Natalia Alba

martes, 10 de mayo de 2022

DNA Rehabilitation Program

 Beloved Ones,

When we choose this conscious path of personal evolution, one of the first and most important inner work to do is DNA activation, as this is how we, from within, heal and reconnect our DNA, by internally shifting and releasing all that has been negatively placed on us, and hence impeding us to evolve.

I have been for a long time working on DNA healing and reconnection myself, and now I have been instructed to assist those who are willing to take this step too, creating a 90-day program, to help heal and restore our DNA. 

Working on the reconnection of our DNA layers is pivotal, for us to regain the wisdom, purity, and potential that reside in our DNA, and that is what will help us to achieve ascension. 

During this process, in our follow-up sessions, which are strongly recommended, as I know there will be many who will prefer a detailed written document, Guides will let you know where the main damage in your DNA is, focusing on one layer or several ones, and rehabilitating all that has been distorted.

This program will also include mp4s and all that is required to share the guidance received properly. As always, you are all unique, and as we are going to be working individually, it will vary. 

In our first meeting, I will send a DNA manual to explain all about our DNA and how we will be working with it, which is pivotal for you to read and integrate, and afterward, we will begin our sessions and deep DNA work. 

A highly evolved inner work, meant to be for those who have already initiated themselves into the ascension path. Please, make sure that you are guided to this healing work, and that you are willing to be devoted, as working with our DNA requires time, devotion, and a strong will to overcome the many challenges that as we try to shift, may present.

This is a 90-day DNA rehabilitation program that includes:

  • A DNA pdf manual
  • Your Guides and their message(s)
  • Epigenetic healing
  • Galactic influences 
  • DNA damage and healing tools
  • Conscious nutrition
  • Soul and gridwork mission (if applicable) 
  • Any questions you may have about your DNA 
  • Other important messages as the above are just some common ones. 
  • Three personal sessions to support you and check your DNA rehabilitation process. 

This is a profound work that if done appropriately will begin to heal the distortions and false programs required for us to ascend and become the unique expression of the Divine that we came here to be, integrating our soul purpose and expanding into it, as we continue reconnecting our DNA, remembering who we are, and expanding into it. 

In loving co-creation,

Natalia Alba 

For more information, please visti my website. Thank you. 

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