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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta 555 portal. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta 555 portal. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 4 de mayo de 2021

555 Portal

Beloved Ones,

We are already immersed in the 555 portal. A passage that has already began, and that has been progressively building since the beginning of this five universal year. A passage that will extend for several days, as its energies will be just the foundation for others to join and create something greater, something that will come into fruition around summer, where profound change will begin to happen, in a physical level, with many reunions all around the Planet, anchoring love and healing for All.

During this 555 portal we all have an opportunity to shift old patterns, to mold and adapt to the change that we consciously triggered, by choosing at every single moment to continue evolving, and that we shall anchor for the purpose of bringing more restoration in both ourselves, and in the planetary structures that have been intentionally distorted during eons.

This is a time in which many are experiencing a massive integration of galactic plasma frequencies, some that must be consciously conduit, with the right purpose, for its successful embodiment. The physical body may suffer from many sensations that are just the natural process of something that we have voluntarily chosen to experience and that the more we focus upon, the more that we will lose sight on what is truly important - to seed forgiveness and compassion for all that we may consider or see as an atrocity, due to their non-benevolent choices, but that is also helping us to see the bigger picture and to find love in every single one and their personal choice.

A portal whose main energies are being anchored on certain places on Earth, as Guides shared, as it is Egypt, in the Great Pyramid, for its connection with the inner Earth, as well as with the cosmos. Connect with it, especially if you are working with the reconnection of your DNA. Feel its wisdom, reclaim it, it is yours too, as it is for those who will make a benevolent us of it. It will trigger the change that you need to begin the process of DNA restoration, between many other purposes. 

Change can only be initiated once we have finally found this unconditional love and compassion for All. Benevolent energies are only integrated when they can be in resonance with a Higher Purpose, for these light codes are pure Consciousness, and they know to whom they have to co-create with, and for what specific task. So, until we do not regain wholeness through forgiveness, is not that we can truly create this personal shift, as we are so eager to experience.

During this portal Guides shared the importance than seeding our unique Light has, for it is the time for us to finally anchor the change that many of us have been first internalizing for a few years now, within ourselves and that shall now be anchored on Earth, as Earth is also finally ready to anchor this change, even though there will be still some earth locations where it is not possible yet. However, it is in the majority of Earth and it is important that we pass now to be more united, anchoring this change to help our Planet to continue evolving and regaining its lost purity.

Guides remind us the importance of our mission as Earth's keepers and protectors at this time. To do so, being grounded and conscious of the many delusions that we may still hold, is pivotal if we desire to create a stable human life at the same time that we continue working for the Illumined Realms.

You may be guided to travel, to go into different places, to be in contact with the land, for there are certain places that hold a unique light signature and with it wisdom too and that will serve to activate you, and all the memories that you have within, and that need to come into the surface.

A portal that goes beyond this day indeed and that will help many to regain clarity of their new mission, as well as to continue integrating, for those who are in the initial stages, remembering, transcending and releasing, to prepare their bodies for the ascension process, which takes place for the first time within our human history in the physical.

Guides invite us to create light balls, of bright golden/white light with our hands for this 555 portal, co-creating with the many benevolent energies that are surrounding us with the same healing purpose, sending and anchoring this light balls into the Earth, for Earth receives all that comes with a pure intention to assist her in her own evolutionary journey, and now more than ever is that we need to support the new harmonic timeline in which many are continually stepping into.

It is a unique and wonderful time on Planet Earth. A time for soul gatherings. A time for a massive light seeding, in communion with others that like us brought the same mission, and a time for us to, always, continue being benevolent beings with everyone whose choice is different, for this is what unconditional love truly is, and what this new harmonic reality is going to be seed with - a higher understanding and respect for all choices.

As always yours is the choice to assist in building a more illumined reality for all who choose to step into it, or to continue fomenting a fake fear-based controled one. All serves Creation and all is respected and appreciated in the Illumined Realms, for judgments only exist within our limited human perspective.

Whatever you choose, choose to shine your light, choose to share with everything and everyone with your unique loving Essence, bringing deep restoration, healing, and harmonization in all you touch. 

I wish you a loving and blessed 555 portal Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2021

555 Activation Portal

Beloved Ones,

We are approaching the 555 portal, as we continue to enter deeper into this new month. A month that is about anchoring the change that we have been descending, step by step, during all this too five universal year. As I shared in May energies, we have a wonderful opportunity with the massive energies that surround us, as the eclipse, the violet, emerald and white rays, to help us anchoring more love, for this is what we most need at this time in which many are suffering, as they are finally awakening into the Truth of who they are and what is truly taking planet, at a planetary level. 

During this important portal, we have the Emerald Ray, to help us bring into fruition that which our soul desires to create and expand in the physical. This Ray will also be for those who are in direct co-creation with Earth, for this is for those whose main mission involves to work with Earth's roots and everything connected to the Earth's first chakra - restoring and healing the manipulated structures, as well as damage that for eons have been taking place on our Planet. 

The violet flame will also be of great assistance to bring purification, personal clearing and for those who are under a very powerful personal transformation. For those who have already passed through the previous transformation and clearing, the White Flame will too help them in not just purifying themselves, in a deeper level, but to initiate them into new levels of consciousness. Remember Serapis Bey's etheric Temple in Luxor is meant to assist those whose, whether incarnate or not, are choosing this ascension timeline and desire to go further, initiating themselves into a new stage of their evolutionary journey. 

The picture describes very well the vision I received for this 555 portal, as it represents love, our hearts fully opened, spiraling the love that we are and that we are here to anchor for All. The colors are too the sum of the most important frequencies and rays helping the Planet at the moment, although as always, there are more to the eye that we cannot fully envision, from our human perspective. 

As always it is all about aligning with the authentic benevolent Forces and Beings that we desire to co-create with, for us to receive the assistance that we wish, as every time we ask, it is Law that we shall always receive. 

This 555 passage is one of the most important ones of this year in terms of personal activation and assistance. This is a portal whose main frequencies will help many who decide to align with it to open themselves more into their wisdom, mission and the revelations they need to receive for the next steps of their journey, as there is a massive planetary relocation for many whose mission has shifted or expanded. 

This portal is a very important one in terms of manifestaiton too. However, we are at a time when manifestation goes further than just the materialization of our soul desires or any other material gains that we may need or wish. Materialization for the ascending souls goes deeper than that, as it is about the conscious co-creation of the cosmic energies and beings that help is bring into the physical the purity, the love and the compassion, that earth as well as the collective, need at this time for holding more peace and restoration, for the Earth's fabrics are just beginning to be restored. 

This is indeed a year of great change, a five transformational frequency that will be emphasized on the fifth of this month, and that will help us to bring more illumination and wisdom into ourselves and lives. A time for us to dissolve lower energies and aspects of the self that no longer serves our unique purpose and that of the collective, for we are on a global mission of working, co-creating, with All, not just for the self, so we can evolve as one species that are beginning to step out of a manipulative matrix.

This takes time and devotion. It takes inner work and dedication to be constantly releasing, healing, clearing and adapting to change, Something that at first can be overwhelming and chaotic, for the humans self likes to remain in familiarity, but that with time and self-mastery we make our new way of living.

This is a very important month, whose frequency of change is also, in a planetary level, marked by the eclipse in Sagittarius, that will help us step into another cycle in which many will have to choose whether to stay in the chaos that is actually reigning in the Planet, or to align with the new harmonic frequency that is also part of the new dimensional space that many of us are choosing to occupy now. 

This is why becoming our own caretakers is pivotal if we are consciously expanding, evolving and helping others in their personal paths to do the same too, for the body is the first one being affected by all we experience and choose to integrate, as this is the first time within our human history that we are able to ascend, while we are still in the physical. 

On this 555 portal, lets bring more peace, illumination and love to ourselves, and hence All, remembering, that every time that we continue choosing the light of who we are, we contribute into the massive awakening that is actually taking place, for what we do for us we do for All.

Have a blessed passage Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba