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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Earth Grids. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Earth Grids. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 27 de febrero de 2020

The Energies of March 2020 ~ The Season of Miracles

Beloved Light Emissaries,

It is with great love and joy that I share the energies of one of the most magical months of all the year. March is a month ruled by Piscean energies, ones that come at a time when dwelling for a while into the depths of our being, is essential in a year ruled by Capricornian energies. As you know during 2020 the main essence is one of making tangible what we first envision in our inner realms. 

It is very important that at the same time that we like to remain in the ethereal we too understand that we are living in a human plane, when we have the opportunity to physically ascend, and when we can master the art of being conscious co-creators. However, as there is a time for everything within Creation, it is now a time for us to stop for a while of being so practical, of trying to be constantly acting, to sojourn in the aspect of us that is Divine, that dwells in possibility, in love and light with All.

This new energetic month is a 7 universal one inside of a 4 universal year. As you can see, whether we choose to look at astrology, numerology or simply to feel the essence of this present moment, all conduits to the same interpretation of the current energies, as the Truth is only one. We have been working with these pairs of opposites since the New Moon at the end of February of balancing our Divine Self with our human one. 

On one hand, we have number 7, the seeker of truth, which is all about communing with Spirit, sacred mysteries etc. and on the other we have number 4, which is all about being practical. Now, during this month it is a time to harmonize the wise guru within that resides in the Illumined Planes, with the physical, and hence, mental aspect of us that likes to manifest what the wise guru within envisions, in these non-physical realms.

Number 7 as you know is a number that represents spirituality, contemplation, and the mastery that comes with experience, one that with Pisces, as it is the last sign of the zodiac, shall come, for we have now navigate throughout the entire galactic zodiac, incarnated in many signs, to be able to learn the unique essence and opportunities that they offer us. It is then now the time to end a cycle and get out of a karmic wheel has finally come, especially for those who have been manipulated and/or trapped within the planetary karmic wheel for eons.

March Equinox: Earth’s Reconfiguration

As you know, and as I shared in the New Moon in Pisces at the end of February, the reconfiguration that our Planet is experiencing, which is being strongly felt, especially for the ascending souls that are working on restoring Earth’s Fabrics, as well as the many ley lines and vortices that are beginning to be reactivated. 

For the ones who are immersed in this mission, during the March Equinox, these energies will become more present and many of us will be in sacred communion with our Unified Selves, and other souls, who share this mission with us, to help anchor the new light in the many sacred sites and non-physical spaces in where we have been guided to work. 

During this month, and always, for this is not just a one time event, the need for us to create balance, loving, and conscious, intentions, is vital to be able to hold the purity required for us to continue working with Earth Grids and the reconstruction that not just the Grids are experiencing, but certain sacred sites on Earth as well as their connection to the stargates. 

Everything is moving into another location, therefore everything in our physical world too - is being shifted to be aligned to our new dimensional space. The ones who assist with the New Earth Grids, may have noticed how they are being sent to different locations, which is something that happens not just in a physical way but in an astral one too. 

We are never alone, even though by personal essence and mission, we not all are meant to travel, reunite etc, and feel lonely sometimes, our Unified Self will always orchestrate everything in a perfect way for All, simply to remind us not just of our mission, and our strength to be able to fulfil it, but the wondrous reminder that we are many, connected, at all times, and that above our sense of individualism, we are never alone. 

I was told that there are going to be new openings, for the March equinox, to work with the bridging and healing, of old and new earth grids in certain areas of the Planet, for the assistance received, from both a physical and non-physical plane, has made it possible. The Equinox 's light amplification will allow us to be of service during weeks, for the influx will be received for not just one day. 

There are many areas that the work we do could take more than we may think. On the opposite, there are other places which grid restoration is easier, for they do not have such a deep damage and, if united, the work is possible and will have a deeper impact.

For the grid workers or others who feel guided to work on the restoration of the grids, apart from the spaces they are guided to go by their own guidance, the areas I was told by my Unified Self to work with, for they will benefit from this opening/amplification, from the Equinox are:
  • China
  • Mali
  • Gabon
  • Argentina - Lago Puelo, which is the name I received, although it is not in just this precise area. As always, you will feel in what space you can be of more assistance. 
  • Mexico
  • Ireland - there are many sacred sites here being reactivated, the ones who are guided will know where their presence will help more, for the rest, we can simply send our pure intention to act as a conduit of love, which serves equally.
  • Turkmenistan 
  • Chile 
Thank you for all the love, kindness and assistance wherever you are. 

It may feel as if physical challenges and/or other issues, may never cease. This is due to the huge impact that a non-lineal reality is having upon ourselves. For we are beginning to experience a faster reality and acclimatizing ourselves to it. We have yet to master expanding or contracting time, by how we feel in each moment. 

Thanks to all who feel guided to reunite, with me, in planes beyond the physical, where distant does not exist, and send your love and healing to these and other places you feel guided. 

Karmic healing & ascension

The Moon at the end of the previous month, as well as the  Piscean energies that surrounds us during March, represents the end of a cycle. As ascending souls we have long ago left behind human illusions as well as the many distortions that came with them and know how to connect, in a deeper way, with the planetary frequencies that reign at every moment.

The essence not just from ths new month as well as from the many alignments that are affecting us at this time, it is one of releasement of old karmic burdens, ones that are not just genetically inherited or coming from the so called past lifetimes, for this same theory cannot be applied to all, as we all have a unique path, but that comes as well from our own self-created limitations and negative self-programming. 

It is pivotal that if you feel this is your case and you still have certain patterns to clear within your DNA and hence as well, emotional and mental bodies, you spend the necessary time working on how to disengage yourself from all these implanted or again self-created beliefs that only damage yourself and physical body, for only by doing this inner work of liberation is that more wisdom can be properly embodied, after eons of distortion and attempts to hide who we truly are and therefore our real power. 

With Piscean energies it is a very good moment to work on our upper chakras reconnection and communion with the Illumined Realms. However, if we are yet on the first stages of conscious release and freedom, then before going further into this work, there are other important things to with with before stepping into the next stage:
  • Sexual trauma healing
  • Inner marriage: polarities synthesis
  • Divine human blueprint resurrection
  • Unity consciousness
  • Unconditional love
  • Inner alchemy
  • Karmic cycle final liberation
  • Ascension - as the ultimate lesson
As always, every step further in healing is another progress towards regaining unity. It is precisely by dissolving lower layers of our egoic self as well as self-liberation that makes ascension possible. This is why it is not about just raising our vibration or leaving aside people or situations we consider negative, but about working with our own selves, where everything that truly disturbs us resides and where everything that really should be cleared dwells, inside ourselves. 

Planetary alignments 

We welcome a new energetic month that comes with great possibilities for those who are open to create outside our 3D matrix and begin a new life free of manipulation and mind control. The essence of March is represented by the 16 universal number - 7 reduced. Number 16 is represented by the tarot card of the Tower, which is destructive for many, but to me, it simply means the conscious change or the necessary one that must occur, for us to dissolve an inner state of being and/or situation that is not aligned with our true soul journey, and rebirth, again, transforming it into something that is aligned with our Soul Will.  

A misguided path can be destroyed by conscious desire, is realize that this is not the path we are meant to navigate in, or by Divine Intervention, as sometimes our God Self can cause the necessary changes required for us to return to our original path. When this occurs, the human self may tend to see it as something negative, and as if everything from the outside is causing us troubles or as if it was a curse. In truth, what we see as chaotic or as destructive, is the required frequency we need to change the direction of a "mistaken" path, for in truth all paths end by leading us to our true destination, nothing experienced is ever wrong or useless. 

On the opposite, number 7 - 16 reduced - is represented by the tarot card of the Chariot. This card represents the renewal, and triumph that comes when we are aligned with our God Will and when we have finally passed the challenges that may come with change and with the apparent chaos that seems to reign while this change lasts in our human experience. In the end, if we learn how to accept, embrace and navigate through change, we will end up being the warriors and powerful brave beings that we naturally are. 

Number seven is a mystical and master number, for it holds all the wisdom required for us to manifest in the tangible, all we desire to experience. On the contrary of what is often thought of this number, it is not a passive one, for its masculine essence means the one who wisely brings into form that which was once nurtured and properly discerned from within, from a space of love and connection to All That Is. 

From a planetary perspective, we begin March by having Mercury retrograde, for those who resonate with this, entering in Aquarius on March 4th. Mercury in Aquarius This is a soothing and great frequency for us to work on bringing mental healing/releasement as well as liberation. 

This is going to help us immensely, if we are working to free ourselves from delusions, old beliefs and anything we are trying to let go. This essence brings mental flexibility, for us to flow and be open to new truths, as there is always, a higher truth, as we continue to evolve. Indeed a very important energy that if used wisely, could help us work on self-sovereignty at all levels.

On March 4, we have Venus entering into Taurus. Venus in Taurus is going to be focused on the things we most value in the physical: our relationships and friendships, our creative essence and everything that involves bringing all the love we have within into our tangible plane. As everything, if we distort this essence, we can fall into the egoic trap of being possessive of material things and/or people in our live. 

This is why creating a balance and practicing not getting attached to anything or anyone is pivotal when we have the Planet of Love and Abundance in Taurus. It is always an opportunity for us to begin understanding that in truth we possess nothing and that authentic love is about letting all free and simply focusing on enjoying the co-creation until it is meant to come to an end. 

On March 9, we will have a Full Moon at 19 degrees Virgo together with Mercury turning direct, again. This Moon is one for us to create a frequency of hope, trust and confidence. Especially at a time when, as many of you know, there is a new strategy of creating fear in the masses, and we need to be united and centered into our hearts to avoid be contaminated by this fear that has been created to disturb our peace and wholeness.

This Moon opposite Neptune, which does not have to be a negative thing, as many seem to think about it. The meaning of something being opposite, is simply another human interpretation and in truth we never know how planets, who are forms of consciousness, communicate between themselves or interact, but for our mere human interpretation. To me, if I listen to my own guidance and connect with these essences, this Moon will be all about connecting in a deeper level with our sensitivity, with our Illumined Essence, who knows that even though we may not see our reality as such, everything is happening in a perfect way for All.

The Virgo Moon will be a very important frequency for us to work on our unconscious fears and everything that we create and that puts us down and makes us dwell into a lower frequency, and hence, instead of being. A blessed time for us to cultivate faith and hope, knowing that we are always guided by a Higher Intelligence that knows best. 

On March 16, we have Mercury entering into Pisces. This is a perfect frequency for those who are working on awakening/expanding their higher senses - retrieving wisdom whether by working on past life activation or simply by the unique way they have chosen their gifts. For the ones who have already awaken their abilities or some of them, they could receive creative visions, dreams, or the transmissions they need at this time to receive, from the Illumined Realms or anything else, in the unique form they receive guidance, that can help them in their ascension path as well as others. 

On March 19, we have Uranus sextile True Node. This is a wonderful encounter, which is all about finding our true soul calling and place on this Planet. As you know, the North Node represents our soul desires, the ones that we wish to manifest, all that impulse us into what we call future. This is a time to make the proper changes for us to move forward rather than dwelling in the past, where nothing can be changed, as it is no longer existing in our current space/time. 

On March 19, we also have three important events: the Sun moving from Pisces to Aries, and the Equinox, when the energies will reach its maximum apogee. This is a day to assist, for those whose mission involves restoring the Earth Fabrics, stabilize and anchoring the codes received from the star gates. 

We all can help in bringing deep cleansing and healing into the Planet, in our unique way. For others, this will be a day to focus more on themselves and the things they have to clear or harmonize. Again, every time we choose to work on ourselves, we are also helping healing the whole, so no matter what we choose to do, for as long as it will be about bringing more focus on unity and love, will serve All. 

This is, at least for me, a day to spend in profound silence, away from social media, for in the moment you are focus on being constantly chatting, sharing etc, you are not focusing on the importance than being present, integrating this frequency, has. It is a day to fully focus on our connection to Earth, and in anchoring this light for All. 

On March 21, we have asteroid Vesta entering in Gemini. Vesta embodies the feminine and devotion to service. With Vesta we are finally able to connect with our intuitive essence and devote ourselves to be of service in a more spiritual way. When Vesta dwells in Gemini, we are invited to engage ourselves in learning higher principles, in devoting ourselves to be open to new experiences and to master ourselves in the things that truly resonates with us and make us grow, in a soul level. 

In the same, on March 21, we also have Saturn entering in Aquarius. This is a unique opportunity to restructure our lives and find new ways of living. As you know many are still acting on old habits, an may not even be conscious of it. As soon as we become aware, is when we have a chance to finally do something with our own programs and begin to unplug from the masses and create a new life structure based on our current values. This is going to be a very good time to do so and evaluate our habits and human experience and begin to shift what no longer works, taking responsibility of who you are, what you do as well as your reality, for you have created it. 

On March 24, we have a fresh New Moon at 4 degrees Aries. After working on healing, releasing old patterns with Piscean energies and clearing old layers of our self, with this Moon comes new beginnings and hence, the conscious initiations that we all may pass, when we decide to step into this evolutionary journey. 

It is with Aries that we are ready and released of an old cycle and its many delusions and now we are ready to embark into new adventures and projects, which is what the essence of this New Moon will invite us to do, for those who are ready, for as you know, we all have our own micro cycles, which shall be respected above the macro planetary ones. 

We end this magical month with the Warrior, Mars, entering into Aquarius on March 30. This together with the New Moon in Aries is a great influx of energy, confidence, courage and personal power, if we choose to align with its benevolent frequencies and begin anew. We have all we need inside, and at this season in the macro as well, to commune with these Forces and create a reality that is based on abundance, love, magic and healing. It is up to us to choose whether we wish to keep feeding an old reality and the lower state of being that comes with it, or work on personal healing and begin to move into a new direction. 

March brings with it the blessing to transcend old patterns, ways of being and begin to embrace their true essence and unique abilities. When we decide to become the pillars of light, the embodiment of Divine Light that we are, we begin to realize the tremendous power that resides within ourselves and that was wasted by giving it to others.

It is vital that we understand that we are our own oracles and guides. The more we continue searching outside, the more we will fall into the risk of integrating fake guidance, delusions and magical thinking. While the more we commune with our soul, the more we will be finally able to truly envision who we are, and the unique mission and path, that was designed for us, which is what March invites us to practice. 

I share with great love one of the many affirmations I do, that resonates perfectly well with the Essence of this month for those who feel guided to connect with it, and recite it, or simply use it to create their own ones.

I AM a conscious being choosing, at every moment, to remain in the Wisdom and Power of my Soul.

I AM One with the Force that creates worlds, aligning with It, always, to bring forth only that which is going to be of assistance to All.

I AM forever abiding in possibility, for this is where the living Source dwells, in love, light and compassion with All.

I AM the Light that loves and heals everything it touches, consciously choosing to sojourn in the unconditional and harmonic frequency of my God Self, now and always.

I AM Divine Wisdom incarnated within a physical body, experiencing myself through a dense reality, and remembering the true power and infinite knowledge that lies beneath the illusion of being human. 

And so are You.

I wish you all a creative, revealing, and blessed March, Beloved Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

martes, 16 de abril de 2019

Full Moon in Libra, April 19th, 2019 ~ Conscious Relationships

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.


Beloved light Emissaries, 

At this time of our evolutionary path, we find ourselves traversing the portal that began with the Full Moon in Libra on March 20 and that catapults now with another powerful and stabilizing Full Moon at 29 degrees of this same sign. This is a phase in which many of us are experiencing the deep transfiguration that is taking place at the moment. The increase of light that we are actually embodying is so potent that many of us are noticing how we are aligning to even higher aspects of ourselves, beginning to open our hearts to new levels of consciousness, and hence wisdom.

As the Moon in Libra opposite Uranus, which conjunct the Sun, the opportunity for change is greater. When we talk about Libra, we speak about love, relationships and balance. However, in order to bring this balance into ourselves or physical lives, first we need to work on the proper transmutation for this change, and subsequent balance, to occur. This is precisely one of the gifts that this Moon and its alignments offers us, if we are ready to be challenged by these potent, but at the same time, loving frequencies.

This Moon's essence gives us the gift to create harmony within, in our body, as well as in our earthly lives and relationships, which is the main theme from this loving passage - to create conscious and equal relationships based on authenticity and mutual respect. As we are all unique, for some this passage will be about nurturing their bodies and regain balance. For others, depending on where this Moon falls into your chart, will be about an specific area in which you could bring more equilibrium. However, as I always say, it is all what you feel from within what you should follow not what is human, fixed and follows old mental beliefs. 

To be able to do this healing/clearing during, first we need to work on cleansing ourselves from egoic beliefs and manipulations. It is important that we do the proper emotional work required for us to maintain a soul reunion free of past traumatic experiences that can only lead us to create a relationship based on victimhood, toxicity and control. 

This Moon's portal will not only be about focusing on our physical lives and relationships, remember that for us to create the harmony we desire in these two aspects of our lives, first we need to do so from within. The most important relationship is the one we maintain not just with ourselves but with our God Self. When we are not yet living within Divine Love, when we feel unworthy, and our main aim is to please others above our own soul desires, then we are not fully appreciating, loving ourselves, unique abilities and the mission we brough here to fulfill and that no one lese can do.

When this occurs we are not embracing ourselves, which is the main reason why many cannot create the balance they desire in their tangible lives and relationships, for they cannot manifest something they do not have and give to themselves first. This is why it is so important that instead of covering our empty voids with egoic attachments, addictions etc. we regain strength and be brave enough to move inward and see what is not unified yet, for this is the root of  all that is not working out as wish, in our physical lives.

Abundance, balanced relationships, the job that gives us the opportunity to serve from a space of joy and gratitude, and all we desire, cannot flow if we do not appreciate the God Spark that lies within and that acts through us, at all times. For we cannot appreciate and see in others what we do not find within ourselves. Others are not different than us, it is our ego the one that compares incessantly. 

The same God Spark we see in a child, in a wounded person or in a precious animal, is within you, and until you do not become aware it of, love it and value it, you could not move forward and create all you need for the journey you so desire to manifest. No one else is doing this to you, no one else is sabotaging your path, but your own egoic self in an attempt to keep you disempowered and in a "safe" familiar state of being.

During this Moon, we will have a wonderful cosmic gift with the interdimensional stabilizing frequencies that we are receiving for us to find this inner love. For the ones who have already found the love that they are, these frequencies will also help them to see their own magnificence, so they can reunite with others that like us have already seen who they truly are and are ready to maintain conscious relationships with us, as we continue to evolve and embody new levels of love. 

Interdimensional Stellar Frequencies Activation

As you know there are many things happening beyond our limited planetary human reality. There are certain important portals that open in specific periods where we are ready to receive, especially now that our Planet is already ascending into a new harmonic universe. This is one of these unique moments in which our Planet, outside of our human sense of time and space, is aligning with other interdimensional stellar forces that are assisting many of us, who consciously desire to continue expanding our wisdom, while we are still humans.

These frequencies are also meant to be anchored by the ones whose soul roles involve working with the planetary fabrics, in the restoration of the structures that were deeply manipulated eons ago, and that are now - since 2017 - beginning to crumble. These structures not just controlled our planetary grids but entered through its manipulation, the 3D programs - sexual and narcissist ones between many others - that continue to enslave many who are fighting for liberating themselves from the matrix, finally embracing their true essence.

These stabilizing frequencies come when we are ready and have worked with our bodies, otherwise we could not hold the higher frequencies embodied. In my previous article, I shared what I call the God Pattern, come back there, if guided, for this is a wonderful opportunity to use it not in a micro level, but in a macro one - working with the specific numbers (dimensions) 6 and 7 - to anchor within the stellar frequencies that our Planet is now ready to receive and that this portal is offering us.

This is one of the many techniques you can use to create the enviroment required for you to begin directing these energies into your body. Again, this is not about the ceremony you do in itself, for in truth it is all about the intention and how you direct it, what truly matters, but for your human self to feel surrounded by what it considers to be sacred and what helps it creating the proper vibration for it to receive these frequencies.

For some this will be a period of deep transmutation in which they will be challenged to surrender and consciously direct these energies to do the proper cleansing required. This will involve to command these frequencies to dissolve the lower energies that are still within their bodies and to being working on opening, strengthening and protecting their auric fields more so they can prepare themselves to finally step into this new dimensional space, which is nothing else than the state of being that we choose to hold.  

Embrace your own process whether you are healing, rejuvenating from it or finally in the desire state of being you wish to have. All serves a purpose and there is always a time for all of us to rise and another one for us to fall, for there is no other way, within this dual universe to truly ascend, if it is not by experiencing descension too and the different cycles that there is within Creation, in this plane.

If these frequencies are helping you to commune with higher aspects of who you are and offering you more wisdom, bless them. If on the opposite, they are showing you the lower layers of yourself that are impeding you to manifest the true you, bless them too, for they are helping you and leading you to the state of being you wish to reach. 

When we desire to be in a place, state of being or in another situation that we are not yet, we are not seeing the gift of the moment, even though the moment may be surrounded by may challenges. When we do not surrender and accept whatever gift the Divine gives us, we are not appreciating the Divine Plan and the Love that this Infinite Consciousness has for us. We believe we know more and then we fall into egoic traps, which is why humility is so important.

Therefore love yourself and all you have chosen to manifest, at this moment, for this moment, without you even knowing or realizing it yet, is already taking you to the perfect place, with the perfect soul mates, and conditions that you desire now. Our dense realm takes time, be patience, love All, and know that what your soul desires to experience, is already done and it is coming. Your mission is not to control and manipulate what you cannot, but to be open for what your soul sends you, and use it for your human growth, without any judgments. 

Relationships clearing

This is a very powerful time, especially by having the Moon quincunx Venus, to heal old relationships and traumatic wounds that are still impeding us to embrace new reunions who are based on equality and loving co-creations. However, during this time and even more by having this connection between the Moon and Venus, many could feel an urge to be loved - searching in the wrong places. It is when we feel these human feelings, which are perfectly usual, when we most need to move inward and give this unconditional love to ourselves, for this is the pure and authentic love that we truly desire and that many continue searching in outer places and people rather than within ourselves.

At this time, many who are experiencing a massive awakening will no longer pass through the long period of awakening, that I for example and many of us experienced, for there is an acceleration in their awakening process that will help them to integrate and remember in a faster way.

This is why it is so important that we begin by building the strong pillars that will sustain ourselves and bodies as we continue to grow and evolve within this endless spiral of Creation. Beginning by clearing our ego is one of the first tools we shall work with, if we desire to fully listen to the voice of our soul, above any other mental/egoic voices that are not aligned with our soul purpose and desires.

As important as it is to work with our ego is to heal our emotional body of all wounds and debris that still reside in both, for we cannot embrace an authentic reunion if first we do not embrace ourselves and all that we consider to be painful - understanding what these feelings want to awake in us and healing what is not yet unified. When this basic, but not easy inner work is done, clearing miasmatic cords is one of the most essential techniques that will help us to begin working on soul retrieval - becoming whole again to be able to open ourselves to the new companions that are meant to touch our journey, at this moment of our human experience.

At the Moon time it is vital that we become the neutral witnesses of our unique lives, realizing where we are still governed by our egoic self. This is what will help us discern if we are following a path based on unconditional love to ourselves and others or if we are yet using old egoic mechanisms to blame others for what we have not yet healed within ourselves.

There are many indicators that will help you distinguish if you are maintaining a conscious relationship, which are the ones based on equality, respect, loving interactions, co-creative purposes and balance, or if you are yet clinging into a relationship that is based on fear, attachment and egoic patterns that only diminish and disempower the two involved in the relationship.

These are some of the main pillars that a consious relationsips must have and that will help you discern if you are in a balanced relationship or if you are not yet there and have to do more inner work: 
  • Healthy communication: Communicating in a healthy and loving way is one of the first premises that balanced relationships have. Many people understand by communication to blame the other, to yell at the other or to simply express their view and not paying attention to what the other is feeling. This is toxic and only feed the egoic patterns that are present within and hence in the relationship, which is why it is so important to become the witness and be honest with ourselves to realize if we are the abuser or the abused one, or we interchange these roles.
  • Take responsibility: This is one of the most important things when we are in a conscious relationship. When we do not act from a loving space, for we are humans and we all make mistakes or simply we choose differently or regret not to have done something better, we take responsibility for what we said and done. We do not blame our partner or any other person with whom we are maintaining a relationship with. 
We try to go deeper into the core of why we acted as we did and accept the consequences. In a toxic relationship, especially where we have not worked in clearing the ego, it is all about blaming the other and use the victim role as a way to punish the other and defend ourselves by trying to impose our view and simply impose that we are the innocent ones.  
  • Equality: In a balanced relationships both partners have embodied, and balanced, their feminine and masculine essences and have done their inner work first, so now they are ready to coexist and co-create in a space of respect, empowerment and equality. No one is manipulating the other by using force, as it happens when one of the people involved in the relationship manifests the distorted masculine or feminine by being a narcissist.
  • Mutual respect 
  • Authenticity: Both show themselves as they truly are. When there is self-acceptance there is no need to show qualities that we do not possess simply because our egoic self thinks our partner will prefer us if we behave in a certain way, or any other kind of fake personality traits, for we have accepted and loved ourselves as we are and now the purpose of the relationship is to precisely allow the other to also do the same.
  • Humility: Is essential to recognize when we have erred or simply when we have not totally acted from a space of unconditional love. This is one of the most important ones to recognize the ego and to work with it, if necessary, until we are ready to fully immersed in a conscious relationship. 
These are some of the main values that a balanced relationships must have in order to consciously co-create with another soul mate. In the moment we become the witness and we still observe narcissism, egoic patterns, victim/victimizer roles, between many other unloving behaviours, it is important that we begin to work with them from within rather than blaming the other person or ourselves. 

We are here precisely with many soul agreements that help us evolve by showing us what we have not yet unified and loved within. There is no point in being constantly accusing ourselves or others of what have not worked or done properly, for this is what helps us ascend and become the sovereign free beings that we are, in nature, and that we are meant to remember here.

Only compassionate witness and love towards ourselves and others will help us in realizing these painful behaviours - healing them and showing us the way to manifest an authentic and loving relationship that is aligned with our soul true essence and mission here on Earth.

This is what we, a humans, have to learn/remember, to follow the rhythm of the Universe instead of forcing our own one. For what we release, when the time to do so comes, what we left empty, the Universe will fill it, with infinite love, abundance, new soul reunions, and anything we need in this physical plane. We just have to flow, we just have to BE instead of spending all the time trying to fix what is not broken and never was, to begin with. It is all about making the choice to cease our unnecessary suffering, by flowing with what IS, or continue feeding the illusion. 

I wish you a magical, loving and blessed Moon, Beloved Companions!

In love and light,
Natalia Alba 

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2019

The Energies of April 2019 ~ Omni-Love: A Journey Within

The most important thing that you can do on this planet - elevate, transform and illumine your own consciousness.

Carlos Santana

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

We welcome a new energetic month in which we all feel the renewal that is blossoming from the micro to the macro, after the emotional release experienced during March. April, is a month that acts as an inter-dimensional liaison - creating the space for us to plant the seeds that will finally flourish, in the following months, bringing harmony and unity between our Yin and Yang polarities, as we descend from our inner realms all of our inner power - and visions - into our tangible plane. 

At this time, many will be guided to initiate new projects and expand in the physical. However, This is a month that invites us to ponder about the actions we desire to take, before acting impulsively, bringing into form outcomes that are not aligned with the current frequency we hold now. This is a month to create inwardly, from a space of clarity, unity with our God Self, and surrender, what our soul desires to give birth, for our human journey. 

At a macro level, during this month, especially on April 20, we will continue to experience the stabilizing frequencies that began with the Libra Full Moon on March 20 and whose portal will continue until precisely April 19, when we have another Full Moon at 29 degrees libra. As this passage of around a month lasts, many who work with the Earth's Fabrics, especially stabilizers, and the ones who have a mission to assist in the restoration of the Earth's Fabrics of time-space, will be completely devoted to this task, for it is vital that we take advantage of these stabilizing energies, as we continue our mission of helping in the re-establishment of the universal simultaneous time-space cycles. For as you well know, the matrix deeply manipulated them, so our sense of time and space was lineal and limited. 

As gridworkers, or simply as we continue to evolve, for this is something that at some point we all will be experiencing, many of you will be already noticing the new sense of time that we have, in the new dimensional space we occupy now. For many of us time is no longer lineal. We feel how time passes faster, realizing how our old sense of human time is no longer serving us to navigate through our new reality. 

The more we ascend within this eternal spiral, the more that we will feel as if time goes faster,  for our Consciousness go further than what our human bodies can go, which is one of the main reasons why it is so important to work with our bodies, so they do not suffer the impact that these new frequencies have, as we continue to embody them. 

As humans, it is important that we begin to commune with both our own personal cycles and nature ones, to fully understand when it is time for us to act and anchor our soul creations, and when it is time to surrender and just be. For we all are unique and we all have our own cycles to do so. 

Astrologically, this is a "retrograde" month as well, for the many Planets that appear to be in slow motion, from Earth. It corroborates what we are already feeling within, as it is not about the planets, as they are a macro representations of what occurs within, but about the fact that there is a time within Creation for everything and we are now heading into a time of deep communion with our soul, before engaging into a phase of conscious manifestation. 

Events can mark certain important energies that are being poured to us, but in truth, we are all communing as One. This is why it is so important that we take the time to discern, even though there is a great macro alignment which incites us to act, before we create actions that are not in resonance with our Soul Will. 

On a personal level, this is a month for us to realize our power, where we put our intention, our love, and hence, creative energy, as well as how we use it. It is very important to use it only to serve our own path and hence that of All, beginning to create the necessary steps for us to manifest only what will be aligned with our soul desires, rather than what we think is best for us. 

Stabilizers & Earth's Gridworkers

April is a month to begin stabilizing all we have anchored in the previous months of the year. This is not only done at a micro-personal level, but in a macro one, for the ones who have as a mission to work with the Earth's fabrics or grids, call it as you prefer, are going to be fully immersed in this task during April and the majority of May. The Light from the Equinox is a wondrous one to assist us in our mission of clearing and restoring the Earth's fabrics so the original ones can emerge, again. Something that is happening already in some pure spaces on Earth. 

If you are a stabilizer and are aware of your mission, then you will know how to act and when, for we are always guided where to be or go, to be of greater assistance. For the ones who are beginning on this journey, for as I am blessed to witness when I co-create sessions with others, this group is growing, you may begin by clearing egoic patterns, as well as your mental and emotional planes, so you can open your heart and discern from where the guidance you obtain truly comes from.

In the initial stages, if we do not begin by using clearing treatments, we can fall into the trap of allowing other forces, that do not respect our free will, to confuse us, leading us to places or to do other things that are only serving their negative agendas, rather than truly assisting our Planet. 

There are three stages when we awake to our role as stabilizers, as well as different types of them. The first one is when we still do not possess the level of consciousness to do this mission, consciously, as we have not yet mastered the self and learnt how to maneuver in the astral, and between dimensions, for there is a lot to learn. In this stage we assist by our essence, which already comes with the specific codes to help in this mission.

During this phase, we tend to stay in the same place, for it is not just about our level of consciousness and knowledge but about seeding this same balance into the place where we are destined to be, at the moment, as it needs of our assistance. It is during this stage that many, as it happened to me to, will begin to awake more and more, and with it, their feeling of moving out to another place. Something that will come when our soul considers, not when our egoic self wants to. This is why patience and devotion to All is so important, as many of us in this journey, if not all, cannot truly act according to our desires, but to the Will of our God Self. 

When we are ready and have worked with our physical bodies, we move into the second stage. In this stage working with our physical body, at a deeper level, is pivotal, if we desire to begin working with the Earth's fabrics. Otherwise, we will feel the huge impact that the energies that we are going to be working with, have on our bodies, making them weaker, if we do not support them. 

In this stage we begin to master Earth's anatomy, so later on we can begin to flow with our mission and work on our own without being constantly guided. In this phase many will begin to travel, if required, for they are meant to assist the Earth's grids. This is where we work with the different energies, beings, and forms of consciousness - understanding and feeling them, so we can discern about their nature and authentic purpose.

In the third stage, stabilizers will move, or at least will have the freedom to do so, if they desire. In this stage, there are new stabilizers that will substitute us, younger ones, as it was in my case, so now we can also move into a new aspect of our mission and continue expanding within it. In this stage, we continue to stabilize by our mere essence. However, we do this more consciousness and know how to move our consciousness to the different places we are called to go and assist, so there is no need to physically move from one place to  another.  

It is also during this stage that we begin to work with the Earth's fabrics, in a deeper way, learning how to restore them and how to operate in both the astral and in the physical with them, while we are awake. This is the most challenging stage, for it requires of our commitment, devotion and integrity, at all times. In this phase it is pivotal to begin working with our DNA and have healed all that was distorted and/or fragmented.

There are a four stage for the stabilizers. However, this is a continuation of the third one. It is when we have fulfilled our mission or a certain aspect of it, and then we move into a more peacefully stage in which we are not so active in the astral, and we come back to serve as a conduit of balance. This is a stage that coincides with self-mastery and with the wisdom that also comes with human age. For the human body cannot truly content, at a certain phase, what it could, at the beginning of our task, in early stages. 

There is another important issue that I would like to address, even though briefly. It is the difference between bringers of harmony and stabilizers, which can be similar. However, not the same. The first ones are here to act only by the highly evolved essence they bring, they seed harmony and love wherever they go and they do not need to do anything else. By who they are is more than enough. There are some bringers of harmony who can later on develop this task of becoming stabilizers. This is something that only they will know, when and if they moment comes to embody this other aspect.

The second ones, stabilizers, soon realize the difference and begin to be initiated, whether in the astral or consciously by their Unified Self and Guides, in the mission of knowing Earth's anatomy as well as receiving certain codes to use when stabilize and many other things that involves to do this task. 

All we do, as I always say, if done from a space of authenticity, no comparison, no delusional or magical thinking, and unconditional love to All. We do not have to compare ourselves with others. We do not have to be glamoured by ou egoic beliefs of being more, if we do certain tasks. We just have to allow the Divine to express Itself through us, in the unique way that it is meant to. The rest is egoic desire, something that it is fine, for we all are humans mastering our human self. However, this has no place, when we finally choose to be of service. For when this moment comes, we only serve God's Will, which is ours, for we are One with It. 

Omni-Love frequency

As I woke up, days before writing this post, each morning I began to heard the sound OM, which lead to OMNI, as days passes. One day I clearly was told I should begin to chant these words with my sound tools, for this is a frequency that was going to reign this month, one of unity and harmony, and that it shall be shared with All. For many of you these words may be quite usual, in my case, I have never heard before or remembered the word Omni, so I asked my Guides about the origin of this word and its meaning.

Omni is a word from Latin origin whose meaning is totality. My Guides explained to me about the difference, even though Love is just One, of love that exists. To set an example, one type of love is self-love, which is the unconditional love we have for the Divine within. Omni-Love, as I received, is the love we shall feel for All - for God, for us, for others and for All things/beings/forms of consciousness, within Creation. 

This is the love that brings peace, unity and compassion. This is the love that we truly are and that many of us desire to reach, and this is the frequency that is always present with/within us but that this new month of April brings from the Illumined Realms, for as we continue blimbing within this eternal spiral, the more that we will be remembered of this essential Truth, that was not so present in the 3D matrix.

According to the guidance I received when we chant these words, especially the sound OMNI for the word love can be chanted in our own language, we open our hearts and call upon this unity essence presents in All things and in all universes, attracting this frequency to ourselves. We can direct it to heal, to forgive, or to simply bring our human self remembrance of what dwelling in the love, light, peace and bliss of the Divine truly is. 

By chanting or repeating these words you are not just honoring yourself - the Divine within - but All who are also a part of God within Creation. This is about you consciously stating that you are One with All, not just with our current dimension but with all the dimensions, with all the beings that reside within them, independently of their level of consciousness. 

This is where we are heading. This is the essence of the Christos Consciousness, and this is what many of us devote ourselves, daily, to honor this unity and to embody it ourselves, as much as we can, to be able to commune with All. 

Planetary alignments

We are heading into the second phase of the year, moving from the Yin essence that starred the first months, especially during March, to the Yang one that will govern this month of April, with its Aries frequency. The wheel of life has rotated again and now we move from mastering and integrating all the wisdom received from our past challenges, with the last sign of the zodiac, to initiate ourselves again in this endless evolutionary soul journey, with Aries, who leads us into a new cycle with the strength and wisdom regained in the depths of our being.

The essence of April is represented by the 16 universal number - 7 reduced. Number 16 is represented by the tarot card of the Tower, which is destructive for many, but to me, it simply means the conscious change or the necessary one that must occur, for us to dissolve an inner state of being and/or situation that is not aligned with our true soul journey, and rebirth, again.

A misguided path can be destroyed by conscious desire, for we have realized that this is not the path we are meant to navigate in, or by Divine Intervention, for sometimes our God Self can cause the necessary changes required for us to return to our original path. When this occurs, the human self may tend to see it as something negative, and as if everything from the outside is causing us troubles or as if it was a curse. In truth, what we see as chaotic or as destructive, is the required frequency we need to change the direction of a "mistaken" path, for in truth all paths end by leading us to our true destination, nothing experienced is ever wrong or useless. 

On the opposite, number 7 - 16 reduced - is represented by the tarot card of the Chariot. This card represents the renewal, and triumph that comes when we are aligned with our God Will and when we have finally passed the challenges that may come with change and with the apparent chaos that seems to reign while this change lasts in our human experience. In the end, if we learn how to accept, embrace and navigate through change, we will end up being the warriors and powerful brave beings that we naturally are. 

Number seven is a mystical and master number, for it holds all the wisdom required for us to manifest in the tangible, all we desire to experience. On the contrary of what is often thought of this number, it is not a passive one, for its masculine essence means the one who wisely brings into form that which was once nurtured and properly discerned from within, from a space of love and connection to All That Is. 

Number seven shows us where we have been and where we are going. Have you mastered all the challenges that were kindly showing you what you needed to remember? Have you realized the illusion of separation? Have you found the mystic within? If so, you are now ready to bring all this inner magic, creations and abundance into your physical realm, where you decided to become a master of the tangible plane. 

At a cosmic level, we begin this month with Pluto, the Planet of Power, opposing the True Node on April 4. This is, especially when Pluto will turn "retrograde" on April 24, an energy that begins with this alignment and that will continue during all month. It is an opportunity to begin observing ourselves, how we act, the healthy boundaries we set and everything that can let us know how we are using our power. 

This months brings the gift for us to focus on how we direct our power. It is pivotal that we understand the difference between being empowered and being abusive, which can seem really easy, but there is a fine line that many cross, when mastering personal power. This is about using your power to be constructive, and resourceful to create a beneficial outcome for All.

Do you know for real the power that lies within yourself? Do you use it to bring changes that will benefit All? Do you use it to be a wayshower of how to live an empowered human experience? Or do you still use our power to manipulate/control, whether consciously or unconsciously others? Do you use your inner power to nurture yourself and others and be of assistance in all you can? Or do you give your power away, allowing others to control, manipulate and/or  enslave you? This is an opportunity for you to evaluate the use you are doing of your inner force, and hence intention, and if where you are putting it, will help All or just your own egoic desires. 

On March 5, we have a New Moon at 15 degrees of Aries. This catapults the energies of leadership, initiation and action that we have been feeling for a while, since the end of March. We end another micro, and macro, cycle, as for many this also signifies the new astrological year as well, and begin a new phase in which we now know more about all we have experienced. 

During the New Moon there is a square between Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. This frequency from this planetary encounter is going to help us break free from what impedes us to recognize our True Essence and Path, and step into a journey of self-empowerment, love for the self, and expansion. This is where we begin to honor the unique aspect, as Aries reminds us, of who we are, not from an egoic perspective, but from a Divine one, remembering that a Spark of God lies within ourselves and we shall respect and honor its Will. 

However, for us to be able to begin anew, first we need to clear all that is blocking our way to regain the love for ourselves as well as for the unique mission we brought here. This is why this square, between many other planetary events at this time, will serve us to leave old habits, addictions and anything that disempowers us, and begin to reclaim our sovereignty, as LoveLight beings who came to experience an earthly realm, not from a victim perspective, but from an empowered one. 

On April 10th, Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, will turn "retrograde". As many of you know, I do not focus on a limited perspective of reality. I have been for few years now releasing many fixed beliefs, especially about astrology, and to be honest, in my reality only govern my own micro cycles and Highest Will, not retrograde phases, for during these periods, all simply goes perfectly fine, as it shall be, always according to a Higher Plan.

The essence of this month is one for inner retrospection, whether Planets appear to be retrograde or not, for the frequency of a month goes beyond our planetary alignments, as there are, always, many things we cannot really know or envision, behind our human perspective. However, as the collective has created the illusion of retrograde, this, of course, has an impact, for all we create has an effect. It is our personal choice to move inward, realize all is in truth an illusion, and begin to disengage from more old beliefs that only cause us fear. 

As always, it is all happening according to the natural cycles of Creation, rather than a fear-based belief that we have created from our human limited view of planets being retrograde and of them causing us challenges or benefits. Jupiter invites us to expand from within before we do so in our physical reality. It is important to grow, to reflect and to measure the consequences our actions will have, before bringing our visions into the physical. This is one of the first steps before manifesting in the physical, whether we see it as being retrograde or not. All is what we desire to make of it.

On April 19, we have another wonderful Full Moon at 29 degrees Libra, after the one we had on March 20/21. This is the catalyst of the stabilizing energies that many of us have been working with for a while, not just for us to anchor them within, helping our bodies regain harmony and healing, but when working with the Earth's Fabrics, something that will continue intensely, until the middle of May. 

On April 20,  the Sun will enter into the earthly sign of Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac, ruled by Venus, offers us the gift to create our Heaven on Earth, connecting with nature, honoring our physical realm  and enjoying who we are and our creations. Taurus will start opening the energetic gates for us to begin grounding ourselves as well as our desires in the physical. With Taurus comes our second initiation into a deeper knowledge of how to manifest our desires from an energetic Plane into our dense world, teaching us our next lesson within the wheel of life, which is to master ourselves in the endless art of bringing things from our inner world into our human one.

Taurus, is indeed a sign that likes to see the rewards of all His efforts. It invites us now to pay more attention to earthly matters, as they are the materialization of that which is within and that which sustains us in our lives, remembering that material things are also a part of our lives, for we do not separate anymore, as instead, we choose to unify All as being equal within Creation. 

It is a time to create, to bring forth new desires now that we are about to enter into May. A time to be reborn just as nature does, as everything is giving birth to a new way of existing and so are we. We should stay open to receive all that we have been creating from within during all these months, and be patient, as everything has been already perfectly orchestrated for us to just have faith and trust that at Divine Timing, all that is meant to come into our lives, will come.

In this same day we also have Venus entering into Aries, together with Mercury, which did the same on April 17. Both Planets in Aries, which is a sign that can fall into the trap of being egoic and only look for its desires, will be a potent force that if not wisely control can let us fall into impulsiveness, for both in Aries are fast in thinking, in falling in love and in taking decisions that may not be aligned, simply because they search for instant gratification, allowing the excitement of the moment to control them. This is an opportunity to discern and ponder before we take an important decision that later on we will not resonate with.

We end the month with Saturn also turning "retrograde" too, as another confirmation of what we are already feeling in the macro - a deep sense of communion with our God Self, before we act and build something lasting, in the physical. 
Introspection is - always - the only path to self-illumination and regeneration, as there is no one or nothing outside ourselves that could ever shed light into our own inner illusions and shadows. 

By moving inward we see the Truth of our beauty as Divine beings, moving away from the human perception - we have of ourselves and others - becoming conscious beings of our own actions, which has nothing to do with being superior or more special than others, but with honoring and respecting the spark of the Divine that we All are in Essence - walking away of what disempowers us. This is why at times, we have to go inward in order to remember who we are and who we have become, as this human journey may make us forget it. 

April is a month that reminds us unity, and above all, that all the love, healing, blessings and power we search or expect from outer sources, is within. Dissolve what makes you denser than you are in truth. Use your inner power to stand firm in your path without judging or condemning others - simply walk your path as a conscious being would do - with integrity, responsibility for his/her own life experience and compassion for All. Realize that everything is more precious since you exist, sharing and assisting on this wonderful path with your unique and wonderful gifts. 

Do not fear the unknown, step into it and bring a higher awareness from all that was revealed to you while you walked in the shadows, as you no longer judge them and are now ready to embrace and integrate them, as equal. And while you are under the illusion of your human beliefs of how things should be or what you think you have lost, remember that nothing or anyone is ever lost, we are always finding each other into this never-ending LoveLight spiral in which we navigate in - as it shall be, and it Is, at Divine Time for All.

I wish you a month filled with infinite love, joy and blessings, Beloved Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

Gratitude to Sequoia Arayas, for the beautiful art.