Natalia Alba

Spiritual Re-connection Session

 Beloved Ones,

The more I am blessed to work with ascending souls, the more I notice how their main desire is to regain spiritual connection to who they truly are, and with the Illumined God Planes and other benevolent beings, that are helping them in their journey.  

Almost everyone has in common their feeling of spiritual "disconnection", wanting to regain communication, as they used to, or build their channels and begin this connection. Many times, there are many things that may impede us from fully connecting, and we are totally unaware of, and that it is not ourselves, but some old baggage or physical misalignments that we still carry, which keep us from restoring this connection.

Sometimes it is how we feed the body, as it affects our mitochondria or our nervous system. Others may reside in our limbic system,  in our emotional body, especially traumatic and painful unhealed experiences, or be located in our upper body conduits, and can be self-created or imposed through the many manipulative programs that we are exposed too.

There are many issues that can make us temporarily "lose" this connection, and that we need to clear, before moving into deeper work, as connection with the spiritual aspects of who we are, and worlds, is the most important thing for the ones who act in total unison with their soul, and hence, mission.

In this session, we will treat the core of what blocks this connection, and Guides will give you the exercises, or anything they consider you need at this time, for you to gradually regain this connection. 

Before stepping into this session, please make sure that you have done previous inner work and are devoted to this conscious ascension path, Beloveds. Thank you.

When I receive the payment I will contact you in the email provided by your Paypal. Please, make sure your email is active. Thank you.

I usually take no further than an hour to respond. However, due to the difference in time zones, I could delay a bit longer. 

In loving co-creation,

Natalia Alba 

Exchange: 122£

Refund policy

A complete refund will be issued if, after two days of making your payment, I have not heard from you. Our work together is a free conscious choice and communication is essential.

If there is no communication after you purchase one of my services, I will make a complete refund after two days. However, if we initially communicate and after proceeding with our agreement to work together communication on your part ceases, or you change your mind, I will not refund you. You can instead choose to work with me at any other time or another reading or session.

Please, make sure that you are guided to our co-creation and that you will commit to it by communicating, and by showing up in the sessions, as the sessions are for you and your personal path. 

Thank you for your understanding.

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