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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2022

Annual Guidance 2023

 Beloved Ones, 

The annual guidance is a special annual reading for those who desire to go deeper into 2023, knowing what will be most important for you to work with, as well as all the messages that your Guides team desire to let you know. 

In this New Year 2023, we are going to experience a major planetary event in March, that will have a profound personal, and planetary impact. There are many changes happening, as we continue choosing a more evolved harmonic timeline, and Guides will share on a more individual level, what will be most significant for you. 

Please, understand that this is not about the future. It is about your potential and how you could continue expanding in your unique journey, knowing the most important to heal for you to create the next phase of your life experience, in a way that is aligned with your authentic path. 

As common things for All, it will include;

Guides messages
Cosmic/Soul mission for 2023
Patterns to clear
Relationships guidance - let me know if you would like me to ask about a certain soul reunion.
Most important portals connection for you to align with.
As always all my services are offered in English and Spanish.

Como siempre todos mis servicios se ofrecen en Español también. 

Thank you for your loving co-creation,

In love, light, and service, 

Natalia Alba 

For more information, please visit my website. 

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