lineal way, this is the layer that we need to work with, at this transitional time. 

This layer is also related to our main purpose on earth. Who we are, what we do on earth, and what we feel that we should do for All. However, we are going to begin working with the aspect of us that is connected to how we feel duality and our sense of time and space. 

Our DNA is formed by twelve layers, each and one of them corresponding to an aspect of us, for as you know we not only exist within this 3D plane but within the 12 God dimensions that make us whole.

Layers that go in groups of three and that are all interconnected. During this portal, my Guides remarked on the importance to work with the second layer of our DNA. I know many will ask why this layer and not higher ones, as they are more evolved, so to speak. Well, the importance of healing, balancing, and updating each and every layer of our DNA is essential, not just what we consider the ascension ones.

For us to be able to work on healing duality, first we too need to open the body portals for us to connect with Unity Consciousness, for as always, as it is within it is without. Working on duality goes further than the inner unification of our feminine, masculine, dark, and light polarities. This inner essential work must be followed by the opening of our shoulder wing portals, which are the ones that metaphorically represent what we humans call wings, that is only the light that emanates from our left and right side shoulders portals when we fully open it.

On the top corners of our shoulders, we have two portals that correspond to the 6th and 7th dimensions. The 6th portal is situated on the right top corner of our shoulder, representing the masculine essence. While the 7th one is situated on the left one, representing the feminine aspect of us. 

The first time we were seededd by our Forefathers the Lyrans, together with other beings such as the Sirians, as the human trace had different seedings, we were made in our original Adamic DNA, perfect, in the image of God. We were meant to be multidimensional beings with our right and left shoulder wing portals fully opening, in perfect connection to the 6th and 7th rays, and with our angelic nature and realms.

This connection was interrupted, manipulated, and distorted by the negative manipulation we too had eons ago, impeding us to act as the powerful divine beings that we all, in essence, truly are.

This process goes further than what we can simply share in a post or in a few words. However, it is important as guides shared to share some authentic information, that you all can confirm within, as it is the universal history of humanity, to be able to balance the false programming and false propaganda that has been given to us for eons. 

When we awake and choose to consciously evolve, we need to inform ourselves of the mechanics of ascension, through direct guidance and through other's material, as our soul will choose to inform us, for it is pivotal that as well as we work internally, we too work on our physical bodies.

This portal offers us the opportunity to work on many important issues that as humans we all need to treat: our sense of time, and duality as well as the healing of our emotional baggage. It is a unique opportunity with the six and seventh-dimensional healing energies that we are receiving, for all who wish to go further into the opening of their original body portals and hence, connection to the Divine. 

Once we have cleared and healed ourselves, we are ready to begin working with your shoulder wing portals, opening them and using the techniques that we consider more appropriate, as we all are unique and the difference will vary from one to another.

In this process, all is pivotal, from what we think, to what we eat, as all create our body, that is shifting constantly, and as we think and eat, they will become. Ascension cannot be about thinking purely and eating aversely, as we cannot lie to our bodies. This is why it is so important to act with integrity 

The 6D portal is so important that once we open it we will begin to synthesize with our soul, which is what is called the twin soul merging process. This has nothing to do with the so-called twin flames, as it is our own personal soul embodiment and unity. This is the first step towards integration, so we can pass to have balanced and equal relationships. 

Once we have begun our inner work of inner merging, we can proceed to work with transcending our profound sense of time, which is vital if we desire to heal certain timeliness and navigate through them, freely, healing all the emotions that have caused more separation and imbalances. 

The acceleration of time responds to the integration of consciousness that we are experiencing. The more consciousness we embody, the more that time will run. And the more we move, physically, the more that it will too pass, for it is all about movement that creates this illusion of time.

The more that we open ourselves to our multidimensionality, the more that we will be able to feel everything we have ever lived happening at the same time. I am not talking about the past, for I do not consider it relevant to our present incarnation, as to me what is important is what we do Now, but about the ability to feel or rememorize all as if it was happening now. Something that at least from my personal experience can be very painful, if we do not create healthy boundaries to live only in the Now. 

Clearing our emotional baggage, as time expands and contracts depending on the intensity of our emotions and the memories we keep, is essential to have mental and emotional stability. This is why it is so important to clear duality, our judgments on what happened in a time that is not the present one, and come back from this timeline healed and more integrated rather than fragmented. 

Finishing this technique with soul retrieval is key if what we are dealing with is traumatic emotions, especially abuse and many others that cause soul fragmentation. This is why it is so important to be able to travel through time wisely, coming back from other parallel timelines just to heal, rather than remaining there, in profound suffering.

At a collective level, we cannot do the inner work for themselves. The more that we evolve, and are able to witness all that is taking place from a higher perspective, the more duality we will see, for as we move towards unity, our perception of duality increases too. To be able to deal with all the unloving manipulations that we are witnessing, divine neutrality is key for us to remain in our heart center, and from this loving space, heal our own duality, to be able to help heal All, for as holographic beings, what we do for ourselves, we do for All.

