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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Full Moon in Scorpio. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Full Moon in Scorpio. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Super Full Moon in Scorpio, May 7th, 2020 ~ Planetary Healing

Beloved Ones, 

It is with great love, healing prayers and compassion that I write this article, for it is the essence that we, as ascending souls, shall send to All, at this precise time, in which, as I received, a massive Planetary awakening, and hence healing, is occurring. We have a very powerful energy, in terms of healing, a Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio on May 7 to support this healing energy that is acting in many at this time by helping them awaken and others to finally deviate from an obsolete reality, 

This is a time for us to unite as One Light Family and begin to open our hearts to the energies that at the present moment may not be as we desire, but that are precisely why we chose to come here, to embrace this energy of fear, drama, and pain, and help into the conscious transmutation of them. If we choose to isolate ourselves and deny reality, then we will not be fully fulfilling our main mission of being the love that we are.

With Scorpio is the perfect time to move inwards, searching for stillness and a higher clarity. It is at this time with four Planets retrograde - for those who believe in retrogrades - and lots of planets in Fixed time, that Scorpio, a Water sign, comes to help us being flexible, being in flow and at a time when we can no longer plan our lives, for we have passed to totally live in the moment, Scorpio's frequency comes to help us heal all these fixed thought patterns and beliefs, so we can be open to receive a higher truth. 

This is a miraculous time for us to work on healing implants, programs, clear earth inorganic fabrics, if you have this as a personal mission, and to literally erase all that is fake from our mental and emotional bodies. All that we were taught regarding reality, one that was never built in compassionate and respectful principles - may be erased. It is a wonderful moment to clear all traumatic wounds, from this present lifetime and in all the many dimensions we dwell, by doing multdimensional healing and soul retrieval, an exercise that I shared in previous posts and that is one of the most essential ones, if we desire to evolve, and we only do so, when we forgive, retrieve soul fragments, and clear ourselves from anger, and many other lower emotions.

At a planetary level, the biggest influence on this Moon is Mercury sextile Neptune. This is going to be a blessing at this time in which we are uniting as One to be together in what is happening, in a human level, and in a non-physical one, for we are finally - for the first time - able to see the separation of timelessness and where we have chosen to head. 

This alignment sets the perfect frequency of love, spirituality and compassion that is so needed at this time and that many of us desire, to anchor on earth. It is a wonderful Moon to commune with ourselves, heal what is not aligned with where we are heading, and spread this same love to All. If just for once we could truly envision what happens when we send love, we will all dedicate every single day, at least a few minutes to really do so, with the proper intention to help who may be open to receive this loving frequency.

As I always say, even though we see love as being what we are and a gift, not everyone vibrates or desires to be in this frequency, for we came to experience a world of opposites and we all shall be respected, equally. This is why when we send love it only goes where appreciated, needed and accepted. For Love never violates any free will or goes where it is not valued, unlike humans, who even though not appreciated many times, still try to fit, to force relationships and to continue fitting, where we are not meant to be. This is why I always say not to put faces or names, unless asked, when we send love. This Universal Divine Energy, already knows where to go.

Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, will set the perfect frequency for us to receive a clarity, truth,  and all that is hidden, what we were not able to see before, and that now we are ready, for we have embodied higher levels of consciousness, and all that is true, always comes into the light, for it cannot remain hidden for long. This will emphasise even more for the ones who resonate with it being retrograde at this time.

Another important aspect during this Moon is the Moon opposite Mercury. In a time when many are being repressed, unable to express who they are, their truth, and their feelings. This is a frequency that comes to show us that there are many ways to speak our feelings, and that even though the impact of our words may not reach as many as we desire, just with helping one, is enough. For what reaches one, reaches All, in the end. All helps in bringing awareness and all helps in bringing more recognition of what is not real.

This is also a good time to work with confusion, inner conflicts and anything that we feel that is confronted within ourselves. Many have an opinion that they are afraid of sharing simply because of not being accepted or any other beliefs they may have. It is very important that we take time to work on acting with integrity, and this is to act as we truly think and feel. 

In this path, there is no longer a time for us to continue being fake, due to fears, doubts of our power and worthiness or simply because we think we cannot change anything. In this path, we assume who we are and personal truth, we share it, with love and respect to All, and even though not loved or accepted by all, we continue, for the soul impulse invites us to do so, and this shall be even more important than the egoic fears. 

This is also going to be a very emotional Moon, as it trine Neptune, and it is going to increase our feelings, intuition and help us be more connected with the aspect of us that is not physical. Remember that coming back to this inner space, is what helps us being in communion with the Truth and with the unconditional love that is always there for us, especially in the midst of all this planetary chaos. 

There is no better time to move inward, and burn the ashes of the old, than with this healing Scorpio Full Moon. Deprogramming ourselves is done from within, it is done by literally erasing old programs from our mind, and replacing them with new ones that are now aligned with who we truly are. There are many things to dissolve that are still part of who we used to be: the role of the victim, the many ones we play due to our negative ego and many defense mechanisms we tend to use to defend the lower self. There is nothing more powerful than when we decide to take our power back and begin transforming our life from within, for it is there where everything we blame in the outer, truly comes from. 

This is a Moon to release yourself of all the illusory realities that you used to dwell in. This is a time for you to stop being afraid of who you are and instead of using your power to destroy yourself, for there is no one else doing anything to you, direct it towards the necessary healing that your entire being needs for it to ascend, while you walk as human.

When you begin to experience the many challenges, physical sensations and other painful emotions hidden deep within your heart, remember, beloveds, no one has ever done anything to you. You always were, and continue to be, the most absolute creator of your human life experience and you keep doing so at every single moment. 

As you find yourself with no person - or external circumstance - to blame, you will feel vulnerable and confused but it is precisely at this time, when the opportunity to feel unified again, occurs. The choice to open yourself to experience, a higher way of existing, the higher power of living within Divine Love, is, as always, yours to make. 

In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Full Moon in Scorpio, May 18th, 2019 ~ Surrendering to Truth & the Earth's Embrace

We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us. 


Beloved Light Emissaries, 

At a time when our central Sun is helping to awaken the masses, an ongoing process since the beginning of the year, embracing Earth's power is vital to descend this Higher Consciousness in the physical - co-creating with it to manifest a higher reality. It is so important to ground ourselves and anchor our soul creations that we are blessed with a powerful and at the same time earthly Full Moon, at 27 degrees of Scorpio in May 18th. 

This is a Moon unlike any other, for it brings both the gift for us to move inward and uncover Truth, something that cannot be done if we continue to give our power to outer forces, and the healing and restorative Essence of Mother Earth.

This is a passage to honor our personal truth, who we are and what we do with our unique abilities, and Mother Earth, as cultivating our connection with Gaia, is vital, at this time. As a confirmation of the double purpose of this Moon, we have six Planets in Earth signs and three in Water signs, as a reminder that all we create in the ethereal, in the non-physical realms, is meant to be descended into our tangible world, to be enjoyed, to be loved and to be appreciated.

As we are all in our unique micro phases, for even though we can co-create with Planetary energies, we all have our own soul plan and personal cycles, this Moon's essence will serve us for different aims, it all depends where you are in your path. If you need healing, then you could use this energy to work with grounding yourself and be aligned with the power that sustains your physical body. 

This will serve those who have imbalances in their two main chakras so they can work with their sexual creative force as well, if they are not yet bringing into form what they truly desired and is aligned with their soul's Will. This is why working with polarized thought as well as the opposite forces/polarities that are within us, is so important, for we cannot create, if they are not yet unified.

For the ones who are at peace with their current reality, they can use this powerful Moon's essence for establishing a higher connection to the Illumined Realms, where they will descend more Truth that will help them to release more human illusions and fake programming that are still impeding them to obtain more clarity about their path and own Divine Abilities. 

This will be a time for the ones who are also working with the opening of their 8th chakra, clearing their higher heart and all holographic implants, to be able to open themselves to receive clarity upon their soul mission as well as human journey - knowing how to navigate through reality with the proper guidance.

For others, this will continue to be a creational phase, and this Moon will serve them to align with this creative influx so they can continue giving birth to the new reality that they desire to bring into form. Since during the Full Moon, we will have the Sun and Mercury, which are in Taurus, trine to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, we all could benefit from this abundant, loving and creative energy. We just have to know how to align to it and direct it to dissolve our inner limits that impede us to be the abundant beings that we truly are, in nature.

This is a time for us to restore faith, as Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto remind us, especially for those who believe in retrograde phases, for the three of them are, at this time, in slow motion. Faith in ourselves, in our path and in the unique mission we brought here. It is indeed a time for us to purify ourselves from what no longer serves and to finally ground our Essence on Earth, where we dwell, where we create and where we came to be of assistance. A time, as the Scorpio-Taurus Axis reminds us, to melt with Earth, descending our desires in the physical - honoring the aspect of us that allows us to master ourselves and experience the joy of being human. 

Roots Healing 

The Scorpio Full Moon's essence is a wonderful one for us to go deeper into our roots, as Mars in Cancer invites us to do, and heal anything that is still disempowering us or impeding us to become sovereign beings. It is important that we understand that even though this is a Moon in Scorpio, which tends to be all about moving inward to find Truth and healing. In a more general way, we understand that this is not just about the Moon, but about the Planetary energies and what is also happening, in the macro, outside of our confine Universe, what truly determines the nature of the energies received.

As I shared above, due to the Earth's current configuration, this is a month, and a Moon, to focus on the physical side of us as well as in descending our power, and soul visions, into the tangible. However, with this Moon we could go deeper, working on not just manifestation but on root healing - clearing familiar ancestral patterns, grounding ourselves, and our sense of abundance, as we continue to ground our first and second chakras.

There are many who can clearly feel, for as ascending souls, knowing our bodies is pivotal, that are now experiencing this traumatic wounds or simply imbalances into their two main chakras. If the main cause is a matter of not being grounded, then the main work is easier. Going into nature, color theraphy, any type of body movement (yoga, dance etc.) can help you to anchor yourself to Earth, again. However, if the root of what is causing imbalances in the first and second chakras goes deeper, further inner work will be required.

As you know, the importance of managing our sexual creative force is so important that two of our main chakras - 1st and 2nd ones - are in charge of it. It is pivotal that we connect with our feminine essence, commune with our soul and be open enough to become the witness of our own human experience to discern what is truly causing these imbalances.

When we understand and know the cause of being ungrounded is that we could finally deal with the main reason of why we are not fully manifesting the reality that we truly desire, and feeling as good as we used to, or as we are supposed to feel. This is one of the main reasons why some people cannot bring into fruition what they desire yet, because they are unaware that their main sexual creative centers are not working properly.

Having our main chakras grounded is essential for the vital energy of Earth to be transmitted to our body circuits, as it is naturally meant to be. This is especially more important for the ones whose main mission involves to work with the Earth Fabrics, for if they are not grounded and their connection with Earth does not remain pure, they could not do this task properly. 

Some of the main tools to work with for us to heal our sexual or feminine imbalances - depending on what is causing it in your personal experience - are:
  • Earthing - through direct contact to the Earth.
  • Sexual organs and kidney support. This is pivotal for these organs are constantly releasing toxins and they are also our main fountain of life energy.
  • Implants: especially sexual ones through relationships, old beliefs, manipulative agenda sexual implants, whether physically implanted or through programs such as porn etc. Clearing these implants is key, if we desire to cleanse our body of negativity.
  • Emotional body clearing - debris, implants, old wounds, parasites etc.
  • Dissolving ancestral familiar patterns 
  • Healing sexual traumas
  • Starseed lineage negative implants clearing
  • Merkaba - gender (masculine and feminine essences) correction
  • Feminine imbalances: Self-love/worth, abundance, creative energy disturbances, etc.
These are just some of the most basic and common issues that impede us to fully embrace our feminine essence and hence to be fully grounded, experiencing a total connection to Earth, as we do so too with the Illumined Realms.

This is why it is so important to know ourselves, to work on ourselves, daily, and the most important: to maintain an open mind, so we can realize when we are allowing old beliefs and/or human delusions to destabilize our bodies. If we do not first know ourselves and the core or main wound of our current misalignment, we cannot work with what is not balance because we are only treating the issue on the surface and then we will not be healing it from inside, from where everything shall begin to be healed. 

Going into the main wound will help us know from where the pain comes. Feeling the part of our body that aches will also help us to know where the emotion is located or stagnant and depending on the part of our body that is in pain or has manifested the imbalance, we will know the main cause of the pain.

Self-love and respect for ourselves - as unique sparks of the Divine - bodies and purpose, is essential, if are working on healing. Feelings such as anger, resentment for what we did not do or did "wrong", will only bring more unlove and disturbances in our emotional and mental bodies, and hence physical vehicles.

Nothing can be resolved from a space of fear and regret. When a tiny fraction of who we are is still dwelling in fear, a fragment of our soul splits. Regrets or any other similar feelings, impede healing to occur, and we will have to come back to work on forgiveness and compassion, before going into further healing. 

Facing feelings

At the beginning of the article I shared the typical association made between Scorpio and feelings. However, like I also shared, focusing on just the traditional meaning of Scorpio will not help us embody the true essence of this Moon. Scorpio is in truth a very profound sign that does not fear navigating between the depths of our soul. 

However, because of the other alignments from this Moon, as it is its opposition to Mercury and Sedna, we will be presented with the opportunity, especially for those who are working on expressing who they are, to express our hidden feelings, especially the unconscious ones that we have to bring into the surface, or the repressed emotions that due to our fears, we do not express as we should.

Facing our feeling, independently of their nature, is one of the main things that evolved beings do. When we are humble, work on polarity synthesis and cease judging ourselves and others, it is when the miracle of clearly seeing comes. For now we are free of the barriers and illusions that kept us from realizing the Truth.

Confronting all aspects of us is vital to understand our dual nature and our feelings. When we deny our feelings simply because we consider them shameful, or unloving, we are still judging an aspect of us. On the opposite, when we begin to embrace all, as equal, knowing it is part of our human experience to feel all kinds of states of being, we have begun the path of enlightened, as we are now ready to accept all of who we are, taking responsibility for all we think, feel and do, rather than hiding it. 

Sharing who we are, our voice and the unique seed we came here to plant into this world, is important and is one of the main things we should do, not just for your own evolution but for that of All. Nothing that we are guided to share is irrelevant, unworthy or shameful. When we do not fully express our feelings, with love, when we do not let our soul expresses itself through whatever it is that we find natural to do, we are creating imbalances within and in our physical bodies because we are not allowing our soul to share its uniqueness.

When it occurs it often happens due to lack of self-love, fears and doubts. This is why it is vital to clear old beliefs, and everything that disempowers us, before we consciously step into this journey. This is a blessed path, although it is not free of challenges, for we came here to remember the master within and it can only be remembered if we confront our shadows and create synthesis between our opposite poles.

Once we awake, it is our responsibility, if we truly desire to evolve, to do the inner work required for us to dissolve all that is impeding us to flourish as the sovereign beings that we are. It is our duty to listen to our soul, and allow God to express Itself through us, in this tangible plane, as if we do not do so, we will begin to lower our frequency until we finally decay in all we do not wish to experience.

As Starseed Souls and New Earth Seeds it is our main task to overcome egoic patterns, clear delusions and magical thinking and begin to embrace not the journey we have though was better for us but the one that our Soul prepared for us, which sometimes when we are not yet aligned with our Soul, is completely different. 

This path that so many desire to walk involves discipline, devotion to service, constant inner work and commitment to express what we feel and receive for All. This is a humble path, this is not about us, it was never about us, but about All of us embracing our uniqueness to act as Divine Conduits. This is why it is so important that as ascending souls we see this journey for what it is, giving, sharing, but also allowing ourselves to receive, all the Divine Wonders, but also, the responsibility that comes with it.

This Moon in Scorpio brings the cosmic gift for us to bring unification in our feelings and lives, as Scorpio is precisely about exposing the inner wounds that are yet dwelling in separation and heal them by creating inner synthesis. This is the gift from this Full Moon: to uncover Truth, rediscover ourselves, and personal power, and to use it to heal what is fragmented, unloved, within the depths of our being.

Everything that surrounds us is, always, sending us signs, of love, healing and anything we need, at every single moment of our human existence - when we decide to align with this Loving Force and Purpose of acting as the LoveLight Beings that we, in Essence, truly are. 

The personal choice of uniting with what brings you joy and helps you stay in your natural state of being or refuse to this loving influx and choose to experience what love is not, is always yours. 

Declaration to release and surrender to Truth

I was deeply guided to share this declaration, at this Moon time. However, and as I always say, it is important to make it in your unique way. These are just my own words. You shall use the ones that best resonate with who you and where you are, now. This is just an example for you to use your own abilities as a creator and make your own declarations. If my words are in perfect resonance with your own guidance, then feel free to use it.

We do not do anymore the you are the master and I have to follow because you know more. No. This is called spiritual ego and inferiority and we do not do anything that disempowers us. What we do now is to help us empower ourselves by sharing and co-creating together, which is why we came here to show others the way to self-love, respect and sovereignty. 

First of all, we call upon our Unified Self, Guides and all the LoveLight Beings with whom we have chosen to co-create with. We all tend to work with different Beings/Energies and embrace the protection given to us by these Illumined Forces, is vital. After that, we are ready to begin our declaration by being in a peaceful and empowered state of being as well as surrounded by a loving enviroment and other companions, such as crystals etc. that we may feel guided:

I _(your name)_ call upon my Unified Self, Monad and Guides who assist me on my human experience, and who only come from the Love, Light, Truth and Unity of God to help me release an old self and hence, reality, embracing the one that is aligned with my soul's true desires and Will

Thank you for helping me protecting my personal and sacred space of everyone and everything - incarnated or not - who do not belong to the Light and unity of God. Thank you for co-creating a new desired reality with me and through me. Thank you for your love, light, Truth and assistance, Beloved Soul Family. 

With the Divine Power that, dwells within me, I now set the pure intention to release all fake concepts and magical delusions that have defined who I was and am meant to be - removing all assumptions that have ever been imposed on me. 

I now declare that there is no outer power that can determine who I am or can be, and  therefore shape me in any way. For I AM the Power that creates, transforms and decides who I become and do with the abilities given to me by Divine's Will.

I now surrender to the Truth of who I truly am, to God's desires and to what this Higher Intelligence has chosen to do through me. 

I now clear all parallel - past, present, future - timeliness, dissolving past energy and all beliefs that have trapped me within a limited view of what I truly am.

I now cancel all wrong programming that is still active within my body cells - impeding them to fully act as One - fulfilling their unique mission within my sacred human body.

I AM ready to surrender and accept who I am, who I always was, and embrace my true soul destiny and power. 

I choose to accept my Divine Legacy and descend it into this physical realm - being grounded to Earth as I am too to the Illumined Realms that birthed me. 

I choose to dwell in unity, in stillness and in love, above any other form of human illusion, separation or fears.

I now thank all that has served me to realize, appreciate, honor and accept my inner beauty, power and unique abilities, choosing, at every moment to use them only to be in service to All physical and non-physical LoveLight Beings, Creatures and Forms of Consciousness of this Universe and All Multiverses, for I AM one dwelling in all spaces, dimensions and timeliness within Creation, as the Essence of who I AM knows no limits, for it only sojourns in Truth, Love and Divine Bliss.  

And so it is and it will be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All.

I thank my Unified Self, Guides and the Forces of Love and Light of this Universe and All Multiverses for the assistance in this declaration and in my human life experience.

With infinite love and gratitude,

__ (Your name)__

I hope this declaration of intention helps you in your path. I received it one night, woke up and wrote it for All, with great love and respect to your unique journey. I hope that you recognize your power, value and all you are and do for All. I hope that you manifest the magnificence of who you are as well as the reality that you truly desire, and deserve, Beloved Companions.

Have a magical and blessed Moon!

In love, light and service,

Natalia Alba 

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

Full Moon in Scorpio, May 10, 2017 ~ Karmic Release & DNA Deprogramming

Beloved  Ones, 

In our ascension journey, we still continue to cross the bridge that leads us towards our New Earth Home. It is precisely at this time that we are presented with a cosmic gift  for all who are still working on releasing their  karmic patterns, DNA deprogramming and clearing from old implants - negative thought forms and other forms of alien/human manipulation. It is precisely at this time, when we are still uncovering the many false layers of our lower self - as well as the ones that other people show us - that we are blessed with a magical and revealing Full Moon, at 20 degrees Scorpio, that will help us go beyond our human senses and primary desires. 

In the end, ascension is nothing but the descension of our True Essence into our  human body, and for this to occur, first we must do the inner work of genetic reconstruction of our original DNA. For it has been deeply manipulated since eons through many methods such as controlled brain waves created to shift our brain activity, lately through social media, chemtrails and many other ways. 

In the midst of a month, in which, we are governed by Fire - as we still have a lot of Planets in this sign - and the Earth element (Taurus) - that invites us to focus on our mental and tangible plane - the Full Moon will open a  healing doorway for us to focus on our inner realms, regaining control over our minds, which is done through conscious deprogramming of all these negative implants, through certain tools - such as sound for example - which helps change and release old patterns, and begin to awake that which still lies dormant within ourselves.

Truth about our hidden emotions, not embraced yet, and about everything we should unify, will arise, for we also have, at this time, Saturn at the galactic center at 27 of Sagittarius in an exact square to Chiron, which is in Pisces. A gift for us to be honest and understand if we behave with integrity and authenticity or if we still allow our fears - and lower self - to control our true power.

With this Full Moon we have a time to heal, rejuvenate, regain our power and transform what seems broken to our human self, and do it not just from our inner realms, by transmuting old feelings into unconditional loving ones, but also moving this healing frequency towards our physical vehicles, for they carry many negative patterns that we tend to unconsciously repeat. It is a wonderful time, with this Full Moon, to end a micro karmic cycle within ourselves, as the Full Moon will not only trine Chiron, the Cosmic Healer, as I call Him, but it will also sextile the Planet of Power, Pluto, at the same time that the Sun will also trine Pluto.

The Fixed sign of Scorpio is also ruled by two of the most powerful Planets, Mars and Pluto. Mars gives us the fiery and Warrior-like energy that we need to initiate the proper changes to shift in our lives, while Pluto - a Planet that is all about power, regeneration and rebirth - activates the necessary changes that need to occur for us to transform all that is not working any longer in our lives, helping us to dissolve our inner struggles, as sometimes all outer conflicts may just be a reflection of inner ones.

Both Forces invite us to be careful with our inner Fire, and just put our unique Life Force where is appreciated - maintaining conscious interactions - and reminding us that the true power of a Warrior, does not reside in fighting or convincing anyone, but about standing firm within his love/power, no matter how the outer may seem at the moment. We cannot control others, neither can we control the conditions, but we can always control and decide how we react with what is given to us.

The Full Moon in Scorpio will also align with the fixed  Star - Zubeneschamali, Beta Librae - a green star within the Libra Constellation. The frequency of this star is associated precisely with the karmic baggage we may still bring to the higher dimension in which we are so eager to dwell. This star reminds us of the importance that disengaging ourselves from the old has, in every aspect of ourselves, in our emotional, mental, spiritual bodies as well as within our physical bodies, where all the - old - karmic genetic patterns and many other negative implants still reside. Soul retrieval is one of the first tools we can also use for soul integration and liberation of past wounds and karmic soul contracts that we may still have from any past lifetime or present one and that impedes a major growth as well as the inner peace that forgiveness brings. 

Another important cosmic event, offering us the same healing message, will be the nodal axes moving, on May 9, from Virgo/Pisces into Leo/Aquarius polarity. This is where we come from. We emerge from a total clearing/deprogramming of what was impeding us to shine - as Sovereign Beings - within our own life experience. We were - and still are - at some point, clearing our karmic patterns, not just from within but from the remnants of all the old implants that still remain in our physical bodies. 

As the North node will be moving into Leo, we pass from feeling fear and dis-empowerment, to stand tall in our truth, for we have been navigating within the depths of our being, remembering who we truly are as well as the unique soul mission we brought here, and we are now ready to embrace our power - and open our hearts - to all that shall touch our lives. 

The liberation from our past and from everything that keeps us attached to it, comes with the South node moving into Aquarius, for this is where true karmic release occurs and we are able to embrace a Higher destiny, one that our soul prepared for us long ago before we projected ourselves into this physical reality. One that should be accepted and welcomed as a blessing, without all the scary scenarios that our human self tends to create.

It is a Moon to transform ourselves from fearful and unconscious beings to sovereign and empowered ones. For we are just beginning to realize our true potential, one that does not come from external power or narcissism, as is also habitual, even in the spiritual community, but a true power that emerges with knowing where we come from, being humble, in love with All, and making our own decisions from a conscious space of respect and unconditional love as well as taking responsibility for them.

This is also a very intense time for our relationships and Divine reunions, although all encounters are Divine in essence. The first ones may still show us karmic patterns to be resolved, the second ones, are the ones who begin to help us master the art of co-creating as equals - something that will benefit All. If you maintain a relationship with someone who even if he/she seems enlightened, is showing you or you are showing to your partner, certain old patterns that are not at all aligned with your true essence and soul path, judgment will only show you more of what you still have not healed, within your lower self. 

Have you ever caught yourself repeating old patterns within a relationship without even realizing it, without even feeling it? Do you still repeat compulsory behaviours - addictions to any substance, repetitive negative acts towards yourself or others etc - that destroy your body when in truth you do not wish to harm anyone? All this is not coming because the energies are too intense and we are dealing with the old. Everything that you repeat and that lacks a true feeling behind its action, is coming from your ancestral, past/present karmic patterns hidden deep within your DNA - unhealed and still active - which is why you keep repeating them as if you were a robot, being told what to do.

When we are shown - in our partners - certain negative traits that seem impossible coming from who we think they are, but that again are showing us separation, it is a wonderful opportunity, and as always, soul pre-planned/agreed, to show our egoic human where we still hold limited beliefs and a false mask, pretending to defend, the deceitful self we have created or simply, protecting the image we think we have. This is a gift, revealing you/us where we still focus on superficial and meaningless things, instead of focusing on the important.

It is a blessing for both souls - experiencing this relationship - as on their own these old human traits, would never have surfaced. This is also when we become aware and realize if we walk the talk or if we are still judging and thinking we are better, more spiritual than others, when we have not taken the time to even look within. 

Do we appreciate what these souls, that our lower self sees as negative, are showing us? Do we truly appreciate the effort that not just these souls but the entire Universe has made to put us together at this precise time, to help us master our lower self? Or do we still blame this other person for our pain and make judgments based on what our human being will always be unable to perceive from a lower physical reality? If so, only by being honest, observing ourselves with neutrality within unconditional love and compassion - will we be able to dissolve these old hidden fears.

Doing rituals, calling upon the Ascended masters, Angels, Archangels and many other beings who are already evolved, will not do your inner work of clearing your mental and emotional Plane as well as your DNA, from old attachments and negative implants, only you can do so from within. When you put your attention, trust and focus on other beings, on outer healers, who say they can do this for you and heal you, then you are giving away your Light - power - to heal, therefore losing your connection to your True Essence and allowing other forces/beings to take control of your physical body and mind.

When we say we are Sovereign Beings in charge of our own choices, but then, instead of sharing, reuniting with the souls who can help us confirm where we are, we try to find a saviour, we are again allowing our lower mind and its fear to control our human experience. At this phase of our ascension journey, neutral observation is pivotal, for us to truly discern if spiritual ego or other hidden forms of egoic defence mechanisms - and manipulations - have taken control over us. 

There is no better time to move inward, and burn the ashes of the old, than with this healing Scorpio Full Moon. Deprogramming ourselves is done from wihtin, it is done by literally erasing old programms from our mind, and replacying them with new ones that are now aligned with who we truly are. There are many roles to dissolve that are still part of who we used to be: the rolse of the victim, the many ones we play due to our negative ego and many defend mechanism we tend to use to defend the lower self. There is nothing more powerful than when we decide to take our power back and begin transforming our life from within, for it is there where everything we blame in the outer, truly comes from. 

This is a Moon to release yourself of all the illusory realities where your egoic self keeps you dwelling, in fear. This is a time for you to stop being afraid of who you are and instead of using your power to destroy yourself, for there is no one else doing anything to you, direct it towards the necessary healing that your entire being needs for it to ascend in the physical.

When you begin to experience the many challenges, physical sensations and other hidden painful emotions hidden deep within your heart, remember, beloveds, no one has ever done anything to you. You were the most absolute creator of your human life experience and you keep doing so at every single moment. 

As you find yourself with no person - or external circumstance - to blame, you will feel vulnerable and confused but it is precisely at this time, when the opportunity to feel unified again, occurs. The choice to open yourself to experience a higher way of existing, the higher power of living within Divine Love, is, as always, yours to make. 

In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba