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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Christ Essence. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Christ Essence. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017

Super Full Moon in Gemini, December 3/4, 2017 ~ Transcending Duality vs. Embracing a Higher Purpose

“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Beloved Light Emissaries,

As ascending souls, we are living in a unique and wondrous time within our Universe. For it is the first time in human history that we are already dwelling in a Higher Octave within Creation. However, the path to our new dimensional space is not free of challenges - opportunities - for it is in what our human limited self perceives as an obstacle that we find true self-mastery and remembrance of the love that we already are, in Essence. 

It is precisely at this intense, and at the same time blessed phase of our evolutionary journey, that the deep sense of polarity that humans possess, will increase, being more evident than ever before. For it is a time where, a lot of beings are finally releasing that which cannot coexist with our new frequency, which is often related to their strong sense of polarity, and hence, judgment. 

This is not meant to slow down our path to a more conscious way of living. On the contrary, this is meant to help us bring unity to what we still believe is separated. To assist us bringing this synthesis, we have a powerful Full Moon at 11 degrees Gemini, opposing the Sun, also at 11 degrees of Sagittarius, a number that is going to accompany us during this New Year 2018 and whose frequency - if embodied properly - will serve us to realize where we still tend to polarize instead of creating fusion between both aspects of Creation. 

Gemini, the Twins, represent the Yin and the Yang, embracing each other in a balanced and rhythmical dance of Love and unity. Both as individualized beings, but without forgetting unity. Gemini being an air and mutable sign, is mental, intellectual and practical, but at the same time likes to play and socialize, so it is essential to take advantage of this Full Moon and embody Gemini's vitality, at this month, in which, we celebrate not just our Christ Essence, but the love that we, always are, not just for one month. This is a time to be in joy, to love, and to see others as equals, as in Truth, we are always embracing each other in an eternal embrace of oneness, as the Twins do. 

December with its 22 frequency, as well as with Full Moon in dualistic Gemini, gives us the message of creating inner synthesis - and soul integration - within, and in our physical lives. Gemini invites us to begin first unifying our feminine and masculine essences before we create something new and/or step into a deeper soul reunion with another being, for we cannot truly co-create with another from a place of separation and emptiness, for our relationship will continue to be based on the old 3D values, mirroring our own voids. This is a master number that invites us to master ourselves and relationships, and begins to step away from the 3D old pattern of having relationships based on co-dependence, filling empty voids, and manipulation, for this is far from being an enlightened reunion. 

Gemini in its individualized but at the same time unified state, helps us remember that within the Divine Plan, we all shall meet and then part again, in a timeless dance of giving and receiving, of embracing and letting all go. It is only our human self who judges what should be and what should not be. It is only our human self the one who thinks that knows best and wants to control all events, conditions and circumstances, never the Unified aspect of us who remembers our True Essence as free Sovereign Beings and sees what is happening behind the physical veils.

3D Personality ~ Protective Mechanisms to Foment Duality 

This Full Moon will mark the end of a micro cycle. It is mean to bring awareness within the aspects of us that still control our life, as it is our egoic personality. It gives us the proper frequency for us to align with it and release all that is still impeding us to blossom into the Lovelight beings that we, in nature, are. 

Our 3D personality or egoic one, is the aspect of us that - as human - is limited, and hence, it lacks perspective to envision what is truly happening beyond the dense plane in which it resides. When we begin to awake to our true state of being - and multidimensional nature - we also begin to awake our higher, and non-human, senses, becoming One with all the aspects of ourselves.

It is this aspect of ourselves that we came here to master and helps us to remember our Divine Essence, not because it is negative, for it is equally Divine, but because it is the one who really needs to evolve, for the soul is already dwelling in the Illuminated Realms of Creation. At this time, it is our task to work with this aspect, for it tends to get attached to situations, relationships and everything that is familiar, even though is not serving our new journey and God Will anymore.

There are infinite protective mechanisms that our ego uses to enslave us to a certain person or situation, some of them are:
  • Self-punishment
  • Guilt
  • Depression - not living/enjoying this moment as all we have
  • Egoic love, masked as true and unconditional love
  • Victimhood
  • Blame - not taking full responsibility for our acts
  • Self-isolation - a mechanism the ego uses when it has been hurt as a protection layer toward anyone, for it considers others to be responsible for its pain, and hence, it pushes people away
  • Manipulation - to bring the familiar back, even though it means to control others and the way things are
All these mechanisms, are often used when we are about to leave a relationship or a certain situation that has not served us for a long time. Our egoic self protects itself for what it considers a loss or simply an attack. To be able to cope with these egoic tactics, the best is to become neutral witness of our human experiences, to be able to discern what is serving us, even if it is painful, but it is showing us something valuable, or what should be dismissed.

When we are in a toxic or 3D relationship, our entire being knows. When we cease learning from a certain relationship and all becomes obscure, experiencing a lack of respect and compassion, then deep within ourselves we know that the purpose has been fulfilled and it is the egoic self wanting to remain, at all costs, in this relationship, for this is what it knows, and hence, sees as save and secure.

Yes Beloveds, even though it is hard to recognize the Truth to ourselves, our soul, the aspect of us who never sleeps, who is always One with All, knows when it is time to leave. It is your choice to remain or to finally take this step, but the more you foment separation from your true soul desires and nature, the more you will feed your suffering.

When we finally let go, a part of us may be in deep pain, but it is precisely by letting go and accepting the pain that we can finally begin to liberate ourselves from our actual cause of pain, which is nothing but remaining attached to something/someone who is no longer aligned with who we have become instead of naturally letting go.

There is, always, a voice deep within yourself, whispering what you need to know, at every single moment, listen to it, move within and let it speak, it is safe, it will not hurt, for Truth never hurts, it only frees you from the egoic chains in which you tend to put yourself.

Yes, we always know when the moment to say our farewells has come. We may cover our true feelings with past nice memories to make it nicer, to make it alive again, we may dwell for a while in denial, but the Truth shines so bright that we can never lie to ourselves, we can simply make the huge daily effort to convince ourselves that where we are, even if painful, is where we must be.

I chose to free myself from everything that was not meant to be in my path, at this time. But in the past I also chose to stay in painful situations, for I am human, I am not perfect, and I am not ashamed to say it, this will not make me less evolved or more, simply as I AM. You have, at every single moment, the strength and the Power to deal with whatever situation that is affecting your current path, impeding you to dwell in the timeline that you truly desire to stay. The choice is, always, yours to make, and the time in which you make your decision, will always be the perfect time for you and All.

This Full Moon in Gemini, as I received, is meant to bring awareness, in what we are still reluctant to put an end into, as well as in our deep sense of polarity, for even if there are two poles within our Universe, all is, always, One. Gemini will bring the opportunity for us to see where we still remain in duality or where we choose separation, whether within ourselves or without. Our relationships are our main masters for they show us aspects of ourselves that are not yet loved and embraced and/or where we still keep feeding old ways of being. 

Expanding our Higher Senses and Healing abilities

At Full Moon time, we have two important cosmic events, making of this Gemini’s Full Moon more Neptunian than a Gemini one, as the Moon square Neptune, the Planet of Dreams and Intuition, together with the Sun in another square to Neptune. On the other hand, we also have an important trine between Jupiter and Neptune. 

These aspects will function as a catalyst, especially in the collective, to expand their higher channels as well as on the healing that first they shall do to function from a unified perspective and for the ones who have already done so, to expand on new healing abilities to assist others. 

The Moon and Sun squaring Neptune, will trigger delusions in all aspects of our lives, it will assist us to see where we are still delusional about ourselves, lives or relationships and will help us to move beyond our fixed illusions and begin to embrace a higher perspective on where we are and what we need to dissolve all human illusions.

Jupiter in a trine to Neptune will be a cosmic blessing for us to expand on our creativity, higher senses, unconditional love and compassion, as well as the many revelations that being in this state of being will bring us, if we know how to direct our inner visions and use them to restore ourselves and lives, according to a Higher Power and not to our egoic one. This is a time of Truth, one that shines so bright that can never be dimmed or hidden. This will also help the ones who are still on a soul quest, discovering their soul mission and true soul desires. 

This is also a time to have faith and trust in what is meant to be, in what already IS and in yourself. Do you only have faith when things are happening according to your egoic expectations? Or do you hold faith even in the hardest of times? Do you only live in joy when all is heading in the direction you consider to be the right one? Or do you bless whatever comes your way, knowing all is going in the proper direction, for you and All? 

Faith, hope and joy, are our natural state of being, outer events, as it is Christmas, or what may come with it, are illusions we created to cover the silence, in which we could find all the answers and solutions we still await from these outer events. If you are not in bliss, no matter what is happening outside yourself, it is because you still depend on others or outer circumstances to make you feel in joy, forgetting your inner power to transform your egoic feelings and feel at peace again. 

This cosmic union also brings the perfect frequency for us to embrace new ways of healing, for even though I respect the old ways of healing - such as Reiki and so on (I am myself a Reiki master) - where we are heading is a sovereign realm for empowered beings who use their own inner Force/Power to heal in their unique way, not in the old ways that served for this specific time but that with the new frequency we hold right now, no longer serves our journey. 

I share my guidance and view of healing, with great respect to All. I am not saying this is bad or lower or anything like this, I simply found myself that all these old methods are obsolete. When I began my healing journey, and embraced the healer we all have within, and began to heal in my unique way. For we all have our own unique ways to restore what the human tend tos manipulate and destroy, and as energies as well as ourselves, are constantly shifting. I found out that old healing methods were there only to remind us that if others have done it before, and descended their own healing tools, we are also Sovereigns Beings, capable of doing the same, and this Full Moon is going to be a precious time for us to find the inner magician and healer, within. 

Embracing a Higher Purpose 

It is a season to end an old cycle with the joy and gratitude of recognizing the precious opportunities that the old provided for us, for without experiencing all we had, we would not have been able to complete this step of finally releasing the familiar and embracing the unknown.  For it is when we finally disengage ourselves - from our egoic desires -  and open our hearts to a higher Will ~ miracles begin to happen. 

Suddenly, we are relocated where we desired, we begin the relationship that is aligned with who we have become, abundance flows infinitely, and all that we ever desired becomes real. Why? Because we have finally become One with our True and Higher Purpose, and hence, God Self, allowing it to work through us, putting ourselves exactly where we need to be, offering us the situations and the soul encounters that are meant to touch our lives, at this time, and it is then that everything seems to fit into our new reality.

Surrendering and becoming One with our soul mission and the true purpose that lies behind our human desires, is what offers us the gift to finally stop suffering and embrace the joy that this journey also brings. When we follow only our egoic desires, as we cannot control reality or anyone else, we tend to be constantly suffering, because of the constant draining energy that wanting to manipulate reality has.

However, when we finally declare our pure will and intention to co-create only with the Forces of Light, only with our true soul desires and follow not our will but the Divine Will, is that everything begins to work in our favor, for everything that occurs, independently of its nature, will always be perfect for us, as we no longer expect a certain result, or want things to happen in our way. For we now embrace all as equal, and as a blessing.