This is one of the most important portals of all the years, although again will depend on where we are on our ascension journey and what we need to heal or work with, at this time.

We have the opportunity, for the first time in our human history to restore and reclaim our wing portals and begin to reconnect, gradually, consciously, and intentionally, all that was distorted and that is our birthright to claim, as the sovereign beings that we truly are.

There is always more love, personal power, and wisdom that we can embody. For God's love is infinite, as so are we. There is no rush within Creation to evolve, for we are endless beings having many different experiences. 

There is only more understanding and compassion to hold if we desire to move forward within this eternal spiral of Creation, growing and helping others to do the same, through our own personal example and unconditional love.

I wish you all a healing and loving portal, Beloved Ones.

May you heal and restore your precious souls, remembering in the process the wondrous lovelight beings that you all are.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 29 de enero de 2022

The Energies of February 2022 ~ Infinite Expansion

Beloved Ones,

As we approach this new energetic month of February, we will begin to see much evidence of us moving into a new harmonic space. February introduces the importance of time and working with timeliness to heal emotions. A month that offers us too the chance to work on adapting to change, naturally, as we continue shifting between timeliness. With the coming of the 2/2/22 portal, we will have as well the opportunity to work with our DNA, repairing duality and working with painful feelings. 

As we continue losing our fixed sense of human time and space, for we are on an accelerated journey, we continue sensing time as nothing but a mere human construction, as in truth it is not about time but about movement and emotions, that create the illusion of time. This is one of the most important months in terms of inner work, which will help us tremendously to achieve a new level of self-mastery. 

We begin the second month of this loving year by having Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion very active, in co-creation with many planetary forces. This is a month to begin the creation, the expansion, depending on where we are in our path, of our soul's desires. During January, we had the opportunity, with Venus reminding us to pause and evaluate our journey, to commune with our soul before building the next phase of our human journey.

It is now that we pass to co-create in a further way, when Jupiter comes to help us expand our creations, beginning a new path of conscious co-creation with All. Energies that are introduced by the universal number eight of February, a number that already indicates, rebirth, expansion, and abundance.

Number 8 symbolizes the infinite, where endings and new beginnings are intertwined. This is where we are at the moment, in the void where we commune with our soul to obtain more wisdom, before stepping into the unknown, for in our new harmonic timeline, the only way forward is to follow our own soul's oracle. 

Number 8 is represented by the fiery tarot card of strength – a woman holding between her hands the jaws of a Lion (sun) – represents the physical strength that can only come through the power of love, wisdom, and balance, cultivated within. This is the perfect representation for the Wise Goddess of Love embracing fiery Leo, calming his wildness with her loving essence. 

The message is that all can be done through the power of love, all can be shifted and dissolved when our human self finally surrenders to a Higher Power. One that is within All things and beings. A power that leads the way instead of forcing/molding our reality with our egoic self, who can only envision a small and limited view of what is truly happening. 

Eight is said to be the number of infinite, for all is infinite in nature, and the only limitations are the ones created by our human minds, as it is the illusion of lack, coming from being immersed in a lower state of fear and separation. This is an opportunity for us to move inward and see where we still live in lack, where we still think that human resources are limited and can only come from the outside. For it is there where we begin limiting ourselves, by creating this same old story and by allowing its manifestation, in the physical. 

Just at the beginning of the month, we initiate a portal that goes from February 2 to February 22. A portal of unity, and at the same time duality, as in our human plane, one cannot exist without the other. A passage in which many will see where duality keeps playing in their lives, and others where unity begins to reign.

This is an opportunity for us to work as well, as Guides shared, with the second layer of our DNA, to begin expanding our sense of time, and open ourselves to our multidimensionality, rather than continue living in a linear way.

I will share more of what I received in a separate post, as it is important to go deeper into this inner work for the 2/2/22 February portal. 

Astrological Events

At a cosmic level, we being by having a New Moon at 12 degrees Aquarius. Juno, the asteroid that represents commitment, marriage, and a deeper union, will too enter into Aquarius, the Great Liberator, into the same day. This is an opportunity for us to begin freeing ourselves more and more from an old cycle, and the many false beliefs and habits that we keep repeating, unnecessarily. 

On February 3, Mercury will turn direct, which as you know I simply share the date as a reference, not as a reality for me, as I do not foment or believe in retrogrades. However, I consider it important for those who still choose to believe in them, as we are all free to choose the beliefs, timelines, and personal reality that we desire.

A few days later, on February  8th, we have Ceres entering Gemini. Together with Mercury, this is going to be a wonderful opportunity for us to cultivate our minds, to navigate through our mental planes, retrieve wisdom, knowledge, higher guidance, and above all, continue learning as we evolve, for there are endless lessons yet to be integrated. 

Ceres represents the feminine within us, the one that nurtures, heals, and restores everything it touches. As Ceres co-creates with Gemini, it is a frequency that will help us work with our minds, clearing them from debris, from old programming, and restoring our mental bodies at all levels. Caring and nurturing every aspect of ourselves is pivotal, not just the physical one, for as many of us are fully aware, we dwell in many dimensions, and all of them are equally important to keep us in perfect balance.

A wave of new ideas may be descended upon us at this time if we have already cleared our minds. A time for us to be open to receive new ways of communicating with our God Self, other benevolent beings, and dimensions, for we are retrieving this lost communication, distorted eons ago through Earth's fabrics and other portals manipulation.

This is a very important alignment for us to work in many different levels, although after all it is all based on respectful communication, with ourselves and with others, taking this loving and nurturing frequency to our relationships with others, making them more loving, compassionate and caring.

Another important event will be on February 11, when Jupiter semi-sextile Chiron. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, which represents the eighth frequency of February, is going to be very active this month too. Jupiter aligning with Chiron at that time will help us precisely in healing, in both directions, on a personal level, and in expanding on the work that we do to assist others.

This will also help us to work, during February, as the 2/2/2022 portal will last until the end of the month, to work with our second layer of the DNA, as I previously shared, and that is something guides invite us to do to learn how to navigate through our sense of time and space, healing, restoring memories, and learning how to best work with our new sense of time, for as we move into this new harmonic timeline, the more accelerated time will be for All. 

On February 14, we have many astrological events that are key to helping us in our healing and empowering journey. On one hand, we have Pallas entering Aries, together with Pluto trine True Node, and lastly, Mercury entering Aquarius. All these events are for us to bring freedom, which begins by opening our minds to the Truth of who we are and how reality really is, and by first being empowered enough to be able to cope with emotional clearing, as we may find some painful episodes our egoic self denies to look at. 

The path to self-liberation begins by confronting our shadows, learning how to embrace them equally, and taking the lessons that will help us be more unified rather than fragmented. This is a wonderful opportunity to do so, especially in a month where we are given the perfect frequencies for us to heal duality. 

These events give us personal power, determination to adapt to change, and above all, clarity to see the truth and free ourselves from false beliefs. We are leaders, creators, and master healers. The time for us to see who we are, and stand tall in it, has come. 

On February 16, we have another empowering event, a Full Moon on the 28 at 00' Leo. In the midst of all this expansive and healing as well, month, Leo comes to remind us of the inner power that makes all shadows disappear, and that helps us overcome anything that we may be experiencing. The power that comes from our Essence as Divine Beings, and that is able to show us the authentic path, by helping us see the truth, and by reminding us of our strength and inner resources, as we continue healing and moving forward towards our next destination. 

As Jupiter will not cease helping us to grow in many different ways, during this new month, on February 17  we have Jupiter sextile Uranus. This is one of the most important aspects of this year 2022. This is a time for us to bring positive changes. Changes that come from the evaluating time we take with Venus in the first month of the year, and that we see are not clearer, after taking a time off and pondering about our journey.

It is now that we healed, become whole again, and regain more unity that we are ready to begin creating the path that our soul desires. Aligning with these energies will help those who are ready to begin building again their new path. This has nothing to do with the coming of the new year, as it is often thought in our human fixed sense of time, but with our personal micro cycles. 

There will be some who are ending a cycle, others beginning it, and others in the middle of it, and rather than associating it with the new year, it is best to learn our own natural cycles, to get to know where we specifically are, in our unique soul path. 

On February 18 the Sun enters Pisces. We now pass to the invisible realms of Pisces, to where we illumined ourselves, regained higher wisdom, and begin to walk towards the depths of our being. A time of miracles and a time for us to leave an old cycle, of false beliefs, disempowerment, and begin to walk towards the Light of who we truly are. 

One of the lessons that Pisces offers us is the ultimate transcendence of all the old mental programming and beliefs that we used to hold within, as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and therefore the one who has already discovered all the aspects of himself, integrating all the challenges/lessons required to embody a higher level of awareness that will make Him see the Truth, instead of the old illusion in which He was immersed. 

Now that we have seen what is beyond our human senses and crossed the illusory veils, we are ready to embrace a new way of living based on authenticity, integrity, and compassion, attributes that can only be mastered in the physical.

We end the month with two important planetary alignments, that again involves Jupiter, for this is a month of expansion in many areas: healing, manifestation, soul mission expansion as well as new ways in which we can connect and receive guidance. 

On February 23 we have Jupiter semi-square Pluto, and at the end, on February 28 Jupiter will quintile True Node. This is an invitation for us to reconnect with our inner Divine Power, and utilize it to build what will bring us success, unconditional love, and healing not just to ourselves and our personal path, but to All, for now, we walk in unity, and every single thing we think, feel and do, is not about us anymore, but about thinking in All as a group consciousness.

Use this power wisely and direct it towards the creation of that which you know is your destiny, as you planned it before you came into this plane. Use this empowering frequency to stand firm in your personal truth, heading into the direction of your dreams, building your soul mission on earth, expanding on it, and directing your thoughts and actions towards what is ahead, never to what we left behind, as the north node invites us to do.

These last two events summarize perfectly well what this month is about - expansion, transcendence of limitations and false programs, and above all, confronting all challenges, that in truth are mere opportunities for us to continue fulfilling our purpose, which is what these frequencies help us achieve.

We are in a phase of our ascension journey in which only looking forward will help us disengage from our past timeline. At the moment we look back, bringing past energies, we come back to where we used to be.

The choice is always ours to move into a more harmonic state of being or repeat, if necessary what we have not yet integrated.

As always, we are always where we need to be to continue growing, as expansion never ceases, wherever we may be in our personal evolutionary path.

I wish you all a wonderful February, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

sábado, 1 de enero de 2022

The Energies of January 2022 ~ Embracing Our Creatress Essence

 Beloved Ones,

Happy New Harmonic Year 2022!

We initiate a new harmonic cycle of profound love and peace. A phase, in which we will realize that time in truth, does not exist. A fact that in our new reality, is going to be more evident, as we transcend the old concepts of time/space and other human illusions, to finally step into a more illumined timeline. 

We begin January, by having Venus, the aspect of us that represents beauty, love, compassion, and creativity retrograde, and therefore it marks what this first month is going to be for us - a time of profound communion with ourselves, as it is pivotal to reconnect with who we have become, and hence, new values, for as we shift, so do our beliefs, and begin to discern what we really wish to create next. 

Creating shall be done from an inner space of total alignment with our feminine precious essence, from the sacred womb, for the Creatress within us is the one who is in perfect communion with our Soul, knowing what to create, how, and when. Our mission is to surrender and to balance both our feminine and masculine essences, so both can co-create from a harmonic unified space.

January gives us the opportunity for us to witness the state of our being, inner creations, sense of abundance, and prepare ourselves for this new year, an empty canvas, as Guides shared in co-creations, for the ones who have regained sovereignty and hence, personal empowerment, to paint it as they wish. 

As its universal seven frequency reminds us, January is a month for us to embrace ourselves, in deep communion and commitment, both, with our soul and physical body, so we can descend the wisdom required for us to create the next steps of our journey.

It is only in the silence of our God Illumined Self that we can listen to the Truths that our human being cannot, in the noise it creates. It is only through conscious presence and meditation that we can know what we really desire, as sometimes we are too programmed with desires that are not ours to experience. This is precisely what we need, from time to time, to sit with ourselves, to know what has changed within us, and what we truthfully desire now.

On January 2nd, we have a wonderful New Moon at 12 Capricorn. Capricorn's essence reminds us and helps us be structured, organized, and determined to go after our dreams and projects. If we take the proper time to listen to our guidance and follow the necessary steps towards building what we wish, with precaution, rather than impulsiveness, but with determination and personal power, we will finally see the outcomes that we wish, and that are finally aligned with who we have become, for as ascending souls, we are shifting, at every single moment, even if the illusion of change perpetuates.

This Moon is the perfect one to bring to the surface our resourcefulness and ambitions from a space of total respect and unconditional love to All, remembering that everything we create shall not just be for our good, but for the highest good of All within Creation.

Plant your seed, water, love it, and wait patiently until it blossoms in the physical, for everything has its time, and the time for seeding from within, has arrived. 

On this same day, we have Mercury, entering into the sign of Aquarius. This is a soothing and great frequency after the intensity of the Eclipses, for us to work on bringing mental releasement as well as liberation into our mental bodies. This is going to help us immensely if we are working to free ourselves from human illusions, old beliefs, and anything we are trying to let go of. 

This essence brings mental flexibility, for us to flow and be open to new truths, for there is always, a higher truth, as we continue to evolve, a new level of it that we are now ready to appreciate and embody. Indeed a very important energy that if used wisely, could help us work on self-sovereignty at all levels.

The next day, on January 3, we have Jupiter square True Node. The Planet of Expansion in co-creation with the North Node, which is our present and future, what we are creating, and the outcomes that will emanate from our now creations, is going to support our inner creative process. This is a time for us to focus on building what our soul envisions in the depths of our being, in the non-physical, taking it further into the tangible. A reminder of the importance that being totally focused on the present, has, for we cannot create if we are focused on times that no longer exist - past - within our present timeline. 

On January 14, The Planet of Communication, Mercury, will turn retrograde, for the ones who believe in slow phases. Personally, and as I always share, it is all that we believe, what will manifest in our reality. If we foment the collective belief that everything will go slow for us, then it will occur, but not due to Mercury retrograde, but to our own beliefs, for as always, we are powerful creators. 

It is time for us to look within and use our own soul oracle and micro-personal cycles to navigate throughout our own reality, as the rest are mere human illusions that need to be distilled to be able to embrace our sovereignty and continue evolving and expanding within new horizons.

On this same day, we have another asteroid turning direct: Ceres. The essence of this asteroid is the one of the universal mother, a nurturer, caretaker, and unconditional love. It represents all these feminine archetypes, helping us to commune with our sacred sexuality and feminine essence, which together with Venus is going to be of great assistance for the ones working on polarity balancing, and feminine healing-clearing.

It is a month in which all the planetary forces remind us of the importance that taking care of ourselves has, as within all the distractions of our daily lives, we may fall into old patterns such as self-saying, not taking proper care of our bodies, and needs, and be more focused on others, on the outside than in ourselves first, for we cannot give from an empty vessel. 

To foment this feminine, familiar, nurturing essence, on January 17, we have a wonderful and loving Full Moon in Cancer. This is an opportunity to evaluate our sense of home. Do we feel at home on earth? Do we feel at home within ourselves? As often there are many who reject their bodies, using addictions, negative thoughts, and many other ways to punish what they deny. It is pivotal to understand that everywhere we may go is Home, for it is always within, and as long as we hold this feeling inside, we will always be familiar with everything within Creation.

In the middle of January, on the 18, to help us step out, gradually, of our inner retrospection mode, we have Uranus - direct again - in Taurus. This is a time to reconsider the changes that we may feel guided to do and that we did not, as we were waiting patiently until we obtain more guidance for our new journey. 

As you know Uranus's frequency is one of change. This is not the change that comes naturally or that comes to solve your problems. This is the change that comes to turn your whole world upside down - transforming yourself and how your view reality, whether it is pleasant or not. This is the frequency that transforms everything it touches, from within to without.

It is a push to keep reflecting, especially by having the next day the North Node retrograde as well, entering in Taurus too. Both invite us to move forward, step by step, with patience, kindness, and gentleness towards ourselves, for it is vital to meditate upon the things we wish to birth, before acting impulsively. 

On January 20, the Sun will enter into Aquarius. When the Sun shines its light in Aquarius, a fixed and Air sign, it is a message for us to free ourselves from mental restrictions that impede us to fully flow with All and start cultivating the aspect of us who assists from a pure place of love and selfless service to others. 

You can be conscious of the part of you which is an individualized aspect of Source, at the same time that you can also become One with Humanity, and help the collective by being your unique expression of the Divine - sharing your own soul gifts and shining your unique frequency wherever you feel guided to share your own Light Essence. 

Mars in Capricorn from January 24, together with Mercury entering into the same sign on the next day, will give us the perfect boost that we need to begin moving in the direction of what we wish to achieve, during the next months. Mars in Capricorn gives us the energy, resilience, and determination required to pursue our goals. 

On the other hand, Mercury in the same sign gives us the mental clarity and strength for us to be able to cope with all we need to create and organize, as sometimes we may have the physical energy, but if we do not possess the same mental and emotional balance, we could not manifest outcomes that are aligned and stable, in our physical reality. 

We end the month by having Venus direct on January 29. Venus gave us the opportunity to evaluate ourselves, our sense of abundance, and our relationships. Now, we hold more clarity, and personal power, being able to continue our unique path, knowing better know what we wish and how we can manifest it.

A time to descend from the ethereal, from the depths of our soul, where we nurtured ourselves, and regained higher guidance, into the tangible, where we dwell, create, and can enjoy our soul's creations. 

This is a month to embrace our Creatress Essence, remembering the power of the feminine, without forgetting the importance of its alignment with the masculine. A month to work with our womb, our cosmic creative center, and a month to embody higher levels of love. 

We now enter into this New Cycle purified, more unified, and ready to create a totally new adventure filled with joy, abundance, and above all, unconditional love for us and All, for we are in All as well as All is in us.

I AM Goddess

I AM Creatress 

I AM Love, Harmony, and Power,

And so are YOU.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2021

New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, December 3rd/4th ~ A Declaration of Freedom

Beloved Ones, 

At a time when we are still navigating between endings and new beginnings, many not yet sure of which path to take, we welcome a New Moon Solar eclipse at  12°12′ Sagittarius whose main frequency is a liberating one. A portal that begins on December 1st and that will continue building until the 12/12, where the energies will reach their peak. Energies that will help many who choose to align with it to free themselves, from guilt, blame, and their past mistakes. 

This eclipse is going to help us retrieve the wisdom through our soul's revelations required for us to determine whether the path we are actually traveling is authentic, or shall be transformed into one that is more aligned. As we are immersed in Sagittarian energies, we are going to count with the joy and bravery to break free from the old and continue with our chosen path. 

The Solar eclipse will help us free ourselves in two main areas: our past and its corresponding timelines, especially as it trine Chiron, the Cosmic Healer, in Aries, which gives us a time to stop for a while and heal what has not yet been treated. Secondly, it also gives us the opportunity to stand tall for ourselves and, speak our voice to share our truth and personal guidance, so we can help others who like us are now beginning to awake and step into this evolutionary journey. 

This is a period for us to work on the resolution of everything that is still impeding us to be happy, free and that in a way keeps us attached to our past, whether familiar ties, genetic ones, or any other patterns that need to be distilled. We all have erred, we all have committed unloving acts when we possessed a lower level of consciousness. 

There is no reason why we should continue punishing ourselves or others. There is only more love to give to ourselves and others, so we can understand that it is through the power of love that we correct everything we have done that we consider wrong in the past. It is time for all of us to move on from our past, and begin to release, at all levels, emotional, mental, and physical, all we have kept inside for years, and that is not serving anyone to advance.

Sagittarius is a very optimistic sign, it shows perseverance in what it truly desires. As Sagittarians, we too now are conscious of the importance that enjoying the journey has, more than getting to the “final destination” as we are grateful for all the "lessons" learned in the path itself, knowing that in truth, there is never a final purpose or destination, for we are forever evolving and becoming anew, within the infinite realms of Creation.

Sagittarius teaches us the importance of living and enjoying the moment, rather than feeding old or future timelines, as all we desire to manifest, comes precisely when we are focused on the Now moment, using the present energy to build and be in alignment. 

At a collective level, as the eclipse conjunct the south node, together with the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Sagittarius, which is all about truth and authenticity, it is going to be a great impact on the collective, as they are going to continue rediscovering who they are, the truth about many things that have been hidden to us, etc. and they will begin to massively rebel, breaking free from old chains and beginning a new path, one that they have consciously created this time. 

We also have another aspect, as this eclipse comes with many planetary alignments, that is going to affect the masses - Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, which is in Aquarius, square to Mars in Scorpio. This is also an aspect that will trigger the courage in all of us to stop following old patterns, and orders that are not coming from a benevolent nature, fighting for our rights and what is right for All. 

At a cosmic level, the transformational, and liberating, the essence of this eclipse is going to be reinforced by the Moon quincunx Uranus and sextile Saturn. Both important forces will act as a powerful catalyst for the change we wish to anchor into ourselves, or our lives. If we have done already the required inner work, then we could pass to stabilize this change into our physical reality.

During the eclipse we have a wonderful time for us to ground ourselves, especially with Saturnian's energies, and being to descend our goals and desires from the ethereal, or a soul level, into a more tangible one, remember that ascension is about shifting while we are still in a human body, not living in the ethereal without concreting our desires in our dense world. 

On the other hand, if we have yet to work on cutting cords, as familiar ties or anything that keeps us attached to our genetic bloodline, in a distorted way, whether genetically or emotionally, it will be a perfect time to end all bonds and begin to reconstruct ourselves from the inside out. 

If we also find it hard to adapt to change or have not yet chosen in which frequency we desire to dwell, as even though sometimes if we are eager to step into a new reality, we still hold on to the old, this eclipse will make us move from familiarity and will introduce us to change as if we do not decide yet, we will be moved, according to our current frequency.

This eclipse comes with joy, wisdom, and truth, but also with tremendous transformation, which does not always imply chaos, as it is precisely from the metamorphosis that we suffer that the new emerges. However, if we are not prepared we may be challenged beyond our control, as what causes suffering is just the resistance to adapt to the unknown. 

Tools for the eclipse

We are about to welcome an eclipse whose potential for healing and personal transcendence is immense. As always, Guides wanted to share for All some tools for us to navigate this eclipse easier. 

The first tool that Guides share for the ones who are on a personal phase of wisdom descendion, and hence alignment with their God selves, is to call upon the Second-Yellow Ray of Creation - the one that helps us descend the Divine Intelligence - truth, wisdom - that is already in our DNA and body cells, waiting for us to activate them again. 

Remember the importance that truth has during this eclipse, as the main energies are a reminder of the many revelations that we are receiving at the moment. It is a very important period for humanity in terms of uncovering the truths that have been hidden from us. 

This is a very important Ray, as everyone who has incarnated on this plane, is connected with this Ray, as we live in a second Ray Solar System. So this Ray is our Solar Logos and the one that for example Buddha was born under. 

The Yellow Ray is the Ray of Illumination, which is the Ray of Love, and hence the desire that the Divine has for Wisdom. This is where many of us are at the moment, retrieving the wisdom that will help us evolve, as well as to continue to be of service.

This Ray also helps us meditate before acting, rather than being impulsive, and acting always consciously. It is a perfect one to work on intuition, truth, patience, temper, and above all, and compassion, for Intelligence, precisely is about being compassionate, as it is not opposed to sensitivity. 


The crystal given for this eclipse is Danburite. Danburite is a very powerful crystal to align with the Illumined Realms, descend wisdom, as well as connect to our Unified-God Self, to be able to obtain the guidance required for our personal journey. Danburite's frequency is subtle, as it is so high that it is not easy to perceive. However, once we co-create with it, its sixth-dimensional essence feels absolutely comfortable, light, and angelic. 

This crystal will help us align with our authentic Divine Self, bringing its purity, and crystalline essence into our being, helping us align all our chakras, as well as human and higher selves, so we can be in perfect harmony and in resonance with who we truly are, and our soul's Will. 

This eclipse provides us with the opportunity for us to align with its benevolent essence and begin a process of conscious communication, with our soul, Unified Self, and with the Illumined Beings and Dimensions of existence, that are there supporting us in our human journey.

We are crossing dimensional doors at every single moment, even though as humans, we have created the illusion that we are fixed in nature. Every time we choose differently, we shift timelines, every time we act lovingly, we step into a more harmonic dimensional space. 

Timelines that may seem to us very similar to our previous ones, but only physically, as when we choose love, we too see the results of having chosen wisely, and all of our manifestations are aligned with this new loving choice.

With this eclipse's energies, we have the opportunity to line up with it and choose the path we would like to walk next. For we are the only creators and responsible ones for our human path, and only we decide, when, how, and with whom we desire to experience it. 

I wish you all a loving and healing eclipse, Beloved Ones!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2021

December Energies 2021 ~ Soul Expansion

 Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the last month of this life-changing year. We begin December with a very powerful eclipse in Sagittarius, one that is going to help us conclude a cycle, due to its transformative and releasing energies. 
A very healing month that invites us to move inward and heal everything that is still fragmented, for if we are not unified and healed, our new reality will be a duplication of our past one, with the same old outcomes. 

It is pivotal that we do not get distracted by the many tactics and manipulations that are the moment govern our planet, so we can keep focusing on what is truly important for our personal journey, as well as in bringing all the assistance we can to All.

This is a month for us to allow our soul, the wisest aspect of us, to guide us through a new destination, although there is never a final one, for our journey of embodying higher levels of love, never ends. A period of reflection but also of deep soul communion, for us to retrieve the guidance and knowledge required to transform anything that is no longer in perfect harmony. 

We have ahead a wonderful month for us to expand from within, and hence without, as expansion always begins with the soul wanting to explore and give birth to new horizons. An expansion that begins by our soul envisioning new paths for us to experience and that is represented the number 8 essence of December. 

Number 8 is infinite, where endings and new beginnings are intertwined. This is where we are at the moment, in the void where we commune with our soul to obtain more wisdom, before stepping into the unknown, for in our new harmonic timeline, the only way forward is to follow our own soul's oracle. 

Number 8, which is represented by the fiery tarot card of strength – a woman holding between her hands the jaws of a Lion (sun) – represents the physical strength that can only come through the power of love, wisdom, and balance, cultivated within. This is the perfect representation for the Wise Goddess of Love embracing fiery Leo, calming his wildness with her loving essence. 

The message is that all can be done through the power of love, all can be shifted and dissolved when our human self finally surrenders to a Higher Power that is within All things and beings and lets it lead the way instead of forcing/molding our reality with our egoic self who can only envision a small and limited view of what is truly happening. 

This is also a number that represents the infinite, for all is infinite in nature, and the only limitations are the ones created by our human minds, as it is the illusion of lack, coming from being immersed in a lower state of fear and separation. This is an opportunity for us to move inward and see where we still live in lack, where we still think that human resources are limited and can only come from the outside. For it is there where we begin limiting ourselves, by creating this same old story and by allowing its manifestation, in the physical. 

This is a month where many will begin to open themselves more and more to receive, for they are awakened and ready now to embrace higher truths. Others will move towards the integration of new ways of receiving guidance, embodying new aspects of their soul mission, and evolving within new frequencies, for they are already ready to go further. 

In any case, this is a month to descend wisdom from our soul, as it knows what we are ready to embody and begin to work towards a new direction.

Astrological alignments

We begin this new astrological month by having Neptune, the Planet of Intuition, and the subconscious turning direct again. Neptune can be challenging, as it invites us to go deeper into the aspects of us and feelings that we do not desire to visit. However, once we integrate our shadows and overcome any fears, we can resurface by being stronger, wiser, with a new sense of direction, and connection, to our inner guidance that we did not possess before, due to our egoic fear to visit the unknown and the corners of our souls that are in pain.

This is also going to be of great help for those who need to see reality as it is. As you know many times, we simply deny seeing what IS and focus on the many human delusions that cloud our understanding about what is already occurring in our human experience. If you are one who tends to dwell in the ethereal, in denial of what is taking place in your human reality, then Neptune will help you to bring into synthesis both worlds, understanding that both are equals and that can coexist if we desire to embrace both sides of who we are, not just the Divine, but the mundane one as well.

The next and most important planetary event of December occurs on December 4th. We welcome the second and last eclipse of this year - a New Moon Solar eclipse at 12 degrees Sagittarius. If the previous eclipse was the longest and was immensely powerful, this one is unprecedented. This eclipse comes to break everything that is not aligned and brings new life. The eclipse quincunx Uranus, together with the direct influence of precisely Saturn square Uranus, the last square of this year.

Sagittarius is a mutable sign, therefore it is about change too, something that the eclipse will reinforce and that many may feel as uncomfortable, as it can be abrupt if we are resistant to let go. However, if we choose to flow, let go when it is the time to do so, and renew ourselves, we will not experience the pain that often comes when we focus more on what we leave behind and is familiar, that what is yet to come.  

We all are going to be affected, at a personal and collective level, for we all are moving into a new direction, whether it is a more illumined one or any other personal choice we have made. The harmonization required during this eclipse comes with the New Moon sextile Saturn, which helps us to ground ourselves, be patient, wait before being too impulsive, and find calmness in the midst of the storm. 

On December 13th Mars will also move into Sagittarius at the same time that Mercury will do the same but in Capricorn. The Warrior Mars in Sagittarius is going to be eager to be free, so it can explore anything that it wishes in the physical. This is what we are going to feel if we align with this essence, the liberation that comes when we finally choose to be who we are and begin moving in our desired direction. Mars in Sagittarius, on the opposite as when it dwelt in Capricorn, will inspire us to act according to what we believe, rather than to what we feel, which often can be impulsive. 

Mercury in Capricorn is going to help us focus on the practical, descending our ideas and new projects into the tangible world, where we can expand them and enjoy them. It is important that we begin to notice how all the planets, the macro, represents what is taking place in the micr0 - a complete shift from the ethereal into the physical, bringing all into matter, where it can be transformed, healed, and expanded. 

On December 18th, we have a Full Moon at 27 degrees Gemini. Gemini is all about synthesis, as if we do not work with the process of soul merging, then there cannot be the proper communication between both our human and God Self. During this Full moon is where we have another opportunity for us to clear our mental body, communicate with ourselves healthily, so we can receive new ideas, guidance, etc., and above all clear, all negative programs, beginning to build a stronger communicative bridge with ourselves and Illumined One.

This is also a wonderful time for traveling. Remember that travel does not have to be just a physical one, as for the ones who are working with subtle energies and other worlds, know that communication can happen in many dimensions and timeliness, not just in a more tangible way. 

On December 19th we have Venus retrograde in Capricorn and on the opposite Chiron direct. Venus in Capricorn will help us all to evaluate our sense of abundance, which as you know comes from the love that we feel for ourselves and hence for All. A love that above all comes from recognizing ourselves as Divine Sovereign beings in charge of our own human life experience.

Therefore, if there is lack in your reality, it may signify that you are yet experiencing separation, due to fears, doubts, anxieties, or any other emotion that makes you believe that you are not worth it or that keeps you in fear. Everything is a result of what is inside. This does not mean that we should feel blame or guilt for what we create, but full responsibility, and the joy of knowing that we always count on a new opportunity to master that which we have not desired to experience. There is always infinite possibilities and when there is a will to expand and grow, there is always a way.

Chiron offers us its healing frequency for us to direct it towards the aspects of ourselves that need clearing, expansion, and rejuvenation. It is vital to do soul retrieval, clearing timeliness and energetic recovery, every time that we shift timelines, whether it is the New Year or any other time that our soul has planned for us, as it is of utmost importance to be able to do the shift, that we carry no past energy, wounds, pains or any other remnants. 

On December 21, the Sun will enter in the sign of Capricorn, celebrating the Winter/Summer Solstice, depending on where you live. The Sun represents our Higher Self, our Essence, so when the Sun shines its light into a sign of the zodiac and hence into a specific aspect of ourselves, it means we are invited to develop and work on this concrete side of ourselves. 

With the Sun in Capricorn, we are called to nourish the aspect of us who brings things into fruition, making them tangible, paying attention not only to the ethereal part of us but also to the aspect of us that needs to be nurtured - in the material - since they sustain ourselves. After all, the new frequency we hold is meant to be anchored within our dense realm. Capricorn also gives us equilibrium, so we do not fall into the trap of illusions, procrastinating the birth of our new creations. 

On December 24th Saturn square Uranus. The most important aspect of this year since February and the third and last square. This is something that only occurs every twenty years or so. This aspect is the one that is marking the planetary shift that we, as species are having. A macro representation of what is already taking place in our micro-universe - the need for freedom over slavery and control. This is an ongoing process that has been occurring for a while and that will be a turning point for all of us. 

There are many changes indeed happening in both a personal and a collective level, and this is just the beginning, even though the efforts of many to be otherwise, as humanity is embracing a higher level of consciousness, shifting slavery patterns that have been happening for years and beginning to retrieve their sovereignty. 

Lastly, on December 28th we will have Jupiter entering into Pisces. In a month which is all about descending the wisdom that in reality is already within ourselves, and anchoring it in our reality, we have Jupiter helping us to expand our intuitive senses, so we can commune with our soul, God Illumined Self, and begin a process, for it takes time and inner work, of conscious wisdom descension, which is a transformation that involves complete trust in what we are receiving. 

A process that comes too with the proper self-clearing, so we work to be a pure unfiltered channel, rather than possessed by our egoic desires, visions, and other human illusions.

December is a month for us to deeply commune with our soul, as this is where true communication begins, so we can be able to obtain a higher direction, purpose, and understanding of where we are going, and create next, for we, on our own, from our limited human view, cannot know everything that has been planned, in a soul level.

A month to enjoy our creations, all we have achieved, and look with enthusiasm to the new, for the best, as always, is yet to come.

I AM a Divine Soul wishing to expand through new horizons

I AM Divine Wisdom embodied into a human body, desiring to share it with All

I AM the Love that heals everything it touches

I AM the power that brings everything to fruition

I AM the light that illuminates the darkness

I AM sovereign, free, and fearless

And so are YOU

I wish you all a blessed December Beloved Ones,

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba