Natalia Alba

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

The Energies of December 2016

Beloved Ones,

We are about to end a very intense phase of our soul's evolutionary journey as well as 9 year cycle - as we approach December and as we traverse the threshold, that will lead us into a new cycle. During this year, we have been pushed to dissolve what is no longer aligned with who we have become and allowed new avenues to show us our True path and soul companions. December is a month to thrive, to soothe ourselves and to honor our true Essence as compassionate Divine Beings. A time to move within, before being fully immersed in the conscious process of creating our new path.

December, the month in which we celebrate the Christos within us all, is a month to celebrate our path of soul integration and the joy of all we have achieved until this moment, as 2016 has been a very intense year in which we made a lot of inner work to regain the proper clarity we needed to see what was real and what was still coming from a delusional human perspective. 

We are at a very important moment of our ascension path, as during this New Year - 2017 - we will keep disengaging more and more from the remnants of the old, for we are bifurcating from the old 3D Matrix and doing our inner work and consciously creating our New reality from a Higher place of Wisdom is pivotal at this time to assist All, and December offers us the calm energies we need to move within and envision our new path ahead. 

We finish November and start December with a wonderful New Moon in Sagittarius that also brings light - clarity - into every single aspect of our life experience - Divine Wisdom unfiltered by any mundane illusion - helping us to see, with clarity, what our human self is not able to see due its limited perspective and judgements. As the Sun and the Moon also square Neptune, we are invited to dissolve, even if challenging, everything that disempowers us and embody Neptune's inspiration and creativity to envision the reality we truly would like to make tangible from our soul.

Sagittarius New Moon in unison with Neptune and Jupiter, Sagittarius's ruler, in another square to Pluto. also invite us to ask ourselves: Have we let go, and empty ourselves so we can now embrace a new life? Have we break free from old mind programs, regaining Higher Truths that were long ago buried within our DNA? Or are we still attached to a certain result or person, knowing that it is in our nature to be in a constant state of flow? Sagittarius New Moon also reminds us that this is an endless path to re-discover who we are in Essence, to retrieve our true and cosmic heritage and anchor it into our phsyical being - as this is why we chose to come here - and yet we can only find whatever it is that we are "seeking" as this endless seeker does, if we navigate throughout our inner realms of Divine remembrance. 

November invited us to integrate and co-create from a place of authenticity and unity, December with its number 3 frequency - 12 reduced - begins to show us the evidence of our inner creations. Number 3 is the synthesis of two giving birth to something new that will assist All from a place of unconditional love. The message from number 3  is the same for our relationships - finding first unification with all the aspects of ourselves before we can be ready to enter into an enlightened and co-creative relationship. Remember that in this New Cycle we do not do anything for others, neither they do anything for us, on the contrary, we both give, receive and create as equals, for we no longer foment the old sense of separation or neediness that we used to hold when we navigated through lower dimensions.

The archetype that represents the frequency of number 3 in Tarot is the Empress, who resumes very well the message from this loving month. The Empress is filled with creativity, intuition and power, one that comes only from the self-love and compassion that she feels for herself and All. She represents the feminine principle, the empowered Goddess who is connected to the stars - as her crown represents - but at the same time she manifests this abundant influx of the Divine into her physical realm - nurturing everything that she touches through the power of love.

At a cosmic level, we begin December with a healing gift, as we have Chiron the Cosmic Healer as I call him, direct again in Pisces since December 1. As we also have Neptune direct again in this same Water sign, we have an opportunity, and even more when Mercury turns retrograde later on, to heal those feelings and old beliefs that our human self still keeps re-playing for us to keep repeating the same old patterns and shed forgiveness and compassion instead of not taking responsibility for our own journey and blaming others - or outer circumstances - as our reason to feel pain. Pain should be embraced, it is our best teacher, our transformer, as it is an indicator that we are doing something that is not aligned with our true soul purpose and will, and hence, should be dissolved.

On December 2, Mercury, the Winged Messenger, will enter into the sign of Capricorn. Mercury rules the element Air, our mental plane. On the contrary, Capricorn rules the element Earth, our tangible world. The message is to communicate precisely and use our words wisely. Are you talking to yourself with self-love and respect? or are you sabotaging yourself by using negative talk towards yourself? The human self will always try to silence our Divinity by making us feel inferior, guilty or by any other old programs, this is when we observe and simply re-program ourselves with loving words. Mercury in Capricorn is also about putting all the knowledge we have acquired into our physical world. The cosmos is reminding us of the importance that our tangible plane also has and during this month it is going to be essential to descend not just our soul desires into the physical but our Essence as compassionate beings, embracing love. 

Venus, the macro aspect of ourselves that represents the part of us who is loving and abundant, will enter into Aquarius in December 7. When Venus is in Aquarius, love lives always in freedom as it is only when we set it all free, without attachments and expectations that we know true and unconditional love. This is an opportunity to observe ourselves within our relationships, do we set strong boundaries? Or do we allow ourselves to fully give and love others without fears of abandonment just with the joy of sharing this moment with these precious soul companions? 

As always, it is only when we are not living in the moment that we create expectations, limitations to love and breed fears. With our sense of abundance, it occurs in the same way, when we do not love ourselves, when we do not think we are worth it and honor what we have to share, then the inner frequency of lack is externalised into our physical reality in the form of more lack. For us to receive the love, the abundance, which is another form of love, and the respect we truly deserve and desire, we have to give it to ourselves first. 

