Natalia Alba

Personal Sessions

Thank you for booking a Skype session with me, if you feel that it will assist you in your unique journey of ascension and soul expansion! 

Exchange: 122 GBP.

The duration of the sessions is between 1,5 and 2 hours (although they can be delayed more or less, as required, as each individual is unique and so are their needs). After the session, you will receive a video of our session. 

When I receive the payment I will contact you in the email provided by your Paypal. Please, make sure your email is active and check the spam folder as well. Thank you.

I usually take no further than an hour to respond. However, due to the difference in time zones,  being in a session, or any other daily tasks, I could delay a bit longer.

How can I assist you in your personal journey of soul expansion and ascension?

I assist people from all over the world in their Spiritual Awakening and subsequent Ascension, as an Intuitive healer and Ascension Guide. I offer soul guidance on all the aspects of your life that are not balanced or simply that you need more assistance with.

On personal sessions, what I do is to help you remember the power that lies within you, as the Divine LoveLight BEing that you are, so you can take your power back and start listening to your own guidance, finding the answers that you may need, at every moment. by yourself. 

This is my main Divine mission on Earth, helping people to remember who they truly are, -Divine beings living an earthly experience - so they can regain their sovereignty and Soul gifts, beginning to realize the powerful Co-Creators that they are.

It is also vital that during the sessions to get to know the origin of what is impeding your soul evolution, we get to know the core of the issue that is keeping you from being in your natural state of bliss and alignment with who you truly are. This is pivotal for you to heal your energetic blockages, allowing again the infinite flow of love, abundance, and joy into your life. 

What you need to know before co-creating a session with me.

Please before purchasing a session with me, make sure that you have been guided and that have also read my articles or at least some of them so you know how I work and the guidance I receive. I do not predict the future, nor the LoveLight Beings I work with, for they will not violate the Law of non-interference and free will. 

Guides and any Light Being will share only that which is going to help us heal and evolve, not what our ego self wants to hear or needs to know. The guidance share is the guidance I receive according to where you are and what you need to know. 

Having said that, if you are still guided to co-create on a deeper level with your Illumined Team and me, it is always an honor, and a gift and I welcome any conscious exchange and co-creation that comes from a space of clarity, openness, and unconditional love. 

To obtain more information feel free to contact me here on my site!

Refund policy

A complete refund will be issued if, after two days of making your payment, I have not heard from you. Our work together is a free conscious choice and communication is essential.

If there is no communication after you purchase one of my services, I will make a complete refund after two days. However, if we initially communicate and after proceeding with our agreement to work together communication on your part ceases, or you change your mind, I will not refund you. You can instead choose to work with me at any other time or another reading or session.

Please, make sure that you are guided to our co-creation and that you will commit to it by communicating, and by showing up in the sessions, as the sessions are for you and your personal path. 

Thank you for your understanding.

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