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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta 2020. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta 2020. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019

Full Moon in Gemini, December 11th/12th, 2019 ~ Mental & Emotional Healing

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.

Gautama Buddha

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

Endings and hence new beginnings are around the corner for all of us ascending souls who have been doing the inner work of conscious liberation and clearing required for us to integrate the new light that is being descend to us. This does not only imply to work on our emotional and mental bodies but in a subatomic level as well, as dissolution of the old must occur at all levels of our physical and non-physical reality. We are literally leaving behind an old self and embracing higher levels of consciousness and a new direction for many of us that has come maybe not at our human time but always at a Divine One.

We end the month and year with a last Full Moon at 19 degrees Gemini. One that comes to help us remove the ashes of the old and work on polarity synthesis as we continue integrating these new frequencies whose harmonic band cannot coexist with our old lower one. This Moon is for us to complete a cycle and enter into this Capricorn new one by being renewed and with a clear vision of what we are going to bring into form in the following stage of our human lives.

Gemini is a mutable sign. One that adapts to change and life transitions. This is precisely what many of us are undergoing at this time and what others will be invited to do, for it is in our nature to be constantly in motion, as the illusion of remain the same is but a mere mental construction. Gemini represents our silver and golden (feminine and masculine) aspects, and like them, in embracing each other in an equal and rhythmical dance of Love and Oneness. For as Gemini reminds us, it is only by inner fusion that we can create equal and balanced relationships.

The Twins will help us to focus our attention into our regained higher wisdom, to deepen into our relationships - and enjoy the love and the rewards of all we have cultivated - for not only do we live of work and challenges. Our truly natural state is always one of bliss and that should be remembered, in the midst of all the intensity, we are experiencing. 

Gemini will also assist us to express our hearts and feelings, by communicating with freedom, and discernment. Gemini is not just about dwelling in the mental realm but in the emotional one as well, and at the Full Moon time with the energies and Planetary events that accompany this moon, we will be given the cosmic gift to heal our emotional boy in ways we cannot imagine, if we know how to align with this massive healing influx that again propitiates change. 

During the next six months we are going to have such an amalgamation and massive influx of energies that it will be only by moving inward and feeling how they affect us that we could co-create with them. Within this new dimensional space there is no such a thing as separating energies by days, cosmic events or any other human illusion. All this serves us, in a human level, and it is in a way necessary for us to understand them, however, as we evolve we will realize the lack of meaning that time and space truly have, in the new dimensional space that many of us already transit. 

Everything is happening at the same time, and as we continue evolving within this eternal spiral, we will realize that the more we evolve the less separation there is regarding the way we see now energies. This is why it is so important to understand that knowing how to align with the proper frequencies we desire to work with, is what will allow us to manifest the desired healing we are so eager to find or the abundance and/or other manifestations that will help us heal and dissolve old frequencies. 

The Full Moon in Gemini will be highly influenced by Neptune which square the Sun and the Moon and a triple conjunction, as Venus will conjunct Saturn and Pluto at the same time that Saturn will also conjunct Pluto. With the T-square involving Neptune change at all levels of our human experience will be prompt to occur, if we desire to shift our lives this is going to be a unique opportunity for us to create the change we would like to experience. This will manifest in form of a new location and many other changes that have to do with giving a new direction to our lives and mission, as it is a constant for the ascending souls that we never remain fixed in one place and in our ways to do our work of assistance. 

Regarding the triple conjunction, this is going to be a great opportunity to push ourselves into the new by releasing what is not working and begin to remove the obstacles that are in between where we are and our happiness. What challenges us makes us stronger and wiser. With this combination, we will be defied to look at our survival fears, relationships and abundance, remembering that all the previous elements come from the love we first feel for our own selves. 

This is about working on the conscious removal of what is still distorted within our DNA and mental plane - fake programs, human illusions etc - to be able to release the fear that was implanted to us regarding our limitations, eons ago, and that are diminishing our true potential. 

Some of these programs are unconscious and comes from inherit genetic patterns, as it goes until nine generations the many habits and personalities traits that we tend to repeat, many times do not even belong to us. Other are self-created when we were in panful situations that we were not yet able to understand, from a higher perspective, and hence we tended to create a small version of who we are, telling ourselves how little we can accomplish and therefore fomenting fear.

We are never inadequate, inferior or weak. We are powerful beyond our human understanding and this is precisely what causes us the majority of the troubles we have when manifesting an abundant and loving reality. The lack of self-confidence in who we truly are is the main problem, as we have created the delusion of who we are not for so long that we no longer distinguish what our authentic self from the illusory one.

What we call mistakes is simply our human self trying to remember its real power. It is not by remaining in the same state of consciousness that we move forward, but precisely about making mistakes and experiencing challenges that we are able to regain knowledge of who we are and begin anew. This is what this Moon will offer us, the opportunity to conclude with a cycle and plant the seeds of a new one. 

Mental & Emotional healing

As the Full Moon quincunx Venus, Pluto and Saturn which makes everything easier for us to create the shift desired, we will have a wonderful opportunity to work on healing our emotional wounds, as this is one of the main imbalances to treat when we desire to embody higher levels of consciousness. There are many who are not yet aware of the original cause behind their constant feeling of pain or unworthiness. 

Others have sexual wounds so hard to bring into the surface that they have hidden them without knowing why they have issues in their current partnerships. Unhealed wounds are the main cause of what impedes us to step into a higher frequency and until we treat them, for more than we try we could not hold the desired vibration to move beyond these old pains.

As you know ascension is precisely about working in releasing emotional wounds, as well as working with our mental fixed beliefs. This is what truly liberates us from old paradigms and programs. There are many traumatic wounds that remain unhealed and that need of our attention and care, as behind them lie a deep wound that is the main root of the majority of the painful feelings and other issues that are impeding us to maintain balanced relationships with both ourselves and other people.

Gemini may seem to dwell in duality, as the twins seems separated and acting with individuality. However, there is nothing further than that, for they both act as a reminder of how important both polarities are for us to become whole and One again, as without one the other could not exist.

We are in a transition in which polarity integration is one of the first steps towards regaining unity consciousness and healing. Nonetheless, before this inner work, mental and emotional healing is one of the first steps to heal the many traumas that are still keeping us hurt and small, making us unable to regain our sovereignty and freedom.

To release emotional traumatic wounds, or inherited patterns throughout our familiar generations, there are many tools we can use that will help us in the conscious dissolution of pain, which should be integrated for it to be fully dissolved. It is through denial or hiding past wounds that we free ourselves from mental slavery.

The following tools are one of the most effective ones for us to work with our mental and emotional bodies, especially at this time when the energies received are supporting us to clear ourselves from past energies.
  • Recognizing the wound: This is about acknowledging the main wound without reopening it, which will only serve to dwell in pain, regrets and in the past. This is the first step towards conscious healing. The second one - as always - is to be empathic and compassionate with ourselves rather than being constantly beating ourselves up for the things we have not yet healed.
Remember that it is about allowing us to feel, opening ourselves to what lies behind them rather than blaming or punishing ourselves. It is about seeing ourselves and past stories and relationships as if you are seeing your own life movie and being strong to only take what you need to heal, without dwelling much in the wound, what will help you heal. 
  • EFT - as an EFT practitioner I used to work with this technique to release blockages that were in my body due to the amount of painful energy accumulated within it and that was not possible to be released with just having the will to do so. This tool helped me tremendously until I began to work on different levels. It is a very useful one when we have to work more on a physical level as there are many stagnant emotions that are still in our emotional plane and that have not been brought into the conscious.
  • Body scan technique to release pain. This tool is well-known, and it is about focusing on a certain part of your body - for example in your genital area if the wound is related to physical abuse - and release the pain that is stuck in this area. There are also other parts of our bodies that ache and that we do not understand, as there is no medical reason related to this pain and from where it comes. This is most of the times related to the association that our bodies make with certain memories and therefore where the pain physically remains.
  • Exercise: This can seem easy but for many it is not as they do not even find resonance with their bodies or take care of them as a sacred vehicle. Exercising, whether it is yoga, running etc, will not just help our bodies to be strong and flexible, which is pivotal, but to release lower energies and the emotional baggage we carry as an energetic backpack. Doing the inner work required with physical exercise will help us in our healing process tremendously. 
  • Breathing techniques to regulate blood circulation and to consciously absorb and integrate the Life Force our body needs to function, as well as for relaxing purposes. 
  • Expression of painful feelings. This is important for saying what we feel helps us finding the main root of what is impeding us to move forward. 
  • Focusing in the Now. When we live focused on the past, we are bringing this same energy and situations into our present moment, being unable to disengage ourselves from the same old habits and outcomes. The past may have our same name and surname etc. but we all know who we used to be is not the same person that we are not and all these past actions even the ones coming from people who we believe have hurt us, are nothing but mere humans interpretations now. As a quote by LP Hartle says, one that came to my mind while writing these words: The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.
  • Acceptance. This is probably, if not the most, one of the most important ones that we should be practising at all times. It is so important to accept ourselves as we are, as a part of the Divine,  that many simply choose to engage in the 3D manipulation of how they should look like or behave and consume themselves by self-negative talk, diminishing themselves when in truth they are sacred as well as All within Creation Is, for All descends from the same Loving Source. 
We have ahead a wonderful new month for us to work on conscious clearing. December acts as a gateway for us to traverse the threshold that still unites us with the past and with our new timeline. We are heading into a limitless space in which everything that is not yet healed together with our doubts and fears shall be dissolved, as even though we tend to see our fears and doubts as irrelevant, it is precisely this lower state of being what truly impedes us to heal, mentally and emotionally, keeping us limited, repeating old results that no longer are aligned with the reality that our soul desires to experience next.

Balance, as the Twins remind us, comes when we finally release our shadows, and instead of denying them, we embrace them, without labelling and/or judging what we find in them. 

Balance is only possible when we love All as equal, for All is God and All comes back to God, As this Infinite Source appreciates, loves and embraces All as equal, the rest are mere human perceptions and judgments. 

It is simply a matter of personal choice and dedication to this evolutionary path to begin seeing everything as One, putting this into practice in our human real, or continue dwelling in separation, and in the illusion or good and bad. 

I wish you a blessed Moon and wonderful December Beloveds!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

I was guided to make several offers for this wonderful and revealing month, in case you are guided to check on my website as well as the creation of a new service: personalized monthly guidance, for all who feel need more support in their current journey. 

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019

The Energies of December 2019 ~ Divine Illumination & Transcendence

Shine your soul with the same
egoless humility as the rainbow
and no matter where you go
in this world or the next,
love will find you, attend you, and bless you.


Beloved Light Emissaries, 

We are about to end/begin a new cycle, where many of us are heading into the unknown, as the time for us to step into another phase of our soul mission has come. During this last month we are going to relax in comparison with the intensity of these past months and begin to honor the aspect of us that dwell in love, tranquility and joy, so we can nourish the new self and physical life that is birthing within the depths of our soul.

This month is going to be the key that opens the energies of 2020 as we begin by having Jupiter in Capricorn, which is going to be the main essence that will reign 2020 and that will act as a cosmic reminder of how important it is going to be for all of us to focus on our earthly realm, on the aspect of us that is physical and needs of this plane to survive and master itself. 

December is the pathway to transfiguration, as it is with Capricorn, the nine sign of the zodiac that we have learnt how to look within and how to learn from our challenges so now we count with the strength enough to finally climb the mountain, achieving the proper illumination required for those who desire to begin walking a path of unity and conscious creation. 

This is where we being to integrate the aspect of us that dwells in Heaven with the one that dwells in ou human plane, illuminating our human self as it was meant to be since we chose this human experience. This month is the beginning of a wonderful opportunity for us to work on order, restructuring our lives and creating the foundations our lives need to stand firm and last. 

It is a season, as you well know, in which the main emphasis is made on the spiritual world. However, being kind, loving and compassionate is a part of who we are, as Christed Beings, not just something we try to pretend to be one month during the year. Capricorn energies will help us descend all these spiritual qualities that we cultivate inside into our earthly plane, where we shall put into practice all we say we should be and do. In truth, this was the purpose of our incarnation here on earth, to fully descend our Divine Essence into this tangible world and spread it to help humanity in its current transition as well as to serve us in our own personal path of conscious evolution. 

Spiritual Initiation & refinement 

This is a month for us to flow and focused on BEing. For some this will be about initiating themselves into this endless evolutionary path, as there are more and more that are stepping into this ascension journey each day. For others, this new energetic month will be about refinement, as we have been for a while in this path and it is time for us now to work on self-purification, balance and time off to regain inner peace and the wisdom required to build our new path.

Among all the distractions that this month offers, the ones who are on this path knows that joy, devotion, service to others, kindness and compassion is not something we just practice once a year but at every single moment of our earthly experience. Therefore the only thing we need at this time is to stay in our Light so no 3D distractions and/or other manipulations disturb our inner space where we are in unity with All, at all times, and work of assistance to All Creation. 

While I was writing this article through automatic writing, I did not cease visualizing a pentagon - clear crystal quartz one - although you can use the crystal that will help you most at this time of course. This is the tool that I received  for us to focus on transcendence and inner peace, as we continue evolving and spreading our unique spark. As you know this five-sided geometry pentagon is meant to protect, recharge and work with our solar plexus chakra, which is something that will be also emphasized by the Cardinal - masculine, solar energy - that surrounds us at the moment and that will continue for all 2020. 

Five is change, transformation, and hence transcendence of the old self and life that no longer serve us. Five is the beginning of the creation of something higher and the expansion that is about to take place in our life experience, if we allow this change to come into fruition. This is where we are and this is where we need to focus our attention, not in what we left behind, but in what we are building - remembering that creating strong pillars that support our soul visions, will make all the difference in manifesting outcomes that are aligned with our desired reality. 

This is something that as always will work in different ways, as even though we all have a universal purpose, we are the only ones that can truly discern the unique use that we are going to make of this crystal. It all depends on where you are in your path and what you need to dissolve and/or work with at this time. 

Planetary alignments

The harmonic frequency of December is introduced by the numbers 15 - 6 reduced - as a sign of the stabilizing energies that we are going to receive for us to work on self-balance and healing before fully stepping into a new year. Number six is a message for us to bring synthesis into the aspects of us that are in rebellion, as if we wish to create harmony and peace in the physical, first we need to embrace the aspects of us that are dwelling in fear, in pain and hence, in separation. The frequency from this month reminds us of the love that we all are - in Essence - and that we came here to embody within our Human self. 

Number six is represented by the tarot card of the Lovers, which to me, is not just about physical relationships but about the inner synthesis, between opposites, that has to occur before it happens with another being. Balanced relationships or enlightened ones, come when first we love ourselves and act, at all times, as integrated and whole beings, for it is by acquiring perfect equilibrium and inner unity, that we can truly merge with another with integrity and equality. 

We begin this wonderful new and at the same time last month of the year by having Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, entering into Capricorn, a sign that is going to be reigning during all this year 2020. The main essence of this year 2020 is one of bringing our visions and projects into the physical - making tangible the dreams we build in the ethereal. 

As Jupiter expands all that it touches, in Capricorn it will help us go further into the aspect of us that lives in the physical, focusing on what nurtures us, on what brings us closer to Earth, as it is also another part of who we are that needs to be nourished as well as we also do with the non-physical aspect of us. This is about creating growth in our human lives, whether it is in the financial aspect or in simply bringing more order and determination into ourselves and lives. This is going to be a blessing for us to work on our masculine essence, bringing healing and balance to the aspect of us that makes our soul visions tangible, as well as to work on 

On December 8, we also have Jupiter square Chiron, the Cosmic Healer. Jupiter will invite us here to work on healing in new and more expansive ways. There are Forces beyond our imagination that protect, guide and help us heal at all levels. This is about us aligning with these forces and working on wholeness, healing and balanced, as these initial planetary aspects of this month are what will bring the opportunity for us to continue creating our new lives by being purified, healed and unified. 

Healing can occur in a personal level, bringing a new direction to our lives or simply in our interactions and way to relate to our own selves and others. Whatever we need to heal, December is the month with the aspects that are about to take place for us to work on profound communication with our soul, as well as to align with the forces of light and love of the Universe to bring deep transformation in our physical being and life. 

On December 9, we have another blessed encounter in our Heavens that will help us clear our mental body of confusion and begin to move fast into the decision of creating conscious lives based on authenticity, love and a more respectful and compassionate ways of living. Mercury is fast in Sagittarius as this is about envisioning, mentally, what we will begin to manifest in a more tangible way in this new phase that is coming. 

On December 12, we have a lovely and joyful Full Moon in Gemini that will come with a fresh essence to bring joy to this loving season. The focus on love will be emphasized by the very unique triple conjunction between Venus, Saturn and Pluto. This is a Moon that will help us being in the moment, rather than constantly looking forward and enjoy where we are in the now, knowing that what we choose to focus in this time will create our next moment. 

Have you seen how at this season everything is about what will happen next year or in our horoscopes? It is another form of escaping outside of this moment thinking that something better awaits for us in the future. All is here and now and all is as we make it to be. As Yogananda wisely said: Every tomorrow is determined by every today.

