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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Eclipses. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Eclipses. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2017

Full Moon in Pisces, September 6, 2017 - Becoming New Earth Seeds

May you live in interesting times

Blessings Beloved Ones,

We are living in a unique time within Creation. I hope you are enjoying being alive in such a special time, and that you know how much you contribute, if you consciously have decided to, in this cosmic shift that our Planet, as well as ourselves, are experiencing. If you thought that you have seen it all, again, the cosmic energies will surprise you with new waves, from this magical and healing Full Moon at 13 degrees of Pisces, whose main essence is meant to help us transcend an old karmic cycle as well as the duality in which we have been deeply immersed for eons, and begin to step into the Light of who we really are.

It is not new that we have been subjugated by the negative forces for longer than we can ever imagine. At this transitional time, these negative forces, for denying they exist, would not be wise or helpful, are trying more than ever to regain control, to manipulate and to keep using human beings as their puppets. We, the ascending souls, who are conscious of what is occurring at a deeper level, and especially those who act as New Earth Anchors, must remain, at all times, in the Illuminating Presence of their Soul, where clarity and true power resides to stand tall above any other form of manipulation.

As we leave behind the 3D old Earth, and step into the higher timeline that we have chosen, past memories as well as old wounds are likely to arise. This does not mean that you are not doing the proper inner work, although only you can know this of course, or that there is something wrong with you. The fiery energies received during all this summer, especially the ones from the Eclipses together with this Full Moon in Pisces, are triggering within all that which is not yet united. This is a gift, take it, it is not going to hurt you, it is going to liberate you. Are you willing to face the shadows and embrace the Truth that comes when one is ready to face oneself?

With Pisces, comes liberation, one that can only come after being dormant, and experiencing what we are not. It is with Pisces, in the last sign of the zodiac, that we begin to remember our true origins, clearing karmic debts, purifying ourselves and achieving personal enlightenment. The Eclipses together with this Full Moon in Pisces marks a key point in the collective, for it will bring Truth above illusion, healing and many revelations, especially for the souls who are healing and deprogramming  themselves. Truth is only revealed when one is ready to face it and becomes strong enough to disengage oneself from all the human illusions that we have been fed for so long.

It is with intuitive Pisces that we begin to learn how to flow with All, embracing whatever comes as a blessing and remembering that we are all One within Creation - finally moving from our 3D programmed personality into a space of free sovereignty and compassion towards ourselves and All, embracing not just our individualized aspect as it was at the beginning of the zodiac with Aries, but all the multidimensional ones of who we truly are. 

When we reach this Water sign, it is because we are ready to ascend another step into this endless evolutionary spiral of Creation, and we begin to activate our higher chakras and awaken ourselves to cosmic consciousness. This Full Moon brings us the message of transcending an old karmic cycle and embracing a free one where no density, illusion or/and oppression takes place, for we have experienced it for a long time, and it is time now to remember again from where we come and rise above the illusion of separation.

During this month, and especially with the Full Moon at 13 degrees of Pisces, which is of course not a coincidence at all, but a perfectly synchronized cosmic alignment, we, the ones who consciously decide to do so, will have the opportunity to dwell in a Higher Space of harmony and conscious co-creation, leaving behind the 3D old matrix that encapsulated us for so long. It is our opportunity to let it all go and being to align ourselves with the New Earth's 5D Timeline that we have consciously chosen. 

The degree where this Moon occurs, 13, is the number of transformation, represented in the tarot by the Death card, one that does not indicate, always, physical transition, but a deeper transformation that occurs within and that makes our reality shift as we do so too from within. A number related to karma and often manipulated to infuse fear in the masses.

This is a message for us to transmute and rejuvenate, for where we are going, the burden of old memories or what we consider from a limited human perspective, past hurts, will not serve us, for where we are going, the energy of every being can be strongly felt, and no one can hide behind a mask - what their true intentions are - neither can we cover our higher senses as we did when we experienced a 3D realm. 

At a cosmic level, the Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune, the Planet of Illusion, but also Dreams and the Unconscious, which is retrograde at almost 13 degrees of Pisces as well, 12°49′ Pisces. As we also have the Sun in Virgo, which is all about making things tangible and using its strength to be of service to All, we are being invited to descend from Above all the guidance and wisdom necessary Below, that is to say, anchoring into our earthly plane all we learn and envision - within the higher realms. For as I always say, we were not meant to come here to live in the ethereal but to become masters of how to descend all this magic, love and remembrance into our tangible plane. 

It is a time to ground ourselves, for only by having strong foundations can we grow, connecting to the higher aspects of us while we keep being grounded to Earth and its foundations. This is a challenging time for the ones who are doing the inner work of conscious liberation and dissolution of the old, but it is also a time for magic, revelations, Truth and for integrating all the wisdom received - when we are not afraid of navigating with our subconscious.

For the ones releasing addictions, and again I repeat that addictions are not just about using drugs or drinking, but anything that keeps us attached to something/someone in whom we are giving away our power, we must be careful at this time, for they can be tested by the power of Neptune in Pisces. Neptune and even more with Chiron in Pisces too, does not do anything in itself, they are just energies, however, it is our decision to decide how to direct this energy, as Neptune's essence is meant for us to dive deep within our deepest wounds and hidden aspects and the ones who are experiencing addictions, have more chances to fall into it so profoundly that they lose themselves in these deep waters. 

We could also feel more sensitive than usual, especially during the Full Moon, this is why it is important to become the witness of our own life experience and from an outer perspective realize when we are living on mere dreams and becoming delusional and when we are fully in control, within our wounds. For this will create an imbalance between being grounded or only be only anchored in the ethereal, which again, will only recreate in the physical, a destabilizing reality, with outcomes that are not aligned with our true soul desires and Will.

Regarding physical sensations, this is very unique, as I always say, but it is common to feel pressure in your heart area, or it can be also felt as anxiety, exhaustion etc, as you keep anchoring yourself more and more within a Higher Dimension. This is due to the density we lose when we are leaving behind more of the old. If you feel everything with more intensity and even with feelings of releasing in the form of tears, it is due to the pain your 3D egoic self feels when releasing the familiar, as well as the past. 

Let it be, feel it, allow yourself to mourn what is not even real, for this will create the opportunity for you to see that nothing or anyone was ever yours to begin with and that at the same time all is One, dancing together or "separated" from time to time, experiencing different realms and experiences, until we remember again the power of unity and Divine Love. 

There is another event happening just before the Full Moon in Pisces. Mercury, will turn direct, on September  5 at 28°25′ Leo. I must follow my truth and act as the integrated person I consider myself to be, and while I know this is important for you, I have decided that I am no longer going to keep sharing or giving importance to something that belongs to the old and who just keeps feeding this old 3D illusion of Mercury being retrograde, which is just an optical illusion we have from Earth.

As you believe you create. If you believe this has caused you many challenges, everything within Creation will obey you and so you as such, not because it is true, but because the Universe always treats you as the master that you are of your own life experience. If you, like me, begin to stop feeding/believing/fearing in this limited belief, you, as I am experiencing, will never complain or even remember this again, for you will keep experiencing infinite abundance, joy and that everything, no matter what is happening in your reality, has been created by you or orchestrated by your God Self for Higher reasons, never to cause you delays or do anything to you. When one flows, stops feeding old myths and begins to take charge of one's own reality, all impediments disappear, and the road begins to be illuminated, once again. 

At the Full Moon time, we also have Venus quincunx Neptune. As always, energies simply are, and it is all about what we do with their essences. This is not a fatalist aspect, for it is also meant to occur to help us become more conscious of our relationships and begin to release what is necessary. This is going to show you the aspects of yourself that you still unlove and pay no attention to, hiding them and trying to fill the empty spaces where you do not love yourself with the love of other. 

This is where you are finally going to realize if you are experiencing an enlightened reunion or if you are yet having a relationship based on the old way of loving, one who believes love is attachment, control, manipulation, lack of freedom and expansion - whether together or not. This is also a wonderful time for you to look at yourself. Negative self talk is the main thing that impedes you to love yourself, for it is you programming yourself in unconscious ways, to not receive because you are not worth it, hence you are commanding the Universe not to treat you well for you do not deserve it and this is the only thing you will see. 

Do you tell yourself how bad you look physically, instead of honoring a body that is serving you well, and that is Divine too, in this physical reality? Do you still treat yourself as if you were not important and put others before yourself? Or are you finally realizing that only by loving and accepting yourself, as you are, can you can really love All, which is just a reflection of who you are too? 

Starseed Souls, Light Bearers and New Earth Anchors,

As you may already have been feeling, this is a very important, and at the same time challenging phase for all of us, for remaining, always, in the Light of who you/we All are, is not always easy for the 3D human. Starseed Souls, be aware of the constant manipulation that is taking place, and especially at this time during the Eclipse turmoil still with us and this Full Moon in Pisces who conjunct Neptune, of the massive manipulation that is taking place from the dark forces. 

Some of you already know, for you have experienced these attacks and now are well-informed and prepared by your own soul/Unified Self guidance, others are just beginning to awake and realize, and others may not yet be conscious of what is occurring and from where this negative input is coming. 

Discerning from a soul space, is essential for you to understand who you are and what is happening within your unique human life experience. No one can tell you but yourself, others may act as helpers, confirming what you already know, but if you go and search outside what you yet do not understand - for you are not ready - or simply because all we need to know comes at Divine Time, then you will be manipulated.

Commune with your soul. Protect yourself, set boundaries and when you feel the constant attack from these negative forces, especially in the astral, where not everyone is fully conscious yet, try not to panic and remain in love with All, even if you consider it harmful, for it is the only way in which you can avoid them being successful. When one does not know what is occurring behind the physical veils, one fears, this is why it is essential to be well informed and not deny the truth of these forces, and in order to be well informed, one must first know where to look to obtain guidance, and this is always within.

Use all the time you can during the day, to consciously work on your emotional body, this is essential to finally erase all karmic and painful memories and begin to liberate old fears so we can see with clarity what is happening and live not from a fearful space but from a compassionate and loving one, which does not mean, it is not a space of empowerment, freedom and sovereignty, for this is the first step towards liberation. 

Be careful with whom you share your experiences. Some may dwell in delusion, but not everyone is still in this space, and by sharing with others who are not conscious or awake, you are putting yourself in a position where you could be manipulated and taken for a fool without being one, and therefore hiding instead of  embracing and bringing into the surface what must be dissolved. Calm down, go within and open yourself to receive the right people and light tools that will assist you in your journey. Remember, fear repels, while love and openness attract. 

A message to all stabilizers 

I have begun to share more about my soul role, as I see no one, or at least that I am aware of or told, is doing so. I think sharing is important to help each other and learn and recently I was guided by my Unified Self to share more on this subject. When stabilizing in the astral, as you may already know, or begin to know soon at Divine Timing for you, you will see who we all are, as we are all connected by a clear pink light web, in which whether conscious - or not - of what you are doing, we become all One when stabilizing. It is pivotal that the ones who are beginning to be conscious of this do not fear the push of the dark forces and break the unity we try to keep between us, for we do this as One.

I do understand the first reactions when one is fully conscious in the astral, as all we have to harmonize and see is not easy and loving at all. This is why you chose this role and came here, to help stabilize what others try to break and destroy. You knew it was going to be challenging but you knew who you are, and this is what you must remember now. You are not a hopeless being ruled by outer forces, you command and control yourself and reality, as well as your own space and who invades it. No one can enter unless you begin to fear, creating cracks in your aura, and allowing them to enter into your sacred space, and your personal balance, is essential for you to be able to stabilize. 

I also notice and even more since I share my post on stabilizing, how people from Syria, are reading my site, and one of them contacted me, who just ran away from the country and to whom I am deeply grateful! I was told this was going to happen. Even though what it may seem, and even if due to the great violence there, it can surprise us, in Syria there are stabilizers, as I was told. 

I send all my love and gratitude to you and I do honor what you are doing in the circumstances that you are in. Remember, that you do not need to put yourself in danger going outside to stabilize, you will never be guided to do so, it can be done from your sacred space as well and if you do not possess the right tools, you can use your pure intention. 

As you already know, you soon will be placed in another location where you will continue, in a better position, your work on stabilizing. Trust, the work is not yet done there, you are never alone, you are more protected than what you could possibly imagine, and the Forces of the Universe are not leaving you unprotected, they are working unceasingly to bless you with a better place. 

To the ones who use crystals to create grid to assist you in anchoring balance, I was told to begin to use at least a Vogel Crystal, it reflects and spreads better the light and are stronger for our purpose. You will know where to place it. I know they are expensive and rare to find, if you cannot obtain one, you will be guided to use others with similar frequency. Just ask what will be right for you and the frequency of your location. In the article I wrote about stabilizing I shared a map to where and how the crystals must be placed, which is common for all stabilizers, as well as the common light symbols we use, go there if guided, if you are beginning, and if you choose to use a Vogel, I was told it should be placed in the center.

I hope it helps, remember we are going to be stabilizing for at least 6 month, in which doing it outside will be essential, you do not have to stay under extreme weather conditions, however you will have to bury the crystals in a safe place and make sure you set the proper intention for them to do their work. If you are guided to share and can, please choose to do so, I/we All will appreciate and learn as well from what you have to share. 

We are navigating within a very powerful cosmic passage. It is essential that while this transition into a Higher Octave within Creation lasts, you are compassionate with yourself. You are releasing an old self. One that must be understood for what it is, another aspect of us who is not evil, simply unconscious, and who helped us to unveil our 3D limited reality and began to expand into the vastness of what we do/are and the new timelines that are available for us to dwell. 

This is not a time to fix anything, for there is nothing to be fixed. When we try to fix, what our lower self believes is broken, and there is nothing ever broken within or without ourselves, we are denying the healing we are so in need of, and therefore not giving ourselves the opportunity to embrace our shadows and integrate them. 

It is not about doing, acting or forgetting what once happened, believing outer Forces will save you. You are you own saviour, master and healer. It is about remembering, healing, accepting and integrating what occurred to you that made you once close your heart to experience infinite abundance, joy, Divine Love and endless expansion. It is not even about you, but about All, ascending into unity from a space of duality and separation. This is not about what others have done to you, for no one has ever hurt you without your consent, this is about what you do with the moment you hold now in your hands.

Do you use this Now moment to realize how blessed you are, even though challenges emerge in your path? We will always experience challenges, for they are the opportunities that help us grow, and growth only occurs in the physical, this is why it is important that we have challenges, for the more of them we overcome, the more knowledge we integrate. 

Do you use this present moment, this gift, to choose a different timeline in which you could be who you are and stand tall in you truth? Or do you keep choosing to be small, fearing outside forces, as if they rule your reality, and hence giving them the power that has been granted only to you?

I hope that whatever you choose, you choose it because it follows your Highest Will, which is always based on unconditional love, compassion and infinite bliss. I hope that whatever it is you do, you do it because you are in love with All and because it makes you happy. And I AM sure that whatever you choose, in any case, will be always perfect for what we All need to remember.

I thank you for your precious assistance at this blessed time within Creation, for all you are and do. You do not need to do more, it is not about doing or acting, but about BEing. You have finally become New Earth Seeds. Remain always in the Light of who you are, and share it from your heart space to All. You do not need to use labels as Guide, or Spiritual Teacher, to shine your Light. You just need to go out stand in the sun, integrate in your unique way and with a pure intention send your love to every being and thing in this Planet. 

You, for who you are, are always enough, worth it and beautiful, and even if sometimes you choose to forget again and remain asleep for a while, everything you are and do is deeply appreciated by the Divine and All of us. 

I wish you All a magical, revealing and healing Full Moon in Pisces, Beloved Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

Note: The Author of the photo is Artur Rosa. 

sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017

The Energies of September 2017 - Cosmic Re-birth into 5D Earth

“It is truth that liberates, not your effort to be free.” 
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Blessings Beloved Companions, 

We are about to enter into a new energetic month, in which, we finally are going to witness the cosmic rebirth of our Planet into the 5D realm. A space where freedom, unconditional love and authenticity is our only way of BEing and existing. We have been in old worlds, ones that were useful for our soul growth but that - due to who we have become - are not aligned with our New 5D Timeline, any longer. 
We have been dissolving our inner shadows, bringing acceptance, light and higher understanding to what previously seemed unresolved for our lower self. After doing all the inner work, one that never ends within this endless Divine Spiral, we are finally ready to cross the veils of illusion - that once served us  to experience a limited reality - and step into a New Octave, where a Higher Aspect of us, already dwells.
It is during this new month of September, that our Beloved Planet is finally bifurcating from the 3D matrix. As you already know, it is not about a physical location, but about the frequency that we consciously choose to dwell within what decides if we remain under the enslavement of 3D forces or if we sojourn in a new space, within a higher realm. Fifth dimensional frequency, is a frequency you create as you ascend and embody, you hold it within, it is not an outer event, or something destined to occur globally that will change you. 

If you exist within this Higher Frequency, you will manifest according - seeing evidence of it everywhere. On the contrary, if you just read about it but do not do your inner work of consciously raising your frequency by releasing an old self, then, all you will see will be as well evidences of your lack of alignment. It is all a conscious choice. There is not outer miracles that will come and safe you, for you are the ones who must create them to begin with. 
The fiery energies that have been bathing us and that will continue to be with us - for at least six months - will be of great assistance for us to continue releasing at the same time that we keep integrating a higher level of consciousness. As always, the need to work with our emotional and mental body never ends and these fiery energies from the Eclipse, Lion's Gate and our Central Sun, are providing us with the proper frequency we need to keep with our healing work. As I always say, this is not a race, and there is not a fixed time to step into this New Higher Dimensional Space, as some of us, that already sojourn outside space and the 3D linear time, are already experiencing. 

During August and this new month of September, the energies will continue to be evident, returning old memories that were buried deep within our subconscious as well as other profound wounds - unremembered due to our human sense of denial - for us to clear what is waiting, in order to teach us something valuable, that will serve for our soul's growth. 

Every memory, independently of its nature, or how our egoic self labels it, shall be unifed - not erased or denied. This is what will bring us the opportunity of soul liberation and hence, integration, allowing us to finally release old vows and karmic ties as we begin to realise that no one has done anything to us to begin with. All was the pre-agreement of certain situations that were meant to help us during our earthly adventure. Never were we to to fully believe the evil nature of these actions. 

Regarding physical sensations, as I always say, we are all unique and generalizing will not help, only listen to your body will. The energies from the Eclipse and from other cosmic events happened on this summer, will continue to be strongly felt. The energies in themselves are doing nothing to you, it is your resistance to healing what cause you pain. 

When physical sensations appear, it is because your body is asking you to please listen to where you still hold old memories, pain, which is resistance to integrate this higher frequency we are receiving. the more you let go of that your egoic self still gets attached to, the more you will be able to soften these physical sensations that are impeding you to embrace the healer and master within You. 

It is time for us to recognize the treasure behind the lesson, the gift behind our human illusions and begin to see the Divine blessings of all we have experienced whether "good" or "bad". We will never reside in a Higher Vibrational Space, from mere words but from inner work and by constantly remaining in the Illuminated Presence of our soul, where all is love, equal, and has a Higher Purpose. 

At this transitional phase,  and especially for the ones who feel they are navigating between these two realms, adrift, as well as for those who are beginning to step into this journey, remember Beloveds, the work of soul retrieval is essential for us to feel whole and at peace - not only within this individualized aspect called X, incarnated on this Planet - at this time - but with all the past, parallel, and "future" aspects of us that need this integration and purification. 

As you ascend, other aspects of you will do the same, even the direct souls - belonging to your direct soul family - who relied on your unique process, for their ascension. Yours is the opportunity of  ascending while you are in the physical, yours is also a response-ability for everything that occurs, in your human life experience. 

All you thought was real, was nothing but an illusion, a distorted 3D reality, manipulated from many dark forces - and sources - that made you believe it was real. Old Earth was never as real as  they made you think, neither were you. Now, within this new 5D space, we are the bringers of Truth, the re-builders of Earth in its purest form, and the ones who must come first by being renewed and purified of all human illusion. 

Are you ready? Or do you still feel attached to anything/anyone remaining in a 3D space that even if not aligned with your Highest Will - you consider essential? Remember, that which you do not say goodbye/release stays with you, impeding you to move forward. Do you feel free to walk your talk and express your true feelings? Or are you yet relying upon outer forces without seeing your inner and most powerful one? Being present, conscious at all times, makes all the difference. 

As a confirmation of the new beginning that is not just our experience but also that of our Planet, this month is a universal number 10/1 - 19 reduced. We are beginning to anchor ourselves within a New 5D Timeline, something that will take time, constancy and patience, for the journey is paved with challenges and the more we try to accelerate this inner shift and physically transition, the more we will be hindering it. This is what number 10 reprents, at this powerful time, a transition, in which, we are concluding an old cycle and beginning to anchor ourselves within a new one. It is this inter-phase in which holding a higher frequency is  essential for us to be able to give this quantum step. 

In Tarot, the card that represents number 10 is the Wheel of Fortune, although if you choose number 19 will be the Sun or the Magician, if you prefer to reduced all completely and choose number 1. It does not matter what you choose, for all will lead you to a new beginning/Era, which is where we are heading. As I chose number 10, for I feel we are still navigating between these two worls, the card that represents this transition, is the Wheel of Fortune, which represents the change in destiny, that we have been able to accomplish, one that we have consciously created ourselves, and that only we know if the change that we have created from within will lead us to a higher space or to a lower one, for no one can ever predict where we are going but our own selves. 

At a cosmic level, we begin September by having the Warrior, Mars, entering into Virgo, together with the Sun in this same sign. The ferocity and impulsiveness - as well as the force of Mars - in the pure sign of Virgo, will help us to use all this strength to build something practical and lasting, which is what we need at this time of change, to build the strong foundations within the New that will serve us to build and expand ourselves within these new horizons - that we have just begun to delight in. 

To assist us in mastering our journey of descending into the tangible our soul desires, on this same day, Mercury will turn direct, although as you may already know, I do not feed the 3D old belief/fear of Mercury retrograde, and talking about something that is simply an illusion from Earth, will make me fall - again - into the same trap, and I am loyal to my own truth. 

The next day, on September 6, we will have a powerful and magical Full Moon in Pisces. As nothing occurs by chance within this loving and wise Universe, we ended up by having a Solar New Moon in Leo to burn the remnants of our old worlds and with Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, the one that gives us the opportunity to transcend illusion, an old era of slavery, and begin to end all karmic contracts by being forgiven, by being compassionate with all we have created that did not serve us and with the regenerating power of Water, we begin anew.

As occurs within Creation, nothing is left adrift, or is done without a reason within our dense plane, and this Full Moon happens at 13 degrees of Pisces, to help us transform, transmute and rebuild an old reality long ago fostered by not just unconsciousness but by dis-empowerment and lack of compassion. The 5D space that we occupy now, for like I said, it is a space and outer reality we create now, is not based on hypocrisy, on it is best to feign than to be, for we all remember now, for we all know, that it is not about being seen or acting, but about simply BEing. For it is in being that we become who we are - ourselves - and help others understand by becoming wayshowers of love.

On September 9 Mercury, will enter into Virgo together with Venus doing the same on September 19, which will culminate with a wonderful and soothing New Moon at 27 degrees of Virgo on the next day, September 20. Virgo's essence which will rule the majority of this month is going to assist us to purify ourselves by being grounded. The earthly sign of Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is associated with the Virgin Archetype, which is by no means related to celibacy. 

On the contrary, it has to do with the Divine Feminine Archetype of wisdom, purity and wholeness - nurturing and loving everything she touches; in the physical. Virgo likes to serve humanity which is what gives her joy and purpose. The pure and loving sense of taking care of others that Virgo already possesses without forgetting the self and the practical aspects of life, which will be emphasized during the Pisces Full Moon.

Mercury and Venus in Virgo, give us the opportunity to express ourselves with precision, love, equality and integrity. Mercury in Virgo will be too comfortable, for its rules Virgo, and we could fall into the extreme of being too mental, this is why the loving essence of Venus, will remind us the importance that being conscious of our thoughts - and words - have for ourselves and All.

As Virgo tends to be too practical and analytical and even more with Mercury, Venus will remind us that we need to be sensible, with ourselves and within all of our relationships. For most of the time, it is not about what we think or feel or say, what hurts the most, but about what we do not express, what we deny to feel for ourselves and within our reunions. 

Being sensible means to become your own caretaker, for only by loving and accepting ourselves completely is that we can do so with others. venus will remind us the importance that not being diplomatic or practical has, but about the importance of discerning about what we are going to express before damaging anyone. 

The New Moon at 27 degrees of Virgo on September 20, will be a healing bath after the intense energies that we have been integrating and that most of the time have caused a deep impact within our physical bodies. These energies from the Virgo Moon will be helping us to soothe ourselves as we keep bifurcating from Old Earth. 

The Full Moon in Pisces invited us to see beyond our human reality and step into the vast ocean of our inner realms, becoming One with the aspect of us who is able to transcend the mundane to heal those deep wounds that are not yet brought into the light as well as to discover new realities - that even if unseen to our human eyes - as real as the dense world that we are physically experiencing. Virgo, on the other hand, invites us to ground ourselves as well as our soul purpose in tangible reality. For it is not just about building in the ethereal without giving form, but about enjoying these soul visions in the physical as well. 

On September 23rd we have the Sun entering into the sign of Libra, together with the Equinox. Both events are One as both are sending us the same message of unification and balance regained through the proper process of inner alchemy that we have been working on for a while. The Equinox passage will bring unification of both our dark and light aspects, and we will remember again that it is due to both Forces that we are whole and that it is only our human self who creates division and false judgements. As for the Divine: All is One and Equal. 

With Libra and Virgo energies this month, we have a very powerful and soothing time to balance our feminine and masculine essences within. We all have them, it has nothing to do with gender. If we desire to evolve and descend this 5D frequency within ourselves, first we must move beyond our deep sense of polarity and separation. One does so by beginning to unify themselves and once we create inner synthesis, feeling completely whole and in love, and in harmony, with ourselves and All, is that we are ready to give the next step wihtin this endless evolutionary spiral. 

The next day, Jupiter will quincunx Chiron. When Jupiter dwells in Chiron, it invites us to expand on healing. This  is a wonderul cosmic encounter for us to find new methods of healing, opening our yet limited minds to find new ways in which we could continue working with the endless process of DNA re-connection, emotional healing and many other things we are dealing with as we keep unveiling more layers of our 3D self in order to embody/unify with our Higher One. 

With respect to the following aspects Im going to share, I know these aspects are seen as a curse, for the majority of the traditional astrologers, whose work I do respect and love. However, and even though I am not an astrologer, I simply interpret the energies in my unique way, you know I do not feed old beliefs related to the Planets, so in my humble perspective, I see almost everything as being always of great assistance for us to work with ourselves not something external that comes to punish us, for Planets, as well as us, simply are, and it is our the collective belief of them cursing us what manifests it, not the essence of the Planets in themselves. 

This is a time to work on self-limited beliefs, especially by having Chiron in Pisces, and with Jupiter expanding this healing essence for All. Furthemore, on September 27, Jupiter will sesquiquadrate Neptune, which will also help us to expand within our subsconscious mind in order to bring healing to all that is still hidden.  

It is a precious time to raise above restrictions and begin to recognize that nothing was ever fixed, linear or the same within Creation, for it was always constantly changing, evolving and transmuting itself into new ways of being. It was our limited 3D minds the ones that made everything static, unreal, and broken. 

Now, we know there is nothing to fix, but to release and unify, for we were never broken but unconscious to all the wonders that surrounds us as well as to who we truly are. Now, we are free, we have chosen to walk in love, in light and to accept all as it IS. At the present time, we know that in truth we were born healed, and that what we call disease, only came when we chose to cover our health with illusions, fears and unlove. Now we know that healing is our natural state of being,  and that it will always prevail if we just choose to uncover all these illusory veils and begin to walk towards the Light of who we already are, and always have been.

And as with healing comes freedom, on September 28, we have Jupiter opposing Uranus. Jupiter will expand Uranu's essence of breaking free from all that chains us. Observe your lower self, see how it behaves and especially the self-talk. Observe where you still think you must do this or that of if not... observe what will happen if you do not. Sometimes we tend to self-sacrifice, for others, due to fear and other times we are the ones who chain ourselves by allowing others to control us. It is vital to begin observing where we still do not feel free and unconsciously choose to restrict ourselves. 

Once you find out where you still react, rebel yourself or simply allow others to manipulate you, be compassionate, do not punish yourself, many people due to their feelings of guilt punish themselves in so many different and unknown ways! Some choose to be constantly telling themselves how ugly they are and how unable to change their reality. Others do that through addictions, and addictions are not just drinking, drugs and smoke, addiction is anything that we have given away our power to help us relieve the pain we feel, which only goes away when we see pain in the face, feel every feeling, embrace it, accept it and then let it go. 

Another important cosmic event at the end of the month, is Pluto, the Planet of Power, moving direct on September 28. While Pluto was retrograde, especially with Mercury as well, we saw the Truth while we dwelt in the depths of our soul, we took responsibility for our own creations - shifting, transforming and regenerating from within all that no longer resonated with who we are now becoming. 

Now that Pluto is direct again, we use all this power and knowledge to transform all the old into our physical lives as well. Pluto gives us the gift to be the shapehifters of our lives. It is constantly re-creating reality - as we are also doing so, from within - even if we possess a sense of stillness. It is an opportunity for us to keep destroying old worlds and start bringing into form new ones based on freedom and the bliss that following our true soul desires bring. 

September will be a continuation of the healing/releasing process - we have been doing for a while - that shall continue until we fully anchor ourselves within the frequency that is aligned with our current state of being. It is a time to free ourselves, and freedom comes when one is willing to dissolve and let go of an old world and surrender to what our Unified Self has prepared for us. Liberation comes when we consciously decide to embody a higher level of consciousness, for it will illuminate all the illusions that are still within our human minds, and consciously choose to dissolve all that is not is the Truth. 

Freedom means mastery, one that we used to admire in others and that we recognize now in ourselves, for the time to be a passive follower, the guru times, have gone, for now we remember who we are, knowing that we are all equals and that we all have the power within to become masters, healers, and sovereign beings of our own life experience, sharing - who we are - not as teachers but as humble and integrated beings who only wish to assist, expand and be the wayshowers of the New.

With freedom also comes the bliss and the gratitude of being able to see - from a Higher perspective - what we were not able to envision when we were unconscious. However, with freedom also comes the commitment of taking responsibility for every thought, word and act, knowing that when we harm others, we are doing it to ourselves, for with a higher awareness comes Truth, and the Truth is that we are all One experiencing the illusion of being separated. 

Are you ready to confront your shadows, liberate yourself from your 3D egoic personality, and finally be free to walk as the Light that you are without being conditioned by your old fears? As always, yours is the choice to embrace freedom or continue to choose slavery.

I wish you All a soothing and miraculous September, Beloveds!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 2 de agosto de 2017

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, August 7, 2017 ~ Set Thyself Free & Embrace the Unexpected

It takes a huge effort to free yourself from memory but when you succeed you start to realize that you’re capable of far more than you imagined. You live in this vast body called the Universe, which contains all the solutions and all the problems. Visit your soul; don’t visit your past. The Universe goes through many mutations and carries the past with it. We call each of those mutations a ‘life,’ but just as the cells in your body change and yet you remain the same, so time does not pass, it merely changes. 

Paulo Coelho

Blessings Beloved Ones,

As we keep evolving within this eternal spiral of Creation, stepping into a New Era of miracles and integrity, the cosmos blesses us with a self-liberating Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, at 15 degrees of Aquarius on August 7th, to conquer our shadows, release karmic patterns/programs/illusions and continue with our purification process, as we keep embodying the higher codes that we are receiving since the very beginning of this intense summer.

Eclipses are meant to assist in shifting consciousness, which, at this transitional time, is pivotal to help the Planet into the manifestation of a massive awakening that will make the necessary impact to finally step into Higher Octave, one, in which some of us are already dwelling. This together with the stellar codes received by many stargates, and the solar transmissions sent by our Sol, are being of great assistance for us to burn the ashes of the old, to bring healing into our body cells and to help us work with our masculine essence, connected to our power.  

It is a time to set thyself free. It is a period in which, we are being invited by the Universal Forces to finally put an end to an old cycle, of unconsciousness, of karma, and begin to embrace a higher way of existing based on authenticity and self-empowerment instead of the old sense of fear. For where we are going is a higher space of discernment, wisdom and conscious co-creation, and it is essential that we step into it, by being free of all the layers that used to hinder our true potential as Divine Beings.

In fact, there are many oppressors in your/our reality, but the majority of them have been created by you/us, unconsciously, and by our fear to be who we truly are and confront a reality that may be familiar but that is based on illusions. There is the oppressor that tells you that you are not enough to fulfil your desires, and that you must depend on others, on external things, for you to obtain what is yours by nature. 

The oppressor who can come into your life in many forms and ways,  who tells you that you should just earn a limited and fixed amount of money, remaining always in the same position/place, for change is not good for you. Then, there is the oppressor we attract in the form of a partner, to whom we give all of our power, becoming dependent on another person, denying our own value, and independence as a human being. 

Lastly, although there are infinite ways in which we allow external oppressors into our lives, there are the dark forces, the manipulative ones, that have been controlling you/us during eons, and to which, you/we have also given them our power to control what we think, feel, eat and are. Yes, Beloveds, there are many oppressors out there, to which we have learnt to give our Will to decide for us, believing that they are necessary, that we are victims and that we do not have the power to do anything about this. 

During this summer, we are having a blessed time,  with these liberating and fiery energies, to work not just on our old beliefs, fears and karmic patterns but also to recognize those hidden victimizing programs that weaken us and that impede us to be free and become the powerful beings that we are, in essence. It is time to step into a Higher Dimension, but to do so, first, we must release an old self that still lives in oppression, in fear, in unlove, and in the old belief that we are not worth all of the love, abundance and joy in this Universe. 

While the majority of people are focusing solely on the Lion's Gate as well as on the Eclipse in Leo, at the end of the month, this Aquarian Eclipse is as important as the Leo one, for this one is going to set the perfect frequency required for us to work on self-liberation. This Eclipse, or the energies we have been integrating for a few months ago, is not separated from the Leo one, we are the ones who label and separate, for all of them are an invitation to transmute, regenerate and purify ourselves as we keep climbing this infinite Divine Ladder.

As these energies are going to accompany us for at least six months, we are going to be constantly maneuvering between letting go and embracing the unexpected, which is nothing but the many miracles and opportunities to grow that our Unified Self has orchestrated for us, in this New Cycle, regardless of whether our egoic self is afraid of the unknown. 

Aquarius, a fixed sign that even if belongs to the element Air, is represented by the Water Bearer, as a reminder for us to also flow with freedom and adapt to all conditions, as water does. Water represents the emotions we have within as well as the ideas we hold in our mental plane and that most of the time are fixed and linear and limit ourselves in experiencing our true potential. This sign is giving us the message of releasing old wounds and emotions - returning to our natural state of constant change and flow, bliss and pure awareness with All. 

The Water Bearer is ruled by Uranus, the so called Planet of Rebellion, who helps us bring the inner change that we are so eager to find in the outside, reminding us that no outer change can truly come, if we first do not go within and transform what is required, as the macro can only show us - as One with us - what we are made of inside and hence projecting. 

As Uranus enters retrograde, on August 3, our mission is to use its destructive, but transmuting frequency, to demolish old patterns of thought that are hidden deep within our mental plane, and begin to use Uranus' innovative essence to turn the familiar, the old programming that is still ruling our human lives, into new ways of living. Its is all about the conscious destruction of old structures at the same time that we use the Fiery Frequency - from this month - to build anew.

This is not the only Planet that, during this summer, will be retrograde, for as the Universe always assists us to dwell in the depths of our soul when the time is right, we also have Pluto, Saturn, Neptune and Chiron retrograde, together with Mercury doing the same on August 12. If we pay attention and commune with the Higher Aspect of us, we will clearly realize that it is not a time to physically act, but to do it from within by focusing all of our energy into the dissolution of old worlds, for it is only when we empty ourselves, that we are able to allow and embody what we are meant to experience next. 

At a cosmic level, the most important aspect occurring at the Eclipse time, is Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, squaring Pluto, the Planet of Power and Regeneration. This aspect has already been strongly felt for more than a week now, especially in the collective, where more souls are beginning to realize that they do have a will, a powerful one, that is able to break free from anything/anyone that is enslaving them and embrace a higher level of consciousness.

This is about the power we all have - as Divine Beings - to manifest our true soul desires, destiny and soul companions. However, one can only do that if we are fully conscious of who we are, in essence, of our true potential, and reclaim our sovereignty, lost eons ago by misinformation and by the violence exercised by other "superior" races that did not respect the law of free will and neither the one who respects all beings as well as their own process of soul evolution, within Creation. 

Jupiter invites us to expand into our true sense of power, focus on where we are going, which is a higher space of love and integrity, instead of what we are leaving behind, and reminding us to use our power wisely, before acting impulsively, as the Moon will opposite Mars, during the Full Moon, we could fall into the egoic trap to want things in the moment, without the proper discernment. So if we align with this frequency, it will help us in realising that all these are inner oppressors we create to diminish our Light and we can begin to free ourselves from an illusory reality and engage into a Higher Timeline of conscious co-creation and sovereignty.

This aspect together with the Sun in conjunction with Mars, is a cosmic blessing, an infusion of strength and energy for us to use our inner fire, to construct, to heal and to burn the ashes of the old that are still darkening what our soul is creating in the Higher Realms for us to anchor into our physical one. At this time, our inner force must be handled with delicacy, for the intensity of everything that is eager to be dissolved within us, as well as what is waiting to come to the surface, can be overwhelming for our physical bodies. 

If we push this fiery frequency - as well as our bodies - to integrate it, we may fall into destructive patterns, that hurt ourselves instead of healing what is meant to be released. It is essential, especially if you are feeling exhausted with these frequencies, that you take care of yourself and your body without forcing it to go further, for it is not about how much you can integrate to ascend or how much effort you should do to finally step into this Higher Cycle, but about knowing in every moment what you need, not about burning your body and energy.

A lot of people believe that just because we are in a creative phase, it is pivotal that they act in the physical, which if this is what you feel and are guided to do, is perfect. However, if you are feeling tired, if you are feeling mentally drained, it means that your body is working non-stop to release the lower frequencies that must be out of it before it could internalize new ones. If you keep forcing yourself to be, do more, then you will create a collapse within it, impeding your healing process to be successful. This is why is so important that you do at every single moment, what your body and inner being is asking you to do and not what your egoic self wants.

Heart palpitations, sleeping more than usual and/or even in hours  where you never used to sleep, feeling like electric shocks in your spine, anxiety, headaches, and flu, between many other physical/inner sensations, are usual when we are leaving an old frequency and embodying  a Higher One. Your heart is expanding, your body is healing/releasing, let it be, let it do - at its pace - what it should. 

The Sun in a quincunx to Pluto and in another one to Neptune at the Full Moon time, often called in astrology The Finger of God, is a massive influx of assistance, at this transitional time, and especially for the collective, to shift consciousness, whether they are beginning to walk on this evolutionary path or whether already immersed within it. 

This will propitiate a shift of perception, in how we see our reality, for we have moulded it to be in a certain way, impeding ourselves to see it as it really Is. Now, we have the cosmic opportunity to open ourselves to perceive a Higher Reality and navigate through it with an open and free mind. 

This Aquarian eclipse/Full Moon, brings an ending to our emotional suffering due to the many oppressors, restrictions and old beliefs that we used to give our power to. If you are willing to finally realize that you live in a Universe of constant change, in which adapting constantly to it, is essential, and that one must continually release an old self, to embody new aspects of your Higher One, then you will experience this Eclipse as a blessing, even if challenging, to burn the lower frequencies remaining within yourself and physical body and begin to liberate yourself from the tyrant that you have within, who is sabotaging you not to manifest the true and highest version of who you are. 

This is also going to be a very intense phase for all the stabilizers, no matter in what unique way you do your soul role, you have probably been feeling the fierceness of these energies from the end of May. These energies will continue for at least for six months. Stabilizers are called now to harmonize and stabilize New Earth Grids as well as the new energies that we are receiving, during this intense summer - that first gatekeepers anchored. 

This process requires isolation. Stay at all times focused on your Higher Heart and above all, remain in perfect balance yourself, which is not easy if you are surrounded by people who have chosen a different frequency, between other distractions that even if they can seem challenging, are also helping you to master your lower self and to stay always focused on your mission.

At the very beginning, and to be honest, isolation is one of the most difficult tasks, for we are sent to stabilize not just in the astral or while we are awake within our physical reality, but out in nature or any other places required. We all know, that we all have the Universe within, knowing is easy, feeling it, experiencing it while we are in a human body, is hard and challenging, for we all feel alone at some point of our journey. 

When these feelings of isolation overwhelm you, call upon your Team - Unified Self/Monad and Guides - to assist you in your weakest moments. Call upon them to help you remember that you are never alone or hopeless. The entire Universe is reminding you of this, at all times. Yours is the choice to focus on Eternal Truth or on what your egoic self wants  you to believe. Above all remember, that you chose to be here, doing exactly and experiencing exactly what you are at this time, it may feel isolated, but you cannot imagine the many lovelight beings that are surrounding you, holding the light for you. 

As this subject is complex - I would like to share this with All, in case it will help you in your path. I am writing another article to show you how my role, as a stabilizer, feels like and some tips, especially if you are new to this, as staballizing grids, light tools and symbols I use to stabilize, to help you stay in balance. 

While you transit into a New Octave, you are consciously immersed, in a process of uncovering all the lies you once believed were true. Unlearning all the lies that have been told to you, that you have been nurturing for so long, is not easy. It requires daily inner work, it requires for you to feel, at every moment, the Light within, instead of the shadows that dwell within you - saying you are not enough and that you are not worth it.

During this period of cleansing, be strong, be compassionate towards yourself. It takes courage, it takes human time, and awareness going within. Look straight to your wounds and embrace them as other aspects of who you are and treat them with unconditional love. This is what it takes to grow, to ascend. For in order to do so one must begin by giving up on what one expected it life experience to be and surrender to the one that our Unified Self has prepared for us to experience. 

It requires inner transformation, Will, and a lot of discernment, to be able to walk a path of self-liberation and sovereignty. For we still walk among beings who are unconscious and will not understand who we have become, for we are yet adjusting to experience what it feels like to be the New but True us, for we are forever changing, and as humans, change is not well accepted by our lower self. 

Yes, Beloveds, walking the path that you have/are, at all times, consciously chosen/choosing, is not easy, but you have made this choice, you are walking your talk, doing the inner work required to dissolve all that is no longer required and preparing to embrace a new way of living. You are making it, you have conquered your shadows, recognized and overcome illusion, and are aware without judgments. Now, you are ready to embrace what living as a Divine Being truly means. It is your birthright and you have earned it. 

Celebrate where you are now, all you have conquered, achieved and transformed on your own. Celebrate your triumph over the dark forces, over your 3D egoic self. BE in joy for all you are and do, for without you, just without one single you, this world would never have been able to transit into a Higher Octave, you count, you are worth it, you are doing exactly what you need for your human growth and that of All. 

I thank you enormously for your never-ending assistance, for your unique soul role within Creation, for all the times you felt alone but never allowed this feeling to become real, and chose to feel the entire Universe - within you - instead. For all the tears, for all the challenges, know, they all count, every single  thing you have experienced has taken you to this moment, of liberation, of love, of integrity and of infinite expansion.

I wish you all a blessed, transforming and liberating Eclipse, Beloved Companions!

In love, light and service ∞

Natalia Alba 

viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

The Energies of August 2017 & The Lion's Gate - Stellar Transmissions & The Beginning of a New Creative Cycle

He who knows his soul knows this truth: " I am beyond everything finite; I now see that the Spirit, alone in a space with Its ever-new joy, has expressed Itself as the vast body of nature. I am the stars, I am the waves, I am the Life of all, I am the laughter within all hearts, I am the smile on the faces of the flowers and in each soul. I am the Wisdom and Power that sustains all creation. "

Paramahansa Yogananda

Blessings Beloved Ones,

We welcome now a new energetic month, August, one of most intense month of all this year! At this phase of our ascension journey, we are finally about to embrace the cosmic rebirth of Earth as a 5D Planet. This is finally the end of our 3D reality, as we knew it. Those who have been anchoring a Higher Frequency within as well as their physical reality, have been already strongly feeling the changes that are occurring, as we keep bifurcating from Old 3D Earth. It is a time to end an old micro cycle so we can be ready to step into a whole new macro one, in which, holding a higher frequency, will be essential to anchor ourselves in the 5D New Earth timeline that we are about to transit.

Reconstructing a reality, is not a one-day process, for one must begin by transforming oneself from the very depths of his/her being of all that was once created from a lower level of consciousness. As we keep working on destroying old worlds, during August we are going to combine this inner work with aligning ourselves with these higher stellar frequencies that will enhance our creativity and will also activate our visionary senses, for these new cosmic codes are going to cause a deep impact within our pineal gland as well as our Higher chakras, especially for the ones who have already awakened their higher chakra system and are beginning to operate in higher realms of existing. 

At this time, we are beginning a new creative cycle, in which, we will be challenged, as the Masters of the New that we are, to move from polarity and a base of fear into possibility, into unity consciousness - creating all the abundance, and/or any conditions, we need to sustain ourselves in the physical as well as to expand ourselves within new horizons. 

This month is a very important one, for the ones who are consciously transiting into a Higher Space, as we are going to be working with the dissolution of all the old patterns that are still imprinted within our non-physical bodies as we too integrate and adjust our bodies, to the star codes that we are receiving and that will help us awake new dormant strands, ancient adamic memories, from our original DNA. 

As a confirmation of the very beginning to the very end, of the completion of an old cycle, August holds a universal frequency of 9 - 18 reduced. Number 9 invites us to let go of everything that is not serving our higher purpose, until we empty ourselves, until we create the inner space to allow this New Frequency to invade our entire being. As I have been saying for a while, yes, beloveds, we are forever ending/beginning anew within this eternal cosmic spiral. For we never end, on the contrary, we are just beginning to discover the many realms that exist within Creation and its Infinite Wisdom. 

Number 9, in perfect synchronization with what we are experiencing now, number 9 is also represented in the Tarot by the Hermit, which together with Mercury "retrograde", on August 12, is launching us the message to be wise, move inward and like the Hermit, focus on our inner light - Truth -  to walk among the shadows until we reach the new shore, using only our inner Light as the only compass to navigate through our current reality, for we need nothing more to be able to discern which way is aligned with our True Self and which one does not serve any longer. And even if the path of solitude is not always easy, it is essential to listen to our inner Divine guidance, before giving birth to this new reality, in which, we have already a higher aspect of us dwelling in it. 

As the Universe already knows where we are heading and as in its immense wisdom it orchestrates everything before it even occurs in our physical reality. Uranus, the Planet of Rebellion, turns retrograde just at the very beginning of this month, on August 3, to act as the catalyst of this great change in which, we all are consciously immersed. Uranus' frequency will trigger the cosmic change required for our Planet to finally begin disengagement from Old Earth. It is deeply assisting us all to begin our new journey - together, in unity, in love, and with great joy to finally be able to experience what living within a conscious reality feels like. 

In the following day, we also have another important cosmic event, Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, will square Pluto, the Planet of Power. These events are preparing us for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees of Aquarius, on August 7. This event invites you to commune with your soul and ponder about how you are using your power and how could you expand it. Power does not come from the illusion of superiority and its egoic mechanism. True power comes when we are aligned with our Divine Essence and use this inner Force to transform ourselves from within to what surrounds us.

Are you misusing your power to force/control situations just because you are afraid of change? Are you using your power to be of service to All? Power if  used wisely can heal and transform lives. When you use your power from an egoic space, then all you give birth to will not benefit anyone in truth, for it is never coming from an authentic source and the results will not sustain themselves. Use your power to serve the Law of One, of Unity Consciousness, use it to build, to regenerate, to be a love wayshower, and to be en example of the power of love over fear. 

On August 7, we will have a liberating and very potent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees of Aquarius. This Eclipse comes to free us from the ashes of the old, to help us open our heart to the New as we keep navigating between old memories, reminding us that expansion can only come when we finally are ready to let go of the old, of what once was, and embrace what is meant to be. This Full Moon will assist us to express our truth and together with the fire ones from this month, to be free thinkers - dissolving more limited beliefs from our lower self - giving us the strength and power to finally give birth to our new projects, be creative and descend those soul visions into our physical realm. 

The next day, the Fiery energies ruling this month will become even more tangible, with the Lion's Gateway, for we have already been since the beginning of this month preparing ourselves to receive this Higher cosmic Wave. During the Lionsgate our Planet will align with the Star Sirius, the Galactic Center and with many sacred places on Earth, as  it is Giza Pyramid, giving us the opportunity to connect with the Cosmic Heart and other Star companions that have been following our soul evolution, for our cosmic forefathers from Sirius have been assisting in the awakening of humanity for a longtime, especially after the original Adamic DNA was manipulated - impeding us to fully be aware, as other cosmic civilizations are, of our True Divine Essence. 

Intentionally aligning yourself with the Lion Portal and its Sirian frequencies could help you in many ways. If you are focusing on DNA reconnection, then the Lion's Gate is a cosmic gift for you to awaken all the cosmic memories that are yet unremembered by our human self. If on the other hand, you are a New Earth gridworker, Sirians can assist you in your soul role, for they were the engineers of the majority of our planetary grid nets. 

If your soul role involves anchoring higher frequencies from the higher realms into 3D Earth, to assist the collective to awake, then these portal energies will help you to become a pillar for you to anchor this Higher Light within and without. In case you are a stabilizer, as it is my soul role, then, you will be spending the following six months stabilizing, for this, perfect balance, and solitude is required, especially after working in the astral with the construction, so to say, of new harmonic networks that will sustain the shift. You know who you are, soul roles are infinite and one cannot explain with human words the invisible and yet very real aspect of what we do in the non-physical planes. Honor your role, yourself and All as you keep disengaging from Old Earth.

Call upon your Sirian star essence, call upon them to assist you to be focused on manifesting the 5D timeline, in which, you have chosen to dwell. They are your soul family, they are our cosmic sowers, watching our efforts to evolve, for eons, becoming now real, for they have been working in invisible ways to help us become more conscious, since this Planet had conscious life. 

Pay attention to every feeling, premonition, retromonition/retrocognition, about your soul mission, soul companions from both the stars and here on Earth, between many other revelations. These messages are not part of your imagination, but of your Unified Self, the True You, showing, helping you to remember, who you are after experiencing for a long time, who you are not. 

The inner work of DNA reconnection and the necessary healing required to do so, will be facilitated, by the star codes and transmissions from our Sirius engineer brothers and sisters, for Sirius, through our Sun, will begin to send us the light codes for more souls who are beginning to awake, at this transitional time. Starseed souls, and every human being whose intention comes from a space of Divine love and service to All, our main task, as we keep transiting, is to assist and erase the negative alien manipulation/programs and help repair the planetary grid system. 

It is pivotal that we unite our hearts as One, more than ever, for the final phase of our bifurcation, is already here, and it is now where confusion, pain, and many other forms of distractions, appear to make us unfocused from our mission, and it is only by unifying ourselves that we can create a healing impact, as have been already doing. 

At a physical level, every sensation will be your body asking you to take more care in certain areas that you have forgotten. Everyone is unique and hence, everyone will integrate and feel these stellar codes differently. If you feel fear or anxiety constantly, it a message for you to be fully present in the moment as well as to use these star essences to heal old programmed human fears. 

Anxiety comes when we are living in times/dimensions that no longer exist in our current temporal space. If you feel pain in your joints and/or knees, you are being asked to flow instead of contract yourself. The energy of fear is therefore stuck in these body parts, impeding you to flow with life. If what you experience is the need to sleep more, then your body needs healing for it is in resting that it can regenerate and integrate these new and higher frequencies. It is all about what you need to dissolve/heal at this time for you to evolve.

As we are always assisted beyond our human comprehension, on August 12, Mercury, will turn "retrograde" to help us rest and integrate as we also dissolve  whats required for us at this time. As you may already know, I do not focus much on Mercury retrograde, in my humble view, it keeps just feeding the collective false illusion/belief of fearing Mercury retrograde, and of course once we unite thinking something is true, it becomes as such in our reality, it does not matter if it is or not. 

To me these frequencies will simply help us bring us back into focus, into what is truly important for us by reminding us how important is to commune with our souls, in a world, where only instant manifestation and gratification is what matters, forgetting the importance of doing the inner work from within first. 

Finally, on August 21, there will be another cosmic dance between the Sun and the Moon. For we are welcoming, again, the already received, frequencies that began with the New Moon in Leo, a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 28 degrees Leo. This Eclipse will sweep away everything your old self-created, timelines, old situations, encounters, when you possessed a lower level of consciousness. It is a wonderful moment to purify ourselves and begin to discern about what is it that we truly desire for our new journey.

Are you ready to finally leave a familiar world with familiar faces to embrace the unknown? If you really are in this moment, many people will relocate, others will pass through a phase of deep silence, until they learn how to adjust themselves and physical reality to their new frequency. All is heading always into the right space for us all. There is no need to force or to run to reach to a certain destination, for you will always have the opportunity to evolve.

On the next day, August 22nd, the Sun will enter into Virgo. When the Sun shines a Light into Virgo, we are called now to ground ourselves and direct our creative power into our earthly Plane, which is something we have been doing for a while with these powerful and abundant Leo energies. As an Earth sign, Virgo reminds us we are here to manifest our true desires which at the same time, will always be of assistance. For Virgo is quite aware of its mission, which is always to be in service to All. 

Virgo will also bring purity, something we are all beginning to experience as we are now near the Higher Realms. It invites us to remember that the purity we hold within can also be reflected into everything we do in our dense realm. As even if this sign can seem practical, its main essence is all about remembering we are here to combine what we create from the inside with what others may need in the physical, for we are here to synthesize and unify both polarities, both planes, the physical and the ethereal - bringing all these inner visions into our tangible realm, as it is only by doing that, that we can truly master ourselves as creators of the physical.

On August 25, Saturn - the Cosmic Teacher - turns direct again. When I talk about a Planet, what I share is how I feel/received its Essence, the essence of a Planet has nothing to do  with the beings who inhabited it or manipulated it to achieve their egoic desires. I share this because of the many things said about this Planet and the many beings that from it, try to manipulate humans. 

Saturn is associated with number 7, for it is all about mastering our lower sevens chakras releasing 3D old layers from them, and begin to open our higher ones. This is also a cosmic message for those who are still releasing the lower layers of their chakras and beginning to open and work with the higher ones. Saturn also rules structures and asks us to be disciplined, as true mastery is reached through inner work, contemplation and determination. 

A lot of people tend to think this shift is done by itself, and that there is a specific time in which you can transit or not, as well as the belief that things come from the outside. Well, this is a shift that we are creating from within, if you are not disciplined, and do your inner work every single day, for the 3D personality is hard to master, no outer change will come, for you have not created it within, to begin with.

Saturn can be a very strong essence to internalize, for it can be hard when we do not listen, but it is always worth it to work on destroying all the self-limited mental structures and/or old patterns of thoughts that we have been building for years of our human existence. This will also invite us to ponder about the foundations that we desire to build in our new reality. We want to ascend, we want to evolve, yes but observe yourself and how your egoic self behaves in the physical. 

See where you still judge others, find them inadequate, or less than. See if you envy, if you are addicted to something or someone that brings you the inner peace you seek. If you find yourself repeating any of this, self-pity, victimisation will not serve you.Only compassion and love will raise you and help you align again with your True Self. 

The reality that we are manifesting, which is not a one-day process, at all, is a place of unity, a place where you see All as equals, it is not even a place, but a frequency, in which you can decide to dwell, or not. If you so, begin to observe where you still create separation and differences with others. Where we are going there is not such a thing as difference, for we simply see ourselves reflected in everything and everyone we encounter, for we now remember, for we now love All as a part of the Divine. 

As another confirmation of the soul and human expansion that we are experiencing, at the end of the month, on August 27, we have Jupiter sextile Saturn. This is a time of major changes, this is an opportunity for you to create the job, the place, the expansion you would like to achieve in your next human life experience. It is you, your inner Force, not anything or anyone else that creates, if you align with these frequencies you could step into the timeline that will support your soul visions.

Leaving behind an old life, everything and everyone that no longer resonates, is not easy at all, for the human fear of loss is beyond what we can sometimes imagine. Nothing, no one is ever lost. We just have a different time to reunite, again. You are not leaving anything, you are just transiting for one frequency to a higher one, there is no pain in growing, only the joy of seeing how much love, compassion and integrity you are now able to hold for you and All. 

During this intense month - and always - be strong. Be bold. Be the lovelight being that came here to remember, to assist and to love All. In this month, where we are going to be hit by so many Higher Cosmic Frequencies, it is essential for you to use your Divine Power wisely. Do not focus on where others are or what they think. We all have our time to wake or choose not to. Do not focus on the things you desired but that according to a Higher Plan, did not occur. Do not let your ego tell you that you are an insignificant human being - unable to change anything. You, by yourself, are the change, this is why you came, not to change anything but to simply BE it. 

Focus on the love, when challenges come, especially as you keep releasing an old self, on the assistance received, at all times. You are never alone or hopeless, I learnt that the hard way.There is evidence of the assistance we are receiving everywhere, you just have to know where to look. You do not have to try to become anything. You are a galactic being, you have been all the time, but you were not conscious of it yet, for you covered it with illusions. It is a time to focus on unity, and as One, help this transition to be made with the highest love possible for ourselves and All.

Now, you have activated these cosmic remembrances. Now, you are free to think for yourself and discern. There is no need to continue devaluing yourself, who you are and what you do. For while the entire Universe conspires to assist you and is in deep gratitude for all you are, you continue to listen to your negative self talk about who you are not. And it is a time to shine brighter who you are and unite with other souls doing the same, it is not a time to diminish yourself, the time for this is gone. You learnt from this experience and now there is only time for you to reclaim your sovereignty and hence, Divine Power. 

You are doing a wondrous work, and it is precisely in these moments, in which you forget, that you are immediately reminded by the whole Universe of who you are and of the important of your Presence, at this unique time within Creation. Choose to align with these higher frequencies from this month to remember, to feel who you are and to recognize this same Divinity in others.

I hope that you All enjoy this Fiery month, and use its frequencies wisely, to burn all that you are not, all the illusions, all the unlove, all the fears, and allow your True Essence and Soul Mission to come to shine. Have a healing, blessed and revealing August, Beloveds!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba