Natalia Alba

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2022

Embodiment of Solar Consciousness Transmission

 Beloved Ones,

We are immersed in the post-Lions Gate's passage, whose energies are equally important to the previous ones. We are descending/integrating such an amalgamation of energies that it is pivotal to distinguish what purpose we wish to give to these energies, and how to properly direct them to what we wish to work with.

In this transmission, Guides will help you integrate these solar waves, with the tools, decrees, etc. they consider best for you at this time, for you to have a more soothing and benevolent integration process.

A wave that will continue for at least two weeks and that will serve us to build the light body, remove unwanted programs from our DNA and begin to reclaim our sovereignty. 

For more information about how to co-create, please visit my website, thank you. 

In loving co-creation,

Natalia Alba 

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