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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Astrology. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Astrology. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 1 de enero de 2022

The Energies of January 2022 ~ Embracing Our Creatress Essence

 Beloved Ones,

Happy New Harmonic Year 2022!

We initiate a new harmonic cycle of profound love and peace. A phase, in which we will realize that time in truth, does not exist. A fact that in our new reality, is going to be more evident, as we transcend the old concepts of time/space and other human illusions, to finally step into a more illumined timeline. 

We begin January, by having Venus, the aspect of us that represents beauty, love, compassion, and creativity retrograde, and therefore it marks what this first month is going to be for us - a time of profound communion with ourselves, as it is pivotal to reconnect with who we have become, and hence, new values, for as we shift, so do our beliefs, and begin to discern what we really wish to create next. 

Creating shall be done from an inner space of total alignment with our feminine precious essence, from the sacred womb, for the Creatress within us is the one who is in perfect communion with our Soul, knowing what to create, how, and when. Our mission is to surrender and to balance both our feminine and masculine essences, so both can co-create from a harmonic unified space.

January gives us the opportunity for us to witness the state of our being, inner creations, sense of abundance, and prepare ourselves for this new year, an empty canvas, as Guides shared in co-creations, for the ones who have regained sovereignty and hence, personal empowerment, to paint it as they wish. 

As its universal seven frequency reminds us, January is a month for us to embrace ourselves, in deep communion and commitment, both, with our soul and physical body, so we can descend the wisdom required for us to create the next steps of our journey.

It is only in the silence of our God Illumined Self that we can listen to the Truths that our human being cannot, in the noise it creates. It is only through conscious presence and meditation that we can know what we really desire, as sometimes we are too programmed with desires that are not ours to experience. This is precisely what we need, from time to time, to sit with ourselves, to know what has changed within us, and what we truthfully desire now.

On January 2nd, we have a wonderful New Moon at 12 Capricorn. Capricorn's essence reminds us and helps us be structured, organized, and determined to go after our dreams and projects. If we take the proper time to listen to our guidance and follow the necessary steps towards building what we wish, with precaution, rather than impulsiveness, but with determination and personal power, we will finally see the outcomes that we wish, and that are finally aligned with who we have become, for as ascending souls, we are shifting, at every single moment, even if the illusion of change perpetuates.

This Moon is the perfect one to bring to the surface our resourcefulness and ambitions from a space of total respect and unconditional love to All, remembering that everything we create shall not just be for our good, but for the highest good of All within Creation.

Plant your seed, water, love it, and wait patiently until it blossoms in the physical, for everything has its time, and the time for seeding from within, has arrived. 

On this same day, we have Mercury, entering into the sign of Aquarius. This is a soothing and great frequency after the intensity of the Eclipses, for us to work on bringing mental releasement as well as liberation into our mental bodies. This is going to help us immensely if we are working to free ourselves from human illusions, old beliefs, and anything we are trying to let go of. 

This essence brings mental flexibility, for us to flow and be open to new truths, for there is always, a higher truth, as we continue to evolve, a new level of it that we are now ready to appreciate and embody. Indeed a very important energy that if used wisely, could help us work on self-sovereignty at all levels.

The next day, on January 3, we have Jupiter square True Node. The Planet of Expansion in co-creation with the North Node, which is our present and future, what we are creating, and the outcomes that will emanate from our now creations, is going to support our inner creative process. This is a time for us to focus on building what our soul envisions in the depths of our being, in the non-physical, taking it further into the tangible. A reminder of the importance that being totally focused on the present, has, for we cannot create if we are focused on times that no longer exist - past - within our present timeline. 

On January 14, The Planet of Communication, Mercury, will turn retrograde, for the ones who believe in slow phases. Personally, and as I always share, it is all that we believe, what will manifest in our reality. If we foment the collective belief that everything will go slow for us, then it will occur, but not due to Mercury retrograde, but to our own beliefs, for as always, we are powerful creators. 

It is time for us to look within and use our own soul oracle and micro-personal cycles to navigate throughout our own reality, as the rest are mere human illusions that need to be distilled to be able to embrace our sovereignty and continue evolving and expanding within new horizons.

On this same day, we have another asteroid turning direct: Ceres. The essence of this asteroid is the one of the universal mother, a nurturer, caretaker, and unconditional love. It represents all these feminine archetypes, helping us to commune with our sacred sexuality and feminine essence, which together with Venus is going to be of great assistance for the ones working on polarity balancing, and feminine healing-clearing.

It is a month in which all the planetary forces remind us of the importance that taking care of ourselves has, as within all the distractions of our daily lives, we may fall into old patterns such as self-saying, not taking proper care of our bodies, and needs, and be more focused on others, on the outside than in ourselves first, for we cannot give from an empty vessel. 

To foment this feminine, familiar, nurturing essence, on January 17, we have a wonderful and loving Full Moon in Cancer. This is an opportunity to evaluate our sense of home. Do we feel at home on earth? Do we feel at home within ourselves? As often there are many who reject their bodies, using addictions, negative thoughts, and many other ways to punish what they deny. It is pivotal to understand that everywhere we may go is Home, for it is always within, and as long as we hold this feeling inside, we will always be familiar with everything within Creation.

In the middle of January, on the 18, to help us step out, gradually, of our inner retrospection mode, we have Uranus - direct again - in Taurus. This is a time to reconsider the changes that we may feel guided to do and that we did not, as we were waiting patiently until we obtain more guidance for our new journey. 

As you know Uranus's frequency is one of change. This is not the change that comes naturally or that comes to solve your problems. This is the change that comes to turn your whole world upside down - transforming yourself and how your view reality, whether it is pleasant or not. This is the frequency that transforms everything it touches, from within to without.

It is a push to keep reflecting, especially by having the next day the North Node retrograde as well, entering in Taurus too. Both invite us to move forward, step by step, with patience, kindness, and gentleness towards ourselves, for it is vital to meditate upon the things we wish to birth, before acting impulsively. 

On January 20, the Sun will enter into Aquarius. When the Sun shines its light in Aquarius, a fixed and Air sign, it is a message for us to free ourselves from mental restrictions that impede us to fully flow with All and start cultivating the aspect of us who assists from a pure place of love and selfless service to others. 

You can be conscious of the part of you which is an individualized aspect of Source, at the same time that you can also become One with Humanity, and help the collective by being your unique expression of the Divine - sharing your own soul gifts and shining your unique frequency wherever you feel guided to share your own Light Essence. 

Mars in Capricorn from January 24, together with Mercury entering into the same sign on the next day, will give us the perfect boost that we need to begin moving in the direction of what we wish to achieve, during the next months. Mars in Capricorn gives us the energy, resilience, and determination required to pursue our goals. 

On the other hand, Mercury in the same sign gives us the mental clarity and strength for us to be able to cope with all we need to create and organize, as sometimes we may have the physical energy, but if we do not possess the same mental and emotional balance, we could not manifest outcomes that are aligned and stable, in our physical reality. 

We end the month by having Venus direct on January 29. Venus gave us the opportunity to evaluate ourselves, our sense of abundance, and our relationships. Now, we hold more clarity, and personal power, being able to continue our unique path, knowing better know what we wish and how we can manifest it.

