Natalia Alba

viernes, 13 de octubre de 2023

Annual Guidance for 2024

Beloved Ones, 

I would like to inform you that the annual guidance is already on my site, for those who are guided to co-create. This is a special annual reading for those who desire to go deeper into 2024, knowing what will be most important for you to work with, as well as all the messages that your Guides team wish to let you know. 

In this New Year 2024, we are moving further into our ascension journey, merging with our Monadic Selves and beginning to move into more illumined planes. This is represented by the eight universal frequency of 2024, a year in which globally we will continue with many changes. Guides will share on a more individual level, what will be the most significant changes for you, and what are the healing tools and other significant messages that will help you navigate this New Year 2024.

Please, understand that this is not about the future. It is about your potential and how you could continue expanding in your unique journey, knowing the most important to heal for you to create the next phase of your life experience, in a way that is aligned with your authentic path. 

The annual guidance will include, as a general overview:
  • Astrology
  • Healing 
  • DNA - this year it will include a section about your DNA healing progress.
  • Guides messages
  • Cosmic/Soul mission for 2023
  • Patterns to clear
  • The most important portals connection for you to align with
  • Any further questions you would like to include. 
As always all my services are offered in English and Spanish.

Como siempre todos mis servicios se ofrecen en Español también. 

Thank you for your loving co-creation,

In loving co-creation

Natalia Alba 

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