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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Eclipses. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Eclipses. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2024

The Energies of September 2024 ~ Soul Evolution

Beloved Ones, 

As we move through this process of density emancipation, focusing on conscious release and rejuvenation is pivotal to preparing ourselves for the next embodiment phase. One that will enhance the importance at this time of our ascension journey of purification, so we can enter into another transformational phase, the last one in this eighth universal year, within an eighth universal month that prepares us for activating our sapphire body.

September is a month to restore compassion, as it is by embodying higher levels of compassion that soul evolution can occur. Compassion towards ourselves in our transformational process helps us heal the wounded emotional body, and transcend the fourth-dimensional bodies and the many distortions we accumulate in our dense bodies. Only by creating harmony within our fourth-dimensional bodies can we enter the soul realms, healing soul fragmentation and pain and restoring our self-esteem and sense of the self, often clouded by the ego.

Healing guilt, blame, unworthiness, anger, addictions, abandonment feelings, energetic depletion, and all the wounds we carry, creates soul connection, stabilization in our energetic bodies, and above all, clarity, for we have now opened our body channels to receive again the constant divine insights that are always sent to us. 

September being an eight-universal month completes the process initiated at the beginning of the year of soul and monadic reconnection, and the planetary one of timelines retrieval that is too unfolding, which was emphasized in August. The 8 universal month of September is obtained in numerology from the sum of our year 2024 (8) and the number 9 of September, a total of 17, reduced to 8.

During this month, as all the planetary alignments remind us, focusing on our energetic health and self-love will be vital to move into the new harmonic timeline that we are already creating and that Pluto confirmed too when it moved into Aquarius on January 20 of this year, for the next twenty years. 

It is not without healing ourselves that we can step into this New Era, for this new cycle is about many as One, the power of All united within Divine Love and Compassion to shift what has been distorted, and repressed for so long, and if there is no unity within, there cannot be in the whole.

My Guides called September the month of soul evolution, as many of you are under this process of healing old wounds, reconnecting with your Divine Self, and finally achieving the trinity that comes with this unification work, and that ultimately implies soul evolution.

The energies of this new energetic month also denote the soul awakening that is taking place in the collective, as we continue transitioning into a new fifth-dimensional world. A collective process that is also represented by Pluto retrograde in Capricorn now, moving back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn, as it will do again on the 1st of September before it finally settles in Aquarius.

Pluto in Capricorn uncovers our shadows, so we can look at them and listen to what our hidden feelings and fears need to tell us, for all shadows are made of unresolved emotional conflicts, traumas, and fears. Illusions, but not for this less real, that vanish when we confront and embrace them. This is a period for us to see our personal evolution and discern if we have still something to work with, or if we are heading into a more peaceful and illumined state of being. 

Ascension as I always say, is a path that challenges us, for only in that way we can remember, but it is not always a path of suffering, we can find and create more peace, harmony, expansion, and alignment, for we are meant to be living within Divine Love and Joy, not in a constant state of suffering. 

We also have a cosmic gift with Pluto in Capricorn to work with our physical bodies, as we too work on evolving on a soul level. Pluto coming back into Capricorn, a zodiac sign that represents self-illumination through physical ascension, will accelerate our inner processes, helping us to see our lessons, embrace them, and move from what pains us and keeps us in a lower state of being.

It is a time during September to conclude the transformational phase that started in March, and that has taken us to this moment, a moment of complete surrender, regeneration, and rebirth, for we are now ready to grow our wings and fly, as Guides share often. 

We are immersed in two months of soul growth and DNA synthesis, for the energies will facilitate and support the work many of you are doing of DNA retrieval and reconnection. The energies will not do the work for us, it takes a lot of time, dedication, and humility to work with ourselves and DNA, but they will set the propitious atmosphere for us to initiate or continue with this transformational work.

Pluto pushes us to evolve at all levels, which starts by transforming ourselves through inner alchemy and retrieving our personal power, a process we are too witnessing in the collective. Capricorn invites us to focus on our bodies, telomeres, where our DNA resides, energetic correction, and trauma healing, for it reminds us of the importance of evolving in both a soul and a physical level, as ascension can only be achieved while we are still on a physical body.

An advanced soul cannot dwell in an unevolved body. Both cannot energetically, physically, and spiritually coexist.

September is a month to visit the depths of our soul and embrace all we find there, without judgments, regrets, and guilt, just within unconditional love and appreciation for all we have learned, given, and received, for all serves the soul journey on this earth and any other plane.

The emphasis on moving inward and continue unifying ourselves is so potent that we start September with Uranus retrograde, for those who resonate with slow motion phases, together with Pluto retrograde as well in Capricorn, on the 1st of the month, Virgo energies, Mars in Cancer on the 4th of September and an eclipse on the 17th in Pisces, signs that deepen the healing and transformational phase we are undergoing at this time, and that will continue until October-early November.

The Awakener Uranus will join Pluto in Capricorn, both retrograde to reveal to us what we need to shift, heal, and transform, as Uranus's force encourages us to move forward, leaving the past behind, innovating, expanding, and be a never-ending soul learning. 

Uranus invites us to adapt to change, something our Andromedan family is helping many of you achieve at this time of great transformation, as I see daily. Andromedans live in constant change, as their reality shift as their thoughts do, and they are helping many of you who have chosen to be on this evolutionary path to adapt to the unexpected, which occurs when we surrender to the change we are creating, transforming ourselves as a species.

On the 2nd of September, we have a New Moon at 11 degrees Virgo, for we start the month by having many planetary events to trigger the change that needs to occur for us to move forward. Virgo is all about distilling from our bodies all that is impure and that cannot coexist with the level of illumination achieved. 

This New Moon in Virgo reminds us that our bodies are our temple, as well as Pluto in Capricorn and that it is only through the proper management of our energy and bodies that we can achieve plenitude and wholeness. 

Only when our bodies feel replenished is that we can feel rejuvenated and healthy and be of service in further ways. 

This New Moon invites us to achieve this purified state of being, at all levels, in our minds and emotional bodies too, so we can be of service, helping many who are now transcending their old selves, and need of our love and compassion to move through these initial stages.

Two days later on September 4th, we have the Warrior Mars entering into Cancer. Another Water sign that invites us to dissolve what no longer serves, and create more flow in our lives, moving into a more peaceful and harmonic state of being. 

This energy is very nurturing, protective, and emotional. Mars is impulsive, it moves well in conflict and its energy is fiery, assertive, and instinctive, while Cancer is all about soul connection, emotions, and inner knowing. When our consciousness is the one ruling ourselves and our bodies, our fiery force blends and listens to our inner guidance, to our feelings, because it knows that both united can create a more balanced reality.

Mars in Cancer teaches us about the importance of progressive desires, building and creating from a harmonic and patient space, rather than from an impulsive and fiery one, in which we may fall into old traps and manifest what is not aligned with our soul's authentic path.

Learning how to control our indomitable force is key during this time, for we are going to be immersed in many changes, and challenges probably to see with clarity our path, and patience is key until we clearly know what to pursue and what to let go.

Cancer teaches Mars the importance of feeling emotionally connected to what we wish to manifest, as when we impulsively create, we create by default, and then the outcomes may not satisfy our true desires.

A few days later on September 9, Mercury will enter Virgo. Mercury in Virgo will invite us to clear our mental bodies and minds of all debris and energetic clutter, which often cloud our divine insights. This encounter is a reminder to be more efficient, acting constructively rather than thinking negatively, and moving into a more clear and focused state of being. 

On September 17th, we have a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Pisces. This eclipse in the sign of Pisces is the peak of this soul evolution phase, as it awakens our spiritual and emotional senses, helping us to see all with more clarity, after having worked so hard on ourselves, transforming our minds from old patterns and physical self, and realigning to our soul, embodying all the visions we are to create.

This is the first eclipse of the Virgo-Pisces Axis set that will continue until 2027, and that comes to help us achieve the next step in our ascension journey - being of further assisting in this transition, for we have now aligned to our God Self and many are prepared to give the next step in becoming Divine healers and Emissaries. 

Virgo and Pisces are both about service to others, purification, polarity integration, and self-illumination. This eclipse sets the basis for what is yet to come and we are yet to feel and experience within and in the collective, for many are the changes that are taking place, if we look back and that we never thought were possible. 

On September 23 the Sun enters Libra, and we too celebrate the Equinox. We have now a few weeks to stabilize our frequency, bodies, and all the changes we have created from within. If we look closely, this month offers us precious energies for us to balance every single aspect of ourselves, and hence, our lives, as they are a reflection of how we feel inside. 

finding equilibrium within the metamorphosis process that we are undergoing is key, as we are literally becoming a more illumined being, and our bodies will initially fight releasing so much density and the old baggage that they have been accustomed to living with. 

This is a very harmonic Equinox, for it is about creating more inner balance, through healing and clearing, as well as into our planet, through our conscious acts, and our particular mission. Now more than ever we are called to be of service to All, helping by seeding more peace, unity, and harmony, as this journey, is never just about ourselves, but about remembering how to serve the whole, through our conscious and loving acts. 

On the next day, we have Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance, moving into Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio will help us greatly in going deeper into the depths of our being to find all the guidance that we need for our new journey. Some will be already manifesting their chosen path, while others are yet in the initial creational phases. All is according to our soul's original plan and micro-personal cycles, which is why it is so important to know ourselves profoundly. 

This is a time to revise our relationship, igniting the spark of love, passion, and romance in them through soul synthesis with our partners and loved ones, creating more unity and purpose within our divine reunions. 

On September 25, we have Saturn semi-square Pluto. This is the second of three, being the first one in May 2024 and the third will be happening in January 2025. A time for us to clear karmic patterns, inner conflicts, and confusion, clearing ourselves and therefore the path that we are building.

Often we cannot see our path not because of something external, but because there is something within us that clouds our vision. Our task is to move inward find the fragmented aspect of us or energy that is disturbing our divine insights and clear it. 

The most important in our path is to recognize the shift that we are experiencing and learn how to adapt to it, for once we see the Truth of who we are and our purpose, there is no way back, so any intent to come back to where we previously were, will only result in more damage and confusion. 

Acceptance and compassion are key to seeing what blocks us from moving forward and removing it. Persistence is the gift that Saturn brings us, reminding us of the importance of devotion and inner work, to conquer our shadows and clear our vision and path. 

Finally, at the end of the month, on September 26, we have Mercury entering Libra, who emphasizes the essence of October, as it is about bringing balance into our mental plane, as balance begins by holding the mental equilibrium and clarity required for us to make the necessary changes that we wish to create in our life experience.

This introduces the Libra eclipse that will take place on the 2nd of October, a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra that will seed the harmony required for us to end the year peacefully, lovingly, and gracefully, after having passed through a very powerful but also blessed and unique year of constant integration, and acceleration of our ascension path.

Within this year of reconnection, and density emancipation, as the more we realign to who we are, the more we leave behind our three-dimensional self and mind, we are finally reconnecting with the New Earth's timelines, bringing more unity and restoration to ourselves and the planet. 

Many of you will already be dwelling in a fifth-dimensional loving frequency. Others are gradually embodying it. The important is that we never stop embodying more love, wisdom, discernment, and personal power, as it is the only way to liberate ourselves from all the false programming we carry within.

Many timelines are coexisting at the same time on our planet at this time. All is true, the unconscious acts that are taking place, the benevolence ones, and many other different choices.

The frequency you choose to hold within will determine your reality, whether peace, love harmony, or destruction.

May you always align and dwell in the unconditional and harmonic essence of your God Self, Beloveds.

Have a blessed September!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

martes, 26 de septiembre de 2023

The Energies of October 2023 ~ Complete Surrender

Beloved Ones,

We are in the final stage of this year of wisdom integration and soul realignment. September, a  culmination of this seventh universal year, is a month that invited us to heal and create more harmony, preparing ourselves for October, and the many changes that are around the corner. As always, there is a time for everything within creation, and during this month we had the opportunity to evaluate and discern our personal journey, where we are, and where we are heading, so we can now start anew, if this is our main purpose, at this time.

Changes that need to be balanced, as Libra asks us if we desire to manifest aligned outcomes. Both different energies will collide to help us achieve a perfect equilibrium between acting and continuing to be balanced and grounded, as it is pivotal for us to continue integrating, without falling imbalance. Balance is key while we navigate through change, not to lose ourselves in delusions or in the emotional turmoil that we often experience. 

We end September with a Moon in Aries, that reminds us of the power of action, after a period of realignment and rejuvenation. We start now a new phase of conscious creation and transformation, in which taking action towards our desires is key. Aries introduces us to October's essence, one of change, and manifestation, reminding us of the power of creation that we all hold within, and that we often search outside. 

The power from this Aries Moon comes from Venus, ruler of Libra, squaring Uranus, and Mars, ruler of Aries, quincunx Uranus. These energies are a clear invitation for us to commit to our goals and evolutionary path, using our inner power to conquer our fears, through conscious action, as desires without action become a delusion, as it impedes us to ground ourselves and desires, in the physical. An invitation that will extend to October and that involves standing tall in who we are, creating a life that reflects our inner empowered state of being. 

As we step into October, an eight universal month, we will have the feeling of completion and new beginnings, as a result of all the inner work achieved during these past months. This is a month for us to embrace the cosmic void in which many are immersed, understanding that for us to create a new beginning, many things need to be transformed. October especially with the coming of the eclipses, will present us with very powerful energies to work on balance, amplification, creation, and above all, change.

This month's eight universal essence is also a very abundant and loving one. It represents what is lasting, and therefore what always remains in balance, in constant flow and communication with All. This is what we are invited to create within ourselves, so our outer reality reflects the same infinite possibilities that are in our soul's realm. 

Number 8 is infinite, where endings and new beginnings are intertwined. This is where many are at the moment, in a void where they commune with their soul to obtain more wisdom, before stepping into the unknown, for in our new harmonic timeline, the only way forward is to follow our own soul's compass. 

A number that too represents the balance achieved, and the profundity of Scorpion, that will be present at the end of the month. Number eight also represents the Monad, and it is the beginning of building the connection to their Illumined Selves, something that we will be working too during 2024, as it is also an eight-universal year. 

Guides share the importance of working on Self-discipline during October, as one of the most important tools for us to master ourselves, if we desire to continue evolving. Being disciplined is important to keep us focused on what is truly important - healing, unity, and wisdom embodiment. 

Being self-discipline involves doing our ascension practices, even though we may not see fast results, for this journey is not about results, but about becoming healed and whole again, so we can remember who we are, and act accordingly, as sovereign free beings in charge of our life experience.

This is something that only through constancy and devotion can be accomplished. During October, many of us are going to be fully immersed in many important changes. Changes that affect our body like never before in our ascension path. Changes that involve the creation of a totally different life experience, and without self-discipline, and complete surrender to the changes that we have created ourselves, will fall apart.

Guides also emphasize the importance of adapting to change, by flowing with what is taking place, rather than trying to control the universal tides, for we can never understand the complexity of God's creation plan behind every person and situation. 

The human delusion of control starts vanishing when we realize that we can only control our own thoughts, and actions, allowing others to manifest themselves as they are, as well as personal creations. When we surrender and move towards the universal stream, even though we may feel like navigating the unknown, we are allowing our soul to guide us, leading us towards our next destination, in perfect co-creation with All.

October is a month to practice unconditional surrender, for it is only under this peaceful, and trustful state of being, that we can move into a more harmonic space, manifesting only that which serves our highest good and that of All.

Astrological Events

October is one of the busiest months of the year. We begin the month by having Mercury moving into the sign of Libra on October 4th. Mercury in Libra emphasizes the essence of October, as it is about bringing balance into our mental plane, as balance begins by holding the mental equilibrium and clarity required for us to make the necessary changes that we wish to create in our life experience.

On October 8th, Venus enters Virgo. Venus is the feminine aspect of us who creates from the womb and who gives birth within Divine love and compassion. This is wonderful energy for those who are beginning to make their passion their living as well. 

Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance in Virgo is going to teach us how to anchor all we desire to create, in the tangible, in a way that serves others, not just ourselves. This is about grounding our soul desires and goals in a way that we too nurture ourselves in the physical, at the same time that we are in service. This is what we came here to practice - being ourselves in a way that also contributes All. 

Two days later, on October 10th, Pluto will turn direct again, for those who resonate with retrograde phases. Pluto, represents at this time the renewal, awakening, and rebirth that many are experiencing in many different ways. Some are beginning to awaken to their true nature, remembering, and stepping into a more authentic path. 

Others are embodying a more illumined aspect of themselves, leaving behind more old egoic layers, regenerating, rebirthing, and becoming more whole. This is a time when many of us will experience inner catharsis, in some way or another, for our entire body, life, is shifting, as we continually choose to be part of this transition. 

On October 12th, Mars enters Scorpio. The Planet of action, determination, and courage dwelling in the Water sign of Scorpio, invites us to dive deep into our emotions, for many are experiencing an emotional clearing as well, healing all that no longer serves our journey, and bringing our visions on the surface, using our inner fire to go after our desires, for it is time for us to fulfill our inspirations and goals in the physical. Both forces perfectly combined to help us understand that despite their different nature, they can come together to trigger a positive transformation. 

As during October almost every two days we have a powerful event in our heavens, as it is a very busy month, on October 14th, we too have the first eclipse of this month, a New Moon Solar Eclipse (Annular) at 21 degrees Libra. This is the culmination of Libra energies. The second eclipse along the Aries-Libra Axis this year, since April 20th, 2023, and that will last until March 2025. 

A stabilizing and harmonic frequency that began last month and that still reigns, allowing us to end a cycle of conscious purification and harmonization, to begin a new one of intentional creation, as this is a time to act on our desires, whether it is to heal or clear an aspect of ourselves or to create on a physical level. 

All invites us during this month to continue stabilizing ourselves, but now more than in a passive, feminine, way, to a more masculine one, beginning to move from within to without. This is an energy that asks us to move forward, to commit to our goals, and as Guides previously shared, to be self-disciplined in whatever we wish to attain, for it is only through our daily dedication to that which we wish to build, that we can obtain the desired outcomes. 

For those who are experiencing challenges in their relationships, this is also a major passage for working on balanced and equal relationships. This is something that starts from within, by unifying what fragments us and by becoming open to learning from each of our soul encounters, balancing our ego self, and using compassionate witnessing as the best tool for us to realize what should be changed in ourselves, and our relationships. 

Discernment is key during this passage, focusing on our micro personal cycles, guidance, and where we are and want to be, in our ascension path. This is what will let us know what we need to work with or expand, at this time, as even though the eclipse may have a universal meaning, it will be very unique for each and every one of us. Looking at your chart to see where it resides is also useful, as often it will indicate the area of yourself or life that needs more work or support, at this time. 

On October 16 Jupiter quintile Saturn. This represents very well where we are, the energies of the moment, a mix between action and balance, which is also set by the Aries-Libra eclipses. This indicates a time for a change, and hence expansion, although with the discernment and equilibrium required not to act impulsively. This is a very visionary time, if we focus our creative force in a balanced and grounded way. 

From this day until October 19, we too have our sun aligning with Arcturus. This will signify a powerful healing portal for all who need to work on etheric surgery or mental clearing, for they are wonderful healers to help us achieve balance in all aspects of our non-physical bodies, reaching dimensions that we still cannot, from our human consciousness. 

A few days later, on October 22ndwe have Mercury entering into Scorpio. This is the macro representation of the profound planetary mental shift that is already taking place, and that we all are seeing from our unique perspectives. At a global level, a lot of change is happening, especially at that precise time of profound planetary transformation. 

On a personal level, this is not just about experiencing the change that comes from outside but the one that we can create in our mental plane if we desire that our physical reality change, as everything originates first from what we create in our minds. 

Mercury in Scorpio invites us to go deeper into our old ways of thinking, clearing all distorted and fake beliefs and searching for the truth that lies behind a situation and a thought pattern. It is important that we clear our mental plane from time to time, or we will fall into the trap of believing that all we think to be true is direct guidance when it is often the result of perpetual negative thinking or a delusional one. 

A time for us to allow our emotions to emerge, for they are our best teachers, learning how to express all we feel constructively, for this is also a wonderful healing tool. Often the majority of our programs are due to negative self-talk or other unconscious beliefs that impede us from seeing the truth of who we are and reality. This is why it is so important to express ourselves, as it is when we see what is keeping us from embracing healing, change, or what we need at the moment. 

On October 23 the Sun enters Scorpio, a Water sign, that invites us to navigate through our inner realms to illuminate those dark corners through the wisdom we have regained during all this time, embracing as well the "dark" aspects that are also a part of who we are and Creation - that makes us whole and One with All. 

A time to look within to receive all the revelations that these last months bring to us, as the last part of this year, will show us where we are going, as well as new ways of being of assistance, which is of great importance to change direction if the timeline we have chosen no longer resonates with our true destination. 

Lastly, we end the month with the second eclipse, on October 28, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Taurus. The last one happening along the Taurus-Scorpio axis. This is a time for us to ground ourselves, and our creations, for we have been previously creating the balance, the strong foundations for our dreams to thrive. 

