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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Ascension update. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

The Energies of November 2017 ~ Ascending to New Earth

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

At this final phase of our bifurcation from Old Earth, we find ourselves traversing the space between Old Earth and the New Vibrational Earth, in which, some of us, have consciously chosen to dwell. At this time, some ascending souls, already are anchored within a fifth dimensional real, while many may find themselves still navigating between the 4D portal that leads us into this New Timeline, for in truth, it is all a matter of how we choose to vibrate and radiate our essence more than a number or physical dimension. 

At the moment, we are working on the synthesis of all the aspects of us, which is not a one-day process or something that is done by simply reading or by just going to one healer after another, but by consciously awakening our cosmic spark and walking the talk. A message of inner fusion that this new month, with its Scorpion energies reminds us. For it is precisely in the unification of our inner polarities, where the ascension path begins. It is by healing all the unlove, blockages, and fear once unconsciously embodied or imposed by outer manipulation, that we begin to unveil the many fake layers of illusion - that once we believed - and embodying a higher level of awareness.

As we continue our process of inner fusion - and healing - from old programming, our ability to co-create improves. As we continue to merge the opposite polarities that lie within us, so does our ability to expand and give birth to something new that can only be birthed by the merging of opposite, but again, complementary forces. This is where we are, birthing a new self and timeline as we keep also mastering how to be fully anchored within our choice, trying different possibilities for us to experience.

From a collective perspective, Planet Earth seems to be experiencing its most chaotic period for a long time. Please be observant and look beyond the false propaganda, the misinformation that is given to manipulate us by the dark forces, to discern what is truly occurring behind the physical scenes. It is true that our Planet is in deep transformation - from nature - in the form of natural disasters, to climatic change as well as many other issues such as political ones. However, it is also true that the light polarity is being strongly reinforced by the many new souls who are awakening as well as the work of the many Light Bearers, Starseed Souls, raisers of consciousness, and New Earth Seeds that are being the pioneers of this transition.

It is all about where you choose to focus your attention. For to be able to experience the deep bifurcation that we are passing through, first the formation of extreme poles need to emerge. As we continue our transition into New Earth, if we look behind, we will see more "chaos" but this is not all that is happening, this is just an aspect that for us, as ascending souls, is clearer now to us, for where we are going there is not such a deep sense of polarization.

Therefore, it is so important to remain always in the Wisdom and loving Essence of our God Self, for every time we look into the sides, or the past, we are bringing this same chaotic frequency into our present vibration and hence timeline. This is not the same as denial, for we are not denying the evidence of our human nature, but embracing both without judgements and choosing the state of being that is more aligned with who we are now. We do not need to ignore, label or try to fight anything, for we know, that we simply need to be to expand and leave behind what we have experienced for eons.

We hold now in our hands the moment some of us have been waiting for, a moment, and gift, in which choosing where to dwell, whether in old or New Earth is essential, for the double body of Earth is already occupying a new time/space zone within a higher octave. The question is: “Are you willing to do what it takes to let it all go and begin an unknown but blissful journey of conscious co-creation and integration?” This question is not replied by a yes/no question, your feelings, thoughts and action, will let you know where you are in frequency.

If you still read, agree but then do not act accordingly with what you truly desire, then your own actions are showing your lack of integrity, which is perfectly fine if you are aware. If you still think that acting is more important than BEing, then you are again polarizing and allowing your masculine essence to be constantly bringing something into form without the proper nurturing it needs from the feminine within. If you know what you need in healing/dissolving and yet you continue to separate, judge and manipulate, then you are not ready to release an old aspect of your 3D egoic personality.   

It is very important that we understand that to be able to evolve, first something must "break" within ourselves to trigger the transformation/reorganization required in our inner worlds, beliefs and everything that used to be familiar to us. As many of you know, by personal experience, at first, one begins to be against everything and everyone that feels a lack of awareness and compassion. 

Even if these first stages may seem chaotic, for the ones who are stepping into this journey, you will realize, at your own time, that trying to fight and change what you cannot is just a waste of your energy and intention. As one evolves, as once happened to many of us, one understands that the only thing we can truly change is ourselves, and it is then that we cease to fight the outer world and begin to move into our inner one, being able to finally bringing this change to All.

At the moment the collective is fighting what they think they can change, or the outer conditions, let them be. It is also an important part to help others awake. The important thing is not what they do or not but what we do with our own frequency. If you choose to focus only on the dark forces, then you will begin to vibrate within this lower range, manifesting it into your reality, and hence seeing only chaos. 

By referring to the collective and how they try to change things, I am not talking about the light workers who works peacefully to bring great shift into certain things, as it is human rights, conscious eating etc, for they bring healing and deep transformation, as well as unity, to All. I am talking about the ones who are beginning to awake, when in their first phases, try to push others by force to think as they think and to change things in the outer that cannot be changed, for the dark side must do its function in a dual Universe. 

It is by neutral observation, especially at the end of the day, by taking some time to become the eternal witness that we can be able to discern whether our egoic self still dominates us or whether we have become the masters and hence sovereign beings of our own life experience. At every moment, we have the opportunity to choose, we do not really have many choices, for all choices are a matter of deciding whether dwelling in love or in fear, and at every single second, we are given the gift to become aware to where we are given our attention to.

Soul integration & Monadic connection

The process of soul integration, even though an endless one of constant remembrance, leads to a higher connection with our Monad, as this is the next step when we begin to integrate higher aspects of our soul, from a whole space.

The nourishment of our connection with our Monad, is pivotal for the ascending souls who are in service  to the human evolution, for we do not walk alone in this earthly realm, and the more we cultivate this connection, the more we will realize that we have never been alone, on the contrary, acting as One, at all times with the higher aspects of us who dwell in the 12D, whether we focus more on separation and in the individualized aspect of Source that we are, or whether we were more conscious of this Higher Connection.

It is essential that we begin to embody the remembrance of who we are in Essence, for it is only by doing so that we will begin to act with more integrity and consciousness, remembering more aspects of our soul mission as well as our true purpose for us within this human incarnation. A lot of people daily wonder what is their soul purpose, when one is in this phase, asking outside and trying non-stop to search for a clue, will not serve your inner quest.

What has helped me in my journey, until the moment comes of being consciously aware of what we are here to do, is to follow the steps my soul guided me in order to be able to descend more wisdom about my soul purpose. The initials steps are often about cleansing, healing and beginning the work of soul integration, for if we do not begin by purifying ourselves, the veils that cover the Truth will continue to impede us see what we are meant to.

To be able to embody this Monadic connection and hence, more wisdom, first we need to work on the dissolution of all the old beliefs as well as clear our emotional and mental bodies that are covering this connection with our Monad. After regaining the proper balance and purification, we will be able to realize that we are just an extension of other aspects of us who remain in other planes but that are breathing, feeling and acting as One with us.

It is when this illuminating moment comes, that we leave all egoic desires aside and begin to embrace a higher path of selfless service, for we now remember that we are no just here to fulfill our mere egoic desires and experience a human plane, but to be able to bring this higher essence as well as its wisdom to All in our unique way of being of service. 

It is no longer about us but about All. It is no longer about what we think we wish for ourselves and with whom, but about being fully present and conscious of what our Unified Self guides us to do at every moment. At this time, it is pivotal that within this tumultuous phase, we will be able to always remain focus on this deeper connection with our Monad, for they are not just a part of us, but our main guide, and support, while we walk as individualized beings 

Cosmic events triggering change & expansion

At a Planetary level, the expansion that we all are experiencing, from within, in our unique way, is also repressed by Jupiter, especially by being now in the depths of Scorpio. Another aspect occurring during the beginning of this month, is Jupiter quintile Pluto on November 3. This frequency will make a deep impact within the collective, helping them to keep awakening and deepening within their own evolutionary path. 

