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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Clearing Genetic Imprints. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

Full Moon in Scorpio, May 10, 2017 ~ Karmic Release & DNA Deprogramming

Beloved  Ones, 

In our ascension journey, we still continue to cross the bridge that leads us towards our New Earth Home. It is precisely at this time that we are presented with a cosmic gift  for all who are still working on releasing their  karmic patterns, DNA deprogramming and clearing from old implants - negative thought forms and other forms of alien/human manipulation. It is precisely at this time, when we are still uncovering the many false layers of our lower self - as well as the ones that other people show us - that we are blessed with a magical and revealing Full Moon, at 20 degrees Scorpio, that will help us go beyond our human senses and primary desires. 

In the end, ascension is nothing but the descension of our True Essence into our  human body, and for this to occur, first we must do the inner work of genetic reconstruction of our original DNA. For it has been deeply manipulated since eons through many methods such as controlled brain waves created to shift our brain activity, lately through social media, chemtrails and many other ways. 

In the midst of a month, in which, we are governed by Fire - as we still have a lot of Planets in this sign - and the Earth element (Taurus) - that invites us to focus on our mental and tangible plane - the Full Moon will open a  healing doorway for us to focus on our inner realms, regaining control over our minds, which is done through conscious deprogramming of all these negative implants, through certain tools - such as sound for example - which helps change and release old patterns, and begin to awake that which still lies dormant within ourselves.

Truth about our hidden emotions, not embraced yet, and about everything we should unify, will arise, for we also have, at this time, Saturn at the galactic center at 27 of Sagittarius in an exact square to Chiron, which is in Pisces. A gift for us to be honest and understand if we behave with integrity and authenticity or if we still allow our fears - and lower self - to control our true power.

With this Full Moon we have a time to heal, rejuvenate, regain our power and transform what seems broken to our human self, and do it not just from our inner realms, by transmuting old feelings into unconditional loving ones, but also moving this healing frequency towards our physical vehicles, for they carry many negative patterns that we tend to unconsciously repeat. It is a wonderful time, with this Full Moon, to end a micro karmic cycle within ourselves, as the Full Moon will not only trine Chiron, the Cosmic Healer, as I call Him, but it will also sextile the Planet of Power, Pluto, at the same time that the Sun will also trine Pluto.

The Fixed sign of Scorpio is also ruled by two of the most powerful Planets, Mars and Pluto. Mars gives us the fiery and Warrior-like energy that we need to initiate the proper changes to shift in our lives, while Pluto - a Planet that is all about power, regeneration and rebirth - activates the necessary changes that need to occur for us to transform all that is not working any longer in our lives, helping us to dissolve our inner struggles, as sometimes all outer conflicts may just be a reflection of inner ones.

Both Forces invite us to be careful with our inner Fire, and just put our unique Life Force where is appreciated - maintaining conscious interactions - and reminding us that the true power of a Warrior, does not reside in fighting or convincing anyone, but about standing firm within his love/power, no matter how the outer may seem at the moment. We cannot control others, neither can we control the conditions, but we can always control and decide how we react with what is given to us.

The Full Moon in Scorpio will also align with the fixed  Star - Zubeneschamali, Beta Librae - a green star within the Libra Constellation. The frequency of this star is associated precisely with the karmic baggage we may still bring to the higher dimension in which we are so eager to dwell. This star reminds us of the importance that disengaging ourselves from the old has, in every aspect of ourselves, in our emotional, mental, spiritual bodies as well as within our physical bodies, where all the - old - karmic genetic patterns and many other negative implants still reside. Soul retrieval is one of the first tools we can also use for soul integration and liberation of past wounds and karmic soul contracts that we may still have from any past lifetime or present one and that impedes a major growth as well as the inner peace that forgiveness brings. 

Another important cosmic event, offering us the same healing message, will be the nodal axes moving, on May 9, from Virgo/Pisces into Leo/Aquarius polarity. This is where we come from. We emerge from a total clearing/deprogramming of what was impeding us to shine - as Sovereign Beings - within our own life experience. We were - and still are - at some point, clearing our karmic patterns, not just from within but from the remnants of all the old implants that still remain in our physical bodies. 

As the North node will be moving into Leo, we pass from feeling fear and dis-empowerment, to stand tall in our truth, for we have been navigating within the depths of our being, remembering who we truly are as well as the unique soul mission we brought here, and we are now ready to embrace our power - and open our hearts - to all that shall touch our lives. 

The liberation from our past and from everything that keeps us attached to it, comes with the South node moving into Aquarius, for this is where true karmic release occurs and we are able to embrace a Higher destiny, one that our soul prepared for us long ago before we projected ourselves into this physical reality. One that should be accepted and welcomed as a blessing, without all the scary scenarios that our human self tends to create.

It is a Moon to transform ourselves from fearful and unconscious beings to sovereign and empowered ones. For we are just beginning to realize our true potential, one that does not come from external power or narcissism, as is also habitual, even in the spiritual community, but a true power that emerges with knowing where we come from, being humble, in love with All, and making our own decisions from a conscious space of respect and unconditional love as well as taking responsibility for them.

This is also a very intense time for our relationships and Divine reunions, although all encounters are Divine in essence. The first ones may still show us karmic patterns to be resolved, the second ones, are the ones who begin to help us master the art of co-creating as equals - something that will benefit All. If you maintain a relationship with someone who even if he/she seems enlightened, is showing you or you are showing to your partner, certain old patterns that are not at all aligned with your true essence and soul path, judgment will only show you more of what you still have not healed, within your lower self. 

Have you ever caught yourself repeating old patterns within a relationship without even realizing it, without even feeling it? Do you still repeat compulsory behaviours - addictions to any substance, repetitive negative acts towards yourself or others etc - that destroy your body when in truth you do not wish to harm anyone? All this is not coming because the energies are too intense and we are dealing with the old. Everything that you repeat and that lacks a true feeling behind its action, is coming from your ancestral, past/present karmic patterns hidden deep within your DNA - unhealed and still active - which is why you keep repeating them as if you were a robot, being told what to do.

When we are shown - in our partners - certain negative traits that seem impossible coming from who we think they are, but that again are showing us separation, it is a wonderful opportunity, and as always, soul pre-planned/agreed, to show our egoic human where we still hold limited beliefs and a false mask, pretending to defend, the deceitful self we have created or simply, protecting the image we think we have. This is a gift, revealing you/us where we still focus on superficial and meaningless things, instead of focusing on the important.

It is a blessing for both souls - experiencing this relationship - as on their own these old human traits, would never have surfaced. This is also when we become aware and realize if we walk the talk or if we are still judging and thinking we are better, more spiritual than others, when we have not taken the time to even look within. 

Do we appreciate what these souls, that our lower self sees as negative, are showing us? Do we truly appreciate the effort that not just these souls but the entire Universe has made to put us together at this precise time, to help us master our lower self? Or do we still blame this other person for our pain and make judgments based on what our human being will always be unable to perceive from a lower physical reality? If so, only by being honest, observing ourselves with neutrality within unconditional love and compassion - will we be able to dissolve these old hidden fears.

Doing rituals, calling upon the Ascended masters, Angels, Archangels and many other beings who are already evolved, will not do your inner work of clearing your mental and emotional Plane as well as your DNA, from old attachments and negative implants, only you can do so from within. When you put your attention, trust and focus on other beings, on outer healers, who say they can do this for you and heal you, then you are giving away your Light - power - to heal, therefore losing your connection to your True Essence and allowing other forces/beings to take control of your physical body and mind.

When we say we are Sovereign Beings in charge of our own choices, but then, instead of sharing, reuniting with the souls who can help us confirm where we are, we try to find a saviour, we are again allowing our lower mind and its fear to control our human experience. At this phase of our ascension journey, neutral observation is pivotal, for us to truly discern if spiritual ego or other hidden forms of egoic defence mechanisms - and manipulations - have taken control over us. 

There is no better time to move inward, and burn the ashes of the old, than with this healing Scorpio Full Moon. Deprogramming ourselves is done from wihtin, it is done by literally erasing old programms from our mind, and replacying them with new ones that are now aligned with who we truly are. There are many roles to dissolve that are still part of who we used to be: the rolse of the victim, the many ones we play due to our negative ego and many defend mechanism we tend to use to defend the lower self. There is nothing more powerful than when we decide to take our power back and begin transforming our life from within, for it is there where everything we blame in the outer, truly comes from. 

This is a Moon to release yourself of all the illusory realities where your egoic self keeps you dwelling, in fear. This is a time for you to stop being afraid of who you are and instead of using your power to destroy yourself, for there is no one else doing anything to you, direct it towards the necessary healing that your entire being needs for it to ascend in the physical.

When you begin to experience the many challenges, physical sensations and other hidden painful emotions hidden deep within your heart, remember, beloveds, no one has ever done anything to you. You were the most absolute creator of your human life experience and you keep doing so at every single moment. 

As you find yourself with no person - or external circumstance - to blame, you will feel vulnerable and confused but it is precisely at this time, when the opportunity to feel unified again, occurs. The choice to open yourself to experience a higher way of existing, the higher power of living within Divine Love, is, as always, yours to make. 

In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba 

sábado, 29 de abril de 2017

Ascension Update on the Energies of May 2017 ~ Reconnecting with our original Adamic DNA

Beloved Ones,

It is during this loving but intense month of May, that Planet Earth is finally beginning to merge with its 5D body, which until recently was just another possibility, for it all depends on the course we, as a collective, take. It has not been easy, to summon our hearts as One in order to create a massive frequency alignment impact - powerful enough to diverge from the old 3D Earth and finally anchor our new frequency into a Higher Resonance Octave of Love. For every time we take a decision on our soul evolutionary journey, we create infinite new timelines, New Earths, new possibilities of where to dwell, and it takes constant devotion to our God Self and All, to hold - always - a higher frequency to help All, ascend into this new cosmic dimension.

