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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Full Moon in Sagittarius. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Full Moon in Sagittarius. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 3 de junio de 2023

Full Moon in Sagittarius, June 3, 2023 - Loving Expansion

Beloved Ones,

Today we celebrate the beginning of the 6/6 harmonic portal with a very loving Full Moon at 13 degrees Sagittarius. A moon whose energies are assisting in building this new harmonic passage and that is linked to Jupiter, Sagittarius's ruler, which moved into Taurus, a few days ago. A planetary encounter that brings this expansive, and loving harmonizing energy that we all need to prepare for the next wave, and for our planetary mission, for those who are now immersed in this task. 

A time to move inward, scan our bodies, see where we are in our personal journey, and what we have to bring into balance, so we can obtain more clarity and direction to continue with our unique mission. 

This passage is for us to reconnect with our passion, joy, and authentic soul's desires, allowing the Highest Expression of us to manifest, in our earthly plane, where we can expand, and serve as Divine's emissaries, doing our unique role within Creation to bring assistance to All. 

Sagittarius helps us move from sorrow to joy, for this shall be our natural state of being if we chose to always flow with what Is, letting go of egoic control and expectations. Sagittarius teaches us the importance of living and enjoying the moment, rather than feeding old or future timelines, as all we desire to manifest, comes precisely when we are focused on the Now moment, using the present energy to build and be aligned. 

Sagittarius invites us to be conscious of the importance that enjoying the journey has, more than getting to the “final destination”, being grateful for all the "lessons" learned in the path itself, and knowing that in truth, there is never a final purpose or destination, for we are forever evolving and becoming anew, within the infinite realms of Creation.

Jupiter is conjunct with the North Node, which is a macro representation of what is taking place in our planet, the transition into a new dimensional space, as this is about the trajectory that the collective, our planet, is taking, at this time. We are moving into a more loving timeline, and Jupiter helps in this expansion by allowing us to open our minds, release false programs and habits, step into a harmonic state of being, for as it is within, it is without, and holding this same peace and love within, as this is what determines our future planetary trajectory.

We have two other wonderful aspects inviting us to move in a new direction. On one hand, we have the Moon trine to Mars in Leo, helping us align with the passion and determination to continue building our desired reality, and on the other, we have Mercury, Gemini's ruler, conjunct Uranus, which propitiates the change, first in our minds, and secondly, in our lives, for as we think and believe, it will be, necessary for us to initiate the changes we wish, in our physical reality.

The energies of this passage are all about helping us to align our lower and higher selves, acting as one, from a unified and harmonic space, where we could finally give birth to outcomes that are aligned with our Highest Will, and that will serve to the future Earth's trajectory.

This is a time for personal recalibration, for those who need to harmonize their bodies, before embarking into new adventures and personal tasks, and lastly, for planetary restoration, descending the harmonic frequencies that are helping us anchor the New Earth's crystalline unified Grids, as well as many other important tasks, as the removal of lower energies, war memories, and many other issues that are impeding the anchoring of the new earth's energies in specific places.

Earth needs our assistance to be able to continue its new trajectory, for it is in our hands to restore all man's damage through eons. Damage that not only involves the poisoning of its Waters, but the many nuclear experiments, between many other non-benevolent acts, that have created genetic mutations in many species, and have made the land uninhabitable for years. 

It is by first knowing ourselves and healing all we need to that we can begin this planetary task, for it is by healing and restoring ourselves and our bodies, that we can descend our mission, and be prepared to connect with the Earth's Consciousness, starting our mission of assistance with our planet. 

As conscious beings, who have chosen to ascend, it is our responsibility to feel, think and act, as One with our Planet, at every single moment, for we assist by acting consciously, and lovingly so we can create a better earth for All to begin a more harmonic way of living.

May you be always authentic, compassionate, and loving with All, Beloveds.

Have a harmonious passage!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 15 de junio de 2019

Full Moon in Sagittarius, June 17th, 2019 ~ A Gift of Cosmic Love

The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed. 

Jiddu Krishnamurti 

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

We are about to welcome one of the most powerful Moons of this year, before the coming of the Eclipses next month, whose energies are already deeply felt. A Moon that aligns with the Galactic Center and that Jupiter enhances - helping us to connect more with its essence of hope, trust and faith. The Full Moon at 25 degrees of Sagittarius synchronizes with two important comic events: Jupiter square Neptune and Saturn sextile Neptune. This will give us the gift of embracing the infinite possibilities that are always there for us to create the reality that is in perfect resonance with our Soul Will.

During this Full Moon the ones who have done the inner work of leaving behind what impeded them to see the Truth of who they are and their purpose here, will be able to descend more Wisdom from their God Self, for one of the many gifts from this Moon is the opportunity to retrieve what was lost while we dwell in human illusions, searching outside what always resided within. 

This is not a time to look back, bringing the ashes of the old into our current state of being and hence, spoiling the frequency that we presently hold. This is a time, as Saturn sextile Neptune reminds us, for hope, trust and determination as Mercury conjunct Mars will remind us, as it will assist us in directing all of our inner power in building something productive. Hope is one of the things that is easily left aside, for a humans, especially when we are experiencing challenges, we believe it to be impossible to hold faith and hope, while everything that surrounds us is crumbling.

This is precisely when we most need to have faith, when everything is falling apart. It is then that we need to understand that old things are vanishing while new seeds are beginning to grow. Our focus is pivotal when we are leaving behind old aspects of the self and our human life. We can choose to focus on what is being created or in what we are releasing. Where you decide to focus will determine the essence of the new seeds that are being born. Therefore, choose wisely where you desire to put your intention and energy.

The frequency of hope helps us do what in normal conditions we could not accomplish. It gives us courage, energizes our body and offers us the opportunity to clear ourselves, especially our mental body, which is essential if we desire to co-create a balance and joyful reality. There is a lot we have to learn, as humans, regarding the effects of having hope in our physical bodies. As physical beings we tend to see hope as useless when we are in very challenging situations, not understanding that this is precisely what saves us from falling into lower vibrations.

If we desire to work with hope, the cosmic events from this Full Moon together with our cosmic family the Arcturians, will help us achieve this state of being, for Arcturians are helping humanity in regaining hope, faith and in retrieving our natural ability as healers, as it is in our Divine Essence, and as it is meant to be reclaimed, when we work on DNA reconnection. 

As we also have Jupiter square Neptune, we have the opportunity to use this frequency for many purposes. If we are working on trusting and surrendering to our Soul Will, then we have the opportunity to cultivate patience and trust that a Higher Intelligence knows what is happening in our human experience and knows what is doing. For as humans, we often try to control, and manipulate, what we cannot even see from our human standpoint. 

If what you desire is to expand into your soul mission, descending more aspects of it, and using this new knowledge to be of assistance, then, this frequency from this cosmic encounter, will help you to bring from your Unified Self all you need to, to be of service in a broader way. As the Essence of Neptune is also a very profound one, for it deeply touches the depths of our human self, making conscious what is buried by our egoic self, it is a good time to work with human delusions and magical thinking, something that if we have a tendency to it or if we are beginning on this journey, can occur, and actually it is good that it occurs, for it is by experiencing the many human delusions we have that we finally remember the Truth, again.

This Moon passage is going to be a blessed time for us to work on compassion, being of service, in our unique way, and a wonderful opportunity to cultivate generosity, harmony and balance. This phase is very important, as when the eclipses come, many will be shaken again and it will be vital to remain in our heart center, as we witness the many changes that may come with the embodiment of these new energies.

Wound Healing

On a deeper perspective, the Full Moon will also occur very near some stars from the constellation Ophiuchus. As you know I prefer to feel the energies myself and receive from my Unified Self the Essence of the Planets, stars etc. that are co-creating with us. I do not follow traditional astrology to interpret them, as sometimes it is based on human interpretations - mythology etc - which is quite beautiful. However, it does not help us to truly feel the real frequency behind these stellar energies.

This is why I always say to take only what resonates with where you are and your own path. Ophiuchus's Essence if well directed can help us tremendously to heal old wounds. If what we desire is to work with old wounding issues that are still impeding us to be in total harmony and flow, then we have at the Full Moon time, the opportunity to work with the power of Fire from Sagittarius or choose the element Water of Ophiuchus. Both clear us, help us release, and while one - Sagittarius - can seem more potent that the other, do not underestimate the power of Water to carry away what no longer serves us.

Ophiuchus will help many who are also working with self-unification. This is something that as ascending souls we all are working with, at the moment, for this is the opportunity that this dual universe offers us. Ophiuchus gives us the gift to work with purification, which is at the same time what Sagittarius gives us as well, but in a different way. If we desire to incinerate the old and resurrect into the crystalline light beings that we are, then Ophiuchus is the perfect frequency that we could align with to do so. In any case, both Essences are here to help us in similar purposes, our choice depends on whether we choose one element or the other to experience the healing we wish to bring into our physical bodies. 

Ophiuchus is also a wonderful ally if we desire to work with past traumas, DNA reconnection, genetic clearing and if we have done so, it is then a pure frequency for us to connect with it and begin to retrieve our memories from parallel dimensions, for as you know, all is happening Now, and we dwell in many timeliness that at the same time affect us, as we also affect our parallel selves. 

For those who are beginning to awake, the Ophiuchus influence will help them with their Kundalini rising as well as with the proper management of their first chakra, which is pivotal once we begin to awake. As Ophiuchus is also related to our masculine essence, it is an opportunity for those who are working on manifestation as well as polarity integration and have their masculine essence imbalance, to embody this frequency and work with inner synthesis, as Ophiuchus is the unifier that helps us bring together that which our 3D nature separates. 

Beloved Ones, we are indeed immersed in a profound shift, as many of us are already feeling and prepare ourselves for the coming of the Eclipses. It is a time for change, and when change hits us, the best course of action, as all the planetary alignments at this Moon time remind us, is to be flexible, flow, surrender and trust that even though we have free will and create our own reality, there are Forces, with which we agreed before coming into this physical plane, that are assisting us to follow the path we so carefully chosen for us to experience. 

Our task is not to question ourselves or these Forces all the time, especially if something does not happen according to our egoic desires. Our task is to trust that whatever happens, these Forces know what shall be for the Highest Good of All, and our main aim is to accept what we have no control upon. 

This Moon gives us the opportunity to align with the cosmic love that we, in Essence, are. This is a Moon to have faith, to honor ourselves and personal journey, remembering that it was this same Cosmic Love that brought us here, in an attempt to assist a Planet which is already transitioning into a state of deep fragmentation into unity consciousness. 

This Moon is a gift for us to cultivate hope and generosity. It is in our nature to be generous, to have hope and trust in a Higher Power. We do not have to possess material things to be generous; we can simply be kind, offer a smile and be who we are to be of service. 

We are Love. We are already the miracle that we so hope from the outside to come and save us. We are the creative Spark that creates our reality. We are all we have ever desired or hope for. We just have to look within rather than being continuously searching in the wrong places and people, and find, again, the way back to ourselves, where all we desire truly dwells.

I wish you a blessed and magical Moon, Beloved Ones. 

Remain, always, in the Illumined Presence of your Soul, where hope, faith and trust abide and where you will always find your way back Home.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Full Moon in Sagittarius, June 9, 2017 ~ Soul Revelations

Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear. ~ Mahatma Gandhi 

Beloved Ones, 

It is a time for deep soul revelations. It is a time for Truth, especially for those who are ready to confront their shadows and human fears. For the Full Moon at 18°53′ degrees of Sagittarius, comes to show us what our human self tends to hide and deny, for it fears the unknown as well as the liberation that Truth brings. During this phase, the cosmos is inviting us to heal the unloved corners of our being, for everything is always Divine, whether we compel ourselves to believe it or not, the Universe only creates what it is made of, and that, is always love and perfection in infinite ways.

It is Truth - embodied - that makes us ascend, enabling us to integrate higher level of consciousness, but in order to do so, first, we need to empty ourselves of all we believed to be true, for as we evolve, we realize that there is not such an ultimate truth for it has many detours and as our human self grows, we discover that there is, always, more than we thought, and it was only our limited view that prevented us seeing what was already there. There is nothing hidden within the Universe, everything we wish to know is already there for us to embrace. As humans we tend to be constantly searching in remote places for that which was never hidden in the beginning. 

This Moon in the Truth Seeker, Sagittarius, the eternal searcher for wisdom, will invite us to move inwards - in order to know and discern what we find within and if we align with its frequency, becoming the eternal self that we, in essence, are, we will be able to receive all the answers, all the cosmic wisdom, we are so eager to find outside. 

Sagittarians show perseverance in what they truly desire. They enjoy the journey more than getting to their “final destination” as they are grateful for all the lessons learnt in their path and know that in truth, there is never a final purpose, for we are forever evolving and becoming anew. Sagittarius invites us to find the truth for ourselves, for it will be the only way, in which, it will be revealed to us - unfiltered of any mundane illusion.

Jupiter rules Sagittarius. Jupiter will turn direct a few hours after the Full Moon. As Jupiter is the Planet of Expansion, it will help us to improve certain aspects/areas of our lives in which, we search for expansion and innovation. Jupiter will not give us luck, as it is often said, for it is another force within the Universe experiencing his own journey. Jupiter's essence, if embodied properly, will assist us to bring a major growth into our lives, we just have to go into our natal chart and see where it resides, to bring more expansion and inspiration.

The Full Moon conjunct Saturn. This will help us to act as integrated beings - acting as we think and feel - instead of just dwelling in the lies and half truths that are more comfortable for our human self. Saturn's frequency can hit us hard if we are not willing to listen, but it will help us move forward instead of remaining fixated with the results that we want to obtain. Remember, beloveds, every time we face a challenge, we are simultaneously given the solution. We just have to witness from the outside what is occurring, instead of being fixated on what is actually "wrong" for us. 

As the truth can come in many forms - through art, love, messages etc - we also have a wonderful and magical aspect in this Full Moon, as Neptune, is in a square to the Moon and Sun as well as the Moon sesquisquare Venus, which will harmonize and sweeten this Moon. Neptunian energies emphasise the thin line between illusions and reality and the need to flow and create the proper balance between both. This is also a wonderful time to heal, for we also have Chiron in Pisces and it is a gift for those who are ready to begin the inner transformation required, to step into this evolutionary journey.

It is also said, this aspect will make miracles in our lives. To me, miracles are a natural part of our essence as Divine Beings. Miracles do not come from the outside, for they are all orchestrated from within, from our soul, and they just occur when we align with the solution, with the love already given to us, instead of with our human fears. 

As Neptune could make us fall into the trap of just living in the ethereal world without holding the intention to bring these non-physical desires into fruition, this Full Moon will make sure we are aware of what is real and authentic and what is another misconstruction of our lower self. This aspect will also bring magic, an increase of our non-physical senses as well as the opportunity to commune with our soul and descend all the visions in our unique way, that we receive from the higher ethereal realms.

We also have another important aspect, Sun quincunx Pluto. This is said to be a "fatal" aspect, for it is said it brings emotional disorders and manipulations between many other things. Well, as you may already know, I do not resonate with certain traditional astrological interpretations, for I respect them all, but I consider that they are limited in their view. In the past, this was justified, for humans believed the cosmos ruled and controlled them. Nowadays, we are more conscious, and we know that they are just representing an outer aspect of ourselves, having their own ascension within this Universe. 

This aspect, to me, will simply bring into the light, everything that we keep repeating, and that we are unaware of. If it brings unhealthy behaviours, whether with ourselves or in our relationships. emotional wounds and the need of control that, as humans, we possess, etc, it is not because this aspect is negative, but because there is something we have not healed/unified - yet - within ourselves and we are being kindly shown it all. This is an opportunity, a cosmic relief, for you to change yourself and your physical life by being aware of what is no longer working in your favour and that of All. 

Be aware of where you put your power and intention. Do not use it to force nor to allow others to control and manipulate you. This is a cosmic gift for us to become conscious of where we still exercise control over things, situations and people, when we know we cannot control the nature of anything. When we want to manipulate or control  someone or a certain situation, it is because we do not want to accept the outcome that this wise Universe and our souls, have already planned. 

When we manipulate and things end up as being as we want, although at Divine Time, it will always come back to its natural state, deep inside we know we are living a lie, a false scenario, where there is no real love, respect and honor for the Truth that was meant to be. If you still catch yourself in these egoic acts, do not judge yourself at all, instead ask yourself: "Am I willing to pay this price?" You can always choose to experience the truth, no matter in what form it comes to you and shift whatever is not in alignment with your path, instead of living a lie, that only delays the true outcome, that shall be for All. 

This Full Moon will help us retrieve new guidance - revealing all we need to integrate at this time through soul remembrance. There are a lot of people who are afraid of incarnating, again, on this Planet, as if this Planet was a jail or some kind of punishment. A lot of individuals write to me about that. There are those who want to ascend by reading, watching videos or thinking that this is a sort of salvation thing that will come to them, at some point, at the end of their journey. 

Your thoughts and feelings are respected, but if you wish to physically ascend, first, one must be honest with oneself and ask himself/herself: Have I broken free from 3D old mind programs, doing the necessary inner work to integrate Higher Truths? Have I done the conscious work of releasing all ancestral karmic patterns? Have I retrieved the lost "pieces" of my soul, beginning the long path of soul integration? Have I learnt from all past human experiences? Have I let go of everything and everyone that is not aligned with the path I have chosen to experience at this time? As always, only you have the answer as well as the constant choice to begin working on yourself and truly begin to ascend.

This is a Moon to restore what seems "broken" to our human self and its limited perspective. A time for Truth, for clarity, the one that can only come when we become the witness instead of the judge and begin to allow the Universe telling us what truly Is instead of what we wanted it to be. A time for soul revelations, in which, if we cease all noises and allow the Infinite and Eternal Self - within - to arise; we will hear, face and accept Truth, in every single corner of our being and our lives.

It is a time for deep cellular healing, as the more we purify ourselves, the more that we will allow Higher frequencies and its wisdom into our being, for we are accelerating our ascension, while we are physical beings, so we can finally delight a higher form and way of existence, within Divine Love, within other confines of the Universe, where separation begins to fade away, and the remembrance of unity consciousness begins to be embraced and mastered. 

I wish you all a revealing and loving Full Moon, beloved  companions! 

May you always choose to listen to the whispers of your soul and not the noise of your egoic self. May you always become the witness of your own human life experience - to be able to feel the love, peace and Truth that is - at all times - being sent to all of us.

In love and light∞

Natalia Alba