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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2024

Planetary Advancements

 Beloved Ones,

We are witnessing important planetary advancements, despite the chaos we too are feeling, as in our dual plane both Forces coexist in perfect balance. Love is everywhere for those who live with an open heart and mind. Love is the only Source and the only Force that can heal and overcome any obstacle, for it is from Love that we all come and that one day we All will be back.

Chaos is also very real in our 3D plane, for when there is free will there are many different outcomes. Where we focus now is key to engaging in the chaos, or in the love that we are, sending love, by remaining in a neutral compassionate space, supporting at a soul level, what we cannot change physically.

During all this year we have been supported in the process of light body reconfiguration and monadic integration, that many of you are experiencing. A process that cannot occur without the plasmatic waves we are massively receiving from Sol, the Auroras, Eclipses, and many other sources beyond our Earth's confines.

New Earth's Anchors, Stabilizers, Neutralizers, Transmuters, and energetic harmonizers, it is time to clear anomalies in both the collective and at a planetary level, seed more balance, and start bridging the new Earth's energies in the Earth's fabrics, restoring inorganic timelines and correcting the reversals that keep us experiencing limited time in our earth plane, and that redirect us to the manipulated earth's 3D timeliness.

This is a crucial time in which many of you holding this mission or any other equal one within Creation, will be called to act as harmonic pillars where required, as the more chaos man creates, the more balance is needed to keep everything within Divine Order.

For those of you working on the Field at this time, daily clearing, replenishment, and above all, discernment and detachment from inorganic sources is key to being in a natural and loving space.

When anxiety feelings, confusion, unlove, and similar feelings emerge, scan your nervous system, and brain, finding if the misalignment comes from you or if it is part of what you are here to transmute and clear.

Remember what is not yours shall only be filtered, not kept inside your heart. Let it go, cry your tears of release, and continue anchoring more love to help neutralize all the pain and chaos. 

You have done it before, you are supported by many Illumined Beings in charge of accompanying you in your personal journey and mission. You have within the Divine strength and Guidance to continue standing firm in your Divine assignment. 

Keep dwelling in the Illumined Presence of your Sovereign God Self.

Many destructive pathways are being removed at this time, my Guides shared the importance at this time, at an individual level, of fortifying our hara line, to receive only love, wisdom, and power from our God Source, clear timelines, and lower thoughts and feelings which are the ones that link us to old and destructive timelines.

Focus is key not to falling into energetic and consciousness traps, feeling in our Hearts what is good and true to us and what is another delusion or tactic to keep us in a lower frequency.

You know who you are, you know through your feelings what you are here to do, how, and what is authentic for you and what is not.

Follow only your inner compass at this time to know where you are heading, knowing your personal false timelines and the Soul ones you wish to navigate in.

Moving inward is the only way forward.

May you always choose to remain in your Illumined, Precious, and Brave Hearts, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2024

Heart-Brain Complex Stabilization Part II

Beloved Ones,

Many of us are now transitioning into a New Era, marked by Pluto moving, gradually, into Aquarius. A new timeline in which physical emancipation as my Guides named the process of physical ascension, will be key during the next four years, for we are finally prepared to embody the illumined crystalline frequencies that will initiate our physical transition into a new dimensional space.

A shift that is a result of all the years we have been releasing, healing, clearing, and remembering who we are, for after all, it is all a process of descension of our soul memories and authentic Divine lineage.

As our trajectory to a New Era continues, healing our wounds and painful emotions is vital so our frequency can coexist with the new harmonic one we are stepping into. Healing our limbic system complex is the second step my Guides shared today to the previous post I shared yesterday, as after the proper healing of our left and right brain, stabilizing it and reconnecting it to an authentic Source is essential.

Our emotional body, directly connected to our limbic system, is of utmost importance during this time of great shift, especially for all who are working with soul retrieval, forgiveness, and emotional body healing, as it is what will allow us to be emotionally free of all past burdens and trauma, and be able to embrace a higher level of consciousness.

Our limbic system complex (thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, and amygdala) is the one in charge of processing and balancing our emotions, memory (long-term), behavior, and it is also responsible for our sexual desire and the stimulation of it. This is intrinsically linked to our second chakra and emotional body; hence, we need to address all of them while we release, and simultaneously allow, a new Light in.

This part of our brain is the upper part of our anatomy connected to the soul dimensions, where we are heading. It is the one that processes emotions, spiritual guidance, and our sensory perception, it is again part of our heart-brain complex and all of it determines what we receive and how we decode it. 

Any blockages in these areas will impede the clarity we need for our personal path and universal mission. Guides invite us to unplug - as much as we can - from the 3D matrix, for it has non-benevolent technology as you all know, to control our brain complex. When someone controls our consciousness we fall into the lowest timelines of this planet, losing our connection to God's Source and with All Creation.

The happiest people are the ones who control their attention and emotions. Our attention is situated on the prefrontal cortex of the brain. When we have full sovereignty of our attention, intention, and energy, we are free. When our brain is controlled we are connected to lower sources that repress our power and DNA's true potential.

Guides invite us to start disconnecting as much as we can from phones and technology, finding some time every day to practice meditation in the way it works for us, for it helps us to control where we put our focus, as now our attention is being controlled to only focus on the online world, and when we focus outside, we disconnect from our inner world.

The more they control the power of concentration, the more disconnected we are from our soul and God's Source.

The greatest tool to keep us disconnected is already happening, for many are losing the power of concentration and conscious intention, and then their limbic systems disconnect from emotion, intuition, and empathy, acting as robots following instructions.

Dominate your attention and where you put it and you will control your body, life, and where you are connected to.

Guides invite us to focus on stillness, living in the Now moment, reconnecting to our Higher hearts, and finding psychological tools, if necessary, to distill addiction to technologies and impersonal online interactions, turning into nature to retrieve connection and organic purification from all the non-benevolent waves we are exposed to.

If you need to be exposed to any of these technologies, vaccines, etc. due to your jobs or other reasons, remember that your Consciousness is the true shifter of all, as Guides always share.

Connect to your silver cord or hara line, and therefore soul, monad, and God Self, and then align to your Divine Consciousness, commanding to your DNA that anything that you put into your body that is not aligned to your current frequency and wish to ascend, and that for some reason you need to eat, or participate in, such as vaccines, etc, to treat your body with complete respect, clearing all AI inserts, programs, toxins, debris, and DNA template reversals.

Command to your God Self, as you are doing that which you do not resonate with, it can be as simple as taking some pills you need to or similar, to remove all that slaves your consciousness and deviate your attention to non-benevolent sources, decreeing your intention to serve only God's Source and His-Her Will.

Thank your God Self, Guides team, and all the benevolent beings you work with. Feel the love, the protection, and the connection to who you truly are, releasing all fear to what you do not resonate with, as if you fear, at that moment you allow it to control you.

You can include in your decree anything you are interacting with that can manipulate your consciousness in any way or form. Guides invite us to do this before going to bed when we are about to enter into a state in which we are between two worlds, so our conscious mind is serene and integrates better with our command.

Guides also offer us four universal crystals for all who are guided to include as part of their personal protective shield: organite, vivianite, blue tourmaline, and peridot. All of them are wonderful protectors, especially against environmental non-benevolent influences, as well as heart enhancers, as it is vivianite and peridot, keeping you connected to the loving Intelligence of your Heart and Divine love. 

Stepping into a new timeline involves the complete disconnection from our previous one, not just from a soul level, but from a physical one, including all that distort our frequency.

2025 will be finally the beginning of a New Era, and the End of the Old Times, for we are crossing the veils of illusion, recognizing our Divine seed, and planting it for future generations.

May you only choose to be aligned to your Sovereing Unified Self, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba