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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2021

Light Integration Process

Beloved Ones,

We are in a very important passage of our evolutionary journey,  in which a massive influx of Light is beind descended upon us, for consciousness expansion purposes, some as for example soul mission integration, as well as many other soul memories that we need to awake. At exactly 14:44, in a day 7, I received a message from my Guides, for All, of the importance that during this passage working on the proper integration of this massive Light - information/guidance - has. A message that were introduced through the main essence of these numbers and that as Guides explained represent the current frequency of wisdom embodiment and stabilization that we all are experiencing, at the moment.

As you know, we are embodying many light codes from different Sources, although all of them proceed from the the main God Source, as the Diamond Codes that we are currently anchoring. Guides emphasized the importance of working with the clearing of all of our physical and non-physical conduits, for us to be able to fully descend this wisdom, in a conscious way, so later we are able to understand the importance message received, as well as the many physical updates. 

There are many who are very confused as they already feel that the guidance, the higher clarity that they were waiting for is already there, for we can even physically feel it above of our seventh or crown chakra, when we are descending a great amount of light codes. Often it can be felt as a pressure in our heads which is inexplicable. This is why it is so important to understand when these massive downloads of light codes take place and how we can properly conduit this influx of light.

First of all, these massive influx are descended from our Unified Self to the Soul, and from it to our our physical being, throughout our non-physical chakras. This is why every blockage that we may have is an impediment for this liquid light to be absorbed, which is why many do not understand, even though they work with themselves, why they are not yet able to integrate it all.

Being conscious of all that is taking place within our physical bodies, as well as non-physical ones, for both are equally important, is challenging, for we often lack in insight, as we are too attached to our own beliefs and habits. Therefore, asking for clarity and surrendering to it, without expectations, accepting it in the way it comes, will be of great help for those who cannot yet go further into what is truly blocking their channels.

After this main step, it is pivotal to heal and clear all that is in need to, as unless we do this, consciously, even though we too ask for help to our Guides team, this light will not be able to be fully descended. This process takes time and inner devotion. Desperation will only delay it more, for it tends to create an anxiety blockage in our field that generates more obstruction to this process.

All shall flow naturally, as Guides always share, and this input of light is always descended upon us when we, and only when we are ready and our physical mind is able to finally consciously comprehend higher levels of Truths, as well as the Consciousness that is embedded within it.

Once we are ready, and only our soul knows when this moment comes, is that we can proceed to the next phase of conscious healing and clearing, for the more we clear and purify ourselves and bodies the more that we could integrate these new light waves. 

It is the only impediment that Guides often share that delay us from embodying the new level of initiation that we are receiving. Often we tend to think that only working on our upper chakras or asking to outer Forces or Beings is what will help us integrating more wisdom and know more. However, it is only by clearing more veils of illusions and by doing it ourselves, that this process can truly takes place.

Be devoted to our own ascension journey is challenging, for we not always will feel with the energy to take what is necessary for us to move forward from the familiar or to continue clearing more beliefs and programs. This is why some periods of rest in our path of conscious evolution are necessary, if we are to keep integrating and expanding, for as humans, resting and rejuvenating, is essential, and we can only do that when we listen to our bodies and accept the phase that we are in, without any judgements.

It is a very important phase for those who are ready to continue with this massive integration. Do not lose insight of what is truly taking place, for this is pivotal not to fall into delusional traps. 

Do not desperate for there is never a final destination or a fixed time to evolve. As all is valid, serves the whole and brings awareness to where we are and the present situation we are passing through.

And above all, in your unique process, be compassionate and loving towards yourself, You are doing extremely well. It is not easy to be constantly releasing who you think you were and embracing your authentic Illumined Self, one that we have forgotten due to eons of human illusions and incarnations.

All is well, and as I always say, when there is a Will there is always a Way.

Keep moving forward, rest sometimes, you deserve it, and never lose hope and faith in who you are and your unique mission, for your Presence and Essence is pivotal at that time within Creation.

Remember that, dearest ones.

Remember to remain, always, in the Illumined Essence of your Soul, always in joy, light and love with All.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

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