On December 13/14, we have a Full Moon at 22 degrees of Gemini. The Twins, representing the Yin and the Yang, embrace each other in a balanced and rhythmical dance of Love and Oneness. Gemini being an air and mutable sign, is mental, intellectual and practical, but at the same time likes to play and socialize, so it is essential to take advantage of this joyful and soothing Full Moon and embody Gemini's vitality at this month in which we celebrate not just our Christ Essence but the love that we feel for All that surrounds us. This is a time to be in joy, to love, and to see others as equals as in truth, we are always embracing each other in an eternal dance of oneness as well. 

The Warrior, Mars, will enter into Pisces on December 19. Mars represents our inner strength, power and energy, when this mighty Force meets with the loving Essence of Pisces, we are invited to be creative and direct our sensitivity and soul gifts to do what motivates us, to bring our visions into the tangible and honor the inner creator that we all have within. When we direct our precious energy into the creation of something that will be of assistance to All, the entire Universe celebrates for we are never isolated and what we create - for us - we do for All. 

Mercury, The Winged Messenger, will turn retrograde on December 19. As I always say, the human programmed fear about a Planet being retrograde is still present in a lot of people. When we embody a higher level of consciousness, when we inform ourselves properly - as out there exists a lot of false propaganda - we understand that within this wise and loving Universe, there is nothing ever retrograde, this is just an illusion from Earth, there is nothing ever in slow motion within this light Universe, there are just moments to be lived from within and moments to emerge again in a new form, with a new direction to follow. 

When we have the Winged Messenger retrograde, we are simply invited to move within and obtain more clarity so we can be fully aware of what we are giving form to from the inside. We communed with the Higher aspect of ourselves, realising were we contracted instead of allowing expansion before we are ready to rise again - renewed - holding a wider perspective of our life experience.

A few days later, on December 21, the Sun will enter in the sign of Capricorn, celebrating the Winter/Summer Solstice, depending upon where you live. The Sun represents our Higher Self, our Essence, so when the Sun shines its light into a sign of the zodiac and hence into a specific aspect of ourselves, it means we are invited to develop and work on this concrete side of ourselves. If we were invited with the Sun in Sagittarius to celebrate where we are and savour every moment in pure bliss, as we also kept navigating throughout inner worlds to find the Truth, now with the Sun in Capricorn, we are called to nourish the aspect of us who brings things into fruition, making them tangible, and paying attention not only to the part of us which is One with All That Is, but also into the aspect of us that needs to be nurtured in the material since they sustain our physical vehicles and lives. 

At the end of the month, on December 29, we have two important cosmic events, Uranus moving direct and an earthly New Moon at 7 degrees of Capricorn. Capricorn's essence reminds us to make things tangible instead of just relying on dreams and letting our visions vanish in the air. Everything is first created in our inner realms, and this is what at this retrograde period, is also reminding us at the moment, the importance of consciously recreating our new path from within but without remaining there - adrift - if we desire to have a balance between our inner and outer reality. 

Capricorn gives us this equilibrium so we do not fall into the trap of illusions, procrastinating the birth of our new creations as we live too much in the ethereal world. It is essential to act as the alchemical magicians that we are in truth and bring our soul visions into our physical word as well, as this is mainly what we decided to come here for - to master the art of bringing into fruition that which first originated in our mental/soul plane.

Uranus, The Planet of Transformation moving direct, will be an unstoppable energy that used wisely can lead us to true change and transformation. When Uranus was retrograde, the change took place within, revising what should be shifted and released. It is not about trying to change the conditions or the outer circumstances, but about doing it with our own selves to begin with that will change our physical reality. Uranus assists us to flow with change and the natural cycles of Creation no matter how our human self perceives them, as for our human being change is uncomfortable as it implies a disengagement of the known. 

Uranus may be an abrupt and challenging force that literally shakes us to our core to help us remember that our sense of linearity and fixation is only in our human mind - awakening us to the Truth that our reality - whether we like it or not - is constantly shifting and so are we, and it is only when we adapt to change, understanding that with change comes progression, and flow - instead of resisting what is natural - that we can truly shift the outer and navigate through the timeline we have chosen not from a place of ego but from a pure soul place of wisdom and clarity.

Our physical Realm is always going to be shifting, we have a long path yet to walk, but we are always taking another step towards unification and true compassion. December brings the remembrance that above our human need to play different roles and our deep sense of individuality we are all One in Truth, remembering through whatever way we choose our own Divinity and that of All.  Not everyone holds this same loving frequency, as there is yet a lot of polarisation in the collective. This is why we can only assist by staying centred - within  our hearts - so we can spread our love, towards all humanity. 

Every act, every single word of love counts and - as New earth Seeds - we are here to proceed with our unique journey in the high spheres of love that since a long time we have decided to dwell on. As Ascending Souls, who are fully awake and aware of how the old games work, we do not get involved in what others may say or not, we do not react, we observe, for we do not need/create these dramas into our reality anymore. We do not need it, we already integrate what these experiences of limitation were trying to teach us. What others do is their own reality, what they experience through their unlimited/limited perception, it is not for us to judge, neither is it for us to disrespect their own creation of how they see their world. Our mission and main aim is simply to BE, share and do what our souls are guiding us to do, independently of what others choose to say or do. 

Choose to radiate your love not just in this loving month but at every single moment, choose to be free and shine your precious Divine Spark wherever your Soul guides you to be. For we do not behave in a loving way or not depending on the stimulus we receive from the physical, we always choose to behave in a compassionate way, for we remember that we are All One BEing even if our human belief of separation interferes in our sense of unity. We travel within a unique path knowing that our loving frequency will resonate in all corners of the Universe.  

I wish you All a blessed December - in joy, in love and in the warm embrace of your loving ones. Thank you for being You and contributing in your unique way into this intense but wondrous transition that we are consciously immersed in. I honor You and your unique role within Creation and I wish you many miracles in all you have decided to create for yourself and All in this New Cycle!

In love, light and service always,

Natalia Alba 

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