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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Abundance. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Abundance. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

The Energies of April ~ Emissaries of Love

Beloved Emissaries of Love, 

As you know, we are passing through a very challenging time, in terms of trying to keep with our mission of planetary light keepers. In the majority of the Planet the matrix has unfortunately installed another of their fear programs that keep many on fear, trying to stop us fulfilling the mission that we consciously, and gladly, are doing, at this time. As nothing and no one can truly impede us to shine who we are as well as our unique truth, the ones whose mission is to protect, restore and heal ourselves, for this is the first step, towards helping the Planet doing the same, will emerge stronger and more empowered, after the many tribulations and impediments that have been imposed to us, not to share who we are and the many abilities that we brought here and that are meant to be of assistance.

Due to the recent lower planetary forces strategies, many of have been forced to relocate, faster than we bore in mind, while we find new ways to expose the many distortions and illusions that the desperate matrix continues exerting. While I was in the middle of my own personal transition into what is going to be my new location, house and frequency, I received a message of resilience, fluidity, self-knowledge and remembrance that above all, during this time of forced isolation, we all have the keys to shift/reverse any circumstances that have been given to us, whether naturally or imposed, and make of what we have an opportunity for getting to know ourselves better as well as to work in different ways with all that surrounds us.

If it is true that is not always easy to share in our unique ways, for the many tactics of the lower forces often impede us to co-create in new and more unified ways, it is also true that with them new solutions to let ourselves be seen appear, for the light always finds new ways to reemerge in ways that no one can truly imagine, always towards love, always towards the betterment of All. Remember that what seems to be, is not what truly is and that everything is actually moving forward, rather than what they are trying us to believe, which is why they try so hard to revert something that by nature cannot be undone – evolution.

When we flow with all that IS at the moment it does not mean that we surrender to the created undesired conditions and let others manipulate our reality. When we consciously choose to not ignore but to flow with what is taking place, and embrace it as equal, we finally are able to move from anger, fear and disempowerment into an state of total acceptance, joy and peace, for we now remember that no one can manipulate how we feel or our own personal reality.

If we are forced to stay in, we open our hearts beyond our earthly confines. If we are told to fear, we let love in, for we know it will dissolve any distortions that have been forced upon our planetary field and hence, personal one as well. When we are told to look to the reality of what is happening, we move into the invisible realm, where the Truth resides and where all answers lie. This is what sovereign free beings do. For we no longer see only what is in front of us but beyond what lies in the physical, and the repercussion that our thoughts, beliefs and acts will have on many. 

This is a month for balance and infinite abundance, which is love and a consequence of the first one too, as its universal number 8 reminds us. On the contrary of what many may think, balance is not about our human sense of order and how things, events etc. must happen. Balance goes beyond our human perception, for it involves not only ourselves or human plane but All within Creation. All the recent events, all that we consider or label as being good or bad, is not as such at all, and whether we believe it or not, we cannot understand what balance is, for we are not able to see everything from a higher perspective, only Source is.

In a soul level, all that is happening is doing so according to a Higher Intelligence, who knows the truth of what is really taking place at this time in our Planet. We may receive some guidance, have our own beliefs, but we can never be truly totally outside, as the main observer, to clearly know. Our main aim as humans is to accept the situation, surrender, create peace within and share the love, and we will be consciously collaborating into this planetary challenging time, by sending peace and love from our hearts to All, and hence in bringing harmony. 

Connect, if guided, with the Emerald Ray, with the Earth's heart and roots to send peace and to expand your heart. Feel Earth's lungs expanding, obstructed for a long time due to man damage, while humanity stay at home, remembering their origins, stop contaminating and finally in unity and flow with All. 

Everything serves. All has a purpose and all is always occurring to bring the proper equilibrium that even though we cannot see, shall be there for All to continue evolving, co-creating and expanding. 

Heart Torus exercise

When I first received guidance for this new energetic month of April, the first thing that I envisioned was our heart torus as well as the title of the post. It often happens that I begin to receive a few words or visions that come encoded with what later on will be the entire essence/message of the month. 

As you know, the heart torus is a sacred geometry form that represents our heart field, although as everything else, seen from our human perspective. This geometry is not only our heart sacred geometry form but Earth's magnetic field too. This energetic field can be felt, it is as real as what we can physically see and feel and it carries our own frequency, feelings and thoughts. Therefore, connecting, in a daily basis with it, clearing our field and focusing on loving feelings, is pivotal to feel at peace and in union with all aspects of ourselves, as well as to send this same loving vibration to All.

At this tumultuous time in which many of us feel physically isolated or emotionally as well too, if not both, it is essential that we begin to connect with this heart field and send our love to the Planet and, for we are connected, and as One, we are never isolated, even though we have been literally commanded to do so.

Ours is the choice to feel the love, the connection between all of us, and send peaceful thoughts to all who are transitioning at this time as well as to the ones who are passing through their own challenging time, for not everyone can simply be and surrender, and it is not easy for many to embrace solitude and make the best they can of it.

There will be some that will take advantage of this time to learn to surrender and work on delusion of control, as well as to know themselves better. And on the other hand, there will be others who could not cope with what they find inside, when they finally meet with their own selves. As ascending souls, who have embraced our shadows, are learning to master the ego and consciously try not to judge, it is the moment for us to live in this sacred heart space and once we fully connect to it, and feel it, send our most loving intention to everyone, by simply staying into our own sacred heart space, one that is always at peace, in love and in communion with All. 

Remember to focus on your heart center, and once you are in communion with this energetic field, which unites heart, soul and Higher Mind, feel it, dissolve all distortions and mind constructions and ask for protection to your Unified Self and Guides. When you work on protecting the 12D aspects of who you are, then work on your breathing, which is essential to calm the mind and body and to cease all thoughts that may impede a better connection to your heart field.