This is a reminder for us to focus on our earthly plane, without forgetting the importance of soul communion, as Scorpio reminds us. Both are equally important, to hold balance within and in our lives. It is a passage for us to support our bodies, bringing attention to all that sustains us as well, for it is an extension of who we are, and often it is precisely what reminds us if we are balanced or if we are still experiencing some separation, as everything we see in our lives, comes from within.

The moon will oppose Mercury, while Mars will conjunct with Jupiter and Uranus. This is a very powerful combination of personal growth, expansion, and creation. The balance is set by the sextile with Saturn, which will help us to allow, through unconditional surrender, all the blessings that are already in our life experience, and that we often miss, due to our expectation of how we and our lives should be.

If we detach from our egoic view of how we and things should be, and embrace all as it Is, we will begin to find a blessing in every single aspect of our lives, for we are now aligned with our soul, rather than with the ego and its constant need for control. 

The eclipses are a source of healing, power, and expansion if we have done the previous inner work to integrate these energies, learning how to direct them properly. For some, it will be the end, while for others it will be the beginning of a new journey.

All is always heading in the right direction for us, evolutionary speaking, even though we cannot see the bigger picture yet. 

Our thoughts, feelings, and acts determine where we are going, as nothing from the outer can create for us, for it is Law that only we can determine our personal destiny.

These last months are decisive for us to detour from our original timeline or maintain ourselves in it, as it is in this cosmic space that we are now immersed that we will create the next phase of our journey. 

May you create from a conscious and loving space towards yourself and All.

Have a wonderful October, Beloved Ones!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2022

The Energies of October 2022 ~ Soul-Realization

Beloved Ones,

We have ended a very harmonic and peaceful month, as its six universal frequency within a too universal year reminded us. A month that helped us to retire to our soul space, where we can witness our human self and journey, removing what is not serving us any longer, clearing all of our bodies and the different timelines where we too reside. 

It is now in this new energetic month of October that we, gradually, begin ascending again, into a new expansive cycle, where manifestation will be key, although we will also continue having many harmonizing energies, helping us transform what is not aligned from within, as in the following months revising our life experience and creations, is going to be pivotal. 

A month in which we welcome again a new eclipse season. One that invites us to put all we have previously created within, as the Eclipse in Scorpio will remind us, into our tangible plane, as the next one in November in Taurus will too emphasize. A month in which from a planetary perspective, many structures that were once manipulated and controlled, have finally been restored, for even though of the massive distractions, there are too important victories regarding the rehabilitation of the many Earth's fabrics. 

October is a seventh universal month, a month whose energies are precisely about soul revelations, regaining the wisdom that is only found within ourselves. It is during this month that we have to do the work of clearing old timelines and beginning the reconstruction of our lives, if where we are is not resonating any longer, with where we would like to be.

It is not so much about material manifestations, but about mastering personal alignment to remain as long as possible in our chosen frequency, the one that will allow us to remain centered in our hearts at all times, as the planet continues experiencing the natural challenges necessary for it to evolve. Our main task is to remain in our Illumined Essence, as the only way for us to anchor more love, peace, and compassion.

As a seventh universal month, October is a mystical and master number, for it holds all the wisdom required for us to manifest in the tangible, all we desire to experience, as the Taurus eclipse in November will help us to do, for only we can master the self, in this physical plane that we have chosen. Contrary to what is often thought of this number, it is not a passive one, for its masculine essence means the one who wisely brings into a form that which was once nurtured and properly discerned from within, from a space of love and connection to All That Is. 

Number seven shows us where we have been and where we are going. Have you mastered all the challenges that showed you what you needed to remember? Have you realized the illusion of separation? Have you found the mystic within?

It is a time of soul-realization, when we begin to discern about our creations, by moving inwards, observing if there is anything we still need to transform, to be able to proceed with our journey, knowing that where we are heading is where we need to be next, within Creation for the betterment of All involved. 

Supportive tools for October

  • The first tool that Guides offer us to navigate this month in which soul-realization is so important, is an Icosahedron, inviting us to visualize ourselves within it, as it is the main element that is associated with Scorpio, whose energies will be very present this month of October, as well as with the element Water and the feminine essence that creates all from within.
Guides invite us to visualize the icosahedron for two purposes: one, to bring into form new beginnings in any area of our lives in which we feel guided, and secondly, by helping us to open our upper chakras.

We sit in meditation with our spine straight, so the energy can flow, and begin to visualize the icosahedron, a few inches above our head, where the eight chakra, the first non-physical one, resides, so we can begin to open it, reconnect it with its correspondent eight dimension, where our soul's records too reside, in a parallel dimension, within the eight one, accessing to all the guidance and information we need to continue with our personal ascension path.

It is important to use our words, the power of our own voice, to direct the exercise, directing it towards the removal of all false timeliness, manipulative tactics, programs, etc. so we can open ourselves to the original connection we were meant to have with the upper dimensions, allowing the energy - light, information - to descend to us. 

Scorpio is a sign that invites us to visit the depths of our being, healing trauma, from both a galactic and a personal human perspective, and navigating into our inner realms, rediscovering who we really are, as well as the many dimensions where we dwell. 

This is where we begin to anchor consciousness in our physical bodies, and when ascension starts as well. 

  • The second tool is to do a purification treatment of our choice, with water is possible and guided, as a vital part of the transformational process that our bodies are experiencing. As we heal and let go, we too must combine it with any purification technique that we are guided, as it is a very important step after healing, one that stabilizes us and our bodies, after the profound inner alchemy work made. 
  • The last one is a crystal, a celestial quartz one, to help us support ourselves in this month of retrospection, inner transformation, and above all, re-connection with our Illumined Self, and God Planes. This crystal, as its name indicates, is a wonderful one for us to work with the opening and reconnection of our seventh, eighth, and ninth chakras, which is how we begin to descend light, information, and wisdom, from the Above channels to our physical bodies. 

As always, we are all unique and are on different paths in our ascension journey. This is why it is so important to listen to our own body and guidance, knowing where we, personally, are and doing what helps our bodies, at this time, as universal tools are of great help, but they may not always help us in all we need to work with.

Astrological Alignments

At a cosmic level, we begin October by having many planets turning direct again, for those who resonate with retrogrades and direct phases. However, we too will have Mars and Jupiter retrograde, together with the first eclipse in Scorpio, to keep us reminding us of the importance of balancing both our inner and outer worlds. 

October, as the seventh universal month that is, shows us that it is when we are in perfect communion with our inner self and worlds, that we can bring all this wisdom into the physical, as if we do not take the proper time to listen to our guidance and what our soul, in many ways, has to tell us, we cannot move forward in our evolutionary journey, as the outer is only a mere representation of what is within ourselves.

We begin this month by stepping out gradually from the harmonic space created, during the past month, and initiating the transformation required that will lead us to the massive changes that are about to come, as the result of the inner work achieved and the new opening in consciousness that we and part of the collective are actually experiencing. 

As a metaphoric representation of this, we start October by having Mercury, Vesta, and Pluto direct again, on the 3rd, 5th, and 8th of September. Although as you already know I do not believe in or focus on retrogrades, I simply leave this as another part of the October astrological report, for those who wish to expand on it.

Ascension is precisely about breaking free from limiting beliefs that impede us to see who we truly are, in nature, and our true Divine potential. Fomenting retrogrades only continue feeding the belief that these planets have a profound impact upon us, cursing or blessing us, as they shift in our Heavens. However, all has been a perfectly planned illusion created for the sake of humans to find an excuse not to take full responsibility.

We are now aware of who we are, retrieving our authentic essence, and personal power, and as ascending souls, even though we all have our time to disengage from these beliefs, it is vital to do so, even though gradually, so we can allow ourselves to move forward from delusions to a more empowered state of being. 

These three planets whether retrograde or not, always have the same essence, and at this time it is wonderful to align with them to foment clear communication with our feminine essence, as Vesta reminds us, and empower ourselves by healing all feminine distortions, emerging as the sovereign beings that we are, retrieving our power back and using it to heal and create, rather than continuing destroying.

On September 9, we have a Full Moon at 16 degrees Aries. As the first sign of the zodiac, it rules the self. It is during this moon, as guides shared, where the ones that need to clear their genetic bloodlines will benefit from it, as Aries rules the first chakra and everything that anchors us to earth, to our families, and to the traumas and wounds that we carry related to it. It is a time for us to clear survival fears, blood distortions, reptilian undesired inherited essences and programs, and all karmic, so to speak, attachments. 

On the next day, Mercury enters Libra. Mercury in Libra is about bringing balance into our mental plane, although at this time is going to have more impact on the collective mind, helping them to bring more diplomacy, at a time when there are many conflicts arising, as well as global equilibrium. 

This is going to be a month for us to keep dwelling on the illumined and peaceful essence of our Soul, for there are many distractions that can make us fall apart and come back into old states of being. However, as many planetary workers know, through their own experience, there are many openings and structures being restored, as I previously shared, on the Planet, thanks to the effort of many. Not all is lost as we are trying to be taught and not all is what they show us in the media. Therefore, dear ones, have the utmost respect for your energy, focus, intention, and attention, at this time, direct your energy only in that which brings you joy, healing, and love. 

The most important contribution to the creation of a more peaceful and loving planet is to precisely create this same frequency from within and remain there as long as possible, even though as humans, there will be challenges that may often make us oscillate between two different frequencies.

The next day, on October 23, we have a conglomeration of planetary alignments taking place in our heavens, to help us find unity from the separation that we were taught to experience, by moving inward again, in the stillness of our soul, where we can be reminded of the power of unity in both within and without.

We begin by having Saturn direct, for those who will resonate with it being direct, together with Venus, and the Sun in Scorpio, building the energy for the Eclipse in this same sign, a few days later, and lastly, Juno turning direct again on this same day. 

It is a month in which many planetary forces whose main essence is feminine, such as Vesta, and Venus, remind us of the power of the feminine, creating from within all we wish to achieve in the physical, as the feminine is the one that connects with the aspect of us that knows best what we need for our journey, creating it from the cosmic womb before the masculine can make it tangible. 

This is why balancing both essences is so important, because if one is imbalanced, the other could not work on its own, as even though our illusion of separation, in our dual world, all forces work in perfect unison. 

On October 23 the Sun enters Scorpio, a Water sign, that invites us to continue visiting the depths of our being, navigating through our inner realms to illuminate those dark corners through the wisdom we have regained during all this time, embracing as well the "dark" aspects that are also a part of who we are and Creation - that makes us whole and One with All. 

A time to look within to receive all the revelations that these last months bring to us, as the last part of this year, will show us where we are going, as well as new ways of being of assistance, which is of great importance to change direction if the timeline we have chosen no longer resonates with our true destination. 

On October 24, we have again the True Node semi-sextile Chiron, which I previously shared in the past month, it is going to be a very significant alignment, as it is a push for us to continue moving forward, focusing on healing the present, not the past, as when we awake as multidimensional beings, all parallel timeliness and selves heal as well. This is a wonderful reminder to build our next moment and to focus on retrieving more wisdom about our unique purpose within Creation, which is always to serve All.

Finally, the next day we welcome the first eclipse of the season, a New Moon Solar Eclipse (Partial) at 2 degrees Scorpio. I will dive deeper into it as we approach the eclipse. However, this is going to be of great assistance to help us heal our eight chakra, the one that also connects to our thymus and heart, and that works in unison with the seventh and ninth, for all chakras work in triads. This is what is often called the Higher Heart, as it opens the gates to the Illumined Planes, its wisdom, and hence the retrieval, through our soul's records connection, of all the information and guidance we need to know, at this time. 

A time as well to continue as the previous alignment too reminded us, clearing parallel timelines, the trauma that we still carry within our DNA and emotional body, and all the mental manipulations associated with it too. As I said, I will enter deeper into all this, when the time comes.

On October 28, Jupiter will turn retrograde, once more I share it for those who resonate with it. Jupiter as an expansive unstoppable force is helping us to dive more into our soul, as it resides in Pisces and together with the Scorpion energies, it is a time in which all the planetary forces, along to help us retrieve our soul memories and strength to continue with our mission of service. Jupiter in Pisces is about soul expansion, wisdom integration, clearing, healing, and above all, the inner recognition of who we are, as Divine limitless beings. 

The next day, we also have Mercury entering into Scorpio. This is the macro representation of the profound planetary mental shift that is already taking place, and that we all are seeing from our unique perspectives. At a global level, a lot of change is happening, especially at that precise time of profound planetary transformation. On a personal level, this is not just about experiencing the change that comes from outside but the one that we can create in our mental plane, if we desire that our physical reality change, for all comes first from what we create in our minds.

Mercury in Scorpio invites us to go deeper into our old ways of thinking, clearing all distorted and fake beliefs and searching for the truth that lies behind a situation and a thought pattern. It is important that we clear our mental plane from time to time, or we will fall into the trap of believing that all we think to be true is direct guidance when it is often the result of perpetual negative thinking or a delusional one. 

Lastly, at the end of the month, on October 30, we will have another planet turning "retrograde" Mars, the Great Cosmic Warrior. Once more it is a human illusion, as the Warrior essence of Mars, which represents in the macro the qualities of strength, willpower, and perseverance, can never be retrograde. It is a time for us to take of ourselves, and above all, energy, paying attention to where we put our vital force, our intention, as our energy can grow or decay, depending on what we put it. 

In October we find ourselves crossing the threshold to a new destination. It is this month for us to commune with our Illumined Self, ponder about our journey, all we have learned, all we still need to clear, and all we desire to create next.

These last months of the year, are for us to recover, nurture ourselves and continue transforming that which we do not wish to repeat, focusing on creating new ways of living that support our bodies and soul purpose, and hence, that of All.

I wish you a loving October, Beloved Ones!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 22 de diciembre de 2019

2020 ~The Year of Stabilization & Infinite Possibilities

Enlightenment is like quantum tunneling - when everyone sees walls and barriers, enlightened one sees infinite possibilities.

Amit Ray

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

It is with great joy, love and gratitude that we are about to release this year 2019 and welcome another year, and phase, of our evolutionary journey. The year that we are leaving behind was a year for conscious co-creation in which many of us have indeed experienced a profound shift in our physical bodies, as we continue our transition into higher realms of existence. A year in which many of us began to create, from within, what we now pass to manifest and nurture in the physical. 

A year to commune with our soul to listen to what it whispers and clearly discern about what we truly desire and no longer wish to experience. A year in which the union of all the aspects of us was pivotal to give birth now to something that comes from a unified, authentic and loving space. 

2020 is a 4 universal year, and therefore a year to build, in the physical, what our soul can only envision in the non-physical planes. Number 4 is the number that represents the four pillars that sustain the universe, what lies behind everything within Creation that grows and expands, as nothing can be properly built without the appropriate foundations, which are nothing but the Divine Love and Strength that resides within all that exists and have ever existed. 

These four pillars are also represented on our Planet and are called the Four - man - Pillars of Easter Island, some that represents the strength behind everything we see in the physical. All that upholds what is eternal and lasting. These are the pillars that sustains our Planetary Fabrics or Grids and that hold all the records of our original DNA on Earth. 

As a stabilizer I am very connected, etherically, with this Island, although not the physical location in itself but the etheric double which is connected to other multiple universes where many of us operate to restore what was sacred, balanced, authentic and shall come back during this New Era that many of us are blessed to witness and participate in.

All within the universe is based on a pattern that sustains all together, from the micro to the macro and it is just a matter of time and learning about our human cycles, as well as we work on remembering the Divine Laws, that we integrate these phases and work on bringing balance to ourselves and Planet, as it used to be eons ago. 

We are going to begin creating the strong pillars that are going to sustain our own bodies within this new dimensional space that we now occupy, for as we shift from within we will begin to realize how our physical reality also does the same, faster than it used to be - matching our inner frequency and visions.

However, number four is not just about hard work, manifesting or creating structure. Number four is about service to others, devotion to our personal evolutionary journey and to All. This is also a good opportunity to go beyond our limitations, as number four tend to be limited by their strong sense of responsibility and order. Order is not about being fixed but about knowing how to create peace within so we can reflect this same harmony without.

This frequency will provide a great opportunity for all of us, especially to recalibrate our hearts, as four resides in the higher heart, where love - stability and service - reside. This will also help those who are too structured and need to flow more and be more creative rather than fixed in their ways of being and living, as well as for the ones who need to be more focus on the physical - creating stable lives that will help them sustain themselves and soul dreams in our tangible world. 

As always, energies do not just come and go in one day, they stay for more than sometimes we are able to understand, in our human minds, and shift when the time is right and not when we feel like introducing something new. Therefore, the current energies are very linked to the universal number 3 of past year 2019, as both essences are contained in this present vast space, in which the infinite possibility of continue creating, while bringing our creations into balance, is there for us to co-create with these energies for our unique purpose.

During this phase, some may be still focused on the creation of a new stage of their path, others may be already stabilizing it. The when, which seems to be very important for the human, does not matter at all in a soul level, for what the soul enjoys is the Now and what one learns and masters in this moment. Only the embodiment of higher levels of love and self-consciousness is what truly counts. 

We end 2019 with a very powerful and earthly Solar Eclipse in Capricorn and we begin 2020 with another intense Lunar one in Cancer. As you know during these two years we are going to be immersed in a Capricorn/Cancer cycle, in which we are going to be invited to make our creations physical. To do so, first we need to work on our emotional body, releasing what no longer serves, which is pivotal to be able to initiate a new life without old burdens and energies that will manifest, again, into our present lives, in a form that will no longer resonate with who we have become. This is why it is so important that we take the proper time, even if sometimes seems endless, to let go and dissolve the old.

The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn at the end of the month shines a light into everything that we desire to co-create next. It is the frequency that will activate the main essence of 2020 and that it is already being felt. This is an invitation for asking ourselves if we have created structure, harmony and stability in our lives, or if on the contrary we need to rebuild our human reality so we can also pay attention to the aspect of us that is tangible and that needs to be sustained. 

In a year where balance is indeed a key element for our ascension journey and bodies, these eclipses come to help us create harmony between the aspect of us that is ethereal and dwells in the non-physical realms - Cancer - and the aspect of us that is equally human, although sometimes we many deny it, and see it as lower, Capricorn, so we can have the opportunity to unify both within ourselves.

These two years are going to be very useful for those who are working with the opposite polarities that lie within ourselves as well as with the mother/father archetypes that are so important to work with and that have been so distorted. Many other aspects such as familiar issues, old karmic genetic wounds and/or others such as emotional imbalances may resurface during these years for us not to fall into old patterns but to become stronger sovereign beings who are able to overcome any difficulties by mastering our egoic self and unify it with our Divine One. 

This New Year 2020 is going to be of great importance for the ones helping on the current planetary stabilization. If this is part of your mission, you will know. As a stabilizer there are several stages and one is always conscious, especially if we listen to our bodies, of what is taking place, of where we are needed and of where we are doing, behind the physical veils. 

Solar Consciousness Rehabilitation

At a time when the Earth precisely aligns with the Galactic Center and we begin another step forward into the reunification with Source, within our Universe, I received a message which was introduced by a wonderful and bright merkabah, on working on the conscious activation of our solar consciousness. As you know a merkabah represents unity, and finally coming into Oneness with Source. This is the authentic process of solar rehabilitation - lightbody synthesis - and the one that many of us are consciously undertaking, during this period. 

When we consciously work on Solar rehabilitation, what we are activating, again, is the God Spark within ourselves, call it Unified Self, God or as you prefer, and this is why the connection with the Galactic Center and our Central Sun, is so important, for these are our main Sources of wisdom, love and remembrance. as we have chosen to move from polarity to unity, as it once since the beginning, and as it is meant to be. 

The Earth alignment with our Galactic Center is a macro galactic event that is going to activate the assistance required for the ones who are on this journey, so we can begin the process of solar consciousness rehabilitation, which is the integration of all the aspects of who we are - dwelling in many dimensions and timeliness, which is why I received a vision of a very bright white merkabah, as it represents the union of all the aspects of who we are. 

The process of aligning with our Unified Self and beginning to understand the entanglement between the many extensions of our soul, is a challenging one. It is necessary to spend lifetimes of conscious embodiment. This is not a process that happens with just a single activation, or anything that we can imagine, for connecting all the selves that make us whole, is something that takes devotion, strength, trust and hope for it may take eons to come back to our original Essence and to the Source from where we All belong.

2020 is going to be a year in which the main focus is not just on the stabilization of our physical bodies and human lives, but on the conscious process of solar consciousness integration, call it Christed Consciousness, Sun or Crystalline Sun DNA reactivation if you prefer, for all fulfills the same function of activating our Source Consciousness so we can begin to fully act from an unified, whole and loving state of being. 

Solar Consciousness is about healing our lower selves so we can begin to act as One with our Unified One, beginning to integrate all the soul fragments that are in pain and become One again - functioning as balanced beings. This is precisely what the energies of this new year 2020 are going to provide to us - harmony, love and equilibrium for us to bring back into order what was separated. 

For the healers who are in communion with this Infinite Fountain of Love and Balance, this year they are going to experience a new opening in their healing abilities that are meant to work with the new energies, finally restoring the old ways of healing with the new ones that come from our direct Source, and that work with the New Light that our Planet is now receiving, in the new dimensional space that we occupy now within Creation and that has nothing to do with old ways in which we used to be, do things or try to heal ourselves or others.

As we continue evolving, we too keep embodying new ways of being and doing things, this is why for many the old ways no longer work, because as soon as we begin to remain fixed in the familiar, it is law that we should release it all and embrace something new again.

Important Planetary Events in 2020

Jupiter opposition True Node, January 8th.

In a moment in which we are about to give birth to something new, this alignment comes to assist those who are still liberating themselves from their past. It is important that we do not carry past energy into our present creations, as the outcomes will always carry past experiences, and hence same repetitive outcomes. With this event we are invited to dwell in the past only to heal what is still wounded or to retrieve the information whether from previous lifetimes or parallel ones, that are going to help us integrate new abilities that we considered lost or that could help us remember how to assist others in their path. 

Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, January 10th.

This is the first eclipse of this year which is, as you know, link to the Capricorn ones that are going to reign during these two years - 2019, 2020 - and that will provide us with the opportunity to heal emotional wounds and begin to descend, from the non-physical planes into our earthly realm all of our soul visions for our new live. A wonderful eclipse to work on familiar lineage karmic patterns as well and with our upper senses to work on their expansion and healing. 

Saturn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn - 12th January.

With this planetary encounter the path to move from darkness to light begins. For many that are still in their awakening process this will be a gift as they will finally find clarity to bring change into themselves and lives. 

On another hand, within a very earthly year, we begin by being assisted to make our soul visions tangible and go after what we truly desire. This is a harmony portal that literally greets us within this new cosmic cycle that we already began and that is going to give us the opportunity to live as the free sovereign being that we are, using their power to build and work as One rather than fomenting separation.

Saturn in Aquarius: Between 22nd March and 1st July, and 17th December.

This frequency from Saturn, the Planet of organization and duty, in Aquarius is a wonderful essence for all of us to free from any karmic patterns and begin to work on how to be self-sufficient and bring into the tangible what will last and help us create a balanced reality. 

Venus retrograde in Gemini 13th May - 25th June.

This is the Planet, that from our limited view from Earth spends less time in its slow phase, although as you know, there is no such a thing as retrograde periods within the Universe, for all always follows the Laws of constant flow and expansion. This is a time for us to focus on our relationships, the one with ourselves, for it is the key to maintain balanced relationships with others, and the ones we are experiencing with our loved ones, for we on our own could not have the level of evolution that when we are blessed to test ourselves in the company of other souls that may come to challenge us but that in truth are showing us how to put in practice unconditional love. 

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse June 5, 2020, at 15° Sagittarius and another Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14, 2020.

The Eclipses in Sagittarius will come to bring some different energies within a very Cancerian and Capricornian year. Highly influenced by its square aspect to Mars, and in opposition to Venus, will help us bringing some stability and control over our emotions and relationships. Time to observe where we still act on anger, and why is that we have this energy inside ourselves that is telling us something hat our egoic self is not yet wanting to accept.

Anger the majority of the times comes from fearing something and from our reluctant to accept what IS and move forward. Anger comes when we desire to control something we cannot change and when we direct our strength in distorted and harmful ways towards ourselves and others. This is going to be a wonderful opportunity to look within and understand all aspects of ourselves, embracing the ones who are yet in pain. This will also give us the opportunity to bring some clarity upon the feelings that we try to hide but that show up in our relationships with others. 

Annular Solar Eclipse on June 21, 2020, at 0° Cancer and a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on July 5, 2020, at 13° Capricorn.

These series of eclipses in Cancer-Capricorn are the ones that are making of these two years are the ones that will give us the perfect frequencies for us to work on polarity synthesis as well as our mental and emotional one. It is so important to work on unification that we have two years to just begin mastering what living as unified and sovereign being means. 

Mars Retrograde in Aries 9th September-14th November.

If this powerful Planet had no retrograde phases during 2019, from our human view. On 2020 Mars will turn "retrograde" in Aries. As you know I do not even feel retrograde periods in the human experience I have chosen to manifest, for there is no real evidence of retrogrades more than the collective illusion, from Earth, that has been created about Planets going into slow motion.

Mars in Aries is about managing our energy. For the ones who are impulsive, this will provide them with the perfect opportunity to work with balancing being too impulsive and lack of action. Taking action is important. However, acting shall follow the proper meditation and thinking required for us not to fall into unconsidered impulsive behaviours that could damage ourselves and others.

This is going to be a great gift for us to control our egoic instincts and anger, so we can begin to work on the conscious integration of energy and strength in ways that are constructive rather than self-destructive. 

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse November 30, 2020, at at 8° Gemini 

With the intensity of the energies of 2020 this Eclipse in Gemini comes to give us a boost of energy and self-confidence to continue with our journey and the new projects that we are birthing. This is one of the most joyful and loving phases of all the year, as we are going to be immersed in a constant mode of receiving, where integration and how to direct the frequencies embodied is going to be determinant to what we are going to bring into fruition. 

Jupiter transits in Capricorn since December 2, 2019 until December 18, 2020. 

During 2020 the emphasis will be on Capricorn as we have eclipses in this sign as well as Jupiter transiting in Capricorn as well. This is going to be a great opportunity for us to organize our lives, shifting what is no longer working, and beginning to create the order required for us to experience balanced lives in the physical. 

This will provide us with the opportunity to expand into the aspect of us that is tangible, dwells into this earthly plane, and is as equal as dwelling in the spiritual worlds, which is precisely what helps us mastering this dense realm.  With Jupiter in this sign we are going to be given the opportunity to work with what is physical and bring it into the proper order, again. 

Jupiter in Aquarius starting 19th 2020 December until December 28th, 2021.

If we begin this year with Jupiter in opposition True Node, now with Jupiter in Aquarius, we are not focusing in the past anymore, for it is in our new trajectory that we shall focus our energy, so we can build something constructive in this year in which building stable foundations is so important, so we can move forward within the chosen path. 

The Great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, 21st December 2020.

This is probably if not the most, one of the most influential and most important alignments of all this New Year 2020. This cosmic encounter will not only affect to our personal human lives and especially the use we make of our power but that will have a tremendous impact in the collective as well, where important shifts will begin to occur, at this time. 

On another hand, this is also going to be a wonderful time, especially after Jupiter entering into Aquarius, which helped us to release the past and leave an old phase behind, as now with this conjunction, it is a time for growth and expansion in new ways. All barriers that you used to cover your true potential. All the feelings of being unworthy, impossibility, must be now released to leave space for what we are birthing inside.

Declaration of Intention to welcome a new phase

This is a declaration I was guided to share time ago to release the past and welcome the new, for those who resonate, and feel guided, to use it, as they wish. I felt guided to share it again since we are shifting into a new timeline and beginning another phase of our never-ending evolutionary path. 

As always, you are your own Master and this is just an example, you will have your own words. 

I _(your name)_ call upon my Unified Self, Monad and Guides who assist me on my human experience, and who come from the Love, Light, Truth and Unity of God to help me release what no longer serves my current human path and embrace a new phase of my journey. 

Thank you for helping me protecting my personal and sacred space of everyone and everything - incarnated or not - who do not belong to the Light. 

It is my conscious desire to let go of everything, and everyone, with great love, and blessings, that have fulfilled its purpose in my journey - being free of the old so I can welcome what my soul planned for me to experience, in this human plane. 

I _(your name)_ as a sovereign free being, choose to no longer feed the past, for it is no longer existing, in my present timeline, fully opening my heart to new horizons that have not been walked, yet, by my human self and that will offer me precious new experiences and soul encounters. 

I AM forever dwelling in this Now moment.

I AM forever grateful for all the past experiences and relationships that have served me to become the empowered and sovereign being that I am now and that have been already released, forgiven and appreciated. 

I AM ready to let it all go, with great love, joy and excitement for what is coming, in this new stage of my evolutionary path. 

I AM now manifesting what is for my highest good, and that of All, working in perfect unison with God and with the Forces of Light of this Universe and all multi-universes that help me manifest a perfect reality for what I need to experience next. 

I decree that it is my pure intention, and conscious soul desire, to only dwell, and hence, experience, this moment, removing all previous ones that my human self is no longer living and needing for its growth. 

I __(your name)__ thank my Unified Self, Monad and Guides for helping me dissolve all past timelines, energies, and relationships that are still active in my energetic field. 

I welcome infinite possibilities to create my new path. I embrace all the infinite blessings that are coming into my human experience and I AM grateful for all that is already helping me to step into a new timeline.

Therefore, I make of this declaration a permanent and irrevocable one. 

And So it is and it will be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All!

Happy New Year and happy Now everything Beloved Ones! 

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2019

Galactic Center & Earth Alignment

Beloved Light Emissaries,

As you know each year the Earth, from this day until December 22, aligns with the Galactic Center of our Galaxy at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. We are all One and we All come from Oneness. This is the Truth that we come here to remember and the loving remind from this annual alignment, for those who desire to commune with its energies and bring this remembrance into their human selves.

This Light is our main Source on our Universe, this Light is Love in motion who reminds us the importance than acting with integrity and compassion has, whether the conditions are the most beneficial ones at the moment or not. It is balance, for once we choose to align with it, it harmonizes our physical and non-physical bodies. It heals and it restores, for this is what Love does - restoring our sense of separation through its infinite unity embrace.

On an earthly level, this is about aligning with the aspect of us that is determined to bring our soul visions into the physical, as Sagittarius is this tireless seeker, never-ceasing to enjoy the journey as it travels to his next destination, as in truth, there is never a final one in our infinite evolutionary journey.

The energies at this time, together with the Eclipse ones, already strongly felt, and the Solstice, are powerful beyond our human understanding for not only this alignment is taking place, but many more within and without our Universe that have a tremendous impact in our personal path of conscious evolution, and hence, integration and co-creation.

On a deeper and galactic level, the Galactic Center represents the aspect of us that is wiser and that I call Unified Self, and hence is Home. It is the sum of all the selves that we are and that are evolving in many dimensions of existences. It is the one that orchestrates our physical experience, our main guide of all and compass to ask for direction.

For the ones who choose to co-create in a more physical level, they have a wonderful time to bring stabilization into their lives, as where we are heading into a 4 universal year which is all about making things tangible, and as always, it begins by descending our soul visions to our earthly plane. For the ones who are seeking guidance and a deeper communion with their Unified Selves, this is a time of retrospection, as we traverse the gap between the old and the new and align with the new timelines that we have chosen to manifest.

At this time, many of us commune not only with our Unified Self but with our personal Council of incarnation and others lovelight beings that are helping us to follow our soul plan, as we once planned it. It is important that we move outside of our egoic desire of how we want our human reality to be and commune with these Illumined Forces, and Beings, to understand the Bigger Plan behind our human desires and experiences.

As I always say, everyone is unique and while some hear others see or feel this connection in their unique way. Comparisons only diminish our own abilities and the Will that Source has to experience Itself differently through each and everyone of us. The transmissions received at this time, if we consciously decide to align with them, may be about healing, if this is what we need at this time of our journey, about guidance about what to create next, or simply about the comfort that Divine Remembrance brings to many of us who are here in a path of assistance and that the majority of the times is a solitary one, although this has nothing to do with feeling lonely or isolated.

There are many ways to commune and receive initiations, we all are our own masters and healers and have our unique ways to work with ourselves. However, the purest one is simply to set the intention ourselves, to connect with our Illumined Self, Source or any other human label we use to name these benevolent forces. Although as humans, we may also enjoy co-creating with crystals and other forms of consciousness to help us connecting with the Illumined Aspect, and Realms of who we are, and begin to establish a deeper connection to our main guide and the beings that from a non-physical perspective are here to help us grow and assist.

The White Flame is one of the best tools to initiate ourselves into the integration of higher levels of consciousness. Under this ascension flame many ascending souls were incarnated. This Flame is in charge by the Consciousness of who we humanly called Serapis Bey. It is of great assistance to connect with Him, in the etheric planes and regain more wisdom about our journey as well as to initiate ourselves in new levels of consciousness. This tool is one of the many that can help us evolve, at this precise time, when we are blessed with being aligned with our Galactic Center as well as with many other cosmic energies that we may not know about, but that are strongly felt, at this powerful and transitional time.

We are indeed blessed to be experiencing this transition, expansion, and deeper communion with the Illumined Realms. However, remember Beloveds, the main connection is made from within, for it is there that we have it all, experienced all and that we shall come back when we need comfort, guidance and rejuvenation.

There is no force, being or event outside ourselves that can really bring our desired outcomes or the healing required into our physical being, for we are the only ones with the power to do so. Looking outside to regain wisdom or healing only disempowers us and only keep feeding our illusion of separation and inferiority, making challenging to truly commune with our Unified Self and the current galactic energies, for we are asking themselves to fix ourselves and reality and these Forces know, because these Forces are Love, that there is no such a thing as not being able to do anything we truly desire and need, for ourselves, and hence All.

It is always up to you to regain knowledge of who you are, to become aware of your power and use it. There is no one else to do this inner work for you. At the beginning this can feel sad, as we have been programmed with so many victim programs between many others, that we can feel as if there is nothing else to do.

However, as we learn how to master the egoic self and commune with the True Self of who we are, we begin to delight the truth of being our own caretakers, main source of power, love, guidance and appreciation.

It is up to you, always, to align with who you are, in Essence, expand your consciousness, take charge of your human experience and decide whether you would like to live it from an empowered perspective or not. As always, all choices are highly respected within Creation, as all of them assist All to evolve.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba

Beloveds, remember I made special offers for this loving December as well as added new services, for the ones who feel guided to co-create with me. Take a look at my website, if you are interested in going further into your evolutionary journey.