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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020

New Moon in Libra, October 16, 2020 ~ Earth's Timeline Graduation

Beloved Ones, 

We are heading into the last months of this year, 2020. One in which our main aim has been to create stability among the many challenges experienced. This has been a year that will not leave anyone indifferent, as it has been one in which choosing a new timeline has been pivotal, for the ones who wish to step into a whole new dimensional space, one that Planet Earth already occupies, as it finally created a parallel Earth in a new harmonic dimensional plane. 

At a time when one of the most important things  to learn is how to remain balanced within the present turmoil, we are presented with the loving essence of a New Moon at 23 degrees Libra, which together with other planetary events that surrounds it, make of it a Moon for us to focus on communing with our soul, as things are yet being woven, and staying in the deep silence of it, receiving more guidance about our new direction, which is vital for the ones who are initiating themselves into a new reality.

As always, there is a time for everything within Creation, and at the moment things are still being formed, in the ethereal planes, which is why many, even though they try to force a new reality, cannot fully anchor it yet, as it is not ready to be born. Things need a Divine Timing, not our human one, and when we set the intention, align with it and surrender, everything happens in a perfect way for All. On the contrary, when we try to force something to occur, the final outcome rarely resonates with our true vision.

At a planetary level, the New Moon in Libra on October 16, is one that is opposite the Warrior Mars, which at the same time also square Pluto. This energy claims for balance at all levels. Anger, frustration, the exertion of force upon situations or things, and all the confusion that we may have as desires manifest, is what this essence will help us to integrate. Do we integrate our feelings and channel them properly? Or do we still react impulsively without previously thinking? 

Controlling our emotions is not the same as denying them. Many times we act without the proper integration of our feelings, and when we act out of anger or impulsiveness is when we most hurt others, and hence ourselves, for we may fall into unloving patterns that we could have avoided if we first learn how to calm ourselves, accept what we cannot change and see how we can direct these feelings, which are simply energy that we have to choose how to channel. 

On another hand, we also have the New Moon square Saturn and Pluto. This is the energy that since a few months we have already felt. The energy of the egoic self who fights with everything and everyone that goes against its desires is the opposite of the energy of love and balance that Libra seeds. 

This is happening in a global perspective, as we are seeing people all around the world profoundly hurt and upset about the many measures taken due to the pandemic, and how they disagree and fight for what they believe to be true. 

However, at a more personal level, we are also seeing evidence of this energy, in how we have rebelled, so to speak, with an obsolete reality that is desperately trying to manipulate us, as it is seeing it vanish, and how many have felt with their lives totally changed and with the necessity to begin anew, from one day to another. After all, the macro or the planetary events are a representation of the micro or what is already happening within. 

Earth's timeline graduation 

As you know, Planet Earth has created, for a few years now, a fifth dimensional equivalent, a parallel one, who is already dwelling into a new harmonic space. At the moment, Planet Earth is being stabilized, as there is a massive exit taking place. There are many souls awakening and beginning to leave the 3D matrix, not in a physical way, although many will choose to do so as well, but in terms of shifting their own frequency. 

Our Planet is currently - for we are at a crucial phase of this massive transition, -being helped tremendously, as it is not only about the many souls who are helping to assist this transition, but about the many Forces, Beings and other Forms of Consciousness that are too helping for this to happen.

There are many who are Earth Seeds Souls, who were originated within this Earth or whose first soul incarnation was on this Planet, who are now ready to leave their Home Planet, and move into its fifth dimensional parallel ones. This is a progressive transition, and there will be many who are already feeling, in the form of pain, as they leave it behind, the shift that it is occurring.

For the ones whose main mission was to come into Earth to help it shift in frequency or many other purposes, there is the choice to come back to their original civilization, dimensions or where they choose to be of assistance after a time, as my Guides shared, or total recalibration and rest, in the etheric planes prepared for that.

For many, as I know it is happening, this is a hard decision, for they have dwelt within this Earth Plane, for many of our human years and it is not easy to leave attachments and above all the many soul connections they have established for many years, and that will come into conclusion.

They will need to validate - if they wish - to continue coming into this same dimensional space or beginning anew. As always, all choices are equally valid and respected and serve All Creation. The only one judging our own experience are ourselves, for the universe does not know about judgments, this is human, and we are the only ones who need to ponder if we desire to step into a new timeline, outside of this human matrix, or remain in our familiar one.

Every time that you choose an elevating and loving though, you are choosing to step into a more harmonic timeline. No one has to physically leave this Earth plane to do so, for the wonderful thing about ascension is that we are finally able to do so as we dwell as physical beings.

Every time you choose to act lovingly, within respect to you, your own personal journey and that of All, you are changing your old trajectory and choosing a more illumined one. You may not notice suddenly, but you will see the results as you continue to hold the same frequency.

Stay strong in your loving frequency, this is the real challenge for us among all the tribulations and unloving things we came here to witness. Stay no matter what others may tell you. Others may tell you that it is not possible to shift your reality, as they have allowed their own to be governed by outer forces.

They are telling you what is real for them, not what it IS for yours. We are not delusional, if we are focused in our hearts, and work on mental and emotional stabilization, even though we also may experience challenges, our reality will speak louder than any other one, and will let us know where we are and what we need to change.

There are many whose main aim is to challenge you to step out of your comfort zone, accept challenge. Stand tall in your power, you may not see from one day to another the result, but I assure you, as it has been also my own personal choice for many years now, that results come and that this is a path full of blessings and miracles, if we know how to look at our reality from a bigger perspective.

All is connected, all is shifting as you choose to do so, and even though we cannot see all that shifts as we pick different results, our choices, acts and thoughts impact the whole, and it is there we, as ascending souls, should aim always for acting within unconditional love, for we now remember that all we touch shall be done respectfully, honorably and lovingly.

The transformational Seventh dimensional Ray

During this last phase of our ascension journey, although in truth we are always shifting and creating ourselves anew, I received again the importance that at this time, of balance and adaptation to change, this tool - 7th dimensional Ray - has for all of us who desire to transmute lower energies, and remain purified as well and continue stepping into a new timeline.

This Ray is very important for it is directly descended from the three main Creational Flames that originally birthed our universe. This purple Ray is the one that helps us purify ourselves and bodies in many levels, especially our seventh dimensional one, who is one of the most important portals to help us stay connected to our 7D being and hence, plane.

This Flame when invoked will be descended to us throughout seventh chakra and it will clear all distortions related to our masculine-feminine principle, as its assistance goes further than just clearing ourselves in a physical way of lower energies.

As everything, this powerful tool has many purposes and I have been asked my Council to share again the importance of working with this Ray at the moment, as there are many who are beginning to embrace or work more on their masculine side, long time distorted by the many lower forces that once occupied our 3D Earth.

This flame as I prefer to call this Ray, for it is how I visualize it as being a purple flame that enters my body and that makes my entire body vibrates tremendously, as I surrender to it, supports the balance of the masculine as we continue, and it continues its merging with our feminine one. This 7D flame connects to our bodies through its main portal, which is situated on our left shoulder, whose main portal connect with it, and hence with our crown chakra, through which the Purple Ray descends. 

In contract, our feminine one is on the right side of our shoulder who’s main 6D portal is connected to our third eye. Both are responsible for building our light-body and once this connection has been rebuilt, help us into the proper calibration and integration of both of our essences - masculine and feminine ones.

In the moment that we, and this happens often, focus only on our third eye, in our intuitive senses and into the aspects of us that are linked to the feminine, the masculine suffers an imbalance, making the synthesis of both difficult. This is happening to many, as I co-create with many of you who are having distortions within their masculine due to paying more attention to the feminine side. 

It is something that we, as ascending souls, who dedicate our lives to the betterment of the planet and selfless assistance to others, experience from time to time and it is our personal choice to detect it and work with it, so both are balanced, again.

The Purple flame will help us to clear ourselves, and once we have done this our main task is to align both of our essences. This Ray is also helping many, as many of you know, who are energy transmutators and whose main mission is to help transmute lower energies, as well as to help Earth Planet into the reconstruction of its original fabrics, as they were deeply manipulated, as you know, and Earth has begun to have them restored since a few years now.

We have ahead a wonderful opportunity for us to begin disengaging more and more from the current reality that are trying to impose upon us. We do not need to leave this plane physically. We do not need to do complicated rituals or fall into desperate actions, simply because we may see the unloving acts taking place.

Shifting timelines is always done by remaining in a loving frequency. And even though many times it is not easy, for there are many things and situations that may impede us to be always focus on our true vision. It should be our main aim to always strive for the light.

I wish you a loving Moon and last phase of the year, Beloved Ones.

May you always remain in the loving and harmonic essence of who you are.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

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