Natalia Alba

Soul Guidance

Beloved Ones,

As you already know, the first thing we should treat and heal is the "karmic" patterns we bring from other lifetimes, and that need to be embraced in order to keep ascending to higher levels of awareness. When we finally find the blockages that have been impeding our growth and start overcoming the illusion of separation by peeling the layers of the ego and by unifying all aspects of the self as One and equal within Creation, we can open our hearts and hold a new frequency that will allow us to move forward within the eternal spiral of Ascension - regaining true freedom, inner peace and bliss, which is our natural state of being. 

This is a reading for those of you who feel guided to receive more assistance and confirmation about your soul purpose, Divine gifts, and other important aspects to know before stepping into your ascension path that are based on the guidance I receive from your Guides about the following aspects of your soul and evolutionary path:
  • Soul purpose
  • "Karmic" patterns to resolve in this incarnation.
  • Physical and energetic blockages.
  • Tools for healing and purification (including crystals)
  • Work/Abundance: Blocks you may have that are impeding you from manifesting abundance and the proper stability in the physical.
  • Divine Reunions (Please, let me know beforehand if you would like to ask about a certain relationship)
  • Any other question(s), regarding your soul journey, that is not included here and that you would like to obtain more confirmation. 
The guidance is sent via E-mail, and it contains a very detailed document or mp4 recordings, as you prefer. All the guidance I offer can be in English or Spanish and the cost is 80 pounds.

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