Transcending polarity and hence judgments and the fixed human perspective of what is "good" or "bad" is a personal choice, when one sees everything with a Divine purpose behind it, one knows that no matter the outcome, all will benefit us/All, for everything is Divine, and God is, always, unconditional love in motion, taking care of All within Creation. 

Make your choice, the decision to keep seeing all as a curse or as a blessing, as it is in Truth, at all times, is there for you to make. 

In love with All,

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 15 de abril de 2017

Ascension Update, April 15, 2017 ~ Spiritualizing the Human Self

“The world was made for the body, the body was made for the soul, and the soul was made for God. When that discovery is made and the soul is restored in a disfigured culture, we find the greatest treasure of all–and it is nearer to us than we realize.” Ravi Zacharias

Beloved Ones, 

It is with great love that the cosmos, in this month, is showering us with one of the most intense light waves of the Year. In truth, the new wave has already been strongly felt by those, who are consciously choosing to integrate this new wave, deep within their being and body, allowing this Light to remove all that is not aligned with our True God Self. For it is only when we begin to free ourselves from all false beliefs, the lower self and other impostors, that our true path and being, is shown to us.

The body purification, the restoration of our energetic balance and the constant process of soul integration that we are experiencing, at the moment, even if the past Full Moon - in Libra - brought some stabilisation, is taking some of us to the extent of not being able to function at the same level as we used to - having hard physical sensations, where our body resists letting go, as well as liberating from our human self all the wastes from our 3D personality/implants and many other forms of illusion. 

We are, at the moment, Descending more Light from our God Christed Self, experiencing a sacred marriage between all the aspects of who we are - spiritualizing our human self, the one who judges, separates and unloves all that is not recognized as being One with the Divine. To spiritualize and master the lower self, we do not have to go to far away places, search outside or ask for redemption, for we know that the further we move away, the less we will find the answers and the true healing required. 

When we spiritualize the lower self, we fall into many challenges, we find our own shadows in every single corner of the world, for it is only by confrontation and ending fear of negative polarity, that we will begin to resurrect into the true sovereign beings that we, in Essence, are. Spiritualizing the body takes constant observation of the human self, constant devotion, communion with our soul as the eternal witness and intention to dedicate ourselves to serve the Law of One, who dwells in unity and love with All. 

To master the human, we must remember that we are Divine sovereign beings, inhabiting a human body. To begin the process of physical ascension, one must first love neutrally and for that to occur, we must clear all the imposed implants and human beliefs that covered our true Essence and feeling of deep connection to All. Do you practice compassion, being centred in your Higher Heart, at all times, and working in co-creation with All? Or are you still holding separation, judgments and unlove towards yourself, and hence, All?

April, especially with its many "retrograde" Planets, shows us where we still hold karmic beliefs and behaviours that impede us in continuing with our inner work of soul liberation and integration. At this time, many of us are experiencing deep challenges, especially regarding our physical bodies and inner profound implants -  that are offering us the opportunity to liberate ourselves from an Old Era of constraint and unlove that we experienced during the Piscean Era. This is also one of the main reasons, in which we are profoundly immersed in a passage of releasing karmic patterns, still active within our physical bodies, before we resurrect again in the True God Sovereign Being that we All are, in Essence. 

Venus, to set an example. by being in "slow motion" showed us where we deny, what we do not love within ourselves yet, what we separate, and therefore, manifest as lacking in our physical experience, for all abundance is another form of love, and  when there is not great love for ourselves, it could not be shown in what we see as separated, for that is just another extension of ourselves, in the physical. 

Saturn, the Lord of Time and Responsibility, has come to test our strength, in our ascension path, reminding us that we are limited by our human sense of time and space, and that it is within this human realm that we can now clear the old and build strong foundations within the New - beginning to ascend in the physical, which can only be done when we finally take responsibility for all of our actions as well as past and present selves.

Mercury  dwells in our mental plane, giving the time for us to clear all the human limited beliefs that dis-empower us and prevent a higher human experience. Pluto, turning "retrograde" on April 20, comes to test our personal sense of power. Where do you put your attention/intention into? What do you infuse with your inner light,  the one who can create and/or destroy? Are you using your inner sacred fire to build, co-create and be the love that you are? Or are you using all your precious energy into situations and people that are no longer meant to be in your current life experience? 

It is during April, especially during Easter, that we are given - again - the opportunity to claim our Christed Self Seed, and begin to clear ourselves from eons of slavery and mass manipulation/control, especially by religion. Deconstructing our 3D personality is not a one-day process, in which, we do a meditation/activation and we suddenly begin to feel as the masters that we truly are, in Essence. 

Deprogramming all that has been implanted in us since we were born, as visual programmed inputs, between many other forms of mind control, is not easy at all, and from my view,  it is widely manipulated by some people who claim to pass through this process in a few days or that they can make you heal and release all these old implants - as if we could just let go of centuries of genetic manipulation/programming like this. For me, this is again the ego trying to interfere when it should remain observant.

Reclaiming spiritual sovereignty is essential to walk a life free from fears and unlove. For every time we give our power to our physical senses, others or outer conditions, we are acting as hopeless beings adrift. When we begin to walk a conscious path of soul integration and co-creation, we cannot do anything from a dis-empowered state of being, for when we act from this lower frequency, we cannot love, give and share from an authentic place, but from one of separation and confusion. 

From the Equinox, together with the eclipses, between many other things, we are in a time of change and transition, that we must observe how the human behaves when it feels safe. Do you observe yourself repeating old actions in an impulsive way, without knowing why you keep doing the same? Do you catch yourself saying things you do not even feel inside any longer? If so, only love will heal what the human judges and destroys. If so, you are being shown that there are still some old implants being played once and again in your human mind that must be eradicated as your I AM Presence descends more Christed Light to your lower Self. 

