Natalia Alba

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2019

New Moon in Pisces, March 6th, 2019 ~ The Realms of Illumined Truth

Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear. 

 Mahatma Gandhi 

Beloved Light Emissaries,

During this Piscean month, we are entering into the realms of Illumined Truth. This passage will be intensified by the New Moon at 15 degrees of Pisces on March 6th, where we will have the cosmic blessing of expanding our creative abilities and navigate through the Piscean-Neptune portal, something that, again, is done by conscious alignment with the energy that we desire to co-create with.

This is indeed a very important cosmic event for those who are prepared to retrieve more Truth, through the revelations that at this time are meant to come to you, which is why it is so important to be grounded, for in the realm of Pisces, we could fall into the trap of delusional or magical thinking, addictions etc., something that will be enhanced by Neptune.

Pisces, rules intuition, compassion and devotion to service, with Pisces comes freedom, and the completion of a cycle, in both the micro and in the macro, as it is also happening in the Planet. With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac endings come, as well as new beginnings for there is a moment in which both co-exist, at the same time. It is precisely from this timeless and spaceless moment, that we have the opportunity to create a new phase or to get attached to an old timeline. It is with Pisces that we begin to remember our true origins, clearing karmic patterns/debts, purifying ourselves and achieving personal enlightenment. 

At a cosmic level, we have the Sun, the Moon and Neptune in Pisces and the first two conjunct Neptune. This is going to be a great cosmic reunion for us to align with the compassionate essence of this loving Universe and with who we are, in nature. This is going to be a fountain of love, inspiration, creativity and Divine connection for us to connect with our inner creator. This will be a wonderful gift for us to expand our higher senses, harmonizing with these loving energies. 

Furthermore, the Sun will sextile Mars and Saturn, while on the other hand we also have Mars trine Saturn and this last one sextile Neptune. This will give us strength, vitality and the perseverance - Mars trine Saturn and Saturn sextile Neptune - required for us to stay grounded, make our soul visions tangible, know what this path of devotion truly means and honor our human journey, and mission, even though this path can also have some challenges that we need to overcome for our growth. 

It is a moment for the ones who are beginning to step into this journey to begin the process of conscious healing. For the ones who have been walking this path for a while, this is also going to be a gift for them to embrace a new form of communication, based on an equal collaborative exchange for teaching/sharing purposes, rather than the old channeling methods, as it used to be in the old. 

We are now becoming free sovereign beings, and when we embrace this journey as such, there is no such a thing as giving our power to outer forces and beings, for all come now from our God Source that resides within. This is what this wonderful passage is going to reminds us, that no matter what kind of information/guidance we try to retrieve, it shall be always searched within. 

A very important phase as well for us to work on our physical bodies, for our consciousness travels faster than our physical body, which is why many of us are already experiencing time different. However, our physical body does not, this is why it is so important to work with our bodies, for they are denser and need more adjustment and care, as we continue to embody our silicate original essence. 

New Earth body template

The process of building our new earth body template is not a one-day process. This is a task that is going to be challenging and long-term one and the more we focus on the physical sensations as something negative, the more that these symptoms will increase, for they are simply a natural result of our conscious choice of transmuting our physical bodies to its original substance.

There are many of us that are already seeing the physical evidences of this inner work, which is something that begins by working with our DNA and the releasement of all past energy/wounds/programs and anything that is impeding us to pass through this organic process of embodying our true essence. 

During this month, and especially during this Piscean Moon, we have the opportunity to continue working with the conscious labor that of assisting our bodies in their transfiguration process. It is a wonderful time to break old ancestral karmic patterns, old energy, and shift the physical blockages in our bodies that have come as the result of all the trauma or past patterns/energy that were/are in our emotional body. As you know if we hold for a long time a certain pattern that is not beneficial, it will eventually become physical.

Pisces rules the feet, pancreas, and lymphatic system. Piscean energies are perfect to work with past patterns as well as to work with these physical parts of our bodies that may have past energy stuck or that simply are beginning to experience a profound transformation due to the new frequency embodied. 

To work with these frequencies, we just have to set the intention to align with the essence of these energies rather than with what we have been taught they represent by astrology or simply by our own self-created beliefs and begin to truly understand that planetary essences simply are, and it is up to us to give them a meaning and direct them for the betterment of our being or not.

Although we can work with all the parts/organs of our body, at all times, there are certain frequencies that foment certain bodily works. These are some of the things we could work with the present Piscean energies:
  • Inner synthesis between masculine and feminine principles.
  • Balanced relationships
  • Feet issues
  • Pancreas 
  • Sexual trauma/abuse
  • Ancestral karmic patterns
  • Freedom from reincarnation - for Pisces precisely has to do with getting out of the karmic wheel. 
Our new bodies are not precisely build with just integrating energies and having the mental concept of what this involves. Our new body template is built by beginning to release all that was actually impeding this natural transformation and consciously direct this light to the building of what we were originally meant to be. 

Healing, and hence the subsequent activations, that come when we dissolve past energy/wounds, do not come by simply descend light into our bodies, but by talking to our bodies and do the work necessary for us to begin this process of physical mutation. 

Our body cells and everything within our bodies respond to our command and love, imagine them as little light beings, working for the sustenance of our bodies so we can experience an earthly life. 

Everything occurring within and without ourselves has consciousness, is made of light essence and is able to listen and to transform itself through our pure intention and love. This is in truth the true path to self-healing and hence, sovereignty. 

Channeling vs. conscious collaboration

In a month ruled by the many revelations that many of us are receiving, it is pivotal to learn to discern between the many sources from which we obtain guidance/information. This is why I was deeply guided to share, with great love and respect to All, about this profound subject that many call: channeling. 

During this time there is a tremendous influx of light - wisdom - being poured to us by several sources. On one hand and as we continue to embody new levels of consciousness, we receive more light from our God Self. On the other, through the cosmic frequencies coming from the new position - harmonic universe - that Earth as well as many of us, by conscious choice, occupy now.

This is why it is essential to discern with whom we decide to co-create or collaborate with, when we open ourselves to receive guidance, for we could fall into the trap of the many beings whose purpose is to distract, even destroy, the love mission many of us brought, when we decide to come into this planet. 

The importance of receiving guidance from authentic sources is pivotal to our path of conscious evolution as well as for the ones who have as a personal mission to share certain information for All. While I am not entering or go deeper into the many different ways of receiving information, I will make emphasis in the importance of aligning with authentic sources, and even more for the ones who are beginning to walk this path, for they may not be as conscious and as informed, as we already are, to discern from where and whom they are receiving guidance and information.

To me guidance differ from information in the sense that the first one is something that will assist you in your personal and unique journey. While the second one is more focused on simply offering specific information for All, regarding some subject or simply in general terms. The main aim of receiving guidance is to assist us in our human evolutionary journey. Whereas information will be about spreading truth or simply about helping us remembering our true origin and/or particular issue we desire to know best.

There is a lot of confusion about the word channeling, for as it happens with many spiritual terms, this word has been deeply used and hence, manipulated. Many refer to the word channeling as being literally the incorporation of an energy, form of consciousness and/or being/entity within our human body and personality. While others talk about channeling as being fully conscious while they receive certain guidance or information from one or several beings.

The difference between both shall be remarked. For it is essential that we understand that there is a lot of differences between the both of them. While to me, channeling involves the violation of your free will and hence, persona, whether the incorporation is allowed or not. the second one, which I prefer to label as conscious collaboration, and sometimes for the advanced souls co-creation, is what in truth many will refer as channeling. However, it is not exactly the same.

I will also emphasize the fact that channeling is often refered as the ability to transmit messages from non-incarnated beings. While on the opposite, or at least in my view, what many of us do is simply collaborating or participating of a conscious exchange with beings who are, like us, incarnated or residing in simply other planes of existences/dimensions/civilizations, call it as you prefer. The belief of som fo us being alive and others dead, is simply human, there is no such a thing as being dead, in truth. For we simply transform ourselves or pass to reside in another dimension. 

When we consciously collaborate with other light beings and/or form of consciousness, we do so from a total sovereignty space, the same as when we speak or collaborate with other human being. We are free and empowered beings who do not allow anything or anyone to take control of our bodies in whatever possible way it can occur. 

We consciously have allowed the exchange and as equals we agree to have these encounters, whether physical, energetically (as holographic ones, as it happens in the majority of the ETs encounters) or astrally. We are acting as physical translators or transmitters of cosmic information, something that we have already agreed, before incarnating as a soul agreement, or as something we are agreeing now, in this moment of our human experience.

By no means we are allowing any entities, to take control of ourselves and use us according to their purposes. Sometimes, channeling does not have to happen in that way and in the majority of the times it occurs by unconscious manipulation, which is why there are many in the spiritual community that truly believe they are channeling light beings, when in truth they are being manipulated and they are not even aware of it at all.

The danger of channeling shall be highly emphasized, especially at a time when many play with this. It can damage our nervous system and it can even result in soul fragmentation, due to the harm made in our system. 

When the exchange is equal, informative, of assistance and for the highest good of All, it will never violate anything or anyone. It will always occur with the person agreement and under the physical circumstances that will never harm the physical body. Besides, the information received will never coerce anyone, try to manipulate or control us in any way.

If during the exchange we are told what to do and how or when, then it is not going to come from a light source, for highly evolved beings never tell us what to do, they simply encourage us to heal, embrace a path of unconditional love and self-empowerment, beginning with our own selves, and be compassionate beings, no matter under what circumstances.

We will never receive future predictions, or if so, they will be not true. We will never receive any kind of gossip regarding a certain person, and less that we should "help" another by interfering into their unique path, for in the Illumined Realms there is no such a thing as violating the free will that we, as humans, have in this dense plane. For this is seen as a gift for the ones who decide to come here and learn, by own experience, how it is to live in a dense plane. 

There is another variant or version of channeling which is what many do at this time, which is channeling certain ascended masters or other beings. In my humble opinion and mainly through the guidance received, which I fully trust for they are higher aspects of me and my Unified Self, and I have spent years mastering with whom I decide to commune or not, this is very dangerous, because for more than the information received feels good to you, you rarely know who you are channeling.

Ascended Masters, Angels etc. desire for us to commune with our own God Self and Wisdom. These beings may offer us their assistance but they rarely will begin a process of constant canalization with humans, simply for doing so. It often tends to come from our minds or simply from our God Self and we have created the belief they are other beings, for humans tend to have these beings into a pedestal, without appreciating their own Wisdom within. 

The truth is that everything that comes from outside us that is not our Unified Self, personal Guides, who are often, like I said future/parallel selves of ourselves, or pre-planned encounters with our galactic soul family, from a sovereign space, is not going to come from a true fountain, simply because these beings, that some people think they channel, may not be the ones they say they are and it is very hard to discern about it.

Some beings will share loving information to simply take advantage of our energy and feed from them. Others, will try to enter into our auric field and begin their true purpose of manipulating us, between any other things. Lovelight beings indeed are willing to assist us. However, we must be the first ones in doing so, from within. 

Having said that, and if you are prepared to confront whatever it is you can find within that is not aligned with who you truly desire to work with, move inward, and see if you are receiving guidance from where and whom this is coming. I have been working with myself for now 17 years, for I began when I was an adolescent, as there were a lot of inner work to do, and still am doing so, for this is an endless path, and if I share this, it is precisely because I have experienced many times, many encounters that did not feel aligned with what I truly desired to share, and with what I consider to b light beings.

This is how we do it, by going first, feeling everything deeper within ourselves, so we can master it and be able to share the differences between an authentic and empowered encounter and a fake one. Needless to say that protection is essential before we begin to commune with other beings. This is a basic tool that I already assume many will do, daily. 

In my personal experience authentic and empowered encounter with other lovelight beings have occurred in these similar ways:
  • I often receive the guidance and information required for my own journey or to assist others through direct contact in a clauriaudient way, which I do not consider as channeling, for I see it as simply listening as I am able to do with any other human being. However, as the information can be very profound and detailed, it all depends on our level of consciousness, in what we are able to receive and hold, I receive the majority of the information in the form of a light packet, so to speak, so I can decode it after it. This is why many times  we may feel many sensations in our crown chakra, as a sign that we are receiving guidance/information.
  • Inner knowing: This is something that at the beginning will confuse many, for they may think this knowledge come from their minds, not being able to discern if it is authentic or not. One masters this with time and experience. This wisdom comes from our God Self, call it as you prefer, it is part of our ancient wisdom and it comes simply as a profound sense of knowing something that we could have never known by ourselves. 
  • Holograms: Regarding what many call physical encounters with other beings from other civilizations or ET if you prefer, they occur as holograms. Many say they have seen these beings, it is true, but what happens if you try to touch them? You will realize it is all happening in a holographic nature, for different purposes, I will not enter now. 
I know there are other ways for example being taken in crafts to be able to receive further instruction. However, I am only naming the ones I more often use. 

As always, take what resonates with your own guidance. Sometimes, even if we are not aware that what we do is not coming from an authentic source, we must realize it in our own way, for it is how we learn to discern and differentiate. 

I was guided to share about this, even though briefly, or what to me seems briefly, for this subject is very deep. I think this is pivotal fo the ones that consciously have chosen to come here to spread our personal truth and the cosmic guidance we receive, for if we do not begin by discerning with whom we choose to engage, energetically, we could not protect ourselves and unique mission.

As we evolve, we will realize that what we once considered to be truth, is just one aspect of the whole Truth. This occurs because our human minds and abilities are not yet able to understand the mind of the Creator. So every time we embody a new level of consciousness, we will realize a new True, one that does not revoke the previous one, but that adds something that we were not yet able to grasp, at this time.

This is why being humble is so important because even though we can receive certain truths, we are not going to be able to know All That Is and has ever existed, as humans, simply because there are infinite ladders to climb, within this infinite Universe, and we are just beginners.

The Realms of Illumined Truth are not hidden to anyone or just open on certain occasions. They are there for all whose pure intention, and purpose, is to retrieve information that will serve their evolution, and hence that of All. Our task is to remain as open and as humble as possible to receive the Truth rather than the previous human illusion we believed to be true. 

March is a time to dwell in Oneness. Pisces teaches us what Divine Love and compassion truly mean, as we dissolve the veils of human illusions and begin to listen to the whispers of our soul, calling us back Home, as we keep remembering our true Divine legacy and mission. As always, it is up to us to embrace this infinite love that may burn all that is not aligned, but that will also restore what is pure, unconditional and compassionate, in essence or continue to dwell in delusions.

This is a passage for us to merge with the Divine within and begin to create beyond all the illusions of who and what we have been told we are, the path that our soul truly desires for us - embracing our true potential, and living as the compassionate, and wise, masters of an earthly realm, that we are, in nature.  

I wish you a wonderful and magical New Moon in Pisces Beloveds!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

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