Natalia Alba

Blue Rays Personal Session

Beloved Ones,

These personal sessions are for the ones whose main lineage is related to the Emerald/Blue Flame of Creation. In the sessions, we will ask your Guides for any corrections that need to be made related to your galactic lineage, DNA, unique blueprint, and other important imbalances to clear or remove such as implants, imprints, or anything that is impeding you from retrieving your organic connection to your Family of origin, often Essene, Ray, and personal mission.

These sessions are for the ones who are already connected to their soul, through their hard-silver cord and are already in the advanced stages of their ascension journey. Otherwise, we could not enter deeper into your galactic origin and mission, if soul disconnection still exists. 

Before purchasing the session, please ask your God Self and Guides for confirmation. If you receive a yes answer, then proceed.

If you do not know for sure and would like first to confirm, please let me know before moving forward with the session, and I can confirm with your Guides if the session is in your highest interest, if this is not the case, I will refund you.

Thank you for your understanding and loving co-creation,

With love and bright blessings,

Natalia Alba 

Exchange: 133£

Waiting period: 3 weeks.

Refund policy
A complete refund will be issued if, after two days of making your payment, I have not heard from you. Our work together is a free conscious choice and communication is essential.

If there is no communication after you purchase one of my services, I will make a complete refund after two days. However, if we initially communicate and after proceeding with our agreement to work together communication on your part ceases, or you change your mind, I will not refund you. You can instead choose to work with me at any other time or another reading or session.

Please, make sure that you are guided to our co-creation and will commit to it by communicating and showing up in the sessions, as the sessions are for you and your personal path. 

Thank you for your understanding.

Natalia Alba 

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