This will be of great assistance as well for the ascending souls, to go further in our soul mission, and descend new aspects of it. This will help us all to awaken dormant soul gifts, go beyond our human boundaries and see behind the physical picture, all the dormant potential that remains untouched within the depths of our being. 

The previous day we will also have a very important cosmic event, as Saturn will square Chiron, the Cosmic Healer. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night suffering - with anxiety - without knowing why? Do you still tend to repeat the same old scenarios, even if you try to manifest a different outcome? Have you ever noticed the unhealed pain beating inside your heart, even if you try to cover it with addictions or any veil that will bring you the illusion that there are unhealed wounds?

If a part of you is still in pain, whether it is because it remains living in the past or whether in loss, you still have not ended the healing required with your emotional body and unconscious wounds. With this alignment and the wisdom and higher awareness from Neptune being direct again on November 22, for as you know the energies do not last just one day, we will have the cosmic gift of bringing the unconscious into the light and begin to work with all the aspects of ourselves that remain in darkness, suffering due to the separation we brought to them. 

It is a time to take full responsibility for every thought, for every action taken and realize that there was never something you made wrong, whether to you or onto others. There are simply acts committed by being in a lower state of consciousness or fear. Now you have embodied higher aspects of who you truly are. Now you are freeing yourself from delusions of what you never were. Now is the time to forgive yourself, for all the unconscious acts made from when you were a totally different person. You came to love, to enjoy, and to open your heart to the things your egoic self has been fearing for a long time. 

There will be a portal opening between the Taurus Full Moon, on November 4 and the Scorpion new one on November 18. The full moon in Taurus will serve to anchor balance between our earthly and ethereal realms, for Taurus is ruled by Venus and Venus is in Libra at the time of this full moon, so this is another confirmation for us to bring inner synthesis within ourselves and hence within our human lives. 

On the other hand, the Scorpion’s Moon will be of great assistance to connect with our God Self and begin to descend and anchor this wisdom within our tangible plane, for this is what truly serves and helps us ascend, it is not by dwelling in the ethereal that we evolve, but by bringing all this transformation, purification and higher wisdom into our bodies and dense reality. 

Stabilizers, New Earth Anchors, raisers of consciousness & Grid-workers

This is a very important phase for the ones who work with bringing stabilization as well as for the ones who work with Earth's Grids and as New Earth Anchors - holding the proper frequency - acting as bridges -  to New Earth. For we all are experiencing many imbalances, as well as changes, in our physical system and should try to remain for as much time as possible in harmony, for if we collapse, then we will not be able to assist.

Many of you are going to be call to be of service in a different or broader way, I was told many are now guided to travel and anchor in the places that their essence will be of higher service. Others may change location and begin a new phase there, for even if our lower self tends to get attached, it was never about us, or about what we like or not, but about a Higher Will.

Raisers of consciousness, as I call them, are the ones with the soul role of remaining, always, in their highest possible frequency, vibrating in the range of love and compassion to be able to raise the frequency of our Planet. They are the ones that work from within and wherever they go they are felt as peaceful warriors, bringing love and joy to everything they touch. They are essential to keep the Planet in balance for without their work, the Planet could not be able to sustain the proper essence required for this planetary transition.  

For the stabilizers, as you already know, there is a lot, as usual, happening when we stabilize, whether in the astral, when awake,  or doing it fully conscious, for as many of you have felt, the attacks from the dark forces are becoming more recurrent as they are doing their mission of trying to keep the planet asleep, as it used to be for eons.

These are some of the symptoms that if you act fully consciously, you will experience while stabilizing:

• Huge pressure in your crown chakra - especially for the ones having a personal inner shift. For it is shifting and adjusting itself to be able to embody the New Light descending from our I AM Presence. 

•  A deep sense of heaviness in your legs.

• Vertigo - especially common after navigating between different timelines, for we are now pretty much in contact with other aspects of who we are as well as its many realities, where they exist.

• Drowsiness 

•  Headaches - as an invitation, between many other causes, for you to work on your mental body and clear it.

Feed yourself  with what serves your body to integrate this new light better, you know yourself, and we are all unique, so what serves for my body may not be what helps yours. Drinking lots of pure water is essential, for water helps us conduit the light - Divine Wisdom - we consciously integrate at the same time that purifies all channels. Above all, remain always in the loving embrace of your God self and its infinite compassion for All, instead of focusing on the drama and chaos that other dark forces create. 

It is indeed a very intense passage, which is why it is essential to trust and surrender to change. One of the experiences that begin to arise when we step into a new path of conscious co-creation, is that as we continue to expand, our inner light will let us know when it finds an obstacle, something we call being in a painful situation. This is where you need to clear the path, beginning from within. This is where your soul is asking you that you must take a break and dissolve all the obstacles that are impeding the expansion of your inner light through new horizons. 

Everything is created within and experienced without. If you are passing through certain challenges, then, you must become fully aware and take the responsibility to understand that you have created all to begin with, just because you need to master something new or that you are not seeing yet, or because you need to keep learning how you use your frequency. There is no one or outer force doing this to you, unless you too invite it by not claiming your sovereignty and ownership of your sacred space. 

It is a time where only our inner compass will help us navigate through this new timeline that we are so eager to experience. For now, for us only constant change will be our new reality, as there is nothing ever fixed or lineal, or a final destination to reach but infinite expansion to be experienced and enjoyed. There is no I need to go to this place and do this or meet this person because then I will experience happiness, there are no musts, there is only the bliss of being fully anchored within this unique Now moment.

We do not need to see where we are going, or the next thing that is going to occur, for we are the ones who decide, to begin with. We only need to count with the blessings of the moment and with the inner strength and power we all have within that will help us conquer new horizons no matter the many challenges we find in them, for now we know, it is in them that we find more growth and wisdom. 

It is not anymore about where we are heading, but about where we are now and what we do with where we are that will create  this next new moment that we wish to be magical. The gift of making this next moment as you wish, is not anymore outside, was never there, it is within, always was, the different is that now you are breathing, acting and thinking as a conscious being, aware of your own power and with the wisdom enough to know how to use it to assist yourself and All, for now you remember that You have always been a part of All. 

In love and service to Unity Consciousness, 

Natalia Alba 

viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

Ascension Update: Soul Fragmentation Vs. Divine Connection

There is only one issue: man's lack of experience in feeling his Divine Self and his innate connection with the Divine. All other issues stem from this. 

Lindsay Wagner

Beloved Ones,

As we approach December, the majority of us will begin to clearly see, even in our physical timeline by the loss of gravity and many other events, the first signs of our current bifurcation from Old Earth, recognizing soul separation, in ourselves as well as in the people who surround us. It is essential for us to distinguish lifeless energy from the ones who are aligned with the Divine Force.

It is a very challenging period for those who are not standing firm in their soul light essence and truth, for they will begin to realize how their matrix begins to crumble, feeling lost and hence maintaining an attacking/defensive position. This is why discerning what is real - from other old forms of illusions - is pivotal for us to remain in the timeline we have consciously chosen, for this new phase of our ascension journey.

We began this new energetic month with some important planetary/cosmic events, although everything is important, as you know. But as you know, I have shifted the way in sharing and I do not put focus on the astrological aspects I consider fixed and linear, whose meaning will not vary. However, during this month, there are aspects which are worth mentioning, that are happening for the first time in years, or that are beyond our Galaxy, but that are occurring to assist us into our cosmic transition. 