A time to descend from the ethereal, from the depths of our soul, where we nurtured ourselves, and regained higher guidance, into the tangible, where we dwell, create, and can enjoy our soul's creations. 

This is a month to embrace our Creatress Essence, remembering the power of the feminine, without forgetting the importance of its alignment with the masculine. A month to work with our womb, our cosmic creative center, and a month to embody higher levels of love. 

We now enter into this New Cycle purified, more unified, and ready to create a totally new adventure filled with joy, abundance, and above all, unconditional love for us and All, for we are in All as well as All is in us.

I AM Goddess

I AM Creatress 

I AM Love, Harmony, and Power,

And so are YOU.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2021

The Energies of October 2021 - Restoring Balance

Beloved Ones,

October comes with healing and very loving energies to support us before we begin a new cycle, for we are in the last phase of this 2021 changing year. This is a phase for us to work on stabilization and balance, attributes that will be key during the next year 2022, as it is also a 6 universal year. A year that comes to soothe us and help us anchoring our new lives, after a year of constant change and integration. 

A six universal frequency that indicates love, harmony, and restoration. Something essential, on both a personal and a planetary level, after the turmoil experienced for the last two years. Number six is represented by the tarot card of the Lovers, which to me, is not just about physical relationships but about the inner union, between opposites, that has to occur before it happens with another being. Balanced relationships or enlightened ones, come when first we love ourselves and act, at all times, as integrated and whole beings, for it is by acquiring perfect equilibrium and inner unity, that we can truly merge with another with integrity and equality. 

At a cosmic level, we begin this new month by having Neptune quintile True Node. This will help us expand into our empathic nature, by communing with our intuition and therefore connecting with everything and everyone that is also part of us and that is co-creating and experiencing this human journey with us. It is precisely by becoming more sensitive and empathic that we begin to remember unity again, after a long time of experiencing what individualization feels like.

In a six universal month, and soon within another six universal year, this Libra Moon comes to activate the energies of harmony and balance that will be very present the next year that we are about to welcome soon. A Moon that also occurs on a day 6 of October 6 at 13 degrees Libra, together with Pluto direct again. The Libra Moon also conjunct Mars, which is about our personal power and how we direct it. 

Together with Pluto, we are going to have a wonderful opportunity to regain our sovereignty using this force to build, heal and restore, as many times if we are not balanced, we can channel this mighty energy in the form of unhealed anger and other emotions such as frustration and confusion. 

This Moon is about precisely balancing our impulsiveness, something that Libra's energies will help us with, and learn how to act from an empowered space rather than from a reckless one that often results in manifesting undesired outcomes. 

On the next day, Venus will enter Sagittarius. Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance in Sagittarius is going to help us liberating ourselves from toxic relationships and from anything that is still keeping us from experience what true and unconditional love is as well as to cease old behaviors that limit us, not just regarding abundance but in all aspects of ourselves and lives. 

Sagittarius, the traveler of the zodiac, is always eager to explore new territories, as it always has an open mind, therefore, if we truly desire to experience love, not the egoic one but the authentic Divine Essence that is within us and in All within Creation, we should leave behind what is comfortable, walk an unknown path, and begin to release all the ideas that keep us from experiencing what love truly means. 

There are no frontiers with Venus in Sagittarius, not in love, not in being free, and not in expressing our hearts. This is a path to walk in unity, freedom, and in love with All, and in the moment that we impede ourselves to experience love in that selfless way, is when we finally are able to broaden our horizons and begin to experience what true liberation feels like. 

On October 8th, Ceres will turn retrograde. We begin this loving month with another invitation, to express our hearts and personal truth lovingly. Ceres represents the mother and all that it creates from a selfless space of unconditional love to All - abundance, nurturance, and care. When it resides in Gemini we are being reminded of the importance of cultivating our mind, but also to express our thoughts and feelings, as it is pivotal that we express ourselves with love and respect to everyone and their personal choices, especially at a time when many are yet oscillating in the fear that is being created, and hence, in the panic, it generates. This is about caring for others, in a way that everything that we put out through our words, acts, or in any other ways, is done through love and great care, independently of their's choices. 

A few days later, on October 10 Saturn will be direct again. Well-known is already my belief about not focusing on retrogrades but on the authentic Essence of the Planet and how it aligns with other forces. As I try to act with integrity, I can simply share the proper astrological information about the planets, for you to interpret it on your own.

To me, whether retrograde or not, Saturn, which is a mighty force, helps us to take responsibility for our personal choices, and hence the reality that we build when we act accordingly, erasing unconscious acts, by simply seeding love wherever we go and with whoever we meet, for this is how we erase the so-called "karma", which is nothing but the unconscious acts we did when we possessed a different level of consciousness. 

Saturn helps us to align with our authentic will and manifest it in the tangible, where we came to master ourselves as creators, remembering that mistakes are nothing but the mastering of the egoic self and that the more we learn from these actions and choose to always act within Divine love, the more that we will understand Saturn's essence, one that we all have within, as all we see in the macro is a representation of what happens within ourselves too. 

On October 18 Jupiter will turn direct too. This will be for many a sign for them to begin working on expansion, although Jupiter is always a force that if we know how to integrate, can serve us to expand into our soul desires, and step into new horizons. This is a month for us to create balance, and with Jupiter, we can extend the many ways in which we can create more harmony and love within and into our lives. 

On this same day too, we also have Mercury direct again as well. This is, as I incessantly repeat, another illusion we have from Earth. The belief that it slows us down has been created within the collective and fed for eons, and it is now that only a few are choosing to disengage from it and begin to take charge of their own life experience.

Mercury is about communication, expression, and working with our mental plane. It is a wonderful planet for us to align with and work with all we need to dissolve, on a mental level, clear, or if we have done this inner work, learn how to communicate from a space of clarity and love with ourselves, and the Illumined Realms. By no means Mercury or any other force within the Universe has the power, neither the intention, to slow us or do anything to us, for this is another false belief that has been deeply implanted and that shall be released, for the time for us to break from old beliefs, and regain freedom, has finally come. 

Almost at the end of the month, on October 20, we have a Full Moon in Aries. Aries, as the first sign of the zodiac, rules the self. It is during this moon, as guides shared, where the ones that need to clear their genetic bloodlines will benefit from it, as Aries rules the first chakra and everything that anchors us to earth, to our families, and to the traumas and wounds that we carry related to it. It is a time for us to clear survival fears, blood distortions, reptilian undesired inherited essences and programs, and all karmic, so to speak, attachments. 

Finally, on October 23 the Sun enters Scorpio, together with Mars that will do the same on October 30. The Sun into this Water sign invites us to visit the depths of our being, navigating through our inner waters to illuminate those dark corners through the wisdom we have regained during all this time and embrace the "dark" aspects that are also a part of who we are and Creation - that makes us whole and One with All. 

A time to look within to receive all the revelations that these last months bring to us, as the last part of this year, will show us where we are going, as well as new ways of being of assistance, which is of great importance to change direction if the timeline we have chosen no longer resonates with our true destination.

In October we find ourselves crossing the threshold to a new destination. It is this a month for us to commune with our Illumined Self, ponder about our journey, all we have learned, all we still need to clear, and all we desire to create next.

This is why during this month it is so important to remain in a space of peace and harmony, so we can discern about what we are going to create next, from a space of calmness, and a higher understanding.

We have spent the majority of this year in a constant integration phase, followed by the proper descension of wisdom. It is then now the time for us to stabilize all we have previously embodied, and know how to use all the directions and guidance received, for the conscious creation of our new path, one that we never walk alone, as there are many others, both physical and non-physical beings/forces, that co-create it with us and that we shall honor too.

A month to retrieve personal power, so we can begin manifesting from a space of sovereignty and hence complete responsibility. For we recognize ourselves now as creators, healers, and masters of our own human life experience, giving no power to outer forces, and as such we shall act.

I wish you all a loving and harmonic October, Beloved Ones!

WIthin Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2021

The Energies of May 2021 ~ The Power of Love

 Beloved Ones,

This new energetic month of May comes with many changes, for as this universal five year has been reminding us since the beginning, we are in a state of constant integration and hence, transformation, as in truth, this is our authentic nature. A change that as we grow in wisdom, we understand that is part of who we really are, for the more that we distil old illusions, especially regarding our lineal and fixed existence, the more that we come back to live within Divine Flow, flexibility and the adaptability that comes when we finally embrace all that comes as it IS, rather than forcing everything to fit into our human illusions.

In May we welcome another important change, one that defies us to master our inner creator and another that comes with the coming of the eclipse in Sagittarius, at the end of the month, and that will push those who are still reticent to adapt to change. For the more we resist to what is meant to naturally take place, the more chaos that we will be - unintentionally - creating. 

Despite May can seem a month to work only in a tangible level, it is a month that even with its big emphasis into the physical, is all in the end above love, for love is the only authentic power that exists and has ever existed. Love as the only way to manifest a new reality, for only love can truly manifest, even though other forces claim to do so too. Love to remind us that all we see in the physical - abundance, manifestations, etc. - is only there because first has been love in its purest form. 

May it is a very profound month with potent cosmic energies to support us into the process of wisdom integration, and into he many mysteries that life still holds for us, for we are just beginning to realize how manipulated we were, and how many lies we have been told. The Truth is yet to be uncovered and we are just beginning to dive deep into it. 

At a cosmic level, May is a month in which we move from the Yin essence that starred the first months,  to the Yang one that will govern this new month and that will help us bring forth, and anchor, our new soul creations, and hence its universal 1 essence. A number that indicates beginnings, some that comes within the massive change that we have created, since the beginning of this year.

Number 1 is a reminder that we are ending/beginning a cycle - although still oscillating between both worlds - and it is pivotal for us to end with all that used to limit us, as we keep expanding within the new worlds that we are now bringing into form. We are still immersed in a huge transition, and as we reach the shore to our new destination, our main aim is to keep dissolving lower layers of an old self, as well as learning how to navigate through a passage that is revealing to us, and that will continue showing us more truths as we reach the Sagittarius eclipse. 

Number 1 in tarot, is represented by the Magician, one hand pointing to the sky and the other one towards the earth. He knows how to work with the Universal Laws, as he has mastered the art of descending into the physical what is first created in the ethereal. This is where we are at this time - birthing our deepest soul desires. 

We all are magicians as we all have within the power to manifest the outcomes that are aligned with our Highest Will, we just have to focus our precious energy into what is truly important, as it is not a time now to waste our personal power on delusions and past situations, but in the new life experiences that we are building and that have nothing to do with who we used to be.

Who we used to be is no longer who we are, even though we may still seem similar to our old self or some circumstances may too be familiar. In the moment that we make a personal shift, involving habits, behaviours and anything that is not who we truly are and begin behaving in a totally different way, we are a new person, and it is only when we choose to focus on who we used to be or in what we once did "wrong" what brings the same old results into our present reality, nothing and no one else. 

In May we are in the space in which beginnings and endings find each other. It is precisely in that infinite space, where we dwell in possibility, free to choose the timeline that is most aligned with who we are now. 

It is yours the choice to decide whether to continue repeat old experiences or to align with the new ones that you truly desire to experience next. For only you choose, decide and create. 

At a cosmic level, we begin this new month of May by having Mercury entering into Aries on May 3. This is a very loving frequency that helps us to communicate, at a time when we have been forbidden to do so in many ways, and even more in a personal level, due to the recent events. So, this event comes to show us the light after the darkness and a new opening in consciousness, one in which we are eager now to express our inner creations with the world, all we have learnt and all the inner gifts that we have to offer and share with others.

On May 5, Jupiter quintile Uranus. This is another confirmation of the planetary and cosmic expansion that we all, in some way or another are choosing to experience. Expansion within a new clarity and way of seeing reality, for not all is as we thought or were told to be. Expansion within freedom, for it was the first birthright taken away from us since the very beginning of Earth's origins, and expansion to continue integrating the wisdom that has always been within, and that we are now finally consciously activating, for only once we move within and expand into this inner knowledge is that we can truly be free sovereign beings. 

May 8, Ceres in Taurus. This is a very nurturing energy, as Ceres is the planetary aspect of Creation that represents the Mother, the caretaker and the lover that we all have within. Ceres invites us to take care of ourselves, as often we forgot how important it is to acknowledge ourselves and what our bodies need, especially when we choose to ascend while we are still physical beings, and in the importance that nurturing all aspects of our lives as well as others, has, for as benevolent compassionate beings, we are not here to judge but to offer our love and care to everything and everyone within Creation. 

This is something that we came here to remember, for this is a perfect plane to learn unity, as since we are born we are bombarded with the importance of the self, leaving aside that in truth we are all One Family. Ceres represents the unconditional love that we are, and that we came here offer to All. This is what we all are remembering again, the importance of taking care of ourselves, of the planet and all life forms.

On May 8 we have another important event too: Venus enters Gemini. When the Planet of Love is in Gemini, it is the perfect energy for us to love learning, acquiring knowledge and everything that makes us grow and evolve in the tangible. Not only there is the love for others or life in itself, but for sharing who we are, our personal truth and the wisdom that we, uniquely, descends and are eager to share with others. 

This is a stage in which many are hungry for knowledge, wishing to know more about their inner awakening process and what is taking place within themselves. As ascending souls who have already passed through the initial stages of our evolutionary journey, now it is a time to express ourselves and put our hearts out there for the purpose of selfless assistance. 

On May 11 we have a New Moon in Taurus. Taurus will give us a boost of energy, for after all we have been through a lot this year and after all the intense waves recently integrated between our personal and unique process, we all deserve to rest, revitalize and begin again anew, by feeling replenish and fresh to begin our new journey. 

This is going to be a Moon for us to regain confidence, something that many have lost due to the massive intent for manipulation and control. This is a time to remember what is important, and above all, our power as creators, which is something that no one can dim. 

Jupiter in Pisces, from May 13, is going to be a very expansive essence for us to dive deep into spirituality, into all life's mysteries and into anything that we desire to deepen, finding the truth and what will help us in regaining more wisdom and clarity. A time to learn compassion, for those who are choosing differently, and for everyone who, in their unique way is trying to evolve, the best they can. 

A time for soul reunions, for soul groups coming together to co-create on Earth, what they, on a soul level, pre-planned, before their incarnation. It is indeed, depending where we all are, a time of profound recognition, with ourselves, with others who too walk close to us in this journey, and to above all, in whatever way, to continue acting as love conduits. 

This summer, is going to be a very special one for soul reunions, for in a planetary level, Guides share that there are many, who belong to the same soul group and that are meant to co-create for the purpose of wisdom activation, and for planetary healing purposes, so this is going to be a key phase for all who wish to expand into their missions.

On May 20, we have the Sun entering into joyful Gemini. We pass now from the earthly sign Taurus to move into the speed of the element Air. It is now time to focus our attention into our mental Plane until we reach the perfect balance and wisdom that we need in all planes. If we learnt how to manifest in our earthly plane with Taurus, enjoying the simple pleasures of our lives, our mere existence and the joy to be here at a unique time - experiencing a human realm, creating infinite abundance - now, the Twins, will make us cultivate reason and everything related with our intellectual side.

It is also a good time to study and expand our knowledge into new directions that could benefit our inner growth and give us new ideas for the next steps of our journey. Gemini will also assist us to express our hearts and feelings, by communicating with freedom, and discernment. It will help us to realize if we tend to focus more into one polarity or the other, so we can find union between different poles. A perfect time as well to dissolve from our mental body negative thoughts, conflicts, confusion and everything that is there causing us imbalances that later will be manifested into physical pain, in our bodies. 

On May 23 we have Saturn, the Planet of responsibility, retrograde. With Saturn, we are going to have the opportunity - whether retrograde or not, as all is illusion - to see an old cycle ending, especially a planetary one, as even though some evolved souls did so before, there are many who are beginning to shift timelines, at this time.

A time for us to take charge of our lives and responsibility for our creations, for at this stage of our evolutionary journey, we have finally found that there is no one else to blame anymore, and the only thing that we can do, if we do not resonate with our current results, making the proper changes, to experience different outcomes. 

To me, Saturn has an associated meaning with karma that again is human, and no Planet or Gods come to punish or reward us. It is all what we choose to create and do with what we have, what creates. In life, as in anything else, is about simply recognizing that what we have created, done or thought was not aligned with love after all, and choosing a different result, more than blaming or finding responsibility in outer things.  

Almost at the end of the month we have on may 26 a Full Moon total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. This is indeed a time for Truth, revelation and above all, for understanding that we, now more than ever, need to move inward to regain this clarity and wisdom, for there is nothing that will come from the outside, if we first, do not align with the nature of that which we wish to co-create with. This is a time for completion, of the knowledge that we began to integrate and that is yet being descended. This takes time and devotion, but it is what will help us to move into a new and wiser state of being.  

Lastly, we have on May 29 Mercury retrograde. As you may already know, I no longer, for years now, put emphasis, feeding old beliefs, about mercury retrograde or in any other human illusions, as I think it will only serve to contribute to keep fomenting lies that once we created and that only diminish ourselves and make us feel small and governed by outer circumstances. So, I leave it to you to make of this aspect what most resonates with you, for as always, what you choose to think, you choose to create. 

Therefore think wisely, for it will become your reality. Only you choose if you desire to live within freedom and possibility or within restriction and delusion.

I wish you all a wonderful and limitless May, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 30 de enero de 2021

The Essence of February 2021

Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the second month of this changing Year. A new energetic month that leads us into our authentic nature, and that is always one of love and compassion. Both pivotal at this time, when Earth's bifurcation is more evident than ever for the collective, as even though the ones who were already transiting on this evolutionary journey knew, the collective is now awakening to this Truth. It is vital that we help sustain this loving and harmonic frequency that is being seeded in our new reality by not deviating ourselves from our main aim, building a free space for All to be who they are, without control or manipulation.

As you probably feel, there are many things in our new harmonic space that are very different from the obsolete reality that we are completely leaving aside, as it is for example the collective desire to regain freedom. However, if we go further one of the most noticeable changes between our old and new reality is our human sense of time, which does no longer feels the same, especially with the cease of almost all 3D activity, due to the recent events. 

We are finally feeling how time has stopped and we simply feel its passing faster, as we continue the current bifurcation from old Earth that already begun. We are at last seeing the many differences, from the new space that we occupy now, that exist in both worlds. We no longer feel literally encapsulated within the created sense of time that the matrix forced upon us, by manipulating Earth's Fabrics and many other organic Earth's structures. Now, as we continue navigating within our new reality, we realize that we simply experience time according to our personal human experiences and how we live them.

There are indeed many variances that many will experience as chaotic or painful, as it is the tremendous polarity that the ones who are beginning to awake are sensing now. Nevertheless, for the ones who have walked in this path for a while, we know that the more we evolve, the more that we will see what we are leaving behind, from a wider, more illumined, perspective, which is why we see our previous reality as being a very tumultuous one. However, it does not mean that everything is lost. On the contrary, it is the beginning of a massive planetary transformation. 

Our main aim is not to look away and continue living within our loving bubble, but to open our hearts to support those who, like we did once, are choosing to step into this new harmonic space. It is our duty, as ascending souls, who once agreed to assist, to act as New Earth Anchors, bridges, between both worlds, in our unique way, so we can continue supporting those who are in need of our compassion and understanding for what they are now experiencing.

The universal Ray of Harmony, is now assisting the collective into their awakening as well as into the proper stabilization that needs to occur within themselves, when this awakening process begins, for it is easy to lose focus on what is truly important and move into egoic traps, and/or old habits, as they are yet walking between two frequencies.

February is a month where we will move into Pisces, the realm of wisdom, harmony and intuition, where we shall dwell if we desire to regain strength, clarity and a new direction. The universal number 7 of this month is a representation of this same Piscean essence, and of where we, as a collective find ourselves at the moment, for all within Creation leads us to the same message, if we know where to look.

Number seven which is a mystical and master number, that represents the collective empowerment, and therefore mastery, that is taking place at the moment on Earth. It holds all the wisdom required for us to manifest in the tangible, all we desire to experience. On the contrary of what is often thought of this number, it is not a passive one, for its masculine essence means the one who wisely brings into form that which was once nurtured and properly discerned from within, from a space of love and connection to All That Is. 

Number seven shows us where we have been and where we are going. Have we mastered all the challenges that were kindly showing us what we needed to remember? Have we realized the illusion of separation? Have we found the mystic within? Or do we continue searching it outside? If we have found it, then, we are now ready to bring all this inner magic, creations and abundance into our physical realm, where we decided to become masters of the physical. 

At a cosmic level, we end January with the frequency of leo, one that invites us to open our hearts and dwell in its loving and compassionate essence, which does not mean it is exempt of strength. The kind of strength that comes from Divine love differs immensely from the egoic one, for this force does not need or desire to control or manipulate, as its power resides precisely in setting all free, as it knows is the only way to be. 

We also begin February by having another loving force, Venus, moving into Aquarius, on the first day of the month. This is a process that will continue happening as we enter into the month and that will culminate into a New Moon in Aquarius, whose frequency is one of universal love for all to remember the importance of our true nature and the liberation that is already happening, planetarily speaking, and that is only the beginning of a long process of conscious liberation for eons of slavery.

The message from the cosmos is to help us remember that we all are love, and that love dwells in freedom, as it is only by setting all free that we can truly love. This is what humanity, as a collective, is regaining now, the remembrance of what Divine Love and unity truly means. 

We are all heading into a space where freedom and the right to express our hearts is Law, as where we are heading there is no one or outer force that can impede us to do so, for in the Illumined Realms, there are no opposites or the need to fight for control, as love reigns and there is no opposite, as this is the only frequency that exists.

A phase in which we will be moving into the depths of our being with Pisces, as we enter into February-March, having the opportunity to enter into a personal phase of deep communion with our soul, and hence, wisdom. A wonderful gift indeed, and even more by ending the month with the frequency of Virgo, and a Full Moon dwelling in it, for Virgo's essence is about retrieving purity and the right essence for us to be of assistance, the next step after having regained consciousness.

We are in a month where compassion and acting with integrity is key, although acting with integrity it is not always well understood. By acting with integrity, that is to say, as we feel and think, does not mean to invade other's personal space or trying to impose our view of the world upon others, for this will not be behaving with integrity but with desire of control.

Acting with integrity means to remain in our hearts, doing only that which is in our hand to help in the current planetary transition, and this is only done by changing our own personal frequency, and hence, reality and doing our own inner work, rather than constantly wasting energy in wanting to interfere and being upset about things that we cannot change.

Being spiritual or conscious, as I much prefer to call our process, does not mean to interfere into other's personal experiences, for they have the right to act and think as they wish too, but to focus only in bringing change into our bodies and personal lives, for it is only in that way that we can help the whole.

I understand that one of the main things that occur to many when they awake is the profound desolation and hence fury that comes when they remember who they are and above all, their right to be free. However, we all possess within the calmness, patience and wisdom required for us to step beyond this initial phase and "fight" for our rights in totally different ways, that have nothing to do with interfering in what others do or believe, for we will not be then acting as ascending and loving beings, but as egoic manipulators, whether we would like to admit it or not. 

There is a Force, a power, that comes from Love that precisely resides in shifting things without touching them, that is to say, without forcing or manipulating them to grow or evolve, as we desire, for everything within Creation has its own time and Source is never in a rush. This Force resides in All, and it is this Benevolent Power the one we need to align with, from within, not with the egoic one, for it can be disguised as being a loving one. However, where there is manipulation, there is never love. 

Now more than ever we need to remember how to dwell within this loving and compassionate space. One that does not force, control or manipulate, for it has no desire for what others have chosen, as it loves all outcomes and choices, equally.

Once we remember and are able to finally abide in this inner loving state of BEing, there will be no one or outer power that can have any impact upon ourselves, for we have already connected and become one with our Eternal Presence.

May this month bring you the gift of recognizing the lovelight free sovereign being that you are.

Above all, may this month help you remember that freedom is not only for yourself, but for All, equally. 

I wish you all a wonderful February, Beloved Ones. 

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

viernes, 1 de enero de 2021

The Energies of 2021 ~ Harmonic Integration of Change

Beloved Ones, 

We are heading into another transformational year, as we proceed our journey to the new harmonic universe that our Planet already occupies, as it is a gradual process. 2021 comes with more opportunities to help us integrate change, in all its forms, as it is a continuation of what has been previously created or transformed. A year for us to seek the Truth within, for there will be many false sources and the only way to obtain clarity is to, always, move inward. 

A process that began in 2020 when we welcomed a year whose main frequency was a four universal one. A frequency that even though many believed to be harmonic, as in truth all is in nature, brought us many challenges to dissolve an old reality and begin the creation of the new foundations for our new lives. 

Since a few years ago, as many of you know by own experience, we have been internalizing, step by step, this inner change, doing our inner work to be able to embody, and seed, this new harmonic frequency. Our Planet as well as the collective in some way or another, have been experiencing the same shift. All this has ended into the current transformation that we are witnessing now and that comes as a result of all the previous awakening and hence, evolution.

In previous years many of us have been announcing the change that we are now seeing with our physical eyes, often not believed, and taken as fools, since no apparent physical changed since to happen. Now, we are finally seeing the outcomes of all we have planted, restored, and built, for this is a work of many, as One. Many that came to create a significant planetary shift and that is occurring - in a massive and rapid way - that has come as a surprise for many. However, not for the ones who know how to connect and see beyond our physical realm. 

Indeed 2020 has not been a peaceful year for many. However, it was a year of infinite possibilities. Possibilities to dissolve an old reality and create a new one. Possibilities for us to realize that the life we were experiencing was not aligned with our soul true desires. And possibilities for us to transform our entire human life experience, and step into a new dimensional space. It is all about where we choose to focus what will determine if 2020 was a year of possibilities or a year of deep challenges.

2021 is a five-universal year. A five frequency that is all about the embodiment of our true essence, which is always one of change, as we are constantly shifting and the natural acceptation of it. If we created the human illusion of linearity and fixity, now that we have chosen to move from our 3D human view of reality, is that we need to begin restructuring the original Laws that govern, rather than our own ones. Nothing is fixed in nature, and in the moment that we release this illusion and flow with All - as it Is - in our natural state of being, we will not fear change and the unknown, as we know that anything that will come to our experience, will be always now aligned with who we are. 

During 2021 the Nodes will be in mutable signs. Another cosmic message for us to be flexible, and open to change, for it is going to continue being a constant within this new reality that we are stepping into. It is our perception and how we integrate this change what will determine if this change is benevolent or chaotic. 

We begin the first month of the year, with the frequency of number 6, as January is a universal number six, within a five universal one of this New Year 2021. This energy is a loving, harmonic and above all caretaker one. In a month where many begin the year by being eager to make many changes and to immersed themselves into the five frequency of flowing and change of 2021, January with its six frequency is telling us to first take care of ourselves, and then ponder about what are the things that are now aligned with who we are, and new journey.

Remembering that before we can embark in a year of conscious creation, first we need to hold the trust, balance, and love required, for us to be able to create results that are going to be in perfect resonance with our soul desires. This about all we have created. Seeing if it benefits All, and take responsibility for all, rather than blaming others or the past year 2020 for what we did not like to experience. And only once we have done the proper mental evaluation of all we previously manifested, is that we can be fully immersed in the creation of a new phase. 

During this year 2021, the main and most important planetary event, in astrological terms, is the Square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus until 2025. This is already something that we have been seeing with the many riots and people rebelling against the new rules, the new order that is trying to emerge and above all, in the massive planetary awakening that this new reality that some are trying to impose have triggered.

The square in a macro level, for in the micro, we all have our personal reality and issues to master, this square is going to help the collective, and all of us, in our unique way, into the process of self-liberation, and hence, retrieval of personal sovereignty, that we began during 2020 and that we will continue during this New Year 2021, as it is a continuation of this process of breaking free from an obsolete and slavery society.

This is a process that Pluto in Capricorn, the Planet of Power, until 2024, will reinforce, as Pluto represents Power, the one that is within and that has been hidden for many years, as we were still rediscovering ourselves, and our authentic nature, within this human plane. There are many who are beginning to awake to this process, and these empowering energies will help them in the process of releasing and constant integration of personal power. 

We all have our time to remember that power is something that is not obtained from personal benefits or from being able to deeply influence others. Real power is about being able to shift our own reality and above all, helping shift All, by aligning as One. Power is never about control or manipulation, but about being able to stay in our heart center, independently of what is happening in the outside, shielding us against the many disturbances, lower energies and distractions that are trying to move us from our loving space.  Above all, power is about not allowing others to create our own reality, as if we do not do it ourselves, others will do it for us. 

Power is and was always within, even though others have manipulated this concept for us to believe that it was outside. It is very frightening for the ones who desire to control the population to realize that we are finally remembering that this power is within, and therein, their many attempts to create scenarios where fear is the main tool used to bring back the collective into control. However, once one remembers, there is no way back. 

The massive spiritual awakening taking place in the Planet is something that during 2021, Neptune, will continue supporting, as it will continue dwelling in Pisces until 2025. Actually, the only Planet who dwell into his ruler. This is also something that we are deeply feeling at all levels, in a personal and global one, for it is not just happening in the collective, but in the ones, who were already awaken and that are now crossing more veils of illusions, finding new ways of creating their new realities, as they continue evolving and expanding. 

Neptune in Pisces reminds us another important lesson - that it is precisely in what we consider lowest, negative etc. where we most have to be understandable and compassionate, for this is what others who are still awakening their consciousness most need, rather than our judgment and criticism. 

As we also have from May 15th to July 28th Jupiter in Pisces, this is another message for us to embrace compassion, as it is often the most important tool we possess for healing – having compassion for one another, and unconditional support  - since after all we are all transitioning into in unique ways, doing all we can to evolve and understand what is taking place in both within ourselves and without. 

Another important planetary event during this New Year is Uranus in Taurus until 2025. Taurus rules the physical world, the finances, and the systems. This, in the macro, will show us what is already happening in our Planet, for as I always say, as it is within it is without, and the planetary bodies are outer representations of us at all levels. Having Uranus in this earth sign, the financial system will continue shaking, as well as all the fixed structures that still reign in our world and that will begin to fall, step by step, although it will take many of our human years. 

A year in which, if we look back, for as always, it is just by looking back that we realize all we have advanced, we will realize that we are moving into an Era of incredible technology. We will move into an Era in which light will be the only tool used for communication. We may call it many names - solar energy etc. - as there are many forms of energy into our planet. 

We may find 2021 another year in which we do not cease to adapt to change, as Guides shared when I began writing this article. This will be reinforced with the eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius in May, June, November, and December of next Year, although there will be more energies, coming from outside our earthly plane, that will help us in this tremendous transition.

Remember that in order to be able to create the necessary change, at a personal and global level, everything, beginning from our inner worlds, must be transformed, and within this shift, there are challenges and movement, for the time for calmness will come after we finally create the new pillars for our new society, something that we began this almost past year 2020. 

Again, if we look back, we may find that we have already accustomed ourselves to this great change that began in 2020. However, home schooling, solar energy, robots, internet, and many other things that literally rule our lives, were not so common at all just a few years ago. We are already living what we used to watch in movies and though it was never possible, and hence, here we are, beginning to embrace new ways of living. 

Nonetheless, we need to be careful not to lose what is more important - the physical connection, for the soul one is always there and will always find a way, to live joyfully, in love and in freedom. As we make things all the current changes are good. However, some may be oriented too to isolate us more and more, if we are not careful to continue fomenting and embracing the importance that real contact also has. 

Within a year of change and constant distractions, remaining into our hearts is pivotal to be able to continue supporting with our unique frequency the already transition that Earth is having. When we talk about personal evolution, the most important thing that comes with it is understanding, compassion and love and if we are not able to put these values in practice towards ourselves and own human experience, as well as others, then we are not so evolved as we may think, and we may consider moving inward and see where our egoic self is yet ruling ourselves.

This year is a year when we will have to be totally focus on selfless service, and that begins by honoring ourselves and respecting the unique mission we brought here and that of All. Using force, violence or any other egoic tactic to confront what we do not desire to experience or see or simply does not resonate, will not hep us to change anything. 

2021 is indeed another intense year of change. However, as Guides said, within this change, there are, as well as in 2020, infinite possibilities for us to continue rediscovering who we are, our power and unique abilities, for if we know where to look, within change there are many dimensions, universes with which we can unite and choose the reality that we most prefer to step into. A year for us to regain sovereignty, and the freedom that comes with it. 

Above all, a year for us to move into a new harmonic universe, and this can only be achieved if we first align from within by holding a loving, compassionate and respectful frequency. To choose this path, we must take responsibility, and pass through the many challenges that will make us stronger and wiser. This is why many keep choosing old ways, as it is more comfortable.

The truth is that there is always a way out of what brings us sadness and limitation. However, and as I never cease to repeat, this change will only come if we are willing to create it. And where there is a Will, there is, always, a way.

I wish for you in this New Year many ways for all who have the Will, Beloved Ones.

Love, joy, and infinite blessings for 2021!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020

The Energies of November 2020 ~ Bringers of Harmony

 The better we know ourselves the less we fear others.

 Gregg Braden

Beloved Ones,

We are finally entering into the last phase of this stabilizing year, even though it may seem otherwise, due to the many distractions consciously created to disturb us from continuing our journey to a new timeline. We are in a new month whose main frequency is one of stabilization, again. This is going to be a constant within our new reality - change, adaptation to it, and its subsequent stabilization. Where we are heading is a new dimensional space where we no longer find ourselves in an illusory fixed reality, and state of being, as above all, the illusion of stagnation has been the greatest one. 

Where we are heading is a new reality that even if unknown to us, as humans, for we are accustomed to remaining in the familiar, is paradoxically, our authentic state of being, one of change and freedom. This is our main aim at the moment, to get accustomed to change. Something that this new year 2021, with its five universal frequency, will help us to do.

This is not going to be easy for the ones who desire to continue in the repetition of a fake reality, played once and again, under the illusion that this is what reality truly is. For those whose desire is to remain in the old ways, the opportunity, for there are many parallel timelines, of staying in the old one, will be available. As always, it is all a matter of frequency.

One can think that it is all illusory. However, many of us know the difference in shifting frequency. We no longer experience repetitive situations that seemed to last forever. We no longer meet, not even by what many call chance, with people whose frequency is totally different, and our main state of being, even though we all have challenges, is now one of peace and love, eve though many will complain of living in an undesired reality. 

We understand that it is all what we create, from within. This is the main difference to be at peace or to allow oneself to be governed by outer forces and circumstances. As always, if we do not take charge of our own life, someone else will. Not because they have this power, but because we have given it to them by acting passively. 

Coping mechanisms 

This is a very important phase for all of us to work on self-liberation as well as to support our own process, as we continue experiencing the many challenges that all transitions involve. At the moment it is vital to ground ourselves to Earth, and as One with it, continue assisting in this transition, something that can only be done if we balance our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, as well as non-physical and physical selves - being fully anchored in our human reality. 

Often, it is when we are not grounded that we allow ourselves to live in delusions, stressing ourselves about the things that we can do nothing about to change, and hence, it is when we most experience anxiety and lack in all its forms appears in our lives, impeding us to blossom as the limitless and abundant beings that we are.

During this last phase of our journey, it is pivotal that we work on clearing our root chakra, for as we transition into our new harmonic space, so does our body, even though in subtle ways that we are not yet aware of. It is of utmost importance that we understand the healing power, and will, of Planet Earth, in this transition, for it shows us unconditional love, feeds and soothe us, as we continue navigating into a new dimension. 

This is why it is so important to be in contact with Her, for She shows us mercy and how to be in flow. The transfiguration of our lower chakras is key within this transformation, as so it is the constant clearing required to continue leaving aspect of our old self behind, and hence, life as well. We should never be afraid of letting go and empty ourselves of everything, for only when we are empty is that we can be filled, again. 

The Violet Flame is another coping mechanism I daily receive from my Guides, for us to clear our bodies while this last phase lasts. It is vital to scan our bodies and see where they most need healing, clearing and our care and attention, for they suffer from the surrounding energies, as well as the physical evolution experienced, which is consists of a deep baggage of emotional, mental and often traumatic charge. 

This is a moment for us to allow God/Source or as you prefer to call this Divine Consciousness to take care of ourselves, as it knows best how to orchestrate all in a perfect way for All. There are many things happening at once, at the moment. Many could fall into the trap of listening only to their fears, wanting to control reality rather than confronting, surrendering to it and creating their own one.

There is nothing we can do to control others. We can only surrender to a Higher Plan, knowing that as long as we do our inner work to clear and purify ourselves of everything that we have been negatively taught or program to believe, that is no longer part of ourselves, will cease having an impact in ourselves.

We just need to give this process the Divine Time for it to occur and do our part by focusing only on what brings us joy and what feeds our soul desires, rather than egoic or lower ones. All is heading into the perfect place for all of us. We just cannot fully see it, from our human perspective, that is all. This is where surrendering and trusting is pivotal for us to continue being in joy, in gratitude and in love with All. 

The necessary fusion or alchemy that needs to take place for us to leave an obsolete reality and step into a desired one, has already began. We all knew this process of transformation was not going to be a bed of roses, and yet we have forgotten how it felt like and complain from time to time. 

In the process we may need to cry, for it is one of the best ways to release. As long as this process feel liberating and does not become usual in our daily lives, is one of the most beneficial coping mechanisms, for our body is releasing resistance to let go of what our egoic self has taught it to hold onto. We just have to let ourselves flow with our emotions and see that this is how our body expresses itself.

This is a time for us to work on the things that we can birth and bring into alignment, for this is where our main focus should be. Above all, what we can, always, do, is be a light for others who are beginning on this journey and need of someone who have walked among the shadows before, for this is what we signed up for, and our true mission on this Earth.

For us to integrate polarities, first we need to see and experience them clearly. This is what this plane offers us and what we wished to experience, in a more personal level. Only once we are ready to remember, learn from what we have experienced and let go of illusions, especially the illusion of judgement, lack and suffering, is that we are ready to leave this dimension. And that, is something that only we can know, for only we know ourselves, deeply. 

No matter where you are, know that you are in the perfect place and space for you and All. No matter what you are experiencing or how painful it may seem to be, know that this is the perfect opportunity that you need to remember your power and the importance of unity and compassion.

All is well. And so are you. 

Astrological events 

We leave another month by having a powerful Blue Full Moon at 8 degrees Taurus. A moon that conjunct Uranus and that without any doubts will have a profound impact at a global level, especially in the collective, as we are already seeing, especially in transforming many structures that enslave us all in a way. This Moon reflects the anxiety, desperation, and the confusion that many feel with the recent events and their eagerness to change what they consider disrespectful and unfair. 

We begin this transitional month of November, for even though its main frequency is a stabilizing one, we are yet within a very profound transformational period, by having Mercury turning direct, and many other planets, for the ones who resonate with this human illusion, and by having wonderful aspects that invite us to soothe ourselves, and regain strength before envisioning what will be our new destination. 

This is a month in which ironically two "opposite" frequencies already coexist - the six universal one from November that indicates love and harmony, and the already five one from the new year 2021 that is already being strongly felt, and that indicates change. This is what we are going to be experiencing for a while, a constant dance between adapting to change and stabilizing it, or resisting to what is our natural state of being, as many will choose to do, by simply choosing to perpetuate the illusion of abundance. 

The six universal frequency of this new month, and at the same time last one to get to another cycle within the many ones that we will experience, is one of harmony, love and peace to help us ease the period of change that we have been integrating, and that has nothing to do with the global events, although they are, of course, another reason of the many challenges and changes that we are living.

This loving six frequency is also a message for us to bring synthesis into the aspects of us that are in rebellion, as if we wish to create harmony and peace in the physical, first we need to embrace the aspects of us that are dwelling in fear, in pain and hence, in separation. The frequency from this month reminds us of the love that we all are - in Essence - and that we came here to embody within our Human self, a very needed reminder with the the unlove and manipulation that we are witnessing. 

Number six is represented by the tarot card of the Lovers, which to me, is not just about physical relationships but about the inner union, between opposites, that has to occur before it happens with another being. Balanced relationships or enlightened ones, come when first we love ourselves and act, at all times, as integrated and whole beings, for it is by acquiring perfect equilibrium and inner unity, that we can truly merge with another with integrity and equality. 

At a cosmic level, we begin November by having Mercury direct again and Ceres on November 9 entering into Pisces. As you know, I do not follow the illusion of retrograde/direct Planets, for it is just that, an illusion from earth. In the moment one chooses to feed it, it grows and becomes real. In the moment we simply choose to distillate them, we begin to fully see reality, as it IS, and especially as we create it. So, I leave it to you the dates just for mere informative purposes, so you can make of it what it is real for you, and the personal reality that you have chosen to experience.

Ceres in Pisces, however, is a wonderful frequency that shows the one that will accompany us, during the entire month. The frequency as well of its number six, one of unconditional love, compassion, creativity, and harmony, for Ceres in loving and intuitive Pisces, dwells peacefully and lovingly in it, inviting us to do the same, during this time. 

This frequency is also one of the universal mother. One where many of us have been born under, as it is our main aim to act as universal mothers by freely giving love to All. This is an opportunity for us to align more and more with his frequency, especially at a time when loving and understanding, rather than fighting or being against everything, will make all the difference. We came here to understand, from a wider perspective, what is happening within this earthly plane, not to blame, judge and/or wanting to escape, which is a sign of being imbalanced. 

Many times, many starseed and earth seeds, even though awaken, search escapism in many ways out of this human plane, due to imbalancing issues, which impede them to fully embrace their true potential, and abilities, ones they came here to seed, acting as love conduits and that due to delusions and fears they do not fully integrate. 

Ceres in Pisces is also another blessing for those who are working, at the moment, in loving themselves, and in becoming their own caretakers for the same that we try to take care of others and help them in their personal paths, we should do this with our own selves, not because we are narcissists, as I heard many times, but because if we do not love, respect and value our own Divine Spark within, draining ourselves in the process, we cannot really be of assistance to anyone else.

The next day Mercury, will enter Scorpio. This is the macro representation of the profound shift that is already taking place, and that we all are seeing from our unique perspective. At a global level, a lot of change is happening, especially at that precise time of elections and transformation. On a personal level, this is not just about experiencing the change that comes from outside but the one that we can create in our mental plane, if we desire that our physical reality change, for all comes first from what we create in our minds.

Mercury in Scorpio invites us to go deeper into our old ways of thinking, clearing all distorted and fake beliefs and search for the truth that lies behind a situation and a though pattern. It is important that we clear our mental plane from time to time, or we will fall into the trap of believing that all we think to be true is direct guidance, when it is often the result of perpetual negative thinking or unclear inherited beliefs. 

A few days later, on November 12, we have Jupiter conjunct Pluto. This frequency is going to help us expand into what we truly desire and feel passionate about. Jupiter, often considered the Planet of Luck, is all about expansion rather than the good fortune that comes from outside. As we all know luck is what we cultivate and create in our lives, from within, not something that Planets or outer Gods grant us, as it used to be in the old.

With these potent energies we have the opportunity to align with them to expand on our new goals or projects for our new lives or simply to expand in consciousness, for not all needs to be something tangible, as expansion always begins within. This will be for many the encouragement needed for them to break free from unconsciousness, take back their power and embrace their true potential, as sovereign beings. 

The next day, on November 13, we have another planet, Mars, direct, again. As you know, to me whether Mars, the Warrior Planet, is "retrograde" or not, the main essence, and hence message, from Mars is for us to embrace our power, which has nothing to do with anger or the frustration and impulsive acts that may come from these emotions.

Mars is going to ask us to stand tall in who we are and in our personal truth, and again, it is another representation of something that has been happening for a while, as there are many now becoming aware of their power to change their lives, as well as the many injustices that are taking place in the world. 

Mars is reminding us the importance of our energy and where we put it. Do we use it constructively towards the creation of our soul desires? Or do we waste it in trying to change things and people that we cannot truly change? It is all about deciding what makes our heart sings and whatever it is go for it, as when our choice is not the best one for us, we would have learnt from this experience as well, knowing now what we truly desire. Time and experience is never wasted, for they both are incredible fountain of wisdom. 

On November 15 we have two important events happening in our Heavens. On one side we have a wonderful New Moon at 23 degrees Scorpio and on the other, Jupiter quintile Chiron. Regarding the New Moon in Scorpio, we have a very important period for us to not just go deeper mentally, as the previous events invited us to do, or in a physical level, seeking the truth of what is taking place, but with this moon, we are also going to be invited to go deeper into our emotional and spiritual bodies, so we can clear ourselves, at all levels.

This Moon is well aspected to Jupiter conjunct Pluto. This is also a very good aspect for us to grow, expand and focus into what we are already building, for not will be in the same phase if awakening or seeking truth. For others, this period will be already one of peace and expansion, as we all have different times to reach a more harmonic phase. 

A few days later, on November 21, we also have Venus entering Scorpio. Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance, which is just a consequence of the first one, in Scorpio is going to help us tremendously in going deeper into the depths of our being to find the love that we are and for once embrace ourselves with it.

All we wish to experience, loving relationships, abundance, peace, and a loving reality cannot manifest if first we do not possess the same within. This is why it is so important that we understand that without self-love, we cannot fully experience a loving reality. Remember, the connection, the love, the passion, and the magic that you so desire to experience with others, is first within. 

On November 21, the Sun enters Sagittarius. We pass from going deeper into all matters and bringing into the surface what was hidden with Scorpio, to manifest new opportunities in our lives with the gentle energy of Sagittarius, a sign that seeks beyond the surface but also enjoys its quest and making things tangible. Sagittarius likes to explore new horizons and as its ruler is Jupiter, it also helps us to expand ourselves even more in our own soul, and mission, search.

Sagittarians are the Truth-seekers of the zodiac, they wander for more wisdom and answers to their inner questions, they do not hesitate if the road gets hard as they know that finding the Truth will be worth it. Sagittarius are persevering in what they truly desire, and they enjoy the journey more than getting to their “final destination” as they are grateful for all the lessons learnt in their path and know that it is in the journey in itself where true wisdom resides.

Sagittarian energies will finally give us the necessary rest that we need after this intense and revealing phase - introducing us to the last month of December, a decisive month before entering into a new phase of our human journey. 

To continue supporting us in our healing process, on November 25 we have Pluto quintile Chiron. This is about going within and seek the root of what causes us pain and impedes us to flow and expand and clear it. For transformation to occur, first we need to revisit what we deny, even unconsciously, and that is causing us to be eternally wounded, for there are so many things we do not know yet, things that continue to hurt us, that only by being brave enough to look at them, is that we could embrace them and heal them. 

Finally, at the end of November, on the 28 we have Neptune, the Planet of Intuition and the subconscious turning direct again. As you know I prefer to simply align with the essence of Planets and really feel outside of our conventional human perspective what is truly happening behind the physical scenes.

Neptune can be challenging, as it invites to go deeper into the aspects of us and feelings that we do not desire to visit. However, once we integrate our shadows and overcome any fears, we can resurface by being stronger, wiser and with a new sense of direction and connection to our inner guidance, that we did not possess before due to our egoic fear to visit the unknown and the corners of our souls that are in pain.

This is also going to be of great help for those who need to see reality. As you know many times, we simply deny seeing what IS and focus on the many humans delusions that cloud our understanding about what is already occurring in our human experience. If you are one who tend to dwell in the ethereal, in denial of what is taking place in your human reality, then Neptune will help you to being into synthesis both worlds, understanding that both are equals and that can coexist, if we desire to embrace both sides of who we are, not just the Divine, but the mundane one as well.

Finally, we end the month by having on November 30 a Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 8 degrees Gemini. With the energies from this wonderful heavenly configuration, we are going to be remembered that there is always another opportunity, to rebirth, to learn and evolve from what once made us suffered and above all, to be in joy, seeing the infinite possibilities that we have to expand ourselves and continue being the love that we are, even though we have been challenged and may be tired of all we have walked and experienced. There is always a new dawn and the best is yet to come. 

From this month onwards, we are going to experience a different sense of time, for as we have been feeling for a while, time will go faster and faster as we enter into more illumined planes. There will be more and more scenarios, at a global level, where we will clearly see the evidence of what many of us have talked for years - the already palpable difference of the two earths that exist, for some time, within our physical plane. 

This may seem something terrible for ones, especially for the ones who have allowed themselves to be manipulated and will think that we are heading into the so-called end of the world. However, for the ones who look with different eyes, this will be just the beginning of the rising in consciousness that is taking place in the Planet and that is making real the possibility of exit a 3D matrix.

As always, there are infinite choices, all of them unique and equal, even though we tend to judge them all, according to our level of consciousness. For the ones that still wish to experience limitation, they could always choose to stay in the 3D Earth. For the ones who have learnt from the experience and wish to continue expanding in unconditional love and freedom, there is already another avenue where they could step into.

The answer resides within yourself. All you have to do is choosing the state of being that you feel comfortable having, at the moment. The reality will adjust to it. 

Remember to always see the possibilities, even within the challenges, rather than the chaos and confusion. There is always a way out and it is you the one who decides when and how. What new horizons will you choose to experience next?

I wish you a loving, and miraculous November, Beloveds. 

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba