Natalia Alba

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2024

Planetary Rehabilitation Update, May 24th, 2024

Beloved Ones, 

There are times when the power of many as One is required for us to create a significant change during this planetary rehabilitation period. We are not traversing one of these times, especially this year, in which we are immersed in a constant personal and planetary recalibration and rehabilitation of our template.

The current energies are destined to assist us not just on an individual level, but on the planetary reclamation occurring in many of Earth's grids and locations. Many of you are now experiencing both personal integration and soul mission upgrades, stepping into further stages of it to support the planetary reconnection that is too taking place, for as it is within, it is without. 

Each of you with a unique blueprint, light seed, and soul coordinates to assist in the assigned location. Each of you with a unique coding that generates healing, clearing, stabilization, anchoring, or transmutation where you are meant to be of service, for it is time for you to anchor the knowledge and healing blessings that you came to plant into this earth.

There are many of you with different planetary roles assisting at this time in retrieving our planetary essence. 

• Space clearing is of utmost importance at this time. There are certain physical locations on the Planet, as you well know, which are not yet pure enough to anchor a higher frequency, this is where these souls focus their Light to bring transformation and cleansing into these places.

• Guardians of Consciousness. These are souls - sentinels - in charge of protecting our consciousness as well as our planetary one, from any negative intrusions.

• Time gatekeepers: their mission, as you know, is one to work on the earth's fabrics of time and space, aligning the fabrics with the cosmic - simultaneous - timeline, so to speak.

• Raising the frequency of a certain area: This occurs when the physical space has suffered past or recent painful situations, such as attacks, wars, or simply concentrated negative energy, and it is required to clear this space. It also occurs in big cities.

• Stabilizers: In charge of stabilizing the energies we previously anchor, earth's grids, and fabrics of time and space. 

• Planetary karmic clearing. A mission fulfilled by the violet ray keepers in its majority.

• Cellular/collective planetary memory healing. This is one of the tasks that the souls who belong to the Blue Ray perform, although it is not necessary to belong to this group of souls. Blue Rays which are also polarity unifiers. 

Our planet finds itself immersed in a constant retrieval of its original earth's gates and fabrics, and for those of you who are now experiencing the deep impact of the current energies, dealing with your planetary mission is an arduous process. This is why periods of deep soul communion, recalibration, and clearing are so important to stabilize ourselves and continue with our personal and global mission. 

The Sol-AR transmissions, together with the assistance of all of you, in your unique way, are helping in the liberation of the Solar Earth's gates, especially the 4th portal, situated in Egypt (Giza), and the Solar 10th-dimensional portal in Iran, which continues to be rehabilitated. 

Divine masculine retrieval, astral liberation, and soul reconnection are not only taking place within us but in our planet, where we are now witnessing what this current liberation provokes, in many regions. 

These are locations that as you know were deeply manipulated since the Sumerian-Egyptian times, and are now being reclaimed, energetically and ethereally speaking, for the structure behind the pyramids is of great highly evolved technology, and it is connected to our Sol star portal, which as you know our Sol is a portal who can be traversed by those with the technology to do so.

Many of you, especially those born under the Ruby, Golden, and Blue Rays, will feel called to assist remotely, physically, or in your unique way, to retrieve its organic timeliness and its original connections, as it was meant to connect to Sirius and Andromedan portal.

Our main task is not to judge or decay with what we see behind the physical scenes, but to continue acting as love pillars where required, for the soul knows where we are being sent, and why. Our mission is to follow our God's Will and Her Designs.

This time we are living is unique, wonderful, and a blessing. For we are for the first time opening to who we truly are, as well as our planet. 

The more we literally unplug from distractions, the more soul-connected we will be. We all can be connected and receive guidance from our souls. We just have to be willing to clear delusions, and pain, and do all the inner work it takes, for ascension is about daily dedication, to achieve this inner state of being.

You all are wondrous creators, master healers, and everything you see in others. Move within to remember, for your wisdom, mission, and soul memories are waiting for you to activate them.

May you have the courage to know yourself and your unique soul role, Beloveds.

Thank you for your Presence and loving assistance to All.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

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