Natalia Alba

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016

Ascension Update ~ Transcending the Illusory & Expanding into the New

Beloved Ones,

As we continue to complete this last cycle of our journey - dissolving more of the old and embracing a higher way of living - the cosmos assists us to keep releasing and to regain the proper balance we need before we fully step into into a whole new cycle in 2017, with two cosmic events - that mirror what is already occurring within the depths of our being. On the one hand, we have Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, moving from Virgo into the sign of Libra on September 9th, together with the Sun in this same sign as well as with a fresh New Moon in Libra at the end of the month, that will illuminate our inner creations - preparing the path for them to flourish at the right time into our physical realm.

On the other, we will face the third Saturn/Neptune square in the next day on September 10th, that will also help us to break free from more old illusions that keeps us attached to our past and to what we used to be, and start bringing into form those new and higher visions that dwell within our soul. On September 16th, another Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, will also remind us that an old cycle is dying as we keep entering into a higher one. With Pisces, the last sign of  the zodiac, ruled by Neptune, ends an old Era of being immersed in human illusions. It is also with Pisces that we finally transcend all "karmic" lessons and move into a New Era of Light - Truth - and unity. 

Have you stripped off old layers of your lower self that impeded you to embrace your True Essence? Have you conquered and merged your inner shadows instead of judging what you have found within? Are you ready to let go of the 3D acquired personality and become who you really are? These are some of the questions that these cosmic events invite us to ask ourselves at this time of soul integration and bifurcation from the old Earth. Remember, we are never judged but immensely loved and respected. There is no need to rush or compare ourselves to others, as this is not a competition, but a conscious process of remembering as we keep enjoying the blessing of being alive at this intense but wonderful time within Creation. 

Jupiter in Libra expands the need for us to dive deep into our relationships, as Libra rules our love and it is all about how to keep the proper balance in both, our own selves and into our relationships with others. Libra is also the sixth sign of the zodiac, which is all about harmony and master how we relate to others. If we begin the zodiac with Aries, which invites us to focus on the self, as we keep progressing through the next signs, we find out that at the end - with Pisces - they all lead us to experience unification from the self to All. And this is what Libra reminds us at this moment, that we can only master our relationships when we move transcends the self and open our hearts to embrace another, from a place of integrity, wholeness and authenticity. As it is only when we relate to others that we can truly know and heal ourselves. 

Jupiter in Libra invites us to ask ourselves: Am I having conscious interactions/relationships based on authenticity and equality? Or am I still attached to someone or something due to my fear of loss and solitude, repeating the same old circumstances that create dependency? This is a gift for you to know if you truly love yourself and are ready to maintain conscious and enlightened relationships or if you still have some more inner work to do towards yourself and how you relate to others.

Indeed, there are so many aspects of us, things and old situations coming apart inside of us at this transitional time! We are constantly destroying old worlds as we keep reinventing ourselves and creating the new realities/timelines that are now in perfect resonance with who we have become. This is why the Saturn/Neptune squares since 2015 - as this is a gradual inner work of letting go at the same time that we descend and embody higher essences of our True Self - is going to assist us to free ourselves from all limited restrictions that we impose to ourselves and start embracing the unknown with complete faith in the Divine.

Both Planets - Saturn and Neptune - are formidable opposite Forces, both represent an aspect of ourselves - as the entire cosmos - that if polarized, can lead us into extremes and imbalances. remember, our main aim is to unify both different forces that dwell within us too, and we can only do so, if we truly embrace them and find in the merge of both a state of balance and perfect union, instead of the fragmentation and chaos we experience, when we just choose to reside one single aspect of us.

When Saturn, the Planet of power in Sagittarius, squares Neptune, the Planet of dreams and intuition, in Pisces, we are being invited to ignite our inner spark to illuminate what is hidden, obscure, and that needs to be brought into the surface so it can be released and understood for what it is - another aspect of us, equally Divine, that have not been yet embraced, due to our strong human sense of separation and labelling things as we think they are. We do not judge anymore which aspect is better, as we all know that All is One within Creation, we simply transcend all these old labels, and align with our soul to regain clarity about what is real and what was another form of illusion. 

However, the message from this cosmic alignment is not just one of dissolution and breaking free from the old patterns, but also one of making tangible what we can only envision within the depths of our soul, as we are here as masters of the physical and hence, it is not just ascending but about descending what is in the invisible into our earthly plane. 

This has nothing to do with be constantly manifesting - as we are always doing so and shifting - it is about not separating anymore and begin to not just manifest physical desires and things but about our soul wisdom regained. As Saturn rules the material world, invites us to be disciplined and build secure structures into our physical plane. And with Neptune retrograde even more, as we may tend to build castles in the air, leaving our soul visions unfulfilled for our delusional human view of just living in the ethereal realms.

Moreover, we have Neptune, the Dreamer, the one who transcends what is tangible and has form to dive deep into our subconscious and what is yet to be discovered within our inner realms, that which is not seen with our physical eyes but that is as important as what we can physically touch. Both Planets, in their opposite nature, create the perfect balance, we are the ones who should be able to also experience this same harmony of these different forces that also reside within us by merging them as One. 

As humans, we give meanings to what can only be felt, and make assumptions, universal forces do not. We have created boundaries, but the universe always creates freedom and expansion. At this present moment, at every single moment, we are given another opportunity to keep choosing a different reality, and it is our time to free ourselves from those limited blocks that once we manifested to experience one part of Creation, but that no longer resonates with who we have become, into a higher form of consciousness.

We are all dancing together within this eternal spiral of Creation and it is when we understand that what is taking place in the cosmos is also occurring within us, that we can finally act as masters of our own being and lives - creating stability, abundance and harmony within and in our lives, understanding that the opposite energies from these two Planets are here not to create chaos,  but to challenge us to alchemize both, and create equilibrium. 

When we navigate within other realities, making sure that we are not losing ourselves into mere dreams but into our true soul desires and use Saturn's power to anchor all these inner visions into our human reality, we are becoming alchemist, because we are not falling into old patterns of polarizing one force or the other but giving birth to a third one, so we can manifest our true potential into our lives and not just material things. 

Old wounds can also emerge at this intense, from both within us and in the collective, as we are already seeing in our world, but this is only an inner message from our soul that a deep transformation is taking place as we regain a higher awareness and subsequent healing, that gives us the strength to move forward and leave behind all forms of detriment, as in truth, we never fight with anyone else but our own wounded selves. 

Chiron, the Cosmic Healer, retrograde in Pisces at this time, help us heal the aspects of us that are not embraced yet and all the limitations we still impose to ourselves, and if we take him as an ally, it will serve us to illuminate those dark corners within us to finally find the Truth that we are always whole, healed and that we just have to move into our heart space to remember that only we can transform what is not longer working for us.

At this time, especially with Neptune retrograde, we can easily fall into old traps, into our past, let it be. Do not judge the perfect Divine being that you are that knows best. Accept those feelings as a part of who you are and transcend our sense of duality by remembering that it is only by living into our hearts that we can free ourselves from fears and keep expanding within our true soul path and purpose. 

At this phase of our ascension journey, we are always becoming the witnesses of not only our own lives but of the outer world as well, as we know that these Forces affects All - especially in the collective - and that we can only be of service when we choose to transforms ourselves and leave all forms od illusions behind. We have already experienced the delusion of what we are not,  and no matter what force we decide to follow, we can never avoid the Truth that in the end, there is no other reality that we are all lovelight beings - some just keep searching, roaming around in the "wrong" places, instead of moving within and see the magnificent of their Light. We all have our time to awake/remember. It is all perfectly orchestrated by the Divine Intelligence. 

As New Earth StarSeeds, our mission is not to judge in this time of transformation for All, but to live our own truth and use the power of forgiveness and Divine Love to transmute, heal and unify what others separate. And we are going to have a wonderful opportunity to do with the Saturn/Neptune squares to create a new reality while the old one perishes as we approach to 2017. Our aim is not to rescue the " Lost" ones but to create our own sacred and pure space within to assist All within Creation, as every time someone awakes, dissolve their inner old beliefs and consciously step into a higher way of existing, is helping the whole.

In love and light,
Natalia Aba

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