After this initial basic technique, you are then ready to send love, in an universal way. Remember that there are those who may not wish to shift their perspective or leave the drama or simply to dwell in the frequency of love. As conscious souls, one of our main task is not to interfere with others, and it goes as well when we send love, for we shall respect those who have other mission.

This is why we do not put faces or names, unless we are asked for and feel guided, for the Higher Aspect of who we are knows to whom this love is sent and to whom it will not be appreciated. This is the main reason of why I do not force upon others, specifically, the love I feel for All, because we, from our limited perspective, can never know if it is without interference or not.

The importance of sending universal Divine Love at this time as you well know is greater that what we can appreciate, for even though we are bombarded with what is not working or going well, balance is always restored and we all know that for every act of violence, unkindness or hate, there is always a loving act, for we live in a reality of opposites and one does never occur without the other. 

Our mission is to remain in that space, surrendering and accepting all that IS, at this time learning to trust that everything is always happening according to a Higher Plan that whether we like it or not, we never truly envision, for we are not in a position to do so. 

Planetary Alignments 

This new month of April carries the frequency of abundance, which is love, as all forms of abundance can only come from a Source of infinite kindness and compassion for All. This is a time where we are being reminder the importance of acting as One, beyond the illusion of isolation/separation and unite our hearts to send love to where needed. For even though we are being told that everything goes wrong, love is being restored and there are many who are awakening at this time, even though others may choose not to. However, this is what precisely creates balance within our world of opposite polarities, one cannot exist without the other. 

Nonetheless, the frequency of this new month goes further than that, as it is also one of power, and leadership, something that at this moment could not be more precise, for even though we are commanded by the authorities, we all can have our own sovereign space, in which we stand tall in our personal power and truth, beyond illusions, manipulations and the many distortions from our still 3D reality, as we are yet in the transition of separating from it. We are no victims but powerful creators that although many still are reluctant to accept their conscious participation into this dimension. 

April is a universal number 8, which is represented by the fiery tarot card of strength – a woman holding between her hands the jaws of a Lion (sun) – representing the physical strength that can only come through the power of love, wisdom and balance, cultivated within. This is the perfect representation for the Wise Goddess of Love embracing fiery Leo, calming his wildness with her loving essence. 

The message is that all can be done through the power of love, all can be shifted and dissolved when our human self finally surrenders to a Higher Power that is within All things and beings, and lets it lead the way instead of forcing/moulding our reality with our egoic self who can only envision a small and limited view of what is truly happening. 

This is also a number that represents the infinite, for all is infinite in nature, and the only limitations are the ones created by our human minds, as it is the illusion of lack, coming from being immersed in a lower state of fear and separation. This is an opportunity for us to move inward and see where we still live in lack, where we still think that human resources are limited and can only come from the outside. For it is there where we begin limiting ourselves, by creating this same old story and by allowing its manifestation, in the physical. 

Observe where you create limitations. All limitations come from our human minds. Witness when you have a strong soul desire to make tangible and your lower self tells you that you have not enough, for abundance is infinite as well as the nature of your essence. Every time you lower yourself, every time you tell yourself something is not possible, you are creating more lack. 

Every time you stand tall and walk on this Earth in deep communion with the Divine within you, knowing you always have all you need, loving everything that you are meant to experience, without any judgements, you are loving, and hence, you are creating abundance. The choice of what you need to experience at this moment, is always yours. 

At a cosmic level, we begin April with Venus entering into Gemini. This energy will help us being more open and receptive to joy, abundance, love and simply the pure bliss that being alive, independently of the current events, has for us. Joy is essential and it is the state of being we should all have, if it was not for the manipulation experience since we are born that put us constantly into fear mode. 

We do not have to have the desired relationship, house, job or anything else to be in joy, if I share this it is because I have experienced this myself. We simply have to allow this natural flow into ourselves, for this is Divine Energy through us, and it will simply do its job of helping us remember our true essence and manifest what is best for us.

On April 4, we have Jupiter conjunct Pluto. We often tend to think that luck comes from outside and that the best circumstances to act upon our soul desires are brought by the planetary events and other human illusions. The truth is that luck is a mixed between strength, determination to act towards our desires and personal power, which is what this conjunction invites us to remember at a time when we may not get out or act much, in the outside, but we can always create from within the perfect conditions for us to live the lives we truly desire, or simply a more peaceful state of being, for we do not necessary need to go out, as we reside everywhere, as the unlimited and multidimensional beings that we are. 

A very powerful Full Moon in Libra on April 7th will bring the proper balance required, at a time, and within a 4 universal year, where harmony and equilibrium are key to create the strong pillars of not just our lives but our new dimensional space. Balance between our emotional, mental and physical plane is vital. It is important that even though there seems not to be balance in the outside world, we remain in perfect harmony within, for it will determine the outside. 

On April 11, we have Mercury in Aries. This is about focusing on the power of our word and personal beliefs. How we communicate with the world, even more at this time that the majority of us are not able to get out much, for there is always the communication that goes beyond the physical one, as we can all connect through the power of our hearts, for we dwell in many invisible dimensions, where communication is done through the heart and mind. 

On April 17, we have Saturn quincunx True Node. This is all about our true soul mission, our destiny and what is yet to come. It is asking us to move out of our comfort zone and if we really desire to step into a new path, to leave behind all fears, doubts and everything that is impeding us to evolve and expand into new horizons, that may not be known but that is what we are meant to experience next in our human journey. This is call for all who are procrastinating to stand tall in who they really are, doing what they know they came here to do and be. 

Saturn quincubnx True Node is the frequency that for those who are ready to descend more aspects of their soul mission will help them receive more guidance about their soul purpose. For there are many who are already under this process of consciously unveiling more about their cosmic heritage and the many missions they have fulfilled, within Creation, and the one they have been assigned, during this present lifetime. 

For others, this process of knowing more about their human mission will come when they will be ready to fully understand who they truly are. There are many precious souls who are passing, at this moment, through an inner transition in which for more than they desire to know, their human self is not ready yet, and only inner work, and patient, will help them, until they are ready to receive this new knowledge about who they are and what they are meant to do here on this Planet. 

On April 20,  the Sun will enter into the earthly sign of Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac, ruled by Venus, offers us the gift to create our Heaven on Earth, connecting with nature, honoring our physical realm  and enjoying who we are and our creations. Taurus will start opening the energetic gates for us to begin grounding ourselves as well as our desires in the physical. With Taurus comes our second initiation into a deeper knowledge of how to manifest our desires from an energetic Plane into our dense world, teaching us our next lesson within the wheel of life, which is to master ourselves in the endless art of bringing things from our inner world into our human one.

Taurus, is indeed a sign that likes to see the rewards of all His efforts. It invites us now to pay more attention to earthly matters, as they are the materialization of that which is within and that which sustains us in our lives, remembering that material things are also a part of our lives, for we do not separate anymore, as instead, we choose to unify All as being equal within Creation. 

It is a time to create, to bring forth new desires now that we are about to enter into May. A time to be reborn just as nature does, as everything is giving birth to a new way of existing and so are we. We should stay open to receive all that we have been creating from within during all these months, and be patient, as everything has been already perfectly orchestrated for us to just have faith and trust that at Divine Timing, all that is meant to come into our lives, will come. 

On April 22, we have also a New Moon in Taurus. This is a Moon that as it square Uranus and Saturn, will bring many changes upon all of us and in the world as well. Changes as you know are not necessary meant to be negative or positive, as these are just human labels. Therefore, I will not interpret, as others, which is equally valid and respectful, these conjunctions as being bad or not, as if I do so, then I will be saying these Planet's essence is one of pain and challenges, rather than simply staying the truth that their essence simply IS and we are the ones interpreting them, according to our own human illusions. To me, this is a Moon that will determine if we are ready to create positive changes in our tangible realm or if on the contrary we are going to continue allowing outer forces and people to control our destiny as sovereign beings. 

The asteroid Ceres, will enter Pisces on April 23. This unique asteroid has been interpreted by many astrologically as well as mythologically, since it was discovered. Its essence is all about nurturing and caring about ourselves and others. This is a very welcome frequency due to the recent events in which the main message apart from one of unity is one of becoming our own caretakers, especially at a time when many are only giving rather than first doing it so towards themselves. 

As Ceres is in Pisces, this emphasizes even more the challenging time that we are experiencing at the moment, as it is all about having empathy for others, for what they may be passing through, at the same time that we concentrate on sending love and peace to All who are suffering the consequences of what has been intentionally released. 

This is also a very good time to focus on being empowered, in our sensitivity rather than closing ourselves within it, feeling overwhelmed by the current situation. It is precisely in our extreme sensitivity that true power and strength resides, and what we need to work more at this time and share with others, for they may need of our strength and sense of unity to overcome the current energies/situation. 

On April 25 we have Pluto retrograde. As you know I do not foment this human illusion in my articles, as I think it will not serve the whole to evolve if they resonate with what I write. I honestly do not think that there is nothing ever in slow motion within the Universe and as such as I need to act with integrity and share from my own perspective and guidance what I think about each Planet. Pluto whether we view it as retrograde or not has a main essence related to how we manage our personal power. 

This is something that we all need to work with at this precise time when we seem to have been literally disempowered by outer forces and isolated. On the contrary of what it may seem, we all have the power to create, from within, to continue expanding and to manifest any outcome or state of being that we desire. The mistake, if I can call it as such, is to fall into the fake or illusory view that we are powerless at this time. The Essence of Pluto will act as a reminder that we are sovereign beings and that no one can ever command our inner space, and hence, what we create outside of it. 

On April 27, Mercury in Taurus will show us where we need to create more harmony and equilibrium in our tangible lives, for our existence is not just to dwell in the ethereal remembering who we truly are, but to also be practical and descend into the physical all we have created in the non-physical. Mercury in Taurus is a wonderful time to observe - from a higher perspective - if we express our heart and thoughts with love, or if we are yet being abusive, falling into other egoic traps or simply using force to manipulate others rather than to create harmony through communication. 

On April 29, Pallas enters Aquarius. This is a very wonderful essence at this time, for it is all about creating what will be our next moment. This is about using your power to create your future, so to speak, in a positive way, it is a shift, within all this challenging period for us to put a full stop into what we consider past and that no longer resonate and being to create a new space where we expand into a new direction. 

This is about connecting to our inner creator and let it expand in healing, arts and in everything that we positively build and that will make our reality better, and hence that of All. It is about enriching and healing all we touch rather than fomenting the current fear and it is a wondrous essence to end this month, for we all need faith, kindness and a touch of magic as well as this time. One that as always, shall come within too.

During this month we are being presented with the opportunity to focus on the power of love and unity or on fear. Remember that where you choose to focus will expand and that all that we choose will be equally respected, for in this world of opposites, both are pivotal for us to be able to experience this human journey and discern about what we desire and what we do not.

The choice of focusing on peace, love and unity is ours to make. Otherwise, we will be consumed by those who choose to spread fear to the masses, feeding those who believe on these imposed fears and fall, once again, into the trap that we are powerless and hopeless beings to the service of other forces, rather than sovereign free beings in charge of our own human experience. 

Do you agree? 

I wish you a healing and blessed April Beloved Light Emissaries,

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Full Moon in Scorpio, May 18th, 2019 ~ Surrendering to Truth & the Earth's Embrace

We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us. 


Beloved Light Emissaries, 

At a time when our central Sun is helping to awaken the masses, an ongoing process since the beginning of the year, embracing Earth's power is vital to descend this Higher Consciousness in the physical - co-creating with it to manifest a higher reality. It is so important to ground ourselves and anchor our soul creations that we are blessed with a powerful and at the same time earthly Full Moon, at 27 degrees of Scorpio in May 18th. 

This is a Moon unlike any other, for it brings both the gift for us to move inward and uncover Truth, something that cannot be done if we continue to give our power to outer forces, and the healing and restorative Essence of Mother Earth.

This is a passage to honor our personal truth, who we are and what we do with our unique abilities, and Mother Earth, as cultivating our connection with Gaia, is vital, at this time. As a confirmation of the double purpose of this Moon, we have six Planets in Earth signs and three in Water signs, as a reminder that all we create in the ethereal, in the non-physical realms, is meant to be descended into our tangible world, to be enjoyed, to be loved and to be appreciated.

As we are all in our unique micro phases, for even though we can co-create with Planetary energies, we all have our own soul plan and personal cycles, this Moon's essence will serve us for different aims, it all depends where you are in your path. If you need healing, then you could use this energy to work with grounding yourself and be aligned with the power that sustains your physical body. 

This will serve those who have imbalances in their two main chakras so they can work with their sexual creative force as well, if they are not yet bringing into form what they truly desired and is aligned with their soul's Will. This is why working with polarized thought as well as the opposite forces/polarities that are within us, is so important, for we cannot create, if they are not yet unified.

For the ones who are at peace with their current reality, they can use this powerful Moon's essence for establishing a higher connection to the Illumined Realms, where they will descend more Truth that will help them to release more human illusions and fake programming that are still impeding them to obtain more clarity about their path and own Divine Abilities. 

This will be a time for the ones who are also working with the opening of their 8th chakra, clearing their higher heart and all holographic implants, to be able to open themselves to receive clarity upon their soul mission as well as human journey - knowing how to navigate through reality with the proper guidance.

For others, this will continue to be a creational phase, and this Moon will serve them to align with this creative influx so they can continue giving birth to the new reality that they desire to bring into form. Since during the Full Moon, we will have the Sun and Mercury, which are in Taurus, trine to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, we all could benefit from this abundant, loving and creative energy. We just have to know how to align to it and direct it to dissolve our inner limits that impede us to be the abundant beings that we truly are, in nature.

This is a time for us to restore faith, as Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto remind us, especially for those who believe in retrograde phases, for the three of them are, at this time, in slow motion. Faith in ourselves, in our path and in the unique mission we brought here. It is indeed a time for us to purify ourselves from what no longer serves and to finally ground our Essence on Earth, where we dwell, where we create and where we came to be of assistance. A time, as the Scorpio-Taurus Axis reminds us, to melt with Earth, descending our desires in the physical - honoring the aspect of us that allows us to master ourselves and experience the joy of being human. 

Roots Healing 

The Scorpio Full Moon's essence is a wonderful one for us to go deeper into our roots, as Mars in Cancer invites us to do, and heal anything that is still disempowering us or impeding us to become sovereign beings. It is important that we understand that even though this is a Moon in Scorpio, which tends to be all about moving inward to find Truth and healing. In a more general way, we understand that this is not just about the Moon, but about the Planetary energies and what is also happening, in the macro, outside of our confine Universe, what truly determines the nature of the energies received.

As I shared above, due to the Earth's current configuration, this is a month, and a Moon, to focus on the physical side of us as well as in descending our power, and soul visions, into the tangible. However, with this Moon we could go deeper, working on not just manifestation but on root healing - clearing familiar ancestral patterns, grounding ourselves, and our sense of abundance, as we continue to ground our first and second chakras.

There are many who can clearly feel, for as ascending souls, knowing our bodies is pivotal, that are now experiencing this traumatic wounds or simply imbalances into their two main chakras. If the main cause is a matter of not being grounded, then the main work is easier. Going into nature, color theraphy, any type of body movement (yoga, dance etc.) can help you to anchor yourself to Earth, again. However, if the root of what is causing imbalances in the first and second chakras goes deeper, further inner work will be required.

As you know, the importance of managing our sexual creative force is so important that two of our main chakras - 1st and 2nd ones - are in charge of it. It is pivotal that we connect with our feminine essence, commune with our soul and be open enough to become the witness of our own human experience to discern what is truly causing these imbalances.

When we understand and know the cause of being ungrounded is that we could finally deal with the main reason of why we are not fully manifesting the reality that we truly desire, and feeling as good as we used to, or as we are supposed to feel. This is one of the main reasons why some people cannot bring into fruition what they desire yet, because they are unaware that their main sexual creative centers are not working properly.

Having our main chakras grounded is essential for the vital energy of Earth to be transmitted to our body circuits, as it is naturally meant to be. This is especially more important for the ones whose main mission involves to work with the Earth Fabrics, for if they are not grounded and their connection with Earth does not remain pure, they could not do this task properly. 

Some of the main tools to work with for us to heal our sexual or feminine imbalances - depending on what is causing it in your personal experience - are:
  • Earthing - through direct contact to the Earth.
  • Sexual organs and kidney support. This is pivotal for these organs are constantly releasing toxins and they are also our main fountain of life energy.
  • Implants: especially sexual ones through relationships, old beliefs, manipulative agenda sexual implants, whether physically implanted or through programs such as porn etc. Clearing these implants is key, if we desire to cleanse our body of negativity.
  • Emotional body clearing - debris, implants, old wounds, parasites etc.
  • Dissolving ancestral familiar patterns 
  • Healing sexual traumas
  • Starseed lineage negative implants clearing
  • Merkaba - gender (masculine and feminine essences) correction
  • Feminine imbalances: Self-love/worth, abundance, creative energy disturbances, etc.
These are just some of the most basic and common issues that impede us to fully embrace our feminine essence and hence to be fully grounded, experiencing a total connection to Earth, as we do so too with the Illumined Realms.

This is why it is so important to know ourselves, to work on ourselves, daily, and the most important: to maintain an open mind, so we can realize when we are allowing old beliefs and/or human delusions to destabilize our bodies. If we do not first know ourselves and the core or main wound of our current misalignment, we cannot work with what is not balance because we are only treating the issue on the surface and then we will not be healing it from inside, from where everything shall begin to be healed. 

Going into the main wound will help us know from where the pain comes. Feeling the part of our body that aches will also help us to know where the emotion is located or stagnant and depending on the part of our body that is in pain or has manifested the imbalance, we will know the main cause of the pain.

Self-love and respect for ourselves - as unique sparks of the Divine - bodies and purpose, is essential, if are working on healing. Feelings such as anger, resentment for what we did not do or did "wrong", will only bring more unlove and disturbances in our emotional and mental bodies, and hence physical vehicles.

Nothing can be resolved from a space of fear and regret. When a tiny fraction of who we are is still dwelling in fear, a fragment of our soul splits. Regrets or any other similar feelings, impede healing to occur, and we will have to come back to work on forgiveness and compassion, before going into further healing. 

Facing feelings

At the beginning of the article I shared the typical association made between Scorpio and feelings. However, like I also shared, focusing on just the traditional meaning of Scorpio will not help us embody the true essence of this Moon. Scorpio is in truth a very profound sign that does not fear navigating between the depths of our soul. 

However, because of the other alignments from this Moon, as it is its opposition to Mercury and Sedna, we will be presented with the opportunity, especially for those who are working on expressing who they are, to express our hidden feelings, especially the unconscious ones that we have to bring into the surface, or the repressed emotions that due to our fears, we do not express as we should.

Facing our feeling, independently of their nature, is one of the main things that evolved beings do. When we are humble, work on polarity synthesis and cease judging ourselves and others, it is when the miracle of clearly seeing comes. For now we are free of the barriers and illusions that kept us from realizing the Truth.

Confronting all aspects of us is vital to understand our dual nature and our feelings. When we deny our feelings simply because we consider them shameful, or unloving, we are still judging an aspect of us. On the opposite, when we begin to embrace all, as equal, knowing it is part of our human experience to feel all kinds of states of being, we have begun the path of enlightened, as we are now ready to accept all of who we are, taking responsibility for all we think, feel and do, rather than hiding it. 

Sharing who we are, our voice and the unique seed we came here to plant into this world, is important and is one of the main things we should do, not just for your own evolution but for that of All. Nothing that we are guided to share is irrelevant, unworthy or shameful. When we do not fully express our feelings, with love, when we do not let our soul expresses itself through whatever it is that we find natural to do, we are creating imbalances within and in our physical bodies because we are not allowing our soul to share its uniqueness.

When it occurs it often happens due to lack of self-love, fears and doubts. This is why it is vital to clear old beliefs, and everything that disempowers us, before we consciously step into this journey. This is a blessed path, although it is not free of challenges, for we came here to remember the master within and it can only be remembered if we confront our shadows and create synthesis between our opposite poles.

Once we awake, it is our responsibility, if we truly desire to evolve, to do the inner work required for us to dissolve all that is impeding us to flourish as the sovereign beings that we are. It is our duty to listen to our soul, and allow God to express Itself through us, in this tangible plane, as if we do not do so, we will begin to lower our frequency until we finally decay in all we do not wish to experience.

As Starseed Souls and New Earth Seeds it is our main task to overcome egoic patterns, clear delusions and magical thinking and begin to embrace not the journey we have though was better for us but the one that our Soul prepared for us, which sometimes when we are not yet aligned with our Soul, is completely different. 

This path that so many desire to walk involves discipline, devotion to service, constant inner work and commitment to express what we feel and receive for All. This is a humble path, this is not about us, it was never about us, but about All of us embracing our uniqueness to act as Divine Conduits. This is why it is so important that as ascending souls we see this journey for what it is, giving, sharing, but also allowing ourselves to receive, all the Divine Wonders, but also, the responsibility that comes with it.

This Moon in Scorpio brings the cosmic gift for us to bring unification in our feelings and lives, as Scorpio is precisely about exposing the inner wounds that are yet dwelling in separation and heal them by creating inner synthesis. This is the gift from this Full Moon: to uncover Truth, rediscover ourselves, and personal power, and to use it to heal what is fragmented, unloved, within the depths of our being.

Everything that surrounds us is, always, sending us signs, of love, healing and anything we need, at every single moment of our human existence - when we decide to align with this Loving Force and Purpose of acting as the LoveLight Beings that we, in Essence, truly are. 

The personal choice of uniting with what brings you joy and helps you stay in your natural state of being or refuse to this loving influx and choose to experience what love is not, is always yours. 

Declaration to release and surrender to Truth

I was deeply guided to share this declaration, at this Moon time. However, and as I always say, it is important to make it in your unique way. These are just my own words. You shall use the ones that best resonate with who you and where you are, now. This is just an example for you to use your own abilities as a creator and make your own declarations. If my words are in perfect resonance with your own guidance, then feel free to use it.

We do not do anymore the you are the master and I have to follow because you know more. No. This is called spiritual ego and inferiority and we do not do anything that disempowers us. What we do now is to help us empower ourselves by sharing and co-creating together, which is why we came here to show others the way to self-love, respect and sovereignty. 

First of all, we call upon our Unified Self, Guides and all the LoveLight Beings with whom we have chosen to co-create with. We all tend to work with different Beings/Energies and embrace the protection given to us by these Illumined Forces, is vital. After that, we are ready to begin our declaration by being in a peaceful and empowered state of being as well as surrounded by a loving enviroment and other companions, such as crystals etc. that we may feel guided:

I _(your name)_ call upon my Unified Self, Monad and Guides who assist me on my human experience, and who only come from the Love, Light, Truth and Unity of God to help me release an old self and hence, reality, embracing the one that is aligned with my soul's true desires and Will

Thank you for helping me protecting my personal and sacred space of everyone and everything - incarnated or not - who do not belong to the Light and unity of God. Thank you for co-creating a new desired reality with me and through me. Thank you for your love, light, Truth and assistance, Beloved Soul Family. 

With the Divine Power that, dwells within me, I now set the pure intention to release all fake concepts and magical delusions that have defined who I was and am meant to be - removing all assumptions that have ever been imposed on me. 

I now declare that there is no outer power that can determine who I am or can be, and  therefore shape me in any way. For I AM the Power that creates, transforms and decides who I become and do with the abilities given to me by Divine's Will.

I now surrender to the Truth of who I truly am, to God's desires and to what this Higher Intelligence has chosen to do through me. 

I now clear all parallel - past, present, future - timeliness, dissolving past energy and all beliefs that have trapped me within a limited view of what I truly am.

I now cancel all wrong programming that is still active within my body cells - impeding them to fully act as One - fulfilling their unique mission within my sacred human body.

I AM ready to surrender and accept who I am, who I always was, and embrace my true soul destiny and power. 

I choose to accept my Divine Legacy and descend it into this physical realm - being grounded to Earth as I am too to the Illumined Realms that birthed me. 

I choose to dwell in unity, in stillness and in love, above any other form of human illusion, separation or fears.

I now thank all that has served me to realize, appreciate, honor and accept my inner beauty, power and unique abilities, choosing, at every moment to use them only to be in service to All physical and non-physical LoveLight Beings, Creatures and Forms of Consciousness of this Universe and All Multiverses, for I AM one dwelling in all spaces, dimensions and timeliness within Creation, as the Essence of who I AM knows no limits, for it only sojourns in Truth, Love and Divine Bliss.  

And so it is and it will be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All.

I thank my Unified Self, Guides and the Forces of Love and Light of this Universe and All Multiverses for the assistance in this declaration and in my human life experience.

With infinite love and gratitude,

__ (Your name)__

I hope this declaration of intention helps you in your path. I received it one night, woke up and wrote it for All, with great love and respect to your unique journey. I hope that you recognize your power, value and all you are and do for All. I hope that you manifest the magnificence of who you are as well as the reality that you truly desire, and deserve, Beloved Companions.

Have a magical and blessed Moon!

In love, light and service,

Natalia Alba 

jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018

The Energies of 2019: Becoming Creative Channels

Honor your self. Worship your self. Meditate on your self. God dwells within you as you.

Swami Muktananda

Beloved Light Emissaries,

We are about to welcome a New Year and human cycle, leaving behind a year of deep acceleration in our ascension journey, in which we spent most of the time in a phase of constant integration and hence, releasement of the past. 2018 has been indeed a very intense and powerful year for us to finally step into a new dimensional timeline as well as to stand tall in who we are, and in the unique soul mission we came here to do. 

This is a year for us to become creative channels - sharing all the gifts and ancient memories that we are meant to share for the highest good of All. There is no space for fears, doubts and lower emotions anymore, for we have spent years mastering the egoic self, accepting who we are in nature and loving all aspects of ourselves, equally. This is the year for us to align with our Divine Creative Spark and begin to co-create a human reality based on unconditional love and respect to All living beings.

If during the previous years we focused on the conscious integration of the Wisdom descended from our God Self, to be able to remember who we are and our unique role within Creation. During this year 2019, the focus is going to be on expressing our truth in our earthly realm, for this is where we dwell and where we are meant to bring all we have previously integrated, from the ethereal planes. Furthermore, this is going to be a year to honor, respect and work with Earth at all levels - manifesting and stabilizing our soul desires in all areas of our human lives, so we can create an abundant, joyful and stable life. 

At a soul level, this is a year for those who have done the inner work of working in polarity integration, to reunite, if this is what it is meant to be for their unique soul plan, with the soul companions that are meant to co-create with them, at a deeper level. This is also going to be a year for those who have already created balanced relationships, reached through inner synthesis, to give birth to something new that will serve All to awake and expand within this endless evolutionary journey. 

There are many who will pass from feeling the usual isolation, which has nothing to do at all with feeling lonely, that we often feel when we are totally focus on our unique mission of selfless assistance, to reunite and co-create with the one that have a soul contract with us or simply with like-minded people who are in resonance with who we are becoming, as we continue to descend more aspects of our God Self. 

At a cosmic level, we begin this year with a New Moon Solar Eclipse, in January 6, in the sign of Capricorn, introducing us to the transformative energies that are going to accompany us, during the rest of this New Year. This is the first planetary reminder of the important that focusing on our tangible plane, will have, during all the year. The second reminder will come in July, with another Eclipse in this same sign. And the third, at the end of the year 2019, with Jupiter, entering into Capricorn as well, allowing us to expand on the physical, in the ways we consider that will serve us best. 

We also begin this New Year 2019 with the so "dreaded" conjunction between Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, which is another cosmic message for us to unify ourselves with our physical plane, rather than continuing living in the air, of mere dreams. This is by no means a reason to panick and begin to create more collective false beliefs, for these two cosmic forces are simply, as well as we are, experiencing their own evolution within Creation, and none of them are there to curse or bless us. 

These forces, as everything within Creation, possess a frequency and it is up to us to align with it and feel in what way we could take advantage of it to create a radical change in our lives, as it is also occurring at a planetary level, with the transformation that is already taking place.

There is nothing from the outside created to have a direct impact on us. This is human creation and the main reason why many people are still wasting their power, as they continue to give it to outer forces whose interpretations are not even real but human made. This conjunction is going to activate the massive shift that the collective is experiencing, like I mentioned in previous posts.

Capricorn's essence is going to rule this Year 2019, reminding us how important is to focus on our earthly plane. It is a great gift, especially for those that are not grounded yet, to begin working on the creation of a stable human reality, which is where we live and where we can only practice the descending and manifestation of what we first create in the non-physical. 

Capricorn will teach us how to create structure in our lives, without being too practical, to bring inner balance into the physical as well, discerning if we continue to focus more on the ethereal, and hence, manifesting lack in our physical lives, or if we focus too much in the practical that we disconnect from the aspect of us that is Divine and is connected to All. 

During this Year 2019 the frequency of change, in the physical, that is already being strongly felt and that has accompanied us for a while, is going to show us more and more the collective mental transformation, and hence planetary cleansing, that is occurring in the collective mind, especially for the ones who are ready to step into a new dimensional timeline.

Another important message coming from this New Year is its universal frequency, represented by the number 3 - a feminine and creative essence that will be very present during all this year. A number ruled by Jupiter, another sign of the expansion that we are experiencing or about to, it is all depending where we are.

For All, this is definitely a year to foment and nurture our connection to Mother Earth and honor the privilege to be living, and experiencing, this loving and beautiful earthly realm, something that we all were eager to do and one of the reasons why we chose to live a humans. 

For the ones whose soul mission involves to work, closely, with Earth, this will also be a very challenging year, as we will be called to work in new ways to assist in the already transition that took place last year. However, when what we do is done from a space of unconditional love and compassion, as well as joy for the dimensional jump that we finally were able to take, all is, always, done with great love to All. 

Creative channels 

This is the year, as I shared, for us to become creative channels of the highest divine expression that we, in nature, are. During this year we are going to have the gift to commune with our inner feminine creative force - bringing into the surface all of our creative talents for us to create a new life based on a conscious way of living. 

Being a creative channel means to be able to commune with our soul and God Self to bring from the Illumine Realms that which is going to be for our highest good and that of All. We can descend this Wisdom in form of healing, channeling, painting etc. or by simply using our voice to express our truth. Whatever tool we use, will serve us, to expand ourselves, if we use them with the pure intention to bring unconditional love and authentic information to All. 

When I was writing the energies of this 2019 year, I was told this subtitle, by my Unified Self, and then I remember how many co-create with me who are creative channels, in their unique way, and are beginning to develop their true potential and unique gifts. There are many gifted souls whose inner doubts and fears impede them to see the Diamond they truly are. However, and as I have the pleasure, and honor, to see, there are more and more awakening, and stepping into the magnificent of who they are. 

If only you knew how much creativity, unique talents and love you hold within, you will not spend another second of your wonderful human experience focusing on what you think you cannot do, but on the discovery of all these wondrous gems you carry within, that you are, and that you came here to share for All. 

This is going to be a year that will help those who are working on finally releasing all their fears and self-doubts and embrace their true path, expressing who they are as well as the unique task they came here to fulfill. There are many who are already feeling the soul desire, to free themselves from their jobs, old relationships and everything that is enslaving them. During this year, if this is also part of your soul plan for this exact time, for we all have our micro cycles, many will begin to step into their power - realizing all the precious gifts they have within and that can also help many in their own journey. 

To be able to create a new life first we have to burn even the ashes of our old one. When we desire to build what is going to sustain us and nurture us in the next phase of our human experience, first, we need to balance ourselves so we do not act from an impulsive or egoic space. There are many who desire to leave their 3D realities, jobs etc. because they have awaken to their true mission and the joy that comes when we finally remember it and are ready to do it.

If this is your case, then your entire being is telling you that you are prepare to step into a new journey of assistance to All and that you have regained the power to do so, for even though this is a blessed path, it also has many challenges. If on the contrary, you still want to leave all behind because your job, the people in it and all that surrounds it annoys you, you are not yet there, for you are not leaving to do what brings joy. You are leaving because you are upset for what you think is making you unhappy. 

Before we are able to help others, and of course I speak by own experience, for if not it is easy to give an opinion, first we should pass through certain challenges, which can involve different jobs we do not resonate with, relationships etc. that teach us how to love and be of assistance to All, whether we like it or not, for if we do not love All, then we cannot assist only a limited fraction of the whole, as there is no such a thing as loving only what resonates within Creation. 

Another important step to step into what we desire by holding clarity and unity is to have worked on polarity integration. When excess of feminine polarity occurs, then we could not properly manifest - a task of the masculine - in the physical, what the feminine has created within, for we are not connected to the aspect of us that has the power and the physical strength to overcome the challenges required for us to create a new life. 

Having the feminine essence of us imbalance often result in creating a protective bubble, a delusional one, in which you are not fully anchor in the real world. Other times it will have to do with traumatic experiences, it all depends on your unique experience. However, this will affect your creative expression - impeding it to fully flow with harmony, into the physical.

If on the contrary you have excess of masculine essence, you will be practical, rational and logical, but you could not easily flow and commune with the inner creative spark that makes everything flourish and that is connected to an invisible but very real divine power. Working on balancing all opposite polarities within ourselves is as important as dissolving the old, for if we do not act from an unified perspective, we could not fully align with the proper essence we need to give birth to our soul desires. 

When we are giving birth to new aspects of ourselves or soul mission, we know because we are for a while dwelling within a space that is not yet comprehended by ou human self. However, if one is connected to our inner guidance, one can clearly begin to feel that we are birthing something that even if unknown yet, is coming into fruition, and our task is not to desperate and try many things, forcing something that is not yet ready to come into the physical, but to support this process by being patient and by supporting the important changes that we, our bodies and physical lives, will experience as we continue to descend this new level of consciousness.

This new human cycle is going to help us become more aware of all the love we could offer and that due to our fears are not yet giving. Love is in truth the essence we came here to offer, for this is all we are. Each and every one of us has a unique loving frequency that when put in the right place, person or situation, can bring deep healing into any undesired circumstance previously created. The important thing is to choose to shine this unique loving frequency, using it wisely, rather than fearing the power of it.

Soul liberation

From a soul planetary perspective, this is a very important year for those who are beginning to liberate themselves from the illusions and control from the matrix, for the frequency this year holds is one of freedom and conscious expression of who we are and our truth. 

Since the moment we begin the process of fragmentation from Source, we begin to feel as if we were separated and hence, in pain. This is our first wound, the separation experienced from this Source of unconditional love, and the first step to remember our true origin and Divine nature. When the process of incarnation begin, especially within our human plane, some souls tend to forget who they are - getting trapped within the matrix manipulative tactics and then forced by the archons, to reincarnate without their conscious consent.

This is why many souls are trapped within a karmic wheel that are not meant to, repeating once and again human incarnations. The first steps towards regaining soul liberation from these forces and their energetic karmic traps, involve the recuperation of empathy, unconditional love, self-forgiveness (essential to stop the manipulation through guiltless and blame used by them to keep us trapped) sovereignty, responsibility and compassion, between many others. Soul retrieval is also another important tool to regain consciousness as well as the wholeness of the soul - fragmented for eons due to loss and pain. 

During this Year 2019 the souls who awoke o are beginning to awake, for the year 2018 was a year of acceleration/integration in which many souls step into a conscious journey, will begin to energetically disengage from these forms of soul manipulation, as they continue to become more and more conscious of the illusions in which they have been trapped, breaking free from the 3D soul matrix, something that will finally allow them to regain knowledge about the compassionate and unconditional nature of the Universe as well as to come back to their original Homes, if they choose to do so, when they leave this human plane.

If you are one who feel trapped, in some way, and you know, by own guidance, that you do not have karma, for if you observe yourself as well as the life you are experiencing, you can clearly discern if you have any karmic patterns to dissolve o not, then these patterns could let you know that you are in need to work on the conscious liberation of your soul from the manipulations coming from the matrix. 
  • Narcissism
  • Attachment
  • Victimhood
  • Delusions
  • Egoic desires
  • Sex addiction
  • Fixed mental patterns
  • Blame
Becoming the eternal observer of who you are, of what you say, think and do, is your main duty if you are choosing this path of conscious evolution, for the more you observe yourselves, the more you will begin to cease all the judgments about why your human life is not happening according to your desires or about who is the responsible one for all the happiness that you are not yet experiencing. 

Healing the past, forgiving ourselves, others and retrieving all these fragments that are still dwelling in pain, is pivotal if we desire to finally get out of the karmic wheel and begin to create a conscious path rather than a delusive one. 

Many want the pleasure of this human plane, and it is too beautiful I do not have any judgments. However, remaining always in the same patterns does not contribute to expand our consciousness. There are also many who dwell in delusions, for this is easier than confronting the egoic self and master it, as it takes inner work, devotion, and a higher dedication that goes beyond the self that not many are ready to embrace.

If you are one that are already awake, have went to many healers, have done all you think is right to step out of the many egoic traps you are still immersed with, and nothing seems to work. Then, there is nothing to be sad or worry about, for you have finally found the true healer and powerful master that can finally help you liberate yourself from all these illusions and egoic chains, and this is You. 

After all the outside searches, after all the excitement every time you met someone who told you could heal you, could make you whole etc. after all, all these was precious and served you for you to learn that only you, by working on inner alchemy and by devoting yourself to your inner transformation, can finally free yourself from all that enslaves you. The question is: Are you willing to do all that it takes for you to regain your sovereignty? 

As always, the choice is yours to make and there is always a perfect time for all who decide to leave what is not authentic and come back to the love they truly are, in Essence.

Beloved Ones,

Far away resides now the aspect of us who used to live in limitation, dwelling in fear of our true potential and unique way to express it. This is a time for you to look at yourself as the Divine Expression of Source that You are, in Essence, and begin using it to finally share the love that you are, and that can create a profound impact in the whole.

There is never a fix time for you to stand firm in who you are. You as well as your time are eternal. Those predictions that only disempower us belong to the old. The only time is Now, and in this moment is where you exist and where you decide whether to shine or not. For there is, and never was, such a thing as judgment for your human choices, within Creation.

At every moment, a new door is being opened for you, you just have to know where to look. Your feelings, and nothing and no one from the outer, will let you know where is the new door that you shall open for yourself, in this new phase of your journey. No prediction, no wise guru but the one inside yourself can point out the direction you chose for yourself, once you became human. Only you know where you truly desire to create and be next, and only you have the power, and the key, to infuse this Now moment with your purest intention to create that which you wish, or give it to outer forces to use it for you.

As always, you are so loved, appreciated and respected within this loving Universe that whatever will be your choice will be honored, as the Master that you are considered to be, even though you may not always remember, and as such, what you desire will be an order for the Universe to fulfill. 

Now, in this moment, and not when a certain cosmic event comes or when someone says it, there is a wondrous and unique creative influx desiring to act through you into this world. Now, there is infinite blessings, abundance, soul companions waiting to reunite with you, again, and touch your life. There are many precious experiences waiting for you to choose to embrace all these infinite possibilities. The question, as always, is: Will you?

Dearest Companions, I thank you for another year of wonderful co-creations as well as for sharing this journey with me! It is with great love and joy that I embrace this Now Year and its infinite blessings and I wish for you to do the same.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba