Natalia Alba

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020

Personal Healing Sessions

Beloved Ones,

Throughout my mission as a universal guide, I have encountered with many whose only desire is to heal certain aspects of themselves or physical body, as they are not yet able to fully understand what is happening in a deeper level. Recently, I was guided to make many changes in my human experience as well as personal mission. From now on, I will also offer myself in healing service, for this is what I am guided to work with in this new stage of my mission. However, this new mission will not just be an online one, an aspect that I will limit, as I was guided to work more on a more personal level, face to face, something that will soon come. 

As always, we must be the ones experiencing first the challenges that will help us create the proper healing we need at this time. This is why recently I experienced another important breakthrough that helped me more to master myself in deeper levels. All that happens, even though in the moment we cannot fully understand, it is meant to help us expand and above all, help other through own experience. 

By now, I have been called to put myself out there for the ones who desire to only work on healing, learning what they need to shift, cleared and/or healed, and going deeper than in usual readings, into the healing tools their Guides invite them to use to become whole again. As always, I cannot fully tell you exactly what this is going to be about, as you are all unique. 

In a more general way, this new service will consist in sending healing and hence the healing tools required, although it is pivotal to remember that I cannot heal you or do anything that first you do not do for yourself. I will send one or several recordings, all as you need, and/or document, with specific meditations/activations for you to work with, to recover, heal or treat anything you need to work with at this time. Later on, when you work on this, we will have a session to be able to share in a deeper way about the state of your being, and all the things you would like to comment. 

For some it will be more about working with fear, releasing wounds etc. while for others it will more about activating new aspects of themselves, or awakening their star essence. As usual, until I do not connect with you and Guides, I cannot tell you exactly what will arise, for what will serve for one, may not for another. 

In this reading, I commune with your Unified Self and Guides and after that I will send you healing in unison with them, for as you know I am just a mere conduit, and the exchange is as always for my time and especially for the energy that takes me to fully align with the Illumined Aspect of who you are, as well as Guides.

It is very important that if you are guided to work with me, you write an email, although please take into account that I do not need personal details, just the main issue that you think should be treated, and speak with me so I can connect to you and have a better understanding of what your concerns are. It is vital that we share, as this is a conscious co-creation before I do the healing.

This is not the usual reading. It is more focused on a deeper connection to your physical bodies as well as non-physical ones, which will take me a while, as I am beginning to shift the way I work, to be able to be of more assistance without draining myself.

As we are all unique and work differently, we all have a personal way of using our energy and direct it, as not everyone can integrate/channel the same frequencies and energies. 

To do this healing, I will leave one day in between in which I will have to recover, for I have been for a while working on them with some dear friends, and this is the best way for me.

In service to All,

Natalia Alba

For more information regarding this service, please feel free to go to my website. 

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