Beloved Ones,
Ascension does not occur when there are certain planetary events or fixed dates, as Guides repeatedly share, but about our inner work and the assistance of highly evolved beings that we are able to be immersed in this planetary transition, for outer energies only help us when we give them a purpose and not the other way around. There is nothing governing our inner cycles, for nothing has this power.
It is when we reach the wisdom represented by this sign that we have cleared ourselves from karmic records - beginning to allow a higher infusion of light into our physical bodies. Due to this process, we finally step into a path of selfless assistance, where the focus is no longer put on egoic desires but on asking ourselves what we can be of assistance. To do so, first, we need to comprehend the nature of the abilities we came here to work with and offer to others.
On a more universal perspective, August is a month that offers us healing, empowerment, heart reconnection, and above all, the opportunity for us to continue reconnecting our DNA, for the energies descending from the seventh and eighth dimensions, will serve us to awaken our DNA strands, beginning to reconnect ourselves with these dimensions, as it was meant to be at the beginning, and shall be again.
For those who resonate with retrogrades, at the end of the month, Mercury and Uranus will turn retrograde, offering you an opportunity, if you have created this belief to expand in silence, shifting mental patterns, and beliefs, transforming yourself from the inside out. Although, there is always the same opportunity, independently of retrogrades, for there is nothing ever retrograde within Creation, as expansion is the only constant.
This is a month for heart healing, profound transmutation, and gridwork, for we are all in different phases of our evolutionary path. For some, this month will be a month to be in silence, in deep soul reconnection and alignment, while for others it will be about focusing on healing and on everything that is no longer in perfect resonance with their chosen frequency.
Independently of where we are, our common mission, as ascending souls, should not be an outcome, a final destiny, for there is never one, as we are always in constant evolution. Our main aim is to heal, rejuvenate, and assist in our unique way, simply by being who we are, for it is not by being or achieving more that we ascend or help the whole.
August is a 6 universal number, which represents the stabilization that is taking place in many of us, and in our planet's organic gates, after the many changes that have been taking place for the last few months. A number that asks us for balance, harmony, and compassion in both ourselves and in our relationships, for this, is too a propitious month for us to work on our divine reunions, remembering that we too are here to master how to create balanced and equal reunions. Our relationships are the perfect way for us to master the ego self, as they show us what we cannot see for ourselves.
This is a month for expansion and self-realization, healing, and gridwork, for we all have different missions. A month for us to take care of our bodies, as they suffer the impact of all of our daily thoughts, habits, feelings, past wounds, and the many energies that we have consciously chosen to embody.
Energies whose main purpose is to continue assisting us to heal and restore all that has been damaged within our DNA and bodies, for abundance, love, expansion, and all we wish to create, depends on how we are on the inside.
Being healed, whole, and aligned is what brings unification in the physical. A personal choice that requires daily inner work. Otherwise, our lives will continue reflecting the fragmentation that still resides within.
I wish you a blessed healing, integration, and expansive month, Beloved Ones.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
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