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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Anuhazi. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 27 de agosto de 2019

New Moon in Virgo, August 30th, 2019 ~ Becoming Universal Healing Channels

Beloved Ones,

We end August and begin a new energetic month with a very earthly and soothing New Moon at 6 degrees of Virgo on August 30. This Moon's loving frequency is meant to help us purifying ourselves with the loving embrace of the element Earth, after all the constant embodiment and for many releasing process too. It is with this Moon that we begin to feel the energies of what September holds for us - rejuvenation, cleansing and the subsequent stabilization.

The Virgo Moon is highly influenced by Mars, Venus and Mercury, making of this Moon a perfect one for us to tune into our power and use it to ground ourselves, as its Grand Earth Trine reminds us, descend our soul visions into the physical and the most important of all - use all this energy, and our soul creations to be of assistance, in our unique and perfect way.

This Moon acts as a the catalyst of the Earth healing happening at this time - even though the recent events may seem otherwise - and introduces the energies of September. The focus during this time between these two months is on acting as pure light canals of these healing codes so we can assist Earth at this tumultuous time. This is why it is so important that in order to do so, first we also focus on self-purification, so we can act as unadulterated filters of love.

As I always say, we do not have to be more or do what others do. We came here with specific essences and abilities that help us bring together the whole puzzle of Creation. When we diminish ourselves by doing what we see as glamorous, or idealizing other's abilities, we are shadowing the unique Spark of the Divine within us that desires to express itself, freely and uniquely.

This is a time of big changes for many of us, as it is cosmically introduced as well at the end of August by two loving trines involving the Sun and Mars to Uranus. As I always say, change does not have to happen at a physical level, as simply with achieving a peaceful state of being, it will signify a profound change. Change comes when we work with inner alchemy, transforming from within what does no longer serves us, opening ourselves to receive and experience, without judgments or expectations, what our Soul desires to undergo through us.

At this time my Guides, which for me includes my Unified Self and other cosmic companions that are often paralell selves of me or part of my soul direct family, have reiterated the importance that assisting Mother Earth has, at this specific time. To do so, regain purity and being gounded is vital, so we can send love, in our unique way, and help into the restoration of what is being destroyed.

I received a loving and very powerful healing activation transmission for All who desire to tune into its healing essence, and that I leave with great love here, for I was told it is with this New Moon in Virgo that this earth healing, purity and higher love, will begin to pour into all who desired to act ass universal healers, helping to help our Beloved Planet.

Blessings Beloved Ones,

We are your Anuhazi forefathers and Founders together with your family from Mintakan, Orion, who have a strong connection to this channel and who are deeply connected to you all and your Planet, since life began.

We bring a message for those who are guided to align with our words and receive our loving embrace and the light healing codes embedded in it. We appreciate your presence and the opportunity to co-create together, Beloved Ones.

At this time of your evolutionary path, you are in a crucial phase, as there are many things happening that seem to be threating your evolution. For the ones who are connected to your Illumined Self, seeing from a higher perspective what is taking place, understand the many tactics and desperation of those who work for the opposite polarity to create chaos and damage into Planet Earth.

We assure you that there is no real threat that will destroy your efforts to become an enlightened race, and that if you reside in your higher heart, spreading your love to All beings, you will be contributing to earth healing, in your unique and special way. This is, beloved ones, the only way to shift your frequency, the frequency of the area in which you live and the whole Planet’s vibration. You have been doing so for a while, and we kindly invite you to continue loving every single being, independently of their personal choices, and present planetary situation. Look with loving eyes what your mind cannot yet understand Beloved ones. Know all is always perfect and as it shall be for All.

At this time, it is pivotal that you understand the importance of working in unison with Mother Earth's Consciousness to restore your Planet, not just from a more etheric perspective - as we know many of you work in the restoration of Earth´s original fabrics - but from a more earthly one too, for Earth is a living organism that is constantly rewarding all of you from your contribution, and for all the love that you share with Her.

It is vital that you beloved ones understand that every kind thought, feeling, and gesture you send to your Planet, has a profound impact in the whole. Nothing is ever lost, especially not if you remain in a space of unconditional love - sending loving thoughts to everyone and everything that is experiencing their own way to come back Source again.

You all can help Earth by visualizing its dodeca icosahedron unified field to which you are linked through your body canals and send love to it, as it continues its transformation and transition into a new dimensional space. As many of you know, who are geomantic masters, this geometry is connected to sacred earth spaces to conduit light form thoughts and other forms of consciousness yet unknown to you, so these places can be activated again, and so can you - retrieving the wisdom that has been hidden and distorted from you for eons of your human time.

Some of you have as your main mission to activate certain vortices, others to concentrate yourselves so you can send where needed an infusion of your light-love most pure intention to your Planet. You all know what you can uniquely offer to your Home, for it is one with you and speaks to you all the time. Feel in what ways you can contribute to help your Planet purify itself and evolve.

You have now a powerful time to observe energy, discern the different kinds of it and its many missions and unite with the frequency that will benefit you most to assist Earth. As energetic-light beings you all are able to feel energy and work with it. You have many choices to connect with the living matrix of Earth and know in how you can be of help.

Now, there is a great opportunity to create positive change in yourselves, and hence planet as well as in the lives of your parallel selves, for you affect all the aspects of who you are, Beloved Ones. Observe that when there is an opportunity for change, there is for freedom, and the present moment in which you find yourselves, as the macro planetary aspects of who you are, are showing you, is a moment for you to welcome change and dismiss old aspects of yourselves, physical lives, and embrace new experiences and assignments that your soul has prepared for you.

In this present moment, you can choose to dwell in fear or remain within Divine Love, in the hope, trust and warm embrace of the Light that is You, to continue having faith in your human path and in the greater one that the Creator has for all of us. Your choice will be embraced and respected, for there is no such thing within Creation as judgment or being wrong. All serves the whole plan, Beloved Ones.

We remind you, beloved ones, that you are all beacons of Light, Universal healing channels from where Divine Light descends to you and your Planet. At this time, purification is required for your body conduits to be cleared of old energy and act as the natural filters that they are meant to be. When you humans cover these body canals with you fears and doubts and with lower vibrational food, these channels cannot transmit the light that your God Self descends to you - impeding this constant flow of love that you shall share.

With this conscious interaction we would like to kindly offer our assistance to all of you who are guided and willing to accept it by sending you through this transmission a massive influx of light that will restore hope and will help you cleanse your fears. We know many of you are immersed in a mission of helping your Planet and therefore all Creation Be open to receive, if that is your will, as you continue integrating this transmission codes, and we assure you that this pure Light will sweep away all that is not aligned with it.

Beloved Emissaries and Earth keepers, once more we remind you that you are not alone in your mission of seeding love into this Planet. There are many others, incarnated and not, that are also walking this conscious path of assistance with you, offering their help when you feel most hopeless and you need to remember most who you are.

Your inner Force has been trying to hide for eons. Now beloved ones, it is a moment for celebration, for there are many of you, and each day more and more, that are remembering your true origin and the power that lies within all of you.

We invite you to use this power wisely, for the betterment of All, and act as the light vessels that you are and came here to be. There is no one threatening your existence. There is nothing that is in truth impeding you to be who you are except your own fears of standing firm in you power. The times in which you were convinced of otherwise, have long gone, and now you have all the assistance within and from all the Universes to embrace again your nature as a Divine Being and Channel, Beloved ones.

You, and no one else can create a shift big enough to affect the whole. You only need to trust in yourselves and in the love that resides in you to bring this change into manifestation.

We are profoundly grateful to you all for your contribution to Earth, a loving Planet that already has its counterpart in another timeline, as a fifth dimensional organism. You all have helped in this unique and important shift. Everything within Creation is witnessing this tremendous leap in your evolution, and everything within Creation is greeting you as conscious beings and is immensely thankful to you for all the love, care and effort in contributing to this massive change.

We would like to remind you, and assure you, the importance of your work of assistance, as each and every one of you, simply with a pure intention to send loving thoughts to you Home Planet, is helping it ascend and heal.

As planetary healers it takes only a kind thought and the conscious creation of a pure physical space to become a beacon of light and spread this light into your town as well as Earth.

You are only a thought away for embracing that which you already are in Truth, Beloved Ones. You are only one thought away of becoming the free sovereign lovelight beings that you came here to be to help All awaken and reclaim their true power and lineage as well.

Choose to be the universal healers that you are. Choose to shine in the most challenging scenarios, when you think all is lost, for all is never lost but being transformed into something more pure, loving and brighter, that is more aligned with who you are becoming.

Rejoice in who you are. Remain in the Illumined Essence of your Soul and trust that what you are - and consciously do - is reaching All Beloved ones.

It is with great love, appreciation to this channel and All of you who have decided to be in this loving interaction with us, that we, your Anuhazi and Orion family, send to you our infinite love and gratitude for your contribution to your Planet and therefore to All Creation, Beloved Ones.

Blessings to all of you beloved light beacons.

Love, light and gratitude to All who consciously assist the Whole, Beloved Ones.

Natalia Alba

Gratitude to Cosmic Collage for the wonderful photo. 

martes, 19 de marzo de 2019

The Equinox and Full Moon in Libra, March 20/21, 2019 ~ Anuhazi Lineage Emergence

If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.

Eckhart Tolle

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

In a month where we are experiencing profound changes and a complete rebirth of both our physical bodies and lives, we are about to welcome the stabilizing frequencies from the Equinox, as the Sun continues to travel around the zodiac, entering into Aries, together with a loving Full Moon at 0 degrees Libra, all happening in the same day, on March 20. During the first week of the month we received unique frequencies to support us in our journey of constant descension and emotional release, for Pisces energies are meant to end both a micro cycle in which self-liberation is pivotal, and a macro one of slavery and attachment to what impedes us to evolve.  

During this second phase of this month, we are going to be blessed with harmonic frequencies, for us to balance the change that we have anchored within and in our physical reality. This new light brings healing, and hence the subsequent balance, in ways we cannot imagine, if we know how to align with it, and if it is meant to occur for our unique soul journey. It is a light that will bring into the surface everything that is not vibrating in the same frequency that the dimensional space in which we dwell now.

At a collective level, they will feel this profound shift as a deep breakthrough, especially for the ones who have chosen to step into this path, for they will begin the process of alchemical mutation, that we all have to pass, if they truly desire to release an old self, and the wounds that are embedded deep within their mental and emotional bodies. 

At a cosmic level, on March 20, we pass now from Dreamy and Intuitive Pisces to the Fiery realm of Aries. We have been working on purifying ourselves as well as our physical bodies while we dwelled in this healing Water sign - fulfilling our soul contracts, releasing emotional wounds and ending a karmic cycle, as we prepare ourselves for a new phase. For it is with Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the Initiator, that we begin to navigate again through the zodiac wheel, by holding now a higher knowledge of ourselves and unique mission.

As the Moon quincunx Uranus, this will be an opportunity for us to make the necessary adjustments for our bodies as well as lives to be fully aligned with the frequency we are currently choosing. This is one of the events said to be a chaotic one. As I always say, energies simply are and it is our responsibility to connect with them, dissolve all human beliefs, in order to see and embrace their true essence, so we can embody and direct them, for our unique purposes. 

Furthermore, we have another important cosmic event, at the Moon time, that will help us becoming creative channels, as we have Mercury sextile Saturn, which is going to help us in expressing ourselves through creative communication - obtaining clarity of thought as well as to ponder about our journey. It is important that we obtain clear insights about our path, through deep communion with our soul, before we impulsively create outcomes that are not going to be aligned with who we are now. This is indeed a Moon that brings cardinal energy, and hence, we are invited to act, but with the proper discernment not to create from a space of mental confusion, and delusion, which is what brings results that are not one with our soul desires. 

This is a Moon that will be emphasized by the Equinox's Light, whose frequencies can bring into the surface many things that our human self have not confronted/unified yet. However, all we experience is another step forward within our evolutionary journey, and even though sometimes it can be challenging, all leads us to our true destiny and potential. 

For the ones who have already passed this phase of deep emotional release and have obtained clarity about where they should bring into fruition next, this will be a very creative passage to commune with our souls, regain ancient memories and as this is a Moon, in which communication, and hence expression, is pivotal, the retrieval of our cosmic lineage and hence, light language, will be something that many will experience, as a sign of the new wisdom integrated with the recent energies.

Remember that outside our universe and the planetary astrological events happening within it, in the macro this new light, from this second harmonic universe, brings the remembrance of our Anuhazi forefathers as well as the wisdom within it. For we are now closer to the Illumined Realms that gave birth to us. 

Cosmic heritage emergence 

As we continue our journey of conscious evolution through this endless galactic spiral, the ones who have chosen to be on this devoted path, will begin to remember more and more their true origin, although this is always One for All, as we all descend from the same Source. At this time many, with the powerful influx from this Equinox and what its light brings, will begin to reconnect with their ancient memories, and language, from their original civilizations, for even tough many of us are cosmic travelers, most of the times, there is a specific essence, which many call home, that resonates more with us.

As you know the first spoken language within our Universe was the Anuhazi language, coming from our feline Lyran ancestors - seeded by the Elohims. A connection I always have very present, but especially at the time of writing this aticle for All. For this was the main essence/message, I was guided to put into it, one of conscious remembrance, love and joy for all we have achieved, mastered, and continue integrating. 

Since we dwell now in a higher dimension, closer, in frequency, to the Illumined Realms, many will begin to reconnect with their original heritage/language, which for the majority is the Anuhazi one or variants of it, bringing deep remembrance of who they truly are. The Anuhazi language is a one that brings great healing, memories of our forefathers, and own experience in this civilization, which was the first one of our Universe.

Astrologically, this cosmic gift is marked by Mercury conjunct Neptune, which is an alignment for us to begin working with how we express ourselves from the micro to the macro. Do we express our feelings with great love, respect, but at the same time power? Or do we speak impulsively, without measuring the impact that our words can have on others? Do we know the power of the spoken word or do we unconsciously use it? 

In the macro, this is going to be about expressing the love we are and feel within in a new and higher way, whether it is through light language or in our unique creative ways, for these events are also ones that will help us align with our creative expression, at all levels. It is up to us to use it to bring chaos and unlove or to bring higher frequencies through whatever it si we are guided to do, that comes from a space of love and compassion towards ourselves and All. 

Light language comes when we have worked on our DNA, when we are mentally stable, which can seem easy, but delusional and magical thinking is very usual within the spiritual community. It is important to understand that one is not better if one speaks light language or sing it, for we all bring an specific mission and it is not about comparing ourselves with others or with what seems glamorous to our egoic self, but about precisely embracing our unique abilities what helps All.

When we are aligned with who we truly are and remain in a state of total connection with our God Self and at peace with our mind and actions, it is that we begin to remember and use this sacred language, to bring healing to ourselves, for sometimes it is just meant to help us, in our path. Others it will be directed to bring healing to All, if we are meant to share certain messages, which possibly cannot be understood, in a human way, but it is more about the frequency and vibration than about consciously understanding it.

The human needs to be constantly understanding or defining things. The soul knows all, feels all and needs nothing of the physical to understand what our human self needs for our earthly path. If we use the sacred sound of light language, in whatever form it comes to you, we will begin to bring back the essence, purity and wisdom of our true self and mission, for once we awake our human minds to these sacred sounds and wisdom, we are finally able to descend the Truth that has been hidden for us, for eons. 

Consciousness travel: Healing parallel timelines 

We are under one of the most important healing passages of this creative year. At this time we are navigating between Piscean and Aries energies, which are frequencies of endings, new beginnings and the subsequent resurrection required to being anew. It is now that we have the gift to dissolve old traumas, wounds and everything that keeps us attached to old realities, in which we were not the person that we have now became. 

During this phase some of you probably have already been feeling the intensification from the Equinox Light. For others, this new frequency coming from the Illumined Realms, will bring the opportunity, and at the same time, human challenge, to test yourself and power, and for this to occur, you will need to create the circumstances that will help you to master yourself.

I have received the importance that at this time working with parallel/future times has. I know many prefer the word past or future, for me, all is parallel, for as you know all is in truth happening at the same time. It is essential that as ascending souls we begin to reconnect with all the past/parallel aspects of ourselves and heal the exact timeline(s), the specific situation(s) that created the present misalignment(s) or outcome(s) that we are experiencing and that is not what we truly desire to manifest, in our current reality.

We all, our Consciousness, are time-space travelers. We do not need to physical bilocate or to do specific rituals, for us to place ourselves in another timeline. We all possess this ability to correct past events, for we all are pure consciousness in motion. As ascending souls, one part of our mission is precisely to re-connect with this Consciousness within, for it is with It that we assist not just in the astral, with the unique mission each and every one of us has, but in many other dimensions.

As ascending souls who are consciously walking on this path, you already know that this path is one of devotion, conscious descension and integrity. We do not simply get what we desire, or shift from one state of being to another by simply saying it or by reading spiritual material. We have to do the work, even if it involves experiencing many challenges by first hand. We have to be the ones who initiate ourselves first into a path of self-mastery and remembrance. 

This is why there will be many who will feel the intensity of this equinox Light as something that was hidden and hence remained unconscious, and that surface now, for them to dissolve it. This does not mean you are not ascending. This means you are given the blessing to master yourself in a physical world, so you can too spread this knowledge with All, by own experience. 

This is a month for us to work on so many things with Piscean energies! For some, it will be about forgiveness, for others about learning how to be compassionate, and for others about healing karmic patterns or timeliness whose consequences are still present in their current reality.

Traveling to other timeliness is done by moving our consciousness, intention, and hence, Essence, to the time where the wound was created. To the moment you suffered abuse, to the moment you treated someone unlovingly, or to any situation of your human life that you desire to rememorize, bring back, and heal, with the higher perspective, and wisdom, you have now.

It can be the moment when you decided to begin using drugs as a way to escape reality. It can be any other thing you used to punish yourself or simply that hurt you deeply and you are still holding this pain within. Go back to where the original wound is, feel it, and see it with new eyes, for you are not the person that made these choices. These choices were made from the state of being you possessed then, when you had another level of consciousness. Now you are a totally different person. 

Visualize yourself in that moment, when you first began to hurt yourself in whatever way you chose, when you first decided that you were not enough or were you, unconsciously hurt another, or made actions that were not aligned with who you have become now, ones whose consequences are still present in this moment. 

It is there that you have to begin the work to dissolve these choices. See yourself in the moment of making this choice and undone it. Imagine yourself pondering about the many choices presented at that time. As you know the consequences these choices will have in a future timeline, speak to your past/parallel self and recreate this past moment - making new choices, creating new timeline and aligning yourself with them, so your present results change.

In the moment you chose to diminish yourself you can know choose again, more wisely, until you create a different choice, not just for your present self, but for the one who is still residing in what we call past timeline. As you proceed with this exercise, you will begin to see the evidence of the dissolution of past choices, not because they have never occurred, but because you have now created another version in which you choose to focus now - brining the personal desired shift you truly wish to experience, into this present timeline.

Everything that we envision in the non-physical, from our dreams to healing ourselves, must be brought into the physical. All the knowledge we read, and/or receive from within, does not serve if we do not apply it to our physical reality. This is why many are not yet manifesting healing, abundance, or any other physical support they need, because between many other things, they are still not grounded and continue to live in the ethereal. 

This is a season, especially with this Equinox and Full Moon's Light for you to remember who you are, the power within and what you can do with it. For some, it will be about remembering this inner power. For others that already remember, it will be about expanding into new horizons - retrieving more wisdom from their God Self. All is equal and perfect for where we are, and need to be.

Release anything that you have been told about who you are. Release old programs that wants you to keep diminishing yourself. Healing, self-empowerment and the retrieval of our sovereignty, can occur, but first we have to release all the old beliefs that tell us that this is not possible, that we are not enough, that we just have to be realistic and that in truth none of this is true.

Fear is a great companion, if we know how to direct this energy, for fear as well as all of our human emotions, is energy. If we use fear to challenge ourselves to go further, to love ourselves more and to prove to ourselves, and no one else, that we are Divine powerful beings capable of unimaginable things, it can serve us to change a life, our bodies and release the undesired timeline in which we do not wish to dwell anymore. 

You greatest gift of all is your capacity for renewal. You are Divine Consciousness dwelling in a human body. Consciousness can undo any misalignment that is not meant to be a part of our human experience and that we have manifested, unconsciously. The power that creates worlds within you is very real. You just have to know how to align with it, for it is You, to bring the desired outcomes, and healing, that you are so eager to manifest, in your present reality.

I wish you all an empowered, blessed and magical Equinox and Full Moon, Beloveds Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2019

Sirian Activation Codes

Beloved Anuhazi Family,

As you know nothing that occurs or that has ever happened within this wise and loving Universe, is by chance. Tomorrow Sirius will be briefly occulted from Earth due to the pass of an asteroid.  This occurs precisely at this unique time within Creation, where our Planet already dwells in the second harmonic dimensions (4D,5D,6D), and when more people are beginning to awake and integrate the codes that one of our Forefathers left for us within our DNA - the Anuhazi Feline Race, the Christos Founders, together with the Sirian Race - for as you know there are more races involved in the seeding of the human race.

This is not just the only star that will be "occulted" tomorrow, for there is another star that will have the same fate called: star chi Virginis, in the Virgo Constellation. What I have been informed by my Unified Self and the Sirian Council, is that this is only an occultation from Earth, from our limited perspective, for it is not exactly as such. In truth this is just a series of many galactic alignments and events meant to align for many reasons, between one of them to activate the Sirian codes that our Forefather left for us, eons ago, for when we were finally ready to awake and ascend - doing the inner work of DNA reconnection.

I was guided to share this brief reminder, as I was offline moving between sessions and the many activations that I am having myself, but the many events taking place tomorrow are of great relevance. These are very important cosmic events that goes beyond the typical delusional or magical thinking and that if well integrated and directed could serve us beyond what we can imagine. 

For some this will be about awakening to the truth of who we are and origins. For others, it will involve the reactivation of certain codes that will give them the required information they need, at this time, regarding their soul mission, or any other valuable information they need for themselves, and hence, for All. It is all about what we need, and as we are all unique, this is why it is so important to be the ones who activate these codes, from within, for others cannot truly do this for us, directing them into what only we know will be of service. 

Activations shall be done from within, or at least it is what I always receive from my Unified Self and Guides, for our body cells, and entire body, will only respond to our command, and no one else. It takes devotion, an open mind and dedication to master our egoic self. However, it takes a simple meditation/activation, using our own words and simply pure intention, to awake certain aspects that were dormant. 

There is no need for complicated rituals, or for searching therapies or others that say they can do this for us. We all need confirmation and of course assistance for we are all together as one Light family. However, the authentic, and sometimes hard inner work, can only be done by us, especially when we dwell in an individualized aspect, as humans, within this dense plane, for it is one of the things we precisely came to remember - how to become free sovereigns masters of an earth plane, and body.

Some of the other alignments that will take place tomorrow we know, as there is the Full Moon in Virgo as well as its alignment with the Star Regulus in the Leo Constellation, which will foment the focus on sharing our uniqueness, giving us the power required to overcome any fears. Others, we do not know from our human view, and others are being hidden from us, as this one of tomorrow, for this is the first time that this event has been predicted. However, it has not been the only time that has happened in our Heavens.

For the ones who desire to watch how the brightest star is "dimmed" by this asteroid, it will happen at around 22:30 p.m. on Monday in western Mexico, central U.S. and Canada. Although as you know, this is not about physically watching this event, but about our conscious alignment to reconnect that which is a part of our original DNA and true potential, one that was manipulated for eons. 

Taking into account that tomorrow Chiron will also enter into Aries, after having spent years in Pisces, we have also the cosmic gift to focus on the self and heal what diminishes and disempowers us. As the Sun will also enter into Pisces, one of the most intuitive signs of all the zodiac, Piscean energies will help us to connect with other realities that will show us our true multidimensional nature - revealing new insights that are pivotal for us, at this time. 

As I wrote, and share, again, now for I was deeply guided, in the  energies of February, this is a month that has the gift for us to recognize, and anchor, our unique Essence on Earth. This rare, and unique, cosmic events of tomorrow from Sirius as well as the many others that will occur, will help us tremendously to stand firm in who we are and remember/share our uniqueness. 

You are a wondrous Divine Creation, as well as part of It. You just have to know where to look, to retrieve the memories of your True Lineage and value, and that is always within. Your Presence on this Planet is no mistake, as there is no such a thing within Creation. You are here for a Divine Reason that sometimes you cannot fully comprehend but that begins by accepting and embracing all of who you are and by being you, at all times. 

You as well as the unique abilities you brought here are as equal and as appreciated as the ones from any other being within Creation you may admire. You are needed and respected by the entire Universe, for All remembers that without You the current planetary transition would have never taken place, to begin with. 

The Planet needs your unique Essence, your unique gifts and the unique way you have to do what only you can do. And while All is already recognizing how valuable you are and how important, you are still questioning if your Presence and role are significant.

Everything is grateful for you and the unique task that you are doing to assist All, whether you are conscious of it or not. Are you?

May you always recognize the precious Spark of the Divine that you are, your natural abilities, your value, and the gift of your Presence on this Planet. May you always celebrate your uniqueness, honoring all of who you are and do for All. 

In love, light and service,

Natalia Alba