Natalia Alba

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

Super Full Moon in Aries, October 16th, 2016 ~ Achieving Inner Synthesis

Beloved Ones, 

As we deepen in this loving month, getting closer to the powerful Super Full Moon at 23 degrees Aries, we feel how everything our human self took for granted is being changed by our Soul into new pathways that are more aligned with our True journey, as no matter how we plan our lives, there will always be a Higher Intelligence orchestrating everything in a more perfect way that what we had in our human minds. Change have been a constant during this intense summer. Our inner and outer worlds have been dismantled for us to start creating it over and over as we also keep shifting and becoming anew at every single moment. 

At the Aries Full Moon time - and during the last months of this year - we are standing at a threshold, in which, we are not fully able to envision the next phase of our path, only what we left behind. This is why it is so important that instead of getting attached to the familiar, or trying to force things to occur before it is time, we take the time - even if fiery Aries invites us to act - to create harmony within, as Libra suggests, evaluate what this last phase taught us and achieve inner synthesis before taking action. While we remain in the threshold, a place where neither time nor space exist, it is also a wonderful opportunity for us to not only examine this last phase, but be grateful as well for everything and everyone that touched our lives until this moment.

Full Moons are all about endings, on the opposite, Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is a self-centered sign, eager to constantly start new things and immerse himself in new adventures - as Aries loves physical challenges. This is not a contradiction as endings and new beginnings are always intertwined and we are being confirmed what we have been already experiencing from within - a deep inner alchemical transformation in which we are becoming anew at every single moment, letting all go, old aspects of ourselves, old embrace higher ones, for we came here to integrate polarity and see all things/beings/aspects of ourselves as equal within Creation, which is what loving Libra reminds us - to start moving from the self to feel All as One.

This Aries Full Moon, is going to assist us by bringing this inner Fire and desire to act into the physical - burning old bridgdes that connect us with the past and giving us the passion and courage to step into the unknown with an open heart. As this is a Super Moon - closest to Earth - its opposite energies will hit us hard, as we have two different forces colliding. On one hand, we have the Sun in loving and calm Libra, on the other, we have the Moon in courageous Aries, and in conjunction to Uranus together with a dissonant T-square bewteen the Sun and Mercury and Libra, and Pluto and Mars conjuncting Capricorn. 

Aries is creative, passionate and likes to take action as He steps into the unknown without hesitation. Its impulsive energy helps us bring into fruition our deepest desires but in here Libra again reminds us to examine our feelings before acting and ask ourselves: Are we acting with the proper understanding of how things are created in the invisible realms and of the consequences that our actions will have for the whole? Are we creating from a unified place for the highest good of All and not just for the self? These opposite energies challenge us to master the art of not polarizing but to alchemize both forces, creating inner synthesis between the impulsiveness of our human self and our natural state of balance and harmony. 

The Full Moon will also help us to be fully aware of the aspects of our lives that we could improve and put some more fire to start something new. As Mars, the ruler of Aries, is going to be strong as well during the second half of this month, we have an opportunity for us to use this explosive energy to take action towards the new creations that we desire to birth. Remember that this month also holds a number 1 frequency of new beginnings and that together with this final part of this Year that is gently leading us to a whole new phase, we have a precious time - as the cosmic Forces keep pouring infinite blessings into us - to let go, transform what is not truly working out for us and begin anew.

The conjunction between the Moon and Uranus - the catalyst for change - will not only be strongly felt within ourselves but also in the collective as even if what is occurring can seem chaotic for our human being, in truth it is what is causing the masses to awake to their true nature and liberate themselves from the old matrix of control and illusion. And against of what some people share - false propaganda - we are conscious enough to discern, see behind the chaos and know that there are more and more souls stepping into this evolutionary path as the veil keeps being dissolved by All who are working for the benefit of the whole. 

Uranus, in its changing nature, invites us to break free from old attachments. Sometimes we create these inner illusions of separation and lack, thinking that outer circumstances, people or events are the ones who slave us. When in truth, it is our own selves the ones who keep us enclosed in a fake reality that we have built and that we can destroy as well. There is nothing or anyone that can keep us apart from choosing freedom and a higher way of living but our own selves. 

Look within to see where are you creating imbalances, where you still resist, where you still lie to yourself and blame others instead of taking full responsibility for your own journey. Let your soul reveal to you how liberating it is to become conscious that it was you all along who created the same situations, with different people, with different masks just to proof yourself that you were not free when you actually are a sovereign and powerful being since the very beginning - capable of creating any reality that you choose to experience, within this physical realm.

On October 15, we not only have Mercury in Libra making an exact square to Pluto but also Mars in Capricorn joining in this square. Mercury in Libra suggests that it is a wonderful time to ask ourselves if we are maintaining balanced relationships based on unconditional love and authenticity or are we still repeating old patterns that lead us to attachments and dependency? Are we communicating from a place of total integrity and freedom? Or are we in need of obtaining validation from others? 

Mars in Capricorn and Pluto will empower us and give us the strength to face all the revelations about our relationships that we will receive at this time, knowing that we never truly lose anyone and that as cosmic travelers - it is in our nature to dance with different companions at every single moment of our existence - deeply feeling that in truth we are always One being united by invisible threats that connect us All within Creation.

The path to unification is not easy, and the Aries/Libra Axis helps us regain the balance required between being too passionately impulsive and finding the proper discernment before taking new steps, which is essential - as we keep traversing the threshold that is leading us into a New phase. And as we keep bifurcating from the old Earth, we may find many challenges along the way, as no one said this path was going to be always easy - but, as ascending souls, it was our conscious choice - and passing through challenges that in truth push us to get out of our comfort zone, as well as feeling physical sensations as we keep re-patterning our physical vehicle is perfectly natural when a profound shift is taking place.

Transforming our physical bodies and adjusting them into the New and Higher frequency that we are descending from our I AM Presence is not a one-day process. Each one of you will experience physical pains in the parts of your body that are more resistant in letting go of what you used to be, as residing in two different worlds makes you waste more energy than just surrendering to the one that is now aligned with your True Self. 

Some of you may have been feeling weak in these past few weeks, especially in your stomach and chest areas, mainly due to the long and intense process of dissolving more of the - programmed - 3D personality traits. Let the pain come, allow yourself to feel it. Remember, this is not a race, neither are we here to judge what can only be felt. Embrace what your Soul is showing you. Let the illusion dissolve and break free from your own limited beliefs. Be compassionate with your unique journey, especially when you repeat old situations. We are eternal beings. The Universe is always one of unconditional love to All. There is no time neither a final destination for us to reach, just infinite love to become, hold and wonderful new experiences, to be lived. 

This Full Moon in opposition to the Sun in Libra with all this Cardinal energy in the Heavens, is a gift for us to create balance while we keep transforming our entire being and lives. The impulsiveness and wildness of Aries alone, will lead us into chaotic manifestations if we do not hold at the same time an inner state of harmony - surrendering to what is our natural state of being rather than forcing things in our way, as in the end, it is harder to maintain a state of imbalance than just surrendering to the infinite flow of love and joy that we in Essence are and patiently wait for the Divine Time in which our desires will thrive.  

In a time of completion, where we not only end with old situations and relationships but we also destroy from within all the illusory worlds that our human self created, we have now the cosmic gift to with this Fiery Moon together with the Libra influence, Mercury and Jupiter as well in this same sign, to ignite our inner spark and initiate from a state unity all the necessary changes to re-create our physical reality as well as to evaluate from a broader perspective the relationships that we still maintain in our lives and discern if we are still getting attached to linear and fixed outcomes that our human self would like to manifest or if we should let it all go and allow our Soul gather us with the perfect new companions that are aligned with who we have become. 

The Universe always illuminate the way for us, we just have to know where to look between all the shadows our human self tends to project and free ourselves from old burdens while we are in the process of planting new seeds on our unique path - trusting that we are always being supported and loved beyond measure by this loving Universe, and that all our soul desires will flourish and expand at Divine timing for All.

In love and light,
Natalia Alba 

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