Natalia Alba

Soul Lineage & Multidimensional Clearing

Thank you for your loving co-creation!


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I usually take no further than an hour to respond. However, due to the difference in time zones, I could delay a bit longer. 

Beloved Ones,

During this planetary transition that we are blessed to witness, there are many of us whether we are starseeds or earthseeds that have come to assist, in our unique way, into this shift in consciousness that humanity is currently experiencing. As conscious free beings, our responsibility does not only lie in helping others to evolve and understand their evolutionary path but to heal and clearing ourselves of the many genetic distortions and other imbalances that may impede us to embrace our true potential, as sovereign beings.

This reading is for those who are conscious of their mission and star or earth origin and desire to confirm and/or expand on their knowledge of it. This is a reading based on the many extraterrestrial energies that are part of us or that co-create with us. 

In this reading, all that shall be healed/cleared will be shared, as this is precisely what allows us to keep evolving – remembering more of who we are and our mission on this Planet. In truth, the origin in itself is not important for we are all Divine Beings having an earthly experience, coming from the same Source. What is important is to understand another piece of the big puzzle that forms our present life experience.

This reading is for the ones who have an open mind and already possess knowledge of their own path. This is not for those who have fixed ideas of where they come or not or are not yet accepting their multidimensional nature, and have not worked on delusional and magical thinking. It is very important that if you come with an idea of your soul origin, it is because you have received this information through your own guidance and not through readings, or any other one, if not, then it will not resonate and you will never know who to believe, if you do not first know it for yourself.

We all do our inner work before stepping into a new level in which if we are not ready we could not understand and integrate the new information received. There is nothing wrong or negative about having some issues to clear or work with, for even though the nature/essence and origin of our soul will be illumined, once we agreed to be a part of this human realm, we all came through a human channel and therefore have many different genetic essences from many different races. This is why it is so important to heal what is not a part of who we are and what is not serving our growth anymore. 

Your Guides and Unified Self will be the ones sharing all the information you need to know about your lineage and mission. Some of you may have more clearing work than others; others will be starseeds while others earth ones etc. Some will have negative guides and/or lower influences, while others do not. And although this is rare, it also tends to come in some readings and/or sessions. This is why it is so important that you remain open to your own guidance first and then to the one you have been guided to go for confirmation, to be able to clear all the disturbances and lower energies that are impeding your true potential to come into the surface. 

At the end of the session with your Guides, I will ask for healing to your Unified Self and Guides. Although the main healing and clearing work, as my mission is just an informative one, shall be done by you, as no one else could heal what resides within yourself that must be cleared and unified. 

Having said that, if you feel guided to receive this guidance and expand on your knowledge of your true origins and clearing work, then I will be honored and blessed to co-create with you.

Thank you for taking the time to read and discern it so you can clearly decide if you wish to co-create with me or not. 

With love and blessings,
Natalia Alba 

This reading includes the following sections, although it will vary depending on the person, as we are all unique:

• Guides 
• Soul origin ( Starseed or earthseed origin)
• Multidimensional clearing: Karmic patterns, genetic clearing, miasmatic ties, implants, healing tools, and crystals, etc. 
• Incarnation agreements 
• Mission 

The reading will be delivered in a detailed written document. 

Important Note: All my services can be in English and Spanish.

Todos los servicios que ofrezco pueden ser en Inglés o Español. 

Refund policy

A complete refund will be issued if, after two days of making your payment, I have not heard from you. Our work together is a free conscious choice and communication is essential.

If there is no communication after you purchase one of my services, I will make a complete refund after two days. However, if we initially communicate and after proceeding with our agreement to work together communication on your part ceases, or you change your mind, I will not refund you. You can instead choose to work with me at any other time or another reading or session.

Please, make sure that you are guided to our co-creation and that you will commit to it by communicating, and by showing up in the sessions, as the sessions are for you and your personal path. 

Thank you for your understanding.

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