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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Guidance. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2019

Galactic Center & Earth Alignment

Beloved Light Emissaries,

As you know each year the Earth, from this day until December 22, aligns with the Galactic Center of our Galaxy at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. We are all One and we All come from Oneness. This is the Truth that we come here to remember and the loving remind from this annual alignment, for those who desire to commune with its energies and bring this remembrance into their human selves.

This Light is our main Source on our Universe, this Light is Love in motion who reminds us the importance than acting with integrity and compassion has, whether the conditions are the most beneficial ones at the moment or not. It is balance, for once we choose to align with it, it harmonizes our physical and non-physical bodies. It heals and it restores, for this is what Love does - restoring our sense of separation through its infinite unity embrace.

On an earthly level, this is about aligning with the aspect of us that is determined to bring our soul visions into the physical, as Sagittarius is this tireless seeker, never-ceasing to enjoy the journey as it travels to his next destination, as in truth, there is never a final one in our infinite evolutionary journey.

The energies at this time, together with the Eclipse ones, already strongly felt, and the Solstice, are powerful beyond our human understanding for not only this alignment is taking place, but many more within and without our Universe that have a tremendous impact in our personal path of conscious evolution, and hence, integration and co-creation.

On a deeper and galactic level, the Galactic Center represents the aspect of us that is wiser and that I call Unified Self, and hence is Home. It is the sum of all the selves that we are and that are evolving in many dimensions of existences. It is the one that orchestrates our physical experience, our main guide of all and compass to ask for direction.

For the ones who choose to co-create in a more physical level, they have a wonderful time to bring stabilization into their lives, as where we are heading into a 4 universal year which is all about making things tangible, and as always, it begins by descending our soul visions to our earthly plane. For the ones who are seeking guidance and a deeper communion with their Unified Selves, this is a time of retrospection, as we traverse the gap between the old and the new and align with the new timelines that we have chosen to manifest.

At this time, many of us commune not only with our Unified Self but with our personal Council of incarnation and others lovelight beings that are helping us to follow our soul plan, as we once planned it. It is important that we move outside of our egoic desire of how we want our human reality to be and commune with these Illumined Forces, and Beings, to understand the Bigger Plan behind our human desires and experiences.

As I always say, everyone is unique and while some hear others see or feel this connection in their unique way. Comparisons only diminish our own abilities and the Will that Source has to experience Itself differently through each and everyone of us. The transmissions received at this time, if we consciously decide to align with them, may be about healing, if this is what we need at this time of our journey, about guidance about what to create next, or simply about the comfort that Divine Remembrance brings to many of us who are here in a path of assistance and that the majority of the times is a solitary one, although this has nothing to do with feeling lonely or isolated.

There are many ways to commune and receive initiations, we all are our own masters and healers and have our unique ways to work with ourselves. However, the purest one is simply to set the intention ourselves, to connect with our Illumined Self, Source or any other human label we use to name these benevolent forces. Although as humans, we may also enjoy co-creating with crystals and other forms of consciousness to help us connecting with the Illumined Aspect, and Realms of who we are, and begin to establish a deeper connection to our main guide and the beings that from a non-physical perspective are here to help us grow and assist.

The White Flame is one of the best tools to initiate ourselves into the integration of higher levels of consciousness. Under this ascension flame many ascending souls were incarnated. This Flame is in charge by the Consciousness of who we humanly called Serapis Bey. It is of great assistance to connect with Him, in the etheric planes and regain more wisdom about our journey as well as to initiate ourselves in new levels of consciousness. This tool is one of the many that can help us evolve, at this precise time, when we are blessed with being aligned with our Galactic Center as well as with many other cosmic energies that we may not know about, but that are strongly felt, at this powerful and transitional time.

We are indeed blessed to be experiencing this transition, expansion, and deeper communion with the Illumined Realms. However, remember Beloveds, the main connection is made from within, for it is there that we have it all, experienced all and that we shall come back when we need comfort, guidance and rejuvenation.

There is no force, being or event outside ourselves that can really bring our desired outcomes or the healing required into our physical being, for we are the only ones with the power to do so. Looking outside to regain wisdom or healing only disempowers us and only keep feeding our illusion of separation and inferiority, making challenging to truly commune with our Unified Self and the current galactic energies, for we are asking themselves to fix ourselves and reality and these Forces know, because these Forces are Love, that there is no such a thing as not being able to do anything we truly desire and need, for ourselves, and hence All.

It is always up to you to regain knowledge of who you are, to become aware of your power and use it. There is no one else to do this inner work for you. At the beginning this can feel sad, as we have been programmed with so many victim programs between many others, that we can feel as if there is nothing else to do.

However, as we learn how to master the egoic self and commune with the True Self of who we are, we begin to delight the truth of being our own caretakers, main source of power, love, guidance and appreciation.

It is up to you, always, to align with who you are, in Essence, expand your consciousness, take charge of your human experience and decide whether you would like to live it from an empowered perspective or not. As always, all choices are highly respected within Creation, as all of them assist All to evolve.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba

Beloveds, remember I made special offers for this loving December as well as added new services, for the ones who feel guided to co-create with me. Take a look at my website, if you are interested in going further into your evolutionary journey. 

martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

The Energies of June 2018 - Cellular Healing & Galactic Integration

“Your power ends where your fear begins.” 

 Barbara Marciniak

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

In this new energetic month of June, personal power, will be one of the main themes, for in this phase of our ascension journey, we will be challenged to work with our personal life force, learning how to be confident, and how to direct our creational force into something that will help us to expand in the physical. It is the time for the masculine to manifest, not just material results but the anchoring of the new level of consciousness we are integrating, for ascension can only occur when we descend the concept of it into the tangible world we reside and where we truly can create the proper transformation required for us to evolve. 

This is a very special month, especially during the first two weeks, for the energies of June begins to build with a galactic align Full Moon at 8 degrees Sagittarius, on May 29, whose connection to the Fixed Star Antares, will create a cosmic portal, for us to anchor, in the physical, the stellar transmissions received, for this star - as its red nature reminds us - is also connected to the power of Earth, to the power of Fire, which represents our personal power and how we direct it. 

The creative, abundant and hopeful frequency of this new month is also confirmed by a Grand Trine between Jupiter, Neptune and Venus - a mystical combination that will help us expand our higher senses and connect to the depths of our being, bringing our soul creations into the tangible. The other confirmation of the essence of this month is its Universal number 8 - 17 reduced - for it shows us the subsequent outcome of consciously creating our desires, which is abundance and the bliss that comes when we finally master how to work with energy and bring into fruition what we need for our human journey, which is not always material things, it can also be the healing and the soothing frequency required for us to remain in our natural state of bliss and peace.

Number 17 is represented in tarot by one of the most positive cards, the Star. This is a card of faith, of hope and of calmness after the storm. A card of creativity, inspiration and a higher connection to the cosmos, which is also another important aspect of this month for its Antarean connection, one that comes with the Full Moon in Sagittarius and whose frequency will remain with us for a while.

On the other hand, number 8, is also represented by the fiery tarot card of strength – a woman holding between her hands the jaws of a Lion (sun) – representing the physical strength that can only come through the power of love, wisdom and balance, cultivated within. This is the perfect representation for the Wise Goddess of Love embracing fiery Leo, calming his wildness with her loving essence. 

The message is that all can be done through the power of love, all can be shifted and dissolved when our human self finally surrenders to a Higher Power that is within All things and beings, and lets it lead the way instead of forcing/moulding our reality with our egoic self who can only envision a small and limited view of what is truly happening. 

This is also a number that represents the infinite, for all is infinite in nature, and the only limitations are the ones created by our human minds, as it is the illusion of lack, coming from being immersed in a lower state of fear and separation. This is an opportunity for us to move inward and see where we still live in lack, where we still think that human resources are limited and can only come from the outside. For it is there where we begin limiting ourselves, by creating this same old story and by allowing its manifestation, in the physical. 

As always, abundance is another form of love, one that has to come from the love and respect you feel for yourself. If you do not feel worthy, if you do not feel you can create, all you need, by yourself, then, you will continue to experience lack. For when you love yourself, as another physical aspect of God, and when you value what you have to offer as well as you value others, the reality will respond with the same abundant and loving frequency you gave. 

Antarean connection 

We end May, a month of conscious creation, in the physical, that helped us to master our power and how we use it, with a revealing and hence, liberating Full Moon at 8 degrees Sagittarius. This is a Moon who joins fixed star Antares, alpha Scorpii, one of the so-called Royal stars, others are: Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut. For they are considered the Guardians of the Heavens, as they are the ones who mark seasonal changes.

As we also have the Sun with fixed star Aldebaran, alpha Tauri, we will experience this cosmic portal with more intensity. These two Stars are opposite each other. However, even if their nature is different, they work as One. This is an example of how different poles can work in unison for a Higher Purpose, complementing each other to create the proper balance necessary within Creation.

This Moon is a very important one for the ones connected to this Star as well as for the ones who work on the conscious connection with these fifth and seventh dimensional beings that help many humans to understand their reality as well as to help us master ours. I know this star has both an astrological meaning and a mythological one. However, I will simply share the meaning behind all these human definitions as well as the guidance received. 

The nature of this star is said to be like the one from Mars, because of its red, fire nature. As I feel it, the Essence of Antares is one of courageousness, creativity, and a deep connection to the Divine, for this civilization is a highly evolved one connected to their hearts and always acting from an authentic and loving space. This portal with the Full Moon and Antares, will provide us with a tremendous influx of inspiration - and the energy required - for us to channel this creative frequency into something that will benefit our journey. 

This is not just some portal created in the heavens, it is something occurring here in our Planet too, as gridworkers will know, for Antares as well as Aldelbaran are connected to certain places of our Planetary network as well as with specific countries, as it is in the center of UK, connected, through the so called Dragon Lines, to the 7D timelines that many are beginning to work with, for working with Earth grids involves being constantly open to learn about coordinates, and all connecting points where we can have access to the higher codes required to descend this frequency into our Planet. 

This is also a wonderful alignment for those who are ready to connect with this civilization for these highly evolved beings assist humans to create beauty, to expand themselves, and to connect to their true essence. They are bringers of beauty and are connected to the ebbs and flows of the cosmos, so for the artists this will be another fountain of creativity and inspiration. 

Antares's frequency is wondrous for those who are working on connecting to the power, and fire of their hearts, opening and committing to live from this same loving and compassionate space, creating beauty and expanding into new horizons. This civilization can assist us to bring harmony, balance and the manifestations that are aligned with our hearts. 


At this time of integration and deeper communion with our God Self and other galactic beings that we co-create with, in this evolutionary path of reconnection with our True Self and hence, God, it is vital that we begin to rely on the best source of all sources, our Unified or God Self, for there are many who instead of finding confirmation and /or the joy of co-creating with others, are still seeking answers from the outside which especially with highly evolved beings will not work, if it is not coming from a pure space of conscious co-creation, for highly evolved beings will not fall into our human egoic traps, which is why fake information or propaganda begins to spread, because one must first discern for himself/herself as well as finding the ones who have finally dissolved - all required - to receive such high-level guidance. 

For the ascending souls that consciously have chosen to be on this evolutionary path, self-sourcing, or the ability to descend guidance from their Unified Selves and/or their personal guidance team, is pivotal. A lot of people think that just being spiritual is enough, which to me, makes no sense, for we all come from Spirit, to begin with. It is not the same to be in a spiritual journey than to step into an ascension path, for the first, it tends to begin searching outside, rather than from within, which is one of the most important things on the ascension path - to have finally created a direct link, with our God Self, rather than keep searching in the lost places and from others - imagining that this will finally enlighten us.

The deep communion that makes the process of self-sourcing possible is not only done by moving inward and wanting to establish this connection but by the conscious dissolution of all the patterns, fears, and doubts that impede us to connect with what is already a part of us. This process or opening comes when we master the egoic self, release old patterns, work on our DNA as well as in the proper deprogramming of all the 3D and non-human manipulation that we have suffered - for eons - and one of the main causes why many are not yet able to awake to their true potential.

When we finally end with this basic healing process, then self-worth and respect, which must never be confused with narcissism, should be our next step. There are many who still see their God Self as someone or something separated from them, for they are not worthy of being One with this Infinite Source of Love and Wisdom, hence, they block this natural connection that we all possess.

The two stages above are the most important ones for us to begin opening our human channel and connect with our higher aspects. Following these first phases, then there must be surrendering from service to the self, to All, or if we do not leave separation, our deep sense of judgement and polarization, we are only lying to ourselves, never to our God Self, and this deep communion can only be done when one holds a pure intention to be of service, to work not for the self but for All, for one begins to have a glimpse, a diminutive vision of what unconditional love and compassion is, as well as the feeling that one does not truly desire to follow an ego but that one  only wants what our God Will desires, or we are already One with Source. 

When one begins to walk this path of assistance, one does not need, one gives, one does not only love what one considers of a high vibration, for one remembers the true nature of All. One does not beg love or depends on others, for one has already found this Infinite Abundant Fountain within. One never feels as if the other completes us, for we have already found all the love we tend to search in others, within. One walks in freedom, in joy, in complete trust and surrender and in love with All, without separation. And when this happens, all that seemed impossible, such as God speaking to you, begins to occur.

Cellular healing 

As many of you have already experienced, since May, although there is never a fixed time, for each of us are unique, we are passing through a profound healing/cleansing or reset, of our body cells. It all depends where you are in your journey and what your body needs. For some, it will be healing, for others it will be about rejuvenating the proper purification - required - to continue with our process of light integration.

Our body cells are the micro within us, we are their Higher Self, so to speak, and during this integration process, we are the only ones who can bring healing to them, for others can only assist, but our body cells will only respond to us, for we are in charge and the only ones with the power, to bring transformation to our bodies.

It is essential that we are aware that ascension - or the transformation that we are experiencing into crystalline beings - is not occurring without our conscious participation. It is not something that comes from the frequencies we are receiving, and we simplymust be. We command, direct and balance these higher codes, taking them to dissolve our body blockages, speaking to our bodies, telling them where they need to release and anchor these codes, and speak to them as conscious micro-organisms.

When we focus on others healing us, when we do not feel talking to our bodies - then healing cannot occur for what we are doing is giving our power to others, so others do as they wish with ourselves, and when this happens, we stop directing our lives, and allow others to reign. This passage is about power, about the need for us to be fully conscious of where we put our inner force and how we become one with this Infinite Fountain of Healing and Love, that dwells within us.

As we are also receiving many frequencies from our Sun, we need to understand how the different frequencies are meant to operatewithin our bodies - if we choose to integrate them. The frequencies emitted by our Sun are meant to dissolve what no longer servesand to help us purify ourselves in becoming empowered beings. They help us work with our light-body as well as working with our DNA, bringing release of old patterns and activating, again, our true Adamic DNA strands. 

On the other hand, the stellar frequencies received from other star portals, as in the one experienced with the Antarean portal - at the Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 29 - are meant for us to open our higher chakras, to receive cosmic wisdom and for us to consciously co-create with our star team - or other beings/forms of consciousness - that by soul contract - because they belong toour direct soul family or simply by mere resonance are willing to show us more - of the little we know - within this vast and infinite Universe.

Being aware of how these different frequencies are felt and connecting to them - to find their true purpose - is vital for us to know what we are integrating and directing - in the best way they can serve us - and not just receiving them as simple codes, meant to work by themselves. 

To be able to integrate - these higher frequencies - there is some inner work to do before this cellular healing process can proceed.Some of the things to work with so the process of bodily transformation will succeed are: Polarity integration, working on genetic karmic lineage, clear unresolved trauma, debris, and working on DNA reconnection, at the same time we release from our body cells. 

There are many physical sensations that come when we are consciously working on the integration of this new level of consciousness as well as with our light-body. If not medical issues, some of them are:
  • Nervous system symptoms.
  • Neurological ones: Ears noises (ringing etc), dizziness, headaches, shivers etc.
  • Seventh and eight chakra sensations: due to the amount of new guidance that is there for us to descend and anchor.
  • Spinal cramps.
As always, we are all unique and only by knowing ourselves, can we discern what our bodies are telling us. When we are challenged by these physical sensations, the best is to come back to the zero-point - state of being - which is always one of perfect balance and unity with All and to always be compassionate with ourselves and help our bodily transformation - process - as consciously, and aslovingly, as we possibly can.

Planetary alignments

This new energetic month of June begins, for as you already know, beginnings and endings are intertwined, with the Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 29, whose frequency opens the passage that will be experienced for the month of June. This month is also focused on the physical, for this second part of the year is for the masculine to make tangible what the feminine once created. However, this is also a month to descend - and ground - within our body, all the frequencies we are receiving from the Illumined Realms - that need to be anchored. 

As a confirmation of the creative, abundant and expansive energies that June brings, this month, in numerology, is a Universal 8 - 17 reduced - number. We have a message of creativity, boundless resources and expansion within this transitional phase. For this is what we - as souls - are experiencing, an endless expansion towards the reunification with All That Is. 

The frequency coming from the infinite magical number 8 gives us the courage to give birth to our inner worlds and to anchor them in the physical. This month will show us where we create plenitude and where there is absence. It is an opportunity to create synthesis instead of separation and to bring love, and empowerment, to all aspects of ourselves and physical life, to manifest a prosperous reality. 

There are many who are still living in lack, not knowing why they do not have more abundance. As I always say, if you desire more abundance in your life, in any possible form, but you are not loving, respecting and honouring who you are and what you do enough, then you will not be able to surround yourself with the abundance that you already are, because you are the first one not recognizing it. 

Observe where you create limitations. All limitations come from our human minds. Witness when you have a strong soul desire to make tangible and your lower self tells you that you have not enough, for abundance is infinite as well as the nature of your essence. Every time you lower yourself, every time you tell yourself something is not possible, you are creating more lack. 

Every time you stand tall and walk on this Earth in deep communion with the Divine within you, knowing you always have all you need, loving everything that you are meant to experience, without any judgements, you are loving, and hence, you are creating abundance. The choice of what you need to experience at this moment, is always yours. 

At a planetary level, we begin this new month with no important planetary alignments, for during the first weeks the Full Moon in Sagittarius as well as other cosmic frequencies will still accompany us, until late on June 12 with Mercury entering Cancer. In the next day, we will also welcome a New Moon at 22 degrees Gemini. This Moon has no major planetary alignments but instead it is influenced by eight fixed stars. 

This Gemini New Moon will be a huge fountain of energy, joy and magic, bringing initiative for those who are ready to embark into new projects. This will be a very galactic Moon as well for its connection to Orion’s Belt as well as the many other stars it harmonizes with. This is one of the many signs that our Planet is finally, as it was in the beginning, a galactic one, beginning to align with the cosmos, a connection that was once cut, by the many negative forces. 

On June 16, we have another semi-square between Uranus and Neptune. This is an embrace between the masculine essence of Uranus and the feminine one of Neptune, reminding us the importance of creating synthesis between both polarities. Uranus is an awakener, and as such it will awake the feminine within all of us, propitiating the coming of the lost feminine essence on our Planet, something that is already occurring, and as Uranus is in Taurus it is going to bring deep transformation in the Planet, where change is very needed. 

On June 18, we have two important cosmic events. On one hand, we have, Neptune, the Planet of Illusion and Intuition, turning retrograde in Pisces, and on the other we have Saturn quincunx True Node. With Neptune retrograde, we have the opportunity, among the earthly energies from this month, to navigate between our inner realms, bringing to the surface what was hidden and unknown, and that needs to be healed. 

We may fall into delusional feelings as this Planet does not guarantee us being saved when we choose to dive deep into its Waters, which represents our unconscious, our dreams and soul visions, and everything we would like to manifest - and enjoy - in the physical but that sometimes our lower self can only dream about. This is an opportunity for us to use our power to break free from all the illusions of victimisation - that our human self creates. It is a time for us to sink into the depths of our being, recognising illusion and surfacing with a greater clarity of authenticity.

It is a perfect moment to clear our emotional body of the old and discern if our feelings are coming from a higher place of love, compassion and integrity - towards the self and others - or if we are still basing our desires on primary and egoic emotions that neither serve us or/and the Whole. On the other hand, Neptunian energies also give us creativity and the gift to expand our intuitive abilities, communing with our Unified Self, to retrieve ancient memories buried deep within our DNA and that are ready to see the light, again.

The other important event is Saturn quincunx True Node. Saturn the so called Planet of Karma, which I prefer to rename as the Planet of Responsibility, inconjunct to True Node, which is all about your true soul mission, your destiny, what is yet to come, is asking us to move out of our comfort zone and if we really desire to step into a new path, to leave behind all fears, doubts and everything that is impeding us to evolve and expand into new horizons, that may not be known but that is what we are meant to experience next in our human journey. This is call for all who are procrastinating to stand tall in who they really are, doing what they know they came here to do and be. 

On June 21, the Sun enters in loving Cancer together with Mercury. Simultaneously, we will also welcome the Summer Solstice for those who live in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice for those residing in the Southern one. The Solstice waves can cause a huge impact in our inner being and physical vehicles, as it is helping us in purifying more layers of our old self, as we continue to embrace a Higher form of existence. This Year, the Solstice, will help us in our conscious journey towards this new dimensional passage, and its potent frequency will be accompanying us for the rest of the summer. 

On June 26 Mars will turn retrograde. As you may already know, I do not believe in retrogrades for they are an illusion from Earth. I do not resonate with the traditional meaning of retrogrades doing anything to us, for this is the limited, in my humble opinion, meaning that has been given to them, from a human perspective.  They are a living organism in themselves and to me Mars in "retrograde" it is not telling us we should not act or initiate something new. 

On the contrary, it is asking us to begin doing it from within and to ask ourselves in what are we going to use our power? Are we going to create something that empowered us or that gives our power to others? It is all about learning how to direct our inner power and choose whether we desire to give it away or to use it to become sovereign beings. If we say we are ascending and yet we still believe these Planets in slow motion, so to say, can cause challenges into our human experience etc. then we continue to give our power away to outer forces that are not there to rule our human existence, for no one else but ourselves has this power.

We end this powerful month with a Full Moon at 6 degrees Capricorn on June 28. This is a Moon highly influenced by Saturn, its ruling Planet, and hence, focuses on self-discipline and responsibility. This is asking you where you still restrict yourself or where you set no limits and need more discipline. Are you too practical? Or are you living in the ethereal without taking responsibility for the physical world and your actions? As always, balance is the key, and if we do not create harmony in our earthly plane, then the ethereal by itself will not sustain and nurture us. Both planes are equal and essential for us to experience a balance and an abundant physical experience.

In a month whose focus is about power, our main aim shall not be in what is happening outside, in the stars, in others, but within us, where all is constantly shifting and from where all the physical worlds we see emerge. Power has nothing to do with oppression, with monetary status, with luck or with any other 3D fake premise.

Power comes from loving, respect and honouring, always, oneself, knowing that by doing so we are loving the Divine Presence within. Power is our most precious treasure, for it is our life force, our energy and conscious intention. Where we put our attention, we are starting an exchange, a co-creation with someone or something, for co-creation is the nature of all that exists, therefore, we must use our power wisely, knowing the external does not rule our lives if we do not give it this power.

If you desire to become a sovereign being, stop fearing your true magnificence, for all that scares you is your power and what you could do with it. If you begin to move away from all that disempowers you, soon, you will realize that all begins to change. In the moment you choose to honour who you are and what you are here to offer, with unconditional love to All, in this same moment, your entire existence changes, and you pass from a state of confusion and manipulation, to a free, empowered one.

All begins to change when you begin to release your own frequency, nurture yourself from it, for you need no one else to feed you. For when this occurs, you will be no longer obtain sustainability from external situations or people, for now you are your own empowered source of all you ever need, living not in dependency but in conscious co-creation with all that exists. 

I wish you all an empowered and blessed June, Beloveds!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba

martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

New Moon in Gemini, May 25, 2017 ~ Creative Connections

"Do not go about worshipping deities and religious institutions as the source of the subtle truth. To do so is to place intermediaries between yourself and the divine, and to make of yourself a beggar who looks outside for a treasure that is hidden inside his own breast." ~ Lao Tzu 

Beloved Ones,  

It is within this transitional time, and after a very intense karmic releasing Full Moon in Scorpio, that we welcome now a fresh New Moon at 4 degrees of Gemini. This is a New Moon not just to focus on new beginnings but for us to go deeper into how we communicate, with ourselves, with our loved ones and with the Illuminated Realms of Love where our souls dwell and from where our main guidance comes.  

The Twins, ruled the element Air, our mental plane, forever changing as its mutable nature indicates, always finding new ways to communicate and express its truth in everything he creates, and this is what we are invited to do at this time, to master our thoughts and descend them into the tangible, for all we build in our minds is already existing in a different dimension, in a different texture of our human destiny.  

Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, will sextile Neptune, bringing unification between our mental plane and our spiritual one, transmitting our thoughts and feelings only when they arise from a place of clarity and love. This is also an opportunity for those who are ready to communicate in new ways, rather than using physical interactions, for telepathic communication between many other ways, is the way the cosmos and its many beings have to interact with us, making of this time a perfect opportunity to open ourselves to receive what will empower and help us in our journey, from those who have already walked this path of conscious co-creation and unification.  

Gemini represents our silver and golden (feminine and masculine) aspects, and like them, who embrace each other in a balanced and rhythmical dance of Love and Oneness, we are also being invited to synthesize both aspects of  us - responsible for the way we create, give and receive abundance in all its forms.  

As we also have Mercury in earthly Taurus, it is a confirmation for us to bring into manifestation all the visions and new ideas we have about our new lives. Remember, beloveds, we are here to master the art of bringing into form what is first created in the energetic and hence non-physical worlds, and it is only as humans that we can do so. As we not only have the sun and the moon in Gemini but also Mars, we have extra energy to deprogram ourselves from self-imposed beliefs and repetitive patterns - beginning to clear our mental and emotional plane of all The Old we still are reticent to let go.   

Are you still clearing yourself from emotional debris, disempowering thoughts and old selves that are still trying to control the empowered person you have become? If so, here it is a cosmic gift with this New Moon and even more with the energies from the last Scorpion Full Moon that are still bathing us, for you to work on DNA reconnection and soul integration. 

Gemini being an air and mutable sign, is mental, intellectual and practical, but at the same time likes to play and socialize, so it is essential to take advantage of this joyful and soothing New Moon, especially after such an intense Scorpion releasing Moon, and embody Gemini's vitality. For this is also a time to be in joy, in love, and to see everything and everyone within Divine Love as well, as like the Twins, we are always embracing each other in an eternal embrace of oneness. 

As Gemini rules communication, we are also called to observe the way we talk to ourselves and others. Do we speak to ourselves and others from a place of respect and kindness? Or do we still do so from a place of  attachment and neediness to obtain something in return? In the majority of the relationships, people still wait for something in return, if they behave with love, as if love demands anything back. Other times, we talk and treat ourselves negatively and even though we expect the macro, what we think is outside of us, but that is nothing but an external representation of the micro within, so respond differently.  

Our human self fears unconditional love. It is afraid of being fully open to everything and everyone because it feels vulnerable in the freedom that true love practices, as in this New Era we do not do anything for others anymore, if it is not aligned with our Soul path, neither do we force them in the old ways to do anything for us too. On the contrary, we both give, receive and create as equals, for we no longer foment the old sense of separation or neediness that we used to hold when we navigated through lower dimensions. 

There are a lot of people who are eager to have a higher connection to other beings within the Universe. They do not realize that the first and most important communication is the one we have with our own Unified Selves, for all these beings we are so eager to contact with, all the outer guidance we desire to receive, it is all coming from our Unified Self, in form of past, present or future parallel selves experiencing another reality within Creation. In truht, some people tend to worship external gods, but when they will finally worship their inner one? 

During this New Moon, we are going to have the opportunity to receive higher aspects of the Truth, as the Moon semi-square to Pallas and Venus, both conjunct in Aries. Cosmic transmissions will flow, at this New Moon time, what is important is how we use this guidance, one that does not have to come from an outside source, for inner knowing is most of the times the best guidance, as it is information, and hence, power. Do we use it to share the love with others? Or do we use it to manipulate them? The choice is always yours, and every choice is highly respected, for there are no judgments within Creation, as the Universe knows that all serves us to grow and expand. 

It is information precisely what brings awareness and freedom - releasement from our old self - but we have to be very careful and discern from where this guidance comes from, before bringing our thoughts into the tangible, for not everything that it is said to be true is so, this is why only through inner knowing which can only be achieved in a profound state of deep communion with our soul, is that we could distinguish, especially at his transitional time in which we are being bombarded with channelings and many half-truths, where we put our attention/intention and inner force, for depending of the use you make of it, it creates, destroy or gives others the power to control you. 

This New Moon is a gift for us to establish a higher form of communion and interaction with the aspect of us that is our main Fountain of Wisdom and that we, sometimes, leave aside due to the many false preconceptions and idealizations of other beings, believing they are more than we are just because they have walked our path before.  

It is said that this New Moon has no major celestial aspects but we all know that nothing is minor within the Universe, for all is equally important and affects the whole. This is why we have this expansive New Moon in Gemini conjunct fixed stars. The Hyades - a group of six stars within the Taurus Constellation - and Mirfak, a messenger star who is said to bring a higher form of communication and guidance from the macro that represents us.   

The Hyades, the so called Rainy Stars, for it is said they warned the sailors of coming storms, are associated with the element Water, as they were also related in ancient times with tears and negativity. As I always say, the nature of these fixed stars - as well as their essence - just Is. It is our human mind that needs to constantly label what can only be felt. Nothing within this wise and loving universe is related to tears or joy or anything in particular, for all is Divine Love, in motion, expanding within an already infinite Universe.  

This New Moon is indeed a cosmic gift for us to remember from where true guidance and authentic communication comes from. Creative connections only occur when we consciously co-create with our Unified Self as well as with other selves who are assisting us in our journey, starting from maintaining a healthy communication with ourselves, which is what will empower us to aligned with the universal creative flow - enabling us to manifest and expand ourselves from a unified space instead of one of separation.  

In love and light ∞ 
Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

Ascension update, November 23, 2016 ~ Star Beings in Co-creation with Humans

Beloved Starseed Souls,

In these last months of the year, we are fully immersed in the process of envisioning and moulding the New Reality that we are about to bring into form for the next phase of our journey. It is essential that in the middle of this conscious process, we take some time to move inward - as Mercury will remind us during December - and expand ourselves within our inner realms, bringing into the surface all the visions that our soul holds for us to manifest within our physical world from a place of wisdom and clarity.

Neptune, whose Essence lies within us all - direct again - is a cosmic gift for those of us who are deeply committed to integrate higher levels of consciousness for we are not afraid of the unknown, as we know that it is there where true expansion and freedom resides. the Planet of Dreams and Intuition will help us to navigate within the subconscious feelings that our human being is not yet aware of and face them instead of denying that we - as Humans - are afraid of feeling pain, of the unfamiliar, instead of realizing that the more we embrace our inner shadows, as an equal and precious aspect of who we are, the more that we will understand that fear is just another form of illusion as in truth all helps us to remember the True nature of our being, which is always one of unconditional love to ourselves and All.

As you well know, at the moment, humanity finds itself transforming from Human beings that used to dwell in trepidation and limitation to new compassionate and loving ones. The process of evolving from one state of being to a Higher one is not easy. It takes discipline, strength and the need to take full responsibility for every feeling, word and action that we send out without judging the self, just with the kindness to treat ourselves as we would treat the child that is learning how to walk and who falls from time to time.

In our Human journey of soul integration and conscious co-creation, we are never alone or lost in our Soul quest and ascension path. We are being assisted by other Star civilizations - apart from our main Fountain of Wisdom from our Higher Self/Guides and Soul Family - that have also passed through this process of conscious evolution into a benevolent race. Many of you have asked me to share about it and my experience, others already know as your human self is finally ready to receive a different and Higher form of communication. All we need comes at Divine Time. Our soul is always ready as it knows no boundaries, but most of the time we have to prepare our human self - and its limited perception - to welcome a different form of communication than the one we used to know. 

The ones who have a direct connection to those Star races - that are helping us to remember our true cosmic heritage as Divine beings through self-observation and lack of judgment - know that these beings never try to manipulate or teach us how to behave or act. On the contrary, if this is what you are receiving, it is not coming from a Higher Source or Beings but from negative ones trying to control you. Our Star companions see us as equals, perfect Divine and cosmic beings with enough inner wisdom to pass through this transition with strength and compassion as we keep traversing the threshold into a Higher Octave in which we are already immersed within an endless process of soul remembrance.  

Our Star Companions, as I call them, are in co-creation with us, from a wider place where they can see clearer than we as humans can. They are the observers, the helpers never the judges. Some of us agreed before incarnating to do this task on Earth in unison. They are not superior than we are as in Essence we are all equals. They are One with us for our human self perceives we are divided but in truth we are an individual aspect - multi-dimensional beings of a Higher One, experiencing different forms of lives, consciousness and realms from different places, within the Universe. 

Our Star Family assists us at every moment to empower ourselves and bring illumination not to our soul, who is enlightened and wide open already, but to our human being who is the one evolving. They help us remember that all we need is within. They are not there to save us, they are not there because they know more or because they are Gods and Goddesses and we are not. This is delusional and it is due to this that we are often taken as fools. They see us as Master Beings transiting on Earth but the questions is: Do you? 

Do you embrace your experience as human with gratitude and with the joy that you held when you incarnated in this plane? Or do you still live under the illusion that you are powerless and that you need to be saved? This is a wonderful Planet, we do not need to escape reality or miss what some call Home, which to me, is always within. We simply need to create our own Heaven in this beautiful place that nurtures and loves us.

There are many of you who are working behind the social media scenes to assist the Planet, others share through whatever ways that resonate more with us what we receive for All. It does not matter that you are seen or not, what matter is the intention, the frequency that is behind what you feel, say and do what will help bringing awareness to All. 

Some of you have asked me in what ways our Star Companions can help us? Well, from my humble experience, as I can only share about what I experience on my own journey, our brothers and sisters from Pleiades, to give an example - as there are many other beings involved in helping us to pass through this transition - help us to remember unconditional love and equality, for we are accustomed to label and separate everything with our deep sense of judgment and limitation. Andromeda, which is in parallel consciousness to our own Galaxy, helps us to adapt to change, in the middle of all the chaos that our human self may perceive, as we keep transforming our physical bodies - as well as reality. 

Other Star Companions - such as Sirius - are very connected to Cetacean Consciousness and help us in doing our inner work when dealing with releasing old "karmic" patterns that we are still repeating, as these old behaviours are still encoded within our DNA - due to our ancient heritage and genetic modification. You are always free to call upon these beings, not to save you, but to help you to release - through forgiveness and the power of living in the Now and fearlessness - everything that is challenging for you. For each of you, there will be different Star Being - assisting you with what you need to embrace, heal and/or unify. 

Beloved Ascending Companions, move within, quiet the noise of your human mind, and remember in the depths of your soul who you truly are. You are never mastering your soul for it possesses all the cosmic wisdom required from the beginning of time. You are here by free and conscious choice, not just to assist others, but first to help yourself remember - from a dense body - your True Essence and Star Lineage. You were never less than, you are equal, and a powerful Divine Being as well as the other Star beings that you idealize.

You are a Master of New Earth, planting new seeds to a better and New Cycle that we are already building. You came as such, not as a hopeless human that needs to be rescued by outer Forces and beings. It is essential that we leave all illusions aside and begin to take responsibility for our unique soul purpose and begin to assist from a sovereign state of being instead of a disempowered one - knowing that we are indeed the pioneers of this intense but precious transition that we are leading the best we can, with love, integrity, authenticity and the immense joy to be living in this wonderful time within Creation, in co-creation with All. 

In love and light always,
Natalia Alba