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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Empowerment. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 30 de diciembre de 2017

The Energies of January 2018 ~ A New Cycle of Conscious Evolution & Galactic Initiation

A life lived of choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived of chance is a life of unconscious creation.

Neale Donald Walsch

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

It is with great joy and love that I share the frequency of this new energetic month! For even if in truth there are no beginnings or endings, as they are both intertwined, we are already dwelling in the Fifth Illuminated Timeline that we have consciously chosen. This moment, as I received, came with the last New Moon in Sagittarius, for it aligned, together with Earth, the Sun and Saturn, with the Galactic Center - finally crowning ourselves as the Galactic beings that we are. It is a phase for galactic consciousness integration, polarity healing and above all, for us to, always, abide in this new frequency, as only by remaining in a loving and calm state of being - can we create this same reality, externally.

There are a lot of people who ask me if something in the external, on the Planet, is going to change. They would like to know when this Era is exactly arriving? What will this arrival bring forth? What changes will we observe, in the collective?. The only visible change that you will see is the one created within yourself, as it is precisely from this inner shift, that the outer begins - not to change - but to adjust to your current frequency. 

In my reality, I do not see any violence. I go out and I only see gentle people, and when others tend to find drama and unkindness, I only find smiles and precious gifts wherever I go, for this is what I feel within, radiate and hence can be aligned with. It is not about the outside. Nothing is going to save you except yourself. We are now entering a Cycle of conscious creation and self-empowerment, leaving behind the victimhood archetypes, as well as other egoic mechanisms. It is not by expecting anything but about creating it, for ourselves.

This New Year of 2018 is going to be ruled by an 11/2 Universal Frequency. This is meant to awaken the masses, to master the ones who are ready to take this step and to help us retrieve the Divine Wisdom that resides within us and begin anew by unplugging from the 3D consciousness, something that more and more souls are choosing to do, daily. 

For the ascending souls, 11 is a sign of our achieved self-mastery, although this inner work never ceaces, as well as the deep work we are doing of polarity integration. For number 1 possesses a masculine energy, while 2, the sum of both numbers, has a feminine essence, something that is showing us the need for us all to finally embrace both poles, as equals. 

For some, this will be a year of unifying the aspects that within themselves are not yet unified, working on themselves more than in their relationships. For others who have done this inner work, it will be a Year based on the harmonization of their relationship, as number 2 reminds us. It is all according to what we need for where we are. 

This is also a very creative number, which brings innovation and a new way of seeing reality, something pivotal at a time, when more and more souls are trying to disengage from the 3D Matrix and its manipulative reality. 11 is a frequency that introduces us to the unseen planes, for its nature is ethereal and its essence is connected to the Illuminated Realms, where we are going, to a new space where we begin to be a little be closer to the Higher Frequencies from 6D/7D Planes, as well as our True Divine Origin. 

2018 is a year in which, the presence of chaos versus harmony, will be emphasized on the Planet. Ours is the choice to keep choosing unity among the chaos others desire to create to keep control of Earth or to remain feeding this illusion of separation. During this Year, the ascending souls who have already mastered the fusion of both polarities, will experience the results of years of self-mastery, and even though we only master certain aspects of the self to keep discovering new ones to keep working with, we will be also experiencing the Harmony, Balance and Divine Love that this new frequency offers. 

As always, the presence of both forces - dark and light - will always be present for you to choose with which one you desire to align. This Year, if well understood, will offer a unique opportunity for the souls who are still learning how to master - and see as equal - both opposite polarities - dark and light/feminine and masculine.

For the majority of the ascending souls, this is a Year to seed and master new horizons as we continue to also master our human relationships, to make new partnerships, to work in unison, not in a solitary way any longer, for even if we are here as an individualized aspect of Source, we are leaving behind more of our old sense of separation - uniting as a team to co-create our deepest soul visions, finally understanding that it is not anymore about us but about assisting All. 

New galactic integration passage

Beloved Ones, from this time onwards, we are going to be fully immersed within a new galactic wave, until the beginning of February. In this new month, we are going to be in integration mode, for there is a lot to be descended and anchor within our body and physical plane. 

This is a time for expansion, but also one of hard work for the ones who are 24/7 working on this mission, which are the majority of us, for we begin to assist by our own Essence. There is still a lot of work to do with New Earth Grids, for the restructuring of Earth Grids as well as the activation of many Earth places, is not yet over. 

There are only a few small places in the world, according to my own guidance, that are actually crystalline and that holds a fifth dimensional frequency, as it is for example the so well known case of Mount Shasta in USA, or for example Montserrat (Barcelona) in Spain, where subterranean beings live. So the Planet needs a lot of assistance to clear and help in all we can to bring its lost purity back.

During this time you may feel your own physical sensations, for we all are unique, and our bodies will tell us what we need to release and in what part of our body. Certain soul roles could feel more these sensations, for they work closely with Earth, these are:

  • New Earth Grids
  • Earth activators, and healers in general
  • Earth Purifiers
  • Gatekeepers
  • Gridworkers
  • Stabilizers
  • Earth Unifiers - how I call the ones who are here to restore our deep sense of polarity. They come already with this knowledge of how to unify polarities and act as teachers. They restored balance by their mere Essence. 
There are more roles, of course, but especially the ones whose main mission is to help heal the 3D manipulated structures of Earth, they will be feeling with the need to rest more and will experience more physical sensations, for the work is very intense in both the physical and in the astral plane. 

For those who are beginning to open themselves to their soul roles, and feel the above roles could be one of their missions, using the Diamond, Emerald and White Rays to assist you purify and anchor the specific frequencies you are meant to, is of great assistance! 

There are some common physical sensations that I was told to share and that I am experiencing myself:

  • Disorientation - due to the feeling we are having of losing all sense of time, especially for the "solitary" ones, as it is my case, who are literally living in and off this world. For we have created our own reality and there are not much things that linked us to the old. 
  • Dizziness and/or vertigo - remember that everything within ourselves is being recalibrated in a way we never experienced before, so unless you have any medical evidence that it is something physical, this is usual.
  • Heart palpitations
  • Memories from many timelines and experiences, even while awake, of parallel lives. This is something that for me, to be honest, is being hard to experience. For it feels so real I am not totally able to always disengage from other timelines.
  • Intolerance of certain food: there are many people who are beginning to be literally intolerance to food they used to eat before. This is because your body is no longer able to digest these lower frequencies and your true desire, as once chosen and planned, is to begin shifting it to a crystalline base, something that requires self-discipline as well as the ingestion of lighter food. 
As always, be compassionate to yourself, a thing when one is, at all times, of service, is rarely applied to the self, as it happens to me often and must disconnect for at least two days. Take care of yourself, be in neutral observation with everything and everyone and be the seed of  the change and love that you are, and would like to see, in the world. 

Mental Transformation

For a dimensional transition like the one we are experiencing occurs, first a mental transformation is required, from within - as well as in the collective - so the entire Planet can begin to manifest a second - and more evolved - body, which is where we have been for years, until we as well as our Planet, were finally able to bifurcate from the 3D matrix.

A mental transformation takes place when the human aspect of us finally awakes, confronts shadows, and begins to discern if all we have learnt was truth or was part of a manipulated system. Once we begin to deprogram ourselves from all the half-truths, from a distorted 3D reality, we are finally able to break free from a slavery matrix and begin to step into an endless journey of conscious integration and co-creation, which is what humanity is experiencing currently, for we can move into this new dimensional space not because of the assistance of some but for the assistance of many working as One.

These are some of the first physical 
of an evolving civilization changes we can see in the outer due to our choice of stepping into a higher level of consciousness:

  • Energy exchange in the 3D vs. 5D: One of the main and most important result(s) of an evolved species is how they manage their energy and the exchange of it. We are beginning to use our inner gifts and hence, physical creations to assist not just the egoic self but All. This is something that will completely change, with time, how we value ourselves as well as others, for when we recognize ourselves as Divine beings, we also do it with All, understanding how precious their energy is as well.
In the 3D matrix, energy was meant to enslave, to control and manipulate people. The old 3D matrix was meant to use people, already programmed by the dark forces and human beings working for them, to only serve the matrix, as mere robots. As human DNA was deeply harmed and manipulated since eons ago, this is one of the many reasons, why evolved souls freely chose to descend to Earth, for they were not imprisoned within the 3D soul matrix and could finally help humanity break free from this cycle.

The controllers, in the 3D world, were meant to keep people in survival mode all the time, they worked for themselves, only to have enough to survive the day. In contrast, within a 5D realm, evolved beings begin to move from selfish service to a selfless one - ceasing satisfying the egoic self to satisfy a Higher Puporse, one that is also aligned with our own.

In this new dimensional space, conscious beings know the value of their energy, how to integrate and manage it wisely not just to satisfy egoic purposes but to bring assistance and joy to All, for where we already dwell is a space of unity, where we are just beginning to feel what being One, truly means. 

Energy, as it is in my case, is used to give from a pure space of love and assistace, and hence, this same energy is back. We no longer allow others to direct or control who we are and what we do, for we know ourselves as well as the unique gifts that the Divine gave us, and we are the only ones who can know how valuable is what we give.

It is by valuing who we are as well as the Divine purpose of what we are here to do, that we also see others with this same value - appreciating what they have to offer and seeing their creations as unique and precious, not just as something we can own for fun. 

This does not mean everyone must now become an independent worker, for all is sacred and serves the Divine Plan, and helps to awake consciousness. However, these are some of the changes we are going to see, not just the importance of managing our human job, but our energy, in whatever we work and with whoever we do so, which is, in the end, what truly matters, how we value ourselves as well as where we put our energy. There are many examples of it already, look how many people working online, offering their gifts to all the Planet, not just manipulated to only work with a minority - controlling the abundance one can receive or not. 

There are so many people wanting to shift their current jobs to something that at least resonates more with who they have become and with how they now view their world - that in a near future, humanity will be beginning to realize how this 3D matrix starts to vanish - and the result will be an empowered society, instead of an enslaved one. 
  • Dissolution of 3D relationships: This is something many of us have been experiencing during our ascension journey, especially in the last years. This has nothing to do with leaving behind everyone that is not how we are, but about simply standing tall in who we are and in our truth and from a space of respect towards ourselves and others, being able to say NO to what hurts our sensitivity and what is not in perfect resonance with who we are.
At this point, the majority of the archetypes created by our ego as well as the attachments in our relationships and all the egoic mechanisms must be cleared or beginning to do so, for this is the first step to maintain enlightened and co-creative relationships. 

In the 3D relationships we used to love in an egoic way, which can appear as real love, at some point, but has nothing to do with true and unconditional love. When we use the I sacrifice myself because I love you more than myself, the I take it away from me to give it to you, or the I cannot live without you - and infinite other egoic tactics - we are still loving from the Ego. I know this is hard to hear, but I did not come here to please egos, including mine, but to share the truth I receive, so as I always say, take what resonates and what is coming from your own guidance, based on where you are now.

I know it is very hard for the ego to accept this kind of selfish love, but when one begins to awake, and ascend, something that never ceases, one begins to become humble, observing the self, and realizes that one has never known what Divine Unconditional Love is because we were taught not to love ourselves, not to find happiness on our own, to try to find it in others, to try to cover our empty voids with others love...

Hence, we could not know what Divine Love truly is, until we begin to love ourselves, not with the ego, but with the unconditional and compassionate essence that is in our nature, as Divine beings. This is what loving with the soul means, to give without emptying ourselves, for if we do so, we know there is nothing good we can offer anymore. To share, to co-create as equals and to enjoy this human experience knowing that letting go with gratitude and love is essential, for it is in our nature that we must part just to reunite again, in an eternal dance of love and oneness. 

We were never meant to get attached to things and people, this was distorted deep within ourselves eons ago, we believed this was true love, but the more we awake the more we begin to have just a glimpse of what Love is, realizing that we were programmed to only experience the kind of 3D love that the matrix forced us to believe. 

Freedom from the 3D Soul Matrix 

As we end an old Era of slavery and darkness and embrace a light one, we must become conscious of the many desperate attacks that the dark forces are using to keep the 3D soul Matrix in their control. 

At the moment, the battle between both forces, as I wrote before, is very real, and only by being well informed, from True Sources, remember our main one is always within, is that we could liberate ourselves from this old cycle that has been going on for too long.

This is a historical moment within Creation. We have finally bifurcated from Old Earth and as Saturn, the so called Planet of Karma, aligned with the Galactic Center, as well as our Planet, we have a unique cosmic gift for us to end a karmic cycle of reincarnation within the 3D plane.

This is something that should be worked from within, by holding this new frequency, releasing any karmic pattern, and by also doing the work required, at an energetic level and further, to free yourself from the 3D soul Matrix, for some souls are still enslaved, by the 3D Dark Forces who created this matrix to keep them slave in the reincarnation wheel.

Dark forces - tactics to manipulate consciousness

It is well-known, especially between the ascending souls, working for the betterment of the Planet, that many Forces try to govern our Planet and human consciousness. It is pivotal to be well-informed about all these tactics, for this is what will give us the proper understanding – enabling us to realize if we are being targeted, by the many tools used to manipulate us. 

It is precisely the souls who are an "impediment" - for dark forces - that are most attacked. As many you know, only by reclaiming our sovereignty and by standing tall in who we are and taking responsibility for our journey – can we defeat the many tools used to manipulate our minds and rule our reality.

There are many dark tactics they used to manipulate us, the most common ones are:

  • Through TV - there are many organizations involved in the manipulation of consciousness through fear and many other created present/future scenarios that are shared constantly on TV. Learning how to switch from this 3D manipulated reality to find our own vibrational space - in which we can align with what truly resonates with us - is essential for us to step out of their manipulative tactics.
  • Projection of images - I had experiences, years ago, with this too. They implant images while we are in our dream phase, in the astral. 
  • Presenting themselves as fake evolved beings, something is really easy to differentiate when one is already in this path but not so much when one begins to awake. The main thing is that highly evolved beings, always, identify themselves, always speak through the power of love and compassion and never tell the future or tell us what we must do or not. The message should be unfiltered of any judgements or opinions.
  • Possession - as you well know there are many beings who have been possessed - as they did not embody enough light from their soul - who have easily been manipulated and it is through them that they try to fulfil certain roles near to us, to make us fall into detrimental behaviours and hence, lower our frequency.
  • Sex - almost everything in the 3D matrix has been manipulated with hidden techniques in which the main element - to attract attention - is sex. They do this with pornography and through various advertisements in which the main element is using women as a form of entertainment.
I am not by any means saying the ones who consume pornography are bad or are acting wrongly, this is not about all this, but about being conscious of where we put our attention. There are a lot of people who are seriously fighting, now, to open themselves and embody a higher level of consciousness, and they are still so manipulated that they are unable to truly discern for themselves, and unplug from mass consciousness.

Unplugging from mass consciousness means being able to become the witness of our own human experience and realize what are the 3D habits that are still impeding us, in embodying a higher state of being. Many things are responsible for our inability to step away from certain old patterns - sex, food, TV... and many others. These habits are so deeply programmed - within certain people who are not able to disengage from them - that they do not see any improvements in their human evolution. As always, it is the human aspect of us who evolves, our soul already abides in the Wisdom of the Illuminated Realms.

There are precious souls who due to the many 3D old programs, are not yet able to see that these small daily acts prevent them from becoming the empowered beings that they already are. Some continue to watch TV, feeding the drama, eating manipulated and processed food, drinking, paying attention to sex, when it clearly manipulates what a pure and authentic relationship is, and by doing so, they continue to have all these old programs active. 

All of them need compassion and all the assistance that they are willing to ask for. As ascending souls, we should be Bringers of Peace and Love, instead of becoming Judges of others, for we came not to judge or feel superior, but to seed unconditional love and healing to All, without any separation.

Ascension is not just agreeing when reading/watching something that resonates and then keep doing what makes your frequency lower, ascension is something natural when one is truly aligned with this desire to evolve, and for this to occur both our human and higher aspects must be unified. For two different wills cannot coexist. 

Planetary Alignments

As the Universe is never in conflict and all its messages arrive straight away, with perfect clarity, for those who choose to be in tune, we begin this new month within a new cycle, with a loving and at the same time, powerful Super Full Moon at 11 degrees of Cancer together with Uranus, moving direct the next day.

The Full Moon in Cancer is going to invite us in bring unification into our deep human sense of polarity, embracing the feminine/masculine as well as all the opposite aspects of who we are, as One. For this Moon has both a masculine and a very feminine essence - bringing feminine power, something that will especially assist the souls whose soul role is to bring back the lost feminine essence into the Planet. The masculine one comes from Saturn, Pluto, Venus, the Sun, all in Capricorn, opposite the Moon in Cancer, which is perfect for us to heal duality and work on the descension of the higher aspects of who we truly are.

This is going to be one of the busiest month of all the year in our Heavens! For we not only have one Full Moon and a New one but another Full Moon Total Eclipse, at the end of the month, on January 31, also happening at 11 degrees of Leo! This is our galactic welcoming as well as support into our new fifth dimensional realm. 

This is going to offer us the perfect frequency to dissolve, within a loving and protected space, the remnants of the old and begin to integrate these new galactic updates that when wisely embodied and directed, are also shown in our physical reality - changing jobs, places, meeting new companions that are now aligned with our current frequency, and by many other changes that most of you, may be already experiencing. 

The second Moon will be a New Moon happening at 26 degrees of Capricorn. During this month the dance between the masculine and the feminine as well as the reminder for us to anchor everything that is being experienced - within - in our physical realm, will be evident. This Moon invites us to put our attention not just into the physical aspect of us but into the need we have to transmute our old sense of a patriarchal society, with the loving power of the feminine, as Venus will remind us for it will harmonize with the New Moon.

This is also a phase for structures to fall off and for the ones who are anchors of change to begin using their gifts to bring deep change into society, shifting old rules that were created to destroy with the fake excuse of bringing order and everything that needs to be dissolved within an already corrupt system, as Uranus, in a square with the Moon will also remind us.

In the following two days, and a bit later, we will have three Planets: Venus, the Sun and Mars, on January 31, entering Aquarius -  bringing a message of liberation and dissolution of what still keeps us attached to our 3D ways of living and being. This is also an opportunity to work with our mental plane, for it is always filled with our human interpretations and what we create and leave unresolved in there - tending to spoil our true soul desires, and hence, creating manifestations that do not resonate with what we truly wish. Therefore, it is so important to work daily in clearing our mental and emotional bodies from all our human thoughts as well as conflicts, confusion and everything that could remain stagnant will manifest in some way. 

The empowerment to assist us, at this time, comes with the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 11 degrees of Leo. It will also have a feminine essence, as I will explain in depth when the Moon comes, and this is for me going to be more focused on feminine power, something we all, independently of of our genre, have within. We lived for eons under the command of our masculine essence, we all saw what it brought to the world. Now, it is time to bring back the love, compassion and intuition of the feminine that once was blocked in us, and create the proper balance between both of them. 

There is a time for bringing transformation and an end to the old, closing the window that connects us to our past, and dissolving old timelines that are still active within our current one, impeding us to fully embrace our new vibrational space. The time we spent working on this was for at least two years, for it is not something we can simply do from one day to another. This time has passed for the majority of us. 

Now, at this unique moment within Creation, the precious time we hold in our hands, is to empower ourselves, by remembering who we are, to focus on our soul visions, for this new cycle, and for finally embracing our True Divine Power, instead of crawling ourselves as hopeless beings, controlled by outer circumstances.

The time to feel unworthy or as mere victims has gone. We spent too long learning who we are not, suffering under our ego control, and experiencing what we do not desire. In this moment, in this new space, that we have consciously chosen, there is no time left for us to continue diminishing ourselves, but to finally remember the Divine Spark within us and begin to use it to bring unity, love, compassion and assistance into every single life we touch. For we did not come here to just master ourselves and remember, but to co-create and assist others to do the same, remembering that they are us and we are them, dancing in the illusion of separation, but getting back into the same Home, from where we All were originated.

I wish you All a loving, abundant, and above all, miraculous New - Now - Galactic Year and Conscious New Cycle, Beloved Companions!

Thank you for all you are and do for All. Thank you for another year of infinite love, support, kindness and above all, for being my companions, helping me to grow, to be constantly learning, for this is not just about what I do or am, but about you offering me the possibility of embodying more wisdom and love as we co-create together, and I could not be more grateful, to be honest, for all of you, Beloved Family!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2017

Declaration to Protect & Command your Sacred Space

Beloved Light Bearers,

This is one of the many declarations I make to command my personal space, which simply means to protect it from lower energies/entities/forms of consciousness entering into it and manipulating me or my energetic field. As you may already know, this is the first step to impede these lower beings and energies to use you for their dark purposes - impeding you to stand tall in your light and mission. 

First of all, make sure you do the conscious inner work of healing/releasing/dissolving anything that is not aligned with who you have become and with your Unified Self's Will. After you are sure you are doing all you can to purify yourself - not just in the physical but in all the non-physical aspects of you as well - hold the intention to only serve the Law of One, and hence Truth, making so within Divine Love and from a selfless space of service to All,.

Thereupon, you are ready to command your personal space - from an empowered space and with the assistance of your light companions (and any other being you have a connection with, as long as coming from the love and light of the Divine) remembering that, the first main guidance of all, is your Unified Self and Monad.

This declaration is meant to command, and protect, your personal space by your own Divine Power. This is not meant to call upon others forces or beings to do this for you, for you are already a sovereign Divine being in control and in power of your own reality whether human or not. 

I understand there are many souls who come here with the soul contract of allowing other energies or beings to act through them in order to bring a higher wisdom and assistance to All - perfect and equal mission as the rest of us carry. 

However, as ascending souls, we do not need any outer being or force to act or speak through us, we do not channel, we do not let others occupy our sacred space, for even if, as humans, we also need assistance, we already come here empowered enough and from a unified space to be able to do our mission by being whole and having our own wisdom which comes from our Illumined Unified Self and no one else. 

Other beings - as an extension of who you are, in other planes - are here to help, protect and co-create with us, never for us to depend on them or in what they know, for it is what we already know, as well, from our own Divine Source. 

Therefore, if you still feel that you cannot command your personal space without other beings doing this for you, it is perfectly fine where you are, call upon your companions and do it in your unique way, for this declaration is not meant to rely upon others but your Self. 

Remember, Beloveds. You are now sovereign free beings, having a human experience but being fully aware of your soul desire to assist All only from the Truth that come from Divine and the Illuminated Realms as well as by your own Essence and the unique mission you bring here to help All, without excluding anything or anyone, for All is a part of Creation. 

Declaration to command and protect your personal space

I _(your name)_ call upon my Unified Self, Monad, Guides and LightLove beings, helping me on my human journey, coming from the love, light, truth and unity of God to assist me protecting my personal and sacred space of everyone and everything - incarnated or not - of negative thought forms, other form of consciousness and everything vibrating in the opposite frequency of the Divine Love that I AM.

I _(your name)_ as a sovereign free being, conscious of where I put my intention, and responsible of all my thoughts, actions and creations in the physical, as well as non-physical planes, clear now my personal space of all debris, negative thought forms and anything that is vibrating in a lower frequency, in this earthly plane, where I dwell and in any of the other dimensions where other aspects of me reside as well. 

I am fully anchored to Mother Earth's power, as I am Anchored Above - acting from a unified space to be able to assist, at all levels, in the physical and in the non-physical aspects/dimensions within Creation where I also exist. 

I AM forever protected.
I AM forever grateful. 
I AM forever working in perfect unison with God and with the Forces of Light of this Universe and all multi-universes. 

I __(your name)__ thank you for helping me purify all the channels within my physical and non-physical bodies, removing all lower entities/energies, from this current timeline to all existing, so only the light - Truth - and protection of the Divine can descend through me, allowing me to act as a pure conduit of the Divine, wherever I am, without any other entities or lower energies interfering in my personal decisions, space and personal soul mission.

I decree that my only and pure intention is to only be here, incarnated into this physical realm, at the same time that I too operate in other multidimensional dimensions, serving my God Self 's Will to assist All who will benefit from my Essence and Presence, and as this will be, always, my intention, I make of this declaration a permanent and irrevocable one. 

Therefore, I declare that no being/entity or form of consciousness - coming from an unloving source - can act without my permission, or enter into my personal sacred space and act through me or for me, for I only serve a Higher Will and Power who works in selfless service, from a total space of respect and unconditional love to All beings, things and other form of consciousness within Creation, practicing, always, the Law of Harmlessness to All.

I AM a LoveLight being of the Divine - giving form to a Human body - and as such, I AM always One with this - unconditional - loving, non-judgmental and forgiving Source within me, and I declare that I use this infinite loving Power, within me, to only serve All, in an unconditinal, compassionate and loving way.

I AM a pure conduit for the Divine Light, I AM always protected, for I AM, always, One with God, forever acting as a sovereign being in service to humanity, from a pure space of Divine Love, and never from an egoic one. For I know I am always One with All that exists and have ever existed within Creation.

And So it is and it will be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All!

After this statement, you are ready to make any other declarations of intention, healing or any other session you would like to maintain with your Guides or simply to be able to be protected and make the conscious statement of only allowing the Forces of Love and Light within your sacred space. 

In love, light and service ∞

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017

Full Moon in Taurus, November 3/4, 2017 ~ Reclaiming Planet Earth: Global Healing

The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. 

Chief Seattle 

Beloved Ones, 

Traversing the 4D portal to our New Dimensional Space is not a bed of roses and many of us, especially the Starseed Souls, Light Emissaries and New Earth Anchors, are strongly feeling the impact that, at a time, the battle to regain control of our Planet is having. In a time where we are finally bifurcating from Old Earth, our Planet is being reclaimed by many forces/beings, that used to breed on our Planet for eons, and that still desire to exert control. 

Therefore, it is pivotal that we remain in the wisdom, clarity and purity of our God Self, for not everything and everyone is filled with good intentions, and it is only by remaining in this present moment, and in the wisdom, we have retrieved that we can continue to act as the light pillars that we have consciously chosen for this planetary transition. It is a key moment to bring this love and healing, that we are so eager to manifest within ourselves, in a global level as well, for we All function as a living organism together with Gaia. 

It is precisely when we most need to anchor our new frequency to Earth that we are blessed with a special Super Full Moon at 12 degrees of Taurus that in a planetary level, will assist us to anchor our 5D dimensional frequency within ourselves as well as within our own physical space, for reclaiming our sacred space in both the ethereal and in the physical is essential for us to avoid any negative penetration into - our sacred space - by any negative forces that are still fighting to keep us enslaved. 

The loving and earthly essence of this Full Moon, for Neptune and Venus has a huge impact in this Taurus Full Moon, together with the macro events that are assisting us in this transition, will not just last for one day, for as we know, the harmonized energies coming from the cosmos can coexist and be embodied at our own Divine Timing. This is not just a time for deep release but also one of seeding, for we are just beginning to expand ourselves through a higher way of expressing our creativity and soul gifts. 

However, and as recently guided, I am not only going to focus on the typical, and to me, fixed meaning of this Taurus Full Moon, being all about abundance, anchoring our soul desires in the physical etc, for this is just a tiny aspect of what is occurring in the micro. There are more events taking place, at every single moment outside our micro time/space zone, so I also share more of what is happening beyond our human confines as well as the impact these energies are having beyond a physical level for the ascending souls. 

This is going to be a passage where anchoring love, peace, compassion and power, in a deeper way, will have a great shift for All, for this is what our Planet is needing, at a moment, when it is being manipulated by so many beings that not only do not come from Unity Consciousness but that do not yet know the conscious intention many of us have to keep this Planet dwelling in the highest frequency possible. 


This is a time in which, as ascending souls, our sensitivity could be highly increased, due to all the cosmic frequencies that are being poured into us as well as the deep inner transformation that we are experiencing. We have a very important and non-fixed event happening until December, not just during this Taurus Full Moon, that will assist us to accelerate the inner shift that we are consciously triggering within and in our physical lives.

The trine between Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces, will help us to bring deep focus on putting all our intention into unconditional love, compassion and service, not just to all but to our own selves as well, for we must first bring this same unconditional self-love to us, before we can even think about giving it to others.

This period brings great sensitivity not just in perceiving deeper than what is happening in our physical realm, for we all are beginning to envision beyond our human veils. It brings the opportunity for us to establish a broader contact with other star beings/civilizations/dimensions who are helping us, in this transition.

Use this sensitivity not just to feel empathy or to fall into the trap of only feeling the pain in the world. Empower yourself so you can understand this pain, learn from it and be able to move from this limited perspective into a wider one, in which you are able to use your gift to communicate with higher aspects of who you are as well as with other beings/forms of consciousness - that are here to help you bring back the empowerment you need to reclaim your sovereignty. 

This is a time of deep work for the ascending souls, not just to work on ourselves, for some of us are beginning to heal all the old traumas and old beliefs and beginning to be of broader service, and although as you know, the inner work never ends, now is more a phase for us to remain focused on love - using power to serve in whatever way we are guided by our Unifed Self.

Some of you may be called to travel to activate certain physical sacred sites/corridors on Earth, something in which this Taurus moon will help tremendously. Others must continue to act as pillars in the same place, it does not matter if change comes in the physical or not, for change is always there for us even in subtle ways that our human being is not able to perceive yet. What is essential is for us to be able to move from our egoic desires to God’s one, for it is only by doing so that we can act as One, bringing deep change into ourselves and Planet. 

There is something I was guided to share regarding physical sensations now, for as we increase our sensitivity, especially in the new souls who are awakening or beginning to walk this ascension path, the more we will be open to experience subtle worlds and their energies. The ones who are acting as Gatekeepers, Grid-workers, Stabilizers, New Earth Anchors and any other soul role that is not mentioned here but that you clearly feel can be happening to you:

• Sleep paralysis (after that very common to spend even a few hours with deep crown chakra pressure): This is very common when we come back from the astral plane by being fully conscious of the work we have been doing, for our soul never sleeps. If you still find yourself struggling with this, know that the only thing that will work is relaxing, knowing you are fully connected to your body, and allow your body, at its own time to be able to awake and readjust again to your frequency.

Most of the time, people are desperate when they are not able to wake, and as they are fully conscious, it is worst to feel our physical body, its vibration, every sound surrounding us as well as many more things, but not being able to wake. Please, understand our body cannot function in such a higher frequency, it is not that fast, give it time, remain in peace, fear nothing, for if you open, even a tiny window to fear, then you will be allowing dark forces/energies to manipulate you as well as your sacred space.

• Ear ringing: I know a lot of people consider this to be a negative sign, others consider it to be the angels speaking to them. from my own guidance and experience, it is the readjustment our physical ears must make for them to translate a higher frequency which is waiting for us to hear. In my experience, this begins to happen when your higher chakra system is being activated and you are beginning or about to hear a higher guidance, if you, of course, decide to align with it. 

In my personal journey this is how I began to hear my Guides, it takes time to adjust oneself to its purer frequency as well as to be open to receive out of fear and human self-doubts, but as I always say, when there is a will there is always a way. You have your unique way to receive guidance, discern for yourself, if you are beginning to experience this. 

Above all, do not leave any space for fear, fear is the opposite of love and whatever is happening you can always discern if what you receive, through your feelings, is coming from the light or is another form of energy that is trying to manipulate you. Therefore, it is so important to remain always focused on the illuminated presence of our soul as well as to cleanse ourselves and do the proper healing required not to allow these lower frequencies to confuse us.

• Leg pain and deep fatigue: this, especially to the stabilizers, is another sensation caused by the transformation our body is experiencing as well as the many messages that your legs could be giving to you now. Are you so focused on building and assisting in the ethereal that you no longer focus on anchoring yourself on earth? 

Have you built strong pillars that connect you to the illuminated realms while you forget to first create the strong foundations that will allow you to connect yourself Above? Our legs represent our foundations, as well as the movement forward, if they are not functioning or flowing well, listen, they are giving you a message of the direction that you are taking in your life. 

• Body detox: Experiencing deep detox, in whatever way they come to you, in the form of tears, stomach issues, etc, is usual when we are experiencing a deep purging and embodying a lighter frequency, make sure it is not any medical condition, and if not, drink lots of pure water, when I say pure I already know you will understand that by this, I mean water that has not been manipulated in any human possible way. 

Among all the things you are guided to do to take care of yourself, it will also help to ground yourself, especially with food that comes from earth such as potatoes, nuts and all that you are guided. It is all part of the process, the more you take care of yourself and take naturally, the more All will get better. 

Climatic/Global healing 

It is also important, especially the ones whose soul mission involves working with healing Earth, that we begin to understand that this is not just about ourselves but about doing what we can to help Gaia get rid of the many energetic and physical attacks She receives - not just from physical beings but from the dark forces who are trying to manipulate human resources, as well as climatic conditions.

There is a macro event, which is going to give us the perfect frequency/assistance we need to help bring purification of our Planet, especially in the climatic conditions, for we have Saturn, who is very close to our Galactic centre, squaring the cosmic healer Chiron, in Pisces. This is a message from the cosmos for us to bring the healing we create within ourselves into our planet, for we no longer are for the self but for All. 

It is not new for us the many changes, especially now, that Planet Earth has been manipulated, especially about rain, between many other things, for us to starve ourselves and begin to quit our desire to evolve. It is by controlling or wasting our human resources that the dark forces try to keep us in fear, spreading false propaganda of what is truly happening.

The negative agenda is trying to manipulate demographical areas, especially the ones who are in wars and/or are affected by radiation, deep pollution etc, to regain control. It keeps creating bigger holes in our protective ozone planetary layer, so these energies will not only affect us, causing deep chaos for All. Pollution, gases and many other things some humans pour outside, also affects other planets/civilizations who possess an even purer frequency than ours and that are being strongly affected by what Earth is sending out.

Therefore, I am thanking and making a conscious call to all Earth purifiers and healers to be able to bring this healing essence as well as commitment to keep assisting our Planet, so we can help bring this purification into a higher level, not just into a micro one. Global change begins when we first bring this change within ourselves, beginning with conscious eating, and ending with respecting the environment. After this step, it is time for us to work on a deeper level, in our unique way, to bring this same change - and purity - within our earthly realm.

Period of releasement

During this deep period of transformation, it is of great importance that we consciously work not just 0n our karmic baggage but on our emotional and mental planes, for in order to anchor ourselves within the new timeline that we are so eager to dwell, first, it is essential that we do so by being purified, of an old self, an old life, and above all of all egoic desires, for where we are beginning to sojourn, is not about us or about what we want, but about the conscious desires and will of working for All, for now we all remember unity beyond our human sense of individualization. 

We are being invited to begin moving our focus from the self to All. For it is a time not just to talk about unity consciousness but about experiencing it at every single moment. It has been a recurrent message for me, in my personal journey to begin to work with the macro, as well as also working with ourselves, for everything is One and works in perfect unison, even if we are not aware of it, at a human level.

There are times when we focus so much on the outside, on how we can anchor an awareness within that we forget to also anchor this on the physical. The time to take care of not just yourself or your sacred space but Mother Earth has come, even if you have not been conscious of it yet. There is nothing to judge within yourself or in who you used to be, either in others or in outside circumstances.

Now, there is only time to focus on the Truth that All is you and you are All, working together to reunite again as One, within Creation. There are infinite lovelight beings assisting you, protecting you, guiding you in your earthly path, whether you are conscious of it or not. These Forces of Light of the Universe are always working to support you. The question is do you? Do you support, love and respect yourself above all? 

Mother Earth is always taking care of us, feeding us, respecting us, giving us what we need, even though we have tried to impede her doing so for eons, with our destructive  behaviour. She will not quit on you, for she has already chosen to love and honour us All, unconditionally. The question, again, is have you?

In love, light and service to All,

Natalia Alba 

viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

Ascension Update: Soul Fragmentation Vs. Divine Connection

There is only one issue: man's lack of experience in feeling his Divine Self and his innate connection with the Divine. All other issues stem from this. 

Lindsay Wagner

Beloved Ones,

As we approach December, the majority of us will begin to clearly see, even in our physical timeline by the loss of gravity and many other events, the first signs of our current bifurcation from Old Earth, recognizing soul separation, in ourselves as well as in the people who surround us. It is essential for us to distinguish lifeless energy from the ones who are aligned with the Divine Force.

It is a very challenging period for those who are not standing firm in their soul light essence and truth, for they will begin to realize how their matrix begins to crumble, feeling lost and hence maintaining an attacking/defensive position. This is why discerning what is real - from other old forms of illusions - is pivotal for us to remain in the timeline we have consciously chosen, for this new phase of our ascension journey.

We began this new energetic month with some important planetary/cosmic events, although everything is important, as you know. But as you know, I have shifted the way in sharing and I do not put focus on the astrological aspects I consider fixed and linear, whose meaning will not vary. However, during this month, there are aspects which are worth mentioning, that are happening for the first time in years, or that are beyond our Galaxy, but that are occurring to assist us into our cosmic transition. 

The Full Moon in Aries, on October 5, marks the beginning of the final transition that will continue until December. At this time, we have seven Planets in Cardinal signs, the Moon, Aries, The Sun, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto and Mercury, this is a cosmic confirmation of the new beginning that we, as well as our Planet, is experiencing. The macro reminds us of the importance that standing tall is in who we are, and the power we have at this transitional period. It is a time to act according to what we think and feel, and a time to finally be our own leaders instead of relying upon others. 

Oppositionally, the Sun in Libra, will put the balance - key at this phase - required between taking too much action and being too independent and our sense of communion with All and in being of service. Setting your highest intention, aligning with this frequency and acting accordingly, which is something in which sometimes people tend to fail, is essential while we keep navigating between unknown realms to maintain a higher frequency.

There are two other aspects which I consider very important at this time, and that are not fixed in nature as other aspects may be. First, the semisquare between Uranus and Neptune, whose frequency will remain with us for a while, for this has not occurred since the mid 60's and it is a sign from the macro of the great revolution that is taking place both within and without the Planet, as we shift timelines. If consciously integrated, these frequencies, revelations, and the so called miracles - which in my view, are a natural manifestation of our perfect alignment - will take place, for this is the way the macro has to inform us that we are finally breaking free from an old micro and macro cycle.

Secondly, there is another aspect worth mentioning, the opposition between Jupiter and Uranus, whose effect will keep lasting for all the rest of this year. This is important for it brings not just growth and expansion but the opportunity to create the necessary change we are so eager to see in the physical. Uranus' power can be used  not  just to destroy but to build from the ashes of the old, we just need to direct our intention in a constructive way, instead of becoming mere victims of the conditions,circumstance and/or energies, which simply are, they by themselves are not causing anything to any of us, unless we integrate them and direct their essence into the purpose  of creating or destroying. Both choices, as you well know, are highly respected within Creation, one just has to choose.

Beyond our galaxy confines, we also have other cosmic forces helping us into our process of self-liberation from the old. We have the Fixed Star Alpheratz, belonging to the our nearest Galaxy Andromeda at 14°33′ Aries , and on the other hand, the star Algorab who belongs to the small Constellation of Corvus, who is said to bring destruction, which to me, is simply the ending of what is not working any longer in our lives, of what must be dissolved.

These stellar frequencies received from these cosmic portals - special cosmic alignments happening to open a no time/space zone so these frequencies can be conduit into our Planet - are conscious light codes, they are coming through these portals, and not just in one day, for this is limited, but for a few months, to help the Planet, as well as the ones who have decided, to raise into this New 5D Timeline, to end with an old cycle of enslavery. This is where we are now, destroying old worlds that once served a  purpose for us to grow, releasing an old egoic self and beginning to plant the new seeds and strong pillars of our new life in a higher dimensional space.

Andromeda, is a Galaxy who is very involved in the assistance of our Planet. They are already dwelling in constant change, for their reality is not a fixed and linear one, as is ours. They have to be constantly adjusting to change as we are beginning to do. This is why they feel the call to serve humanity, as we too begin to shift in form, even if this change will not be evident yet - in thought, and even in physical location.

The energies in itself do not help us if we first do not do the inner work required to release blockages, stagnant energy and allow the new one to be integrated. It is important that we all become neutral observers, for a lot of people still live in delusion - allowing their 3D personality to own them - which is perfectly fine, and another choice, we all need out time to see for ourselves where we are, what must be shifted and healed. However, being in this state of mental confusion, and what is most important, not being able to have the insight to see it, brings many energetic attachments that are impeding us to heal, grow and ascend.

Soul separation

I was guided to write about what many of us are already seeing, especially in our loved ones, or friends or simply others, who are not yet choosing to evolve. This is not the same as soul retrieval, for by soul separation I refer to the the ones who have unconsciously, in the majority of times, allowed other energies/beings/entities to occupy their bodies. This occurs when we have only embodied a small part of our soul, for it is then when we all become more likely to lose all consciousness.

There are people that are disguised as being "spiritual" (I put it into commas because we all come from Spirit) who are serving as a conduit of darkness. There are some people, especially the ones who are beginning to awake, for at this time in the Planet there is occurring a mass awakening, even though some of the chaos may point in another direction, who are feeling that they are not yet able to discern whether they are making authentic and integrated relationships or whether they are being manipulated.

The main traits to discern the ones who are in a deep state of soul disconnection, apart from your own and best soul guidance, are:

  • Programmed repetitions - often manipulated to program others with 3D beliefs.
  • Acting without integrity and responsibility.
  • Trying to impose one's beliefs on others. We all must walk our own journey, if we need to release old beliefs or half-truths no one must interfere, we will realize it in our Divine Time. 
  • Lifeless eyes.
  • Being easily irritated/angry - especially when one does not resonate with their beliefs.
  • Thinking they know/see/feel more than you about your own path and being and/or personal experience.
  • Believing their truth is The Truth
  • Be also very aware of their behaviour when facing situations in which using compassion is essential.
  • Speaking badly about others. And no, it does not matter what you think others have done to you. If you use it to criticize them, then, your act in itself is already speaking to you and telling you where you are. A conscious being will allow himself/herself to feel every state of being, but will not dwell in it for long.
  • Addictions: These beings whose soul is fragmented, will tend to share about ascension, read, and try to show you how "spiritual" they are while they are poisoning their bodies not with just lower food but by many drinking habits, between many other drugs. As you know I am not saying you must be Vegan or otherwise you are not ascending. I am simply saying that one cannot really embody a higher level of consciousness within a weak and toxic body and/or with a toxic mind and unhealed emotional body.
  • Some of them will make their "mission" to talk about others, by disguising it as "telling the truth" when we all know this is the ego, being jealous, believing in delusions and above all, they are the ones aligned with the dark forces, allowing them to use them for their manipulative tactics. Some of them will create youtube channels, write about it, anything that will keep feeding their negative polarity beliefs. 
When one must speak about what is happening, as it is my case, one does it with respect, not wiht lower words, not by being angry between many things, because when one resides in love, one does not need to use names or attack anyone, for one knows these peple are simply being used - as empty corpes - by the dark polarity to serve their purpose. Being informed, mainly by own guidance, is essential to be able to discern.
  • Saying they can heal you and make you whole again. No one can ever heal you, just help you to heal, for the light power to do so is within. No one can have more power than you to do this. This is another form of manipulation, and I do believe in healers, in the integrated ones who do not manipulate and try to get advantage of where you are to succeed in their egoic tactics. We are all here in a constant and eternal dance, we all need assistance from each other, we all need confirmation and guidance, but not if this is not done with a conscious mind and with the proper purification and Divine connection.
  • Violation of your sacred space - reading/manipulating energy and disguising it as helping you.

I would like to explain the delicacy of some of these people to manipulate others with their false view of reality and lack of respect towards others. There are some people who say they can read energy, they "do" this without any integrity and respect, for as many of you know, one thing is the first reading we all tend to feel, which is not the same as judgments, of the people we meet or are in contact with. They make a profound energy reading of someone, using their dark tactics to use you and manipulate you, especially by making you dependent on what they see or not.

These beings will tell you anything, from trying to put you in fear, by telling you that you have been possessed, when it is the opposite, by telling you they can see in you something you cannot yet, by their lack of respect, humility and unconditional love for your unique journey, and by literally going against the Universal Law Of One, for as many of you know, one never enters into the sacred space of another person, and less without their permission.

A truly empowered, authentic and integrated being, who is able to envision more than what we see in the physical realm, will never interfere in your unique growth process. A conscious being who is coming from a unified space, will never read your energy, for we all know this violates our sacred space, between many other things.

A conscious being will not tell you that he/she is doing it to help you. Have you requested their help? Have you given them your permission? If not, the answer is very clear. If yes, then you should discern to whom you give your energy/power and why you would allow others to manipulate it. Some of these beings who are living in a state of soul disconnection will never be aware of where they are, there is no point in trying to help them. The only and best thing to do is simply to walk away in love and in total respect for what they have decided to experience.

This is not a negative post, as some would like to label it, this is meant to bring clarity to All, for I am often asked about all this, consciousness, information, and most of the times based on personal experience. This is for you to discern on what is happening within your own human experience. This is more important that sharing about the astrology, for example, for this meaning is fixed, on the contrary, what is truly important now is to be able to bring light on what is occurring, discerning and becoming aware of the many manipulations and tactics of those who have chosen to serve the dark polarity in many ways.

One must be fully present and in neutral observation mode to be able to clearly know when we fall into our 3D egoic personality traps and when we remain in our Light Essence, without judgements, with love, with compassion. This is not easy for sometimes we tend to defend and explain ourselves, which is again egoic, and perfectly fine, for we all are constantly learning on how to become fully sovereign and empowered beings, and everything that happens that seems to lead us into the other direction, is to teach us more humility, love and compassion.

Divine connection signs

  • Acting with integrity - as one thinks and feel.
  • Respecting the ascension journeys of others - and respecting where individuals are within their own journey.
  • Guiding/sharing by informing from their own soul/Unified Self guidance - not by what they read and make theirs, not by what they were taught, but by their own soul/Unified Self guidance.
  • Setting healthy boundaries instead of becoming too obsessed with self-protection, negativity etc. Vulnerability if well embraced, makes us stronger. If one remains in one's power and strength, one does not need to be constantly trying to protect oneself or fearing what could possibly happen if one interacts with lower frequencies.
  • Never imposing one's guidance on others by sending constant messages, making propaganda about them or what they do. Authentic conscious beings simply be and do their mission in simple and humble ways, in their own sacred spaces. There is no need to force our guidance on anyone for we know the people who are meant to co-create with us; will come at Divine Time.
  • Assisting without losing one's power and health when one feels one can do it, instead of walking away at the first negative situation one sees just because it can affect one. We are not here to be isolated in mountains, as old gurus and isolate ourselves of others just because they resonate at a different frequency, this is, again, separation, but to consciously help others too in many ways. This is separation, egoic and not true and conscious assistance.
  • Assistance without interference. A truly empowered conscious being - coming from a space of love and unity - will never interfere in your journey. They will clearly see, feel and know but they will not come to you to tell you what they feel, for they will respect your free will to remain in the frequency you have chosen, no matter if this resonates with them or not.
There are a lot of people out there, guided by their 3D egoic personality, as well as many other dark forces, whose main aim is to tell people what they think of them, they like to help them without being asked, simply because they think they can make them change or make them better or simply make them as they are. This is the highest form or manipulation.

When you see this, this is, again, why it is so important to be always present in a state of neutral observation, walking away - and setting strong boundaries - will help you not contaminate yourself with these lower frequencies. Energy speaks louder than words, energy precedes you, there is no need to read further, there is not need to violate anyone's sacred space.

Let the darkness be. Let it do its work, for within this dualistic Universe both forces are necessary for us to know what Light feels like, for us to remember our True Essence. It is all part of the cosmic dance we agreed to experience. Do not fight the darkness, instead remain - always - in the illuminated Presence of your God Self, spreading your unique spark in your special way. It is not by fighting anything or anyone that darkness is finally embraced, but about our lack of judgement, and appreciation for All, that we can finally move into a unified space.

Fear nothing. Choose to grow within Divine Love, and you will be able to see beyond human illusions the true nature of existence, and be finally able to get rid of the wheel of illusion, control and manipulation in which you have been dwelling for eons. When you choose to only serve the path of unity and unconditional love, no one can dim your spark, for the frequency in which you remain now is no longer in the same range that the lower ones. Now you have finally become the LoveLight being that you are. Now you are free. Now there is no need to fight anything, for the only thing to do now is just to BE. 

In love and service to Unity Consciousness, 

Natalia Alba