The Christ is not an outside force or being, it is Divine consciousness within. who practices love, compassion and neutrality for All. This Essence is always available for us, no one of force gave it to us, but our conscious intention of integrating this loving Essence whose nature is and has always been one of unity and love with All within Creation. No one can give it to you, for it is already who you are. No one can redeem yourself and your "sins" and make you pure again and a candidate to dwell in this Christed Light, for you are already pure, innocent and free of "sin" as you came from Oneness to simply experience, not what you are not, but that you are, indeed, All. 

The physical body, is at this time experiencing, like I said at the beginning, a deep transformation, for those, who are consciously integrating this new wave. All the physical sensations that you may be experiencing, is your body telling you what aspects are not being taken care of and that need urgent attention/intention. For all these aspects that you still deny and that are suffering, are ready to be released from the old and embrace this higher light. 

Some will feel pain in their osseous system, without knowing why, especially in the legs. This is your body telling you that you are in fear to move forward and confront whatever challenges are required to step into a new life created by your soul rather than by your lower self. If you feel pain in your hips, you are holding anger and insecurity there, as well as if you tend to accumulate feelings and negate them, you will feel oppression in your thymus, throat chakra and weight increase - for your weight is a way (not always, just an example) of being protected in your human view. All gives you a message of what you should dissolve, all comes as a gift, not as a curse or punishment. For we are always remembering Divine Love, and most of the time, the human, can only do so by forgetting and unloving all first.

Do you love all the aspects of who you are? Do you love and embrace your body? A perfect design of God, helping you to experience a human realm? Or do you still tell yourself how bad you are and how bad everything is going? Do you accept with gratitude every single moment no matter what it brings? Or do you complain and pray to outer Forces for them to save you of what you have unconsciously created? All answers are always in You, for you are the only one that can take the step to be brave in confronting your shadows and begin to see what you unlove of yourself yet, and therefore in All - disallowing your true soul desires and vision to be anchored within this physical plane.

To help you in your soul integrating process and dissolution of more lower layers, practice neutrality, breathing techniques, being present at every single moment, let the one being present be the eternal observer, instead of your judgmental lower self. for processed food kill the body and lull the soul. And begin to accept that all the challenges, are just opportunities for you to uncover your true Divine potential, strength and above all, for you to remember that All is One in harmlessness to All.

There is a difference between judgement and discernment but in both I find some of our egoic perceptions. On the other hand, when we embody Divine neutrality, we are experiencing this human journey, not just from a human perspective, but from our soul one as well, for we feel both now - the human individualized aspect that we are - as well as the God Self within that loves All and judges none, for it knows that we have chosen to experience many different scenarios, including what we call "negative" ones, to help us remember unity when chaos seems to reign. 

At this time that we are about to enter into a phase of the year, next month, in which we are moving from the depths of our inner realms, to manifest our soul visions into our tangible plane, it is essential that we reach this phase by being renewed and with a new sense of direction that comes from a deep communion with our soul. This is why seeing everything from a neutral space, is pivotal to stop labelling things/situations/relationships/ourselves and others as being this or that. For when we do so we lose all sense of Divinity, falling into illusion, which only keeps attracting more dark impostors or false egoic selves/beings. 

Do you desire to truly change your reality? Dissolving all the things that are not aligned with your soul vision? Begin to walk a path of love for the self, for it is in recognizing the Divine within you that you will see it in All. If you want a life filled with joy and love, become it. For no external Force will save you from experiencing what you - as a human - came here to experience. Only you can release all the veils and layers of illusion that once covered our sovereignty as Divine beings. 

If you want to walk a path of love, prepare yourself to embrace the shadows within you and in All. For the Higher reality in which you would like to dwell, loves and includes All. If you are eager to become a 5D being, unity must become a constant feeling in your micro reality. If you still judge, if you still blame yourself for what your lower self is not yet aware of, if you cannot walk between your shadows, embracing and loving them as you do when you live in the light, then you still inhabit within duality. Then, you are not ready yet to walk a path in which, we All are equals, sovereign beings of our own life experience in love, light and service to All.

If you are still navigating between the challenges that our deep sense of polarization brings, then you are blessed, for none of us came here to experience only the light, as it is another way of separation, and everything is the Light. If you still find yourself in the dark, it is because you are near the end/beginning to discover the True God Self within. For only the ones who love All - the light and the shadows - without focusing solely in the light within, will enter into this New Higher Octave of love - graduating from Earth with a deep gratitude for the gift of experiencing that love was always within all forms of existence/beings, independent of their nature.

In love, light, dark, and in an always infinite embrace of love, to All,

Natalia Alba 

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

March Equinox 2017: Stabilization, Resurrection & Personal Sovereignty

Beloved Ones, 

In the last phase of this month, we find ourselves traversing the threshold that is leading us into a higher state of BEing and new ways of living in this New Cycle of our endless soul evolutionary path. For as you may already be feeling, our Planet, who has been bifurcating from old Earth for a while, is already relocating itself within a new dimension, entering into a higher space within this New Octave in which we have consciously decided to dwell. 

It is during this Equinox that we will be infused with a new cosmic wave, for us to finally disengage from the old 3D frequency and its limitations. It is a time to clear old timeliness and begin to merge our frequency with that of New Terra, for the time to step into this New vibrational reality, out of space and time, is Now. This last wave, that began with the Eclipses, and that we are constantly integrating, will increase as we reach the Winter/Spring Equinox on March 20, in which, we are going to feel how our bodies also ask us for the proper stabilization, and care, after all these new codes that we are consciously embodying. 

As a stabilizer, I especially feel, when in our duality realm, opposite energies collide from both, within and without in the macro that represents our inner Universe, urging us to unify before we fall into the trap of polarizing at this challenging-integration time. This season is also an opportunity for us to master our 3D personality and begin to deprogram ourselves from more half-truths that we still maintain within - due to our human need to process and understand everything, with our limited minds, instead of just accepting everything that occurs as It Is. 

We will pass on March 20, from Dreamy and Intuitive Pisces to the Fiery realm of Aries. We have been working on purifying ourselves as well as our physical bodies while we dwelled in this healing Water sign, especially by also having Neptune and Chiron in this same sign -fulfilling our soul contracts as we prepare ourselves for a New Phase. For it is with Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the Initiator, that we begin to navigate again by holding now a higher knowledge within this eternal spiral of Creation. 

This Year, the Equinox will feel totally different from the ones who have been constantly doing our inner work, for it not just brings balance as it used to in the old Cycle, between different polarities, but as we have been working on transcending polarity, and our deep human sense of space and time, it also brings the frequencies that are meant to help us in the process of self-empowerment towards regaining our personal sovereignty, as we keep mastering our lower self. 

This is what this Year Equinox shows us for me; the need to finally act with total integrity and spiritual sovereignty as we move into a free realm, within a new plane of existence, where taking full responsibility is essential, and where its higher frequencies, will simply repel the lower ones that we may bring from our lower self. For we are resurrecting into love-light beings as we keep dissolving more old layers of our 3D existence.

Deconstructing our 3D personality is not a one-day process, in which, we do a meditation/activation and we suddenly begin to feel as the masters that we truly are, in Essence. Deprogramming all that has been implanted to us since we were born, as visual programmed inputs, between many other forms of mind control, is not easy at all, and from my view,  it is widely manipulated by some people who claim to pass through this process in a few days or that they can make you heal and release all these old implants - as if we could just let go of centuries of genetic manipulation/programming like this, to me, this is again the ego trying to interfere when it should remain observant.

As always, many of us are physically sensing the many challenges that ascending - into the physical - for the first time in Creation, has. We will be having strong sensations, in the places where we constrain ourselves the most. For some, due to the lack of self-love it can occur in their heart chakra as a form of anxiety - to release all the effort our lower self makes to impede our natural state of being - which is always one of total connection to All. 

For others, who are afraid to express their true feelings and beliefs, they may notice strong sensations in their throat chakra and thymus. This is just a way our human body has to show us the places where we should dissolve all the negative implants, beliefs and emotional burdens that we still keep feeding. For the ascending souls, it may feel as a total state of peace and liberation, as we are now not afraid of letting it all go and embracing the unknown in whatever form it comes, for we know the unknown may not be familiar, but it is always pure, true and what we need at the moment.

The shamanic rebirth, as I call it, that we are experiencing at this season, or the resurrection and therefore metaphorical death of our lower self, is a natural process of what we came here to master. Complaining will not help, only becoming our own caretakers and fountain of love will help us during this long physical transformation. Listen to your body, as it talks to you constantly, know which frequency nurtures it, from the food you eat to the crystals you work with, and feel what resonates with your frequency and what dims it. 

Remember that we all need assistance and confirmation, but not someone who does all this for us - for this is not assistance, but interference and ego. Begin to treat yourself as the master and healer that you are and that you came here to remember, instead of relying on outer forces - or beings - during this transition into your true crystalline essence, for this will only cause more separation from your God Self. 

Get out into the sunlight, be bathed by its crystalline cosmic codes of soul remembrance. Integrate these higher frequencies with the conscious intention to burn everything that is not coming from an authentic place, everything that is a part of your 3D egoic personality and that is only impeding you to be who you are and fulfill your unique mission, for this light heals, purifies and loves All - dissolving as it is descends through your body, all the impurities we unconsciously create and that are not aligned with our Highest Will and true frequency.

All the unloved aspects of us that make us fall into the egoic trap that we are not enough, all the superiority issues that also makes us belief that we are more evolved than. All shall perish when we expose ourselves to the light of our Unified Self - Sol - for our Central Sun, is not just a mere ball of fire to give us light, which is just what we perceive with our human perspective, not necessarily what IS, but a conscious stellar body helping us to purify, reconstruct and remember our true essence as cosmic beings as well as the light within.

During this season, especially in some countries, such as Spain, where I live, this is going to be, if you are consciously in this ascension path or beginning to step into it, a precious time for you to discern about all these old implants that you carry within for eons about the true meaning of ascension, and that are not coming from a true place, for the collective has a strong religious sense, and its impact can be strongly felt at this time. I am not judging or criticising any religion in here, for we all are where we should be, experiencing what in the end will make us free, and I do not consider religion as being good or bad, but simply as something that should be experienced and that will help us grow and at divine time, as it was in my case, remember that the Truth has been long hidden for us.

My pure intention in this article, is to help you understand the cosmic blessing of this new light for those who are ready to begin this step of deprogramming themselves from centuries of conditioning and are eager to find the answers that have always been within them, they were just taught to search outside. At this season, where people honor, respect and literally apotheosized external figures, we have an opportunity to observe the self and ponder about our human need to idolize the outer and what we have been taught, as if these fixed patterns were going to save us. 

It is essential, that we begin to honor whatever it is that represents our true inner beliefs and soul desires, by being conscious that the first representation of alive gods/goddesses are our own selves, for we did not come here to worship anyone or outer things, but the God Self that lies within and that sees it in others as well. To be able to deprogram ourselves from years and years of controlled mind manipulations, especially with religion, it is essential that we first become aware and set the intention to begin allowing our soul to integrate the lost knowledge that we have been covering with our human illusions, for once we set our pure intention to serve the Law of One and embody our sovereignty, the entire Universe begins to send us all we need to see the Truth.

The Christ Consciousness frequency is available for all of us, at all times. Through religion, we are taught that only when we sacrifice, change who we are as natural sinners, and become pure, that we can be forgiven and go to heaven when we die. The truth is that we were born perfect, and it is only when we are programmed by those who only serve the law of separation and practice satanism as their natural way of living, that we being to dis-empower the Divinity within - overshadowing it with our illusions of being evil and the need to do the impossible for being loved by God, when God loves us unconditionally no matter what we decide to experience. 

This is an opportunity, to stand up in our power and remain centered within the Illuminated Truth and Presence of our soul, for it is there where true peace and love resides. It is time for consciously embodying this new wave and beginning to direct it for the proper reasons. To awake - the human in us - from this long sleep in which we allowed others to tell us who we are, what we should do, what we should not do and what is pure  and what is not within us. For a long time the dark forces have tried and have succeeded, for all these programs caused fear in those who were beginning to awake, making them unable to follow their soul truths, if they did not coincide with the imposed ones. But at this time, we are being assisted to finally go out of our cocoon and being to manifest a higher reality.

Remember, beloveds, the Christ Essence is always within, for this is who we are - love-light compassionate beings since our cosmic Lyran Creators - the Elohims - began to create life within this Universe. We do not become Christed beings because others give us their absolution, for this concept about Christ has been too manipulated as well. We become what we truly are, and always were, when we deprogram our human limited beliefs, and being, and allow Higher truths as well as our True Essence naturally descend into our physical vehicles.

To dwell in the highest possible frequency, never give your power to anything or anyone, including the Angels, Archangels and all the Ascended Masters and other cosmic beings we used to call, for they want us to be empowered and take our sovereignty, instead of relying constantly on them. It is important to be humble and learn from those who have already mastered what we are working with at this time, but not if we give all our power and attention to these beings or outer forces, for we are then not creating our reality but allowing outer forces to dictate it. 

Reclaiming spiritual sovereignty is essential to walk a life free from fears and unlove. For every time we give our power to our physical senses, others or outer conditions, we are acting as hopeless beings adrift. When we begin to walk a conscious path of soul integration and co-creation, we cannot do anything from a dis-empowered state of being, for when we act from this lower frequency, we cannot love, give and share from an authentic place, but from one of separation and confusion. 

At this season, and always, commune with your Eternal Self  - forever observing from a place of love and compassion all that the human is experiencing, whether we label it as positive or negative, for we already know nothing, in truth, contains a good or bad essence, it is all about our human interpretation. Recognize your power as a Divine Being, whose eternal light is now focused and descended into a physical body. 

When you walk as a sovereign being, you remember the light within, you know that when this light is shared with selfless assistance and great respect to All, it expands and touches everything and everyone with grace and love. And when you give your precious inner power in excess, emptying yourself, it creates illusion, disempowerment and suffering. Yours is the free choice to use this inner Force given to you and that is You, wisely, knowing that no matter what you choose,  your choice will always affect All.

I wish you All a blessed and magical Equinox gateway, Beloveds!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2016

New Moon in Capricorn, December, 28/29, 2016 ~ Inner Releasement

Beloved Ones,

As we end 2016 - a year of soul integration and self-mastery - we are blessed with an earthly new Moon at 7 degrees of Capricorn whose Essence is going to set the perfect scenario for us to celebrate all we have achieved and learnt during this 9 year cycle of conscious integration and soul remembrance. It is a time to enjoy who we have become as we keep moulding in our inner realms the New reality in which we are about to step into. A time to honor our Christed Spark, a time to just be and observe where we are going to see if this is where our soul truly desires to be or if we are still going in the direction of our human egoic desires. 

This New Moon will not only help us heal the old situations and inner conflicts that our lower self stills holds but also to remind us the importance than making things tangible have in our dense world instead of just living in the ethereal realm of mere dreams, allowing our visions to vanish in the air. It brings us the gift to build the strong foundations required for our inner visions to flourish in the physical as we deepen into the month of January and New Year 2017, a year in which, the ones who have consciously chosen it, will finally diverge from the 3D matrix, for we can no longer dwell in a world whose frequency is different from the one we actually hold. 

At the time of the New Moon, we have a lot of Planets in the earthly sign of Capricorn, together with a strong T-square in our Heavens (exact on December 26) formed between Jupiter in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries - all of them inviting us to disengage from more of the old structures and to break free from what is impeding us in manifesting a new journey seeded with all the soul visions, love and joy that we would like to bring into our lives but that sometimes we delay due to procrastination, arising from our fear of the unknown. 

Everything is first created in our inner realms and this is why, at this retrograde period, we are being reminded about the importance of consciously recreating our new path from within, but without remaining there adrift, if we desire to have a balance between our inner and outer reality. Capricorn gives us this equilibrium so we do not fall into the trap of illusions, procrastinating the birth of our new creations, always waiting for the perfect moment, which is always going to be Now. 

Capricorn helps us to remember the importance of acting as the alchemical magicians that we -  in Essence - are, expanding our desires into our dense Plane, as this is mainly why we decided to come here - to master the art of bringing into the tangible that which first originated in our mental plane. In truth, we are not ascending, for our soul needs not ascension as it always remains pure in the Higher Realms of Illumination, connected to All That Is. Our true challenge resides in mastering a human body and unconscious self to remember again our Divine nature as well as to descend into the physical all the magic, unity and perfection that resides in our soul, it is not our soul who needs to evolve but our human self; the one who needs to ascend instead. 

At this loving and self-introspective season, we have on one hand, the New Moon's ruler Saturn, in a trine to Uranus and square to Chiron. This is where we navigate deep within our inner hidden realms and welcome any feeling and past life experience that our lower self is still denying, for this is where true healing begins. This cosmic alignment is a gift for us to fully embrace what we, as humans, tend to separate by judging our feelings as good or bad and avoid pain, which is our best teacher, and begin to accept them as a part of our soul growth and human experience, for this is the only way in which we could finally find releasement.

On the other, we also have the Capricorn New Moon in conjunction with Mercury, who is in the cardinal sign of Capricorn too. The Winged Messenger in Capricorn helps us to be organized in thought and clear in our choices - building with precision our new lives from a place of unity with our true Soul plan instead of allowing the eagerness of our human - lower - self to make unconscious choices that are not aligned with our True Will. It is an invitation for us to examine from our mental Plane, if we have created the physical resources that we need to sustain ourselves or if we are still holding a lack of frequency within. 

As ascending Souls, we know that it is not only about becoming One with the part of us who can envision other planes of existence and dimensions, but also about setting the proper equilibrium between these two states of being, as true mastery is only reached when we bridge our inner visions with the part of us which is physical - experiencing our dense realm and assisting by anchoring into our human reality our unique Light Spark.

Remember that Mercury is just a reflection of a part of us that needs silence at this time. Mercury is only retrograde from our human perspective, as it is just a visual illusion we have from earth. As conscious and awake beings, we do not focus our intention into fearing external Forces that are there just as another form of consciousness experiencing their own path through Creation. We listen to their messages, and we understand what truly IS, and not what our Human mind wants us to believe. 

As New Earth Seeds who have consciously come here with the mission to be love and to help others to remember, we do not fear Mercury retrograde, as we do not separate anymore, as we understand that it is a frequency reminding us to simply become the eternal observer and see what aspects of ourselves and life should be transformed, cleared or healed. We are grateful for these energies that assist us to receive more guidance about our new path and we welcome every single cycle within Creation, knowing that they are all pivotal to maintain the proper harmony within and without that we all require to live a balanced life.

We take advantages of these Forces, and we create from within something that will benefit us and All. We do not deny the aspect of us who is human, we sustain it as well as our physical vehicles, but we distinguish what is real from other forms of illusion that only impede our soul growth and make us fall into the old once and again. Ask yourself if you are manifesting, as the creator that You are, all the resources necessary for you in the physical, as Mercury in Capricorn also invites us to ponder about, or if you are yet afraid that external forces/beings could control your life, impeding you to manifest all the abundance and other infinite forms of love that you do deserve as a Divine and powerful being within Creation.

The Capricorn New Moon will not only conjunct Mercury but also with Pluto, the Planet of Power, which is also in Capricorn. Pluto will give us the strength we need to make all the important changes that are necessary in our lives for us to shift the aspect of us or in our current reality that are not aligned with our soul plan. It is a time, and even more with Mercury in slow motion to stop all mental noise, commune with your soul and ask yourself how do you use your precious energy and intention. How do you use your power? Do you use it to transmute the ashes of the old into new opportunities, breaking free from old patterns of thought that are limiting you? Or are you still giving your power away to others allowing them to dictate your reality? 

Whatever you choose to create, will always lead you into the right path, it does not matter how long you will be roaming around, searching in the "wrong" places, it only matters about all the wisdom you will learn in the middle, for it  will help you to remember who you are and the gifts you carry within the depths of your soul to share with All. 

On this same powerful day, we also have Uranus, The Planet of Transformation moving direct again. Uranus will be an unstoppable energy that used wisely can lead us to true change and transformation. When Uranus was retrograde, the change took place within, revising what should be shifted and released. It is not about trying to change the conditions or the outer circumstances, but about doing it with our own selves to begin with what will change our physical reality. Uranus assists us to flow with change and the natural cycles of Creation - no matter how our human self perceives them, as for our human being change is uncomfortable as it implies a disengagement of the known. 

Uranus may be an abrupt and challenging force that literally shakes us to our core to help us remember that our sense of linearity and fixation is only in our human mind - awakening us to the Truth that our reality - whether we like it or not - is constantly shifting and so are we, and it is only when we adapt to change, understanding that with change comes progression, and flow - instead of resisting what is natural - that we can truly shift the outer and navigate through the timeline we have chosen not from a place of ego but from a pure soul place of wisdom and clarity. 

This is a blessed period to remember who we are, as it will make all the difference to manifest the life that we are meant to live as the wondrous creators that we truly are. Not in what we call future, or when something from the outside came to help us manifest our true desires, but Now. In the present moment is where we have all the power to give birth to new beginnings, to new outcomes that are aligned with our soul essence and Divine plan. 

It is only in this Now moment that we exist, there is no other moment to look back, as it is no longer real, it is just existing in our minds,in other dimensions that are no longer connected with who we are Now. Use the power of this moment to expand your heart into higher levels of love, and from a place of total surrender and trust in the Divine, start creating the life experiences that you truly desire to have with the bliss of knowing that the best, even if unknown to us, is yet to come.

May this loving season reminds you who you truly are and the importance of your Presence within Creation. And May you know nothing but blessings, love and joy in your Divine and never ending Ascension path.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

Super Full Moon in Gemini, December 13/14, 2016 ~ An Eternal Dance of Love and Oneness

Beloved Starseed Souls,

As a cosmic confirmation to the completion that we are already feeling from within, tomorrow or the next day, depending where you live, we are reminded by a wonderful Super Full Moon at 22 degrees of Gemini, of the importance that disengaging ourselves from the old has at this transitional season. We are forever shifting, becoming anew at every single moment, even if our human self likes to create the illusion of linearity and fixation to understand better our dense plane. In Truth, nothing, not even ourselves, remains the same from one moment to the other. 

The Twins, representing the Yin and the Yang, embrace each other in a balanced and rhythmical dance of Love and Oneness. Gemini being an air and mutable sign, is mental, intellectual and practical, but at the same time likes to play and socialize, so it is essential to take advantage of this joyful and soothing Full Moon and embody Gemini's vitality at this month in which we celebrate not just our Christ Essence but the love that we feel for All that surrounds us at every single moment. This is a time to be in joy, to love, and to see others as equals as in Truth, we are always embracing each other in an eternal embrace of oneness, as the also Twins Lovers do. 

At the Full Moon time, we have the Sun in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, inviting us to expand ourselves within new horizons still unseen from our human self and to go deeper within our soul wisdom. On the other, we have Gemini with its changing and playful Essence asking us - together with Saturn conjunct the Sun - to bring all our ethereal creations into the tangible, for we cannot only live in the invisible realms. As conscious souls fully aware of our human role, we remember that it was our choice and joy from a non-physical realm, to master how to bring things into form from an energetic plane into our physical one.

December with its 3 frequency, not only gives us the message of inner synthesis in both ourselves and in our relationships, but also this Full Moon in Gemini with its dual essence and even more as it falls into 22 degrees of this mutable sign - a number often called the Master Builder as it makes tangible what we create in a mental plane. Number 3 also holds the same message as it is the result of two giving birth to something new that will assist All from a place of unconditional love. Gemini invites us to first unify our feminine and masculine essences before we create something new and/or step into a deeper soul reunion with another being, for we cannot truly co-create with another from a place of separation.

With the energies from the 12/12 Gateway still with us, as this is not just a one day event, together with a Grand Trine in our Heavens formed by the Moon in Gemini, Jupiter in Libra and Mars in Aquarius, we are invited to be creative about our new lives and begin to move beyond our limited 3D perception of reality and immerse ourselves into Higher dimensions as the multidimensional beings that  we are. When we begin the process of unification between our Higher and lower self, stop judging and start listening to a Higher guidance, we realize that we can really cross the physical veils and move beyond what our physical senses can ever imagine. 

This is mainly what we came here to manifest/descend - a higher reality into a lower one - not to just polarize and live in one or another pole, but to unify both, integrating balance and giving birth to our soul visions from a place of unity and clarity instead of doing this from an egoic state when outcomes will never be of assistance to us - and All - as it will always come from a place that separates and judges what cannot be understood or what cannot be possessed.

Yes Beloveds, indeed it is a season to love and be loved, enjoy and appreciate all we experienced with gratitude for all we have achieved, shared and learnt during this old cycle that we are about to leave. The most important question at this time is if we are truly honoring ourselves and others in a pure and benevolent way or if we still participate into the 3D old programation by doing it just during this month, for we are always living as integrated and Christed beings, not just when convenient. 

For some, this Moon will bring the need to accept things as they are and shift their perspective by accepting change as a natural constant as the mutability of this Full Moon reminds us. Limited beliefs as well as old wounds can emerge as we proceed with the dissolution of what no longer serves, but this is only an inner message from our soul that a deep transformation is taking place, as well as the awareness and subsequent healing to move forward and leave behind all attachments.

As Gemini rules communication and the mental Plane, we are called to observe the way we talk to ourselves and others. Do we speak to ourselves and others from a place of respect and kindness? Or do we still do so from a place of  attachment and neediness to obtain something in return? Our human self fears unconditional love. It is afraid of being fully open to everything and everyone because it feels vulnerable in the freedom that true love practices, as in this New Cycle we do not do anything for others anymore, if it is not aligned with our Soul path, neither do we force them in the old ways to do anything for us too. On the contrary, we both give, receive and create as equals, for we no longer foment the old sense of separation or neediness that we used to hold when we navigated through lower dimensions.

The Super Moon also opposes Saturn and makes a square to Chiron in Pisces. Saturn in Sagittarius tends to focus on information, Truth and rigidity. On the other hand, Gemini reminds us to be flexible and flow with change as the more we resist to what is shifting in ourselves and life, the more we will be repeating the same old patterns. This Moon is a cosmic reminder not just for us to embrace unity within, but to flow with change and use this shifting frequency to move within and begin the creation of new life experiences as we enter into the new year ahead. 

Chiron, The Cosmic Healer as I call him, will bring us the healing and soothing energies required at this self-introspective time - especially with Mercury turning retrograde on December 19 - to assist us heal and rejuvenating ourselves as well as enabling us to live with our hearts fully open, without fomenting the old sense of separation or neediness, as we now feel completely whole, healed and ready to start behaving as the Divine co-creators and lovelight beings that we in Essence are.

Gemini in its dual but at the same time unified state, helps us remember that within the Divine Plan, we all shall meet and then part again, in a timeless dance of giving and receiving, of embracing and letting all go. It is only our human self who judges what should be and what should not be. It is only our human self the one who thinks that knows best and wants to control all events, conditions and circumstances, never the Higher aspect us who remembers our True Essence as free sovereign beings and what is happening behind the physical veils.

As souls, we did not possess the feeling of attachment and manipulation that we, in human form, tend to experience. We knew that it was our main aim to let go when the right time came as there is nothing and no one that we can truly retain. Only, you can choose to remember those soul memories/agreements and set yourself free from the human need to comprehend the Divine nature of All things and soul contracts and create a new life based on joy, a higher way of living and fully trust in the unknown, for you now remember that what the Divine orchestrates for you will always be what you truly desire and need to experience.

In love and light always,
Natalia Alba