Natalia Alba

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2021

Monthly Transmission

Beloved Ones,

I have been guided to create these transmissions for those who wish to obtain more confirmation or extra guidance on where they are or what they need to work with at the moment. This is a shorter transmission than in readings but not for that is less specific and valid and will serve those who only need more validation for them to go ahead with what they desire to create or heal.

These transmissions will begin to be available from this month of September, or you can book if you prefer for October already. In this transmission Guides will invite you to work with certain key portals, planetary alignments, healing tools, symbols, or anything else they share for you, as we are all unique, and I cannot always generalize, that will most help you during the month for where you are now.

If you wish to know more information, feel free to go to my website. 

Thank you for your loving co-creation,

Natalia Alba 

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