Natalia Alba

martes, 28 de junio de 2022

Indigo Adults Session

Beloved Ones,

I have created new healing sessions for those Indigo adults who are willing to go further into the retrieval of their authentic Indigo Essence. As an Indigo/Crystal child and one who has been for years working on healing and personal expansion, I have been now instructed by my Guides team to help Indigo adults who still have DNA damage or any vital healing they feel they need to do, to you restore their Indigo Essence, as well as mission.

As you are aware, there are many Indigos who in their initial benevolent intention of fighting the system, and what they felt was "wrong" in society, began to fall themselves into the lower worlds. However, the healthy version of the Indigos which is one of sovereignty and full independence from the system, can also be manifested, if we heal all that is disallowing us to blossom into the conscious healers and planetary builders, that they are, reclaiming their mission and personal abilities. 

The purpose of these sessions is to help you reclaim your potential as an Indigo and assume your role within Creation, for many, have been deeply damaged by the system, or painful experiences that have made them close to who they truly are, and the unique gifts that are here to offer.

For that, we will see the type of Indigo that you are, as well as what is in needs to be healed and your unique mission, and how you can restore it. 

To be able to properly and equally co-create, please make sure that you are, as if you are you know, an Indigo, and that you are advanced or at least prepared to do your inner work, before committing to the session, as it is important that you understand all we are going to be treating.

For more information, please visit my website. 

Thank you for your loving co-creation,

Natalia Alba 

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