In this same day we also have Chiron direct, although as you already may know I do not focus on retrograde periods, as I prefer to align with the essences of the Planets and All things/beings/forms of consciousness in general, and simply feel what they are about. I do not believe in such a thing as planets being retrogrades, and I leave it to you to make of it what your own guidance tells you. In my personal reality this Force - Chiron - acts always, no matter how we interpret it in a human way, as a benevolent healing force and it is up to us to decide whether to align with it and go deep within ourselves to dissolve what should not coexist within us anymore or whether we desire to fear it and focus on other illusions.

On December 20, we have Venus entering into Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius is free and likes to flow at the rhythm of the universe, understanding, feeling and accepting all as it IS. This is what we are going to be invited to put into practice, to liberate ourselves from mental fake constructions, delusions, and begin to be free to love, to create infinite abundance and to work with the aspect of us that has been programmed to think it is limited, by creating new mental programs that are based on the reality that we dwell in a universe of infinite possibilities where there is no such a thing as impossibility. 

On December 21, the Sun will enter in the sign of Capricorn, celebrating the Winter/Summer Solstice, depending where you live. The Sun represents our Higher Self, our Essence, so when the Sun shines its light into a sign of the zodiac and hence into a specific aspect of ourselves, it means we are invited to develop and work on this concrete side of ourselves. 

With the Sun in Capricorn, we are called to nourish the aspect of us who brings things into fruition, making them tangible, paying attention not only to the ethereal part of us, but also to the aspect of us that needs to be nurtured - in the material - since they sustain ourselves. After all, the new frequency we hold is meant to be anchored within our dense realm. Capricorn also gives us equilibrium, so we do not fall into the trap of illusions, procrastinating the birth of our new creations. 

On December 26, we have a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. This wonderful eclipse is precisely what activates the trine between Jupiter and Uranus on December 15, as it conjunct Jupiter at the same time that trine Uranus of course. This is what, at the end of the month, makes possible all the changes that we are creating within and that we need to bring into form, something that the eclipse will also help us to do, as well as to balance ourselves, a frequency that is already being strongly felt and that comes with the essence of the new year 2020. It is all as you see a perfect orchestrated chain of events by the Forces of the Universe for us to create, manifest and stabilize, something that we will have the opportunity to master during the next year. 

We end the month by having, on December 28, Mercury entering as well into Capricorn. This planetary event at the end of the month and year and just at the beginning of a powerful universal 4 year, is the key to bring our thoughts and mental constructions into the physical. This is what will invite us to focused on our what we are building at this time, something that with Capricorn energies has been happeneing since this year 2019 and begin to establish the foundations that will uphold our new lives, making them grow and expand as we do from within too. 

This is a month that introduces us into a wonderful new year that will bring the opportunity for balance and expansion into who we are and our soul mission. It has been another wonderful year although not free from challenges, as this is how we master ourselves and remember who we are.

All the tribulations, all the situations that may have no meaning, at first, for us, have a perfect orchestrated reason to be. Everything, even though we do not understand, have happened, always, for our highest good. Nothing is empty of meaning, nothing is impossible, nothing is ever happening by chance. 

We are blessed to have reached this stage in our evolution. We are moving towards a new dimensional space in which old frequencies cannot coexist any longer with our old ways. Ours is the responsibility to continue disengaging from old scenarios and begin creating the reality that is now aligned with us. Ours is the choice to let ourselves be carried by the masses or create a new path in which we feel fulfilled, whole and in service to others.

This is the year for us to create the strong pillars that will support our soul visions for this new stage that we are building from within. As starseed souls and New Earth Seeds, it is our mission to work on earth healing and it is during this year that we will be receiving all the assistance to do our mission with our beloved Planet. For it is here where we chose to come and help shifting an obsolete and controlling reality. 

As lovelight emissaries our main mission is not to fight the system or disturb other people's  choices. Our main strength lies in precisely standing firm in who we are, truth and in the unique light that each and every one of us brought here to shine. And I wish you that during this new year - and always - you continue making the conscious choice of spreading it whether the circumstances are the most appropriate ones or not. What counts is the intention, the love and the kindness you put into all you do.

Beloved Companions, thank you for another year of wonderful co-creations. Thank you for all your assistance as well on my journey and generosity. Thank you for all you are and do for All within Creation. I wish you a New Year full of blessings, love, abundance and infinite possibilities.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

December Offers: As this month is full of surprises and revelations I have made as special offer in my personal services. Check my website for more information, if you are guided.