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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2025

Pre-Eclipse Energies & Body Stabilization

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are already embodying the energies that planet earth is now embracing from the eclipses, for they are already being formed in our Heavens, even though we only see, from our human view, the final result, and from other sixth and seventh dimensional sources, outside of our Earth's confines. As you co-create with these energies, you may feel old ones resurfacing, being pivotal to clear them before we can continue with the crystallization process in our physical bodies, as many of you are already moving into further ascensional stages during this transitional time.

The Virgo eclipse frequencies are starting to profoundly impact our fascia, which, as you know, is the crystalline connective tissue that runs throughout the body. As the solar reconfiguration in our bodies continues and we reach a higher level of purity, many of you will feel blockages in your fascia, if your inner energies are not yet balanced. 

Virgo is precisely about restoring our purity by cleansing the areas of our body that are not aligned to a Higher Light, to who we are, and to the purpose of our existence on this plane. To integrate the current crystalline and solar plasmatic waves in our bodies, our fascia and nervous system need to be cleansed of any energetic corruption, such as non-benevolent astral influences, which are the most common ones, self-created ones due to unconscious nutrition and other habits, and by habits I am also referring to lower thoughts and feelings, and by environmental distortions and other anomalies.

When we do not clearly know how to scan our bodies yet and we need to obtain a response about what to work with at this time, asking our bodies directly is essential to obtain further direction on how to proceed. Ask your body: do I need to heal my fascia network? if the response is a yes your body, as a pendulum, will respond in movements forward, from front to back.

If the answer is negative, your body will remain static or may spin in circles or in other directions, which is why I first suggest asking questions whose answers you already know before asking the ones you wish to make. There are many other ways to know what we need to work with at this time of profound integration, for we know what we feel and our personal stories. 

Many of you are empathic and telempathic, and your fascia is drained due to the integration of others' feelings or other challenging situations you experience as yours. Then you will need to daily work on yourself to clear your body of all that is not yours to experience, so you can integrate further energies. Doing "dissociation" exercises to distinguish your feelings from the ones you too integrate from others is also important to truly know what you really feel. 

For those doing gridwork at this time or stabilization, remember that your crystalline system is connected to the earth's grid one, and anything that the earth experiences you will too, being one of the most common causes of fascia and nervous system destabilization during periods of massive integration and gridwork.

The stronger your connection is to your soul, and the stronger your fascia, the more you will allow illumined energies into your body. At a physical level, acupuncture works well with restoring the fascia, although if you too have it imbalanced due to trauma or other non-benevolent influences, then you need to expand this work on other areas. 

Energetically embodying the emerald ray first to heal it and then the white ray will too help you to wash your entire fascia system, enabling it to restore its balance. 

After the eclipse, we will have a period of adaptation before entering into the Aries's next eclipse. For those of you resonating with retrogrades, this phase will too be a quiet one, astrologically speaking, supported by Mercury, Juno, Vesta, and Venus retrograde, for we are being assisted this month to rest, recalibrate, upgrade, and distill all that no longer serve us.

Trust in your personal trajectory. Your soul knows what you need at every moment to heal, rejuvenate, expand, or manifest. The times are no longer the times our ego sets, but the ones our Divinity orchestrates from within ourselves

Surrender to healing, clearing, or any other phase you may be at this time, for we cannot micromanage our bodies or our reality at our human will. 

The more fragmented we are, the more fear, disempowerment, and confusion, we will feel.

The more soul-aligned we are, the more guidance, Truth, and direction we will obtain.

We always have the choice and opportunity to redirect the course of our actions, remove all guilt, take responsibility for ourselves, our bodies, and our personal path, and create anew, for we are always loved, supported, and helped to shift direction when we are ready.

May you leave behind all limitations and emerge as the Sovereign being that you are beloveds. 

Have a healing, loving, and blessed passage!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2025

Solar Plasmatic Transmissions

Beloved Ones,

The amplification of solar plasmatic transmissions is being strongly felt at this time. Many of you will be undergoing a profound solar reconfiguration during the lunar eclipse in Virgo. In this process you will feel the pull of the New Light being born within yourself, asking you to release unwanted programs, influences, and anything that is not dwelling within Divine love in yourself and your body. 

We are preparing now for another intense passage with the coming of the Equinox as well. Both the eclipse in Virgo and the Equinox are great sources of plasma and stabilization, which is what planet Earth needs during this time of chaos and intent to bring more separation. Both Forces, even if opposites in nature, are necessary for our planet to exist. However, our mission is to focus on the creation and stabilization of the future fifth-dimensional earth timelines, that are already residing in another parallel dimension. 

The eclipse in Virgo brings healing and purification at a personal level. As a result of this inner process of letting go, many will feel the descension of their soul mission or new aspects of it being embodied, while others, will be immersed in planetary stabilization and restoration, for we are all in different stages.

The Equninox's Light will be the stabilizing point we all need to anchor and support after a period of cleansing and integration, in both ourselves and the planet, for it is a time of deep recoding in our three-dimensional chakras, as well as for the elementals. As we transfigure and recode our three-dimensional chakras, we can clear lower timelines connected to our first chakra, and move into higher timelines, which is what Virgo, representing our sixth-dimensional chakra and hence connection to the soul dimensions, invites us to do.

This is why many of you have had a profound pineal gland activation during this time, descending higher truths about your unique divine assignment and human journey, for you are preparing yourselves to start supporting this planetary transition in ways you could never have imagined, for many of you do not see your worthiness, only what is yet to be achieved. 

The Divine knows you and knows your worth, true essence, and purpose, and when your human self releases all resistance to be who you are, the descension will be imminent. You just have to let Love/God in. 

The eclipse in Virgo cleanses and prepares us to receive a Higher Light, a Light that comes to sweep away all that is already vanishing due to our choice of moving into a new level of consciousness, and that will upgrade many earth's locations.

The solar plasmatic waves received during the Equinox will help many of you to restore your solar centers, as well as to continue embodying more plasma to build your light bodies. Others will initiate the process of their tenth-dimensional body activation, for it is a time of massive acceleration in our ascension journey, as the old timelines collapse, and we are called to accelerate our transition into the new earth's timelines. 

Our task at this time as New Earth's Anchors, Pillars, Stabilizers, and Earth keepers is to sustain the crystalline Diamond frequency that is being anchored in New Earth's locations, as a result of the shift in Consciousness that many are experiencing, for it is a transitional year in which many will awaken to who they are, leaving behind everything that keeps them attached to their old lives and ways of being.

It is a time when we need to be supportive pillars for those who, like us once, are now facing their shadows, moving into the light, and discovering the many illusions that too reign in this plane. It is a time for us to focus on our unique mission, for we all are key to contributing to this massive planetary transition.

It is a time for you to see your worth within Creation, your unique role and contribution to our present transition, for you are All Divine Design, as Guides remind us beloveds.

May you recognize your value, wisdom, and power.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba