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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta DNA. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta DNA. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 2 de octubre de 2023

饾檳饾櫄饾櫖 饾檲饾櫎饾櫎饾櫍 饾樇饾櫍饾櫍饾櫔饾櫋饾櫀饾櫑 饾檸饾櫎饾櫋饾櫀饾櫑 饾檧饾櫂饾櫋饾櫈饾櫏饾櫒饾櫄 饾櫈饾櫍 饾檱饾櫈饾櫁饾櫑饾櫀, 饾檴饾櫂饾櫓饾櫎饾櫁饾櫄饾櫑 14饾櫓饾櫇, 2023 ~ 饾檭饾櫄饾櫀饾櫋饾櫈饾櫍饾櫆 饾櫓饾櫇饾櫄 饾檵饾櫀饾櫒饾櫓

Beloved Ones,  

As many of you are already feeling, October has begun with intense energies that prepare us for a major shift. Changes, on the opposite of what is often believed, come from our desire and inner work of transforming as a species, as nothing from the outer can really trigger any change if we first do not create it from the inside. 

We soon will welcome the New Moon Solar - Annular - Eclipse at 21 degrees Libra, which represents the peak of the stabilizing frequencies received during September. We are shifting from the Nodal Axis Taurus/Scorpio, into the Aries/Libra one, having the last Eclipse in Taurus at the end of the month. We are asked now to move into a sovereign space, as Pluto, another important ally during this moon, together with Aries remind us, only achieved through inner balance, as Libra suggests to us.

The Eclipse conjuncts the Libra South Node. It is a time to make peace with the past, understanding that attachment creates stagnation, impeding us from expanding into new horizons. Embracing peace and harmony, through soul retrieval is vital if we desire to begin anew, although new beginnings are often the natural consequence of having released old aspects of ourselves. 

The eclipse together with the South Node reminds us of the importance of healing the past, who we have been, and our relationships, cutting cords to finally release ourselves and others from energetic attachments. and all we did under a different level of consciousness before we can move on, otherwise we will manifest the same habits, outcomes, and thoughts into the present moment. This is the only way to love ourselves in the present moment, freeing ourselves from our past and regaining sovereignty. 

When we deal with feelings of guilt and shame it is vital to observe ourselves and what we did from a higher perspective, for we are no longer the same person. Guilt is a pointless feeling for it keeps us from seeing who we have become now, and all we have gained in consciousness. 

Guilt shall be substituted for responsibility, balancing the past deeds we no longer agree with, with new benevolent ones. That is how we cancel past deeds, by acting lovingly, respectfully, and honestly now, in the present moment, with ourselves, others, and All within Creation, so all we heal in the present moment affects too our parallel selves. 

We too have another important aspect, during this eclipse, that invites us to express who we are, and our feelings, from a loving and honest space. We have a conjunction between the Sun, Moon, and Mercury, suggesting the importance of self-soul expression. 

This will be emphasized by the opposition of the Solar eclipse to Chiron in Aries, which reinforces the message of self-healing. Healing our feelings of being inadequate, regaining freedom, and personal sovereignty, being who we are, standing tall in our truth and personal path, for we all, individually, and collectively, are now regaining full authority of our lives and personal thoughts, as never before in our human history. 

Uranus also quincunx the Solar eclipse, which represents the massive awakening that is taking place for quite a while in the collective consciousness. This is too about perspective, for when we agree to be open to change, our view of things constantly shifts, seeing ourselves, and our personal reality in a totally different way.

During this time we are invited to balance diplomacy, honesty, and humility with our ego, and abuse of power, which can fall out of balance if we move into a sovereign distorted perspective. There is a very fine line between sovereignty and abuse of power, and this is when Libra's energies intervene for us to set a balance between both aspects that coexist within us. 

On a planetary level, we are now facing the end, and the beginning of a new integration phase, in which gridworkers will be too immersed, helping in the task of anchoring the new earth's energies descending now from the eight dimensions. A gradual process that requires constant embodiment, and stabilization, which is why the periods of rest our bodies need increase, while we are immersed in these new activation phases. 

The moment to begin working with forgiveness and balance is now, not when the eclipse comes, as the eclipse is the outer view of what has been previously taking form, on an energetic and non-physical level, as Guides continually share. The energies from the eclipses also last for months, which is why it is important to release the belief that everything needs to be done on this same day. This is just the peak of what is already taking place.

The eclipse's impact on you depends on your personal micro cycles, as this is just a universal view of what Guides shared for All. Your guidance, where you are and your personal chart, will determine how it will particularly affect you. Take always what resonates with your own guidance, please. 

From a more physical perspective, Guides invite us to achieve purification, during this time, especially on the organs that Libra rules: Ovaries, adrenals, lumbar, skin, veins, and kidneys, as kidneys are in charge of purifying our physical bodies. As the seventh zodiac sign, its correlation is with the Violet seventh-dimensional Ray, and hence is a good time to call upon it to bring more restoration and distillation into our bodies. 

The heptagon, with its seven sides, a number of contemplation, and soul communion, is the geometrical pattern that Guides invites us to work with, during this time.  Starting to work on transcendence, so we can pass to anchor our physical selves with the monad, which as you know resides in the seventh, especially eighth, and ninth dimensions, for all works in triads.

This is the peak of the seventh universal year that we are still experiencing, and that introduces us to the eighth universal year that is about to come, in which we will move into the next orb of our template, the eighth one that represents the unity with our Monad, allowing us to continue the conscious unification process that last year began for many, and that will continue until we unify with our God twelfth dimensional self.

This is a process that is linked to our DNA healing and reconnection, as all works in unison and if we have not yet begun the rehabilitation of our DNA strands, we cannot fully have access to the inner wisdom, that resides within. DNA rehabilitation is pivotal to reconnecting ourselves with the twelfth dimensions in which we dwell, as twelve-dimensional beings, especially for gridworkers who must maneuvre between many different timelines. 

Unification is where we are heading and where the current planetary energies assist us. A process that required balance, in all aspects of ourselves. Balance comes when we have integrated the shadows, overcome fear, and accept the totality of who we are, in this plane, as sacred and equal. 

It is only when we love all of who we are, forgive ourselves, past, and others, and remain in the present, with an open heart that serves All equally, that we can finally act as integrated, unified, and sovereign beings, starting to co-create in more illumined ways.

I wish you a loving eclipse, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

mi茅rcoles, 18 de enero de 2023

New Moon in Aquarius, January 21st/22nd, 2023 - The Power of Hope

Beloved Ones,

This New Year of Wisdom began with the invitation for us to commune with our Illumined Self, before stepping into the creational process of our new lives. We are gradually moving now from this inner gestational process into a more active one. A phase that is introduced by the New Moon at 1 degree of Aquarius that we will have on January 21, and that will help us to renew ourselves, at all levels. A passage that will bring hope, faith, and the vitality required for us to dissolve old structures, creating a new direction to navigate next. 

We have the Sun in Aquarius too from the previous day, together with Mercury and Mars direct again, for those who resonate with it, together with Uranus doing the same on the same day of the New Moon. A Moon that also coincides with the New Chinese Year, although in truth, we are always in an eternal Now Moment/Year, constantly evolving, shifting, and moving into infinite new timeliness.

This is a passage for us to have hope, faith, and trust in our personal soul journey, and in the guidance that we have received, while we communed with our soul in these previous weeks. We have the New Moon conjunct Pluto, sextile Jupiter, and trine Mars! A powerful reunion giving us the power, the Will to heal and clear all we have to, together with five planets, at the New Moon time, in Air signs, helping us too in clearing our mental body, so we can regain more clarity on what we truly wish to create in our reality. 

Everything is helping us achieve self-mastery through the conscious choice of birthing that which we first envision, in the non-physical. We are in a phase of rejuvenation, retrieval of faith, and hope to continue with our journey, for periods of rest are vital for us to continue renewed and with a new sense of direction.

Aquarius gives us the opportunity to harmonize ourselves through the proper cleansing required. This is pivotal to reconnect with the divine by first clearing all of our bodies and channels, so we can receive the Divine Light within ourselves. To be able to achieve this state of being, first, we need to dissolve negative thoughts and energies, as well as disengage from fear and doubt, so we can regain clarity. 

Guides invite those who are working with their DNA, especially as we get nearer the 2/2 portal, to work on their chromosomes, the telomeres, which are the ones that contain the DNA, at the ends of the chromosomes. Healing the many distortions in our telomeres, and DNA is essential to liberate fear, sadness, and the false programs that are still programming us to behave and think as we are not, in nature.

All begins by shifting the wrong programming and manipulations within our DNA, as it is what programs the body and hence, mind, to repeat the same old results. The Aquarian energies are facilitating this inner work, and guides invite us to dive deep into our DNA, to shift anything that we wish to change in the outer. 

During the New Moon, it will be also a very good time for the current energies to work with our relationships, as they are the best teachers, which help us achieve a great level of mastery. At the time of the New Moon, we have to help us in this purpose Venus conjunct Saturn, assisting those who are working in balance relationships, releasing karmic agreements, cutting the cords that drain themselves, and that impede them to initiate new and prosperous relationships, based on equality and authenticity. 

Aquarius, the Great Liberator, is here to help us free ourselves from the many jails that we have created, for we are the only ones responsible for where we are, at this precise time of our evolutionary journey.

Liberating ourselves from fear, doubt, and confusion, as well as all physical distortions, is precisely what frees us from everything we no longer wish to experience or be, for we always have the power to change any circumstance that involves our own personal life experience.

The 2/2 portal is going to help us in continuing with this clearing, through healing duality, DNA opposites, neural damage, as well as Cathar-Essence imprints, for we are heading into a year of profound self-mastery, in which all the energies will support us in our personal desire to emancipate ourselves from what we are not, reclaiming our sovereignty to finally act as powerful divine beings in charge of our bodies and lives.

I wish you all a loving and blessed passage, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Aba 

viernes, 1 de abril de 2022

The Energies of April 2022 ~ The Pisces Stellium: A Season of Miracles

 Beloved Ones,

We now welcome one of the busiest astrological months of the year. April comes with wonderful, and very powerful energies, to help us move forward within our chosen timeline. We begin the month with a New Moon in Aries,  as even though we now passed from Piscean waters to Aries, we will continue having many Piscean influences. 

We are experiencing one of the most important seasons since March, as we have many planets still in Pisces, something that is known as a "stellium", in astrology, intensifying Piscean's qualities. A Stellium that is marked by the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction, whose main essence will signify a profound impact and planetary shift for All. A very ethereal conjunction that is surrounded by other energies who invite us to ground ourselves, as it is Taurus, and our desires, so we can find a balance between both worlds. 

We have during this month, as main energies, both essences, on one hand, Pisces, inviting us to continue focusing on our sense of community and on the expansion of our intuitive senses so we can improve our unique abilities, putting them in service to All. And on the other, Aries is about focusing on our individualized aspect - beginning to forge a path by ourselves, as the only creators of our human life experience. 

This month will help us step into a more harmonic and loving state of being. A time for us to transcend and continue healing the duality that still governs in our plane. A season that comes to remind us of the importance of unity, compassion, and empathy, at this moment, in which humanity is still navigating between two different choices. Choices that will determine the final transition of our planet, which already occupies a harmonic future fifth-dimensional timeline.

A month with two New Moons, of which one is a solar eclipse in Taurus, and another Full Moon as well in the middle of the month in Libra. It is indeed a month for profound transformation and above all, for aligning with new possibilities and ways in which we can give birth to our goals and soul desires. 

April is a tenth - 1 reduced - universal month. A month for us to reset ourselves and begin anew, as it is going to be the only 1 universal month of this year 2022. Therefore, it is vital that we align with this frequency and create our lives according to our Highest Will, and although everyone is unique and we all have our own micro personal cycles, this universal one is going to signify a major opening for all who are ready to co-create in a new and more illumined level.

All the energies from inside to outside of our planetary system, are going to support us in the creation of that which is aligned with the harmonic frequency, and timeline, that we have consciously chosen and that the six universal frequency of this year supports too. 

Number 1 is a reminder that we are ending/beginning a cycle - although still oscillating between both worlds - and it is pivotal for us to end with all that used to limit us, as we keep expanding within the new worlds that we are now bringing into form. The peak or void, as Guides shared of this space where we have the biggest opportunity for creation, is on the Solar eclipse in Taurus at the end of April, and beginning of May. 

Number 1 in the tarot, is represented by the Magician, one hand pointing to the sky and the other one towards the earth. He knows how to work with the Universal Laws, as he has mastered the art of descending into the physical what is first created in the ethereal. This is where we are at this time - birthing our deepest soul desires. To do so, knowing how to integrate and direct the energies is pivotal.

We all are magicians as we all have within the power to manifest the outcomes that are aligned with our Highest Will, we just have to focus our energy on what is truly important, as it is not a time now to waste our personal power on delusions, collective fear, and past situations, but in the new life experiences that we are building and that has nothing to do with who we used to be.

Astrologically, we begin April by having a New Moon at 11 degrees Aries, on April 1st. A Moon that set the frequency of this month, an opening that coincides with the last New Moon and solar eclipse at the end of the month, and whose portal will serve us to maneuver between worlds, descending from them all the wisdom and visions we desire to anchor, in the physical.

An essence of leadership, conscious creation through the proper self-empowerment and discernment to go after what we wish to create next. A pioneering energy that pushes us to move forward from drama and mass manipulation - re-focusing again on what brings us joy. 

As it conjunct Mercury, it is going to give us the time and opportunity to evaluate our lives, to re-think our plans before acting impulsively on them, as mediating upon what we are going to create is not only essential but our responsibility towards others too, as all we create and do, affect the whole. 

On April  5, we have Venus entering into Pisces. The Planet of Love, in Intuitive and Romantic Pisces, will make of our soul reunions a space for us to master illumined and balanced relationships, beginning with the one we have with ourselves, followed by other soul co-creations that we have consciously chosen. 

It is also a very creative time, as we will feel more sensitive and with the need to connect with Universal Love, embodying and anchoring this infinite loving essence within, and on our planet, for we too are here on a global mission to be of assistance, bringing more healing and restoration to earth. 

Creating balance is also important with Venus in Pisces, as we may tend to live in the ethereal, of our dreams, delusions, and imaginations, and it is important that we ground ourselves, and use what we daydream to anchor these visions into the tangible. 

On April 5th we have Jupiter semi-sextile Saturn. This is about breaking old mental structures, about expanding and stepping out from rigidity to flexibility. Jupiter is an energy that does not like to be encapsulated, Saturn likes structure, discipline, and order. Both are wonderful essences if we learn how to combine both. 

On one hand, we align with these energies to work on what is keeping us from experiencing our true potential, and on the other, if we are reticent to be organized, determined, and disciplined in our personal purpose, which is also important, this energy can make us feel uncomfortable. 

However, it can also help us expand into being more organized and bring more order and harmony into our lives. All is how we decide to co-create with these energies. In astrology, energies simply are, and we are the ones giving them a purpose, whether positive or not so much. 

We have another sextile between Jupiter and the True Node on April 8. Jupiter continues to be the most important energy in April too, Jupiter with the True Node, is about helping us restore our original mission, for many would have not yet retrieved it, due to the veil of forgetfulness that we put ourselves when we come into this plane.

This is a unique opportunity for us to expand in our soul desires, dreams, and goals, not looking back into the past, but into what we wish to pursue. This is a time to focus on just what you wish to build for the next moment, and we can only build, as guides remind us many times, in this present moment, by being conscious, and by intentionally creating through the proper visualization that which we wish to manifest. 

The true node is about our purpose in life, what is ahead of us, and that is something that only we know, and when we are ready our soul will descend all the guidance required for us to fulfill our unique destiny, for only we create it when we are ready to be devoted to our divine assignment. 

On April 10th Mercury enters Taurus. This will show us where we need to create more harmony and equilibrium in our tangible lives, for our existence is not just to dwell in the ethereal remembering who we truly are, but to also be practical and descend into the physical all we have created in the non-physical. Mercury in Taurus is a wonderful time to believe in ourselves, personal skills, especially verbal ones, and put ourselves and personal truth out there. After all, everything that is in our mental plane, shall be descended into the tangible, as it is where we express ourselves. 

Mercury in Taurus will remind us of the importance of grounding our desires, what we first imagine and envision in our minds, focusing on our physical senses, and building things that are enduring, and stable. 

Another very important alignment will take place the next day on Apr 11th - Saturn square True Node. This is all about our true soul mission, our destiny, and what is yet to come. This is why taking responsibility for every moment, and the intention and creation that we put in it, is pivotal, because our next moment and what we will experience in it, will depend on what we do in our present one. 

It is a month that focuses on what we are here to do, and what is our mission to assist others? How can we develop and continue discovering it? Healing is the only answer, as the more we heal, the more we will dissolve the veils of illusions that impede us to see who we truly are. 

This aspect is asking us to move out of our comfort zone and if we really desire to step into a new path, leave behind all fears, doubts, and everything that is impeding us to evolve and expand into new horizons, that may not be known but that is what we are meant to experience next in our human journey. This is a call for all who are procrastinating to stand tall in who they really are, doing what they know they came here to do and be.

Saturn trine True Node is the frequency that for those who are ready to descend more aspects of their soul mission will help them receive more guidance about their soul purpose. For there are many who are already in this process of consciously unveiling more about their cosmic heritage and the many missions they have fulfilled, within Creation, and the one they have been assigned, during this present lifetime.

For others, this process of knowing more about their human mission will come when they will be ready to fully understand who they truly are. There are many precious souls who are passing, at this moment, through an inner transition in which for more than they desire to know, their human self is not ready yet, and only inner work, and patience, will help them until they are ready to receive this new knowledge about who they are and what they are meant to do here on this Planet.

On April 12th,  we reach the peak of this Piscean Stellium season, by having one of the most important conjunctions of all the year, Jupiter conjunct Neptune. Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion is also very active during this new month. This is a time for spiritual development, awakenings, and initiations in higher levels of consciousness. Spiritual growth that can come through studying, communing with our soul, traveling, or through the courses or soul family encounters required to help us obtain the wisdom, and the assistance to continue evolving. 

The next important event takes place a few days later, on April 14th, with Mars entering into Pisces, together with Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune in this same sign. We know to experience the magic, the love, the miracles that this Stellium grants us, and that is a one-lifetime event, as this did not occur since 1856, the last encounter between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. 

The fierceness of Mars in loving Pisces, and even more with the previous event: Jupiter conjunct Neptune, it is a wonderful opportunity for us to direct our energy, passion, and intention to transform our inner world and use our strength to emerge stronger from challenges, and with the wisdom of all, we have learned. This encounter is going to teach us how to be more sensitive, and empathic, rather than employing force or impulsiveness, using only love as our main tool to communicate. 

The second Moon of this month will take place on April 16th, being a Full Moon in Libra that will bring balance, harmony, and above all, the opportunity to stop for a while, see where we are in our journey, what we are creating and what, if anything, could we transform to obtain the desired outcomes. This is a time to stabilize ourselves, bodies, and creations, discerning about the steps already taken, and make the necessary changes to obtain harmonic outcomes. 

On April 19, the Sun enters Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac, ruled by Venus, offers us the gift to create our Heaven on Earth, connecting with nature, honoring our physical realm, and enjoying who we are and our creations. Taurus will start opening the energetic gates for us to begin grounding ourselves as well as our desires in the physical. With Taurus comes our second initiation into a deeper knowledge of how to manifest our desires from an energetic Plane into our dense world, teaching us our next lesson within the wheel of life, which is to master ourselves in the endless art of bringing things from our inner world into our human one.

Taurus is indeed a sign that likes to see the rewards of all His efforts. It invites us now to pay more attention to earthly matters, as they are the materialization of that which is within and that which sustains us in our lives, remembering that material things are also a part of our lives, for we do not separate anymore, as instead, we choose to unify All as being equal within Creation.

It is a time to create, to bring forth new desires. A time to be reborn just as nature does, as everything is giving birth to a new way of existing and so are we. We should stay open to receive all that we have been creating from within during all these months and be patient, as everything has been already perfectly orchestrated for us to just have faith and trust that at Divine Timing, all that is meant to come into our lives, will come.

Approaching the end of the month, on April 29, we have Pluto turning retrograde. As you know, I do not foment this human illusion of retrogrades in my articles, as I think it will not serve to continue fomenting old beliefs. Pluto's main essence is related to how we manage our personal power, which has nothing to do with our limited view from Earth. 

This is something that we all need to work with at this precise time when we seem to have been literally disempowered by outer forces and isolated. On the contrary to what it may seem, we all have the power to create, from within, to continue expanding, and manifest any outcome or state of being that we desire. The mistake, if I can call it as such, is to fall into the fake or illusory view that we are powerless at this time. The Essence of Pluto will act as a reminder that we are sovereign beings and that no one can ever command our inner space, and hence, what we create outside of it. 

There are also wonderful opportunities during this month for expanding in communication, as we have Mercury entering Gemini on April 29. Mercury is Gemini's ruler, when at home we are invited to learn how to communicate effectively, but with the compassion and empathy required for us to have balanced and loving interactions. 

It is a time for studying, going further into anything we wish to learn or dig deeper into, and for channeling, understanding by channeling, to establish a direct, conscious, and sovereign connection with our God Self and Guides team. It is an alignment whose frequency is meant to help us in becoming better communicators, and it is up to us how to direct with whom we wish to communicate and how. 

Finally, at the end of the month, on April 30, we have the third Moon, a New Moon Solar Eclipse (Partial) at 10 degrees Taurus. An eclipse that has been building since the beginning of the month, and end of March, with solar codes that will help us to anchor into the physical our soul desires, and above all, to work with our bodies, our sacred earthly vehicles, and the ones who need nurturance, a major connection to our central sun and the transformation required for us to ascend, while we are still in a human body. 

It is very important to be grounded, not just from a physical perspective, but bringing into the tangible as well all we create in the ethereal, from our dreams to our desires and goals, as if not, we will be falling into extreme polarity patterns, such as issues with not having enough abundance or not being able to fully ground our projects, as we have not yet done the previous inner work. 

It is a season for us to begin a process of redirecting our lives toward the authentic path that we so desire to experience and due to our fears, doubts, and many other things that we use, as an excuse not to move forward, sometimes impede us to fully experience our true potential and real destiny, as even though there is never a final destination, there is always a lot that our souls wishes to create, in this human plan and that we, deep within our heart, know what it is.

A time for us to develop into the wondrous divine seeds that we are and that are meant to blossom when the right time comes for us. Seeds that bring unique gifts and different ways of anchoring love. Seeds that must be honored, watered, and appreciated, allowing the time required until they are ready to grow and show their beauty.

April represents our inner illumined seed, and the importance of nourishing them, so they can come to fruition, at Divine Time. It is our choice to continue trusting, having faith in the divine task we came here to do, and continue seeding love, compassion, and healing, despite the apparent chaos and others' intent to seed unlove.

I wish you all a loving and abundant April, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2022

Full Moon in Virgo, March 18th, 2022 ~ In Service to All

Beloved Ones, 

Humanity is at the moment choosing between two different timelines. Timelines that will determine the reality they desire to experience, if a loving, and peaceful, or if a chaotic one. It is a time when we need to be devoted to our original soul intention of serving humanity, in our unique way, for there are many who need our unconditional love and compassion, at this tumultuous time. 

To confirm where we are in our planetary transition, we welcome a wonderful Full Moon at 27 degrees Virgo on March 18th, in which we will receive the proper energies for us to remember the importance of putting into practice all we descend from the ethereal, as serving from the inside, through prayers and loving thoughts is essential. However, it is as important as to act, when it is the time to do so, offering ourselves in service to all who need us, for we are One Family, and what happens to one, happens to All.

During this time we are having many alignments, and Cosmic Codes, that are helping us to continue working with our DNA, reconnecting strands, and hence the wisdom that resides in them, clearing all that impedes us to embody our true potential. We have Virgo energies, Piscean ones, together with massive CME - Coronal mass ejection - since a few days ago, and the Equinox coming, one that this year Guides share will be a very significant one in terms of body transfiguration, which is the process under which our bodies, through the element Fire, in this case through our central Sun, sends certain Codes for our bodies to dissolve all lower energies, into illumined ones. 

This Moon has lots of planets in fixed sings, as well as in water signs, which together with Pluto, which harmonizes with the Moon, represents what is taking place in our micro reality - the need for balance,  and for some being strong, determinant, and resilience, while at the same time they have to adapt to change, to new circumstances and to a totally new way of living their lives. This is in truth our authentic nature, one of constant change, even though under the appearance of familiarity. 

Pluto will help us expand into this change, one that is best integrated when there is no egoic resistance to something that naturally has to occur. It is a time to destroy old worlds and begin the creation of a totally new reality. One that is in perfect alignment with who we have become - empowered sovereign beings in charge of our own human reality. 

As we have many Planets residing in Pisces, this together with Virgo, a sign that rules health as well, is going to provide us with the opportunity and energies to work on cleansing and purification, working on the dissolution of fear, mental toxicity as well as many other programs that have been deeply implanted within our minds and that we should now erase if we desire to empty ourselves of all past clutter and regain our true Illumined Essence, and hence wisdom.

It is now a time, especially with Virgo and Pisces for us to commune with our Unified Self, and begin the process of unifying both, as it is pivotal that we stay grounded, at the same time that we too aim for the Illumined Aspect of who we are. It is important to find the balance between both planes rather than residing just in the ethereal worlds or in our tangible, for then we will fall into delusional traps that impede us to fully being balanced and anchor our Divine Essence, and its Wisdom, into the physical.

Virgo is an Earth sign, which has in common with Pisces that both are flexible and are devoted to being of service, and for that one must be open to change in all its forms. Virgo energies come precisely at a time when the Planet, as well as ourselves, are experiencing a deep cleansing, which is the main Essence of Virgo, to help us remain in the purity of our soul and in the love that we are.

Virgo ruled by Mercury, is associated with the Virgin Archetype, which is by no means related to celibacy. On the contrary, it concerns the Divine Feminine Archetype of wisdom, purity, and wholeness - nurturing and loving everything she touches; in the physical. Virgo is the one who reminds us that we are here to descend and embody the Essence of who we truly are in nature on earth, as well as our soul desires. 

Grounding ourselves is of utmost importance, as it goes beyond our personal well-being. Our energetic human field is interconnected with the planetary field, for as you know we are all One living consciousness under the illusion of separation. When we are not grounded, we temporarily create an obstruction in our energetic field channels, impeding the natural communication with the planetary field and grids. This is mainly what creates the feeling of isolation that many have from Earth and foment mental delusion.

Pisces and Virgo, as well as the many others light forces outside of our Universe that are assisting us at this time, will bring awareness and the right focus on what we need to purify, and cleanse so we can too pass to embody our soul mission. It is with this sign that we distill what is toxic for the physical, with the element earth, and non-physical bodies, by the proper use of subtle energies and clearing tools that help us balance them.

Cleaning relationships old patterns, cleansing axiatonal lines, working with the integration of polarities, are some of the many things we can work on at this time, for we are being assisted by many benevolent forces who want us to survive as both individuals, and as planetary species.

The final choice is always ours.

Let us remain in the purity of our God Self.

Let us remain in Love, for us, and for All.

Within Infinite love,

Natalia Alba 

s谩bado, 18 de abril de 2020

New Moon in Taurus, April 22/23, 2020 ~ Global Awakening

If you do not like where you are, change it. You are not a tree.

Jim Rohn 

Beloved Ones,

At this time of profound transformation, in which humanity is finally choosing in which timeline they desire to stay in, something that many of us did a while ago, we welcome a very powerful New Moon at 03°24′ Taurus. A Moon that conjunct Uranus and that hence confirms the change that is already occurring in both internally and in a planetary level. As I always says, the planetary aspects that we try to interpret, from a human perspective, do not mark our human lives or determine our fate. On the contrary, they, in their also unique planetary evolutionary dance, reflect what is happening already, within our dual universe.

This is a very important time not to focus on what is happening or what we are told that is happening, but on the conscious creation of the timeline that we wish to step into. It is only through the conscious infusion of our pure intention into the timeline desired that we could determine our next moment, not outer people or events, but ourselves and the level of focus that we put into the creation of what we truly desire from our soul.

Another important aspect of this New Moon is that it also square Saturn, and while many believe this combination together with Uranus is not a good one, as I always say, Planets simply are, and it is up to us to embody their essence, which in this case is related to how healthily integrate change, making the best we can with the current energies that we choose to embody.

The present moment is one of deep change, and with it it is true that we are experiencing chaos, fear, disease and manipulation like never before. This of course coincides with the planetary transition that begun a few years ago and that some are trying to impede. There is always a way out, and that is to look within. 

There is a lot that is indeed affecting us, I am experiencing this myself. However, as we integrate change and discern about our situation, surrender and open ourselves to experience new ways of being, living and acting, solutions come, for as long as we remain in our higher hearts, we will be able to realize that there is always a way out and this can only come, if we remain at peace rather than in constant fear and hopelessness. 

This is indeed a critical moment in humanity, one of deep adjustment. However, it is also a moment of awakening, evolution and dissolution of what no longer serves. Above all, this is a time in which humanity must choose whether to continue living in old ways and in old patterns of thoughts, feeding, and fearing, the 3D matrix, or whether to liberate from it, and we can always do so from the inside, by clearing our mental and emotional bodies and embody higher levels of consciousness. 

Protection begins from the inside

At this time we are being bombarded with how to take care of our immune system, it is very important to remember that protection towards anything that we believe can damage us, begins from the inside. The New Moon in Taurus is one directly connected not just to the change that is taking place at the moment but to our bodies, connection to what is organic, nature and the care of everything that is physical, and that have been previously descended from a non-physical plane. 

It is important that we understand that the most important thing that we can do to protect ourselves is by precisely cultivating healthy thoughts, ways of living as well as informing ourselves of the Truth or at least the one we are able to integrate at this time, with the level of consciousness that we possess, of what is truly happening.

This is something that is done throughout our entire life existence and not just when we are threatened by certain disease or anything else we consider dangerous. When we consciously talk to our DNA, body cells and entire body, whether what we desire is to improve our immune system or any other body function, we begin by programming ourselves differently, as well as by talking lovingly and patiently towards ourselves and bodies, until we regain the necessary consciousness to bring the proper change that we desire.

There are many that fear activates in themselves a necessity of doing protection and other similar tools to be able to stop what they fear. However, if one has not done this inner and daily work, in my opinion, in a daily basis, it will take some time for our bodies to respond to what we now try to program them or infuse to them.

It is pivotal that we understand that it is not by releasing toxins from our physical bodies what makes invincible our immune system, but by consciously eliminating these same toxins from our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies what truly creates this healthy barrier toward diseases, and the many created dangers that nowadays are affecting humanity. 

Working on regaining sovereignty and mind freedom is not a one day process and it is pivotal that the ones who consciously desire to be on this path realize the importance that doing this inner work of self-liberation has, for those who wish to shift timelines and leave behind, even though not in a literal physical way yet, an old 3D one based on slavery and mass manipulation. 

Earth-Pleiadian Connection

Taurus as you know hold one of the most significant star clusters to humanity; Pleiades. This is a very important connection to many on Earth, not just for soul family reasons, but due to healing purposes too. At this time, the New Moon of Taurus is a perfect portal for us to work on two main things: birthing our new soul creations with the assistance of Pleiades, and healing with the power of inner earth, for even though we are not able to go out, the connection to our Mother Earth is always present. There are many who are very connected to the many healing forces and beings from inner Earth. Some powers or allies that can help us at this time to be more grounded, so we can also expand into the stars.

This is a time in which many of us are not able to go out. However, this does not mean we should lose our connection to the elemental/earth realm, for Earth will provide us whether going physically there or not, with the necessary support required for us to clear ourselves, emotionally, physically, mentally, as well as other distortions as the vesica Pisces ones, and keep working on the conscious healing process that we began a long time ago, when we desired to embark on this journey. 

When we work on conscious creation, first, in order for our inner visions to become reality, we need to clear mental, emotional and physical distortions. This also includes to clear our second chakra as well as our procreation wounds, for this is very connected to the aspect of us that manifests. This is one of the first steps towards regaining personal freedom, as well as healing ourselves to be able to liberate our inner creator. 

I share below an exercise for those who are ready to embrace a new reality and have first worked on healing the many distortions that we have accumulated, especially genetically, throughout the many lifetimes that we have experienced whether in this physical plane, or in any other we consciously have chosen to live in. 

At this time, even though humanity seems to be immersed in a very tumultuous situation, there are always many soul creations waiting to be born through us, waiting to emerge into the light of our tangible plane, and be spreaded to All. Surrender not to your fears but to the aspect of you that is yearning for expansion and new creations. Surrender to your creations, dreams and desires, for they are the non-physical aspect of who you are wishing to be represented within a physical realm.

This is a time for choice, one that must be conscious and that shall come from the depths of our being, for what we choose in this moment will determine how our next one will be.

Therefore choose wisely, choose lovingly for All, and above all, choose to remain always in the Illumined Essence of who you truly are. 

Infinity symbol exercise 

I received a tool to work with the power of the infinity symbol. This is a symbol that also represents number eight, although this is also a meaning that, as humans, we have attached to this symbol. This symbol represents the infinite possibilities that are there for us to pursue, even though many may believe that we are being enslaved and that all is heading into an unloving place. It is all what we determine to do with ourselves, personal reality and where are, what will determine our next human experience. 

This is a regenerative symbol, one used by those who are transcending the initial phases of awakening and are now aware of their multidimensional reality, to be able to travel or navigate between dimensions, and different timeliness, whether conscious of it or in a dream phase, so they can choose between the many dimensions and realities that they can experience and step into the one they desire to step into.

When we consciously envision and hold in our third eye, or through painting it as well, in conscious meditation, especially for those who may not have it easy to visualize, this infinity symbol, as being a bright golden one, as I received, holding as well a vision of our desired reality - always one that is for the highest good of All - we are already creating in subtle planes of existence, first, as it always happens, the reality that is already being birthed.

After envisioning the infinity symbol in your third eye or if you have painted it with your physical eyes, we take this bright golden infinity symbol into our hearts. With our eyes closed, envisioning it from within, from where we create, we take this symbol that is suspended into our higher heart with our hands and expand it, as we continue to visualize our new reality, one that is full of love, peace and abundance.

Then, we release this symbol from our hands into the Universe, sending this same loving and abundance reality to All. After that, we decree that this same freedom that we have had to choose our personal reality shall be the one that others may have too, to choose theirs. The Universe have received now our vision, as from the moment we envision our soul desires, it is already being reflected outside of ourselves too, will respond At Divine Time, giving back to us the physical representation of the vision we have held.

Many times happen that we envision many details of the reality we desire to experience. This is not always for the highest good of All, in the sense that if we visualize ourselves being with someone who at the present moment is not corresponding our feelings, to set an example, or that is with someone else, we may fall into the trap, even though unconsciously, to try to manipulate other person's reality. This is why many times a lot of people feel disappointed, for the vision they hold also depends on another, and we can never control or manipulate other's reality.

There are also other details, as having a house in a certain place or having a certain house which is already occupied by someone else, and that hence also represents a challenge for us to obtain. This is why it is so important not to interfere, or try to, and simply generate a vision where we are happy, whether accompanied or not, without putting faces, or things that will involve others, for we will not be sending a pure and authentic desire but an egoic one, and the universe will never co-create with something that is manipulated.

These are important details to take into account. This is why I always recommend to simply envisions ourselves surrounded by loving people, by peacefully and balanced relationships, and simply by having an abundant reality that is the result of just sharing who we are, and our unique abilities.

If our vision is pure and comes from our heart and desire to benefit All, at the right time it will descend into our tangible reality, finally stepping into a new timeline, which is in truth what we mean when we talk about the creation of another reality - the conscious choice of simply being at peace, surrounded by the love and light that we, in Essence, already are. 

Other important things to take into account when creating our new reality is that it must be compatible first with our frequency, and secondly, to the physical space that we inhabit now. If we desire a totally different physical Planet or a dimension in which there is no sign of our 3D one, this may not be totally aligned with what we also chose to experience: a human reality.

Therefore, choosing the many timelines available within this human reality that we chose to experience in the first place. Our main wish is to continue experiencing a reality that we already chose, not to escape from it when things challenge us. Therefore, what we create is a new timeline that can coexist with our human plane, in which we will feel at peace rather than constantly challenged by the manipulative tactics that the matrix uses to continue enslaving us.

We cannot escape the responsibility that in a soul level we first chose of coming here to experience this reality and assist others. However, as we regain sovereignty, we begin to understand that in truth there is nothing to escape from, but to embrace, and by doing so, is that we discover the many open doors that exist and that we can still choose to cross and enjoy.

Decree to choose freedom for the creation of a new reality

your name call upon the Presence of My Unified Self and Guides to protect me in this conscious decree and to help me keep my frequency aligned with my Soul Will, at all times.

I thank all Benevolent Forces and Guides for helping me in this decree and on my human journey. I thank you all for allowing me to be the sovereign being that I am, free to choose freedom over enslavement, free to choose my own path. 

I thank the opportunity, that is always present, to create a new timeline, a new reality where to dwell, in love, light and peace.

your name choose from a space of gratitude and freedom to release all 3D ties and begin the creation of a new reality where I am liberated from the old programs that enslaved my mind and physical being.

I choose to trust on my inner guidance rather than in outer sources that try to control my destiny and human experience. For I no longer dwell in human illusions, fears or doubts about my personal power, as a Divine Creator.

I choose to trust in what my heart yearns for, allowing myself to manifest my soul dreams and choosing faith, trust and confidence above any other egoic feelings and/or manipulations from the matrix. I no longer fear the power I hold within to create, for I now realize it is my ego getting attached to what is familiar and a fake sense of security. 

From this moment onwards, I choose to create from a free, unconditional loving and peaceful space that which is going to be for my highest good and that of All. 

I choose to create, and therefore experience, abundance, compassion and freedom, for in the Illumined timeline that I choose there is no oppression, manipulation or any other form of control.

I consciously choose to dwell in love, light and joy.

I consciously choose to dwell in peace, harmony and abundance, for this is what I am.

And so are You and All within Creation.

Therefore, I make of this declaration a permanent and irrevocable one. 

I thank my Unified Self and Guides for protecting and accompanying me on my human experience. It is with great love and appreciation that I send infinite love, peace and the opportunity to recognize infinite possibilities to All.

And So it is and it will be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All!

I wish you all a wonderful New Moon and a wonderful Now moment wherever you are experiencing at this time, Beloveds.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

mi茅rcoles, 19 de febrero de 2020

New Moon in Pisces, February 23rd, 2020 ~ Soul Creations

Beloved Light Emissaries,

At a time when many of us are anchoring our soul creations within our tangible reality, we welcome a wonderful and very powerful New Moon at 4 degrees of Pisces on February 23rd. This Moon is about making real our dreams, what we create in the ethereal, in the depths of our soul, what makes us being in joy and what the Illumined Aspect of us desires to create, in this physical reality.

This is about us mastering the art of making real what we first create in a non-physical plane and bringing structure and order in our manifestations, for only we can achieve ascension and self-mastery, especially regarding creation, when we unified polarities and create balance in the both planes we reside. 

This is a season ruled by Pisces and Capricornian energies, as we have four Planets in both Pisces and Capricorn at the New Moon time. These are very different frequencies, although they complement each other perfectly well, as everything within Creation. On one hand, we have the essence of Neptune, inviting us to dream big and dwell into the ethereal to be able to tune into our soul desires and goals. While on the other, we have Saturn, asking us not just to rely on the invisible, but bringing all of our desires into the physical as well. 

As you know, Pisces, rules intuition, compassion and devotion to service, with Pisces comes freedom, and the completion of a cycle, in both the micro and in the macro, as it is also happening in the Planet. With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, endings come, and hence new beginnings for there is a moment in which both co-exist, at the same time. 

It is precisely from this timeless and spaceless moment, that we have the opportunity to create a new phase or to get attached to an old timeline. It is with Pisces that we begin to remember our true origins, clearing karmic patterns/agreements, purifying ourselves and achieving personal enlightenment. 

Pisces is the ultimate sign, and hence, where we learn how to merge opposites - our mother/feminine and father/masculine aspects - and how to finally ascend after having passed through the rest of the zodiac signs, carrying all its wisdom, from all these past experiences. When we reach this stage we already hold the proper wisdom required for us to leave all behind and step into a new state of being. With this Moon many will begin to contemplate a new life, one based on the synthesis of both planes, the physical and the non-physical ones, rather than just residing in extremes. 

From a planetary or astrological perspective, the most important aspect during this New Moon is Mars trine Uranus and the Moon sextile Mars too, which is a great influx of confidence and personal power. Mars trine Uranus is one of the most beneficial essences for the ones who are ready to break from old habits, as well as karmic cycles and embrace their sovereignty and develop their true potential by anchoring their soul desires into the physical and expanding into new horizons, confronting fears and trusting that as humans it is our main mission not just to evolve and assist but to overcome our own limitations, being brave to walk into the unknown by trusting that unseen Forces watch over us.

Divine human blueprint resurrection

As you know we are in a time where transformation, as Pisces well reminds us, is a constant for all the ascending souls who have chosen to experience physical ascension. At this phase of our evolutionary path, there are more noticing the many changes that our bodies are having, due to the conscious inner work of releasing and integrating the new light that we are now able to embody, in the new dimensional space that we occupy now.

This New Moon in Pisces, due to the planetary and other cosmic frequencies received, is going to provide us with the opportunity of working further with our bodies, resurrecting our original Adamic blueprint, as Piscean Era invites us to do, which is why our Beloved Jesus was also born under these energies, to show us how to rebirth and how to overcome the many human illusions we have created, especially that of dying and being limited beings.

It is a perfect moment during this New Moon, because of its healing essence, to focus on fusion - polarity integration - for the subsequent physical shift can occur. It is this the first step towards regaining self-synthesis so we can pass to work with DNA reconfiguration and healing, retrieving ancient wisdom as well as the original Human DNA structure, something that many of us are working with, for a while.

For those who are yet on this first step of unifying polarities, this New Moon will bring an opportunity to connect with the silver Ray, which is feminine in essence as well and will help us bring profound restoration and balance in our feminine side and intuitive abilities.

If your feminine essence is out of balance, something you can feel at all levels, from the physical to a non-physical perspective, then calling upon this pure Ray of Consciousness for assistance will help you harmonizing and clearing feminine distorted 3D implants, patterns, beliefs and anything you need to work with, at this time.

Remember that in order to work with any aspect of who we are, it is essential that we understand that it is the pure intention we have to heal and our own power what brings healing and renovation more than outer tools in itself. These tools and other beings/forms of consciousness are of great assistance, if we first do our inner work. Otherwise, we will be disempowering ourselves, as it used to be in the old, by believing that something or someone from the outer can make us whole again. 

As you know, if you are open to the many dimensions where we abide, and if you have regained at least some star memories, Orion beings, who are now benevolent ones, but whose past was once of deep challenges as well until regaining unity too, are helping many humans to remember synthesis, which is simply the acceptance, non-judgement and unification of all the aspects of who we are, without any labels or feelings, simply with love to all that we are.

Orion beings are great teacher for all of us when we work on polarity integration as they experienced this in first hand and are now glad to be of assistance for other beings who like us are passing through this stage in which are just beginning to remember the totality of who we are within Creation and its many abodes. 

This Moon is a very galactic one for we no longer are exposed to just some planetary energies but to the Illumined Realms of many higher dimensions that are now aligned with our new time/space planetary zone and that are there for us to help us grow in love, light and harmony. 

Star & Earth Seeds' planetary migration

As many of you are already feeling since last year, our Planet is experiencing a complete reconfiguration in its ley lines and field in general. There are many new vortices that are being activated, in many different sacred sites of the Planet. Some are being able to be reconfigured, again, as they have been close to humans, so to speak, for eons, due to the manipulation and distortion that man made of them.

There are many souls whose main mission are linked to work with these vortices. They will feel or will be moved by their soul, in unique ways to these new places, where they will begin the mission of working with these new openings, so they can integrate their essence and spread it to All. These souls are encoded with specific information that perfectly resonates with these vortices frequencies, so they can work in unison to bring this new light into our Planet.

This work can be done consciously, if you are ready to do this task, something your soul will consider, or unconsciously - by your own soul essence and through soul traveling, whether you are aware of it or not. It does not matter that you are, most of the times, we do the majority of our mission in many dimensions that we cannot be conscious of, and the good thing is that this is precisely what allows us to be able to experience a human realm. Otherwise, we will feel totally overwhelmed, unable to cope with so many realities at the same time. 

It is indeed a time to unite with Earth wisdom and to begin recognizing the healer within. For those who are starting to feel they should move, you will be guided to all the places you are meant to live in. Every time I have a session or a reading and someone asks me where they should live, I tell them the truth, that only their soul will guide them, for unless they are already in the mission, Guides will not provide more guidance regarding locations, as this is something that you will know first.

It is hard to understand this for some precious souls who are stepping into this journey. However, we need to understand that what comes from the outside is confirmation or extra guidance, that we already have within, nothing and no one can know more than we know about ourselves and personal journey.

When I tell people something they think they do not know, all of them react in the same way: "Ohh yes now I knew! I felt this but I thought it was my mind or that I was wrong". You all know, you just need to teach your human mind how to stop infusion fear into your being and doubt, which is the main cause of not being able to fully integrate the guidance that we all receive.

This is why being balanced is so important not to fall into egoic traps of thinking all is guidance and that we know more, or in the opposite pole of thinking that we know nothing and that we are not worth it and enough to receive what is in our nature. 

If you are guided to move location, know it is your soul desire to be of assistance in a different space. You may not like it, as many times it is not about a perfect location where we find peace, although other times it is. Our soul is not concerned, as humans are, with perfect places, but about the unique work it has to do in the place. 

Know that every time you are guided to live or visit any Earth place, even though you may think it is for no reason, you activate vortices, a planetary line or any other form of consciousness that you are meant to, whether alone or with your soul family. The energy is meant to be moved and spread and it is your task to do so from an open space of unity and love to All.

Find your place within before you can find it elsewhere, know all is inside of you, in love with you and All, for there is nothing ever separated from you or anything else within Creation. When you finally feel in unity with everything is when you will hear your soul call you to travel to any physical place or space on Earth and help it heals, activates and spreads its essence.

You know, you feel it and you are the only one who can truly realize where you are needed, appreciated and required. Look within for answers, and know that your Presence and Essence on Earth as well as within Creation, has been planned, respected and appreciated beyond what we, as humans, could ever understand.

You are worth it. The entire universe conspired for you to be here at this precise and unique moment within this Galaxy. You are no mistake, you are a powerful Divine Force in service to All, in your unique and precious way, and you are helping in bringing the current planetary shift in consciousness that we are already experiencing. How can you not love, appreciate and respect yourself, as a God Spark who descended here to help?

I wish you a wonderful and healing New Moon in Pisces Beloved Companions. 

May you always recognize the wondrous being of love that you are and may you always share the love wherever you are blessed to be.

In love, light and service ∞

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2019

Full Moon in Taurus, November 12, 2019 ~ New Life's Foundations & Star Lineage Clearing

Beloved light Emissaries, 

We are in a phase of our ascension journey in which the harmonic energies of the new year that we are about to welcome are already strongly felt. Energies that are going to help us enter into a stage in which balance to be able to create the proper foundations for our new lives, is pivotal. The Full Moon at 19 degrees Taurus on November 12, is going to occur after the massive influx of the 11:11, helping us anchor these frequencies on ourselves and tangible plane so we can being building from within this new phase of our lives. 

These energies are going to be of great relevance if we understand how to direct them to activate the parts of our bodies that are yet dormant - descending into the physical the visions and soul creations we desire to manifest. This Moon is going to have different purposes for us to work with. As usual energies simply are and we receive many essences from different galactic sources, how we direct them is always our personal choice.

For some this Moon will be all about mastering how to create abundance and a stable life in the physical, especially for its Venusian connection, which is always linked to how we feel for ourselves, as if we do not respect and honor ourselves as well as personal soul choices, we could not manifest a loving and harmonious reality.

For others who have already brought into form the reality desired, this Moon is going to be of great assistance for them to connect, in a deeper way, to their star lineage, using these frequencies to heal and restore the proper connection to their galactic essences and families. Clearing our star lineage is of great importance when we begin to open ourselves to receive new levels of wisdom. It is pivotal that we clear any distortions as well as negative, so to speak, connections with certain beings/entities that may be impeding us to receive, and hence transmit, a pure message and/or healing frequency for the ones who work on assisting others in their personal healing journey.

The most important task in this new phase that we are about to start is to harmonize our physical and non-physical bodies so we can finally work on creating the proper alignment between both realities in where we exists, although as you know, we dwell in many dimensions. This Moon is going to act as the perfect bridge for us to unite both planes the cosmic and physical one, so we can begin integrating both as an equal part of who we truly are. 

As we have the Sun in Scorpio, this Moon is going to have the perfect opposite for us to fusion the ethereal aspect of us with the earthly one that yearns to experience a physical plane with all its challengings as well as blessings. So for many who are working on how to manifest their desires and align more with our physical reality, this Moon will provide them with the perfect energies to do.

On the other hand, for those who have mastered the art of being in harmony with their souls, as well as opposite polarities and have already bring into form what is going to assist them in this new phase, they will be also blessed with these Moon frequencies to expand in their galactic nature and clear all that still dwells in separation within themselves so they can begin to expand more into their healing task and soul mission. 

Resolving inner conflicts 

The Taurus Full Moon will help us tremendously in manifesting the reality that our soul, in the ethereal envisions for us since it activates the Saturn sextile Neptune alignment that will help all who are eager to pursue their goals and finally be courageous to go after what they feel will be in harmony with who they have become. 

This is going to be a year of great changes at the beginning and after that the subsequent stabilization shall come, so we are in a wonderful moment for us to connect in a deeper way with these frequencies and do the inner work required to properly embody and conduit them for conscious co-creation purposes.

As the taurus Moon Will oppose Mercury, the Planet of communication, this is going to be a great opportunity for us to work on conscious interactions and self-expression. It is pivotal to be able to express our feelings from a total space of freedom, love and respect to All. As I always say, communication begins from the one we maintain with ourselves. It is from this inner space that we create the programs that are going to govern ourselves and our self-image.

If we create a self-image caused by our own delusions or by what others perceive of us, then we will be distorting our own person and reality, all due to a lack of loving communication with ourselves, which is why it is pivotal to focus on working with our - most of the times - unconscious self-negative talk and begin to build a kind and respectful relationship with ourselves, so we can expand this same love to our personal relationships and All.

To give us strength in our path to self-love, respect and healthy communication, we have the Moon in Taurus trine Saturn together with Mars sextile Jupiter which is going to help us cultivate patience, harmony and emotional strength to cope with all the emotional/mental challenges that can come when we are under a very deep process of transformation. 

In a more earthly way, this Moon is going to be of great assistance to all of us who are searching for expressing our feelings openly with love and respect as well as to work with how we express ourselves in the world in general. It is very important that what we express comes from a unified and kind space, so what we are sharing comes from our purest soul desire to assist throughout gifts rather than from an egoic wish to just please others or obtain something in return from our human exchanges. 

Star lineage clearing & Blue Ray descendants activation 

Galactically, the Full Moon in Taurus is a wonderful portal, connected to the 11:11 previous one, that is going to help us commune with the cosmic aspects of who we are as well as others stellar companions that are One with us in soul and that are helping us while we walk as humans.

As I said before this Moon can be taken in many ways and one of them is by focusing in using its galactic frequencies, ones that are linked to the Pleiadian/Venusian portal that connect our Planet with Taurus constellation, to work on unconditional love and the conscious co-creation of these same loving essences within our tangible plane, something that Pleiadians are teaching many since a long time ago, as they live within respect and Divine Love.

For the ones who are beginning to work with star lineage clearing, this is going to be a blessed portal to work with the many distortions that many of us, as galactic citizens who have dwelled in many civilizations, hold within regarding certain imbalances that come from some experiences many have had in Aldebaran, Orion, especially during the war period. There are many who have experienced these wars and that still hold within many patterns that may impede them to release certain old beliefs and habits that impede them to embrace their sovereignty.

As this Moon is very connected to certain galactic dimensions and what we call stars, it is a good moment to establish the conscious connection for us to clear these old programs that are within our DNA, and hence star memories, and that shall be released for us to embody higher levels of love, wisdom and consciousness.

Clearing all the emotional programming is essential in this ascension journey and this is a Moon that gives us the perfect essences for us to call upon our Unified Selves and galactic team and work in a deeper level to bring the proper healing required for our own personal evolution. Many may think they do not know how to do this. However, if we leave aside of our minds for a while and surrender the: I do not know how to do this, we will begin to notice how all of a sudden we are assisted by hidden forces that we many not see but that are as real as we are.

Often we many receive help from people, situations that change, sudden healing, or a realization of something we did not know how to solve, or simply a more peacefully state of being. This is the result of your prayers being answered in a way that may not be as you wanted it to be but that is the way that is meant to be for you and All. Our main mission resides in moving away from our egoic desires and expectations and how what we wish must happen in our human reality and let the Universe do its job.

We do not need to physically hear, see or contact. Although many of us have this as a part of our mission. We simply need to open our hearts surrender and wait in the humility of our humanity the assistance that shall come when a Higher Intelligence considers most appropriate. 

At the Full Moon time we have great galactic connections. Aldebaran, as you know is the brightest star belonging to the Taurus constellation, from where the Blue descendants from the First Sound Founder Flame - Blue Flame - originated. There are many distortions regarding the masculine principle, power issues, and other implanted memories and hybridization programs that come from what happened eons ago in these civilizations that are in need to be released, especially for the ones whose main origin resides in this Flame and who know, by their own soul guidance, that have karmic patterns to release. Therefore it is a wonderful portal to bring all these past wounds into the light and begin working with them. 

During the 11:11 portal there are many souls who have wisely chosen this gateway to enter into our time/space zone, incarnating int this physical plane and carrying within their DNA the potential to develop the first original DNA strands that comprehends until 30 layers. This is something that is happening at a time when our Planet needs support to finally dwell into a new dimensional space. Thi is why it is so important that we all contribute, especially during this year 2020, with the proper stabilization of our bodies, and consciousness, required to support this change. 

At a physical level, The Moon in Taurus will be a very powerful one as well in terms of physical healing, as Taurus line situated in UK - Avebury - is directly linked and aligned with star Aldebaran, a frequency designed for those who are beginning to work on the conscious embodiment of the Christos Essence that begins to shift our bodies - retrieving our original Adamic DNA. This is a very important Moon in terms of working with our bodies for its transformative frequency as well as stellar healing connections, and whether we are located in thi location or not, we all can always benefit from its healing essence, if we desire to align with it. 

For the time shifters and those who work with helping our Planet to restore its universal sense of time and space, during the Full Moon in Taurus there is going to be a very unique opening for those who are time travelers or that are here to retrieve certain universal patterns, lost through manipulative tactics eons ago, as Aldebaran, works in unison with Antares, Scorpio constellation, creating a time portal meant to help those who are able to project their consciousness through time/space and do their unique work of assistance or to simply connect with the universal time for other soul purposes. 

The power of Taurus precisely resides in the strength that we all have for personal transformation, especially while we dwell as physical beings, from where we most can experience deep evolution. As its Planet Venus reminds us, these energies can help us channel pure and unconditional love within ourselves and bringing it into our earthly reality, for there are many benevolent beings that are helping us to do so, and finally live as sovereign loving beings. We just have to choose to anchor this same essence and act accordingly.

I wish you a blessed and magical 11:11 and Full Moon in Taurus Beloved Ones.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

Gratitude to Cosmic Collage Art for the wonderful photo.