Natalia Alba

lunes, 2 de agosto de 2021

The Energies of August 2021 - The Path to Liberation

Beloved Ones,

We are finally in one of the most intense months of this year, although the entire year has been indeed a very powerful and transformational one, that has not left anyone indifferent. We are in the culmination of this changing five universal year. A year in which many have begun to awaken, and others have stepped into a new harmonic timeline, for they are ready to begin consciously co-creating, in a new and more illumined way.

As we enter deeper into August, we will feel the need to rest more and take more care of our physical bodies, for the massive integration that they are experiencing is, as guides constantly remind us, is like never before in our human history. We are all different and while some may need healing, others may be already in a more creational phase. Where we are is perfect, for we all have a unique soul plan and our own personal micro cycles.

This month is a universal 4 one. This is a number that indicates order, but also of devotion to create this order in both within and in our earthly lives. Is the number that represents strong foundations and all that we build from a wise, empower, and stable state of being. Everything within Creation reminds us of the importance of building our new lives, during this phase, in which, chaos may seem to reign, but that this is just another illusion for the ones who are completely awake to the mass manipulation that is occurring, at this time of our transitional journey.

After ending this integration phase, we pass now to anchor these inner changes into the physical, which is also the same message that number 4 gives us at this time. The card that represents in tarot number 4 is the Emperor, portraying the image of a powerful presence that has an abundant and firm reality, not because of some miraculous destiny, but because he has done the inner and physical work required, establishing the strong pillars for that to occur. This is an inner task that the Leo energies will help us achieve, if we direct this frequency wisely, for unproperly embodied may result in anger issues and other distortions that come when we do not know how to direct our personal power. 

At a cosmic level, this year the Lions Gate coincides with a New Moon at 16 degrees Leo. A Moon that is ruled by Uranus, as it square it. A Planet that is turning retrograde on August 19, and that is going to become the protagonist this month, for it is the one marking the change that is already taking place energetically, and that has descended now into a more physical level.

We are in a time where many benevolent beings apart from our personal guides, are helping us into our healing process, as in truth becoming crystalline beings, which is a very long process, is part also of the healing that needs to take place, through inner alchemy, for us to experience this transformation. 

These beings, who have been compassionately, lovingly, and respectfully witnessing our Planet for eons,  want to help us evolve, moving on into the next ladder of our evolution, as species. I have been receiving lately a lot of messages, especially in sessions, of our cosmic family the Hathors. For they are also playing an important part in this transition.

The Hathors, benevolent beings coming from another universe, together with the Arturians and Sirians, are helping us greatly to transcend our egoic self and move beyond our limited perspective, by first recognizing the wound, healing, and embracing it, so now we can finally liberate ourselves from it.

During the Lions Gate, the Hathors Sirians and Arcturians, as well as many other beings and energies, are going to be helping us anchoring these new energies not just within our bodies, but within planet earth, for they are also taking care of our planet, as it is a living organism, as you all know, and some of them, as the Arcturians, are Earth's guardians.

We are in a very important passage of our ascension journey. One that we can honor by being who we are, focusing on our personal healing/clearing path, and be compassionate towards ourselves, for this is a long process in which we shall be patient and loving with ourselves and All.

Expansion and creation come when we first work with ourselves, for this is how we can best help heal All, by remaining whole and in the highest frequency that we can. It is with inner work that liberation, and wisdom, come. With this process of self-liberation, of the many things that keep us attached to who we are not, we will be receiving support, at the end of the month, on August 22, by having a Full Moon in Aquarius that will mark this freedom that many are still working on regaining, for freedom comes with awareness, and courage, as liberating oneself from old thought patterns, habits and all that is dense and that is not aligned, takes devotion, strength and above all, bravery. 

We end this fiery month with the Sun in Virgo, the purifier by excellence. We passed from the very intense energies from Leo to be soothed by the Virgo ones, for it is with Virgo that we regain the purity of our being, retrieving our crystalline lovelight being essence, rebirthing into who we truly are. 

Virgo amplifies the plasma energy transmissions that we have been receiving for a while, as these energies will not just come for a day on August 8, as the main portal which begins the descension of these frequencies began in the past months with the Pleiadian portal. Virgo will help us to heal ourselves, cleanse our bodies and continue with body recalibration and stabilization, for it is the process that always follows after an integration phase. 

With Virgo, it is also a time for us to clear our twins' energies, relationships, and eliminating the cords that still link us to others and that we shall let free, allowing others to live within freedom, and our own selves, for as long as we are tied to people who have already fulfill their mission with us, and vice versa, we are not entirely free, especially to engage ourselves and precious energy in another conscious and balanced relationship.

On another cosmic perspective, when the Sun shines a Light into Virgo, we are called now to ground ourselves and direct our creative power into our earthly Plane, which is something we have been doing for a while with these powerful and abundant Leo energies. As an Earth sign, Virgo reminds us we are here to manifest our true desires, ones that are always aligned with being of assistance, for Virgo is quite aware of its mission, which is always to be in service to All.

Virgo will bring purification. It invites us to remember that the purity we hold within can also be reflected in everything we do in our dense realm. And even if this sign can seem practical, its main essence is all about remembering that we are here to combine what we create from the inside with what others may need in the physical, for we are here to synthesize and unify both polarities, both planes, the physical and the ethereal - bringing all these inner visions into our tangible realm, as it is only by doing that, that we can truly master ourselves as creators of the physical.

We have ahead a very profound month to work on personal transformation, recalibration, and therefore liberation. It is not until we liberate ourselves of all the old wounds, chains, and delusions that we can truly begin to embrace a new reality. There are many who are eager to change, to see things shifting in their realities, and yet they wait and wait until some outer force comes to save them.

When we embrace our inner creator, and personal power, which is what this month invites us to do, realizing that there is no one to blame for our current reality, and begin to take responsibility for where we are, is that the true path towards freedom and sovereignty beings, for we are now ready to confront our own shadows, creations, and empty ourselves of them to embrace higher truths.

It is not about how long it will take us to reach the next level of evolution, for we are endless in nature. It is neither about others nor outer forces. It is about finally realizing that we can shift all, if we simply move within, rather than continuing perpetuating the old habits and patterns of thoughts that have brought us to an undesired reality.

As always, all choices serve All and are highly respected. It is your decision to begin a free sovereign path, here and now, or to continue dwelling in the illusion of who you are not. 

What will you choose?

I wish you all a wondrous and blessed August, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love ∞

Natalia Alba 

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