At a cosmic level, during this transitional time, some are experiencing many challenges from both an inner perspective and a physical one. For even if many believe this transition to be an "easy" one - as some people tend to think they are already dwelling in 5D - the ones who hold clarity, know the process of clearing our ancestral/karmic/alien baggage, is not precisely an effortless one. As a stabilizer, I have been deeply impacted by these intense frequencies. It was not easy to remain balanced among all the collective chaos with many other challenges arising, as we evolve. 

As we keep bifurcating from the Old 3D Earth, we are not simply experiencing a quantum leap between different dimensions, but the conscious retrieval that some of us are intentionally making, of reconnecting with our original Adamic DNA codes, to manifest the true potential of our human race, before it was manipulated and distorted. 

This is a very profound topic, but I AM sure many of you are familiar  with our true origin. The many physical sensations that we are feeling, the deep cleansing and release of all the old implants and beliefs, is very challenging, but essential to cause this deep physical and inner transformation, required to regain our original crystalline stellar wisdom. To me, May goes beyond the manifestations of our soul visions in the physical. For this month holds the potential and the proper frequencies for us to begin awakening that which was shut down eons ago.

The Adamic race, has nothing to do with ethnicity or religion for it was mainstream religion who began to distort the concept of Adam and Eve - and the Adamic race. The Adamic Race is who we All are, the original cosmic seed (DNA) planted eons ago within the so called Homo Sapiens - first original men on Earth - to help them evolve mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It was our original natural state , one of total alignment with the Divine and Unity with All. 

The first Elohims, the Founders of our Milky Way Galaxy, began to spread themselves through the Universe, and they were the ones who worked on the project of adding chromosomes, to the so called Adamic race - creating a more evolved stellar race, not to create slaves but to create God-like perfection. For this is who we are in Essence - Divine Love-Light Beings in perfect resonance and love with All.

As you may already know, it was with the intervention of many star civilizations that the original Adamic race was distorted and sunk - in illusions - governed by highly evolved beings, beginning with an Era of control and enslavement, in which we lost our true potential as God-like beings. It is at this precious time within Creation, that some of us are beginning to awake/ascend, choosing from our free will to finally BEcome that which we already are and that which was covered through human history with false illusions and mind control.

April granted us with more soothing frequencies. However, even if nothing seems to happen for our human self, nothing ever remains the same in the Universe, and we were given a break for all that is coming. For me this is where we are finally evolving from our old existence and dimension, and to me, there is always going to be some more inner work to do, for the illusion of reaching a higher dimension and being free of all we were, is, in my humble opinion, delusional, for we are just beginning to ascend within this infinite spiral within Creation, in which, constant purification and release of old layers, is pivotal in order to keep ascending.

If you are experiencing, without medical reasons, sensations in your spine, osseous and nervous systems (anxiety, 3D programmed fears etc) it is because you are finally releasing by constant healing, all the fear that alien programmes implanted within you - to control and enslave you. This should be accepted instead of denied and embraced as if we were already experiencing a light dimension, for we are not there yet, and one should document himself/herself, for our history of human manipulation is very profound, and clearing all our human past lineage burdens, independently from where your soul may come, is not a one-day process.

At a planetary level, in this new month of May, we now allow the Yang - masculine essence - of us to act, bring forth and protect in the tangible that which the feminine first birthed and nurtured from within, in the previous months. This is a month to also work with our physical being, anchoring in Earth as well as aligning with the Higher Aspects of ourselves. It is essential that we connect and direct the healing power of Mother Earth to release our primary fears and let this earthly force remind us of our authentic connection to the Planet and how, unlike some people, it protects and infinitely nurtures us.

To confirm the need that we, and our bodies, have for stabilization and harmony, the frequency of this month is number 15 - 6 reduced. Number 15, represented in tarot by the card of the devil, confirms this clearing phase, for we have been integrating our shadows, seeing beyond human illusions, and beginning to move from a deep sense of polarization to a unified one of love and integrity. It is now that we pass from the number 5 frequency, which indicated change, in April, to stabilize those changes within and in our physical plane. For changes shall be harmonized once we anchor them, otherwise, chaos will be the only constant.

On the other hand, number 6, the frequency from this month of May, also reminds us of the love that we all are - in Essence - and that we came here to embody within our Human vehicle. Number 6 is represented by the tarot card of the Lovers, which to me, is not just about physical relationships but about the inner reunion, between opposites, that has to occur first - from within - before it happens. For it is by acquiring perfect equilibrium and inner unity, that we can truly merge with another with integrity and equality. 

We still continue to experience the silence required  to manifest our soul visions and enable us to move on from all the noise - that prevents us seeing what is important - to regain a state of balance and inner peace. We begin this month with no major cosmic alignments, so to say, but with many opportunities to expand on our soul gifts and share them in the physical, for we have on May 3 Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, quintile Saturn, the Planet of Time and Responsibility. These two cosmic forces will urge us to free ourselves from where our lower self creates limitation, beginning to embrace our true self and embrace higher aspects of our soul mission, to assist All. 

As an indication of our cosmic expansion, not just the one we are experiencing but as a whole, the one that our Planet is also having, on May 3 - Mercury - the Planet of communication, will be freed of our human illusion or retrograde motion. Even, if Mercury was never in slow motion to begin with, as I always say, it will help us to expand and establish a better communication with ourselves and with the Higher Realms, for this limited belief is embedded in the collective memory and when the whole creates a certain pattern/belief, it is immediately re-created in our physical plane. So for those who truly believe their reality was in slow motion for a while, they, themselves will end it as well. Not because of Mercury retrograde but because they decide where to put their intention and power. 

Mercury entering, on May 15, in Taurus. the Winged Messenger, will show us where we need to create more harmony and equilibrium in our tangible lives. Mercury in Taurus is a wonderful time to observe from a higher perspective of unity with our soul, and its wise view, the aspects of our lives, in which, we should set strong foundations and create more abundance - which is always another form of love - and higher awareness of our true Essence.

When we become sovereigns and responsible beings of our own life experience, we know that we are the only ones who can control our lives and that no outer event can cause any harm in our unique path but our own selves through the illusion we choose to create. As ascending Souls, we have already chosen to release old patterns of thoughts and fears by stepping into the powerful creators and Divine Beings that we all are instead of fearing outer forces or cosmic events. 

On May 10, we have a potent Full Moon at 20 degrees of Scorpio. reminding us, again, that the only way we can truly find the light and all the guidance we are so eager to see, is always by navigating within our inner realms. This is where we start opening portals to higher dimensions that allow us to envision different possibilities and realities. The cosmos knows we are impulsive beings following our primordial human fears and as such, we often tend to act without evaluating the whole perspective from a place of Higher Wisdom and Divine Love, and while we need to fear and be patient, our human self just wants to create and act when it is not the right moment.

Scorpio's Full Moon opens an inner doorway to all these hidden feelings, that we may not be conscious of, as it is a Water sign, and hence a very intuitive one that guides us towards the deepest corners of our soul, that we have not sojourned yet, and that we need to bring into the surface so we can accept whatever we find within as being a part of our precious being, instead of just mere shadows that our human self does not want to look at and therefore denies to embrace and integrate.

On May 17, we have another inconjunct between Jupiter and Neptune, as Jupiter quincunx Neptune.  We are being invited to dwell into the aspect of us who is One with All. To put into practice our devotion and care toward not just our loved ones but All, remembering that our true essence is one of selfless assistance. Some people are very concerned about their soul mission, instead of simply expanding into their loving and compassionate nature, which is all we need to assist. Labels such as guides, healers and so on, are not important, only the intention is. 

Jupiter inconjunct Neptune remind us, to expand into our Christed nature - one of endless love, lack of judgement and service to All. For we do not need a specific task to act with kindness but to simply be, what we truly are, at all times. As in truth, this is the only mission we brought here, to remember how to act with love, with everything and everyone within this dualistic Universe - overcoming our sense of separation, to realize that we are all the same light split into infinite physical bodies. 

At a season, where our creative force is eager to manifest itself clearly in the physical, this quincunx between Jupiter and Neptune, will help us all to release our infinite influx of creativity, giving our soul the opportunity to express itself in the vastness or our tangible realm, for us, for all and for the joy itself of mastering the art of descending into the physical, that which is first created in the invisible. For all the human can imagine, the soul can make real. We just have to trust in the power of what our physical eyes cannot see but which is as real as the human role we have decided to play.

These two forces together, will also reveal the old patterns we still keep repeating unconsciously. As humans, we tend to repeat the same thoughts, acts and patterns at every single moment. For we have been programmed. This is why it is so important to become the Eternal Presence - that dwells within ourselves - and begin to observe the many implants and thought patterns that we still use and that control the natural flow of consciousness, which is our main aim to ascend, to descend it within our human body.

On May 19, we have another important transition, as Saturn will trine Uranus. Is there something you would like to shift from your current reality? Is there something that needs to be dissolved for new things to emerge? If so, this is the perfect time to do it, for both Planets bring the frequency of transition but also the opportunity to bring rebirth into our new life experiences and being. This is a time for calmness and trust in the Universe, especially with the joyful New Moon in Gemini, on May 25.

You can always begin again. There is nothing that impedes you to move forward except your human need to live from the past, when there is nothing happening there for you anymore. It is in this Now moment when you can decide to dream again, to anchor those visions into the physical and to allow yourself to be who you have always been and yet never expressed, because of your fears. 

Express yourself, be a voice in the midst of chaos, there are souls out there who think they are lost and are waiting to hear your voice, what you have to share, who you came here to be. For every single moment that you detach yourself from your lower being, and allow yourself to be who you truly are, you are being a gift for All. 

Finally, we end the month with the sun entering into Gemini and a New Moon in this same sign on May 25. We pass now from mastering our earthly realm within Taurus to move into the element of Air. It is now time, with the Sun and the New Moon in the Twins, to focus our attention into our regained higher wisdom, to deepen into our relationships - and enjoy the love and the rewards of all we have cultivated - for not only do we live of work and challenges. Our truly natural state is always one of bliss and that should be remembered, in the midst of all the intensity, we are experiencing. 

It is also a good time to study and expand our knowledge into new directions that could benefit our inner growth and give us new ideas for the next steps of our journey. Gemini will also assist us to express our hearts and feelings, by communicating with freedom, and discernment. It will help us realize if we tend to focus more in one polarity, than another, so we can find union between different poles. 

May is a month to blossom, to prosper and to begin creating a new path by holding more clarity about what we truly desire to bring into fruition. A time to embrace more of what is coming into our lives with an open heart, without fearing anything. It is at this time that we shall rejoice and honor the delight of being here, as humans,  at this unique moment within Creation, where we are regaining our True Adamic Essence. 

What makes us Earthly Masters, is not just experiencing the purity and guidance of the Higher Realms, but remembering that our main aim here is to cross the veils of human illusion, and descend all of our higher visions into our physical realm - enjoying the infinite resources and endless possibilities that this tangible world also offers us.

Before you exists a New World made of all the joy, soul companions and miracles - that you could have never imagined. To be able to dwell within this New Dimension, of purity and a higher way of living, one just has to dismiss the old, lower worlds, once created from a place of fear and lack of consciousness. To be able to step into this New Octave, only one thing will be asked of you - to remain at all times in the luminescent presence of your soul and stop dwelling in fear and unlove. 

The question is: Are you ready to embrace who you truly are? Are you ready to leave behind all you once believed was real? If you are, you will discover that you were full of human expectations of what this New World would bring to you, as it will not save you, it will only show you of what you are made, for this world is made of you, of me of All, of everything that exists and that has ever existed, and that again, is only LOVE. 

I wish you All a loving and miraculous May, Beloved Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 15 de abril de 2017

Ascension Update, April 15, 2017 ~ Spiritualizing the Human Self

“The world was made for the body, the body was made for the soul, and the soul was made for God. When that discovery is made and the soul is restored in a disfigured culture, we find the greatest treasure of all–and it is nearer to us than we realize.” Ravi Zacharias

Beloved Ones, 

It is with great love that the cosmos, in this month, is showering us with one of the most intense light waves of the Year. In truth, the new wave has already been strongly felt by those, who are consciously choosing to integrate this new wave, deep within their being and body, allowing this Light to remove all that is not aligned with our True God Self. For it is only when we begin to free ourselves from all false beliefs, the lower self and other impostors, that our true path and being, is shown to us.

The body purification, the restoration of our energetic balance and the constant process of soul integration that we are experiencing, at the moment, even if the past Full Moon - in Libra - brought some stabilisation, is taking some of us to the extent of not being able to function at the same level as we used to - having hard physical sensations, where our body resists letting go, as well as liberating from our human self all the wastes from our 3D personality/implants and many other forms of illusion. 

We are, at the moment, Descending more Light from our God Christed Self, experiencing a sacred marriage between all the aspects of who we are - spiritualizing our human self, the one who judges, separates and unloves all that is not recognized as being One with the Divine. To spiritualize and master the lower self, we do not have to go to far away places, search outside or ask for redemption, for we know that the further we move away, the less we will find the answers and the true healing required. 

When we spiritualize the lower self, we fall into many challenges, we find our own shadows in every single corner of the world, for it is only by confrontation and ending fear of negative polarity, that we will begin to resurrect into the true sovereign beings that we, in Essence, are. Spiritualizing the body takes constant observation of the human self, constant devotion, communion with our soul as the eternal witness and intention to dedicate ourselves to serve the Law of One, who dwells in unity and love with All. 

To master the human, we must remember that we are Divine sovereign beings, inhabiting a human body. To begin the process of physical ascension, one must first love neutrally and for that to occur, we must clear all the imposed implants and human beliefs that covered our true Essence and feeling of deep connection to All. Do you practice compassion, being centred in your Higher Heart, at all times, and working in co-creation with All? Or are you still holding separation, judgments and unlove towards yourself, and hence, All?

April, especially with its many "retrograde" Planets, shows us where we still hold karmic beliefs and behaviours that impede us in continuing with our inner work of soul liberation and integration. At this time, many of us are experiencing deep challenges, especially regarding our physical bodies and inner profound implants -  that are offering us the opportunity to liberate ourselves from an Old Era of constraint and unlove that we experienced during the Piscean Era. This is also one of the main reasons, in which we are profoundly immersed in a passage of releasing karmic patterns, still active within our physical bodies, before we resurrect again in the True God Sovereign Being that we All are, in Essence. 

Venus, to set an example. by being in "slow motion" showed us where we deny, what we do not love within ourselves yet, what we separate, and therefore, manifest as lacking in our physical experience, for all abundance is another form of love, and  when there is not great love for ourselves, it could not be shown in what we see as separated, for that is just another extension of ourselves, in the physical. 

Saturn, the Lord of Time and Responsibility, has come to test our strength, in our ascension path, reminding us that we are limited by our human sense of time and space, and that it is within this human realm that we can now clear the old and build strong foundations within the New - beginning to ascend in the physical, which can only be done when we finally take responsibility for all of our actions as well as past and present selves.

Mercury  dwells in our mental plane, giving the time for us to clear all the human limited beliefs that dis-empower us and prevent a higher human experience. Pluto, turning "retrograde" on April 20, comes to test our personal sense of power. Where do you put your attention/intention into? What do you infuse with your inner light,  the one who can create and/or destroy? Are you using your inner sacred fire to build, co-create and be the love that you are? Or are you using all your precious energy into situations and people that are no longer meant to be in your current life experience? 

It is during April, especially during Easter, that we are given - again - the opportunity to claim our Christed Self Seed, and begin to clear ourselves from eons of slavery and mass manipulation/control, especially by religion. Deconstructing our 3D personality is not a one-day process, in which, we do a meditation/activation and we suddenly begin to feel as the masters that we truly are, in Essence. 

Deprogramming all that has been implanted in us since we were born, as visual programmed inputs, between many other forms of mind control, is not easy at all, and from my view,  it is widely manipulated by some people who claim to pass through this process in a few days or that they can make you heal and release all these old implants - as if we could just let go of centuries of genetic manipulation/programming like this. For me, this is again the ego trying to interfere when it should remain observant.

Reclaiming spiritual sovereignty is essential to walk a life free from fears and unlove. For every time we give our power to our physical senses, others or outer conditions, we are acting as hopeless beings adrift. When we begin to walk a conscious path of soul integration and co-creation, we cannot do anything from a dis-empowered state of being, for when we act from this lower frequency, we cannot love, give and share from an authentic place, but from one of separation and confusion. 

From the Equinox, together with the eclipses, between many other things, we are in a time of change and transition, that we must observe how the human behaves when it feels safe. Do you observe yourself repeating old actions in an impulsive way, without knowing why you keep doing the same? Do you catch yourself saying things you do not even feel inside any longer? If so, only love will heal what the human judges and destroys. If so, you are being shown that there are still some old implants being played once and again in your human mind that must be eradicated as your I AM Presence descends more Christed Light to your lower Self. 

The Christ is not an outside force or being, it is Divine consciousness within. who practices love, compassion and neutrality for All. This Essence is always available for us, no one of force gave it to us, but our conscious intention of integrating this loving Essence whose nature is and has always been one of unity and love with All within Creation. No one can give it to you, for it is already who you are. No one can redeem yourself and your "sins" and make you pure again and a candidate to dwell in this Christed Light, for you are already pure, innocent and free of "sin" as you came from Oneness to simply experience, not what you are not, but that you are, indeed, All. 

The physical body, is at this time experiencing, like I said at the beginning, a deep transformation, for those, who are consciously integrating this new wave. All the physical sensations that you may be experiencing, is your body telling you what aspects are not being taken care of and that need urgent attention/intention. For all these aspects that you still deny and that are suffering, are ready to be released from the old and embrace this higher light. 

Some will feel pain in their osseous system, without knowing why, especially in the legs. This is your body telling you that you are in fear to move forward and confront whatever challenges are required to step into a new life created by your soul rather than by your lower self. If you feel pain in your hips, you are holding anger and insecurity there, as well as if you tend to accumulate feelings and negate them, you will feel oppression in your thymus, throat chakra and weight increase - for your weight is a way (not always, just an example) of being protected in your human view. All gives you a message of what you should dissolve, all comes as a gift, not as a curse or punishment. For we are always remembering Divine Love, and most of the time, the human, can only do so by forgetting and unloving all first.

Do you love all the aspects of who you are? Do you love and embrace your body? A perfect design of God, helping you to experience a human realm? Or do you still tell yourself how bad you are and how bad everything is going? Do you accept with gratitude every single moment no matter what it brings? Or do you complain and pray to outer Forces for them to save you of what you have unconsciously created? All answers are always in You, for you are the only one that can take the step to be brave in confronting your shadows and begin to see what you unlove of yourself yet, and therefore in All - disallowing your true soul desires and vision to be anchored within this physical plane.

To help you in your soul integrating process and dissolution of more lower layers, practice neutrality, breathing techniques, being present at every single moment, let the one being present be the eternal observer, instead of your judgmental lower self. for processed food kill the body and lull the soul. And begin to accept that all the challenges, are just opportunities for you to uncover your true Divine potential, strength and above all, for you to remember that All is One in harmlessness to All.

There is a difference between judgement and discernment but in both I find some of our egoic perceptions. On the other hand, when we embody Divine neutrality, we are experiencing this human journey, not just from a human perspective, but from our soul one as well, for we feel both now - the human individualized aspect that we are - as well as the God Self within that loves All and judges none, for it knows that we have chosen to experience many different scenarios, including what we call "negative" ones, to help us remember unity when chaos seems to reign. 

At this time that we are about to enter into a phase of the year, next month, in which we are moving from the depths of our inner realms, to manifest our soul visions into our tangible plane, it is essential that we reach this phase by being renewed and with a new sense of direction that comes from a deep communion with our soul. This is why seeing everything from a neutral space, is pivotal to stop labelling things/situations/relationships/ourselves and others as being this or that. For when we do so we lose all sense of Divinity, falling into illusion, which only keeps attracting more dark impostors or false egoic selves/beings. 

Do you desire to truly change your reality? Dissolving all the things that are not aligned with your soul vision? Begin to walk a path of love for the self, for it is in recognizing the Divine within you that you will see it in All. If you want a life filled with joy and love, become it. For no external Force will save you from experiencing what you - as a human - came here to experience. Only you can release all the veils and layers of illusion that once covered our sovereignty as Divine beings. 

If you want to walk a path of love, prepare yourself to embrace the shadows within you and in All. For the Higher reality in which you would like to dwell, loves and includes All. If you are eager to become a 5D being, unity must become a constant feeling in your micro reality. If you still judge, if you still blame yourself for what your lower self is not yet aware of, if you cannot walk between your shadows, embracing and loving them as you do when you live in the light, then you still inhabit within duality. Then, you are not ready yet to walk a path in which, we All are equals, sovereign beings of our own life experience in love, light and service to All.

If you are still navigating between the challenges that our deep sense of polarization brings, then you are blessed, for none of us came here to experience only the light, as it is another way of separation, and everything is the Light. If you still find yourself in the dark, it is because you are near the end/beginning to discover the True God Self within. For only the ones who love All - the light and the shadows - without focusing solely in the light within, will enter into this New Higher Octave of love - graduating from Earth with a deep gratitude for the gift of experiencing that love was always within all forms of existence/beings, independent of their nature.

In love, light, dark, and in an always infinite embrace of love, to All,

Natalia Alba 

martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

DNA Reconnection vs. Clearing Genetic Imprints

Beloved Ones,

The period between Eclipses is a very intense season, for we are forever navigating between different timelines - where not only are we constantly shifting from within but also our physical vehicles. It is precisely at this transitional phase, that we have the opportunity to bring the unseen into the light, burn old bridges and dismiss what is not One with our Higher Will, being free of old burdens, that impede us in expanding ourselves in new creative ways of being.

Whilst we are immersed in this phase between eclipses, it is pivotal that at the same time that we continue with the inner work of DNA re-connection, we also concentrate on genetic healing, for the frequencies of the eclipses are assisting us to release old imprints/implants at the same time that we keep reconnecting the DNA strands that were once disabled. During this period, we could feel physically exhausted, confused and even experience changes in our physical body. All this is natural when we consciously ascend and our bodies begin to regain their true crystalline essence.

Releasing ancestral karmic patterns is vital, as we all possess in our DNA genetic imprints from all the previous generations. This is something that, as humans, we all have encoded within our bodies, regardless of where our soul come from and the nature of our mission on Earth. However, it should not be taken as meaningless, for we all chose when we were in a soul plane, the challenges, even in our genes, that will help us evolve once incarnated.

Some of the ascending souls, begin the work of DNA re-connection, without having done the first and most important work of all - the conscious liberation of old genetic/own karmic and collective karmic imprints/implants of the lower self and the embodiment of the higher chakras that will substitute our 3D lower ones (if you are able to see beyond these main auric layers, you can see how the colours and vibration of the lower chakras, once we embody the higher ones, also shift). 

This is a very challenging and constant healing process, but essential, if we truly desire to properly configure our DNA so it can command our body cells to re-program themselves from old beliefs that were implanted through several methods and by several beings, eons ago, and begin the process of ascension by being rejuvenated. It is not just a matter of healing our physical bodies but our etheric one as well, for this is the double body of our physical one, and also holds in it all these genetic imprints.

Another subject that some ascending souls tend to avoid, as I have the opportunity to see with evolved souls who I co-create sessions with me, is believing that just because they show no apparent symptoms of inherited healing issues, they should skip this first step of clearing all genetic imprints. It does not matter whether you are conscious of ancestral karmic patterns or not, they are there as a part of your human being and should be treated as well.

I am going to put my own example for others to understand why it is so important to take the time to heal our ancestral lineage. I am adoptived. So during most of my early life, especially when I was a teenager, physical issues began to appear together with emotional ones. I did not know where they were coming from. I used to impulsively repeat certain patterns and identified myself with them, when this was not my true identity and soul desire to do certain things. 

After some research, I found out that was identifying myself with my biological mother, repeating the old patterns she created for herself and that emerged again, in my adolescence. This is why it is so important to clear our genetic imprints - to enable us to act, think, and feel from a free state of being, and if new challenges come into the surface, at least we know they are coming from ourselves and not from the human burdens that we carry within. 

As I began my ascension process, I also tended to avoid these issues, for I denied they were coming from my own being. I kept doing this until the human aspect of me awoke to the truth that we all have karmic issues to deal with in our physical bodies, whether our soul is highly evolved or not. Instead of blaming the conditions, we should take responsibility for what is happening, whether coming from ourselves or not, and begin to act as a sovereign beings that we are instead of the victims we were programmed to be. 

If you do not have the opportunity for whatever reason, to know from where all your emotional and physical issues are coming from, know that it does not matter much from where they come but the necessity is to move inward, and to begin consciously observing yourself. Talk to your DNA to begin shifting old patterns. Needless to say, that in order to heal all of our genetic imprints, there are infinite other techniques required to help in this clearing process. Although, as I consider each of you to be your own healers and masters, this is something that I cannot tell you, for each and every one of you is unique and has their own guidance to work with these past imprinted memories, and what is good and works for me, maybe is not for you and vice versa.

In my personal journey, using sound (Tibetan/quartz bowls, singing/speaking light language, theta healing etc) between other techniques - as a way of releasing memory cells - is very therapeutic, for vibration shifts and purify all the lower frequencies we retain within and in our physical vehicles. I also use conscious commanding to my body cells and DNA to dissolve old programs and then I substitute them with new ones, but there are more therapies to assist you in this process, although as I always say, healing takes place within, by doing it ourselves, for it is not about external objects but about the intention we put into what we do what truly brings healing. 

Healing genetic imprints is one of the most important things when we begin to walk on this evolutionary path, to dissolve old programmes we still hold within that makes us repeat the same old ancestral scenarios and begin to embrace true sovereignty. This is why it is essential to be constantly observing the lower self, for we may notice old feelings emerging again, impeding us to be fully present in the Now. It is also essential to work on forgiveness, especially in our relationships, as we heal all the family or old karmic issues that may arise, and remember that under our human perspective of being hurt or alone, the true nature and meaning of our soul reunions was always to assist us to remember what our human self has forgotten. 

From my experience, and if you feel guided, working with Arcturus has opened a totally different view on healing for me and the many infinite tools available for us to heal those old patterns, tools not outside ourselves but within. Arcturians are working closely with some of us, if this is our will and soul agreement, on new ways of healing, for they are cosmic masters whose main mission is one of healing, helping us also in major transitions and reconnect ourselves with our crystalline essence.

Connecting with Arcturians can be done by entering into a deep state of meditation, and when we feel One with our soul, visualize their orange star as we begin to breathe in its purifier energy from the crown to our first chakra, and visualizing too, as we breathe out, all the emotional debris and stagnant old energy dissolving. After that, say aloud, or as you are guided, your pure intention to heal yourself before stepping into the path of selfless assistance to others, and proclaim your commitment to serve only the Law of One as well as All beings within Creation from a place of neutrality and love toward All. It is not necessary that you see or hear them, for we are all unique, and we all have our ways. In any case, their healing essence will be strongly felt or shown in whatever situation of your life experience and/or being which is in need of healing. 

One of the main reasons why we decided to come here was precisely to heal old karmic issues to be able to step into this ascension path by being purified and freed of all the old. Mastering the inner creator within a physical plane is vital, however, the first thing for all of us to do, before our human desire to be constantly manifesting and ascending, is to learn how to heal ourselves, which can only be done by being fully present in the moment instead of chasing future times that are not yet happening or past ones that no longer exist.

When we embrace the moment, we no longer have the need to maintain old frequencies, situations and experiences, as we understand that they are just illusions only occurring in our human minds, never in the Now. Therefore, we allow healing to take place, remembering that when we heal ourselves, the invisible threads that connect us with All within Creation, help them heal as well.

Yours is the choice, to focus on your unique journey and begin to heal within Divine love and compassion all that your human being has been denying, or hiding for a long time, just because it fears truth, just because it feels pain. At every single moment of your precious existence, you have the gift to choose what you desire to do with the moment that you hold in your hands. You can use it to heal and evolve or to contract and remain in fear. 

When we choose freedom as our main choice, challenges and pain will emerge, for this is how we transform what our human self fights to retain. But in the moment we surrender and remember our true natural state of being - allowing ourselves to feel every feeling and situation just as they are, without any judgments or denial - is when we become One with our soul and are able to act as sovereign beings and fulfil our soul mission, by being whole/healed and from a place of unity and love with All.  

In love, light and service ∞
Natalia Alba