The Full Moon in Aries, on October 5, marks the beginning of the final transition that will continue until December. At this time, we have seven Planets in Cardinal signs, the Moon, Aries, The Sun, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto and Mercury, this is a cosmic confirmation of the new beginning that we, as well as our Planet, is experiencing. The macro reminds us of the importance that standing tall is in who we are, and the power we have at this transitional period. It is a time to act according to what we think and feel, and a time to finally be our own leaders instead of relying upon others. 

Oppositionally, the Sun in Libra, will put the balance - key at this phase - required between taking too much action and being too independent and our sense of communion with All and in being of service. Setting your highest intention, aligning with this frequency and acting accordingly, which is something in which sometimes people tend to fail, is essential while we keep navigating between unknown realms to maintain a higher frequency.

There are two other aspects which I consider very important at this time, and that are not fixed in nature as other aspects may be. First, the semisquare between Uranus and Neptune, whose frequency will remain with us for a while, for this has not occurred since the mid 60's and it is a sign from the macro of the great revolution that is taking place both within and without the Planet, as we shift timelines. If consciously integrated, these frequencies, revelations, and the so called miracles - which in my view, are a natural manifestation of our perfect alignment - will take place, for this is the way the macro has to inform us that we are finally breaking free from an old micro and macro cycle.

Secondly, there is another aspect worth mentioning, the opposition between Jupiter and Uranus, whose effect will keep lasting for all the rest of this year. This is important for it brings not just growth and expansion but the opportunity to create the necessary change we are so eager to see in the physical. Uranus' power can be used  not  just to destroy but to build from the ashes of the old, we just need to direct our intention in a constructive way, instead of becoming mere victims of the conditions,circumstance and/or energies, which simply are, they by themselves are not causing anything to any of us, unless we integrate them and direct their essence into the purpose  of creating or destroying. Both choices, as you well know, are highly respected within Creation, one just has to choose.

Beyond our galaxy confines, we also have other cosmic forces helping us into our process of self-liberation from the old. We have the Fixed Star Alpheratz, belonging to the our nearest Galaxy Andromeda at 14°33′ Aries , and on the other hand, the star Algorab who belongs to the small Constellation of Corvus, who is said to bring destruction, which to me, is simply the ending of what is not working any longer in our lives, of what must be dissolved.

These stellar frequencies received from these cosmic portals - special cosmic alignments happening to open a no time/space zone so these frequencies can be conduit into our Planet - are conscious light codes, they are coming through these portals, and not just in one day, for this is limited, but for a few months, to help the Planet, as well as the ones who have decided, to raise into this New 5D Timeline, to end with an old cycle of enslavery. This is where we are now, destroying old worlds that once served a  purpose for us to grow, releasing an old egoic self and beginning to plant the new seeds and strong pillars of our new life in a higher dimensional space.

Andromeda, is a Galaxy who is very involved in the assistance of our Planet. They are already dwelling in constant change, for their reality is not a fixed and linear one, as is ours. They have to be constantly adjusting to change as we are beginning to do. This is why they feel the call to serve humanity, as we too begin to shift in form, even if this change will not be evident yet - in thought, and even in physical location.

The energies in itself do not help us if we first do not do the inner work required to release blockages, stagnant energy and allow the new one to be integrated. It is important that we all become neutral observers, for a lot of people still live in delusion - allowing their 3D personality to own them - which is perfectly fine, and another choice, we all need out time to see for ourselves where we are, what must be shifted and healed. However, being in this state of mental confusion, and what is most important, not being able to have the insight to see it, brings many energetic attachments that are impeding us to heal, grow and ascend.

Soul separation

I was guided to write about what many of us are already seeing, especially in our loved ones, or friends or simply others, who are not yet choosing to evolve. This is not the same as soul retrieval, for by soul separation I refer to the the ones who have unconsciously, in the majority of times, allowed other energies/beings/entities to occupy their bodies. This occurs when we have only embodied a small part of our soul, for it is then when we all become more likely to lose all consciousness.

There are people that are disguised as being "spiritual" (I put it into commas because we all come from Spirit) who are serving as a conduit of darkness. There are some people, especially the ones who are beginning to awake, for at this time in the Planet there is occurring a mass awakening, even though some of the chaos may point in another direction, who are feeling that they are not yet able to discern whether they are making authentic and integrated relationships or whether they are being manipulated.

The main traits to discern the ones who are in a deep state of soul disconnection, apart from your own and best soul guidance, are:

  • Programmed repetitions - often manipulated to program others with 3D beliefs.
  • Acting without integrity and responsibility.
  • Trying to impose one's beliefs on others. We all must walk our own journey, if we need to release old beliefs or half-truths no one must interfere, we will realize it in our Divine Time. 
  • Lifeless eyes.
  • Being easily irritated/angry - especially when one does not resonate with their beliefs.
  • Thinking they know/see/feel more than you about your own path and being and/or personal experience.
  • Believing their truth is The Truth
  • Be also very aware of their behaviour when facing situations in which using compassion is essential.
  • Speaking badly about others. And no, it does not matter what you think others have done to you. If you use it to criticize them, then, your act in itself is already speaking to you and telling you where you are. A conscious being will allow himself/herself to feel every state of being, but will not dwell in it for long.
  • Addictions: These beings whose soul is fragmented, will tend to share about ascension, read, and try to show you how "spiritual" they are while they are poisoning their bodies not with just lower food but by many drinking habits, between many other drugs. As you know I am not saying you must be Vegan or otherwise you are not ascending. I am simply saying that one cannot really embody a higher level of consciousness within a weak and toxic body and/or with a toxic mind and unhealed emotional body.
  • Some of them will make their "mission" to talk about others, by disguising it as "telling the truth" when we all know this is the ego, being jealous, believing in delusions and above all, they are the ones aligned with the dark forces, allowing them to use them for their manipulative tactics. Some of them will create youtube channels, write about it, anything that will keep feeding their negative polarity beliefs. 
When one must speak about what is happening, as it is my case, one does it with respect, not wiht lower words, not by being angry between many things, because when one resides in love, one does not need to use names or attack anyone, for one knows these peple are simply being used - as empty corpes - by the dark polarity to serve their purpose. Being informed, mainly by own guidance, is essential to be able to discern.
  • Saying they can heal you and make you whole again. No one can ever heal you, just help you to heal, for the light power to do so is within. No one can have more power than you to do this. This is another form of manipulation, and I do believe in healers, in the integrated ones who do not manipulate and try to get advantage of where you are to succeed in their egoic tactics. We are all here in a constant and eternal dance, we all need assistance from each other, we all need confirmation and guidance, but not if this is not done with a conscious mind and with the proper purification and Divine connection.
  • Violation of your sacred space - reading/manipulating energy and disguising it as helping you.

I would like to explain the delicacy of some of these people to manipulate others with their false view of reality and lack of respect towards others. There are some people who say they can read energy, they "do" this without any integrity and respect, for as many of you know, one thing is the first reading we all tend to feel, which is not the same as judgments, of the people we meet or are in contact with. They make a profound energy reading of someone, using their dark tactics to use you and manipulate you, especially by making you dependent on what they see or not.

These beings will tell you anything, from trying to put you in fear, by telling you that you have been possessed, when it is the opposite, by telling you they can see in you something you cannot yet, by their lack of respect, humility and unconditional love for your unique journey, and by literally going against the Universal Law Of One, for as many of you know, one never enters into the sacred space of another person, and less without their permission.

A truly empowered, authentic and integrated being, who is able to envision more than what we see in the physical realm, will never interfere in your unique growth process. A conscious being who is coming from a unified space, will never read your energy, for we all know this violates our sacred space, between many other things.

A conscious being will not tell you that he/she is doing it to help you. Have you requested their help? Have you given them your permission? If not, the answer is very clear. If yes, then you should discern to whom you give your energy/power and why you would allow others to manipulate it. Some of these beings who are living in a state of soul disconnection will never be aware of where they are, there is no point in trying to help them. The only and best thing to do is simply to walk away in love and in total respect for what they have decided to experience.

This is not a negative post, as some would like to label it, this is meant to bring clarity to All, for I am often asked about all this, consciousness, information, and most of the times based on personal experience. This is for you to discern on what is happening within your own human experience. This is more important that sharing about the astrology, for example, for this meaning is fixed, on the contrary, what is truly important now is to be able to bring light on what is occurring, discerning and becoming aware of the many manipulations and tactics of those who have chosen to serve the dark polarity in many ways.

One must be fully present and in neutral observation mode to be able to clearly know when we fall into our 3D egoic personality traps and when we remain in our Light Essence, without judgements, with love, with compassion. This is not easy for sometimes we tend to defend and explain ourselves, which is again egoic, and perfectly fine, for we all are constantly learning on how to become fully sovereign and empowered beings, and everything that happens that seems to lead us into the other direction, is to teach us more humility, love and compassion.

Divine connection signs

  • Acting with integrity - as one thinks and feel.
  • Respecting the ascension journeys of others - and respecting where individuals are within their own journey.
  • Guiding/sharing by informing from their own soul/Unified Self guidance - not by what they read and make theirs, not by what they were taught, but by their own soul/Unified Self guidance.
  • Setting healthy boundaries instead of becoming too obsessed with self-protection, negativity etc. Vulnerability if well embraced, makes us stronger. If one remains in one's power and strength, one does not need to be constantly trying to protect oneself or fearing what could possibly happen if one interacts with lower frequencies.
  • Never imposing one's guidance on others by sending constant messages, making propaganda about them or what they do. Authentic conscious beings simply be and do their mission in simple and humble ways, in their own sacred spaces. There is no need to force our guidance on anyone for we know the people who are meant to co-create with us; will come at Divine Time.
  • Assisting without losing one's power and health when one feels one can do it, instead of walking away at the first negative situation one sees just because it can affect one. We are not here to be isolated in mountains, as old gurus and isolate ourselves of others just because they resonate at a different frequency, this is, again, separation, but to consciously help others too in many ways. This is separation, egoic and not true and conscious assistance.
  • Assistance without interference. A truly empowered conscious being - coming from a space of love and unity - will never interfere in your journey. They will clearly see, feel and know but they will not come to you to tell you what they feel, for they will respect your free will to remain in the frequency you have chosen, no matter if this resonates with them or not.
There are a lot of people out there, guided by their 3D egoic personality, as well as many other dark forces, whose main aim is to tell people what they think of them, they like to help them without being asked, simply because they think they can make them change or make them better or simply make them as they are. This is the highest form or manipulation.

When you see this, this is, again, why it is so important to be always present in a state of neutral observation, walking away - and setting strong boundaries - will help you not contaminate yourself with these lower frequencies. Energy speaks louder than words, energy precedes you, there is no need to read further, there is not need to violate anyone's sacred space.

Let the darkness be. Let it do its work, for within this dualistic Universe both forces are necessary for us to know what Light feels like, for us to remember our True Essence. It is all part of the cosmic dance we agreed to experience. Do not fight the darkness, instead remain - always - in the illuminated Presence of your God Self, spreading your unique spark in your special way. It is not by fighting anything or anyone that darkness is finally embraced, but about our lack of judgement, and appreciation for All, that we can finally move into a unified space.

Fear nothing. Choose to grow within Divine Love, and you will be able to see beyond human illusions the true nature of existence, and be finally able to get rid of the wheel of illusion, control and manipulation in which you have been dwelling for eons. When you choose to only serve the path of unity and unconditional love, no one can dim your spark, for the frequency in which you remain now is no longer in the same range that the lower ones. Now you have finally become the LoveLight being that you are. Now you are free. Now there is no need to fight anything, for the only thing to do now is just to BE. 

In love and service to Unity Consciousness, 

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

Full Moon Capricorn, July 9, 2017 ~ Harmonic Synthesis of Body & Soul

“One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.” 

  Jiddu Krishnamurti

Beloved Ones,

It is the end, or the beginning, for as we ascend we tend to lose our deep sense of time and its linearity, of our old 3D lives, as we knew it. We are forever shifting, and as we do so and keep bifurcating from Old Earth, we release more old layers of our old self and begin to awaken higher essences long ago dormant within our DNA. It is at this time that we are leaving all that once was known to us, not to step into the unknown, but to remember what we, as souls, have known forever and that, as humans, we have forgotten - a true state of peace, coming from dwelling in a space of freedom, integrity and unity with All.  

As we proceed in this intense transition, we are invited to walk away, with love and gratitude for the lessons remembered, from everything that disempowers us, and begin to step into new horizons, that may not be familiar but that is what we need to experience for our human growth, in this new phase of our ascension path, for the soul is already evolved and it is only the human aspect of us who needs to remember. 

As ascending souls, during this intense phase, we find ourselves dwelling in the depths of our being, envisioning our new existence within a Higher Octave. However, we must not forget our human nature and the true reason why we came into this dense Plane - to master a physical realm - the art of bringing our soul creations, only dreamed of, into our tangible reality. With this lunation, we begin a period of constant integration, where self care is essential, at the same time that we continue to destroy and rebuild in the physical, for it is here where we now reside, it is here where we need to master how to let go of the familiar and begin anew.

To assist us manifest and anchor our new frequency as well as all the changes that come with the inner shift we are experiencing - DNA reconnection and therefore the empowerment it brings to our physical vehicles - on July 9th we have a very powerful and earthly Full Moon, at 17 degrees Capricorn. This is where we remember that our human essence and plane is as important as the aspect of us that abides in the  ethereal. This is where we honor both, for both are equally Divine. This is where we pay attention to our energy and where we put it and begin to consciously mould the energy to create what is going to assist us in the next phase of our journey.

This Full Moon is the anterchamber of the Eclipse we will have in August. For the Eclipse will be in Aquarius - a constellation located between Capricornus and Pisces - and it prepares us to trigger the necessary changes required, for us to transform everything that is not working any longer within ourselves and in our physical lives and liberate ourselves, as this Aquarian Eclipse, already strongly felt, will remind us. However, for this to occur, one must first create an energetic balance between our Higher Self and our lower one, between the Higher Realms, where we so delight to abide, and our earthly one.

During the Full Moon, we have opposite frequencies/messages. On one hand, Capricorn's Earth Yang essence reminds us to bring our inner visions into the physical, with determination, instead of just relying on dreams and letting our goals vanish in the air. On the other, we have the Sun in loving Cancer. This Water - intuitive - sign with Yin essence, invites us to abide in the depths of our being to retrieve guidance and clarity before manifesting our desires. 

Cancer likes to express his/her heart and go after what he/she desires without controlling every single step. Cancerians do not follow logic but feelings, they nurture, they love and they honour the invisible. Capricorn prefers to manifest, it protects, it nourishes what is tangible and honours the visible realm. The masculine and the feminine are supposed to embrace each other as One, in an eternal and loving dance of unity and equality and so these two polarities that lie within us all; shall do. 

Both opposite energies from Cancer and Capricorn give us equilibrium where inner conflict may reside - so we do not fall again into the trap of illusions, procrastinating the birth of our new creations because of old fears and lack of trust but without following just the rational aspect of us that forces us to do what we think we should, instead of what we truly feel guided to create. Both Forces make us wonder if we are fulfilling our true soul purpose and what makes us feel alive, or if we are yet clinging to what our human self - and others - think we should be doing. 

At a macro cosmic level, this Moon conjunct Pluto. To be able to change what is no longer aligned in the physical, first, we need to commune with the feelings, the darkest ones, that our human self tries so hard to hide. For it is only by bringing them to the surface that we can rebuild, love and be born again. The question is: Are you ready to reach the Truth and heal yourself, even if it means you must do so through suffering and letting go?

You have an opportunity to transcend your shadows, to understand your pain and embrace it, not by dwelling in it and victimizing yourself, but by understanding it as your biggest teacher and moving on from repeating the same old patterns. It is indeed a cosmic gift for us to listen to our soul whispers, for it reveals all we need for our journey, and at this time, Beloveds, we are beyond fortunate, for we are living in a unique revealing time. Choose to transcend your challenges, choose to remember, to unveil the unknown and step into it, for the time is Now and the best, as always, is yet to come.

During this timeline shift, many people, especially the ones who are still working in releasing the lowest layers of their 3D personality, will strongly feel the many changes occurring, at this transitional time, in the geo magnetic field. These sensations, between many others, as we are all unique, come in form of fear, anxiety as it affects the nervous system profoundly. This is a message for you, if you are experiencing this, to be fully present, instead of living in fear, in spaces, in times that do not exist where you are now. 

The ego wants to stay in the familiar, even if the known means suffering, the ego wants to control what cannot be changed except for a Higher Intelligence. Your mission is to master the lower self to accept change and move forward. Your task is not to dwell in pain, but to integrate it and use it wisely into the new chapter of your life that you are consciously creating from within. 

Another important aspect is the Sun, opposing Pluto and conjunct with Mars, who also oppose Pluto. When the healing, potent and masculine essence of our central Sun touches the Planet of Power and Regeneration, it is infusing us with the proper frequency for us to transform and rebirth everything that we desire to make anew, reminding us that the power to do so comes from the Divine within and not from any outer person or condition. 

There is no more waiting in our New Reality for others to make something for us, to make it better, greater or to heal ourselves. There is only US acting as humble but empowered Divine lovelight beings at all times, without excuses, without judgments, but with the sheer joy of being incarnated, at this precious time within Creation, having the free will to create, destroy and rebuild whatever is necessary for our soul growth and learning, in the physical. 

At this time, and to help us manifest our soul desires, we are not just surrounded by this cardinal energy but during all of this month we have a Grand Trine between the North Node in Fiery Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries. This is such a potent alignment for us to take action, as it will bring us innovation, inspiration and all we need to make tangible all we first envisioned in a non-physical plane. This is where you choose to move forward, and as the North Node suggests, where you choose to follow your soul path, long ago pre-planned by you, and allow yourself to fulfil the mission your soul orchestrated for you.

Furthermore, we also have a Cardinal Grand Cross, during the first ten days of this month, between Mars in Cancer opposing Pluto and Jupiter in Libra opposing Aries. This is about your inner power, the one who can build or destroy. Destroying is not negative in itself, for when destruction is used to dissolve old worlds, it can transform everything, anew. It is all about the intention you hold behind your actions. It is all about giving a loving essence to the act itself, or not.

This is about how you use your inner fire. Do you walk as an empowered sovereign being? This comes from a space of humility, love and compassion towards yourself and others, seeing All as equals. Do use your inner Force to focus on your soul visions and make them physical by creating the required conditions for this to occur? If not, this is the perfect time to create the necessary changes, within yourself, for you to break free from old repetitive behaviours that diminish you and begin to act with integrity and from an  empowered space of total respect and love towards yourself and All. 

It is a time to recreate our new path from within but without remaining there adrift, expanding our Divine spark into the physical, which is mainly why we decided to come here - to master the art of bringing into fruition that which first originated within our mental plane. It is also a perfect time to change what does not resonate anymore, in the physical, with where you are, by asking yourself: Are you loving what you are doing and where you are? Are you putting your heart and soul into everything you do? Or are you still doing what your human self thinks is secure even though it does not fill your soul?

How many times do you look at yourself in the mirror, realizing the powerful Divine Being that you are, and tell yourself how precious you and your existence is, no matter how challenging? How many times do you appreciate that the Divine chose to experience itself through you in this physical realm? How many times have you found yourself in the abyss, waiting for someone to help you, solve your problems or make miracles for you and change everything?And finally, how many times do you realize that you are the only one who can create whatever it is you desire, from your soul? 

It is a time to act, yes, to manifest, something our egoic self constantly desires. However, in truth, manifestation is expansion more than constantly wanting material things and the main reason why our soul is, within a physical body, experiencing this human realm, at this time. Above all this is a Moon to feel your Divine power within. To remember who you are and the great creative power of your inner spark to give birth to all your soul desire in the tangible.

This is a Moon to use your power wisely, become One with it and commune with your soul, from where all your choices should come, for as ascending souls, we no longer wish what we think is best for us, but what our Highest Will desires for All. You are here to BE, observe and assist, and to be able to do so, one must be fully anchored to Earth. 

During this earthly lunation we have the opportunity to create a harmonic convergence between our soul and body and act from this synthesized space, for we are here not to ascend to the realms where we already come from, but to descend all this wisdom into our human self, and begin to expand our cosmic spark, within Divine Love, on our physical plane. 

I wish you All an expansive Moon, in the physical, while you keep dwelling in the luminescence Essence of your soul.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

March Equinox 2017: Stabilization, Resurrection & Personal Sovereignty

Beloved Ones, 

In the last phase of this month, we find ourselves traversing the threshold that is leading us into a higher state of BEing and new ways of living in this New Cycle of our endless soul evolutionary path. For as you may already be feeling, our Planet, who has been bifurcating from old Earth for a while, is already relocating itself within a new dimension, entering into a higher space within this New Octave in which we have consciously decided to dwell. 

It is during this Equinox that we will be infused with a new cosmic wave, for us to finally disengage from the old 3D frequency and its limitations. It is a time to clear old timeliness and begin to merge our frequency with that of New Terra, for the time to step into this New vibrational reality, out of space and time, is Now. This last wave, that began with the Eclipses, and that we are constantly integrating, will increase as we reach the Winter/Spring Equinox on March 20, in which, we are going to feel how our bodies also ask us for the proper stabilization, and care, after all these new codes that we are consciously embodying. 

As a stabilizer, I especially feel, when in our duality realm, opposite energies collide from both, within and without in the macro that represents our inner Universe, urging us to unify before we fall into the trap of polarizing at this challenging-integration time. This season is also an opportunity for us to master our 3D personality and begin to deprogram ourselves from more half-truths that we still maintain within - due to our human need to process and understand everything, with our limited minds, instead of just accepting everything that occurs as It Is. 

We will pass on March 20, from Dreamy and Intuitive Pisces to the Fiery realm of Aries. We have been working on purifying ourselves as well as our physical bodies while we dwelled in this healing Water sign, especially by also having Neptune and Chiron in this same sign -fulfilling our soul contracts as we prepare ourselves for a New Phase. For it is with Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the Initiator, that we begin to navigate again by holding now a higher knowledge within this eternal spiral of Creation. 

This Year, the Equinox will feel totally different from the ones who have been constantly doing our inner work, for it not just brings balance as it used to in the old Cycle, between different polarities, but as we have been working on transcending polarity, and our deep human sense of space and time, it also brings the frequencies that are meant to help us in the process of self-empowerment towards regaining our personal sovereignty, as we keep mastering our lower self. 

This is what this Year Equinox shows us for me; the need to finally act with total integrity and spiritual sovereignty as we move into a free realm, within a new plane of existence, where taking full responsibility is essential, and where its higher frequencies, will simply repel the lower ones that we may bring from our lower self. For we are resurrecting into love-light beings as we keep dissolving more old layers of our 3D existence.

Deconstructing our 3D personality is not a one-day process, in which, we do a meditation/activation and we suddenly begin to feel as the masters that we truly are, in Essence. Deprogramming all that has been implanted to us since we were born, as visual programmed inputs, between many other forms of mind control, is not easy at all, and from my view,  it is widely manipulated by some people who claim to pass through this process in a few days or that they can make you heal and release all these old implants - as if we could just let go of centuries of genetic manipulation/programming like this, to me, this is again the ego trying to interfere when it should remain observant.

As always, many of us are physically sensing the many challenges that ascending - into the physical - for the first time in Creation, has. We will be having strong sensations, in the places where we constrain ourselves the most. For some, due to the lack of self-love it can occur in their heart chakra as a form of anxiety - to release all the effort our lower self makes to impede our natural state of being - which is always one of total connection to All. 

For others, who are afraid to express their true feelings and beliefs, they may notice strong sensations in their throat chakra and thymus. This is just a way our human body has to show us the places where we should dissolve all the negative implants, beliefs and emotional burdens that we still keep feeding. For the ascending souls, it may feel as a total state of peace and liberation, as we are now not afraid of letting it all go and embracing the unknown in whatever form it comes, for we know the unknown may not be familiar, but it is always pure, true and what we need at the moment.

The shamanic rebirth, as I call it, that we are experiencing at this season, or the resurrection and therefore metaphorical death of our lower self, is a natural process of what we came here to master. Complaining will not help, only becoming our own caretakers and fountain of love will help us during this long physical transformation. Listen to your body, as it talks to you constantly, know which frequency nurtures it, from the food you eat to the crystals you work with, and feel what resonates with your frequency and what dims it. 

Remember that we all need assistance and confirmation, but not someone who does all this for us - for this is not assistance, but interference and ego. Begin to treat yourself as the master and healer that you are and that you came here to remember, instead of relying on outer forces - or beings - during this transition into your true crystalline essence, for this will only cause more separation from your God Self. 

Get out into the sunlight, be bathed by its crystalline cosmic codes of soul remembrance. Integrate these higher frequencies with the conscious intention to burn everything that is not coming from an authentic place, everything that is a part of your 3D egoic personality and that is only impeding you to be who you are and fulfill your unique mission, for this light heals, purifies and loves All - dissolving as it is descends through your body, all the impurities we unconsciously create and that are not aligned with our Highest Will and true frequency.

All the unloved aspects of us that make us fall into the egoic trap that we are not enough, all the superiority issues that also makes us belief that we are more evolved than. All shall perish when we expose ourselves to the light of our Unified Self - Sol - for our Central Sun, is not just a mere ball of fire to give us light, which is just what we perceive with our human perspective, not necessarily what IS, but a conscious stellar body helping us to purify, reconstruct and remember our true essence as cosmic beings as well as the light within.

During this season, especially in some countries, such as Spain, where I live, this is going to be, if you are consciously in this ascension path or beginning to step into it, a precious time for you to discern about all these old implants that you carry within for eons about the true meaning of ascension, and that are not coming from a true place, for the collective has a strong religious sense, and its impact can be strongly felt at this time. I am not judging or criticising any religion in here, for we all are where we should be, experiencing what in the end will make us free, and I do not consider religion as being good or bad, but simply as something that should be experienced and that will help us grow and at divine time, as it was in my case, remember that the Truth has been long hidden for us.

My pure intention in this article, is to help you understand the cosmic blessing of this new light for those who are ready to begin this step of deprogramming themselves from centuries of conditioning and are eager to find the answers that have always been within them, they were just taught to search outside. At this season, where people honor, respect and literally apotheosized external figures, we have an opportunity to observe the self and ponder about our human need to idolize the outer and what we have been taught, as if these fixed patterns were going to save us. 

It is essential, that we begin to honor whatever it is that represents our true inner beliefs and soul desires, by being conscious that the first representation of alive gods/goddesses are our own selves, for we did not come here to worship anyone or outer things, but the God Self that lies within and that sees it in others as well. To be able to deprogram ourselves from years and years of controlled mind manipulations, especially with religion, it is essential that we first become aware and set the intention to begin allowing our soul to integrate the lost knowledge that we have been covering with our human illusions, for once we set our pure intention to serve the Law of One and embody our sovereignty, the entire Universe begins to send us all we need to see the Truth.

The Christ Consciousness frequency is available for all of us, at all times. Through religion, we are taught that only when we sacrifice, change who we are as natural sinners, and become pure, that we can be forgiven and go to heaven when we die. The truth is that we were born perfect, and it is only when we are programmed by those who only serve the law of separation and practice satanism as their natural way of living, that we being to dis-empower the Divinity within - overshadowing it with our illusions of being evil and the need to do the impossible for being loved by God, when God loves us unconditionally no matter what we decide to experience. 

This is an opportunity, to stand up in our power and remain centered within the Illuminated Truth and Presence of our soul, for it is there where true peace and love resides. It is time for consciously embodying this new wave and beginning to direct it for the proper reasons. To awake - the human in us - from this long sleep in which we allowed others to tell us who we are, what we should do, what we should not do and what is pure  and what is not within us. For a long time the dark forces have tried and have succeeded, for all these programs caused fear in those who were beginning to awake, making them unable to follow their soul truths, if they did not coincide with the imposed ones. But at this time, we are being assisted to finally go out of our cocoon and being to manifest a higher reality.

Remember, beloveds, the Christ Essence is always within, for this is who we are - love-light compassionate beings since our cosmic Lyran Creators - the Elohims - began to create life within this Universe. We do not become Christed beings because others give us their absolution, for this concept about Christ has been too manipulated as well. We become what we truly are, and always were, when we deprogram our human limited beliefs, and being, and allow Higher truths as well as our True Essence naturally descend into our physical vehicles.

To dwell in the highest possible frequency, never give your power to anything or anyone, including the Angels, Archangels and all the Ascended Masters and other cosmic beings we used to call, for they want us to be empowered and take our sovereignty, instead of relying constantly on them. It is important to be humble and learn from those who have already mastered what we are working with at this time, but not if we give all our power and attention to these beings or outer forces, for we are then not creating our reality but allowing outer forces to dictate it. 

Reclaiming spiritual sovereignty is essential to walk a life free from fears and unlove. For every time we give our power to our physical senses, others or outer conditions, we are acting as hopeless beings adrift. When we begin to walk a conscious path of soul integration and co-creation, we cannot do anything from a dis-empowered state of being, for when we act from this lower frequency, we cannot love, give and share from an authentic place, but from one of separation and confusion. 

At this season, and always, commune with your Eternal Self  - forever observing from a place of love and compassion all that the human is experiencing, whether we label it as positive or negative, for we already know nothing, in truth, contains a good or bad essence, it is all about our human interpretation. Recognize your power as a Divine Being, whose eternal light is now focused and descended into a physical body. 

When you walk as a sovereign being, you remember the light within, you know that when this light is shared with selfless assistance and great respect to All, it expands and touches everything and everyone with grace and love. And when you give your precious inner power in excess, emptying yourself, it creates illusion, disempowerment and suffering. Yours is the free choice to use this inner Force given to you and that is You, wisely, knowing that no matter what you choose,  your choice will always affect All.

I wish you All a blessed and magical Equinox gateway, Beloveds!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

The Energies of March 2017 ~ Remembering the Symphony of the Higher Realms of Illumination

Beloved Ones, 

In a Year where, the element Fire reigns our Heavens, we welcome one of the most magical months of the Year, a month ruled by the element Water and its mutable/Yin frequency. A phase, in which, we are still accompanied by the frequencies from the Eclipses, whose effects will last for at least six months and which will cause a tremendous releasing impact, on the collective. A month in which we are stepping into a new - higher - version of ourselves, whilst simultaneously stripping away what no longer serves our God Self Will. At this intense phase we find ourselves embracing a Higher Octave of Divine Love, higher understanding of our unique soul role on Earth and a feeling of unity - that we have decided to hold, as our new way of BEing. 

This is a month that will mark a key point in our Planet, for the collective is experiencing a cosmic awakening, while we are bathed in Piscean energies, that assist them/us to release their/our 3D programmed personality, at the same time that we consciously embrace a higher version of ourselves. For the ascending souls, this is going to be a very important and intense phase, for we are beginning to remember the symphony of the Higher Realms of Illumination, as we keep descending more light from our I AM Presence and resonate closer - in frequency - to our True Essence and Stellar Companions.

This is a busy month in our Heavens, for we are going to envision what is happening - within - in the macro alignments that are coming and that will help us in accelerating, our releasing process. Personally, I feel this month - and I was told this by my Unified Self (Monad) - is acting as a huge portal, in which, we are finally deciding - by our pure intention - to serve only the Law of One and be in service to All. For we are leaving behind the Piscean Era of limitation and self-sacrifice by our conscious choice of dissolving  our 3D programmed mind and beginning to build the seeds - the strong foundations - of what is going to be our new lives.

This is a month of deep transformation. A phase in which we are deeply immersed in the Piscean realm of a higher vision, navigating through different dimensions, until we obtain the clarity of what should be dissolved and what is worth pursuing. As a confirmation of the resurrection, and the subsequent rise that we are experiencing - from within - is the 13 universal frequency that this new month of March holds. 13 is the number of transformation and renascence, which is represented by the death card in tarot, the period between worlds, in which, we are still giving birth to something new but it is not - yet - the proper time to bring it into the light, exactly the inner/outer process that we are also experiencing since the Eclipses begun and that culminated with the Equinox. 

After ending a transitioning phase, we pass to anchor these inner changes into the physical, which is also the same message that number 4 (number 13 reduced) gives us at this time and that the following months will confirm - establishing strong foundations in our earthly lives, and remembering that not only can we live off mere dreams that reside in our ethereal plane, but that we are also here to master the art of bringing them into physical matter.

Numbers 13 and 4, represent the Yin - feminine - and Yang - masculine - polarities in perfect unity and balance, which is the phase we are achieving at this season of the Year, especially with the coming of the Equinox. Both numbers. are a perfect reminder - for us - that there is not a lineal and fixed point, in which things and life experiences terminate to start again, but an always in motion endless transformational spiral, where new beginnings and ends are linked and happening at once. Our main aim is to bring what we create from within into a tangible existence - mastering alchemy and the process of conscious creation, to finally delight the physicality of our inner visions, in the external. 

From a physical perspective, many of you may be experiencing changes in your physical vehicles, as you keep releasing and transmuting all the density into your True Crystalline Essence. This is a long process, but we all know that we came here to purify, reconnect our lost DNA strands, and master our bodies in the physical. There will be certain sensations in your spine, as it is one of the first places where we begin to feel change taking place, as well as the total reconfiguration of certain bones within your skull and in your osseous system in general, between many others, for we are all unique and there are certain parts of our bodies that need more releasing than others. 

Make no mistake. The individualized aspect of Source - incarnated on Earth - that you are, is here by conscious choice, knowing, whether it remembers it or not, of the many challenges this journey will bring. Nothing is by chance in your reality. There is no randomness - in the situations or beings that touch your life - for everything is perfectly orchestrated by You, when you reside  in a soul plane - in a space of total awareness and Unity With All. 

Therefore, it is when you are in pain, whether physical or internal, that you are experiencing this natural process of transforming your body into pure crystalline essence, which is our natural state of being. Remember, you chose to be here at this intense moment within Creation. It was your intention to experience this physical shift, knowing that to begin with you counted with the strength and Divine guidance required - to overcome anything that may come to challenge the powerful and sovereign being that you are. 

From a cosmic perspective, We begin the month by having the Sun together with Neptune, Chiron and Mercury, in the Water sign of Pisces and the opposition between Jupiter and Uranus. Mercury in Pisces will be exalted, communication with our inner/higher realms will flow, and we will feel deeply this creative and innovative wave that Mercury, together with the rest of the Planets in this same sign, brings. It is going to be a great time to cultivate our Divine connection and stop other noises that may confuse and impede us to fully receive all the guidance - we need  - as well as to channel all the gifts that should be shared with the world. 

On the other hand, the opposition between Jupiter and Uranus reinforces the changes that are occurring at the moment in the Planet, especially in the collective and their inner desire for personal freedom, which even though it can seem chaotic, is in truth a total reorganization of the old into a new form of existing. Jupiter expands what Uranus rebels against, breaking free from what is impeding its natural flow and desire to embark into new horizons, even if they are unfamiliar. For it knows that the unknown will be eventually known, until we shift again and embrace a new reality, for this is the way it is, and will be, until a world without end - a constant embrace of new beginnings, that although unfamiliar for our lower self, are remembered by our soul and its natural need to dwell in the familiarity of what is Divine in Essence. 

On March 4, the Planet of Love and Abundance, will turn retrograde in the sign of Aries until April 15th. As you already know, my view on retrograde Planets clearly differ from others who see this as something tumultuous, coming from the outside that plays with us and decides whether we experience luck and love or not. To me, there is nothing ever retrograde within Creation, for the only thing that exists and has ever existed, is an infinite expansion within new layers of this eternal spiral in which we are all navigating. 

When our limited view from the Planet, perceives Venus, or any other Planet, as being retrograde, we are invited to move inward to envision what aspects of us we are not bringing into unity. As Venus is dwelling in fiery Aries, it is a message for us to wait, until we regain a higher view of what is in need to be transformed, before using our inner creative force and passionate desire in our tangible plane.

Venus represents the micro aspect of us which has to do with our sense of abundance and love, toward ourselves and All. I am still surprised that some astrologers, tell us that while Venus is retrograde give and receive love is going to be hard. I say this with great love and respect to all who dedicate themselves to share from their hearts. But Venus from my humble view, is also ascending within this Divine Spiral of Creation. Venus represents love and abundance, what we do with this force - that is also residing within us - is our personal choice.

Venus as well as any other Planet, will not cause any harm to us, its essence simply Is, it is ourselves the ones who make interpretetions, giving our power to these macro Forces that are communing with us in this evolutionary journey to keep discovering our True Essence. Venus is always in love, always in abundance, the question is: Are you? Are you still expecting others or outer resources to fulfill your basic human needs? Are you waiting from the outside someone or something to fill your empty spaces due to your lack of self-love? 

As Venus dwells is Aries, it also asks us to see if we are social just for the mere joy of sharing our love and exchanging our life expriences, with others, or if we are still socializing just because we are afraid of being alone and want others to pay us the attention that we do not give ourselves. Self-awareness is where all begins, for it is when we observe ourselves and find the inner walls that we create to impede our own well-being, that we also find the strength to shift what we separate within.

To set a balance between moving inward and acting, we have the mighty frequency of the Warrior, Mars, moving out of Aries and entering into earthly Taurus on March 9. As we are moving into the manifestation of our inner creations, so are the Planets, in an eternal dance of oneness with us. Mars represents our inner strength. It is the energy we possess within, that comes directly from the Divine and our Central Sun, that gives us the vigour to act with passion and joy. We can channel this potent influx of energy into the creation of that which is going to serve our human journey in the physical - new projects directed to help us grow and expand in our new life experiences as well as others, and beginning to build the new foundations for the seeds that soon, in May, we are about to plant. 

While we dive deep within one of the most ethereal signs of all the signs, on March 12, we have a Full Moon at 22 of Virgo. Virgo, especially at this Piscean time, reminds us that we are here to shine the spark that we are into the physical, it is not just about building in the ethereal without giving it form, remembering that our task is to descend all the inner worlds we give birth from within into our lives and not just remaining in the air, living off mere illusions and dreams. 

This Moon will bring soothing energies within the turmoil of the Eclipses, especially because Chiron, the Cosmic Healer, as I call it, is highly involved in this Moon. So this is a Moon to soothe, nurture and above all to purify ourselves - and bodies - of all the energies that they are integrating and of all the things that are at the same time as letting go, are constantly embracing. Remember you are what you put in your thoughts and body. Do you feed it with love, light and care? Or do you still use it as a way of satisfying your lower desires, without caring about the consequences? It is a good time to honor our human vehicle, for it is allowing us to experience a physical realm, with all the senses. 

Virgos like to preserve their practical and rational sense of life, which gives them the necessary steadiness to face life as it is. The Full Moon in Virgo also offers us, a sense of duty, a reminder of our unique mission on earth, and while Pisces invites us to look within and know that we all belong to the same Source of Divine Love, Virgo, instead, wants us to remember that even if we all are One within Creation, we came here with an individual and unique mission to develop, and that it is our responsibility to accomplish and that also needs our conscious attention. 

The last part of this month is going to be ruled by the Fire element, with the Sun entering into Aries on March 20th together with Venus and Mercury already in this same sign, since March 13. On this same day, we also celebrate The Spring/Fall Equinox Gateway and the New Astrological Year. These fiery energies will culminate on March 27, with a wonderful New Moon at 7 degrees of Aries. 

With Pisces we come out of the wheel of karma by being purified of the old and by having learnt our lessons. With Aries we begin to master our human self in a physical realm - initiating ourselves within this endless evolutionary spiral. We may feel violent coming out of our protective, soothing and intuitive cocoon of Pisces into our tangible plane at this time. But remember, we are here to bring all these inner visions, everything we have been mastering within, into our earthly realm. This is the way that the cosmic has to confirm that it is time to use this new phase that we are about to welcome, with joy and gratitude, for all of our inner creations will begin to flourish.

We are still immersed within a huge cosmic portal even before the first Eclipse of February. And we are going to continue journeying in it after the Equinox of March. This is a time to go beyond our human sense of polarity, for we have already been working a long time in polarity integration - moving from external conditions into a state of being that transcends time and space.

The Aries New Moon on March 27, activates all the beginnings that are taking place from inside and that will not be complete if we do not anchor them in our lives - the catalyst that allows the unknown to enter into our lives with complete faith in the Divine, instead of getting attached to a certain result. This New Moon will also help us to retrieve confidence in our path and the strength to act towards our soul visions. 

This Moon rekindles the fire in us to initiate all the necessary changes to remake our physical reality as well as to evaluate from a broader perspective the relationships we maintain in this new phase of our lives. It is essential to allow ourselves to be in the moment, and feel the bliss and love of this fiery potent influx and direct it to co-create with the souls that accompany us at this time, enjoying the gift of their presence and all they have to offer, instead of losing the purity of the moment just because we tend to be constantly seeking for the "one" we think is meant to walk on this path with us, as this is always the one who makes us activate and embody new aspects of ourselves. 

The Universe always illuminates the way for us. We just have to know where to look between all the shadows our human self tends to project and free ourselves from old burdens while we are in the process of planting new seeds. Trusting that we are always being supported and loved beyond measure by this loving Universe, and that all our soul desires will flourish and expand at Divine timing for All.

We end the month, with Jupiter square to Pluto on March 30,  and with Mercury entering Taurus on March 31. With the Winged Messenger in Taurus, we move from our mental plane to our earthly one. Mercury, whose ruler is Venus, in Taurus, asks us to deepen into our self love issues as well as values. Are we loving, honoring and respecting ourselves? Or are we still creating separation within and blaming outer conditions and lack of abundance from the outcomes that we unconsciously create? Everything from what sustains ourselves, gives us pleasure, to what we share and give from our hearts, should be observe at this time, for we cannot give or expect to receive, if we first do not be our own caretakers and givers - treating ourselves with unconditional love, respect and compassion. 

On the other hand, Jupiter square Pluto, expands Plutonian energy, giving us the power to regenerate everything that should be destroyed and transformed through personal power. Transformation is not the same as change, for change implies attracting new things/people from the same frequency we possess. On the opposite, transformation, means to shift our own inner frequency to be able to embody a higher aspect of ourselves, to be able to attract new situations and people with a totally different frequency than the one we used to hold - involving life experiences and soul encounters not seen or experienced before. 

This is where we are at the moment - burning old bridges that still connect us with the frequency we held before, as we emerge from our cocoon into beautiful butterflies. This is where the collective find themselves as well, for all this chaos is nothing but what they are feeling within, the soul desire to release an old frequency and break free from all forms of human illusion, and begin to descend the Truth of their existence and purpose here from their own I AM Presence. 

This loving and magical month is one of the most intense ones, but at the same time it is the threshold we have to cross to begin our conscious walk on this New Cycle, in which, nothing remains the same, for the more we ascend, the more that change becomes our ally, only having our inner compass to navigate through our reality.

March is a time to dwell in Oneness - as Pisces reminds us - ending an old Era of being immersed in human illusion, to begin a New Cycle of Light on a Higher Octave of Love based on authenticity and a Higher connection with our Unified Self and other planes of existence. Pisces taught us what Divine Love and compassion truly meant, while we learnt our "karmic" lessons. 

Now, we are finally ready to cross the veils of human illusion that once served our purpose to remember and begin to listen the whispers of the Higher Realms of Illumination, from the depths of our being, calling us back Home, as we keep remembering our true Divine legacy and purpose, which is always of self-recognition in All things/beings within Creation. 

As we keep releasing more layers of the old and as we keep merging with the Higher aspects of our True Essence, remember to remain always in the Illuminating Presence of Your Soul, beloveds. 

I wish you all a Magical March filled with many miracles, love and joy!

P.S. The title of this post, as well as some information I share on it, was given to me by the Arcturians - wondrous beings with whom I have the Divine gift to work with at the moment - when I woke up few days ago. They shared the title represents the essence of what this month brings, and what some of the ascending souls are beginning to experience, by conscious choice. For we are aligning ourselves with the Higher Realms and its Divine Wisdom, for we have been working in healing, and in raising our frequency for a long time, and we are ready to step into a new way of BEing.

This is a key phase for those who are ready to descend more information from their Unified Selves, Star companions and Guides. Just remember, that we are in co-creation with these beings, they assist us to remember, they do not do anything for us. For we are already masters of our own human journey, remembering that our main Fountain of Wisdom remains always within. 

In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba